#Kyrie Eleison
and-her-saints · 4 days
God have mercy. Christ have mercy. God have mercy.
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orthodoxshe · 23 days
when you're feeling overwhelmed, you can sync your breathing to the jesus prayer
inhale deeply through your nose for four seconds, right down to your diaphragm, so your stomach expands with air, hold for four seconds, exhale slowly for four seconds through your mouth and let your stomach return to its natural position and hold again for four seconds
if you're new to this kind of breathing, it may be worth watching a few tutorials on youtube until you're comfortable with the breathing technique before adding the prayer
search for "box breathing" or "diaphragmatic breathing" and find a video that suits your personal taste
relax, and put all your focus on what you're doing
inhale: lord, jesus christ
inhale: son of god
inhale: have mercy on me
inhale: a sinner
notice the relief of all the stress, worry and tension on the exhale
do this as many times as you need to throughout the day
god bless you <3
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church-history · 2 years
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invisibleicewands · 10 months
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"Kyrie Eleison" - Masters of Sex S02E02 Promo vs Final cut
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momentsbeforemass · 2 years
“Why don’t you say it in English?”
I didn’t know her. I had never seen her at Mass before. But that was the first thing she said to me after Mass.
My insightful response – “What?”
“Why don’t you say ‘Lord have mercy’ in English?”
She was annoyed at having to repeat herself to a rather slow deacon.
“Actually, sometimes I do say in in English. But mostly, I say it in Greek. Because that’s the original language for the Mass.
Kyrie eleison, in Greek, is part of the earliest known Masses. When the Mass went to Latin, the Kyrie stayed Greek.
St. Joan of Arc said it, at the last Mass she heard before the English burned her at the stake.
St. Maximillian Kolbe said it, at the last Mass he celebrated before the Nazi’s starved him to death.
For me, it’s a call-back. To the beginning. And to every generation between then and now. The saints we know, and the saints only God knows.
It’s a way of claiming our part in that big picture.”
She left without saying much. Apparently, that was not the desired answer.
Looking back, I think I left out the best part.
The Kyrie isn’t just a few words in Greek that we keep around for old times’ sake.
And it doesn’t just represent something much greater – it is something much greater.
Something worth holding on to. The thread that runs through it all. And the heart of our Faith.
Because the heart of our Faith is the mercy of God.
Kyrie eleison.
Today’s Readings
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maplebean2003 · 2 months
Nothings gonna hurt you baby dmc4 edit
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okarasusama · 2 months
being mistreated by ur parents as a kid means you spend your whole life convinced that you're hard to love
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gallegher · 11 months
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Comfortember 2023 Day 8. Grief/Mourning
He had to find the money to buy black clothes and elegant shoes somehow. He couldn't possibly show up in all the fishnets and the glittery, colourful heels he usually wore. Couldn't embarrass him like that. Just the fact that he would show up was bad enough, Caleb was sure of it…
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orthodoxshe · 11 months
𝔩𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔧𝔢𝔰𝔲𝔰 𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔱, 𝔰𝔬𝔫 𝔬𝔣 𝔤𝔬𝔡, 𝔥𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔪𝔢𝔯𝔠𝔶 𝔬𝔫 𝔪𝔢; 𝔞 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔯
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crusaderapparel · 4 months
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We are warriors of a different breed. We were meant to fight not for this world, but what is to come. Self sacrifice, love, and devotion to Christ Almighty!
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deafleppard · 1 year
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customkits · 2 years
The Knights Templar had many great sayings.
Deus Vult
Da Pacem Domine
Shielded by faith we fight
Kyrie Eleison
Some of these we still use today in Catholicism and Christianity.
The Knights are done! Very happy with them. I'll post some better pics in the coming days. I used a lot of techniques I learned from commissions and other artists. They took much longer than I anticipated, but that's ok- commissions and life take the cake.
Like what you see? Ask my about commissions!
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twinegardening · 1 year
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Kyrie Eleison
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Kyrie Eleison [IFDB]
Kyrie Eleison (Κύριε, ἐλέησον) Translated from the Ancient Greek: Lord, have mercy. Simultaneously a petition and a prayer of thanksgiving; an acknowledgement of what God has done, what God is doing, and what God will continue to do.
The sun set a long while ago. In the long night that has stretched on since, Pandora has had ample time to think about who she used to be, what she's become, and what might lie ahead.
500 words. Created for the Anti-Romance Jam 2023 and Neo-Twiny Jam 2023.
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okarasusama · 3 months
nothing hits like the hypersensitivity toward being disapproved of when you've been raised by a hypercritical parent
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Neo Twiny Jam - bite-sized review
The Neo Twiny Jam (@neo-twiny-jam) is an interactive fiction game unranked jam where participants could not write more than 500 words per entry.
You can find every submitted piece on the jam's Itch Page.
Kyrie Eleison by Lapin Lunaire Games/Jinx
Entry - More by Jinx - @lapinlunaire-games CW: blood/violence mention, religious themes
Not so merciful... ... is the "kindness of the vampire". Spared from the release of death, a vampire transforms you into her kind, no matter your protest. Forced to live as an undead, forgetting what it meant to be alive, human, despair takes a hold of you. Until you repay your Maker her kindness... The imagery from the prose is delectable. A succulent and dark short piece.
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hierarchyproblem · 7 months
Helping out with an anarchist food distro the other day and we're set up nearby some people flyering for their church. As we're walking up to our spot one of them says to me "have you thought about where you're going when you die?" Aye mate, I have. "And where are you going?" I said "to be with the Lord, brother!" but I think he and the comrade I was walking with both thought I was joking.
In hindsight, I find it kind of striking to notice that while the Christians were giving out leaflets, the anarchists were giving out food. Says something about priorities I guess.
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