#Knuckles needs a hug
cc-cobalt-1043 · 8 months
Heading home:
Set after the final battle, Tom and Maddie are excited they have more kids, Sonic is happy to finally find friends like him, Knuckles is worried and Tails is just tired.
After taking down Robotnik and helping clear some of the damage done to Green Hills the Wachowski family headed home.
Tom and Maddie were upfront in the car and Knuckles, Sonic and Tails were in the back.
Knuckles was firmly clutching the Master emerald in his hands as though frightened if he let it go it would disappear, Tails was squashed comfortably between Sonic and Knuckles, fast asleep having been worn out by the chaos of the battle, and Sonic was sitting with an arm wrapped around Tails, letting the Fox snuggle into him as much as the car seat allowed him, Sonic was thinking about everything that happened over the last two days.
Robotnik had returned and was defeated, the master emerald was both real and in their possession, and now Knuckles and Tails were here.
Mind you Sonic was certainly grateful they were here, not cause they helped him and literally saved his life, but because of the company.
As much as he'd loved being an only child, it could be lonely sometimes, with Tails and Knuckles, that was Likely gonna change.
Sonic was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of Tails stirring next to him.
"Sonic, where are we going?" Tails mumbled, the Kit's voice laced heavily with sleep and he looked ready to konk out again any moment.
"We're going home pal." Sonic simply said gently stroking the Kit behind his ears.
"Home, tha' sounds nice." Tails mumbled before yawning and falling right back to sleep.
Sonic chuckled then looked over at Knuckles who was still stone silent.
"You okay there Knucklehead?" Sonic asked.
Knuckles nodded.
"I am fine hedgehog, I am just...thinking." Knuckles said.
"If it's about Egghead, don't worry we won't see him again, or at least for a while." Sonic said.
"I'm aware, but that is not what is on my mind." Knuckles said.
"Then what is it?" Sonic asked curious.
"I helped Robotnik to acquire the emerald and also hurt you, this town and the Fox, will I truly be accepted into your...family?" Knuckles asked.
"Course you will, Eggman manipulated you and used you into doing those things." Sonic said.
"Besides this family always seems to meet in some weird way." He added.
"It's true, when I first met Sonic I shot him with a bear tranquilliser." Tom said.
"And the Fox hit me with a car on our first meeting." Knuckles added casually.
Tom and Maddie both gaped at Knuckles then at Tails.
"Oh my God, are you OK?" Maddie asked him worriedly.
"I am fine, I have quite a strong body so the car didn't do anything serious, besides he was saving Sonic?" Knuckles said.
"Yeah, he even drove it off a cliff to save me." Sonic added.
"I was wondering where that went." Tom muttered under his breath.
He looked at Tails.
"Remind me not to get on his bad side." He chuckled.
He looked back at Knuckles.
"But don't worry about anything Knuckles, you're part of this family now and if GUN or Robotnik want you back they'll have to step over my cold, dead body." Tom said.
"Same here." Maddie nodded.
For the first time since meeting him Sonic thought he saw a smile on the Echnida's face.
"I certainly hope it doesn't come to that, but I appreciate the sentiment behind it." Knuckles said nodding.
After a while of driving in silence they finally arrived home.
Tom, Maddie and Knuckles all climbed out while Sonic coaxed a deep asleep Tails awake.
"Huh, wh're we." Tails yawned not looking too pleased to be woken up and clearly wanting to go back to sleep.
"We're home pal, but I need you to get up." Sonic said.
Tails grumbled slightly from tiredness but with some assistance from Sonic he climbed out the car.
Sonic took in the kit and saw just how exhausted he really looked, his tails and ears dropped slightly and he could barely keep his eyes open.
"Tired bud?" Sonic asked slightly teasingly.
Tails just yawned his tails flicking slightly as he tried to stifle said yawn behind his hand.
"Yeah." Tails added after a moment.
"I can tell." Sonic chuckled giving Tails a scratch behind the ear before taking ahold of the Kit's hand.
"C'mon bud, let's get you some shut eye." Sonic smiled and Tails nodded too tired to reply.
Meanwhile Tom, Maddie and Knuckles were inspecting the damage.
"All in all it's not too bad, we can definitely stay tonight, but we should probably have this fixed soon." Maddie asked.
"I'll get started then." Knuckles said.
"What do you mean pal?" Tom asked confused.
"I have inflicted this damage upon your home and I should be the one to fix it." Knuckles said.
"Honey, that wasn't your fault, that horrible man manipulated you into doing those things." Maddie said.
"But I need to attone for my actions." Knuckles said.
"You already have Knuckles by saving the town, that's more than enough." Tom said.
Knuckles nodded, though he didn't seem fully convinced.
"Now, let's show you guys where you'll be staying for the night." Maddie said.
"We can stay?" A tiny voice asked.
The others turned to see Sonic and Tails behind her, Tails was looking at her curiously.
"Of course Baby, we'd love you to stay with us." Maddie said.
"Yeah kid, you're more than welcome." Tom nodded.
Tails nodded and yawned heavily leaning into Sonic's side.
"Okay, I think that's the signal for bedtime, come on guys." Tom said.
They went inside the house and after being greeted (and licked) by Ozzie they went up to Sonic's room.
Tails gaped in awe as they went into the room.
"Wow, it's so cool in here." Tails said looking around the room in awe.
"Okay guys, get yourselves ready for bed, it's been a long day." Tom said.
Sonic climbed into his bed and Tails went over to the beanbag chair and climbed onto it, humming contently as he lay down on it, apparently finding it comfortable enough.
"We've got a spare sleeping bag in the garage Knuckles, if you'd like it, looks like Miles has already claimed the bean bag.
Knuckles looked over and indeed Tails was stretched out on the bean bag in a ball, mumbling contently as he slept.
Nearby Sonic looked over with a very fond look, Knuckles couldn't help but feel the same.
Knuckles looked back at Maddie.
"Yes please, that would be very nice." Knuckles nodded.
Maddie nodded and soon returned with said sleeping bag, as well as a blanket which she gently draped over Tails.
Maddie then set up the sleeping bag for Knuckles who after thanking her climbed in.
"Goodnight boys, sleep well." Maddie said.
She kissed each of the boys on their foreheads before leaving for Tom's room.
Sonic yawned and stretched out on his bed.
"Night Knux, I hope you like it here." Sonic said.
"Goodnight." Knuckles replied.
Knuckles looked at Sonic, then Tails and with a small smile closed his eyes.
"I think I will." Knuckles mumbled to himself.
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knuckie-head · 2 years
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It’s easy to forget
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dragonofthedepths · 2 years
Penance (Be Gay Do Crime) 25.1.23
Sonic gameverse. Sonic & Knuckles & Tails as brothers.
After failing the protect the Master Emerald, allowing it to fall into the hands of Dr. Robotnik and crashing Angel Island as his first introduction to larger Mobius, one Knuckles the Echidna is sent through a kangaroo court and sentenced to prison.
A couple years later, one Sonic the Hedgehog (accompanied by one Miles “Tails” Prower) breaks him out, convincing the Guardian he’s doing more good by going after the Emerald to retrive it then by sitting in cell doing nothing and being abused by prison guards.
The end result is them restoring Angel Island and using it to get the heck out of dodge. It’s hard for the authorities to come after you when you live on a floating island that doesn’t stay in one place.
Day (604/100) in my #∞daysofwriting @the-wip-project 25th of Jan
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milimeters-morales · 5 months
if you haven’t heard about my worstie flipside yet then here :3 everyone say hi flipside !!
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see look. my homicidal adaptoid is finally making friends!!! yes miguel is trying very hard to escape but that’s how everyone makes friends so honestly… yeah nvm take the shot agent 47
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and these two even fumble the bag similarly when put on the spot. i would say cute but that sounds too baby-ish for me so i’ll just say it’s very funny. well it’s not THAT funny but. okay nevermind go my cursed scarab
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twinsunstars · 23 days
i think if maddie can manage to handle knuckles just give her shadow and it'll quickly turn into a therapy session
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joelletwo · 3 months
tae's friends respect her agency in going w kyuubei bc they know shes strong enough to refuse but are bothered by the thought of her being unhappy and fight to give her a realer choice in the matter: cool!!!!! great arc idea!!!!!!! resonant w series themes!!!!!!! hell yeah
i have to get this thru chapters and chapters of siscon pachi and stalker kondou (and kondous stupid gorilla wife plot starts here i forgot =___=): stupid
arc morphs into "a bunch of men fight over tae's fate and no one ever talks to her and half of the men are only doing this so she'll have more a chance of marrying the stalker": i still want to kill everyone involved
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guardian-of-da-gay · 11 months
Yall should take all my Knuckles Wachowski angst hc/fics with a grain of 'I once read a fic where the mc was severely traumatized and at one point got triggered and hid himself away in a bathroom where the character that was helping him couldn't get to him and in the morning he emerged, trying his best to pretend it never happened and the character reflected that 'whatever demons he'd faced, he'd faced them alone' and it altered my brain chemistry'
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bluebunnyears-08 · 1 year
Sorry for bothering you about this but I was wondering about if your doing your stories again simply because they are just great reads :)
I have a prompt for a story involving Nine and sonic.
1. Sonic trying to help Nine adjust to his new life with his friends because now he is able to exist with his twin and even taking him to the tree.
2. Nine being a little off put by how radically different Amy is here and her trying to comforting and even noticing how frayed and thin his Tails are.
3. Tails trying to adjust to having ‘Twin’ brother and both finding common ground but its still shakey.
4. A flashback of Sonic coming into the room and being like “Hey guys, so remember a few days ago when I shattered the prism” they acknowledge it and he just says TA DA and introduces nine.
5.Nine feeling like a fish out of water but doesn’t want to leave his brother, he thought tooth and nail to get this life and he’s not backing down.
6. Knuckles actually dulling out some sage advice to the young Kit.
Hello! I AM doing requests for stories again! Answering and writing them might take a while because I'm still writing my own things, and currently writing a story for the Nine series me and friend made, not to mention I want to practice my drawing so I can post it one day. And I'm so happy you like the stories I do!
And this is a nice prompt! One story coming up! I decided to try a different thing in this too! ^v^
Everything was filled with beautiful color in this world. It was like living in an antique painting, one full of pastel colors and extravagant forms that were foreign to him. He never would have gotten here if it wasn't for the vibrant blue urchin that was his only dear friend.
Sonic is a very determined hedgehog, and Nine couldn't thank him enough for that fact.
That's what Nine learned as Sonic continuously tries to get him comfortable and happy in what the hedgehog stated was home. Not another Shattered Space, but the main universe Sonic originally destroyed. Nine put it all back together, but it would've come at a cost of disappearing forever, going back to being a trait.
Nine was scared, he assured Sonic it would be fine, tried to steel himself for fading into nothingness, but he was terrified. Naturally though, Sonic the "Mr. Freedom is the Most Important Thing" hedgehog, wasn't having ANY of it.
Nine was...caught off guard to say the least when the urchin began to insist on him staying with him in his world, the original world, began to implore if there was another way without the fox disappearing forever. Nine knew he had to refuse, he wasn't tails, not to mention to potential effects it might have, but seeing the genuine concern and care in those emerald eyes, the fear and pain...he knew he couldn't.
He knew Sonic didn't want him to. And he didn't want to either.
So he didn't. He found a less, effective solution in fixing the world, but made it so he could live there as well without any problems. He hoped it would be stable enough to allow such a big change.
But those worries went out the window now that he was here, and after a few days, he forgot he worried about anything at all. This world was wonderful! Green grounds, healthy trees and wonderful lakes, it was paradise! And he was right here, right by Sonic, finally eating Chili dogs with him, and it became a heaven!
The only problem was...Tails. The fluffier, more cheerful, more healthy (both in body and mind) fox Sonic loved as a brother. The reason why Sonic was so caring and sweet to him in the first place.
It wasn't that the fox was mean, at least not intentionally, nor was it that the two tailed vulpine annoyed him. It was just...he was so cheerful and naive. Not to mention seeing how...healthy he was, and those eyes those fucking eyes-
Wide blue eyes always stared at Nine when he was around, watching him, both with fascination and absolute admiration. Nine found the fascination understandable, the feeling was mutual, but the admiration really confused him. It confused him very much.
He couldn't understand at all.
Why would anyone admire him?, that's what he was curious about. When he asked the fox, he found the answer.
"It's just, you're so cool! You have those metal tails and your super strong and formidable in battle! Your just so amazing!", blue eyes sparkled as they answered.
Nine didn't respond. So that was why? Because he had metal tails, was good at fighting, and preferred to work alone? Nine didn't find anything to admire about the latter two. The fox could fight too, Nine saw this, not to mention the preference to work on his own came from being used to being alone.
But he simply nodded and came up with an event so he could leave. He didn't hate the kit, just...wasn't exactly friends with them. As long the fox didn't bother him they could manage.
Nine kept their interactions to a minimum and very short and brief.
Then there was Amy Rose. At first, Nine didn't know what to think. So, this was who Rusty was before the Council...'enhanced'...her body. She was a lot more, well, alive. Her green eyes sparkled with cheeriness and youth, her body lacked any traces of metal, and a flicky surrounded her, chirping happily instead of being trapped inside her chest cavity, chirping with pain and despair.
Nine was taken aback by how...young she truly was. Made him wonder with horror how old Rusty was when she was roboticized.
Rose was...very kind. A far cry from the emotionless callousness of the robot he remembered her as. Then again, that wasn't her, was it?
No, this Rose was friendly, full of expression, and so vibrant with the soft color of pink. Nine liked her. She gave him motherly vibes, even though he knew that thought was humorous, and he felt rather comfortable in her presence.
The only problem was how much she insisted on caring about his well being; making sure he cared for himself, making sure he worked on being healthy again, and trying to get him to 'open up'.
The first two weren't that bad. It was nice being cared for, and besides, Sonic did those too. Although he was a bit more stubborn about it, dragging Nine out of his lab and making sure he slept and ate. Nine acted annoyed and frustrated, but really he felt...warm. Again, it was very nice.
The only problem was the last part. The "opening yourself up" part. He understood that she cared, and didn't mean any harm, but when she offered to listen to his problems - and by extension, his trauma - he gently declined every time.
He didn't want to open up, didn't want to explore his trauma. His trauma could bury itself and die for all he cared. Although, he knew it was bad. He knew that choice would only make it worse. He just...it wasn't...
He just can't. That was all. Sure he didn't want to pour out his chest, didn't want to cry pathetically in front of this girl he had only knew as a robot, didn't want her to rrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiippppppp open his chest and pull on his insides pity him even more.
But he knew he wouldn't be able to spill out his trauma like that if he tried.
He kept being polite to her, but like the others, he carefully kept his distance.
Then there was the echidna.
Nine found the echidna, named 'Knuckles', was someone he needed to keep and eye on. The echidna was as bad tempered as all the other counterpart Nine knew, not to mention how the echidna was suspicious of Nine when Sonic introduced the fox.
They weren't on the best terms.
However, Nine soon saw the echidna start to soften up. Knuckles didn't tense or stare at him whenever the fox was within proximity. But Nine still felt tense within the echidna's proximity, knowing the strength behind his namesake's.
So he was surprised when the guardian began to offer him advice. Rather odd advice. Telling him not to do things alone, to enjoy things while he's here, telling him that letting your feelings out doesn't make him weak, that it can help him.
He told him other things, but Nine tuned him out.
Why listen to advice that was utterly worthless? That everyone else has been trying to tell him, that didn't help him at all?
Why do they even care about him? Sonic he had some understanding but why do the others? To Amy, he was just a burden, a helpless person who needed to be cared for, to Knuckles, he was an idiot who needed to be taught, to...Tails, he was just a variant, just a simple reflection with a smear of gray.
Although come to think of it, Sonic probably only stuck with him because he resembled that damn soft fox.
But, even with that, he refused to go back to being a part of the fluffy fox, he refused to give up. He gave up everything to be here, he fought tooth and nail, and he wasn't going to go back because of a little difficulties.
He kept going.
Tails stared at him with those eyes of innocence and naive curiosity. Of admiration.
Keep going.
Don't give up.
Amy stared at him like a pathetic child who can't fend for himself.
You did so much to get here.
Knuckles' gaze softened every time he was within the echidna's sight
Ignore them.
Sonic must've told them.
Keep going.
A hand rests on his shoulder out of concern.
Don't give in.
Keep. Going.
Don't. You. Dare. Fucking. Cave.
Keep everyone out. Never yield.
Sonic is right there. He's in such a wonderful world.
So why wasn't he happy?
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crystalmagpie447 · 1 year
Any other ocs than Zalen you wanna talk about? 👀
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EEE THIS GUY!! also briar but i havent drawn him in a bit-
and the drawings i do have of him are kinda ugly
i also dont even have full ref sheets for my characters :(((
i need to do that omg
anyway this is atlas!! Briar's older step-brother and used-to-be-friend of Zalen's
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sonic-tangled-au · 2 years
Pre AU info 4: Sonic The Hedgehog - Broken Hero.
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A few additional details:
- Sonic still try’s to visit Knuckles on Angel Island on occasion…when he hasn’t damaged the Tornado that is! Though Knuckles is EXTRA protective over the emerald around him.
- If it wasn’t for Amy and Vanilla running around after him with bandages he’d probably never properly treat his injuries.
- With little to no battle technique he often overly relies on the Chaos Emeralds and his super form.
[ This one was surprisingly hard but really interesting to write about! And makes me realise just how much credit Tails deserves. On so many occasions they REALLY would have struggled without him (big thanks to my friend @myyla-x for putting together a list for me surrounding how cannon events may have gone if he was absent!). I well and truly believe Tails needs Sonic as much as Sonic needs Tails. And if Eggman has Tails, not only is he more powerful in one regard, but Sonic is less powerful…. Gosh, Sonic REALLY needs a hug in this AU! ]
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borrelia · 2 years
sonic asking for a hug without actually asking like "haha hey knux yknow i just got this darn twinge in my back I can't work out. can you do that thing to pop it? you know, where you pick me up and squeeze? haha yeah that :) yeah for my back 👍 thanks man"
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cc-cobalt-1043 · 8 months
You guys were wanted:
Maddie so what were your families like
Sonic: Oh Longclaw was so great, she was so fun to be around, she's like Obi-Wan kenobi if he was an owl
Knuckles: My father was a brave and honorable warrior, he was also a great parent who loved me unconditionally
Tails: *completly confused* wait, YOU GUYS WERE WANTED
*They all hug Tails*
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dylanconrique · 2 years
i need one of the following three things from chenford 5x18:
lucy kissing tim's bloodied and bruised knuckles
or lucy dabbing tim's forehead clean with a washcloth
an emotionally relieved hug
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dragonofthedepths · 2 years
Slots 9.1.23
Sonic gameverse, Sonic Prime. Sonic x Knuckles.
Soulmates are psychically connected, how much they can share -feelings, words, ideas, memories- depends on how strong their bond is, and how much Choas energy they can use. For most it never goes beyond simple empathy. Given that there is no guarantee of finding your soulmate, for many it is never more than a faint buzz at the back of their head.
Sonic doesn't even have a soulmate.
At least, that's what he thought for about twenty years, before the Shatterverse happened and he learned he does have a soulmate. It's just that they were born before him, and bound their soul to a giant glowing green rock that took up all the space where the soulbond should have been.
Day (588/100) in my #∞daysofwriting @the-wip-project 9th of Jan
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hylianengineer · 2 years
Ow ow ow ow ow
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Knuckles seems like he'd be a bit too big for piggybacks, but that's not gonna stop him from carrying his parents while they're giving their other sons piggybacks
❤️🥺❤️ Ohmygod ❤️🥺❤️
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