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Based on Arthur Ferrier's "The Loot of the Rainbow" + the queer and genderfluid flags for Leo ^^
#the nefarious plan has been put on old for a moment bc u remembered this illustration existed#art#digital art#oc#artists on tumblr#pride#pride month#queer#genderfluid#léopoldine#hell below / stars above#trans artist
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Demain, dès l’aube…
Victor Hugo

Demain, dès l’aube, à l’heure où blanchit la campagne, Je partirai. Vois-tu, je sais que tu m’attends. J’irai par la forêt, j’irai par la montagne. Je ne puis demeurer loin de toi plus longtemps.
Je marcherai les yeux fixés sur mes pensées, Sans rien voir au dehors, sans entendre aucun bruit, Seul, inconnu, le dos courbé, les mains croisées, Triste, et le jour pour moi sera comme la nuit.
Je ne regarderai ni l’or du soir qui tombe, Ni les voiles au loin descendant vers Harfleur, Et quand j’arriverai, je mettrai sur ta tombe Un bouquet de houx vert et de bruyère en fleur.
Victor Hugo, extrait du recueil « Les Contemplations » (1856)
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Il y a vraiment des jours pour tout sur tumblr, hein?
Tant que nous y sommes, voici, juste pour s'amuser, quelques citations en français que j'aime bien (et vous pouvez voter pour votre préférée, bien évidemment. Ce blog est un tournoi, après tout) :
Citation A :
Il n'y eut rien qu'un éclair jaune près de sa cheville. Il demeura un instant immobile. Il ne cria pas. Il tomba doucement comme tombe un arbre. Ça ne fit pas de bruit, à cause du sable.
-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Le petit Prince
Citation B :
Le résultat enfin de la suprême cour
Fut de condamner la Folie
A servir de guide à l’Amour.
-Jean de La Fontaine, Fables de La Fontaine, livre XII, L'Amour et La Folie
Citation C :
Fichtre ! C'est grave. Nous sommes tous très intéressés, très mouches du coche. Folcoche se tord toujours, inconsciente, les deux mains sur le foie. Sa respiration siffle. Dois-je le dire ? Mais nous respirons mieux depuis qu'elle étouffe.
-Hervé Bazin, Vipère au poing
Citation D :
Et dire qu'elle est morte! Hélas! que Dieu m'assiste !
Je n'étais jamais gai quand je la sentais triste ;
J'étais morne au milieu du bal le plus joyeux
Si j'avais, en partant, vu quelque ombre en ses yeux.
-Victor Hugo, Les Contemplations, Elle avait pris ce pli dans son âge enfantin
Citation E :
Aujourd'hui, maman est morte. Ou peut être hier, je ne sais pas. J'ai reçu un télégramme de l'asile : « Mère décédée. Enterrement demain. Sentiments distingués. » Cela ne veut rien dire. C'était peut être hier.
-Albert Camus, L'étranger
Le plus dûr a été de n'en choisir que cinq haha
#speak your language day#spyld#french#citations#antoine de saint exupéry#le petit prince#Hervé Bazin#vipère au poing#victor hugo#albert camus#l'étranger#jean de la fontaine#fables de la fontaine#les contemplations#Léopoldine
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On a tous en nous - Jean-Marie Audrain
On a tous une Léopoldine dans le cœur Un enfant, un parent ou encore un mari L’être cher à qui on a volé le bonheur Et qui nous a entraîné derrière sa nuit. Amour Amor Plus loin plus fort Nique à la mort. Tous ne vont pas s’épancher dans ledit poème Qui se lit demain dès l’aube loin des quais de Seine Mais chacun dit à sa manière combien il aime Le proche qui a laissé le lourd vide que…
#amour#cimetières#couple#deuil#famille#fleurs#hugo#Jeamarime#jean-marie audrain#Léopoldine#mort#oxymore#pleurs#poèmes#poésie#poètes#résilience#Toussaint#veuvage
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De onbeantwoorde liefde van Adèle Hugo
Ze was een dochter van de vermoedelijk beroemdste man ter wereld. En ze was doodongelukkig. Adèle Hugo (1830-1915) ontmoette in 1854 de Britse officier Albert Pinson, op wie zij hopeloos verliefd raakte. Pinsons houding tegenover haar bleef onduidelijk. Toen hij in 1861 werd overgeplaatst naar Halifax in Canada, reisde Adèle hem ongevraagd achterna. Het was een geval van wat je nu ‘stalken’ zou…

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#Adèle H.#Adèle Hugo#Adjani#Albert Pinson#Céline Baa#Frances Guille#Guernesey#Jersey#Juliette Drouot#Kanaaleilanden#Léopoldine#Le Figaro#Mark Bostridge#Napoleon III#Panthéon#Richard Dubugnon#sainte-Beuve#seance#Truffaut#Victor Hugo
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What you come to understand about Les Miserables as you learn more about Victor Hugo is that it is all about Léopoldine, it is nothing but Léopoldine, Léopoldine is the heart and soul of it, every word and chapter is full of Léopoldine, Léopoldine, Léopoldine.
It is a book immutably shaped by the pain of losing a child.
#Sorry of this I'm just very emo right now.#I fundamentally think analysis of Les Mis as a work is somewhat lacking if you don't acknowledge Leopoldine's influence upon it.#Les Mis#Les Miserables#Victor Hugo#Leopoldine Hugo#Léopoldine Hugo
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*~~Be an angel and don’t reblog her on a kink/nsfw blog~~*
#bjd#egl#lolita fashion#old school lolita#I finished her skirt !#it's simple but really cute I think ♡#also confession moment#I love Léopoldine but she's a pain to photograph and I'll be honest#not my best work here#but the set up with the wardrobe was just too cute not to share#anyway#probably my last sewing for her in a while#I really have to sew things for friends myself and other dolls now#it's not as if she was lacking clothing anyway ^^'#my dolls#doll
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Princess Clémentine Albertine Marie Léopoldine of Belgium
Belgian vintage postcard
#marie#clmentine#postkaart#photo#vintage#postkarte#postal#clémentine albertine marie léopoldine#postcard#photography#briefkaart#tarjeta#carte postale#ansichtskarte#lopoldine#belgium#belgian#historic#sepia#albertine#ephemera#princess
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Léopoldine, a filha mais velha do escritor, recém-casada, morre num acidente de barco, com o marido. Esta tragédia teve uma grande influência em Victor Hugo, que pouco escreveu nos dez anos seguintes. O retrato de Léopoldine foi feito pela mãe, Adèle.
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desperately hoping that description applies to the passage and not the book because Hey That’s Not What That Book Is About
#i mean what ever you could probably talk about léopoldine hugo and her death and how that affected the book#but that’s like. a side thing#this is worse than “story of the power of redemption’’ jesus
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Léopoldine Hugo by Auguste De Châtillon
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' Through Smoke '
#art#digital art#oc#artists on tumblr#siren#léopoldine#color palette#color palete challenge#drawing challenge#hell below / stars above
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next huge t-girl name is gonna be léopoldine. it'll be this half decade's 'emily'
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Léopoldine Doualla-Bell-Smith (January 11, 1939 - May 9, 2023) After she graduated from high school at the age of 17, she was sent to Paris for ground hostess training by Air France and moved to UAT for flight training. She began flying as a stewardess with UAT which merged to become part of Union de Transports Aeriens. She didn’t know that she was making history as the first Black person to serve as a flight attendant for any airline. She took to the air the year before Ruth Carol Taylor who is credited with being the first Black flight attendant in the US.
In 1960 she was invited to join Air Afrique. She was the only qualified African in French aviation; her employment identification card was No. 001. She was promoted to Air Afrique’s first cabin chief. During her time as a flight attendant, she flew throughout Africa and as far away as Australia. Because of the color of her skin, some white passengers treated her like an outcast, but dark-skinned passengers often welcomed her presence. She experienced sexual harassment; on one occasion, she slapped a white man who had touched her breasts.
After twelve years as a flight attendant, She left Air Afrique to become manager of Reunited Transport Leaders Travel Agency in Libreville, Gabon. She relocated to DC to study English at Georgetown University. She returned to Gabon in 1976 where she was hired by Air Zaire as station and office manager at the Libreville airport. She supported the Skal Club, the international association of professionals, leaders, and friends who were seeking to promote travel and tourism in Africa.
She retired in 2003 and moved to Denver where they established the Business and Intercultural Services for Educational Travel and Associated Learning. She volunteers at Denver International Airport through their ambassador program. She was honored at the fortieth anniversary of the Black Flight Attendants of America organization at Los Angeles International Airport’s Flight Path Museum. She was honored during the International Women’s Day celebration in Denver on March 10, 2019. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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This chapter is terrifying and profoundly sad, especially when you realize why Hugo chooses drowning as a metaphor for despair and depicts it with such agonizing detail. (If you haven't yet, reading Hugo's biography unveils the tragic loss of his daughter Léopoldine, which undoubtedly informs this harrowing scene). One can sense that Hugo gave considerable thought to it, immersing himself in the drowning person's psyche. The result is excruciatingly real, a horror story etched in words. A soul in utter despair, clinging to the vanishing hope of human or divine intervention, met with only deafening silence – that's the essence of being adrift in this tempestuous sea. And for Hugo, the ocean embodies the cold, unfeeling expanse of society itself. “The sea is the inexorable social night into which the penal laws fling their condemned. The sea is the immensity of wretchedness.” Ugh…
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Empress Carlota of Mexico
Artist: Santiago Rebull (Mexico, 1829–1902)
Date: 1867
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Collection: Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura, Mexico City, Mexico
Empress Carlota of Mexico
Charlotte of Belgium (French: Marie Charlotte Amélie Augustine Victoire Clémentine Léopoldine; 7 June 1840 – 19 January 1927), known by the Spanish version of her name, Carlota, was by birth a princess of Belgium and member of the House of Wettin in the branch of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (as such she was also styled Princess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and Duchess in Saxony). As the wife of Archduke Maximilian of Austria, Viceroy of Lombardy-Venetia and later Emperor of Mexico, she became Archduchess of Austria (in 1857) and Empress of Mexico (in 1864). She was daughter, granddaughter, sister, sister in-law, cousin and wife of reigning or deposed sovereigns throughout Europe and Mexico.
#portrait#painting#empress carlota of mexico#half length#white dress#red sash#pearl necklace#mexican culture#mexican history#mexican empress#crown#pearl earrings#tiara#mexican art#house of wettin#charlotte of belgium#history portrait#santiago rebull#mexican painter#historical art#19th century painting
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