#Koba x Cornelia
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blogthebooklover · 8 months ago
Somewhere In Ape Heaven
Koba: I knew it, that Noa was a trouble maker from the start! Rocket: Don't look at me, Koba. He gets it from Caesar. Maurice: He was only trying to his clan back home safely Bad Ape: If other apes find out Noa protect a human female, they will shun and exile him. Cornelia: Not to mention he won't have a mate or a clan of his own. Koba: No, your great grandson had to FALL IN LOVE WITH A HUMAN! Caesar: (secretly enjoying the fact Noa chooses a human, but must keep up appearances even in the afterlife) NO! Everyone & Nova: (stares at him in surprise)
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the-monkeies-girl · 9 months ago
Uncertainty. ( Blue Eyes x Human! Reader Oneshot. )
You know we need a Blue Eyes oneshot that parallels the one I wrote about Caesar's War Paint.
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Title: Uncertainty. Fandom: ( Dawn of the ) Planet of the Apes. Rating: K. ( Tiny mention of blood but nothing too bad, and it's pretty fluffy. ) Pairing: ( SLIGHT ) Implied Blue Eyes x Human ! Reader. Words: 3.1K+ Summary: The task of placing the Ape Prince's War Paint fell onto you.
There was something so intricately intimate about putting on an Ape’s War Paint. Not just the physical aspects which were under intense watch from the Chimpanzee in front of you, every gesture you made could be seen as a threat through a blue lense. Every move you made to place the paint along his face was accepted with closed eyes, but not enough for him to relax his shoulders or peer at you from under his slitted eyes when you directed him to raise his head so you could paint at his neck. There was the ceremonious aspect as well that took hold of your thoughts. So many Humans, as the Simian Flu eradicated the population, thought that the Apes as primitive, stupid and not of culture. They were just another animal that needed to be put into a Zoo. But this? All of this was beyond what Humanity wanted to see, what they wanted to acknowledge as reality. 
You dropped your hand and encased enough white paint to go along the forearms of the Ape Prince. It splattered against the backdrop of his darkened fur, and with some effort put into a sweeping motion upwards, you encased his outer forearm in white before mirroring the action on the other side. For a split moment, you rested your fingers on the bend of his elbow. He was not as large as Caesar, you thought to yourself and felt a muscle twitch under your scrutinizing touch, but he was going to be some day. Maybe even bigger. You tried to not to dally on that as your eyes gazed right along his face and found yourself transfixed as the light caught hold of his canines. The idea that he could rip your jugular right out of your neck seemed almost tempting, entrancing as you caught a brief gaze with him before snapping back to look at the paint.
He was surely the son of Caesar, more reserved as he got that attribute from Cornelia, but Caesar seeped through his pores in the way he held himself, the way he looked at you. Whereas you had gotten so used to being looked at through a green glass, Blue Eyes’ stare sent you rocketing into the deep ocean from the coloring, darkened now as you were in a slatted hut with only enough light coming from the fire behind you to trace your way around his body. The way he held himself in front of you, faux arrogance falling off of him like waves. It had to be show-boating, there was no other way to describe how it felt to have him so silent, so statuesque, only looking at you when he needed to be as if your presence alone was going to set him off. You knew what it was about; the reluctance to follow his Fathers way of thinking regarding Humans and he was slowly leaning into the radical ideology from Koba and that made your position all the more precarious.
You found it difficult not to curse silently at Lake for putting you into this situation. She was the one who often did this for Blue Eyes, or occasionally his mother, both indisposed at the moment at the task fell down the ladder to rest rather uncomfortably along your spine and into your mind. It wasn’t as if his presence made you squeamish, you had spent enough time around the rest of the Colony that it was barely a passing mention that you were human and they were Ape. But given you were the first human that he had ever seen, the first to ever sit in a private room alone with him, the first to ever touch him? That did give you pause. You begged Lake to take the responsibility. Almost on your hands and knees as you held her arm with one hand and signed rather frantically with your other that you weren’t the one to do this and it needed to be her or Blue Eyes’ mother. She had explained to you though - with the Colony getting ready to embark to the ruins of San Francisco to confront the Humans, she needed to tend to the young, and Cornelia was placed rightly in charge of putting the War Paint on her husband. 
Slowly, you drew a breath into your lungs and held it there momentarily as your eyes peered down at the paint, placed inside of a crudely made but functional clay jars. You had gotten his face with ease, Blue Eyes’ reserved nature was evident when you scaled around his brows and eyes. He had shuffled only then when you made eye contact with him before his gaze fell shut in intent focus, obviously not sure how to feel when the fingers touching him were so soft and delicate in nature, crude against the hardened quality of his own skin. You had painted the bones along his arms, they were thickened where his fur had clumped together with the color, dripping a bit down towards his hands but getting caught and tangled in the fur at his wrists. You watched it pool there like a bracelet, a fleetingly morbid though of it scattering along your face as he encased your neck in his grasp hitting at your senses. 
 All that was left where the adjoining rib cage markings that would scale down from his broadened shoulders, along the tract of his collarbones, down towards the tapering of his thinned waist. Never too far down and stopping right at his diaphragm but the idea of having to actually embrace him more intimately was why you were unsure of this in the first place. Shifting in your seat, you contemplated leaving. How easy it would be to just stand up and walk away and tell Caesar that you were just too nervous to do that. Too afraid to be that close to his Son. You thought about that and decided against it when you imagined the hard gaze the Ape King would give you, knowing you had no actual issue with being in close quarters with other Apes. He’d see it as a slight to himself, to his son, to Cornelia. And you weren’t about to put yourself on the bad side of Caesar. 
You had no idea if Blue Eyes felt the same - if his heart was racing inside of his chest as he watched you grasp more paint and cup it against your pointer, middle and ring finger. You wondered if he could see the mild shaking of your fingertips. Blue Eyes’ attention was on your free hand, grasping at your chest, four fingers splayed outwards and you drew a motion from your sternum to the edge of your side. Ribs, you signed at him, eyes meeting for a second before he acknowledged what you were saying. He shuffled on his perch, finally letting his arms rest in a backwards motion to allow you full access to what you needed. The realization hit you like a ton of feathered bricks. 
Soft and light as you looked at the scape of his body, from shoulder to shoulder, head to toe, and if he were a human the assumption could be made that you were checking him out. Hard and heavy when you thought to yourself of the idea, no no… Not just an idea anymore, you scolded yourself. The reality that you were about to encase his body so intimidatingly, along his muscles in a way that only other Apes that he trusted had done made your stomach turn in twisted knots. You had been so careful on his face to avoid the scratches from his Bear Attack, but now you needed to trace your motions along the scratches along his right pectoral. They flared red with blood, finally beginning to scab over here and there. Sympathy washed over you. It surely looked painful and if he was in any discomfort, he was doing a great job masking it. Shifting, you made a gentle sign towards him, ‘Need to get close. Okay?’ 
Blue Eyes’ narrowed his gaze on you as you rose to your feet, droplets of white falling below and painting the wood it landed on a faded gray-ish as it mixed with moisture from rain. He allowed the slot of your body between his legs so you could work. From the sudden proximity as you drew close to him, you could feel his hot breath against your face for a moment, lingering in the selfish idea that he was inhaling and exhaling at a heightened rate. Eye contact was not made, Blue Eyes sought to focus on something in the distance as you laid your fingers onto his left collarbone and slid inwards to trace the shape right along his clavicle to lay a basis for the rest of the ribs you needed to make. You followed suit sharply, moving to rest your fingers along the right side of his body to make a mirroring shape. Blue Eyes bared his teeth at you, assuming you had gotten too close to his wound, you pulled back for a moment. 
‘Sorry.’ You signed with your non-painted hand and moved back to continue. He hesitated, his right shoulder moving back when you came forward. Gritting his teeth together at the feeling of flaring heat searing off his marks, Blue Eyes brashedly tried to ignore it, trying to sooth himself that it would be done sooner now than it was five minutes ago. Of course it hurt - But he was not going to let you see that. He was Caesar’s blood. He knew deep down if his Father ever incurred damage like this that he would not let his people see the agony it caused by simply breathing. His blue gaze drifted downwards to your motions against him. Caesar would not let you, a human, so small and gentle and soothing, know that he was in pain. Blue Eyes drew a deep breath in, meditative around the edges. 
You’d moved down to the next set of ribs, laying more viciously along the taut muscles of his pectorals, he oddly had no idea why he felt like he was going to slowly come unglued with every touch you were giving him. How it varied in intensity as if you were unsure of how to touch him, what was allowed, and what was off limits. It wasn’t unsatisfying in any way - Blue Eyes found it to be a nice change of pace as he allowed himself to capture your eyes in a stare. You unwaveringly looked back at him, taking in the frank skull detailing of his face paint. The paint smeared along his fur, resting more on the tips rather than actually touching skin. He noticed you were kind enough to avoid the wounds directly now rather than trying to paint around them. Caesar always said that humans were considerate like that.
Koba said otherwise.
You tried to ignore the way that his muscles were involuntarily reacting to how you were grazing against him and how much you wanted to just grasp at them in a bid to get more movement against you. With each dip of your fingers that you took, more encased your wrists in its runny nature as you placed it along his chest, finally out of the woods from his wounds. How easy it would be to smear your entire body with paint, either done by yourself, or done by the Ape in front of you. That’s often how it was within the Colony. One would place the paint first and then expect it in return. That wasn’t for you, you knew, but the guilt ate away at your conscious thoughts when you imagined it. Imagined Blue Eyes taking some sort of reserved charge and throwing it against your face with his much larger hands, turning you vivid in color, into a warrior of sorts, how his fingers might brisk against your lips, pausing to trace the curve around them before flushing his fingers horizontally to give you the appearance of a skull mask. You blinked that right out of your head, not sure where the sudden urge to be close to Blue Eyes in that way really came from. You tried to swallow it down, tried to push it away but your train of thought was incredibly relentless.
Would he be gentle like his outside disposition? You looked at his face but found yourself unable to captivate his eyes like you had a few moments ago. How did Lake feel when he did this to her? Was it exciting? Was it yearned for, a bond? You were now aiming downwards, the arch of the art piece you were laying on him finally coming to a rather relieved end. His blue glance caught hold of yours as you prepared for the last set of lines right against the bottom of his ribs, against the narrowest part of his chest before he thinned into his waist. The way he stiffened at the sensation of your hands against his diaphragm was surprisingly alluring to you, your eyes falling from his face to rest on his shoulders to watch the bounce of them as he inhaled and released. You could hear him breathing through his nose, mouth now shut to no avail. You were so close he could nearly taste you on his tongue. 
You were done.
‘Blue Eyes looks good.’ You signed him a quick compliment which seemed to be appreciated. It was always hard to read this Ape - He was rather quiet around you, occasionally falling into mild conversation if Ash was with him or if you joined Caesar and his family for meals. Rare, but happened occasionally, more frequently the Prince noticed as there had been a quick resurgence of Humans in the area and Caesar would confide in you every now and then about what to do. You often found yourself like this with Blue Eyes - one sided conversations with him, as if he were unsure what topics where alright to discuss with you. There was no blame to be placed; Blue Eyes hadn’t encountered a human at all until you came into the Colony’s care months ago and you always steered clear of him due to the nature of his stand-offish appearance. 
“Wish I looked as scary as you do.” You joked softly and picked up the paint jars from the ground. One red, one white, just in case, though Blue Eyes had yet to graduate to red adornments. Those were reserved for the highest bid of Caesar’s council. Someday, he’d be able to proudly wear the blood soaked color. 
‘Are you coming?’ He finally bid to ask you a personal question, perhaps in some desperate attempt to wash his mind of how it felt to have you touch him so personally, like you knew the dips and curves of his body like the back of your hand. He shifted in his spot, suddenly overcharged with the lingering feeling of your grasp so close to him.
“Caesar wants me to stay. Afraid the Humans will take me,” You explained softly, “Though, I told him I should go because I might be able to help. You know, bridge the gap.”
From the perplexity of his expression, it was obvious that Blue Eyes hadn’t heard that phrase before. 
“It’s okay, I’m probably more of a hindrance,” You smiled at the son of the Ape King with grace, letting your fingers trace around the edge of the white paint jar. “I’m more useful to your Father if I’m here and not taken away.”
Blue Eyes understood that notion. There were many things that he didn't agree with when it came down to the compassion that his Father held for Humans but you - Having gotten to know you casually, and now, more intimately, he would feel unplaced distress if you were taken as well. That admittance to himself was uncommon; Blue Eyes often felt he knew the best for himself, for others around him, so the uncertain nature he held towards you was more than suffocating. 
“I don’t think I’d look too terrifying in the war paint you guys have anyway. The other humans would probably laugh at me.” You joked, raising a hand to wipe your forehead. A streak of white encased your skin there, you had forgotten that you got paint along your wrists and the back of your hand and it was still wet, soon to fall into the awkward placement of drying and you trying to get it out of the pores of your skin. Blue Eyes looked at it before his gaze fell into your own.
There was a silence that hit the two of you as you looked at him, suddenly flushed at the realization that you were still standing so near to him. You felt your heart flutter in your chest much to your dismay as he held your gaze intently. It was striking just how much of a mixture of his parents he truly was and you felt like you could spend hours upon hours picking apart his appearance and categorizing it as either Caesar or Cornelia. But, there was enough to make Blue Eyes his own Ape, and you found yourself more drawn to those attributes.
Without a word or a sound, Blue Eyes found his fingers dipped into the red paint that you were holding. You blinked but before you could even ask him what he was doing, his pointer and middle finger pressed smacked dab right in the middle of your forehead and moved downwards between your eyebrows. He tapered his movement once he got to the middle of your nose, red droplets falling off the curve and onto your lips, and then down your chin to fall onto the ground below. The ease of which he was able to move in front of you with such slickness was astonishing, you found yourself unable to breath when he went to touch, almost going cross-eyed at the motion before you moved to look into his blue irises again. 
“Wh---” Staggering, you raise a hand and wiped your chin off, smearing the blood colored paint against the backdrop of your skin. “What was that for?”
‘Warrior.’ He gestured at you. 
And without any more signed words, anymore verbalization, he rose, not towering over you by any means, but the stance of his gait was strong as he moved to leave the hut now that you had the pleasure of placing his war paint on. Blue Eyes gave you one last look as he trailed to his spear, picking it up delicately, and tracing towards the exit of the hut. You were captivated in how he moved on his feet, bi-pedal. You were thrusted into the unknown with the stare he gave you, so flurrying as he looked at your eyes, then the white-red markings of your forehead and then your eyes again before leaving you with one more one handed sign. 
 ‘Thank you’.
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the-silverdew · 7 months ago
A/N: Some time ago i read something similar to this by @maarslovesmonkees that inspired me to write my own headcanons :)
Next part will be the characters from kotpota. I hope you all like this!
What do the Apes prefer? Pt 1
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Pairings: pota Characters x Human! Reader
Notes and Warnings: headcanons, nsfw, afab reader
–What do they prefer: breasts, ass or both?
Koba: the grumpy bonobo LOVES them, of course he is not one to voice these thoughts. He prefers to always be the one on top, but doesn't mind having you ride him just to have them in front of his face bouncing.
Also, imagining them full with milk while you carry his offspring just makes him burn with desire.
Blue Eyes: so you will have him playing with them often, liking or softly biting to see your nipples harden.
I feel that he would fall asleep grabbing them while spooning you.
Cornelia: she likes to hug you from behind and give them a light squeeze, caressing them so gently and peppering kisses all over your breasts.
Winter: definitely likes boobs a lot but is kinda shy to make a move to touch them so you could notice him looking at them when he thinks you aren't looking but once he gets the courage to initiate anything sexual be sure that he won't take his hands off them, gently massaging or fondling them but afraid he'll hurt you.
Luca: the gentle gorilla sits you in his lap and gives your ass soft pats or just rests a hand there. He adores how plump and soft it is, like a peach.
Ash: Like Luca, he likes it plump 👌🏻. He would playfully give you a slight smack or squeeze it when passing by.
Red: he stares at it when you don't notice. Everytime he's close to you, his hands itch with the need to grab your bottom until his fingers are marked into your skin.
Lake: this sweet girl definitely likes both, she finds everything in you pretty and soft, can't help but want to touch and touch, even tenderly nip at your boobs. Another thing she likes is to hug you to press your breasts together and resting her hands on your ass.
Caesar: as i mentioned in my previous post, Caesar loves every part of his beloved, and he is always so mindful of his strenght when lovingly running his warm and big hands all over you.
Rocket: he doesn't really care for one or the other specially, your curves are all tempting to him and when you're in the privacy of your shared nest he will make sure to show it.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 14 days ago
A babe raised by an ape; Maurice x baby reader
*Author's note*
Okay so trying to get through some requests I had piling dust in my inbox whilst I ponder on what type of fanfics I want to try and puke out next. So this one is a Planet of the apes request and for the anon who requested it thank you for your patience and hope you find this fic and enjoy it! Now this fic takes place between RISE & DAWN (yeah I know typical but is the peaceful time the apes have before WAR's story line so this just felt safer).
Warnings: parent death, mountain lion attacks, mentions of animal abuse (Maurice's past), some fluff and a dash of angst.
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The Simian flu outbreak had spread far and wide across the entire world.  Already billions of people had lost their lives to it and humanity was ripping itself apart.  Civil unrest and nuclear shutdown began as the world they once knew was turning dark and there almost seemed no hope of things returning to normal.
Three years into the outbreak for Caesar and his tribe, however, things were thriving.  Caesar had built Ape Law for this tribe and the children were taught fairly young of his laws.  Ape not kill Ape, Apes together Strong, and Knowledge is Power.
Caesar even began to start a family of his own.  He had mated with a female chimp that once had been in the same sanctuary as him after he had defended Charles, a beautiful female chimp named Cornelia and together the two of them became the Leaders of the tribe. And not too long after that they had their first born son, Blue Eyes.
Caesar also had a strong support system with his loyal followers like Rocket, his right-hand.  Luca the silverback as his muscle and leader of the Silverback guard, Maurice his advisor and teacher of the young apes, and Koba his lieutenant.
The tribe of Caesar was at peace and it seemed like nothing was going to break it, until one fateful day.
Maurice was out gathering some materials for his next lessons with the young ones when he heard faint crying in the distance.  Maurice knew it didn’t sound like any animal he’s heard in the forest these past three years and he almost feared the worst.  He quickly ran towards the sound to confirm it was what he thought it was.
Swinging across the trees along the steep mountain side as he heard the crying getting louder.  When he came to the forest floor, he continued on foot until he arrived at an old abandoned gas station and heard the crying coming from somewhere near here.  Maurice sniffed the air before cautiously circling around the old fueling station.
Mother nature slowly taking back the man-made structure with tall weeds growing through the cement, rust had encompassed the old gas pumps and the windows of the gas station were broken into as the station had been ransacked years ago for supplies and rations.  When Maurice came to the back of the gas station he was greeted with a gruesome sight.
Two bodies of a man and woman were lying together motionless and covered in blood.  Maurice narrowed his eyes as he looked closer to see pawprints of a large cat were found in the mud.  A mountain lion to be exact.
Maurice looked around and sniffed the air and smelled that the mountain lion that had killed these humans was thankfully not near here for now.  The soft baby cry was once again heard and Maurice realized the crying was coming from inside the gas station.  Carefully he went towards the back door and opened it and followed the sound.  He soon stopped at an old supply closet and opened the door to see the baby in a basket covered up by a sheet.
Tilting his head curiously he slowly came closer to the basket and carefully reached out for the sheet, his fingers grazing against the rough material before finally unveiling the baby hidden underneath.  The babe couldn’t have been more than a year old and had a good patch of (h/c) hair growing on its head.
Maurice also noticed a small scar along the baby’s jawline.  The dried up blood staining it’s smooth skin, probably collateral damage it took from the mountain lion’s attack but other than that the babe seemed to be okay.  The baby slowly stopped crying once it saw Maurice and looked up at him curiously.
Maurice slowly raised its hand and gently touched the baby’s face to which it cooed lovingly and even reached out and gripped Maurice’s index finger.  Slightly startled since the only human touch he’s ever received were abusive ones but after a second, he relaxed and felt the gentle grip of the baby’s hand on his finger.
It was barely the strength of a newborn ape.  Maurice then gently grabbed the baby out of the basket and held it up close to him gently sniffing it.  Besides the scent of dried blood, there was the smell of baby powder, lavender, and a smell that Maurice had never smelled before but it smelled sweet to him.  It was a natural scent this baby had and it filled his whole body with a protective instinct.
The baby reached out and touched his face gently as Maurice continued to observe the baby’s actions.  When it’s tiny hands accidentally went up his nose, he reacted with a hoot while the baby softly exclaimed and he reached out and had the baby touch his hand again.  The baby cooed lovingly as it’s tiny hands softly stroked alongside Maurice’s giant one.
This baby was no threat to him or the other apes, and with it’s parents gone it would soon perish.  He brought the baby into his arms and watched as it yawned before cuddling deep into his orange fur to keep warm before starting to fall asleep.  Maurice embraced the baby lovingly as he rumbled assuringly before suddenly opening his eyes and sniffed the air.  He then began to hear the sound of munching and bones cracking, the mountain lion had returned to claim its kill.
Maurice held the child close to him and silently snuck towards the main entrance of the gas station to avoid going out the back way where the mountain lion was feasting.  But as Maurice was nearly halfway out the gas station, he accidentally knocked over an old tray that held postcards over which made a loud bang and he heard the mountain lion growl and let out a roar.
Maurice looked around and climbed up onto top of the isles but just before he could reach for the overhanging lamps on the ceiling, he was suddenly tackled by a large force.  He kept the child close and used his body as a shield so that it wouldn’t be harmed in the fall.  He then felt fangs go into his back leg and he let out a painful roar before punching the mountain lion across the face which forced it to let go.
He hobbled out with the baby still in his arms and heard the window break from the mountain lion’s body leaping out from the gas station.  Soon the giant cat stopped Maurice in his place by getting in his way and let out a fearsome roar, it’s ears bent far back as it hissed aggressively.  Maurice hid the child within his fur as he too let out a fearsome roar to try and intimidate the great cat.  But it wasn’t backing down.
It circled around Maurice as he tried to remain firm but the pain in his back leg from the bite was starting to show.  But he couldn’t give in, if he dies the great cat would soon take the baby and it didn’t deserve to die.  Just as the mountain lion got into pouncing position, a giant spear was thrown right near it’s paws.
The sound of horses neighing as the thundering of hooves came riding in and the cries of apes pierced the silent forest.  The mountain lion slowly backed away as Caesar and the others arrived on either horse back or came in from the trees.  Caesar, Koba, Rocket, and Luca were on horseback while the rest of the apes came from the trees, all of them wielding spears as a few more were thrown at the mountain lion.
Knowing it was outnumbered, the mountain lion was forced to retreat.  Maurice let out a growl before finally succumbing and falling down to his side.  Caesar rode up beside his friend and got off his horse panting anxiously.
“Maurice.” He spoke softly.  Maurice let out a rumble as he signed.
‘It’s only my leg. Nasty bite but I’ll live.’ Caesar sighed in relief but when he took notice of the small shape in Maurice’s arms he grew concerned.  Rocket and Luca also came over to check on Maurice and helped the old orangutan to his feet when they too noticed the small human.
‘Is that…..’ Rocket signed off.
‘Please Rocket.’ Maurice signed.  He then turned to Caesar and signed to him, ‘that mountain lion killed this babe’s parents. They’re just around back.’ Caesar slightly narrowed his eyes as he signed for both Luca and Rocket to go check.  The ape and gorilla did as their leader told them but when Koba started to ride up toward them and sniffed the air, Maurice grew fearful but also protective as he tried to hide the baby even more.
“Human…..” Koba panted as he sniffed the air.  He turned towards Maurice and sniffed the air again and could smell the baby hidden within. “Human…there!” Caesar stood in front of Maurice and gave Koba a look that dared him to challenge him.  Koba panted and sneered as he reared his horse back.
Rocket and Luca soon returned and Rocket signed to him.
‘Maurice is right. Two human dead. Mountain lion attack.’
‘No other humans in sight. No one might know of them being here.’ Luca signed as well.  Koba got off his horse and panted out.
“Human…..not….belong here!”
‘Caesar.’ Maurice rumbled.  Caesar turned toward his dear friend and councilor.  ‘She’s too young to care for herself. Other humans too dangerous to care for her, you know this.’ Caesar slowly walked toward Maurice and placed a hand on his shoulder.
‘Let me see her.’ Maurice grumbled nervously but from the soft look in Caesar’s eyes, he knew that if anyone at this point was trustworthy to not attack a human babe, it was Caesar.
He then lowered his arm to reveal the baby who looked up at Caesar with bright (e/c) eyes.  He also took notice of the stained blood alongside her face.
‘She was injured when you found her?’
‘Yes. But she seems to be okay, no permanent damage. Might just be a scratch but will soon heal into a scar.’
‘And you are sure there are no other humans when you got here?’
‘Yes. Only the two dead. They might’ve been all she had.’ Caesar sighed deeply as he looked back down at the baby who continued to look up at Caesar.
‘For now you and her need healing. We’ll take you both to Ape home, tomorrow we will decide her fate.’ His horse soon came back to him and he got onto it’s back before extending his hand out to help Maurice onto his horse’s back.
Maurice took his offer and settled behind Caesar on his horse still holding the baby close to his chest before Caesar urged his horse onward and soon the rest of the apes followed right behind him as they headed back toward their home.
Maurice was now in the medical section of the ape home with Rocket’s mate Tinker, the head healing ape was finishing up the last bit of leaf wrap around Maurice’s leg.
‘You’re lucky that cat didn’t tear your leg off.’ She hooted at the old orangutan.
‘I’ve had worse at the circus than here. This is nothing.’
‘As long as you don’t overdo it and allow it to rest, you should feel better in no time.’ She told him.
‘Then it is thankful my arms are longer than my legs.’ Maurice joked before huffing out laughing.  Tinker shook her head at the ape before she turned to see some of the other female apes taking care of the human child.
Turned out the scratch was a bit deeper than Maurice had thought, but thankfully it wasn’t life threatening but it would leave a nasty scar and the child would have to bear it for the rest of its life.  The female apes were curious of the baby.  Those that were mothers themselves saw this child almost identical to their own newborns just not as much hair as they had.
‘What will become of the child?’ Tinker signed to Maurice.
‘Caesar said he’d decide by morning.’
‘To turn her aside would be like tossing our own newborns aside. You said both her parents were killed.’ Maurice nodded.  ‘Rocket may not have had a positive experience with humans much like you, but I know he wouldn’t allow a child so small to be left on its own without a way to defend themselves. But if Caesar says no, he’ll have no choice but to agree. You know how loyal he is to him.’
Tinker then allowed both Maurice and the baby to leave after being healed.  Maurice hobbled back to his nest and placed the child onto his bed.  He covered the child with material he had gathered like moss and even his own shedded fur to keep the baby warm.
“Maurice.” Caesar’s voice spoke up.  Maurice turned toward his back doorway and saw his leader and friend standing there.  Maurice looked between him and the babe and he signed out.
‘I cannot leave her Caesar. Without anyone to care for her, she will die.’
‘But she is not ape.’ Caesar solemnly signed back.
‘I know, but she has no one else. She is all alone in this world. Did you not once tell me that it was Will who took you in when you were just born and raised you?’ Caesar often thought about Will, and Charles and even Caroline.  His human family, he wouldn’t be who he was today without their love, their kindness, and their teachings.
Hell without Will, Caesar wouldn’t even be alive.  He would’ve been put down alongside the other apes after his mother’s actions after giving birth to him.
Caesar walked over to Maurice’s nest and looked down at the sleeping baby.  He reached out and gently stroked her small cheek which made her stir slightly in her sleep before going quiet once more.
‘You’ve come to care for the baby, haven’t you my friend?’ signed Caesar.
‘Not once has any human treated me with kindness, yet with this child…..I sense no evil within her. I believe she can be taught our ways, see that Apes are not evil. Other humans too dangerous to raise her, she might not even survive with them.’ Caesar sighed as he looked back down at the baby.
‘She will be your responsibility. I cannot trust that everyone will side with this decision, especially Koba.’ Maurice rumbled defensively at the mention of the scarred apes name.  ‘But a babe like her needs someone to take care of her, she is too young to be cast aside. And I’d trust no one other than you to do so.’
‘Thank you Caesar. I promise I’ll watch over her and teach her our ways.’ Caesar patted Maurice’s shoulder before walking out of the orangutan’s den.  Maurice then walked over to his nest and huddled around the baby.  Rumbling lovingly as he wrapped his arms around her.
From that moment on, Maurice made a vow to always protect his new child.  He would raise her, teach her Ape law, and assure that no one would harm her whilst he was still breathing.
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magnificentmaleficent · 7 days ago
ᴡʜɪꜱᴘᴇʀꜱ | ᴄᴀᴇꜱᴀʀ x ʜ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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𝚃𝚒𝚝𝚕𝚎: Whispers 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: Caesar x Human! Reader 𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: In the midst of war, Caesar never expected to find solace in a human who became family to his sons. From comforting them as infants to guiding them through hardship, you quietly carved a place in their world—and in Caesar’s heart. As battle looms, he fights his growing feelings, fearing love is a weakness. But in the firelight, with his sons between them, he finally surrenders to the truth. 𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗 𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝: Hello! It's always great seeing writers make content for POTA. I was wondering if I could make a request for Caesar x Reader? Maybe him realizing he has feelings for the Reader after seeing how well they get along with Blue Eyes and Cornelius? Thank you!!
The wind whispered through the trees, carrying the distant sounds of waves crashing against the shore. Caesar stood at the edge of the encampment, his sharp eyes following the small group gathered near the fire. His sons, Blue Eyes and Cornelius, sat close to you, soft laughter intertwining with the crackling flames.
You had been there from the beginning, long before Cornelius had taken his first breath. When Blue Eyes was still young and full of curiosity, it was you who had shown him how to hold a bow properly, who he sought after for comfort and who had soothed him with quiet stories when the nights were too restless. And when Cornelius was born, you had been the one to hold him first, just after Caesar, Cornelia and Lake, whispering words of comfort as the tiny infant clung to your fingers.
He had never expected this.
You, the human they had found wandering through the forest, who had been a mystery to him since the beginning. At first, he had only seen the danger in your presence in the colony—how your sole existence could threaten everything he worked so hard to build. But you had proven yourself time and time again, the colony had accepted you as one of them, even Koba, to some degree had been okay with your presence. 
You were kind, patient, and never looked at them with fear.
Cornelius was perched in your lap, his small hands reaching for your face as you spoke in a gentle, lilting voice. Blue Eyes, usually so serious and protective of his baby brother, was smiling softly as you traced patterns in the dirt, teaching him something he was clearly fascinated by.
Caesar’s grip on his staff tightened. The sight stirred something deep within him, something unfamiliar, something dangerous.
A warmth he had not felt in a long time.
Not since Cornelia.
He had lost so much. His mate, his people, the peace he had fought so hard for. Love had become a distant memory, replaced by war, loss, and survival. But now, watching you with his children, something within him ached—not with pain, but with longing.
You fit here, in their world. Not as an outsider, not as a threat, but as something more.
As one of them.
Caesar moved closer, his steps nearly silent if you hadn’t known him for so long. You looked up at him as he approached, gaze warm and knowing. “They’re wonderful, Caesar,” you said softly, running a hand through Cornelius’s dark fur, making the young ape purr in happiness. “So full of life… despite everything.”
His throat tightened. He had fought so hard to give them a future. And now, here you were, slipping into that future without him even realizing it.
“They… like you,” he murmured, glancing at Blue Eyes, who had begun playfully nudging your shoulder, trying to get your attention to show you what he had written on the sand. Cornelius hooted softly, clutching your arm.
Smiling, your expression gentle. “I like them, too.”
For the first time in what felt like forever, Caesar allowed himself peace, with a small smile he sat beside you, closer than he usually would. Cornelius immediately climbed into his lap, but his little hands still reached for yours, as if he could not bear to let go of your warm touch.
Blue Eyes nudged you again, but as he noticed how you were looking at his father, a mischievous glint shone on his blue eyes. “You should stay with us forever.” He signed with a soft coo, immediately Cornelius agreed with a loud hoot as he pulled on his father’s fur.
You laughed softly, a sound that warmed Caesar’s chest and pulled at his tired heartstrings. “And what would your father think about that?” you teased back, glancing at Blue eyes, although the older ape saw how your cheeks flushed pink.
A low rumble of laughter escaped Caesar as you met his green intelligent eyes, and for a moment, there was no war, no burdens, no loss. Just this—his sons, the firelight, and you.
“He… would not mind,” he murmured, voice low but firm.
Your gaze softened as your cheeks reddened. Slowly, you reached out towards him, brushing your fingers against his rough hand. It was a small touch, but it spoke volumes. A silent promise. A quiet understanding.
And it meant the world to Caesar.
You hesitated for a moment before shifting closer, until there was no space left between the two of you. Caesar could feel the warmth of your body, the steady rise and fall of your breath, the sweetness of your scent.
“Caesar,” you whispered, his name slipping from your lips like a prayer.
His free hand lifted on its own, brushing a strand of hair from your face. His rough fingers lingered against your brow, tracing a path down from your cheek to your lips, catching the soft gasp that escaped your lips, memorizing every detail.Leaning into his touch, eyes searching his, waiting, offering.
And then he closed the distance.
The first touch was hesitant, your foreheads kissed as Caesar's big hands held your face close to him, a trembling breath escaped your lips, heart pounding in your ears as anticipation took hold of you. Then, gathering your courage, your lips touched his.
The kiss was soft, hesitant at first. You pulled away shortly after but Caesar held you closer and joined your lips again and again, the kisses growing more heated.
The king of the San Francisco Ape colony was familiar with human customs, he tried to recall all he had learned when he lived with Will about love. His mind flashed with the romance movies he saw on the Tv with Charles, how Will showed his love to Caroline, what he observed couples do from his window. He recalled kisses as something very intimate between mates, something meaningful and full of the unspoken feelings between them.
He was not good with words, but his actions spoke loud and clear and as soon as he felt you respond to his kiss with effusiveness, something inside him shattered. 
All the walls he had built, the grief he had buried, all of it faded into the firelight. His strong arms wrapped around you tightly, holding you closer, as if holding you in this moment would keep the world from stealing you away.
You melted against him, fingers threading through his rough fur, tracing the scars left by the harsh years  and anchoring you both. The world outside still burned, but here, wrapped in each other's warmth, Caesar felt something he thought had been lost to him.
When you finally pulled apart, forehead resting against his, your breaths mingling in the cool night air.
“You… are my family” his husky voice, hoarse but full of certainty ran through your spine, leaving goosebumps in it's wake. “If... you stay, I will never… let you… go.” The way your name flew from his lips made your heart flutter.
Smiling, you pressed another gentle kiss to the corner of his lips. “Then I will stay,” you whispered. “Always”
And for the first time in what felt like forever, Caesar truly believed in a future worth fighting for.
Blue eyes looked at his father and favorite human sharing a moment of intimacy and felt happiness. Happiness for his father, who, since Cornelia’s death had been a shell of himself, focusing only in the colony’s matters and in raising him and Cornelius, pushing beyond his limit. 
Cornelius looked at the two adults, tilted head in mid confusion but when he saw the soft smile on both of their faces he understood. Hooting loudly he began climbing his father like a tree, much to Blue eyes’ amusement, until he could climb into your hair and perch himself there, cooing as you and Caesar pulled apart laughing softly- or in Caesar case, a soft amused huff.
“Don’t worry Cornelius, I will stay with you and Blue eyes too.” You smiled as the baby ape jumped into your arms, nestling into your neck. The older prince sat next to his father who wrapped one arm around his shoulder as you held one of Blue eyes’ hands, smiling back at you as you kissed Cornelius' forehead lovingly. “ Always.”
Caesar felt his whole body relax for the first time in years, his lips quivered in a light smile as he watched his little family gathered by the fire, his heart bursting at the seams in happiness, green eyes lovingly taking in all the details and searing the moment on his mind with the stars in the sky as the only witnesses to this tender moment.
A/N: Have any request for PotA? Let me know!
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fleuristtargaryen · 9 months ago
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The Secret Girlfriend
Ceasar x Flora Forrest
Chapter 1: Through The Woods
Flora and a bunch of other ℎ𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑠 were walking through the woods. One of them started shouting, “APES! TALKING APES!” While the others say their and watched thousands of Apes following their leader. Ceasar wasn’t a happy camper when ℎ𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑠 stepped foot on his land. It took him years to build this home.
“Humans go!” Ceasar said.
Flora looked at him knowing Ceasar wasn’t playing. She had his child for goodness sakes. He knew not to yell at her because of her powers.
“I’m leaving.” Flora whispered to Ceasar.
“You are not leaving me again.” Ceasar whispered to Flora.
“Watch me walk away and not return ever again!” She whispered yelled at him.
“YOU WILL STAY AND THAT’S FINAL!” Ceasar yelled at her nearly breaking her.
Maurice knew this exchange would turn deadly if he didn’t talk to Ceasar.
“You didn’t have to yell at her.” Maurice signed to him.
“I know but she’ll never listen to me.” Ceasar signed back to him.
“Talk to her.” Maurice signed to him.
“I’ve tried that but she won’t listen. Both of our kids are teenagers and she’s pregnant with our third child.” Ceasar signed back to him frustrated.
“Your children are all human. You got her pregnant and for that you both have huge consequences that turned into responsibilities.” Maurice told him in sign language.
“She has a soft spot for our kids whether they know or not.” Ceasar signed conflicted.
“Are you with child again?” Florence asked her sister.
“Of course I am.” Flora said with a lot of sass.
“For someone who gets pregnant by an Ape you sure know what you’re doing.” Florence told her sister while rolling her eyes.
“You do realize that Ceasar can hear us, right?” Florence said to her sister.
“You do realize how protective he is of me, right?” Flora said while staring daggers at her sister.
“Stop looking at me like that. You’re upset because he wasn’t there for you when you gave birth. He wasn’t there for any of their birthday’s. He’s missed a lot and all that hate and anger you have is just like what Koba has towards humans.” Florence said to her.
“It’s not even about that. He rules an entire Kingdom and then there’s me.” Flora said with sadness in her eyes.
“So what you’re just going to give up on you and ceasar because of what happened between you two before?” Florence questioned her sister.
“Questioning me isn’t going anywhere. You do this knowingly that I WANTED TO LEAVE CEASAR ALONE.” Flora said with tears streaming down her eyes.
Ceasar and the rest of the Apes were taken aback. They didn’t realize that Flora was doing this with reasons of her consequences.
Flora walked in a way that her hips moved, her body was yearning for Ceasar once again causing all that hate to go away. Koba was right she did have an ego only Ceasar could control. Her and Koba first met back in San Francisco where they were experimenting on him. She felt bad for him but for him to turn out to be a huge monster was not on her list. Ceasar knew Koba would use Flora against him one day. Hell, he even tried to kill Flora on multiple occasions to which Flora fought back causing every Ape to watch with their own eyes. The mother of his children not only was protective but very strong at that. Ceasar could tell her body needed him more so than it ever has. Flora was fighting current battles while they currently rode on their horseback. Flora was the only one that was allowed to ride on the same horse as Ceasar. He calmed her every time and she knew what that meant afterwards.
They stopped at a lake where there was other humans but Flora still hanging on tightly to Ceasar never not wanting to let go. Cornelia was hurt to the point she couldn’t move. She knew about Flora’s and Caesar’s relationship and that was hidden at all. Every Ape knew but didn’t want to believe it. Ceasar slowly got off causing Flora to wake up almost falling. He caught her in a sense that she no longer needed to go back to the start. She was a hot mess for Ceasar and only him. He knew how and what to do when she had her mood swings.
“What was that for?” Flora asked Caesar tiredly.
“Humans have guns.” Blue Eyes told his father.
“Mother not well.” Blue Eyes said to his father.
“She’ll be fine. She’s just tired.” Ceasar reassured him.
“Tired?” Blue Eyes said with concern.
“You shouldn’t be concerned at all about her wellbeing.” Ceasar said with an attitude.
Boy was Ceasar pissed.
The lake view was very perfect and beautiful at that to the point where Flora fell asleep within seconds of Ceasar laying her down. He wasn’t ready for this part but he knew it was coming.
“She’s with child?” The human woman asked.
“Yes.” Ceasar said with anger boiling in him.
Cornelia sensed this but did nothing but watch his anger grow and grow. Blue Eyes was confused at to why his mother wouldn’t dare go near her husband to calm him down. She knew that wasn’t her job anymore. What she did know was that she was slowly dying and Flora knew of this but kept this from Ceasar. Koba was at his wits in with everyone and he wanted to kill the humans off.
“Come here, Flora, I want to check your baby’s breathing.” The lady said.
“You’re a midwife?” Flora questioned her.
“Yes I am.” The lady said with a bit of attitude.
“I’m not quite happy as of right now. I’ll be in my home if anyone needs me. Cornelia thank you for everything.” Flora said.
“Oh and you humans have three hours to leave this place or all hell will break loose.” Flora said while smiling devilishly.
“Koba this is your doing?” Ceasar said with another wave of anger.
“Oh?” Was all he said.
“Koba you changed her.” Her said to him.
“I didn’t change her. Her mood swings did.” Koba said while walking towards Ceasar.
Flora walked throw both of them without a care in the world. Cornelia was just sleeping but then moments after all of this she passed away causing everyone to mourn.
“Flora?” Ceasar entered her home.
“Flora, where are you?” Ceasar said with concern while walking around looking for her.
“Hi daddy!” The four year old said to his father.
“Where your mother?” Ceasar asked his son.
“She’s asleep.” The four year old told him.
“Sleeping where?” Ceasar asked him.
“In her bedroom.” He said to him.
“How’s your baby brother doing?” He asked his son.
“I don’t want baby.” He told him.
“Why’s that?” His father asked him.
“Mommy!” He said while watching his mother struggle to walk.
Ceasar was fearful at this moment. He just lost his wife now he’s scared he’s going to lose her.
“Careful mommy!” The four year old told his mother.
“I’m fine Groove.” Flora told her son.
“Where’s your sister?” She asked her son.
“She’s sad. She went to river.” He said to his mother.
“Ceasar!” She screamed his name while reaching out for him.
“I’m here. I’m right here, my wife.” Ceasar said to her.
“Cornelia is your wife.” She told him.
“She’s dead. She passed an hour ago.” He told her.
“So you come straight to me after she dies?” She asked him with concern.
Days later she returned to her home and found Koba and Ceasar going at it yet again causing her contractions to get worse. The way this baby was fighting his mother was something. Flora was battling everything at this point. She knew she was scared but didn’t know the price. Koba threw something in Ceasar’s direction but he dodged it causing it to hit Flora. Maurice ran to her Aide and he was sure she was fine.
“My apologies.” Koba said to Flora while walking past her.
“Your apologies? You almost killed me!” Flora said to Koba.
“He stole you from me.” Koba said.
“He fucked you.” Koba said.
“He ate you.” Koba said.
“Koba, stop! Ceasar is my husband and my home. Home is Ceasar. I love him very much. So what if he did all of that to me. It’s not your business to know that.” Flora told Koba.
“You’re the only human he’s falling in love with.” Koba said.
“Koba you love fighting. They locked you up and experimented on you.” Flora said.
“Yeah you could’ve changed that.” Koba said to her with a death stare.
“How could I change that exactly?” Flora questioned him.
“Ceasar saved me and yet you didn’t save yourself.” Koba said.
“Save myself, how?” Flora yet again questioned him.
“The human who hurt you.” Koba said.
“What about him?” Flora questioned him.
“What was he to you?” Koba asked.
“He was someone dear to me.” Flora said.
“He was your boyfriend? You and him fought everyday and you came in everyday looking for me. You talked to me everyday. I thought you were perfect and you still are.” Koba said.
Every Ape was watching this exchange between the two and it was beyond terrifying to see Koba talk to her. She didn’t lie when she said she met Koba before. When Ceasar looked back at her their eyes met and her water immediately broke. She knew he was coming early. This birth was dangerous more than ever. The city doctors told her to be careful because this baby might kick her ass when she gives birth. Boy were they right.
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hotchocolatefanfics · 5 years ago
Reboot PoTA Couple Theme Songs and their Meanings
Boy did this take me a while to finish! This is something I’ve been working on almost all of 2019 and I’ve finally finished it (2019 was not nice to me-my classes were, but everything else was a blur of getting sick and going from no anxiety to anxiety attacks happening daily. It was just a mess!)
Like the title says, it’s a theme song list for our favorite Planet of The Apes shippings and couples (I only did a few to save time but if this gets popular enough, I could do another involving any shippings and couples that aren’t present here (such as Will X Caroline or Malcolm x Ellie)).
Each couple have their own five theme songs (because one isn’t enough to tell their full story) and each song represents something unique about the couple dynamic or how the shipping can be interpreted and will include a description underneath (some may be longer than others (the more I know on that shipping/more I have to say, the more I write about them)-I apologize in advance for that!). If there’s any information that is missing or details that I overlooked (or even if you disagree with the description) please feel free to share! 
Please note that you are not obligated to listen to these songs and you are completely and totally free to add a song to these couple lists. Part of the reason why I made this was in hopes that maybe it would spark a conversation amongst us PoTA fans about our favorite PoTA shippings/couple and explore other shippings. 
Also, I didn’t include OC relations here but feel free to add them in your reblogs(you may also re-use songs that are already on these lists if you feel they could describe your OC x Canon shipping)! All love stories are welcomed on this post! (the only rule is there can’t be any underage or huge age difference couples).
My information sources are:
All three Reboot movies, Firestorm, Revelations, The Planet of The Apes Fandom Wikia and also reading a couple of stuff/peaking around on AO3, FanFiction.net, DeviantArt, and Wattpad.
With that said, enjoy the theme songs!
Caesar x Cornelia 
Stand by you - Rachel Platten
Better Together - Jack Johnson 
Say Something (I’m giving up on you) - A Great Big World
Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down 
The Call - Regina Spektor
As this is a couples list, it only makes sense to start it with the king and queen themselves!
I think it’s more than safe to say that these two loved each other very much. 
We saw Caesar and Cornelia’s relationship grow from Rise, Firestorm, Dawn, Revelations, to War and during that time, we’ve seen them grow closer (I actually think that, as their relationship progressed, Cornelia made Caesar a better leader-as she pointed things out to Caesar that he either ignored/didn’t realize/know in Firestorm). 
When I personally think about this couple, I think about Caesar: The life he grew up with, the family he left behind when he chose to stay in the forest with the apes, the hardships he had to face in the earlier days/years of freedom and I think about all the stress and the anxiety that he had to have felt during those times. He had to have felt that he had to show strength in the presence of his followers-that would have meant not thinking/talking about Will, Charles or Caroline or letting it be known if he missed them at all. 
Then I think about Cornelia. As his wife, she had to have known everything about Caesar. From his childhood to anything and everything he feared and worried about as king and leader. If there was anyone in the whole colony that Caesar could have shown that side to him, that uncertain, missing his family side to him, it would have been Cornelia, and I would imagine that she understood that he missed his human home. That she listened to his worries and comforted him-possibly reassured him if he needed it.
I didn’t know if it’s talked about very much but, as king and queen they’re very similar in personality: Both being compassionate and kind, but also fiercely protective of both the colony and of their friends and as parents, both are (also) protective and loving towards Blue Eyes and Cornelius (examples being Caesar protecting Blue Eyes from the bear and later protecting both sons from Carver in Dawn and Cornelia keeping Cornelius safe in Revelations). 
This couple is featured in nearly every fanfic out there and every Planet of The Apes role-play that Tumblr has but I feel like we don’t talk about it enough. In War, Caesar was more than devastated by Cornelia’s death (and by the death of Blue Eyes) as he became vengeful, murderous and (pretty much) ready to kill because of it (remember that man with the wood at the oyster farm where they found Nova?). 
If you really want to go there, it says a lot about his and Cornelia’s relationship during the war. That (maybe) the war took such a tool on Caesar (mentally and emotionally) that she became his strength. That (maybe) Caesar was already on the verge of losing it well before the attack on that hill (like having a breakdown or panic attack)-and I wouldn’t be surprised, as he was betrayed by Koba, then by Red and other followers of Koba, and his apes were being attacked, threatened and/or killed by the soldiers.
Maybe Cornelia kept him grounded, reminded him of who he was and what was important and when the Colonel killed her, it broke something in Caesar and when he lost her, he lost part of himself and may have forgotten who he was (only remembering when he realized he couldn’t kill the Colonel). 
Blue Eyes x Lake 
Kiss The Girl - Ashley Tisdale 
Love Story - Taylor Swift 
Colors - Halsey 
It’s all coming back to me now - Meet loaf
When you’re Gone - Avril Lavigne
Blue Eyes and Lake clearly loved each other in War. We know they grew up together and played with each other as children though their (romantic) feelings for each other likely came later (around the time of Dawn/Revelations). 
We didn’t get to see much of their relationship (due to Blue Eyes dying and/or being sent away in Revelations) but, considering that Blue Eyes was protective of his friends and family (and openly affectionate towards them in War), I think it can be assumed that he would have been a loving husband to Lake and would have protected her if she were in danger. 
Lake appeared to love children, so it is reasonable to imagine they would have had children together and she would have, more than likely, been a wonderful mother to them. Lake was also brave (as seen when she defended Caesar in War), which makes it likely she could have assisted Blue Eyes as his queen (if he had lived to become king). 
And now, the Fan-Made couples!!! 
Caesar x Koba (aka: ‘Caba’)
Little Do You Know - Alex & Sierra
Hold On - Chord Overstreet
A Moment Like This - Kelly Clarkson 
Breathless - Shayne Ward
Teddy Bear - Melanie Martinez
Yes, I absolutely had to start with this one as it’s, if I’m not mistaken, the most common shipping in the fandom (and it’s also my favorite too!).
Caesar and Koba were obviously very close in Dawn (as best friends and honorary brothers) as Koba saved Caesar from that bear in the beginning and Caesar later gifted the pelt to him. This relationship was created when Caesar rescued Koba and other apes from Gen-Sys and continued in Firestorm.
I can’t remember if I got this far into Caesar’s Story, but I wanna say there was a part in the book where it talked about Koba having feelings for/falling in love with Caesar(?)(Please correct me if I’m wrong).
It all came crashing down when the humans showed up and Koba’s hatred of them was reborn and it became clear to him that Caesar still ‘loved’ humans (when Koba said “Caesar loves humans more than apes” he may have actually believed that-it is also possible he may have thought Caesar loved humans more than him). 
It eventually leads to Koba shooting him (which means he, essentially, abandoned his love for Caesar in favor of his hate for humans) and then declaring war on the humans-and later, resulted in Caesar having to kill him. Koba’s betrayal deeply hurt Caesar and so did killing him (let’s not forget that Koba’s ghost haunted him in War). 
What I’ve noticed with this shipping is it’s all about the vulnerable and damaged side of Koba’s personality and about Caesar’s protective and compassionate heart. 
Fanfics of this shipping sometimes follows the story of Dawn (with Pope as the bad guy or with Koba’s betrayal being deeper than just about revenge on the humans) and other times it’s completely different (nodding at the ‘Caesar and The Bonobo’ Beauty and The Beast AU on FanFiction and all other Caba one-shots(all deserve a read!)) but in all fanfics and fan arts of this shipping, there’s always a sense of heartache for the couple (either due to how Koba suffered before Rise or knowing how their relationship ended in Dawn).
Everything about this shipping is tragic and (when well-written out) heartbreaking but at the same time, it can be adorable and beautiful (I’m also tempted to call it irresistible for many fans-seriously, look on AO3, DeviantArt Wattpad, FanFiction.net-literally all of these sites has three or more fanfics/one-shots of this shipping (though I would advise you all to be careful as some of them may be, let’s say, ‘Rated R’)!).
I have not found any role-plays of this shipping on Tumblr (yet!) so I wouldn’t know how the shipping is portrayed in that category (Seriously, are there any role-plays of this? Cause I’d like to know!).
Koba x Stone 
I Still Love You - Josh Jenkins 
Yours to Hold - Skillet 
Grenade - Bruno Mars 
Hero - Enrique Iglesias
Immortal - Evanescence 
I’ve, sadly, only seen this shipping on role-play blogs here on Tumblr so much of this is guessed (if anyone reading this has role-played this shipping before or have more experience with it, please correct me if I’m wrong!) 
Stone was one of Koba’s friends and first followers in Dawn (aside from Grey) but his motives for following Koba are never talked about (also in Revelations, it says he’s dead but he’s clearly seen alive in War…Does he have superpowers or did he just disappear and showed up again for War?) 
(Here’s my guess) Stone likely disagreed with Caesar’s role (to some extent but I doubt he was as extreme about it as Koba was) but what if, his main reason for following Koba had more to do with him having secret feelings for the bonobo than anything else? What if Stone saw and knew that Koba was still haunted by his past and comforted him when no one else would? And by the time the humans reappeared in Dawn, Stone developed his own hatred for the species that had hurt his love?
Meanwhile, Koba, who likely doesn’t feel comfortable talking about his past with anyone and felt betrayed and angered when Caesar disregarded his hatred of humans, probably would have resisted Stone’s affection for a long time before he finally let him in and fully accepted the comfort and love from the chimp (it is also possible Koba used that very sympathy to manipulate Stone into doing his bidding but I’m not sure if he would have needed to as, again, Stone would have already hated humans for torturing Koba in the past anyway).
Now about Stone’s death/survival: Let’s say that Stone survived Dawn (as seen in War). If he really did have feelings for Koba, it’s likely he would have felt guilty and somewhat responsible for his love’s death as he had chosen to agree with him that the apes should go to war with humans instead of talking Koba out of it (to be fair I’m not sure if Koba could have been convinced otherwise after the fight with Caesar in the dam but I think Stone would have had a better chance of reasoning with him anyone else).
Now let’s say Stone had actually died and Koba wasn’t defeated by Caesar. I think it’s more than safe to say Koba would be screwed if he was the one to have to go to war with the Colonel in War instead of Caesar (and it may be reasonable to suspect he may eventually realize the gravity of what he did and would regret it all as the war continues) but if this war took Stone early on, and if Stone and Koba were romantically involved, it’s also reasonable to assume Koba would have regretted that most of all-seeing Stone as the last (and by the time of War, the only) to love him and care about him and feeling lost and alone without him.
All in all, this shipping has a love lost and a sort of ‘dam(sel) in distress’ feel to it.
Koba x Cornelia
Sk8ter Boi - Avril Laringe 
When I was Your Man - Bruno Mars
Uptown Girl - Billy Joel
Bad Boy - Cascada 
Dear in The Headlights - Owl City 
I have the same problem here-total guesswork! 
Based on what little I know of this shipping so far, it reminds me of the ���outcast falls in love with popular person’ scenario that is sometimes seen in high school movies. But this shipping could seriously work as a love triangle story! 
Koba and Cornelia have little to no interaction in the books (the ones I’ve read so far anyway!) or in the movies but it is known that they see each other as honorary brother and sister (due to Caesar and Koba being honorary brothers). It’s reasonable to assume they had mutual respect for each other and that Cornelia was just as betrayed by Koba’s actions as Caesar was. 
However, it is never revealed what Koba’s plans would have been for Cornelia had Caesar truly died (there is a chance he could have forced her into marrying him but I also think there's a chance she would have rebelled against him and Koba could have decided to kill her (or kill Cornelius as punishment and then kill her? I dunno know)). 
Also, what if Koba had wanted Cornelia as his wife all along and only decided to kill Caesar when he did because the humans ‘conveniently’ showed up (unlikely but maybe)? I think this shipping was born from the idea that Koba always had a secret crush on Cornelia but kept it a secret because she married Caesar and knew he had no chance with her.
Another thought (and this is highly unlikely but still): In the wild, chimps would have multiple mates (Rocket in Rise for example) so there's also a (tiny) chance that Caesar could (in theory) be married to both Cornelia AND Koba-I have never heard of this particular thing happening and I’m not sure if the Caba and/or the Koba x Cornelia shippings are popular enough to warrant that sort of dynamic but it would make an interesting fanfic. 
Koba x Pope 
Issues - Julia Michaels
Battles Scars - Guy Sebastian Ft. Lupe Fiasco
Love the Way you Lie - Eminem Ft. Rhianna
Next To Me - Imagine Dragons
Courage - Superchick
For those who don’t know, Pope is the main villain from the Dawn comics. He’s very similar to Koba (as they’re both apes that came from labs) but worse as he enslaved primitive apes and saw them as lesser beings-going as far as calling them ‘stupid animals’. 
Anyway, me and a friend made this one up a while back in our discussions and, from what I remember, we had two or three(?) different scenarios for this shipping. 
One being that since they were both abused and tortured by humans, they may find comfort in each other (finding it easy to show vulnerability to someone who’s equally damaged) and fall in love from their shared experiences. 
In the comic, Pope’s past is only hinted by Koba when he says: “He was like me…A lab ape. Bad Things, maybe worse.” and then his past is never mentioned of again however, Pope does say: “Never show weakness.” after the killing of a human later in the comic. Based on that, it’s reasonable to suspect that Pope may harbor a similar hatred to humans as Koba does and may suffer from demons of his own but keeps it well hidden from other apes.
Two being more about their personalities: Both Koba and Pope are capable of hurting people (as seen when Koba killed Ash and shot Caesar and Maurice in Dawn and when Pope killed the alpha, killed Fifer and Cora and enslaved all the primitive apes in the comic) and both are described by the PoTA Fandom Wiki as ‘cruel and tyrannical’ (with Koba being described as ‘belittling’, ‘unstable’ and ‘manipulative’ and Pope as ‘immoral’, ‘arrogant’ and ‘egomaniacal’). 
Considering these traits, it wouldn’t be too hard to imagine one of them to perceive the other’s vulnerability as ‘weakness’ and actually abuse the other (like Pope abusing Koba or Koba abusing Pope). Based on their personalities, it’s possible the kind of abuse they’d inflict on each other would likely be physical, emotional, or mental abuse (or all three).
Third (and this is more of continuation of the second one!), even if Koba and Pope weren’t abusing each other, their relationship would likely be argumentative, unhealthy, troubling, rough and just very dysfunctional. 
These are two very damaged apes with traumas that were not properly dealt with or given help for and full of pent up rage and hate towards humans (plus Pope hated Caesar and disrespected his rule). If they were to be a couple, their own traumas and hatred would feed off of each other and may, inadvertently, make it worse (this would likely not be a problem if Pope and Koba were with other people as a person who doesn’t have the same experiences or resentment as them would likely help ‘heal’ them). Maybe their relationship could work but they may need therapy (psychotherapy and/or couple therapy) before it gets there.
Red x Winter 
Sorry - Halsey 
Please Don’t Leave Me - P!nk
Accidentally in Love - Counting Crows
Secrets - OneRepublic
You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift
Eeeeeek! This one is my second favorite! I can’t wait to share this dynamic! :D 
Both gorillas are first seen in Revelations. Red being manipulative, defiant, aggressive and violent (as shown when he manipulated Grey, lead the soldiers to the building where the colony was hiding in, tried to kill Cornelia (twice and one being while she was trying to help another female ape give birth!) and also when he slapped Cedar) and Winter being fearful and timid (as seen when he faced the wall after the building next to the colony’s hiding place was blown up and when he failed to kill Cornelia (which Red manipulated him into trying to do anyway)). Both are seen again in War, where Winter proves himself as a coward and Red a traitor. 
Needless to say, both of these gorillas have very different personality types. The interactions they had both in Revelations and in War weren’t enough to say they were friends (let alone romantically involved) however, Red clearly knew Winter was easy to control. Why else would he consistently manipulate him? And Winter appeared to be afraid of Red. This could be because Red was more aggressive than him and Winter feared confrontation. 
However, there’s a lot about the two gorillas that were never revealed (backstory wise. I actually do have a backstory theory for Red but that’s a post for another day). For example, Red was shown to have a lot of anger built up in him and while it is believed to be due to Caesar killing Koba, it feels much deeper than that. 
Koba was only leader for a day and or two (or less, my math isn’t great) and Red was willing to kill Cornelia, manipulate and endanger other apes and betray the colony over that? No, this anger didn’t develop overnight. It had to have been there BEFORE Dawn (and it somehow has something to do with Caesar)!
Then there’s Winter. We know his father died before he was born but we don’t know how or what his relationship was/the whereabouts of his mother (this does open the door for speculation of whether or not the circumstances of his father’s death and the relationship he had with his mother could have anything to do with Winter’s fearfulness).
Finally, their relationship: What if Red’s anger and hate was all a mask? What if, deep down inside, he was actually a very hurt, troubled and damaged person and only knew how to show it through anger? And what if Winter’s greatest flaw was actually his strength? Winter was more open about his feelings in both Revelation and in War (whether it be fear, shock, or worry) while Red was very closed off. 
What if that difference was what originally attracted Winter to Red? What if Winter, despite being intimidated by Red, viewed him as mysterious and was drawn to him by that. Meanwhile, what if Red was secretly jealous of Winter being so open about his vulnerabilities-even if he knew others would look down on him for it.
With all that said (sorry it was that long!), Red and Winter’s relationship would be built on shared (either expressed or hidden) vulnerabilities and traumatic experiences. Both have flaws and neither of them are weak. They just depend on each other for strength and (in one-shots where they survive War) for belonging as they have no one else.
Blue Eyes x Ash 
Bad Day - Daniel Powter
Dark Paradise - Lana Del Ray 
Perfect - P!nk
Complicated - Avril Lavigne 
Count on Me - Bruno Mars
This is another shipping I’ve only seen briefly-I’m not sure if there are any role-plays of it on Tumblr (but then again I never really looked either!) but there is a fanfic or two out there of this pairing (again, if I miss something a detail regarding this shipping, please let me know!).
Ash is first seen in Dawn when he and Blue Eyes are fishing together. Right away, it’s pretty clear these two are close friends and likely grew up together (which would make sense as their fathers are so close). Based on the interactions between him and Blue Eyes in that scene and the council meeting scene, Ash can be described as humorous (such as when he poked at Blue Eyes) and confident in himself (like when he was teasing Blue Eyes over the bear incident) and Blue Eyes, is protective of him as he (presumably) protected him from Carver before Rocket and the other apes intervened. 
Blue Eyes is left devastated and deeply hurt after Ash’s death and, throughout Revelations, thinks about him constantly and later having a dream about him. 
Since I don’t know that much about this pairing, this is where the guesswork comes in: As these two grew up together, it’s more than likely they also knew each other on a deeper level than their parents did-for example, Blue Eyes could have told Ash all his secrets, whatever worries or fears he had, maybe ranted to him about his anger and frustrations with his father or about being prince. 
I don’t know if Ash had any issues with his parents (as he and Rocket appeared to be very close as father and son-and we don’t really see Ash interacting with Tinker) but if he ever had a bad day, he’d likely talk to Blue Eyes about it just like Blue Eyes would. 
This relationship would be founded on childhood friendship, turned best friends, into lovers. Likely turning into a ‘you’re the only person I trust with my secrets’ kind of relationship while also being a very supportive and protective kind of relationship too.
McCullough x Caesar
I Hate Everything - Three Days Grace 
Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne 
Hold Me Down - Halsey 
You Don’t Own Me - Grace Ft. G-Eazy
Hellfire - The Hunchback of Notre Dam
I dabbled on this one in my Whumptober one-shots but if anyone’s interested in more of this shipping, there’s a few on AO3 (it’s easily the black sheep of this list but I think it deserves a place here for clarification as to what this shipping could be versus what it sounds like). It’s a weird pairing but it’s worth checking out! 
I think we all know Colonel McCullough as the most evil human in the reboot movies (as he is willing to kill apes and any human who is infected with the virus-his own son for example) and seeing how he treated Caesar in War (chaining him up, forcing him and the ape colony to work, having him whipped and tied to a cross with no food or water for days, killing Cornelia and Blue Eyes) it’s easy to see why this shipping would raise eyebrows but it all depends on how one looks at it. 
For example, I see the shipping as a possible twist on War: As the war between the apes and AO soldiers unfold, McCullough’s desire to capture and/or kill Caesar turns into something else. He becomes obsessed with the Ape King and decides the best way to defeat him and get rid of the apes would be to destroy Caesar’s life. So he deliberately kills Cornelia and Blue Eyes knowing it will provoke Caesar to go after him and later in the base when McCullough has Red and Preacher bring Caesar to his office, he blackmails Caesar into marrying him (saying that he’ll let the colony live if he agrees).
As a result of it, Caesar becomes McCullough’s “chimp-wife” and is a prisoner in this forced marriage, the ape colony thinks he’s abandoned and/or betrayed them, the AO soldiers and the Donkeys are confused by the whole thing and Red and Preacher (who witnessed the Colonel’s blackmailing marriage proposal to Caesar) are thinking “WTF is happening here?”.
Another way one could see this shipping would be as something funny. Yes, it’s dysfunctional but that could be the point! If one wanted to make a fanfic of this shipping, they could use the dysfunctional aspects of the relationship and make it funny. Think Marge and Homer Simpson for example.
For those who have an issue with this shipping, I 100% agree this relationship would be doomed from the start (if we decide to take it seriously). If McCullough and Caesar were to be married, I can picture the Colonel being abusive and predigest towards Caesar and his species, blaming him for all things wrong in the world (such as the virus, the fall of the human race), likely never showing any love or affection towards Caesar, and poor Caesar would become depressed and miserable from this awful marriage. 
Bon x Pope (from the Dawn comics!)
Bleeding Love - Leona Lewis 
Follow Him - Peggy March 
I would Do Anything For You - Foster The People 
Just The Girl - Click Five
All You Wanted - Michelle Branch
To be honest, I’m not sure if Bon was really this close to Pope as he only appeared once or twice in the Dawn comics BUT! he was one of his loyal followers and while it is possible he only disagreed with Caesar’s rule, there’s another chance that he may have had feelings for Pope (much like my description of the Stone x Koba shipping).
For those who didn’t read the comics, let me sum up the interactions between these two: Bon was one of Pope’s followers and is seen returning back to the zoo after (unsuccessfully) searching for an ape named Fifer who escaped them and informs Pope that there are humans nearby. Bon also took part in the battle between Pope and Koba and was later banished along with Pope’s followers while the primitive apes followed Koba back to the Ape Village. 
As this shipping, almost no leg to stand on (and is more made up than the others on this list) allow me to explain it here: Much like Grey and Stone towards Koba, Bon (and a gorilla named Rex) followed Pope-presumably because they also disliked Caesar and/or his rule. As Pope didn’t actually plan on killing Caesar until later in the comics and didn’t realize there were primitive apes, in the beginning, I don’t think there was any manipulation going on from him.
Now let’s look at Pope for a second: Pope was an ape who looked down upon anyone who showed weakness or was primitive and had no problem with enslaving, torturing, endangering or murdering other apes. Like I said in my description for the Koba x Pope shipping, Pope was also a lab ape (with fishnet scars on the left side of his face, shoulder and chest giving us a hint as to what he was put through-though it’s never actually discussed) so it is reasonable to imagine he may have his own demons and traumas, much like Koba does (unsurprisingly, Pope also hates humans). 
The thing about Pope that I’m curious about is if he is traumatized from what had been done to him at the hands of humans, does he show it? He likely doesn’t as he appears to dislike seeing it and other apes showing weakness but that would mean that, much like Koba, he’s holding things back, probably much more than Koba was (as Koba is seen in Dawn talking (briefly) about what he went through with humans to Caesar). 
Now looking at Pope and Bon, it makes me wonder if Bon could have picked up on that. Like what if Bon saw the pain that Pope was covering up and reached out to him? 
That, and it is also possible Bon was into the ‘bad boy’ type.
Phew, glad that’s over! XD
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littlebitoffanfic · 6 years ago
Fandom: Planet of the Apes Characters: Blue Eyes, Ash, Maurice, others mentioned Relationship: Blue eyes/reader Request: I have a strange request for planet of the apes, if you are willing to write for it? It’s a x blue eyes wheres shes human but apart of the village and her and blueeyes are really close You had been with Maurice since you were a young child. He had found you, wondering through the woods scared, injured, sick and lost. You spoke, but not well. At first he thought you were mute and tried to speak to you in sign language, but you stared at him blankly. He had asked you ‘where’s family’, and that’s when he knew he would take you in. you told him you didn’t have one. You didn’t even know what that was. You said the men in white coats tested things on you, told you to keep quite or they would hurt you. He had scooped you up in his arms, told you he would keep you safe, and took you back to the village. He didn’t take you to Caesar first, only because he was with Koba and, even though you and Koba might have matching experiences, he didn’t was to risk Koba scaring you. So he took you to Cornelia. She had been up in the treehouse with Blue eyes and Ash, who were about the same age as you. Maurice also thought that perhaps having someone as young and small as you might help you settle a little. Cornelia had hooted in concern when he brought you in, not from what you were but how you looked. She fused over you, cleaning up some of your cuts and scraped from your escape before talking with Maurice. Blue Eyes and Ash had been very interested in you indeed. You were tiny, fragile. They of course know of human, but you were nothing like what they had heard. So you couldn’t be one of the human. Cautiously, they both stepped close and close, until they sat with you. Their speaking capabilities were better than those of their parents, only because they were learning to speak from birth now. Cornelia agreed with Maurice about you, and how they would keep you here, safe. She called Caesar up, and introduced you to him. Then Rocket. Everyone was concerned about how Koba might react to a human so they all stayed in the room when Koba was brought up. He took one look at you and snarled. But then noticed something on your wrist. Years of studying and listening to humans meant that he knew it was a tattoo, but you were too young. He grabbed your arm and pulled it out to show the number “132” tattooed on your wrist. Like he had seen on many monkeys and apes to mark them when he had been in the facility. he told Caesar this wasn’t a good idea, that you would grow up to be like them. But Caesar had said you would be brought up like an ape. You wouldn’t know that sort of life. Of course, growing up you knew you were human and different. There were many who still had slight reservations about you, but they couldn’t deny you had grown to be very kind and caring. you lived with Maurice, who had become a father to you, teaching you and helping you. Ash and Blue Eyes had taken to you from the very beginning, and that grew into a friendship. The three of you were known to get up to mischief whenever you could. But it got harder when you realised that Caesar, Maurice and Rocket were close as well, and there was no playing them off each other. With Blue Eyes being Caesars son, it also came with a little more protection. but, you were happy. Maurice had said he could have never predicted how well you would thrive in the ape village. Even Koba was kind to you. Some days he was a little more nastier than normal and you were the one to bare the brunt, but for the most part, he might have even cared for you. He certainly took a more protective stance over you when Maurice told him the sort of abuse you had endured during the experiments. Maurice and Rocket had been the ones to get you human things that you might need from the city. Clothes and such as well as anything they thought you might need. As you grew older, you would travel to the city that was now deserted apart from a little cluster of people in the centre. At first, all the apes have been fearful, both for your safety and if you would come back. But you returned with Ash, Blue Eyes and Luca (who was tasked with protecting you all). You had a bag filled with items that you had found. Package food, clothes, blankets and other thing. From then on, you would go to the city once a month to look for your own supplies. You never went near the humans, and only Maurice, Blue Eyes and Caesar knew why. They scared the hell out of you. You, Blue Eyes and Ash sat at the river. Well, you sat while the two of them fished with the spears. They would bicker, comparing fish sizes and you would play mediator between the two, laughing the entire time. While you could communicate in sign language perfectly, you preferred to speak while they would move between the two depending on the subject. For example, while Ash made fun off Blue Eyes for missing a target, he would holler and hoot with laughter while signing what an idiot Blue Eyes was. You giggled, pulling your blanket up a little, a cold wind sweeping off the water and into the forest. the boys came back from the river, sitting either side of you as they counted their catch, but you felt yourself leaning more towards Blue Eyes than Ash. Even though you were close friends with Ash, you and Blue Eyes had an unmistakeable bond between you both. Plus he was warmer. a hoot interrupted your silences as Ash turned and looked back towards the village with a sigh and turning back to you and signing. “I have to go back. Helping father with meat.” He rolled his eyes, making it clear he didn’t want to. “that’s okay, I think we’re going to try find out what up towards the end of the river.” You smiled, know how Ash didn’t really like having to walk far for little reward. Ash hooted a goodbye before leaving, taking both his and Blue Eyes catches back with him. You packed away your blanket in your rucksack you carried around with you. It was a habit of yours. You always had a set of dry clothes, a water bottle, a blanket and a few bits and pieces. Blue Eyes stood and waited for you, smiling when you jumped up. Even when he slouched over slightly, he was still taller than you. If he ran in his hands and feet, you were taller than him but that was rare. The two of you walked about three miles, following the river for the best part of 2 hours. It was nice, until the heavens opened. In the space of about 20 minutes, it went from being a fair day to pouring down. The two of you ran for cover at a cliff nearby that had caves in the bottom. You knew they were there because you and Blue Eyes had found them before. Ducking inside, you let out an exasperated sigh. “Looks like we’ll be stuck here till this clears off, Blue.” You said as you looked up at the sky which had went from a greyish white to dark grey mixed with black in some areas. You often called Blue Eyes Blue. The sign for blue eyes was a quick but pronouncing it was different. But he liked it becuase it made him feel special to you. the sky lite up as lightning strikes in the distances followed by a loud boom which made you jump and back away from the entrance. It was getting late, and the sun would set in an hour or so, leaving you in complete darkness. Luckily, Blue found dry wood at the back of the cave and you had a lighter on you, so you were able to make a fire. But no matter how close you sat to it, you never seemed to fully warm up. As the sun set, it only got colder and colder. You had taken off your clothes, leaving you only in underwear and the blanket you had. It was only slightly damp, after all. You ended up sitting against the wall with the blanket pulled up to your neck, shivering. “Change?” Blue suggested, his eyes darting to the bag you carried. “Those clothes are soaked too.” You shook your head, wondering if you could somehow water proof the bag to stop this happening again. Blue was almost completely dry now, and he had the added warmth of his fur. One thing that always worried him was how fragile you could be. Maurice had warned him about how easy it might be for you to break a bone or break your skin. He tried his best to protect you as much as he could. “Will you get sick?” Blue moved closer to you, worried beyond belief. If you got sick, and they couldn’t treat you, you might have to go back to the humans. And no one wanted that. “I don’t know.” You shrugged, your teeth chattering together. Blue looked out into the night. It would only get colder. While it was still raining, it wasn’t nearly as bad as earlier. He wondered about trying to get you back to the village but leaving the fire would be a bad idea. Moving closer to you, he sat right beside you. You immediately felt the warmth of his skin against your arm, making you cuddle into his side. Blue was quick to move his arm around you and you were pulled against him. You reached out your hand, you let your fingers brush the fur on his side, enjoying the warmth and companionship he always offered. Blue moved his free hand to cover your own, feeling how cold your hands were in comparison to his own. You moved the blanket over his own lap as you scooted as close as you could, the material dropping away from your neck, but you didn’t mind nor care. “Thank you.” You whispered to him, your eyes heavy. The warmth was slowly but surely heating you up and you were beginning to get tired. It had been a long day and your body was sore. With in seconds, you had drifted off. ---------------time skip--------------- When you woke, the sun was rising over the hills. You could see that the storm from the night before had all but gone. The fire had went out during the night but you could see from where you were that both sets of your both sets of your clothes were dry which gave you a burst of relief. At some point in the night, Blue had fallen asleep with you leaning on his chest. His arms were hooked around you protectively and his chin was resting on top of your head. In the distance, you heard a familiar hooting. “Blue.” You move a little, your voice cracking from not being used. “Blue?” He stirred on your second call, lifting his head. You looked up at him only to see he was now resting the back of his head against the wall and had fallen back asleep. “Blue?” you couldn’t, giving him a playful push as you sat up. This time, his eyes opened and blinked. He never was one of the first ones awake. “I think they’re looking for us.” You nod to the opening of the cave and then heard another hoot. Blue moved the blanket off him and got to his feet. He walked to the mouth of the cave then then let out a few loud hoots. It was a quick way of telling them you were both okay and heading back. Because of the storm last night, any hoots would have been muffled and not heard. You got to your feet, leaving the blanket on the floor as you gather your clothes and put on the spares from yesterday. You didn’t notice Blue glance back at you, making sure you were okay. “How did you sleep?” You asked, curiously. Blue didn’t use blankets because he didn’t need them at night. The huts that were built were normally warm with small fires. Young babies sleep in with their parents for a few years to get their warmth but then they get their own little hut right beside their parents. Blues was just under the large tree, which he preferred. And it was closer to you since yours was only a hut away. “Well.” Blue answered, but the way he moved his neck suggested he was suffering a little. “Do you think ive convinced you to sleep with covers?” you giggle, dropping to your knees so you could pack your bag. “maybe.” He chuckled, knowing that you slept with a whole load of blankets over you. There were a few times he came to walk you and you had already left but he couldn’t tell from the massive pile. The two of you set off back towards the village. You were sniffing slightly, but nothing too bad. ---------time skip ----------- When you both got back, everyone fussed over you. Cornelia held Blue eyes in her arms, scolding him for not coming back. Maurice made sure you were okay and not hurt. Even Koba popped his head in to make sure you were both fine. After the excitement of your return died down, the village fell back into its normal routine for the day. You helped Maurice with the children and speaking while Blue, Ash and Caesar went out with the others to hunt. Towards the end of the day, you called to Maurice that you were going to quickly go into the city for an hour. He wasn’t thrilled that you would be going alone after what happened last night, but you assured him you would be back within the hour. you knew the way like the back of your hand and went straight to a store which use to sell furnishings. You had gotten all your pillows and blankets from there. You quickly found a nice, deep blue blanket. It was soft to the touch and you quickly grabbed it and put it in your back before returning to the village. You were back before the hunting party, which was certainly a bonus. If Ash and Blue came back and found out you had gone to the city, they probably would have come to find you. but you were first back. You went to your hut with the new blanket, knowing that Blue would probably come see you after anyway. He liked to brag about his hunt without Ash since Ash liked to point out every time he over exaggerated stuff. Sur enough, as soon as you heard Spears hoots, Blue was coming into your hut. You laughed to yourself, amused that your own prophecy came true. While the rest ate in the communal area, you and Blue stayed inside. Maurice had said he wanted you to stay warm tonight and send food across to you. He even made sure it was your favourite. With the stone plates placed to the side, you decided to give Blue his gift. The two of you sat in the centre of the room round the small fire pit. You pulled your bag closer and pulled out the blanket. “A thank you, for last night.” You smile as you gave it to Blue. He smiled a little but then it dropped. “What?” “Doesn’t smell like you.” Blue frowned a little, as if confused. “Well, no. I went to the city to get it.” You couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed he didn’t like it. Until an idea dawned in your mind. “I could keep it for a bit. Or you could take one of mine?” You nodded to your bed, which was always messy with quilts, pillows and covers. The sight made Blue chuckle fondly. You got to your feet, going over to your bed and grabbing a quilt. “What about this one?” You asked, holding it out as Blue followed and shook his head. “too heavy.” He signed. “This one?” You grabbed a small blanket you normally used just for your feet and legs. “small.” He signed. “You’re impossible.” You roll your eyes and grab a blanket, throwing it over him. He hooted in laugher and you new he was just doing it to wind you up. He pulled the blanket off his head. “ill keep this one.” He holds it up in his left hand while signing with his right. “actually, ive decided I don’t want to give you one.” You grab the blanket and pull it away from him. there was a brief moment where the two of you looked at each other. That playful spark in your eyes was one Blue would never get tired of seeing before he dove at you. you fell back on to your bed as you tried to hold the blanket up over your head and as far away from Blue as possible. But you were laughing too hard and he was easily able to grab it out of your hand. Blue Eyes adored your laugher. In fact, he adored every part of you. It was easy to see that. You sat up, your laugher dissolving as you calmed yourself down. “Fine. But I want something of yours.” You pointed at him. “I thought it was a gift.” he signs, the smirk on his face telling you he was challenging you. “No, that one was a gift.” You pointed to the blue one on the floor. “But you didn’t want it because it didn’t smell like me.” “Don’t have anything.” He signed with a shrug that reeked of smugness and you knew he was lying. “apart from warmth.” “Well, I’ll take that.” You raise an eye brow at him as he looked at you in surprise. He drops his gaze, a soft smile playing on his lips. Moving over so you were in front of him, he looked back to you. “So we keep each other warm?” He asks, his voice low and gruff as his eyes met your own. All you could do was nod. Blue ducked his head, his lips touching against yours. The second they touched, your body felt like it was on fire. Kissing was such an intimate gesture in the village. It was a sign of trust and complete devotion. It was rare to see anyone kiss because of these reasons. Pressing your forehead against another’s was certain a way of showing love and caring for another, but this was a lot more intimate. you reach a trembling hand to rest on the back of his neck, feeling the fur as well as the heat coming from his skin. You felt him wrap his arms around you and you were pulled closer to him just before you pull back for a breath. there were so many questions racing through your mind right now. What would the others think if they ever found out? What would happen to you and to Blue Eyes? Would it be accepted? But those thoughts were lost when you opened your eyes to meet his own deep pools of blue. It was in that moment you knew that you didn’t care. “It’s a little cold in here. Could you stay for a bit?” You ask, your voice just above a whisper. Blue nodded but seemed to take your words a little more literally. He moved away from you to put another few bits of wood into the fire pit before returning to you. He pulled all the covers back so you could slip inside before he joined you. You instantly cuddled into his chest, the warmth engulfing you and everything was perfect.
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the-bejeesus · 6 years ago
One Piece Birthdays: Honorable Mentions
     One Piece has hundreds of characters, and over the past year I’ve celebrated the birthdays of only about a few hundred or so of them. So I’d like to take the time to mention every One Piece character without a birthday. Some don’t have birthdays because they’ve debuted too recently, some have no birthdays because they have been forgotten. Some have no birthdays because we haven’t gotten to that yet, even though they’ve existed for a long time and we remember them. To start off with, I will mention every character that exists within the canon that have names. Some you’ll remember. Some you won’t recognize, but if I showed you a picture of them you’d be like “Oh yeah that guy”. And then some of them you won’t have any recollection of, and I can’t blame you for it. Today, we will honor your memories, and hope that one day, Eiichiro Oda gives you a birthday.
Aggie 68
Ahho Desunen IX
Ahho Zurako
Aremo Ganmi
Tsumegeri Guards (Hyota, Brahm, Arrow, and Barrel)
Gyoro, Nin, and Bao
Beer VI
Belo Betty
Blue Fan
Bobby Funk
Super Spot-Billed Duck Squad (Stomp, Ivan X, Cowboy, Bourbon Jr., Kentauros, Hikoichi, and Eyelashes)
Bunny Joe
Capone Pez
Charlotte Amande
Charlotte Anglais
Charlotte Basskarte
Charlotte Bavarois
Charlotte Brownie
Charlotte Cadenza
Charlotte Cabalatta
Charlotte Cinnamon
Charlotte Citron
Charlotte Compote
Charlotte Counter
Charlotte Dolce
Charlotte Dragée
Charlotte Dosmarche
Charlotte Gala
Charlotte Galette
Charlotte Joconde
Charlotte Moscato
Charlotte Myukuru
Charlotte Nusstorte
Charlotte Opera
Charlotte Poire
Charlotte Raisin
Charlotte Snack
Charlotte Yuen
Daddy Dee
Diez Barrels
Donquixote Homing
Drug Peclo
Ducky Bree
Edward Weevil
Eggplant Soldier
Elizabello II
Fen Bock
George Black
Roche Tomson
George Mach
Going Merry
Goldfish Princess
Great Michael
Hack (Human)
Ham Burger
Happa Yamao
Haritsu Kendiyo
Hideo Usaguchi
Medaka Mermaid Quintuplets (Ichika, Nika, Sanka, Yonka, and Yonko Two)
Ichiro Kmaguchi
Ishigo Shitemanna
Jean Ango
Jew Wall
Joy Boy
Kelly Funk
King Baum
Shodai Ktetsu
Nidai Kitetsu
Sandai Kitetsu
Kozuki Momonosuke
Kozuki Oden
Kumadori Yamanbako
Kurozomi Orochi
Lady Tree
Lip Doughty
Louis Arnote
Macro (Automaton)
Maria Napole
Masked Deuce
Master of the Waters
Mikio Itoo
Miss Catherina
Mr. 13
Miss Friday
Miss Merry Christmas
Miss Monday
Miss Mother's Day
Miss Saturday
Miss Thursday
Miss Tuesday
Mizuta Madaisuki
Mizuta Mawaritosuki
Donquixote Mjosgard
Mountain Ricky
Mr. 4
Mr. 6
Mr. 7
Mr. 9
Mr. 10
Mr. 11
Mr. 12
Mr. Beans
Mr. Love
Mr. Mellow
Mr. Shimizu
Mukkashimi Tower
Mummy Mee
Negikuma Maria
Noble Croc
Charlotte Noisette
Nora Gitsune
Nugire Yainu
Octopus Mash
Outlook III
Pudding Pudding
Queen Mama Chanter
Risky Brothers
Risky Brothers (zombies)
Yeti Cool Brothers (Rock, Scotch)
Rolling Logan
Samurai Batts
Scopper Gaban
Shandia Chief
Tank Lepanto
Terry Gilteo
Thalassa Lucas
Tomato Gang
Unforgivable Mask
Victoria Cindry
Willie Gallon
Yukichi Skull
    I used the names that they are given on the wiki, as opposed to their Official English names, if they even have one. I did this so that you can simply search their names on the One Piece Wiki and learn about them, if any interest you. However, a couple of them are so obscure that they don’t even have their own pages, in which case you will only be able to fine them here.
  Next we will honor all non-canon characters. These characters appeared in filler, movies, specials, OVAs, one-shots, video games, or any other material that was officially made but not part of the manga. These characters are gaurunteed to never get a birthday, and that is a curse they bear. Now some non-canon characters, such as Gion and Tokikake, debut in non-canon and then later appear in canon, making them canon characters, and thus giving them a chance to have a birthday. However, this is such a rare case, that I wouldn’t count on it, especially for non-canon characters that debuted years ago.
All-Hunt Grount
Ant De Bonham
Bad One Gracie
Bald Parrot
Bear King
Billy (Dandit)
Billy (Cook)
Billy (Pirate)
Bonney (Non-cannon)
Boo Jack
Boo Kong
Brynndi World
Carol Masterson
Count Times
Daddy Masterson
DJ Gappa
Doom Guardian
Doran (Filler)
Double Down
Drake (Filler)
El Drago
Eric Dow
Evil Guardian
Evil Master Beast
Gild Tesoro
Gowns Brothers
Harry (Fishman)
Harry (Human)
Henna Oyag
Honey Queen
Jimmy Myers
Kau Ra Kau
Kent Beef Jr.
Killer Giant
Koba K
Lambor Bukini
Leo (Filler)
Lily Carnation
Lily Enstomach
Long Long
Mad Treasure
Marley Brothers
Moray Eel Brothers
Myskina Acier
Myskina Olga
Naomi Drunk
Nelson Royale
Panz Fry
Parrot DJ
Patrick Redfield
Pin Joker
Psycho P
Raise Max
Randolph (Non-Canon)
Rapanui Pasqua
Rice Rice
Rocky Hattari
Shimoi Zappa
Shuraiya Bascùd
Skunk One
Stansen (Filler)
Wadatsumi (Game)
Wild Joe
Willy (Fishman)
Yoko (Water 7)
Zau Ra Zau
    Lastly, I want to honor all characters, canon and non-canon, with no names. The majority of these characters are just extras that only appeared in one panel or shot. But there’s a couple that are actually memorable, such as that one guy that was in Spandine’s group, or the masked CP-0 members. Some of these people can actually get names eventually. For example, Don Quixote Mjosgard was a nameless character for the longest time, until in the Reverie he became important and was given a name. I cannot list these nameless characters, as they have no names, but I do still want to honor them, and hope that one day they will be given names and have birthdays.
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princessofthedarkrealm · 7 years ago
The Ape King’s Raine (A Dawn of the Planet of the Apes story)- Chapter 5 {part 1}
(Caesar x human female)
“Ugh. Shit!”
I pulled my sleeve out of the brambles. The last couple of times I had come out here, I hadn’t minded the thorny bushes all that much, but today…
I still couldn’t believe I had ruined that moment with Caesar yesterday. I had spent the rest of the afternoon and evening waring with myself. Part of me told myself that it had been for the best. What if he had gotten overexcited? I seriously doubted he would have forced himself on me, but still. He could have hurt me. And I know he would have felt bad afterwards. But being in his arms had awoken something in me. Something dangerous. Something that I couldn’t deny any longer.
I wanted him.
And it wasn’t just about sex either, although it would probably be out of this world with him. But no. I wanted more than that. I wanted his attention. I wanted to be the person he turned to for advice. I wanted to know what he dreamed about. What he feared. What his past was like.
I wanted to sit and talk to him while I ran my hand up his arm and along his chest. I wanted to feel his arms around me, holding me against him as if I were the most precious thing in the world.
I snarled in frustration as my sleeve got caught again. To hell with this. I pulled it free and then yanked off my jacket. I tied it around my waist. This was going to hurt. But it wouldn’t be any worse than the other pain that I was feeling—pain that I was starting to have feelings for someone that I didn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell with as anything other than a friend.
And the “other” other pain. This one bringing an actual tear to my eye. Not because of the intensity of it (it wasn’t bad yet, but it would be eventually), but because of the shear aggravation that it was actually there to begin with. I felt another stabbing pain, this one a little worse than the last time. My vision started to blur as I picked more berries. The tiny thorns pulled and picked at my now bare arms, but still I continued. A couple of tears fell. This sucked. I didn’t want to cry in front of the apes. Not because I didn’t want them thinking me weak. I didn’t care about that. I just didn’t want any of them, specifically Iris, to go blabbing to Caesar.
Boy would that be a cute conversation. Yes, Caesar I was crying. Why? Because I think I’m starting to get a crush on you and because I have a painful cyst on one of my ovaries that’s going to get big and rupture if I don’t get medicine for it.
Good Lord I couldn’t even begin to imagine having to explain all of that to him. Ovaries and cysts and the most awkward one out of all of them…birth control.
Ha! If apes could blush, I could guarantee you he would be by the time I was done with him. He would probably run for the woods if he wasn’t already living in them.
The pain started to spread, like I was having cramps. Which I knew I wasn’t. I had just had my period a couple of weeks ago. Oh yeah. Definitely better if me and Caesar didn’t take things further right now. That’s all I needed was to get pregnant. Yeah, for an ape. Jeez had I entered the Twilight Zone, or what?
I felt a hand on my hair and heard a soft hooting sound to my right.
“You alright? Are you sick?” Iris asked.
I gave a weak nod and withdrew my arms. I had been wrapped up in my emotions and attacked the berry bush with savagery. My forearms were all scratched up. A few spots even had a bit of blood on them. Iris lightly touched my arm and when she looked at me, her eyes were filled with sympathy.
That didn’t help. A couple more tears fell.
“I’m sorry. I’m having a really messed up week.”
My voice sounded stronger than I felt. I really didn’t want to abandon them. But I was just going to slow them down anyway.
“Need to leave? Go back to apes?”
That was so the last thing I needed right now. “I think I’ll go for a walk.” She gave me a confused look so I mimed walking with my fingers. “Walk.”
Iris gave an eager nod. “Walking good. Peaceful.”
I gave a shaky laugh. “Yeah. I could use a little peace right now.”
Thorn walked up and started hooting at us.
“Raine hurt. Sick. Going back to camp,” Iris told him.
Now Thorn shot me a concerned look. I held up my hand palm forward.
“I’m fine. I just…I need a break. Rest.” I finished in sign.
“Woods dangerous. I should go with you,” Thorn responded.
I shook my hand back and forth. “No no. Really. I’m fine.”
“Apes not far, Thorn. She will be fine.” Iris smiled at me.
I had to remember to thank Iris later. Of course she would be on my side. Females were the same no matter what species when it came to needing our space. I made off to go back to the village. One of the other males tried to stop me, but Thorn interfered. It was nice to have friends.
Now I just needed to work on getting back in the good graces of the one friend I really needed.
I decided to head back to the apes anyway. There was no need to get myself lost in the woods. I was completely lost in thought when I saw two apes coming towards me from the opposite direction. I recognized them immediately and waved.
Oh shit. Now Caesar’s son would see that I had been crying. This day was just getting more and more lovely.
I planted a smile on my face as Ash and Blue Eyes approached. I stuck my hands in my back cargo pockets, trying to hide my beat up arms.
“Hey, Blue. Ash. Where you guys headed?”
They hooted at me and raised their spears in greeting as they got closer.
“Where you going?” I signed as the got up on me.
“Catch fish. You going back?” Blue asked.
“Wow. Fishing sounds fun. Yeah I was going back to the camp.” I pointed the way they were coming from. “You uh…” I couldn’t finish my words. Damn it I wish Caesar was the one I was talking to instead. I felt my eyes tear up, but quickly blinked it away. Yeah I was ready to talk to Caesar. Not.
I gave the boys a smile. “Can I…come with you?” I shrugged.
Blue and Ash looked at each other. They jabbered and signed for a minute. Finally Blue stepped up to me.
My mouth fell open. “You can talk?”
Blue shrugged. “Speak…some.”
His voice wasn’t near as deep and gruff as Caesar’s, but it had a nice tenor to it. I smiled at him. “Well alright then. I will come.”
So I fell into step with them. Little did I know of the drama that this one simple decision would cause.
“You gave her Cornelia’s nest! Your mate! Do you think so little of her memory?”
Caesar idly glanced up from the fire. He was sitting eating breakfast with Koba and the rest of the council members. But of course Koba had to start trouble.
“I will always love Cornelia. Always miss her. Raine is not my mate. But she could not stay in that cage either.”
“You want to be free to touch her. A human! I see how you look at her.”
Caesar stood, his hands balled into fists. He got in Koba’s face. “You speak to me like this again…you will end up in cage.”
Koba lifted the corner of his lip, displaying his canines. “You are the one in a cage. You just don’t realize it yet.”
Then he stalked out of the cave, leaving an enraged Caesar breathing heavily in his wake.
“Oh come on!”
It took all I had not to kick at the water. Not that it would have done any good. Except scare all the fish. I had tried several times now to spear a fish like Blue Eyes showed me. I didn’t know what I was doing wrong, but I was really starting to get aggravated.
“Feel fish come to you.”
Blues Eyes was so patient. I wish I had that virtue. The only thing I was patient at was when I was the one who was trying to teach someone something.
“That’s easy for you to say. You guys are made to be doing stuff like this,” I commented snidely.
I froze when I felt Blue Eye’s hand on my back.
“Like this,” he signed with his right hand.
He tilted my spear back down towards the water. Then he covered my hand with his own.
“Feel. Wait.”
Unlike his father, his presence and his words were like a balm to me. I tried to calm my center and focus on the water rippling around us. I watched as a fish swam closer to me.
“Wait,” Blue whispered.
I tightened my hands on my spear and my breath quickened.
“Go!” Blue said right as I lunged.
I didn’t hit the fish dead in the center, but it was still a catch. I lifted my spear tip in the air, the fish at the end of it. I grinned at Blue Eyes and he returned the gesture.
“I did it! We did it!” I gave him a one armed hug. He awkwardly patted me on the back. I walked over to Ash. “Ash, look! I finally caught one!”
He hooted excitedly at me.
It was only then that I noticed that the pain in my abdomen had subsided.  Yes the real pain would come eventually. But not today. I grinned at my two new friends.
Not today.
“She just said she was going for a walk. I told Thorn we could let her go.”
Caesar glanced around frantically as if it would make Raine magically appear. All of the berry pickers had returned.
All except for Raine.
He wanted to chastise Iris, or someone. But it would do no good. Raine was a grown woman. But the pickers had been gone for a while. And if Raine had spent very little time with them, she could be anywhere. Luckily Maurice was the voice of reason.
“Caesar, what if you send others out and she comes back? We should wait.”
But what if she ends up further from me?! Caesar wanted to scream.
“What if she is hurt? Iris said Raine was sick. Crying,” Thorn added.
That really got Caesar’s attention.
“Sick?” he both signed and said. He and Thorn both turned to Iris.
“I went to her. She was crying. Her arms had cuts. Blood. From thorns.”
Caesar’s eyes grew wide. Had she cut herself on purpose? Was she that miserable here? It hadn’t seemed like she was, but you could never know with humans.
“I think something is wrong with her. I think she is in pain. But she hides it,” Iris continued.
Caesar was becoming desperate. He wanted her back. Needed her back. Five days. Raine had been with them for five days. How had he come to be attached to her so quickly?
Because she is smart, and beautiful, and strong willed, he reminded himself.
But also human. And repulsed by my touch.
Caesar closed his eyes, willing himself to breathe. He would send out a few. Just a few. To do a quick sweep of the area. And then he would go from there.
He would be damned if he was going to let anything happen to her.
I laughed harder than I had laughed in weeks. Ash was telling me a funny story about when he and Blue Eyes were younger and Ash had dared Blue to poke a hornet’s nest. I could only imagine young Blue hopping and jumping around trying to get away from them.
“That’s messed up,” I said. “You guys are cra-” I yelped when a hand went over my mouth.
Blue pointed with his other hand straight off and to the right. My eyes grew wide when I saw a large grizzly bear. It was off in the distance, but it was sniffing the air. I lifted the string of fish in my hand. Not good. Ash gestured towards himself and Blue released me. The three of us slunk off into the underbrush.
“Must tell Father,” Blue signed.
I nodded nervously. “Oh we are definitely telling Caesar.”
I had never been so happy to get back to the village.
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the-monkeies-girl · 8 months ago
Flame Kissed Skin. ( Caesar x Human!Reader, Planet of the Apes Oneshot. )
and then i said oh my god
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Title: Flame Kissed Skin. Fandom: ( Dawn of the ) Planet of the Apes. Rating: T. ( Implications of mating, sexual themes. ) Pairing: HEAVILY! Implied Caesar x Human!Reader. Words: 3.2K+ Summary: AU where Cornelia died after giving birth to Blue Eyes. What would the Ape King's reaction be to seeing you wearing a dress for the first time? CAESAR MASTERLIST. ●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・●・○・
You scanned the Colony that was flickering with ambient lighting basing from the sweeping bonfire that was in front of you, the speckled torches that spotted along the inside of the Colony border that reminded you of how twinkling Holiday lights would be displayed during the Season. Blaze drenched all across the delicate but harshly torn nature of the wicker baskets that cased around the sides and down the minor cliffside, greeting with happiness at the celebration that took hold for such a successful Hunt. 
Captivating shadows along the fur of many Apes who were taking in their communal aspect of meals, greatly enjoyed and deeply imbued with a sense of respect they had to spend time together. You had not seen anything like it since arriving at the Colony; it was not done after every Hunt but done often enough, you gathered, to keep the spirits up and to keep everyone engaged in building and maintaining the lifestyle that they had enabled since the wiping of Humanity due to the Flu. 
Elk and smaller Game as usual that were freshly roasted and cooked coated the inside of the wicker bowls, free for grazing along with nuts, berries and roots that had been foraged that day by the Female Apes who did not participate in the hunting with their mates or the ones they were destined to be with. You smiled bashfully at Lake and Blue Eyes who were sitting next to you, knowing the truth of the unspoken that rested there and admired with a softened gaze how enthralled in conversation they had been before it turned more sarcastic and fun when Ash and River finally joined. 
You chattered with them, your hand signing rudimentary but you were still grateful that they were able to understand the small funny quips you were alluding to about their endeavors of the day. Sliding your boot-clad feet against the slick rock below your perched seat, you were suddenly flushed with a wall of anxiousness. 
Caesar had not made himself known to your wondering stare. You had lingered a few moments too long on Rocket who was speaking with Luca off a few meters to your left, grinning gratefully at them before turning to the right and seeing nothing of interest except for Koba who’s half a gawk always rode a chill up your spine, enough to cause you to legitimately feel cold despite the flames that were toasting the bare skin that was exposed to the ocean air brought in by the breeze.
Bringing your hand up, you slid the cap of your inch-wide sleeve upwards to the case around your shoulder and lingered your fingers there as you repositioned the strap to stop it from sliding down your arm. You were not one for dresses; they had no purpose in a world that was so harsh and cruel but… Tilting your head to the side, you ran your fingers downwards to play against your kneecaps. You wanted something different; something celebratory for yourself as you were unable to fully appreciate the Hunt that provided the Colony with such pride and abundant food. 
‘Father.’ Blue Eyes signed, flicking his gaze from his core group of friends who he had been raised with, to you for a brief moment and then beyond your smaller shoulder towards the Ape King himself who casted a minor and dancing shadow against the back of your body.
You stiffened, feeling the rounding of his large frame coming to grips next to yours, your ample eyes watching in acute fascination how his thigh muscles shifted, how his feet were able to dexterously hit the ground below to keep his balance as he returned a greeting gesture to Blue Eyes and then to the group of Apes. None of which seemed affected by his sudden appearance, none of them saw Caesar as anything more than their leader; strong and powerful, rightfully so you thought and tried to trail your peering irises towards something else as the Chimp came to sit next to you, slowly. 
Too slowly, you felt like screaming the moment that his fur capsized against the bare skin of your upper arm and you were suddenly cursing inside of your mind for not wearing actual functioning clothing. A dress, stupid decision you muttered, popping your mouth and looking at the fire.
It was red; the deeper shade that resembled more of a blood soak, captivated around the fibers were yellow and pink flowers that reminded you of the ones that grew in the meadow near the Colony. You wondered… Giving some attention to Caesar as he was engaged now with Blue Eyes about the Hunt. You had to wonder if Caesar would notice a detail like that, the small hairs that lined your body rising in anticipation as if you were seeking his validation in the first place.
You could have sworn between the gestures that Father and Son were sharing that Caesar did spot you a few glances. Sweeping his gold and green encrusted eyes against the bare nature of your legs, your feet shuffling inwards a bit out of embarrassment for not having proper shoes but you felt you’d slip and fall on rocks if you tried anything other than your worn-with-time boots.
The way your breathing picked up was noticed by Caesar, the rising and falling of the fabric against your chest pushing the small detailed and faux wooden buttons against the curve of your breasts so immaculately, like they would burst if he stared at them too intently, that he found it difficult to focus momentarily. 
There was a silent goodbye between them all, something you had not noticed in your crazed fit to ignore the way that your mind was racing with thoughts about the Ape next to you. Blue Eyes, Lake, River and Ash left you, your eyes watching their forms before you glanced over, trying to push down the lingering notion that you needed to say goodbye as well and trail to your grounded nest for the night as well. 
“Have not…” The tips of your ears pricked at the sound of a deeply rich and catapulting baritone and you twisted your body minutely, appreciating now the coldness of the rock you were sitting on against the heat on the back of your thighs. “Seen Human… Clothes… Like that… Long time.”
“Yeah, well.” You chuckled nervously and rolled your shoulders as soon as you felt Caesar’s ogle on them, the falling and shifting as your body subconsciously drifted towards his own, leaning inwards to get his utmost attention. It was like your own actions weren’t yours, there was nothing stopping you from gravitating towards Caesar as heat ran against your cheeks, against the bottoms of your eye sockets and ran all the way to the very tip of your ears.
“Wanted to wear something nice. Fo-For the Celebration! I’ve never seen the other Apes so… Celebratory.” That was stupid, why did I just say that? You looked at him from the corner of your eye and could see the huff of his broad chest. Was he… laughing? Swallowing hard, you drew your mouth into a jerked grin and muttered, “We don’t really get the weather here for these sorts of clothes, you know? I-I don’t have fur like you guys do so I stay pretty bundled up…---” Your voice tapered into nothingness as Caesar shifted once more beside you, bringing his form in the few inches it took until his bicep was kissing against yours fully, smothering at your softer skin was coarse fur that made you want to roll your eyes back in ecstasy. Yeah… You had to admit and leered down at the contact that was made. Yeah… You wanted his attention. The dress. Everything about it, you wanted to crawl into Caesar’s lap and let him feel your bare thighs around his muscular and thinner waist, holding onto him for dear life with your entire body.
“It is…” There was a moment of pause as he trudged through his limited dictionary that seemed to expand day in and day out the more time he spent with you. “Nice to see… Something different.”
A tiny shudder that was not caused by cold ran down your body and rested itself between your legs, and with the motion you made to bring your knees together to subdue that, Caesar was blessed with a shocking state of your scent. There was no mistaking it, the Ape King thought to himself and brought his eyes down to look at your face from his peripheral vision.
Downwards, dripping like slow moving honey against the bark of a tree, he was able to see the trudges of your sternum as your shoulders were brought together out of innate nerves from being so near to Caesar, there was no denying the waft of arousal that sat itself between you, coating the very tips of his fur that was caressing you in spots. Stiffening at the notion that he could see your bare breasts if he tried hard enough, Caesar drew his glance forward once more. 
“T-Thanks.” You muttered under your breath and drew air into your lungs that stayed stagnant for a split second as if you wanted to suffocate yourself. With the exaltation, the strap that refused to sit in its position against your shoulder fell down once more, reflex kicking in and you went to push it back upwards. Not before Caesar managed, his reaction time being much greater than that of a meager Human.
Hot… Your mouth parted as you looked down. Slow motion, Caesar drew your thin strap up, two thick fingers dancing lightly against the top of your willing skin. The curve of your shoulder cap was paid attention to as Caesar made the action his own, finally setting the strap down in its allotted position before his entire palm skimmed at your shoulder and held on in a ghosting whisper. There was the evident nature that his skin was calloused, but you wanted to hold every part of your body until your nerve endings were fried and you were able to feel nothing else. 
“Thank you…” That did not sound like your voice. It was wistful around the edges, almost desperate in the center. You hated it, eyes hooded as you tried to keep yourself in slacked control but there was nothing keeping you grounded anymore. Nothing anymore as you turned your head fully and felt your cheek brush against the knuckles of the Ape King, tickling at your pores were the less thick bristles of his fur that played along the flatter pieces on the outside of his fingers.
Quickened inhales paired with sharper exhales puffed air onto Caesar’s face, the fur that rode against his collarbones rose at the closeness that he never allowed himself in the first place after Cornelia passed. Something about this though, his eyes meeting yours in a moment of flurried and frenzied attraction, felt… right.
Maybe Caesar was drunk from the celebration; not from sustenance or substances, but from happiness that he never allowed himself to feel at the forefront of his pragmatic mind. Maybe it was the fact that his fellow Apes were indeed prospering beyond what he imagined was possible all those years ago, sitting in front of a rounded window and watching teenagers act as such. Maybe…--- 
Caesar looked down at your neck as you swallowed hard, the enthralling nature of which your jugular shifted all too intoxicating for the Ape King who brought the palm of his hand down to pet along your bicep, maybe he wanted to be those teenagers. Maybe, he wanted to just take you into his nest without reserve and make you his. Over and over and over. Lust was such a Human element in all of this, Caesar was never one to admit that. Caesar never really cared to admit that as he flickered his glance downwards to your thighs and how they bristled at the hem of the dress.
“You have… many… of these?” He gestured with his free hand to your entire shape and how it was filling out the fabric. In most situations, you’d have torn yourself away from the attention, away from the notions that you needed this interaction. But Caesar… Was nothing more than unwavering in how he assured you in your Human aspects that you wanted to cling to when living with other Apes. The Chimp next to you kept motivation strong that you did not lose yourself, that you remained as Human as you could because deep down… 
Drawing your bottom lip in, you shook your head and let a rattling breath escape your lips. Deep, deep down… Caesar liked everything about it. The wash of your hair in the flames, how it bounced the outline, the casts of playful silhouettes against the actual garment of the crimson dress, your fingers calling themselves in and out on your lap, relaxing into a palm before crimping into a fist; racking with nerves and fears that were not known consciously but always lingered in the back of your mind whenever the Ape King allotted himself the privilege of being so near to you.
“Thi---... This was the only one I was able to find after the Flu hit. At least, the only one that fits me.”
“Fits well.” The chortle that came from the depths of your throat was nothing more than a nightmare as you nodded, flushing your entire body with heat that rivaled even the Sun blisters. It took nearly all your will power to remind yourself that Caesar was like that; blunt and brash, oftentimes to the point of obliviousness at how his words would come across. 
But this, you came to a slow stopped giggle and allowed the delectation of staring at him once more, his side profile was just as stern and intimidating as it was the first time you admired it, but there was a softening around his browline that you figured was due to the light of the fire in front of you, why else would Caesar give you such a vulnerable look at him? You tried to argue but found fascination in it otherwise as your pointer fingers twitched out of desire to touch his brows to see if they would soften further. 
The drooling of the lightened brown that rode against the fur that lined the outside of his hardened features, the minute detailing of graying fur that was spotting through. The rise and fall of his flatter nose, calm and collected… You saw nothing that indicated that he meant the words as anything less than a compliment. Try to twist it as you may, Caesar’s stance said as he finally withdrew the hand that was near your bicep and replaced the contact with undiluted eye contact, his full face now painted in clear vision for you, I meant what I said with all the intentions it implies. 
Shuddering a bit, Caesar took note of that and muttered the smallest, “Not much… Fabric to keep you… shielded.” “Yeah… I uhm… I forgot to bring my… jacket…” You uttered in response, absolutely lost in the way that he was gawking into your stare. Dominant were his green irises, submissive were the golden flecks that were resting within that danced along with the oranges and yellows that cased against his glazed orbs from the fire. 
Stop, you wanted to say and parted your mouth, Caesar drinking up the taste of your air for you were no more than a few centimeters away from a forehead brisk, stop looking at me like that, Caesar… But your body had its change of heart, telling the truer intentions of your choice of apparel as you scooted inwards a bit more to captivate your senses against the heat of his body, Caesar relenting whatever self-control he had as he brought a hand up to rest against your bare shoulder once more. 
A near moan escaped your parted lips as he dragged his heated palm down and trenched the strap he had situated for you right along with it as you swallowed hard, to no avail and there was no lump resting in the back of your esophagus. “Cae-” “Can… Walk you back to… nest if you would… Like.  Get… warm there?”
There were heavy implications in his words that were now pairing with his actions as you nodded only wordlessly, watching with bated desire as Caesar stood in front of you, your eyes carding themselves down his frame and stiffening at the pure stance of power he had once he laid his entire weight on his proportionally shorter legs. Large hand out, you stared at it and let the other sleeve of your dress fall, beckoning to the Ape King your answer without having to say anything as you were now exposing the full scape of your collarbones for him, imagination running rampant at the prospect of laying bare bite marks against the delicate skin and snapping at the bones below. 
There was an answer to the flittering question that had yet to be asked as you dived your hand into his, feeling a shock down your fingers into your wrist as Caesar picked you up carefully, his own gaze falling down at your feet to make sure you were not going to slip. 
“W-Wish I had fur sometimes.” You joked and felt fleeting like a leaf as Caesar began helping you trail towards your smaller home, nestled on the ground rather than high up in suspended air as was the preferred way of the Apes of the Colony. Glancing over your shoulder, you were thankful it appeared that they all had returned to their own homes, the bonfire now being left to die as the night trailed into pitch blackness. 
How would you explain to any of them… That Caesar was whisking you away, his hand pressing against your hip as you hopped down a small step, nearly crunching yourself against his chest as a result. How would you explain this to anyone? Gasping quietly, you felt the bunching of your dress around your waist as Caesar grasped you even tighter and pulled you nearly flushed against his barrel chest.
“Alright? Humans… so unbalanced.” 
That was a joke, you recognized with an ample look of amusement swirling now with the future ideas of how Caesar was going to keep you warm once you arrived at your hut if you were feeling so bold to invite him in. But, the idea was already planted, it was Caesar who suggested to get you warm out of courtesy of your Humanness. You got cold, he knew that. You got cold, you tried to ignore that as you were quick to rationalize the attraction that was suddenly present but had been there since you first met. “I-I’m okay…” You swallowed hard, looking at his pectorals and lining the trace of his scar. Tucking your fingers into his furred forearms, you moved them inwards as if to give the silent permission that he was allowed to touch you, that the dress that laid against you as a second skin of sorts was nothing more than an obstacle at this point. “Y-You don’t need to walk me all the way back to my hut, you know. I-I’m pretty good seeing in the d---”
Caesar chuffed at that, the sound as encompassing as ever as you also felt it against your chest coming from deep inside of his diaphragm and the familiar wash of arousal cased between your legs and drenched Caesar's entire self, eyes dilating as he muttered, almost flirtatious around the edges as you had never heard before.
“Never said… I was taking you back… to your nest.”
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hotchocolatefanfics · 4 years ago
Fic premise: Koba ends up adopting an orphan baby bonobo, and needs Caesar and Cornelia's help to raise the little one!
Wow, that DOES sound like something I’d write! XD Maybe with a bit of implied Caba or Caesar x Cornelia x Koba mixed in it. :D
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hotchocolatefanfics · 5 years ago
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I could not resist drawing something for this series. I guess this is the offical promo. XD The title is meant to be a mix of the Planet og The Apes title and of Disney’s signature. I don’t think I did them right but they aren’t meant to look perfect anyways.
As I only wrote two one-shots on this series, allow me to explain it:
Planet of The Disney Apes is a series of humrous one-shots about our favorite PoTA characters (mostly characters from War and Dawn but characters from the original movies, the 2001 remake and from Rise may be mentioned or make appearences).
The Cast (or roles of the characters-titles may change as the series go):
Caesar - Stressed out King
Cornelia - Everybody’s Mom Friend
Bad Ape - Beloved Cinnamonroll
Rocket - Cookie Baking Master
Tinker - Damage Control
Ash - Boy Who Will Never Grow Up
Lake - Sweet as Pie, Tough as Nails
Spear - Cool Dude
Blue Eyes - Pretty Boy
Maurice - Always Reading Bookworm
Luca - Laidback Muscleman
Koba - Public Enemy Number One
Red - Registered Jerk
Winter - Bitterly Loved Cowerd
Nova - Little James Bond 
Cornelius - Innocent Trouble Maker
Colonel McCullough - Evil Lunatic 
Preacher - Wannabe Evil Peacekeeper
Grey - The Guy Who Says “Oh come on!”
Stone - Chilled Donut
Malcolm - Friend Bear
The Running Gags:
- Shippings. As I wanted this series to be funny and have something for everyone who reads it, I decided to include all shippings (so Caba, Caesar x Koba, Red x Winter, Caesar x Colonel McCullough and so on). All of these will be made more humorous than anything romantic-you don’t even have to take any of them seriously (such as the battle for Caesar’s love between McCullough and Koba for example).
- Bad Ape loves tea parties, Rocket bakes cookies, and Winter collects My Little Ponies. For the sake of cuteness!
- Caesar lives on coffee. Because, well, everything that happened in War.
- “Where’s the TV remote?!”. I’m not sure if this will be a recurring gag but it has been the plot of two one-shots (one of which is still being written).
- Everybody hates Disney “Everything is Disney’s fault!’’. This joke comes from Disney now owning the franchise (hence McCullough holding a Mickey plush with the head ripped off). This joke is NOT meant to offend anyone who loves and/or works for Disney and is only meant to be a nod at the concerns or mixed feelings that some PoTA fans have towards Disney owning Planet of The Apes (such as the fear that they may screw up the reboot series). This gag may change depending on what Disney plans to do with the series (meaning the attitude may become positive if any future PoTA movies live up to the reboot’s standards).
- Thade is batsh!t crazy. Remember how crazy and weird the TB remake movie was? Whenever the characters make any appearences in the series, you can expect some unique craziness.
And one more detail, no OC’s! By this, I mean I don’t include my OC’s or make OC’s for this series as I wanted it to be about the canon characters and only them. Maybe some side characters will appear (such as neighbors, police, doctors and so on) but the main focus would always be on the PoTA characters.
I will be submitting most one-shots on AO3 but some may end up on Tumblr or on DA as well. 
You are also more than welcomed to write your own fanfics in this universe as well! And while I don’t use OC’s when I write in this universe, you are allowed to use yours in your own work. All I ask is remember to tag it ‘Planet of The Disney Apes’ and credit me for the universe. 
Also, check out this awesome fanfic my friend @klushund​ wrote for Planet of The Disney Apes! https://archiveofourown.org/works/23737036
Planet of The Disney Apes series and Art are (c) Me
All characters in the series are (c) Planet of The Apes/Disney
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hotchocolatefanfics · 5 years ago
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Two possible story ideas...At this time I don’t know if I’ll make these one-shots OR if I’ll write full on fanfics of these but, here ya go. 
(1) His Dark Obsession (unoffical title-everything undecided right now!)
What if Colonel McCullough’s desire to defeat Caesar took an unexpected turn...What if, in trying to study and learn more about the Ape King, McCullough’s fascination with his enemey became romantic? And he kills Cornelia so he could have Caesar for himself and later, blackmail and force Caesar to marry him threatning the lives of the entire Ape Colony if he didnt?
Sound familiar? It was one of the plots from the Whumptober one-shots I did back in October. I really grew to like this idea (kind of a dark fantacy/altnerate plot for War)...This is also based on the Colonel McCullough x Caesar crack shipping but it’s less humor and more crazy/dark/serious. 
(2) Burning Rage (this idea is an old one: I remeber talking about it with @lavish-witchling​ a while back but I don’t know if I ever posted anything on it. Title is unoffical!)
In a sort of Frozen AU for Dawn, what if Caesar and Koba were both adopted by Will? And Koba had fire powers?
All I can really say about this one is the cast: 
Koba as Elsa
Caesar as Anna 
Malcolm as Kristoff (though no romance would happen between him and Caesar!) 
Will and Caroline as the queen and king of Arendele (I know their names I just don’t know how to spell them and I don’t want to look it up)
Red as Olaf/snow monster (my thought was what if, like Olaf and the snowmonster in Frozen, Red was created by Koba’s fire powers-I couldn’t resist, ok?!)
And maybe Dreyfus as Hans(?) Also this would not be a Caba fanfic but more of a ‘Caesar and Koba being foster brothers and being brothers longer than they were between Rise and Dawn’ kind of thing (I had a one-shot idea similar to this but never finished it or posted it >.< I swear I’ll do that someday).
Both of these stories are in their infancy stage as I have no clear plot for them (the Frozen AU in particular may be a more ‘mix and match’ game with Frozen’s and Dawn’s plots and the His Dark Obsession would likely include miner to major plot changes to War). 
You can expect pictures deplicting these ideas in the future!
All characters mentioned in this post are either (well technically they belong to Disney but) Frozen or Planet of The Apes 
Art is (c) Me
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hotchocolatefanfics · 6 years ago
PoTA Game
Ape Birthday Activity Game
Made this and posted it to Amino, but felt like sharing it on Tumblr now that I look at it. XD
Have fun fellow PoTA Fans!
Pick The day of your birth:
1 - going on a date
2 - singing karaoke
3 - going to the movies
4 - eating ice cream
5 - going to the beach
6 - playing video games
7 - going to Disneyland (or other amusement park)
8 - baking cookies
9 - taking a selfie
10 - riding a horse
11 - surfing
12 - dancing
13 - snuggling on the couch
14 - kissing
15 - fishing
16 - building a fort
17 - having a nice cup of coffee (or other casual beverage)
18 - Going to Hawaii
19 - hunting
20 - Camping
21 - making arrows
22 - having an awkward conversation
23 - getting married (to)
24 - dressing up as a princess and having a tea party
25 - steeling guns
26 - jumping through fire
27 - steeling food and water (for)
28 - having a pillow fight
29 - professing my love (to)
30 - dumping cold water (on)
31 - shooting
Now pick the MONTH of your birth:
January - Caesar
February - Maurice
March - Rocket
April - Luca
May - Lake
June - Cornelia
July - Blue Eyes
August- Ash
September - Pope
October - Koba
November - Red
December- Winter
And finally, the first initial of your first name:
A - I wanted to
B - I had no choice
C - I wanted revenge
D - It was a matter of life and death
E - He/she made me do it
F - I find him/her very attractive
G - I was bored
H - I was sad
I - I love him/her
J - why not?!
K - I was hungry
L - My other friends were busy
M - I miss him/her
N - It was the weekend
O - He/She betrayed me
P - It sounded fun
Q - It was hot outside
R - I don’t like my leader or his rule
S - I was lonely
T - I like his/her company
U - I want to start a family with him/her
V - Best friends stick together!!!
W - I didn’t think it through
X - I hate humans
Y - blew up the AO base and caused an avalanche
Z - I’m possessed
And now say it all together!!!
“I’m going to Hawaii with Caesar because I miss him!”
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