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momentofmemory · 28 days ago
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— pencap.
↳ for @braedenhales
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Derek: Let's see who can tell the biggest lie.
Braeden: I like Peter.
Peter: That was unnecessary. Anyone else feel that was unnecessary?
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haletostilinski · 3 months ago
Best Teen Wolf Ship: Round 2
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teenwolfiedit · 8 months ago
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TEEN WOLF (2014) Muted - 4.03 dir. Tim Andrew.
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fuji09 · 1 month ago
Scott McCall isn't as... OBLIVIOUS as you think.
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Part 3 of my "[character] isn't as..." series.
We all know the famous line from Scott saying, "My mom does all the grocery shopping." to Jackson when he asked, "Where do you get your juice?" Scott was so confused and then realized Jackson meant steroids.
Or when Stiles told him that a body was found in the woods and Scott asks, "A dead body?" Which Stiles sarcastically replies with, "No, a body of water. Yes, dumbass, a dead body!"
There are many instances where Scott is oblivious to things and seems a bit ditzy or when he even has a naive/innocent response/reaction to things.
But Scott isn't as oblivious as he's made out to be.
He notices small things that you wouldn't expect him to notice given he seems a bit like a himbo, at least in the first couple of seasons.
Like Scott notices that there's another werewolf (Isaac) in the locker room. He isn't sure who it is yet, but he can tell (maybe by smell?) that someone else is just like him. Which he then tests everyone on the team by smelling them and when he smells Danny, he tells Scott he's wearing Armani.
Scott noticed Erica was about to have a seizure. Even though Stiles was speaking to him and he wasn't even paying attention to Erica, he still noticed she was about to have a seizure and was able to catch her when she fell from the rock climbing wall.
Scott knew Derek would be turning 3 people for his pack. He told Erica he knew that 2 wasn't enough for Derek and he needed at least 3. Not sure how he knew this, I'm guessing maybe werewolf instinct but he knew Derek would turn 3 people.
Scott is the one who notices the punch at Lydia's birthday party is what's affecting everyone and giving them hallucinations.
Scott notices Danny in line for the club Jungle, smells the Armani that Danny wears and knows the kanima (Jackson) is going to his best friend (Danny).
Scott was the one to notice that Gerard was sick. He was still so new to being a werewolf but he was the only one who smelled that Gerard was sick and dying.
Scott notices that the Hale house's front door is repainted. Which he then uses his claws to scratch the paint off and finds the alpha pack symbol spray painted underneath the new layer of red paint.
Scott notices how oddly Stiles acts when Derek tells him about the alpha pack. Scott seems a bit concerned and confused at how Stiles appears to already know about this and maybe seems a little guilty. But before Scott can say anything, Isaac wakes up and the moment is gone.
Scott is also the one who notices something is off when the nogitsune (Void Stiles) pukes up cloth wrap and a figure dressed as the nogitsune pops out from it. Everyone is so sure that it's the nogitsune but Scott could tell something was up.
There's also how he looks at Stiles in the season 4 finale right before Derek leaves with Braeden. Again, Scott looks concerned and a little confused at Stiles. Like he can see how much it's hurting Stiles to watch Derek leave, probably to never return.
I'm sure there's more instances that I'm not remembering, but even though Scott can be a bit dense (affectionately) at times, he still notices a lot of things.
I'm not sure if at the start they planned to have him like a himbo and then decided to not go that way anymore, or if it was like a way to show his growth as he becomes a werewolf and then later a alpha, and of course growing up in general.
But Scott wasn't as oblivious as a lot of people tend to think. Yeah, he had his moments, but we all do. Scott isn't stupid, when he isn't dealing with supernatural shit applies himself he gets good grades.
Here you can find Part 1 about Stiles Stilinski and Part 2 about Derek Hale.
I'll make a post later to take a poll to see which character y'all want to see next for part 4 of my "[character] isn't as..." series.
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kiwithefruitykitty · 5 months ago
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Braeden Lemasters because it’s almost Halloween… Drunk on Halloween by Wallows… Walloween… :)
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teenwolf-confessions · 7 months ago
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braedenhales · 1 year ago
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"Are you insane?"
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azri-e-l · 2 months ago
My thoughts on Teen Wolf season 5
Ok so um... I just finished season 5 because I had a bit of an accident and couldn't really watch the show plus I didn't really like this season so yeah...
Anyway here is what I think about this season and once again spoiler alert 🚨
How should I start, well this season was a tad bit too much, there was so much going at once.
In the first half it was kind of weird the switching up between the past and present and in the second half there were just too many things happening at once. Don't get me wrong, there were some awesome concepts but since most of them were done just because (not really explaining much about them) or weren't done more in depth, it all lost its potential.
First we have the Dread doctors, at first they seemed like really great bad guys with interesting superpowers, experiments against the supernatural and badass costumes but then they all just u know were no more. They didn't reach their potential which sucks a lot.
Then we have the desert people (I forgot what they are called) that try to help Kira and Kira's problems with her powers all together. Those people seemed cool with unique powers but were only mentioned and even Kira's problems weren't fixed, so yeah
Then we've got Malia and the desert wolf, her mother. This one got at least resolved but it still felt rushed and unnecessary
Then we have Parrish and his hell hound powers problem. This one also felt rushed but it was nice seeing Parrish at the end more comfortable with his power.
Next was the Beast, which I know was connected to the Dread doctors but I was still like why? It felt kind of too much you know although it brought the character of Marie-Jeanne Valet and she was mwah, love her plus the French accent of all the characters from her era 🤌
Ok let's move on to individual characters (not all of them) plus some of them just kind appeared or disappeared.
Let's start with Braeden, like wasn't she with Derek? Weren't they together after the Desert wolf? Idk if it was explained but it was still huh? moment for me.
Next sheriff Stilinski, since when did he and Lydia's mum have a thing together? That was so out of nowhere. I love his character but he was an ass for most of this season and Lydia's mum even though she is supposed to be a psychiatrist in place of Deaton's sister (who I have btw kinda adored) wasn't helpful at all, like she wasn't listening to what the kids were saying.
Next, I hate Gerard and he was brought back *sight*
Next we have the whole thing with Theo like was everyone so trusting towards him? Like they knew him for only a bit and everyone is like 'yeah let's go with whatever he says and ignore everything that people I have known for some time already say'. That was so frustrating...
Connected to this is what Stiles went through when he killed that guy in self defense. Because he told everyone from the beginning that there was something off about Theo but did someone listen to him? No, they didn't. (Let's ignore for a while that he too for some time for whatever reason trusted Theo and told him about what happened) And then everyone was against him. For this it would have been awesome if there was someone like Derek or Mr. Argent who are not that trusting because then Stiles would have someone on his side for this and he would have been more confident in his gut feeling.
Oh yeah coach and Melissa Mccall were amazing. Love them. Together with others like for example Corey (the relationship between him and Mason was cute) or Aiden and Liam. And it was nice seeing once again Deucalion (I kinda like his character).
And yeah I guess this is all, for this season I had a lot to say but it's my least favourite season so far.
Anyway thanks for reading and if u want let me know what u think.
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teenwolftakes · 1 month ago
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wolfboy88 · 4 months ago
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Moodboard: Derek x Braeden x Jordan
For @teenwolfrarepairevents character of the month
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Stiles: By the way, Braeden, what is your family name? Braeden: It's just Braeden… Like Cher.
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haletostilinski · 2 months ago
Best Teen Wolf Character: Round 1
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teenwolfiedit · 9 months ago
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TEEN WOLF (2014) The Dark Moon - 4x1 dir. Russell Mulcahy.
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teenwolf-polls · 8 months ago
It's come to my attention that I had completely forgotten to include Derek in the season 4 poll, so here's a redo. I'm sorry about that! It was an honest mistake
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bisexualisaaclahey · 9 months ago
derek and braeden season 4 remains a top tier dynamic bc its like:
derek: oh woe :( my werewolf powers :(( im so human and so helpless :(((
braeden: girl buy a GUN
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