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lonestarflight · 3 months ago
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“A close-up of the first Saturn C-1 vehicle as it appeared in the countdown today shortly before removal of the service structure. The 1.3 million pound thrust booster is capped by inert upper stages and a “payload”. About ten per cent of the liquid oxygen load had been pumped into the booster tankage when this picture was taken; the remainder of the LOX was loaded following removal of the service structure.”
Date: October 1961
Mike Acs's Collection: link
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wentian · 1 month ago
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awkwardbirdsdreaming · 5 months ago
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Bird #34 - the violet-backed starling (LC)
Also called the plum-coloured starling, you can find them in sub-Saharan Africa wherever it isn't too dry or dense rainforest. The females unfortunately are streaky brown, as is the way with birds.
These starlings feed in the canopy away from ground, which is pretty peculiar for a starling! They also use dung, along with fresh leaves, as nesting material. Interesting choice of things to put your children in.
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nod90942 · 3 months ago
Objectified and Limbus company are so so good
Limbus company and Objectified Spoilers
so I finally beat 7-34 of LC and got to Ep 61 of Objectified it's feel good to catch up on two things I love
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captain-price-unofficially · 7 months ago
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USS Augusta (LCS 34) and USS Montgomery (LCS 8) visit port Astoria, Oregon. June 4, 2024
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greyrain23 · 1 month ago
It doesn't seem like a ton compared to other savers, but then I remind myself I haven't caved to pull for someone in 3 patches (usually end up pulling for everyone even if I don't need them on my team)
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I'm so (not) ready for Sunday (I need even more wishes)
34 pity on the character banner and 62 on LC banner 🫡
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saelterlude · 10 months ago
lc musical clips pt.5!! can't believe this reaches 5 parts. to be fair, the more i watch the cooler the actors are and the more i love each of their quirks.
funfact before we start, if we exclude CMZ(bcs wtf. you are not 124 y/o CMZ), the average age of LG actors is 28 while the average age of CXS actors is 25 (I didn't take their birth month into account so give or take one)
The oldest being Du Guangyi at 34 y/o and the youngest being Jing Yangqiao at 20 (21 this April).
(pt.1, pt.2, pt.3, pt.4, pt.6, pt.7 here)
68. BONUS, the composer for the musical songs, metablue, posted a composing diary/vlog of her making 'forget about it' aka the encore sofa song. It's a really cool watch, and it's pretty short too.
69. 14/03/2024, Wang Minhui made Cai Qi laugh and break character so hard by sliding on the table that they skip rock paper scissors altogether. Thank youu shimmeringweeds for finding this clip, youre a life saver.
70. 15/03/2024, Zi Bowen is really fun/bratty during CX and his mom's song, he's also been really into that hat and his panicked face during 'Dive Back in Time' tutting is gold. Other than that, Ji Xiaokun and Guo Hongxu are fun as usual.
71. Zhang Jiahao short vid, I love how nonchalant he is. Who gives a damn abt rehearsals when you can play basketball. We got snippets of other songs. And where did he get the random card reader??
(ooh, i'm putting the side actor into focus for once. also, i just realized ZJH is the actor who started swinging when WMH mistook director Li Haolin's name lol i love him.)
72. 16/03/2024 day, blind dog Cai Qi is so funny plss and the way Wang Minhui just let him live with the consequences.
73. 17/03/2024 night, Du Guangyi focused but you can hear Teng Chunpeng cutely messed up 'Dive Back in Time' in the background.
74. 23/02/2024, I don't think I've shared this clip of Du Guangyi playing pattycake(?? IDK the english name. I call it mimimi) with Wu Hanglu.
75. 18/03/2024, Bai Zhuoming mic mishap here, aggressive feet flailing with Wang Minhui and Deng Xianling, and also extended rock paper scissors!
76. 17/03/2024 day, I'll be honest I miss Ding Xingchen. That said, him and Xian Dongyue are having the best sibling wrestle.
77. 17/03/2024 day, same performance as above, and there's Wu Yihan doing overhead RPS.
78. 16/03/2024 night, Guo Hongxu fumbles the sofa/leg choreo again (left leg first man!), Shu Rongbo blubbering bcs GHX twist his arm post-RPS, and Wu Hanglu being the teasing big sister ever.
79. 21/03/2024, he once did overhead, now Wu Yihan is doing hip-height RPS, and he cheated. Shu Rongbo being confused. And they once again give the cutest hug, even for a side hug.
(heh, funny how JXK likes to hogs/blocks the sofa to annoy LG meanwhile SRB is always clearing the sofa for LG.)
80. 23/03/2024 day, very fun performance with Wang Yifei, Zhu Hanbin, and Deng Xianling. I highly recommend watching this. It's so fun I wrote a whole post about it. Also, harmonizing.
81. 22/03/2024, very short but look!! A Jing Yanqiao clip!!! I'm happy, I recently brainrotted on him. I wish he could perform more since I really like his voice but unfortunately I'm pretty sure he's still in school and have a limited schedule. But I will make you all love him before his BDay!
Today's bonus clip is a voice reel of Du Guangyi as Enforcer from the game Arknights! It's very soothing, I can fall asleep to his voice. He's so cool, he's an actor in everything. Musical actor, stage-play actor, TV and films actor, voice actor, he was a child actor too.
But since that's not a musical and it's kinda cheating, here's an actual bonus clip of Zhu Hanbin in Dr. Bloodthirsty (? 嗜血博士) musical. A small 3 person play which is giving me Jekyll and Hyde vibes. He's playing Jonathan, a young psychologist called to examine patient 13. It's really cool, please check it out!
(if anyone ever have a request on who the next bonus clip should be (even the side actors) just say so and I'll do my best. i'm always up for exploring new things)
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shalomniscient · 3 months ago
random statement but like
serval carried me until tl 34 (i didnt know how to build characters, use lc's and use relics until my friend judged my builds💀💀)
honestly, mood. vallie carried me as well until maybe tl20ish, which at that point i got my son yanKING and he carried me until tl30ish before he was retired when i got kafka lmao. serval made a comeback in kafka's team though as one of her DoT appliers alongside sampo (the blackswanless days.........) i was chilling with builds though, since i've already sold my soul to one hoyo game and kinda knew how everything worked 🤡🤡🤡
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lours-postal · 7 months ago
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2024 – 519
Lc 11. 34
« La lampe du corps est l'oeil ».
impression sur support bristol
format DIN A5
rendu mat
(craint la lumière)
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blogdimanche · 1 month ago
Évangile de Jésus-Christ selon Saint Luc 21,25-28.34-36
En ce temps-là, Jésus parlait à ses disciples de sa venue :
25 « Il y aura des signes dans le soleil, la lune et les étoiles. Sur terre, les nations seront affolées et désemparées par le fracas de la mer et des flots.
26 Les hommes mourront de peur dans l’attente de ce qui doit arriver au monde, car les puissances des cieux seront ébranlées.
27 Alors, on verra le Fils de l’homme venir dans une nuée, avec puissance et grande gloire.
28 Quand ces événements commenceront, redressez-vous et relevez la tête, car votre rédemption approche. »
34 « Tenez-vous sur vos gardes, de crainte que votre cœur ne s’alourdisse dans les beuveries, l’ivresse et les soucis de la vie, et que ce jour-là ne tombe sur vous à l’improviste
35 comme un filet ; il s’abattra, en effet, sur tous les habitants de la terre entière.
36 Restez éveillés et priez en tout temps : ainsi vous aurez la force d’échapper à tout ce qui doit arriver, et de vous tenir debout devant le Fils de l’homme. »
Texte biblique tiré de « La Bible — traduction officielle liturgique — AELF »)
(Illustration du site Apprenez-nous à prier)
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Commentaire Lc 21,36
« Restez éveillés et priez en tout temps : ainsi vous aurez la force d’échapper à tout ce qui doit arriver, et de vous tenir debout devant le Fils de l’homme. » (Lc 21,36) Notre évangile d’aujourd’hui reprend les quatre caractéristiques des livres apocalyptiques. Premièrement, ce sont des livres pour temps de détresse. Cette Parole décrit des signes effrayants, langage codé pour annoncer que le monde présent passe : « Il y aura des signes dans le soleil, la lune et les étoiles… le fracas de la mer et de la tempête… les puissances des cieux seront ébranlées ». Deuxièmement, ce sont des livres de consolation. Cette Parole invite les croyants à tenir bon : « Votre rédemption (traduisez votre libération) approche ». Troisièmement, ces livres « dévoilent », c’est-à-dire « lèvent le voile », « révèlent », la face cachée de l’histoire. Cette Parole annonce la venue du Fils de l’homme. Jésus reprend ici cette promesse par deux fois, et visiblement il s’attribue à lui-même ce titre de « Fils de l’homme », manière de dire qu’il prend la tête du peuple des Saints du Très-Haut, c’est-à-dire des croyants : « Alors on verra le Fils de l’homme venir dans la nuée avec une grande puissance et une grande gloire. »… « Vous serez jugés dignes d’échapper à tout ce qui doit arriver et de paraître debout devant le Fils de l’homme. » Quatrièmement, dans l’attente de ce renouvellement promis par Dieu, ces livres invitent les croyants à adopter une attitude de vigilance active : le quotidien doit être vécu à la lumière de cette espérance. Dans l’attente de ce renouvellement promis par Dieu, cette Parole de notre texte invite les croyants à adopter une attitude non pas d’attente passive, mais de vigilance active : « Quand ces événements commenceront, redressez-vous et relevez la tête. »… « Tenez-vous sur vos gardes, de crainte que votre cœur ne s’alourdisse… restez éveillés et priez en tout temps… » « Relever la tête », c’est bien un geste de défi, comme Jérémie nous y invitait dans la première lecture, le défi des croyants. Le mot « croyants » n’est pas employé une seule fois ici, mais pourtant il est clair que Luc oppose d’un bout à l’autre deux attitudes : celle des croyants et celle des non-croyants qu’il appelle les nations ou les autres hommes. « Sur terre, les nations seront affolées… les hommes mourront de peur… mais vous, redressez-vous et relevez la tête » sous-entendu car vous, vous êtes prévenus et vous savez le sens dernier de l’histoire humaine : l’heure de votre libération a sonné, le mal va être définitivement vaincu. Il reste une chose paradoxale dans ces lignes : le Jour de Dieu semble tomber à l’improviste sur le monde et pourtant les croyants sont invités à reconnaître le commencement des événements ; en fait, et cela aussi fait partie du langage codé des Apocalypses, ce jour ne semble venir soudainement que pour ceux qui ne se tiennent pas prêts. Rappelons-nous les paroles de Paul aux Thessaloniciens : « vous n’êtes pas dans les ténèbres, pour que ce jour vous surprenne comme un voleur. » (1 Th 5, 2 - 5). Paul, comme Luc, type bien deux attitudes différentes. Comme dans toutes les autres lectures de ce dimanche, les Chrétiens sont donc invités ici à une attitude de témoignage : le témoignage de la foi auquel nous invitait le prophète de la première lecture dans une situation apparemment sans issue, à vues humaines ; le témoignage de l’amour dans la lettre aux Thessaloniciens : « Que le Seigneur vous donne à l’égard de tous les hommes un amour de plus en plus intense et débordant » ; le témoignage de l’espérance alors que tout semble s’écrouler dans cet évangile : « Redressez-vous et relevez la tête… vous serez debout parce que vous savez que « rien, ni la vie, ni la mort… ne peut nous séparer de l’amour de Dieu révélé dans le Christ » (Rm 8, 39). Ce triple témoignage (foi, espérance et charité), voilà bien le défi chrétien. Beau programme pour cet Avent qui commence ! (Note du P. Mario Doyle, C.Ss.R. : Ce commentaire reproduit largement celui d’une bibliste bien connue des catholiques de France : Marie Noëlle Thabut)
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vanillalemur · 6 months ago
49, 34. N 31 BRO
49. Favorite LCS Team: LETS GO BDS CHADAM GAREN TOPLANE 400CS HACKS!!!!! 34. Longest Game: honestly no fucking clue tbh, i think maybe like an hour or so 31. Summoner Names: ONE BABY WOOOO unless you count changing my tagline which then it is two (VanillaLemur#NA1 -> VanillaLemur#YASUO)
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lonestarflight · 4 months ago
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Ground crews stack the S-IB first stage of the Apollo 1 (AS-204) Saturn IB (SA-204), onto the pedestal at Launch Pad 34.
Date: August 29, 1966
NASA ID: link
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flashsidewayss · 1 year ago
i got tired of trying to figure out when things happened in lockwood & co
so i made a timeline with "years" that could technically be shifted in any direction but were put there to a) make the math make sense and show how long things have been and b) i think its HILARIOUS to place the series 2012-2014. hilarious series of years
anyway i wrote a fic that was supposed to be short and simply explore the universe and this timeline and then it spiraled. this is posted here so people can use this as a reference for the fic but it's also for the general enjoyment of the People. sorry
May 7
Marissa Fittes born
Marissa meets Ezekiel (age 6)
Marissa meets Tom Rotwell (age 14)
October 28
Margaret Fittes born (Marissa age 15)
Mud Lane Phantom (Marissa age 15)
Late May
Highgate Terror (Marissa age 16)
Problem officially recognized
Marissa leaves Tom for good (age 19)
Marissa forms Fittes Agency (age 19)
Rotwell forms Rotwell Agency (Marissa age 20)
January 20
Penelope Fittes born (Marissa age 34)
November 3
Law passed letting children have legal rights to their autonomy from age 14 (drinking age is still 18, age of consent is still 18 unless with someone under age of 18)
April 17
Marissa Fittes “dies” (age 43)
April 1
Margaret Fittes dies (age 32)
Penelope Fittes (Marissa) takes control of Fittes Agency (age 14)
July 8
Jessica Lockwood born
July 25
Anthony Lockwood born
December 3
Flo Bones born
May 18
George Cubbins/Karim born
October 31
Lucy Carlyle born
Murton Colliery Horror
July 15
Celia and Donald Lockwood die
July 16
Flo Bonnard’s mother dies, she beings working with Sinclair and Soanes (age 7)
November 12
Jessica Lockwood dies (age 15) (Lockwood age 9)
Flo Bones and Anthony Lockwood meet at dueling competition (both age 11) 
Anthony Lockwood meets George Cubbins/Karim during a case with Sykes and Fittes Agency (ages 12 and 11 respectively)
George is fired from Fittes Agency (age 12)
July 26
Anthony Lockwood founds Lockwood & Co. (age 14)
Flo Bones leaves her agency after the death of Sinclair and Soanes (age 13)
Lucy joins Lockwood & Co. (age 13, Lockwood age 14, George 13)
Combe Carey Hall (LC 14, AL 15, GC/K 14)
Bone Glass Incident (LC 14, AL 15, GC/K 15)
Chelsea Outbreak (LC 15, AL 16, GC/K 15)
Beginning of Black Winter
Lucy Carlyle leaves Lockwood & Co.
Lucy rejoins Lockwood & Co. (LC 15, AL 16, GC/K 15)
Storming of Fittes Hall (LC 15, AL 17, GC/K 16)
anyway. i think jonathan stroud didn't put years so no one could understand how deeply fucked the math is. sorry marissa and margaret fittes you both have children as teenagers and even then the math BARELY works.
also the world has to be different for it to work the age of like Personal Autonomy is 14 now bc of kids working as agents. you still have to be an adult to do stuff like drink and vote (though i'm sure that's a political argument in this universe) but children can be in charge of businesses and gain custody in special cases (like the lockwoods) at 14.
hope this is entertaining!
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downforthegas · 10 months ago
Reminder that Clo//wn allows rule 34 of We//lc//ome Ho//me and that he never disallowed it in the first place, and you're free to draw whatever adult character you want
And I'm free to headcannon Wa//lly have rancid smelling farts hehe
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lilliancdoodles · 11 months ago
Over the past few months you've quickly become my favorite streamer! I was overseas, away from home for the past 4 months (I just got back :D) and I would wake up at 6 am to catch your streams everyday. It was easily one of my favorite parts of the day, waking up to see you and Morning Crew stream first thing in the morning (Actually Morning Crew for once!). It helped me feel not as lonely and I think it's one of the things that kept me from being homesick.
Your energy and humor is so much fun to watch and it's so easy to laugh along with your many dumb jokes, and if the joke isn't funny at least I can count on the consistency (looking at the goddamn horse joke XD). Anything from AMAZING lore to 4 hours of torch placing you make interesting and fun to watch. I'm so proud to call myself a huevito and that's entirely because of the community you have created and fostered here. So thank you for everything. I can't wait to be here for years to come. Congrats on 34!! -LC Doodles (For Ramon if you see this: I also made a mini animatic thing that i'll link here, but im gonna make it it's own post. ty for organizing this king <3)
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pozge-pridumayu · 1 year ago
30 and 34 for the ask game :>
30: What’s irritating you right now?
Not feeling my fucking hands. It's not painful but omg so distracting. There is just a giant skip and my palms work weird but not really. Like everything moves right but it feels like it isn't
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
Fine I will summarize. It was something vaguely inspired by third episode of lc. I was something resembling this guy
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Not fully but I was carrying an axe and like general vibe
I was trying to kill someone resembling this girl and crying throwing up
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I reeeeeeealy wanted to kill her. The only thing she did on screen was stealing my knife but judging by the vibes she also killed my family or something
Waking up was weird. I was super frustrated but usually when I have dreams I'm terrifyed or disgusted
So I liked it? Kinda?
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