narvaldetierra · 11 months
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The circle has been completed
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prongcollar · 18 days
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natp20 · 11 months
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two of peregrin took is gandalf's worst nightmare
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Some times I feel as though Jeff Davis forgot he had already given Derek Hale a sad back story so he gave him another one, effectively doubling up the angst.
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evenmyhivemindisempty · 9 months
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sadlyashortgirl · 9 days
This is what I can remember:
•A few people from the pack go out to the preserve and fight of a witch who threatens (if I remember correctly) a fea
•The fea’s parents allow the ones who saved their son to bring someone back from the dead
•the ones that get brought back from the dead were Laura Hale, Talia Hale, Claudia Stilinski, Erica Reyes, Allison Argent, Vernon Boyd and Dom (Peter Hale’s mate, forgot his last name. Made up character)
•Sterek fanfic, slowburn-ish
•The witch they killed was apart of a coven and the covens leader had a five year old daughter, Ana. Stiles and Derek end up taking care of her until the necklace she wears makes almost all the werewolf’s lose their powers. Ana was not in on her mothers plan
•there are three omegas who the witches sent to spy on The Hale pack for information so they know the pack’s weaknesses when they attack. Tue omegas end up helping The Hale pack instead
That’s how far I got before I lost the fic
(Sorry if I have any spelling mistakes)
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shipping-world1994 · 1 year
The pack: What's a wolf got to do to get a hug around here?!"
Stiles, rushes forward, hugging everyone
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haletostilinski · 6 months
Also, I guess any character that was never in the main credits could technically count as a "recurring/side character." That's up for you to decide if you're choosing "other"
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lazywolfwiccan · 1 year
The Badger and The Snake: 1
Note: All the first years are fourteen and graduate Hogwarts at twenty in this, Derek is sixteen while Stiles is fourteen
Tagging: @axelwolf8109 @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @lynsrosegarden @pollyna @taechnology777 @greek-freak101 @thebejeweledwatercat
Board by the talented af @ravenclaw-seeker
Eventually pairings: Stiles x Derek, Allison x Lydia, Issac x Scott, Ethan x Jackson, Aiden x Cora.
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"Let me look over you" Noah Stilinski fretted over his son, Stiles was slightly uncomfortable but kept it in. To be fair, neither of them knew Stiles was a wizard until about two months ago.
"You write letters to me whenever you can okay?" Noah held his son's shoulder. "Of course dad" Stiles got surprisingly choked up. Noah hugged him close and let go after a minute.
"Give them hell kid" Stiles laughed and boarded the train.
He walked to the first compartment he saw. "Can I sit here?" "Sure" A tan skinned kid smiled politely, his companion rolling his eyes but not saying.
"I'm Stiles" "I'm Danny" Danny turned to his friend. "Jackson" The other kid rolled his eyes again. Another boy ran in, hiding in a corner. "What did you do this time McCall?" Jackson grinned.
"Might've angered the Steiner twins" He squeaked. "I told them Slytherin and Ravenclaw are for smart people and they aren't smart"
"One of this days you're gonna get punched" Danny laughed.
"Yeah yeah, I'm Scott by the way" He held out his hand to Stiles who shook it. "I hope I'm in Slytherin" Jackson said. "Ravenclaw" Danny said.
"Gryffindor" Scott sighed. "I don't really have one I want" Stiles shrugged. "That's smart, you won't be disappointed then"
Stiles giggled and even Jackson cracked a smile. "Hey Jackson" A young girl with long black hair walked in. "Hey cus" He teased.
"Stiles, Scott, Danny" He introduced quickly. "This is my cousin Cora" "Hi" She waved politely. "So Derek and Laura are definitely trying out for Quidditch this year"
"After they flew into our house twice?" Cora laughed. "I still can't believe my dad's gonna be the potions teacher" Jackson hid his face.
"Peter Hale?" Scott tilted his head. "Uh yeah" "Damn dude"
"Am I supposed to know this? I'm technically muggle born" Stiles muttered. "The rest of our family died in a house fire when we were babies, my dad and cousins survived, it was rumored that a rival wizarding family did it" Jackson said bitterly.
"What if I don't get sorted" Scott whined nervously. "Maybe they'll keep you because of pity" Danny joked. "Ha ha"
Stiles couldn't hear anything, not the headmaster who Jackson was glaring at, not the fricking hat singing.
"Allison Argent!" A teacher called out. Jackson looked like he was about to throw something, Cora glared. Two teens from the Slytherin table looked away like she was beneath them, a teacher clenched his jaw but manages to look unbothered.
"Ravenclaw!" The hat yelled out. "That was awkward" Scott said.
"Cora Hale!" Cora took a deep breath. "Slytherin!" She whooped and ran to her brother and sister, who Stiles deduced were Derek and Laura.
"Isaac Lahley!" A young boy with curly blonde hair but too pale skin walked up shaking. "Gryffindor!"
"Lydia Martin!" A girl with strawberry blond hair skipped forward with confidence. "Slytherin!"
"Danny Māhealani" Danny patted Jackson on the back. "Slytherin!" "Aw man"
"Scott McCall!" Scott squeezed Stiles' arm, Stiles squeezed back
"Gryffindor!" Scott almost ran to the table with the Sorting hat on, the Slytherin teen boy that Stiles saw earlier, Derek, covered his mouth to keep from laughing.
"Aiden Steiner!" Aiden shoved past Stiles. "Ravenclaw!" "Wait what?" Aiden's twin said scandalized. "That's what happens when you act like a fool" Jackson whispered to Stiles who laughed.
"Ethan Steiner!" Ethan looked absolutely miserable. "Slytherin!" "They can separate twins?" "I guess"
"Stiles Stilinski!" Stiles was happy that it apparently didn't show his full name. 'Hmm, you're definitely loyal and smart, let us see' The hat said in Stiles' head. "Better be, Hufflepuff!" Stiles went to the table that was clapping for him.
Scott gave him a thumbs up and a grin. "Jackson Whittemore!" "Slytherin!" Peter Hale smiled genuinely and clapped for his son.
"I'm Kira!" The prefect sitting by Stiles shook his hand. "This is...wow" He grinned at all the food. "The head of house is my mom"
"That's so cool!" Stiles grinned.
Allison Argent was laughing with a few other Ravenclaws, Scott was arm wrestling with another Gryffindor, and Jackson and Danny were flirting with a couple of Slytherins.
"Boys dorm is here, you'll have to room with Boyd and Liam" Kira said. Stiles was looking around the Hufflepuff common room in awe. "I love plants" He grinned. Kira smiled fondly.
"Yo" Boyd waved from his bed, Liam looked at Stiles with a small glare. "Hi" Stiles waved.
"We're second years, you're our only first year so..." Liam mumbled. "He's just cranky because he wants to cuddle with his boyfriend from Gryffindor. I still says Theo is crazy enough to be a snake!"
"Shut your face" Stiles laughed and sat on his bed, taping a picture of his dad onto the headboard.
Day one of Hogwarts had done well, hopefully the next months did too.
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personaaminnie · 1 year
I’m back on my teen wolf bs so here are
things about Derek hale that are cannon in my mind pt.1:
(some of these are general headcanons that are shared within the fandom and others are just mine)
He’s a swiftie
He’s a good cook & baker
He likes to draw/paint
He used to go stargazing with his dad
Even though he’s the middle child he used to get babied a lot because he was the only boy
He was very quiet as a kid around strangers but very extroverted with his family
He’s a nerd
He sings
He kept Erica’s & Boyd’s leather jacket along with some of Boyd’s shirts
His dad taught him how to bake
He likes to read
He was the oficial babysitter in the hale family because all the kids loved him
He majored in nursing at college
He’s shy (source:trust me bro)
Even though Braeden and him broke things off they still talk every once in a while
He speaks Spanish
He was Cora’s favorite when she was a baby
When he was a kid he had a collection of dried flowers that he used to collect
He used to wander off into the forest when he was a toddler
He wants to have kids
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sototallynormaliswear · 3 months
this one goes out to every side character in teen wolf that could have been so interesting provided that anyone in the writers room cared: I love you and you mean the world to me
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glimeres · 2 months
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Gypsy (2008, Broadway) - Digital Booklet Pics
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princeofiron · 3 months
Currently looking for these characters for a teen wolf 18+ discord rp!!
Alan Deaton
Allison Argent
Bobby Finstock
Brett Talbot
Chris Argent
Claudia Stilinski
Cora Hale
Corey Bryant
Danny Māhealani
David Whittemore
Erica Reyes
Hayden Romero
Issac Lahey
Jackson Whittemore
Jordan Parrish
Kira Yukimura
Laura Hale
Liam Dunbar
Malia Tate
Melissa McCall
Noah Stilinski
Scott McCall
Talia Hale
Theo Raeken
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Teen Wolf Rarepair Week 2023
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Our rarepair week will be July 10th through July 17th! 8 days total! We have two sets of prompts for your consideration.
Each day has been assigned an 'era' from pre-canon through the 6 seasons and post-canon. The idea is to create content set in that era. It can be a fix-it, an AU, a missing scene, anything.
The second set of prompts are traditional tropes and tags that were suggested or requested. You're welcome to combine the prompts, use just one, mix and match, or even use none! So long as you're creating rarepair content and its tagged appropriately, it'll be shared on this page!
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2023 Prompts:
(July 10) Day 1 - Pre-Canon - Role Reversal (July 11) Day 2 - Season 1 - Omegaverse (July 12) Day 3 - Season 2 - Soulmates AU (July 13) Day 4 - Season 3 - Married in a Hurry (July 14) Day 5 - Season 4 - Only One Bed (July 15) Day 6 - Season 5 - 5+1 (July 16) Day 7 - Season 6 - Fake Dating (July 17) Day 8 - Post Canon - Accidental Baby Acquisition
How to Participate
Step 1: Create a rarepair fanwork (fic, art, etc). Step 2: Post between July 10th and July 17th. Step 3: Tag #teen wolf rarepair, #twrarepairweek, and/or tag this blog @teenwolfrarepairevents for reblogs!
Reminder, rarepairs for this event are those that do not have at least 500 fics tagged on Ao3. They can be romantic, sexual, or platonic. NSFW, trios, and polyship creations are welcome.
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thefudge · 9 months
Seven years after the events of Logan (2017), Donald Pierce tracks down Laura Kinney again.
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insidethejeffersonian · 10 months
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