#catholic life
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variousfandomthoughts · 7 months ago
Rosaries are not jewelry or fashion! Don’t wear it if you don’t pray it!
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littleflowerfaith · 1 year ago
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By Eva McKee
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hisgracefulness · 9 months ago
The way to my heart
get me one of these <3
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biblically-accurate-butch · 20 days ago
Daily Prayer
O Lord who is truly God and truly good. I ask that you come to my assistance, make haste to help me. I hope that in my fears Lord you come and assist me. When I cry over the fact that this life is short lived, that you comfort me with your message of eternity. I pray that when I go about life I am grateful for the opportunities that you have blessed me with. I pray to see each day as a blessing and to do unto the world your good will. I pray that your will be my will Lord. That I have the wisdom to choose you. The strength to choose you. In a world with free will, I pray that my will be guided by your plans far greater and fruitful than mine could ever be on their own. Lord I pray you soften my heart, open my mind to your word and the teachings of the church so that I can be of best use to those in need. I pray this in your holy holy holy name O Lord. Jesus the Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. As Paul said
1 Timothy 1:1
The saying is sure and worthy of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the foremost.
Please O Lord hear my prayer and come into my life, open my heart and eyes to you. Let me give my suffering as penance to you so that I am in unity with the church, the Christ, and all the angels and saint. Allow it to give honor and glory to you, the Lord most high. Let your love pour out of me and into this world. I pray this in your holy holy holy name
in the
Father Son and Holy Spirit,
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everlastinghistory · 1 year ago
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What does biblical femininity really mean?
The term “biblical femininity” gets thrown around in online traditionalism communities a lot. However, what it actually means may not be what you expect.
So, here’s what someone who’s been in Catholic school since they were 5 thinks about femininity as it’s portrayed in the bible.
・❥・When you hear the term “femininity” you likely think of someone obsessed with the colour pink, fairytales and animals. While yes, these things very well may be true to many feminine women: They are not determining factors at all.
Femininity is not about how you look, dress or even what activities you participate in. In fact that couldn’t be further from the truth.
According to the bible, true femininity is entirely rooted in your behaviour. Instead of focusing on physical attributes or hobbies, biblical femininity focuses on how you treat others, your capacity to love, and your ability to live as according to the teachings of the bible.
This includes things such as being nurturing, which while many have attached negative connotations to: Isn’t negative at all.
By no means does biblical femininity call you to always be nurturing in every situation. In fact it never even says you have to have kids, which is often something associated with this term. Yes, God told Adam and Eve to have children, but there is nothing in the bible that says it is immoral not to. Being nurturing is simply the capacity to feel empathy, or to express cognitive empathy if you’re unable to feel emotional empathy.
Being nurturing doesn’t have anything to do with children. Being nurturing means to put others first whenever you reasonably can.
Biblical femininity is about becoming the woman God created you to be. It’s about being yourself unapologetically, and following Christ without a doubt.
・❥・ Before I finish this post I’d also like to add one last note/disclaimer: This post is 100% based on my own interpretations of the bible after 12 and a half years of attending a Catholic school, as well as growing up with Catholic parents. You are free to interpret the bible however you please, this is just one random teenager on the internets opinion <3
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miriam-farish · 3 months ago
Jesus gave us the gift of His mother as He was dying on the cross when He said "Behold, your mother." Mary, as our spiritual mother, looks after us in a special, intimate way. As a mother comforts her baby, Mary gently comforts us. As a mother supports and nurtures her child, Mary guides and encourages us. As a mother protects her child from harm, Mary, through her intercession, defends us from evil. As a mother embraces her child, Mary covers us in her perfect love. As a mother lovingly swaddles her baby, Mary lovingly wraps us in her mantle and offers us courage and strength to unite ourselves more fully to Christ.
#catholic #catholicism #catholiclife #catholicfaith #catholics #mothermary #mamamary #blessedvirginmary #blessedmother
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pogirosary · 3 months ago
How the Rosary Got Its Name
Perhaps no other devotion or prayer, save the Pater Noster, is the center of Catholic reverence than the Rosary. As members of the faithful we keep them close by in our homes and cars, carrying them everyday in our pockets and purses. Despite being a prayer of ubiquity, the thought may never have crossed your mind: how did the Rosary get its name?
The first recorded use of the English word “Rosary” in the strict sense was over 400 years ago in 1597, but the history of one of the Church’s most popular prayers goes back much further.
The use of beads for the repetition of prayer to aid contemplation stems from the earliest days of the Church. Even before the apparition of the Blessed Virgin to Saint Dominic, monks and friars would recite all 150 Psalms as part of their daily prayers and devotions.
They would count out 150 pebbles from a pouch to keep track. Over time laity began using string with knots in it, eventually giving way to pieces of wood. Laity would pray Our Fathers, Paternosters, instead of the psalms as few could memorize them all with a lack of printing presses.
As the tradition of the Rosary developed, so did the usage of rosary beads to pray – a word we have the rosary thank for. Bead comes from the middle English bede, literally meaning “a prayer.”
The word rosary itself comes from the Latin rosarium, meaning a garden or garland of roses. During the Middle Ages, agriculture metaphor was the literary choice du jour. Writing drew comparisons to plowing a field, and collecting prayers was seen as growing a garden or arranging a bouquet. In the most literal sense, the Rosary is a “garden” or “boquet” of prayers.
Symbolic associations with roses and the Blessed Virgin abound Catholicism. Medieval Latin Rosarium was used to refer to a “rose garland for crowning the Virgin.” Over time, the association between the Rosary and rose imagery strengthened – its not hard to imagine that a string of beads can look like a bouquet of flowers. Marian flower symbolism worked its way into the etymological roots of many English words today: the marigold and even the passionflower referring to Mary and the Passion of Christ.
“The rose of charity, the lily of chastity, the violet of humility and the golden gillyflower of heaven.” – Saint Bernard on the Virgin Mary, 12th century.
Pious tradition attributes the association to:
“an early legend which after traveling all over Europe, penetrating even to Abyssinia, connected this name with a story of Our Lady, who was seen taking rosebuds from the lips of a young monk when he was reciting Hail Marys and to weave them into a garland which she placed upon her head.” – Catholic Encyclopedia
“The Rosary is the book of the blind, where souls see and there enact the greatest drama of love the world has ever known; it is the book of the simple, which initiates them into mysteries and knowledge more satisfying than the education of other men; it is the book of the aged, whose eyes close upon the shadow of this world, and open on the substance of the next. The power of the Rosary is beyond description.” – Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
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chicoinematt7 · 5 months ago
Catholic Meme Monday— Issue 159
Hope you had a blessed Sunday! 🙏 Time for another Catholic Meme Monday. 🎵🎶🎻🙏 Actually it was Esau because he was still mad at losing his porridge. 🙂😅 Saint Michael pray for us! 🛡️🙏 Amen! 🙏 The OG Rickroll. 😅🙂🙏 Happy Early Feast of Saint John Henry Newman. 🙏 🙏🙏🙏 😅😅😅 Wayyyy too accurate. 🙂😅🙏 One of my favorite visuals on intercessory prayer. 🙏🙏🙏 Meme I made for the feast of Saint…
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anastpaul · 7 months ago
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The object of the Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is twofold, material and spiritual; the former secondary, the latter primary. The material object is the material heart of the Mother of the Word Incarnate. The spiritual object is her spiritual heart, that is to say, the ardent charity with which she was inflamed for God, as well as that, which she bore towards men. There is neither distance, separation nor opposition between these two loves; it is precisely because she loves God that Mary loves us and, the more perfectly she loves God, the greater her affection for us.
(via August – The Month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary – AnaStpaul)
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copingcatholic · 1 year ago
I want to share with you a little prayer (or some variation thereof) I've said for a while now in the morning as I get out of my car at work:
I make a cross over my forhead and say, "Holy Spirit, pour down into my mind a river of grace that I may be pure in thought and think nothing evil or impure."
I make a cross over my lips and say, "Lord pour down a river of grace over my lips that I may be a man of clean lips; let me say nothing evil or discouraging to the Faith. May everything I say be inspired by You and lead others to You."
I make a cross over my heart and say, "Holy Spirit, pour down a river of grace into my heart to make me pure of heart. Water me and make me fertile that I may bear an abundance of good fruit in all that I do."
Normally I keep a flask of holy water in my car and use it as I say this prayer.
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littlebirdsdiary-blog · 28 days ago
Hello! It's been a while! 👋🩷😄🎶
Wow... January just passed, and now it's February already! I thought I wanna share with you how my life looked like in January! 😃
My grandpa passed away in early January, so we had to go back and forth to my mom's hometown to take care it. He was all alive & well, before in the last few weeks, he struggled with eating then had to be rushed to ER and things gradually went down from that point on...🥺 The day he passed, the sun shone brightly like the picture I took below! 🥹🩷🌞
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Then, when I got back home, I put up all the Christmas decoration, although Christmas is over 😅 But Christmas spirit lasts, right? 😄🎄🎁☃️🌌
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I made this scrumptious cream cheese oatmeal for the first time as well! 🥣🤎
Then we went back to my mom's hometown to celebrate Chinese New Year! At the side of the road, we saw what looks like a prairie, with lots of sheeps grazing there! Looks like my dream...😍🏕🌳
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modestcatholiclife · 10 months ago
I've finally been given a date for my baptism!!! It'll be on the first Sunday of June. Christ is Risen!
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bee-of-saint-ambrose · 6 months ago
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Today is an Ember Day, and I had altogether forgotten it - so often it happens in my spiritual life, I desire to work the feasts and fasts as the fulcrum of my days, yet it slips away in the mundane hubbub. I pray that I may improve in this.
In the Ember Days, the Church anchors the spiritual life to the seasonal, and these next 3 days are a christening of autumn and the harvest - may both be blessed!
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hisgracefulness · 9 months ago
Thinking of fasting… though i’m going on holiday soon so I might do it after that :) What i’m using for reference ⬇️
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everlastinghistory · 1 year ago
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This is your reminder that those seemingly perfect Christian influencers aren’t perfect. It’s the exact same as any other form of influencers. They make themself appear perfect, but in reality that’s usually pretty far from the truth. We all know Instagram models will edit their photos and that some of them have gotten all sorts of plastic surgery to look how they do…
But it’s not only those people who make themselves seem better than they are. Tons of Christian influencers push this idea of the perfect sinless Christian who’s never done anything against God in their life. I guarantee you they have, because it’s impossible to live in the modern world without doing so in one way or another.
You are not worth any less for having gone against certain things in the bible. You are not worth any less for not being perfect. You still love God, and still want a relationship with God. You don’t have to be perfect for God to love you. The only condition to getting into heaven is that you need to love God and trust God and be capable of recognizing your mistakes to ask for forgiveness.
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miriam-farish · 3 months ago
Jesus gave us the gift of His mother as He was dying on the cross when He said "Behold, your mother." Mary, as our spiritual mother, looks after us in a special, intimate way. As a mother comforts her baby, Mary gently comforts us. As a mother supports and nurtures her child, Mary guides and encourages us. As a mother protects her child from harm, Mary, through her intercession, defends us from evil. As a mother embraces her child, Mary covers us in her perfect love. As a mother lovingly swaddles her baby, Mary lovingly wraps us in her mantle and offers us courage and strength to unite ourselves more fully to Christ.
#catholic #catholicism #catholiclife #catholicfaith #catholics #mothermary #mamamary #blessedvirginmary #blessedmother
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