#maxwell leadership
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jeanpatrice · 3 months ago
A true leader doesn’t create separation. A true leader brings people together. 
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adrymenulis23 · 4 months ago
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Maxwell Leadership, organisasi kepemimpinan global terkemuka, kini resmi hadir di Indonesia melalui kolaborasi strategis bersama tokoh inspiratif Indonesia, Merry Riana, dan David Tjokrorahardjo. Inisiatif ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan dampak positif yang lebih besar, dimulai dari Indonesia dan meluas ke seluruh kawasan Indo-Pasifik.
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Pengumuman resmi ini disampaikan pada acara bergengsi International Maxwell Conference (IMC) di Orlando, Amerika Serikat, bulan Agustus 2024 lalu, di mana John Maxwell, sosok legendaris dalam dunia kepemimpinan global, menyerahkan tongkat estafet kepemimpinan kepada Merry Riana, David Tjokrorahardjo dan David Pratomo. Maxwell menekankan pentingnya kemitraan ini dalam memperkuat posisi Indonesia sebagai pusat pengembangan kepemimpinan di kawasan Asia.
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John Maxwell memuji potensi Indonesia sebagai salah satu kawasan kepemimpinan terbesar di dunia. “Kolaborasi ini akan memperkuat komitmen kami untuk menciptakan pemimpin-pemimpin hebat yang tidak hanya akan berpengaruh di Indonesia, tetapi juga di seluruh Asia," ujar Maxwell dalam sambutannya. Pernyataan ini semakin menegaskan bahwa Maxwell Leadership melihat Indonesia sebagai mitra strategis.
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Merry Riana, yang dikenal melalui misinya “Menciptakan Dampak Positif dari Indonesia untuk Dunia”, menyatakan kebanggaannya menjadi bagian dari keluarga besar Maxwell Leadership. "Batik bukan hanya sekadar kain, tetapi karya seni yang kaya akan nilai budaya dan tradisi, sama halnya dengan prinsip kepemimpinan. Kepemimpinan yang sejati dibangun dengan kesabaran, ketelitian, dan integritas. Melalui Maxwell Leadership, kami ingin membawa semangat ini ke seluruh pelosok Indonesia," kata Merry Riana saat mempersembahkan syal batik kepada John Maxwell di hadapan ribuan peserta dari berbagai negara yang hadir di acara tersebut. David Tjokrorahardjo, Founder Maxwell Leadership Indonesia, berbagi cerita inspiratif tentang bagaimana interaksinya dengan John Maxwell telah mendorongnya untuk menulis dua buku dalam lima bulan terakhir. Kisah ini menjadi bukti nyata bagaimana dampak kepemimpinan Maxwell tidak hanya berpengaruh pada organisasi, tetapi juga kehidupan pribadi para pemimpin. Peluncuran Maxwell Leadership Indonesia bukan hanya sekadar peluncuran biasa. Ini adalah gerakan transformatif yang bertujuan untuk memberdayakan 280 juta masyarakat Indonesia melalui nilai-nilai kepemimpinan yang fokus pada integritas, pengaruh positif, dan transformasi berkelanjutan.
Ini adalah kesempatan luar biasa bagi masyarakat Indonesia di berbagai sektor untuk terlibat dalam pengembangan kepemimpinan. Para pengusaha, profesional muda, maupun pemimpin komunitas, semua dapat mengambil bagian dalam inisiatif ini untuk menciptakan dampak positif yang lebih luas
Di akhir acara John Maxwell mengungkapkan rasa syukur beliau dengan adanya kolaborasi ini, "Kami sangat bersyukur bisa bekerja sama dengan Merry dan David. Kalian adalah pemimpin berkualitas, dan orang berpengaruh di Indonesia yang akan melakukan hal-hal hebat. Kami sangat antusias menjadi bagian dari perjalanan ini." Penasaran seperti apa acara penyerahan tongkat estafet kepemimpinan Maxwell Leadership untuk Indonesia? Simak moment highlightnya :
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thepersonalquotes · 1 year ago
Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.
John C. Maxwell
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thoughts-of-caly · 6 months ago
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band of brothers in my required reading?????
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quotelr · 2 years ago
Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.
John C. Maxwell
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holy-mountaiin · 2 years ago
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Lead Like Jesus
It doesn’t take long before people catch on to bad leaders. Sometimes it’s hard to spot and other times it's far too easy. A person will likely never remember every word that was exchanged in a conversation, but they will however remember how the person made them feel. This is why it’s important to understand how crucial each present moment is and every interaction you have with others. There’s a person I know that people ask me about all the time. In fact, just about everyone I know who happens to meet them say that they give off a bad impression and something is off about them. It is a pretty impressive feat to rub everyone the wrong way immediately. Sadly, as a leader myself (understanding that I have potential to impact everyone within my sphere of influence). I have to somehow find the balance of respecting, honoring and being humble yet bold and direct to this person. What I’ve had to do so far is serve with love. I’ve had to try to show the love of God even during the most testing times. Romans 12:20 says to “feed your enemy when they are hungry, give them drink when they are thirsty and in doing so heaping hot coals upon their heads.” And to not be overcome with evil but overcome evil with good! (Romans 12:21)
I’ve come to understand that it is the goodness of God that leads people to repentance. And if someone won’t listen, we must be the example. We must exemplify the love of Christ, especially when our words will be rejected. Recently, there was a gathering and people were getting up to say kind words about this person. My wife and I both said, “we don’t even know what to say.” Thankfully, probably only by God’s Spirit I actually thought of some kind things to say. And I really meant what I said. This person and I haven’t even been on speaking terms for years. Whenever I would say Hi or Hello, they would literally look away somewhere else. But as I left that meeting, this person shook my hand and said “thank you.” This was a huge deal because I realized, they had never shaken my hand before. Ever since then, every once in a while, they will actually acknowledge my existence. That is a big win.
I’ve encountered many different leaders over the years. I have never encountered anyone like Jesus. His skills as a leader far surpasses anyone else's. I can tell by keeping close watch on the details provided in the gospels. The way he developed his disciples was by doing life with them. He didn’t just say, “show up once a week and be on time.” They got to watch first hand how he handled different situations. The other thing I love about Christ was how well he discerned those that he engaged with. When it came to his disciples, he would take his time with his teachings. When it came to others, he would often use parables. When it came to the religious leaders of the day, he would often correct them. But another thing he did with them was, he discerned their motives. This is something I’m just now learning.
One of my friends has been in a long distance relationship. There have been many red flags. One of them being the fact that she mis-led him for months. When they first started talking, he came up with a great idea to write down their prayers for each other in a notebook and at the end of three months they would share them. After sharing them, they would see how closely their prayers were in alignment. I thought this was a very creative idea. Well, for three months she acted like she was on the same page with him. Once it was time to share the prayers with each other, he found that she wrote down a total of zero prayers. So for three months she had the audacity to mis-lead him. So I felt like she wasted his time when she could have just told him upfront that she didn’t want to do it. It appeared she wasn’t ready for commitment. Many red flags later, she got into an argument with him because he said that Christmas was not literally the day Jesus was born. She started calling him stupid over and over and broke up with him. To top it all off, we found out that the name he knows her by isn’t even her real name. So I got straight with him and said, “block her number and stop talking to her, she’s a counterfeit.” He quickly agreed and said, “I think God is making it very obvious by now.”
A little while later, I got on a three-way call with him and my other brother in the Lord (who was recently converted). And this topic comes up. Except my new brother in the Lord tells him advice that would be good for a married couple, but not for his particular circumstance. He tells him that he needs to go the next twenty days giving her words of affirmation. I was mind blown. Sadly, because of work, I had to get off the phone. When I got back on the call, my friend was praising the new brother in the Lord’s advice. I was perplexed. So I called my friend separately to talk to him individually. I told him it was not good advice and not to talk to that girl anymore. I referred to her as a counterfeit and he goes “so you still think she's a counterfeit?” I was baffled, because both of us had agreed many times over that this was the case. What I came to realize after talking to wise counsel was that before I go on to give people wisdom, I need to discern their hearts' intentions. Because no matter how much you care about someone and want to see them succeed, you may still be casting pearls to swine.
This wise counsel went on to say, the reason he was so quick to talk to the girl again was because he got permission by the newly converted brother in the Lord. He said, when he asked for advice, what he really wanted was permission and you didn’t give it, so he got it elsewhere. So a part of being a good leader, is knowing your audience, using discernment and using wisdom when sharing wisdom.
Another thing to keep in mind is that in order to be a good leader, we must be willing to be a good follower. Proverbs says with wise counsel our plans are established.
Plans are established by seeking advice; so if you wage war, obtain guidance. (Proverbs 20:18)
We’ve all made mistakes, we’ve all been there. But a part of being a good leader means becoming a mature person. We cannot mature spiritually if we haven’t matured emotionally. Because we must not be led by our emotions. This means I must not be frustrated when people don’t listen. Ultimately, God will do the work in people as he perfects them in the coming days. I can plant seeds and water but only God can give real increase. And my prayer as a leader is to provide healthy soil (environment) for people to grow.
I hope to grow in the LORD as His Spirit teaches me more and more as a leader. But what I never want to lose is the reality that I am His student and His disciple first. Because I cannot afford to make anything about myself. If I truly care for God’s kingdom, then I will take care of His sheep with compassion, the way Jesus did.
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kevinwaynejohnson · 2 years ago
How to Go from Nobody to Somebody: Unlocking the Secrets of Becoming a Person of Influence
In this video, we're going to explore the concept of becoming a person of influence. We'll discuss the different types of influence and how to develop the skills necessary to become a person of influence.
If you want to be successful in life, then you need to learn how to become a person of influence. This video will teach you the skills you need to reach your goals and make a real difference in the world!
Keynote address at the 2021 Black CEO National Conference, February 2021 (virtual)
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craigtowens · 2 months ago
Links & Quotes
Some links and quotes that caught my eye this week.
Shepherd leaders cannot allow past hurts to negatively impact their current situations. Don’t give in to the natural fight-or-flight response, but ask God to help you response with supernatural faithfulness. I unpack this idea in greater depth in my book When Sheep Bite. I have lots of new content every week, which you can check out on my YouTube channel. In responding to an evolutionary…
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theaspirationsinstitute · 10 months ago
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wondermutt20 · 1 year ago
"The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails."
John Maxwell - Coach - Author
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jeanpatrice · 6 months ago
How To Avoid Resentment Get Control of Your Life
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nomusam2011 · 1 year ago
How to Lead Like a Pro with the 21 Principles of Leadership from the Bible
Do you want to become a better leader in your personal and professional life? Do you want to learn from the best examples of leadership in history? Do you want to discover the timeless wisdom and secrets of successful leadership from the Bible, the greatest leadership book ever written? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to read The 21 Principles of Leadership from the…
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mitigatingchaos · 2 years ago
On Wind & Leadership
The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails. –John Maxwell
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kellyis4jc · 2 years ago
NKJV Maxwell Leadership Bible!!!
As Christians, we need to be the leaders God called us to be. To be that leader, we need the "Maxwell Leadership Bible" to encourage us to get into God's Word as we allow Him to form us into an effective leader. Be a leader today!!!
As Christians, we need to be effective leaders in the Body of Christ to see transformation among God’s people. In fact, God wants us to lead people to His Son in all spheres of influence. By becoming effective leaders, we can see genuine change take place among the people of God. To become an effective leader, we need to read the “Maxwell Leadership Bible” because it shows us the principles of…
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quotelr · 2 years ago
Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.
John C. Maxwell
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leadtheteam · 2 years ago
Power of Influence
“Leadership is influence” ~ John C Maxwell Influence is defined as the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something. I think as leaders we all want to have an effect on our people’s development. An effective leader is someone who understands the power of influence. This is someone just like you! I think many leaders may view influence as granted to…
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