#Klein Texas
Three Generations, One Heart: A Christmas Family Photoshoot
“Beautiful photos! Thank you.”
~ Miwa O.
Capturing the essence of family is one of the greatest joys of photography, and this holiday season, I had the honor of photographing Ken, Miwa, and their beautiful three-generation family. Set in their cozy Woodlands home, the family posed in matching Christmas pajamas, creating heartwarming memories to last a lifetime. From playful moments around the tree to tender gatherings on the sofa, every shot highlighted the deep love and connection shared across the generations. Their living room and dining room, filled with the warmth of the season, made for the perfect backdrop. Whether it was the vibrant energy of the children, the wisdom in the grandparents’ eyes, or the laughter between the parents, this session was truly magical. These photos will soon adorn their walls and brighten their Christmas cards—an annual tradition that celebrates not only the holiday but the deep bond within the family.
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The Pizzaburger Presidency
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For the rest of May, my bestselling solarpunk utopian novel THE LOST CAUSE (2023) is available as a $2.99, DRM-free ebook!
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The corporate wing of the Democrats has objectively terrible political instincts, because the corporate wing of the Dems wants things that are very unpopular with the electorate (this is a trait they share with the Republican establishment).
Remember Hillary Clinton's unimaginably terrible campaign slogan, "America is already great?" In other words, "Vote for me if you believe that nothing needs to change":
Biden picked up the "This is fine" messaging where Clinton left off, promising that "nothing would fundamentally change" if he became president:
Biden didn't so much win that election as Trump lost it, by doing extremely unpopular things, including badly bungling the American covid response and killing about a million people.
Biden's 2020 election victory was a squeaker, and it was absolutely dependent on compromising with the party's left wing, embodied by the Warren and Sanders campaigns. The Unity Task Force promised – and delivered – key appointments and policies that represented serious and powerful change for the better:
Despite these excellent appointments and policies, the Biden administration has remained unpopular and is heading into the 2024 election with worryingly poor numbers. There is a lot of debate about why this might be. It's undeniable that every leader who has presided over a period of inflation, irrespective of political tendency, is facing extreme defenstration, from Rishi Sunak, the far-right prime minister of the UK, to the relentlessly centrist Justin Trudeau in Canada:
It's also true that Biden has presided over a genocide, which he has been proudly and significantly complicit in. That Trump would have done the same or worse is beside the point. A political leader who does things that the voters deplore can't expect to become more popular, though perhaps they can pull off less unpopular:
Biden may be attracting unfair blame for inflation, and totally fair blame for genocide, but in addition to those problems, there's this: Biden hasn't gotten credit for the actual good things he's done:
Writing in his newsletter, Matt Stoller offers an explanation for this lack of credit: the Biden White House almost never talks about any of these triumphs, even the bold, generational ones that will significantly alter the political landscape no matter who wins the next election:
Biden's antitrust enforcers have gone after price-fixing in oil, food and rent – the three largest sources of voter cost-of-living concern. They've done more on these three kinds of crime than all of their predecessors over the past forty years, combined. And yet, Stoller finds example after example of White House press secretaries being lobbed softballs by the press and refusing to even try to swing at them. When asked about any of this stuff, the White House demurs, refusing to comment.
The reasons they give for this is that they don't want to mess up an active case while it's before the courts. But that's not how this works. Yes, misstatements about active cases can do serious damage, but not talking about cases extinguishes the political will needed to carry them out. That's why a competent press secretary excellent briefings and training, because they must talk about these cases.
Think for a moment about the fact that the US government is – at this very moment – trying to break up Google, the largest tech company in the history of the world, and there has been virtually no press about it. This is a gigantic story. It's literally the biggest business story ever. It's practically a secret.
Why doesn't the Biden admin want to talk about this very small number of very good things it's doing? To understand that, you have to understand the hollowness of "centrist" politics as practiced in the Democratic Party.
The Democrats, like all political parties, are a coalition. Now, there are lots of ways to keep a coalition together. Parties who detest one another can stay in coalition provided that each partner is getting something they want out of it – even if one partner is bitterly unhappy about everything else happening in the coalition. That's the present-day Democratic approach: arrest students, bomb Gaza, but promise to do something about abortion and a few other issues while gesturing with real and justified alarm at Trump's open fascism, and hope that the party's left turns out at the polls this fall.
Leaders who play this game can't announce that they are deliberately making a vital coalition partner miserable and furious. Instead, they insist that they are "compromising" and point to the fact that "everyone is equally unhappy" with the way things are going.
This school of politics – "Everyone is angry at me, therefore I am doing something right" – has a name, courtesy of Anat Shenker-Osorio: "Pizzaburger politics." Say half your family wants burgers for dinner and the other half wants pizza: make a pizzaburger and disappoint all of them, and declare yourself to be a politics genius:
But Biden's Pizzaburger Presidency doesn't disappoint everyone equally. Sure, Biden appointed some brilliant antitrust enforcers to begin the long project of smashing the corporate juggernauts built through forty years of Reaganomics (including the Reganomics of Bill Clinton and Obama). But his lifetime federal judicial appointments are drawn heavily from the corporate wing of the party's darlings, and those judges will spend the rest of their lives ruling against the kinds of enforcers Biden put in charge of the FTC and DoJ antitrust division:
So that's one reason that Biden's comms team won't talk about his most successful and popular policies. But there's another reason: schismogenesis.
"Schismogenesis" is a anthropological concept describing how groups define themselves in opposition to their opponents (if they're for it, we're against it). Think of the liberals who became cheerleaders for the "intelligence community" (you know the CIA spies who organized murderous coups against a dozen Latin American democracies, and the FBI agents who tried to get MLK to kill himself) as soon as Trump and his allies began to rail against them:
Part of Trump's takeover of conservativism is a revival of "the paranoid style" of the American right – the conspiratorial, unhinged apocalyptic rhetoric that the movement's leaders are no longer capable of keeping a lid on:
This stuff – the lizard-people/Bilderberg/blood libel/antisemitic/Great Replacement/race realist/gender critical whackadoodlery – was always in conservative rhetoric, but it was reserved for internal communications, a way to talk to low-information voters in private forums. It wasn't supposed to make it into your campaign ads:
Today's conservative vibe is all about saying the quiet part aloud. Historian Rick Perlstein calls this the "authoritarian ratchet": conservativism promises a return to a "prelapsarian" state, before the country lost its way:
This is presented as imperative: unless we restore that mythical order, the country is doomed. We might just be the last generation of free Americans!
But that state never existed, and can never be recovered, but it doesn't matter. When conservatives lose a fight they declare to be existential (say, trans bathroom bans), they just pretend they never cared about it and move on to the next panic.
It's actually worse for them when they win. When the GOP repeals Roe, or takes the Presidency, the Senate and Congress, and still fails to restore that lost glory, then they have to find someone or something to blame. They turn on themselves, purging their ranks, promise ever-more-unhinged policies that will finally restore the state that never existed.
This is where schismogenesis comes in. If the GOP is making big, bold promises, then a shismogenesis-poisoned liberal will insist that the Dems must be "the party of normal." If the GOP's radical wing is taking the upper hand, then the Dems must be the party whose radical wing is marginalized (see also: UK Labour).
This is the trap of schismogenesis. It's possible for the things your opponents do to be wrong, but tactically sound (like promising the big changes that voters want). The difference you should seek to establish between yourself and your enemies isn't in promising to maintaining the status quo – it's in promising to make better, big muscular changes, and keeping those promises.
It's possible to acknowledge that an odious institution to do something good – like the CIA and FBI trying to wrongfoot Trump's most unhinged policies – without becoming a stan for that institution, and without abandoning your stance that the institution should either be root-and-branch reformed or abolished altogether.
The mere fact that your enemy uses a sound tactic to do something bad doesn't make that tactic invalid. As Naomi Klein writes in her magnificent Doppelganger, the right's genius is in co-opting progressive rhetoric and making it mean the opposite: think of their ownership of "fake news" or the equivalence of transphobia with feminism, of opposition to genocide with antisemitism:
Promising bold policies and then talking about them in plain language at every opportunity is something demagogues do, but having bold policies and talking about them doesn't make you a demagogue.
The reason demagogues talk that way is that it works. It captures the interest of potential followers, and keeps existing followers excited about the project.
Choosing not to do these things is political suicide. Good politics aren't boring. They're exciting. The fact that Republicans use eschatological rhetoric to motivate crazed insurrectionists who think they're the last hope for a good future doesn't change the fact that we are at a critical juncture for a survivable future.
If the GOP wins this coming election – or when Pierre Poilievre's petro-tories win the next Canadian election – they will do everything they can to set the planet on fire and render it permanently uninhabitable by humans and other animals. We are running out of time.
We can't afford to cede this ground to the right. Remember the clickbait wars? Low-quality websites and Facebook accounts got really good at ginning up misleading, compelling headlines that attracted a lot of monetizable clicks.
For a certain kind of online scolding centrist, the lesson from this era was that headlines should a) be boring and b) not leave out any salient fact. This is very bad headline-writing advice. While it claims to be in service to thoughtfulness and nuance, it misses out on the most important nuance of all: there's a difference between a misleading headline and a headline that calls out the most salient element of the story and then fleshes that out with more detail in the body of the article. If a headline completely summarizes the article, it's not a headline, it's an abstract.
Biden's comms team isn't bragging about the administration's accomplishments, because the senior partners in this coalition oppose those accomplishments. They don't want to win an election based on the promise to prosecute and anti-corporate revolution, because they are counter-revolutionaries.
The Democratic coalition has some irredeemably terrible elements. It also has elements that I would march into the sun for. The party itself is a very weak institution that's bad at resolving the tension between both groups:
Pizzaburgers don't make anyone happy and they're not supposed to. They're a convenient cover for the winners of intraparty struggles to keep the losers from staying home on election day. I don't know how Biden can win this coming election, but I know how he can lose it: keep on reminding us that all the good things about his administration were undertaken reluctantly and could be jettisoned in a second Biden administration.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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chromet · 3 months
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Calvin Klein by Raf Simons Andy Warhol SS19 Rodeo backpack
Available HERE for purchase on @grailed
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vetnearme · 18 days
Finding the Best Emergency Vet and Dog Neutering Services in Klein, Texas
At 242 Animal Hospital, we understand that your pets are more than just animals—they’re family. That’s why we’re committed to providing top-notch veterinary care for Klein, Texas, and the surrounding areas. Whether you’re searching for an “Emergency Vet Near Me Klein Texas” or considering “Dog Neutering Near Me,” our skilled and compassionate team is here to help.
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24/7 Emergency Vet Services in Klein, Texas
Emergencies can strike at any time, and when they do, you need a veterinary team that’s ready to act swiftly and effectively. At 242 Animal Hospital, we offer comprehensive emergency vet services around the clock to ensure your pet receives the care they need when it matters most. From sudden illnesses to injuries and accidents, our experienced veterinarians and state-of-the-art facilities are equipped to handle a wide range of urgent situations.
Why Choose 242 Animal Hospital for Emergency Care?
Available 24/7: Our emergency vet services are available around the clock, so you can rest assured that help is always just a call away.
Experienced Team: Our veterinarians and support staff are highly trained in emergency care, providing quick and effective treatment for your pet.
Advanced Equipment: We utilize the latest technology and medical equipment to diagnose and treat emergencies accurately and efficiently.
Compassionate Care: We understand the stress and anxiety that come with a pet emergency, and we strive to provide not only excellent medical care but also emotional support for both you and your furry friend.
Dog Neutering Services: Why It’s Important and How We Can Help
Neutering your dog is a significant step in ensuring their long-term health and well-being. At 242 Animal Hospital, we offer professional dog neutering services in Klein, Texas, designed to benefit both your pet and the broader community.
Benefits of Neutering Your Dog
Health Advantages: Neutering reduces the risk of certain cancers and eliminates the risk of uterine infections in females. It can also prevent behaviors associated with mating instincts.
Behavioral Improvements: Neutering can help reduce aggressive behavior and unwanted marking, making your dog a more balanced and manageable companion.
Population Control: By neutering your dog, you help address the overpopulation problem and contribute to the reduction of stray animals.
Our Neutering Procedure
At 242 Animal Hospital, we prioritize your pet’s safety and comfort throughout the neutering process. Here’s what you can expect:
Pre-Procedure Assessment: We conduct a thorough examination and pre-anesthesia testing to ensure your dog is a good candidate for the procedure.
Safe Anesthesia: Our team uses the latest anesthetic protocols to minimize risks and ensure your pet is comfortable during the procedure.
Post-Procedure Care: After the neutering procedure, we provide detailed aftercare instructions and are always available for follow-up appointments to ensure a smooth recovery.
When it comes to the health and safety of your pet, choosing the right veterinary care provider is crucial. At 242 Animal Hospital, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional emergency care and routine procedures like dog neutering with the highest level of professionalism and compassion. If you’re in Klein, Texas, and need immediate assistance or are considering neutering your dog, contact us today. Our friendly staff is here to answer your questions and provide the care your pet deserves. Trust 242 Animal Hospital to be your partner in keeping your furry family member happy and healthy.
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michharrison · 1 month
Van fire I captured a few days ago
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gatorsportsfan · 10 months
Sources: Texas A&M to hire K-State's Klein as OC
Adam Rittenberg, ESPN Senior WriterDec 6, 2023, 08:51 AM ET Close College football reporter. Joined ESPN.com in 2008. Graduate of Northwestern University. Texas A&M is set to hire Kansas State offensive coordinator Collin Klein for the same role under new coach Mike Elko, sources told ESPN. Klein, a former quarterback for Kansas State who finished third in Heisman Trophy voting in 2012, had…
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bedbugtexas · 1 year
How to Identify Early Signs of Pest Infestations in Klein, TX?
Timely identification of early signs of pest problems can make all the difference in preventing a minor issue from turning into a major headache. Check out this blog to learn how to identify early signs of pest infestations in Klein, TX
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krispyweiss · 2 years
Rockers for Beto Sing “Beto for Texas”
- “We all did it because we really need Beto O'Rourke for governor of Texas,” Amy Nelson says
A group of Texas musicians gathered under the Rockers for Beto umbrella to write and record “Beto for Texas.”
The band of O’Rourke supporters includes Stray Cat Lee Rocker; Amy Nelson and Cathy Guthrie (aka Folk Uke); the Weary Boys’ Mario Matteoli; Rosie Flores; My Jerusalem’s Jeff Klein; Willie Nelson and others.
He’s a man of action, he’s no sweet talker/speaks truth to power like a true punk rocker, goes the opening line to a 110-second number that touches on O’Rourke’s support for gun legislation, abortion rights and equal rights for all Texans.
“We all did it because we really need Beto O’Rourke for governor of Texas,” Amy Nelson said in a statement.
“Please vote, and please vote for Beto so he can help us restore our right to bodily autonomy, and so we will have a governor who treats people like human beings. He’s the only candidate who cares about us.”
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nyc-looks · 4 months
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Dolan, 21
“I’m wearing a vintage Texas longhorns hat, purple stripe long sleeve shirt under a vintage Scooby Doo tee, Calvin Klein belt paired with a spike bracelet from Goodwill, I layered some vintage bodybuilding sweatpants under a pair of baggy denims on top of some platform Uggs. My style inspo comes from early 2000s live action Scooby Doo films.”
Apr 20, 2024 ∙ Gowanus
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Capturing Generational Love: The Nieto Family's Christmas Photo Session
This autumn, I had the pleasure of photographing Angelica Nieto and her beautiful family in The Woodlands Indoor studio. With three generations present, the energy was vibrant and full of love. Angelica, in red, was a standout alongside her children—Luis, Carina, and Victor—joined by Victor’s wife Colleen and their adorable 1-year-old daughter, Ramona. The session was filled with joyful moments, perfect for their Christmas cards and the framed prints that will grace their walls. Every pose and candid interaction highlighted the deep connection between them, making this family shoot one to remember.
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marlenesluv · 1 year
heyy i was wondering if u could write a max, daniel, or carlos x super southern (like from the DEEP south/not texas) dallas cowboys cheerleader (kleine powell fc plz shes so gorg) smau and everyone is surprised that theyre together. or alternatively same premise but with an lsu tiger girl (fc darah haidet) and shes a lot younger. us southern girls get no rep lmao and ily
Unexpected. (DR)
hi! thank you sm for the request. i absolutely love this sm!! i went with daniel for this one, he’s too cute. i genuinely never see any southern girl stuff, so i hope you love this! and ily too!!also, y/n is a dcc, but she’s from louisiana. i never mention a state tho so you can imagine a diff one!!
pairing: daniel ricciardo x dcc!reader
fc: kleine powell
warnings: none!
note: i went ahead and made this not a soft launch (im limited with photos lol) also age gap is 8 yrs in this one!
masterlist here -> masterlist link
^ check my list for all posts! ^
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liked by: y/n.user, pierregasly, and 1,872,055 others
tagged: y/n.user
danielricciardo: hiked a bit, and picked up this pretty lady along the way
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landonorris: you have a girlfriend? i never thought i’d see the day
|> danielricciardo: you’re talking??
y/n.fp: is that our girl?? our cowgirl is dating a man that makes cars go vroom!?!?
|> f1.fp: when worlds collide
y/n.user: wouldnt have wanted to hike those 12 miles with anyone else :)
|> danielricciardo: :)))
dcc.fans: does this mean daniel is gonna come to games?
charles_leclerc: is she converting you full cowboy?
|> y/n.user: of course i am🙃🤠
yourbsf: awwww, you guys are so cute. pls let me meet him
|> y/n.user: soon, honey🫣
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liked by: danielricciardo, francisca.cgomes, and 862,274 others
tagged: danielricciardo
y/n.user: who’s going to tell him that these are not the dcc colors….💙🤍
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|> y/n.fanpage: LOVE IT THO??
danielricciardo: sugar, it’s texas’ colors…..
|> y/n.user: i’m not from texas daniel, we’ve been over this😐
|> danielricciardo: let me grab my blue and white before the game
|> y/n.user: thank you, hun☺️
pierregasly: have fun with his annoying ass
|> danielricciardo: HEY. she loves my ass, thank you very much
|> y/n.user: 😇
formula1fp: this was not on my bingo card for this year. i’m not mad about it tho
Formula 1 Wag News @formulaonewags • 2d
New Wag: Y/N Y/L/N has been posted by Daniel Ricciardo recently, saying that he “picked up this pretty lady” referring to Y/N. She is a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader, at 26 years old. They have yet to officially announce their relationship, but with both posting, daniel going to games, and not denying their friends, we have strong reasons to believe they are dating.
DCC Updates @dccupdates • 2d
We think thet have been seeing each other or talking for a while. Y/N has stayed away from guys at parties (via her friends posts) and Daniel has been posting a lot at home. Maybe this has been going on for a while?
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liked by: y/n.user, carlossainz55, and 2,109,240 others
tagged: y/n.user
danielricciardo: first date, kinda nervous. do you guys think she likes me? 🙁
view comments…
y/n.user: i do i do i do🫠🫶
|> danielricciardo: i like you too🤭🫶
dallascc.updates: pls pls this is way too cute but i’m shook
|> f1updatepage: aren’t we all?
georgerussell63: theres no way you’re dating a dcc-
|> carmenmmundt: they’re so cute!!
|> georgerussell63: yeah, but how?
|> danielricciardo: im very charming
yourbsf: actually adorable asf. i’m soso glad you’re both so happy together :’)
|> y/n.user: thank you, babes🙁🫶
maxverstappen1: i hope you guys had a good date!
|> danielricciardo: we did ☺️
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liked by: y/n.user, oscarpiastri, and 1,982,140 others
danielricciardo: another hike, another race sunday
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y/n.user: you’re gonna do so amazing ☺️
|> danielricciardo: wear my cowboy hat?
|> y/n.user: i’ll be there with the hat and boots on 🤠
|> danielricciardo: 😊
f1.wag: new y/n content? yes plsssss
carlossainz55: i’m still confused on how you got a girlfriend
|> maxverstappen1: we’re all confused
dcc.posts: our favorite hikers 🥾
y/nfanpage: i livveeee for them
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liked by: landonorris, danielricciardo, and 1,027,174 others
tagged: danielricciardo, landonorris
y/n.user: p2 for daniel = proudest gf today. although i would be proud no matter what. thank you for being such a sweet, funny, supportive, and entertaining bf. i am not thanking you for bringing lando on the same plane, jk
view comments…
landonorris: those tension headache pills didn’t help?
|> y/n.user: nope
|> landonorris: oops 🫣
f1.updates: trio we needed
danielricciardo: my favorite cowgirl❤️
|> y/n.user: my favorite cowboy❤️
|> wagsof.f1: i’m actually so lonely i’m sobbing
formula1.page: you😭 guys😭 are😭 adorable😭
lilymhe: cutestttt
|> y/n.user: you’re too sweet💓
|> lilymhe: 💓💓
y/n.fp: i am never getting over this relationship. f1!driver and southern cheerleader? k. my life is complete
yourbsf: MY PARENTS
|> danielricciardo: oh dearie
|> y/n.user: 😳
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
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batboyblog · 5 months
One woman miscarried in the lobby restroom of a Texas emergency room as front desk staff refused to admit her. Another woman learned that her fetus had no heartbeat at a Florida hospital, the day after a security guard turned her away from the facility. And in North Carolina, a woman gave birth in a car after an emergency room couldn’t offer an ultrasound. The baby later died.
Complaints that pregnant women were turned away from U.S. emergency rooms spiked in 2022 after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, federal documents obtained by The Associated Press reveal. 
It’s happened despite federal mandates that the women be treated. 
Federal law requires emergency rooms to treat or stabilize patients who are in active labor and provide a medical transfer to another hospital if they don’t have the staff or resources to treat them. Medical facilities must comply with the law if they accept Medicare funding.
The Supreme Court will hear arguments Wednesday that could weaken those protections. The Biden administration has sued Idaho over its abortion ban, even in medical emergencies, arguing it conflicts with the federal law.
“No woman should be denied the care she needs,” Jennifer Klein, director of the White House Gender Policy Council, said in a statement. “All patients, including women who are experiencing pregnancy-related emergencies, should have access to emergency medical care required under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act.”
Pregnant patients have “become radioactive to emergency departments” in states with extreme abortion restrictions, said Sara Rosenbaum, a George Washington University health law and policy professor. 
“They are so scared of a pregnant patient, that the emergency medicine staff won’t even look. They just want these people gone,” Rosenbaum said. 
Consider what happened to a woman who was nine months pregnant and having contractions when she arrived at the Falls Community Hospital in Marlin, Texas, in July 2022, a week after the Supreme Court’s ruling on abortion. The doctor on duty refused to see her.
“The physician came to the triage desk and told the patient that we did not have obstetric services or capabilities,” hospital staff told federal investigators during interviews, according to documents. “The nursing staff informed the physician that we could test her for the presence of amniotic fluid. However, the physician adamantly recommended the patient drive to a Waco hospital.”
Federal investigators looked into just over a dozen pregnancy-related complaints in those states during the months leading up to the U.S. Supreme Court’s pivotal ruling on abortion in 2022. But more than two dozen complaints about emergency pregnancy care were lodged in the months after the decision was unveiled. It is not known how many complaints were filed last year as the records request only asked for 2022 complaints and the information is not publicly available otherwise. 
Other pregnancies ended in catastrophe, the documents show.
At Sacred Heart Emergency Center in Houston, front desk staff refused to check in one woman after her husband asked for help delivering her baby that September. She miscarried in a restroom toilet in the emergency room lobby while her husband called 911 for help.
“She is bleeding a lot and had a miscarriage,” the husband told first responders in his call, which was transcribed from Spanish in federal documents. “I’m here at the hospital but they told us they can’t help us because we are not their client.”
Emergency crews, who arrived 20 minutes later and transferred the woman to a hospital, appeared confused over the staff’s refusal to help the woman, according to 911 call transcripts.
One first responder told federal investigators that when a Sacred Heart Emergency Center staffer was asked about the gestational age of the fetus, the staffer replied: “No, we can’t tell you, she is not our patient. That’s why you are here.”
Meanwhile, the staff at Person Memorial Hospital in Roxboro, North Carolina, told a pregnant woman, who was complaining of stomach pain, that they would not be able to provide her with an ultrasound. The staff failed to tell her how risky it could be for her to depart without being stabilized, according to federal investigators. While en route to another hospital 45 minutes away, the woman gave birth in a car to a baby who did not survive. 
In Melbourne, Florida, a security guard at Holmes Regional Medical Center refused to let a pregnant woman into the triage area because she had brought a child with her. When the patient came back the next day, medical staff were unable to locate a fetal heartbeat. The center declined to comment on the case. 
For Huntsberger, the OB-GYN, EMTALA was one of the few ways she felt protected to treat pregnant patients in Idaho, despite the state’s abortion ban. She left Idaho last year to practice in Oregon because of the ban.
The threat of fines or loss of Medicare funding for violating EMTALA is a big deterrent that keeps hospitals from dumping patients, she said. Many couldn’t keep their doors open if they lost Medicare funding. 
She has been waiting to see how HHS penalizes two hospitals in Missouri and Kansas that HHS announced last year it was investigating after a pregnant woman, who was in preterm labor at 17 weeks, was denied an abortion. 
President Joe Biden and top U.S. health official Xavier Becerra have both publicly vowed vigilance in enforcing the law. 
Even as states have enacted strict abortion laws, the White House has argued that if hospitals receive Medicare funds they must provide stabilizing care, including abortions.
In a statement to THE AP, Becerra called it the “nation’s bedrock law protecting Americans’ right to life- and health-saving emergency medical care.” 
“And doctors, not politicians, should determine what constitutes emergency care,” he added.
Idaho’s law does not allow abortions if a mother’s health is at risk. But the state’s attorney general has argued that its abortion ban is “consistent” with federal law, which calls for emergency rooms to protect an unborn child in medical emergencies.
“The Biden administration has no business rewriting federal law to override Idaho’s law and force doctors to perform abortions,” Idaho Attorney General Raúl Labrador said in a statement earlier this year. 
Now, the Supreme Court will weigh in. The case could have implications in other states like Arizona, which is reinstating an 1864 law that bans all abortions, with an exception only if the mother’s life is at risk. 
EMTALA was initially introduced decades ago because private hospitals would dump patients on county or state hospitals, often because they didn’t have insurance, said Alexa Kolbi-Molinas of the American Civil Liberties Union. 
Some hospitals also refused to see pregnant women when they did not have an established relationship with physicians on staff. If the court nullifies or weakens those protections, it could result in more hospitals turning away patients without fear of penalty from the federal government, she said.
“The government knows there’s a problem and is investigating and is doing something about that,” Kolbi-Molinas said. “Without EMTALA, they wouldn’t be able to do that.”
The Repeal of Roe V Wade has been a disaster for pregnancy health care, with doctors turning away pregnant women just because they are pregnant out of fear that treatment might violate ever changing extreme and unscientific abortion bans
The Biden Administration's strong stand that EMTALA does cover emergency abortion care has forced hospitals to keep their doors open to people in need. A Republican administration would not enforce the law this way, Donald Trump has already said he'd leave it up to the states and certainly would drop the Biden Administration's law suit against Idaho's restrictive laws.
as horrible as all this is, it can always get worse, this is a preview of what a national Republican Abortion ban would mean for every pregnant person going to the hospital, you or someone you love could be left bleeding in a waiting room.
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odinsblog · 5 months
🗣️This is an illegitimate and deeply corrupt Supreme Court. Vote every Republican & conservative politician out of office in 2024
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WASHINGTON (AP) — One woman miscarried in the lobby restroom of a Texas emergency room as front desk staff refused to check her in. Another woman learned that her fetus had no heartbeat at a Florida hospital, the day after a security guard turned her away from the facility. And in North Carolina, a woman gave birth in a car after an emergency room couldn't offer an ultrasound. The baby later died.
Complaints that pregnant women were turned away from U.S. emergency rooms spiked in 2022 after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, federal documents obtained by The Associated Press reveal.
The cases raise alarms about the state of emergency pregnancy care in the U.S., especially in states that enacted strict abortion laws and sparked confusion around the treatment doctors can provide.
“It is shocking, it’s absolutely shocking,” said Amelia Huntsberger, an OB/GYN in Oregon. “It is appalling that someone would show up to an emergency room and not receive care — this is inconceivable.”
It's happened despite federal mandates that the women be treated.
Federal law requires emergency rooms to treat or stabilize patients who are in active labor and provide a medical transfer to another hospital if they don’t have the staff or resources to treat them. Medical facilities must comply with the law if they accept Medicare funding.
The Supreme Court will hear arguments Wednesday that could weaken those protections. The Biden administration has sued Idaho over its abortion ban, even in medical emergencies, arguing it conflicts with the federal law.
“No woman should be denied the care she needs,” Jennifer Klein, director of the White House Gender Policy Council, said in a statement. “All patients, including women who are experiencing pregnancy-related emergencies, should have access to emergency medical care required under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA).”
Pregnant patients have “become radioactive to emergency departments” in states with extreme abortion restrictions, said Sara Rosenbaum, a George Washington University health law and policy professor
“They are so scared of a pregnant patient, that the emergency medicine staff won’t even look. They just want these people gone," Rosenbaum said.
Consider what happened to a woman who was nine months pregnant and having contractions when she arrived at the Falls Community Hospital in Marlin, Texas, in July 2022, a week after the Supreme Court’s ruling on abortion. The doctor on duty refused to see her.
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psychedelic-ink · 2 years
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𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐚 - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐝
pairing: pre outbreak!joel miller x f!reader, one sided tommy miller x f!reader
genre: angst, smut, romance, slow burn, mutual pining, secret relationship
series summary: After your grandfather’s passing, you find yourself moving into his home in Texas. You meet the Millers; Tommy, his older brother Joel and his daughter Sarah. With time, you and Tommy become close friends and Sarah visits you often. But Joel…Joel keeps his distance. The reason for this is due to one crucial fact you don’t know but he does; Tommy has a crush on you. Which means you’re off limits no matter what. But as your own feelings for Joel grow, things start to get more and more complicated.
word count: 4.8k
chapter summary: Due to a power outage in your home, you have to stay with Joel and Sarah for a couple days until it gets fixed.
warnings: female masturbation, accidental eavesdropping, pillow humping/fucking (joel)
Chapter Five || Chapter Seven
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You only see butterflies. 
You see them fluttering at the window, in your kitchen, in your bedroom. You see them sitting on top the mirror in the bathroom, you see them in the cupboards. They’re everywhere. They consume you. In every shape and color, you see them. You see stars on top of their wings, circles, hearts. Some are white, some are pink. But most of them are blue. 
They remind you of him. Of Joel. And you draw—you paint. 
You sketch wings on paper. Paint colors that become them. It’s him. It’s Sarah. It’s Tommy. It’s Olivia. Your brother. Your grandfather. It’s everyone that lingers in your heart, in your mind. You see them in the shapes that you draw. All of them distinctly different. 
Joel is a dark red, a dark purple with splattered white. The wings are sharper, longer, the largest butterflies. The ends of his wings have long extensions like antennas. It is beautiful, ethereal, strong. 
Tommy’s butterflies are similar to Joel’s, only softer around the ages and smaller. Blue, golden, a light shade of red. His wings glimmer under both sunlight and moonlight. Sarah’s are the smallest, pink and blue with a lighter shade of purple. Her design is the most elegant, her wings curl at the end, more fairy-like. 
Olivia’s are green, her wings long and slender. You would be lying if you said you hadn’t drawn inspiration from Tinker Bell—green, yellow with light blue specs. 
It’s the early hours of the morning, soft sunlight only just starting to spill from the windows. Despite your sweatshirt and the blanket you had haphazardly thrown over your shoulders, the early chill settles in your bones. You narrow your eyes, tilting the sketchbook, you hold it towards the overhead light. It’s hard to see and your eyes sting when you blink. But you don’t stop, you can’t stop. They’re everywhere and you need to draw them, you need to put them on paper before they disappear. It’s been months since you’ve painted anything. Now that the colors were splashing over white you don’t want to stop. It’s a breath of fresh air. 
Finally, you’re breathing again after being submerged for so long. 
The realization that you had feelings for Joel, and Tommy for you, make this unrestrained desire to create even stronger. You’re breathing because of Joel—because he had told you to draw butterflies. You want to show him what you’ve made, you want to show Tommy as well. It should make you afraid. The things that you feel. He has someone after all, no matter how serious their relationship might or might not be, however, isn’t this the perfect motivator for any kind of artist? You feel pain. A different kind of pain that you can actually use instead of the grief that aches in your bones. 
Pain is one of the fundamentals of art. The beauty of art comes from within, and so does pain,  it’s the process of creating it not the end product. It’s the journey. Some of your favorite artworks are derived from pain; Dorotea Tanning’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, Dali’s Elephants, and The Broken Column by Frida Kahlo. 
Despite being transfixed by Dali’s work (his work with butterflies has been a strong inspiration in what you make), you feel most drawn to Tanning’s style of showcasing pain. You always saw yourself as the girl within the Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, walking down the blood-colored carpet, a giant sunflower in front of her, tattered and ruined. You were always curious about the cracked open door ahead, wondered what might be laying within the only room with an open door.
Your thoughts seep through the pencil, become shapes and lines on paper. You admire the texture of the clean sheets, the lead against it music to your ears. You draw and draw, some making less sense than others. Page after page your butterflies become something else, they become more gruesome with split heads and sharp, glass-like wings. You swallow. The sweat clinging to your skin is cold, your fingers numb. 
And just like that you’re buried in muted darkness. 
“Shit.” you hiss, looking up accusingly to the light. “What the fuck?” 
You get up and head to the window, your fingers curling around the edge of the curtains. It’s early but it seems like some of your neighbors are already awake—and has light. 
“Fuck,” you say again. 
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The sun warms your back. You’re staring at the blank screen of the TV. You hear the faint murmurs coming from the Miller’s kitchen, Joel paces back and forth, his socked feet silent. Anxiety clawing at your chest, you shove your hands between your thighs and keep them there. Joel appears. You look up at him as he leans down, placing the phone on the coffee table. 
“So it looks like the power outage is gonna take them a couple of days to fix, maybe even a week,” your heart sinks at his words. He notices and a soft smile tugs at his lips. “Don’t look so worried. You can stay here, we have a spare room. I’ll check on them to see they're doing everythin’ right.” 
“Oh,” you say, a hint of worry etched into your voice. “I wouldn’t want to trouble you with all that. I was just thinking of just calling up my brother, or I can stay at Olivia’s.” 
He waves you off in dismissal. “You ain’t troubling anyone. Besides, it’ll be easier to just bring what you need here. Or if you forget somethin’ you can just go and get it.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“I’m sure, darlin’,” he answers, voice dropping a beat. “Stay.” 
A shudder settles at the base of your spine. You nod. You feel a thick knock in your throat as you swallow. You can still see the lines of sleep mapping across his cheeks, his bed hair a sight to behold. Looking down at the coffee table, you try not to think about how good he looks with his gray sweatpants hugging his thighs—you especially try not to think about the night you drew shapes across his hand and forearm with nothing but your fingers. 
You dream of painting him. Putting him on a blank canvas and hanging it on your wall. He’s a beautiful man. Strong body, a pronounced nose, warm eyes. 
Sarah's sudden jump off the last step startles you and interrupts your thoughts. When she sees your expression, she looks puzzled herself.
“Mornin’,” she greets you, ready for school. “Did something happen?” 
“Power outage,” Joel answers on your behalf, Sarah turns to him. “She’s goin’ to be stayin’ with us for a while.” 
Your heart melts at how wide Sarah smiles, you can see the glimmer in her eyes. “That’s great!” she sits next to you. “Well, not great great, but we can have a sleepover! It’ll be fun, you can teach me how to draw.” 
“Sarah…” Joel warns. 
You cut him off before he can say anything else. 
“That sounds great,” you smile. “I actually have a couple of drawings I’ve been meaning to show you guys.” 
“Really?” Joel asks. 
“Yeah, really.” you answer, grinning at his surprise. You pull out the sketchbook from your bag and place it on your lap. Heat grows between your legs as Joel sits next to you, the meat of his thigh pressed snug against your own. 
Both Miller’s lean in closer, staring at your drawings—themselves, in a way. You don’t think they’ll notice, especially not Joel, but you realize that maybe Sarah does. Her fingers delicately move over the drawing that you did thinking of her.
Sarah grabs your arm and diverts your attention back to her, “Butterflies.”  she murmurs.
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“How do you like your coffee?” 
“With milk,” you answer. “A lot of it, preferably.” 
“So milk with a dash of coffee,” he grins, amused. “Got it.” 
It’s been a couple of days since you moved in with Joel and Sarah. It was much easier to live with the father-daughter due than you initially had thought. Tommy came over in the mornings, dropping you off to work and Sarah to school, and the brothers went to do their own thing after that. 
With Joel’s back turned to you, you look down at your sketchbook and add another line to what is supposed to be his unruly hair. He really needs a haircut. 
Surprisingly living with him isn’t weird at all. He made you feel welcome. No awkward glances, no awkward touching. Just neighbors helping each other out. He places the steaming mug next to you and leans on his elbows. He looks at what you’re drawing and raises an eyebrow. 
Joel brings the mug to his lips. 
“You’re paintin’ me?” 
“I’m sketching you,” you answer. “You’re a lovely specimen.” 
“Is that so.” 
The scent of coffee fills your lungs. Lifting your gaze, you observe his facial structures. You see the imperfections, take in the sight of his eyes, his bushy eyebrows, and the bald patches in his beard. You want to touch the small beauty park right in the corner of his eye that’s impossible to see unless you’re an inch further away. 
 If he knew how you saw him—if he knew how big he was in your mind— Joel would be terrified. 
“Do you like art?” you ask, taking him by surprise. He takes a sip of his coffee and your gaze drops back to your sketch.  
He hums, fingers thrumming the kitchen counter. “I like your art.” 
“I should take you guys to an art gallery or something,” you say, smiling. “If you like mine, you’re going to go nuts over the things that are out there.” 
Joel pouts and you roll your eyes. “What are you looking at me like that for?” you ask.
“I like your drawings. They’re—They feel close. I don’t know how else to describe it.” 
It’s because it’s you who I think of when I create them. 
“Do you know Salvador Dali?” you ask, then quickly add. “Or Dorothea Tanning?” 
“Sweetheart, the only artist I know is Da Vinci and I’m not even a hundred percent sure he is one.” 
“He is,” you affirm him excitedly, looking back up. “I love surrealism. It’s when everything gets really weird basically. So—wait let me show you. I think I have a couple of pictures between the pages.” 
You miss the way Joel’s lips slowly curl up, adoration and fondness adorning his face, softening the edges. He comes closer. Your pulse quickens as your fingers rush to find the images, and when they do you basically rip them out from between the pages 
All of them are images from Dali’s artwork. Mainly butterflies. Joel observes them carefully, touching them as if fearing he might stain them. You urge him to take a closer look by placing one between his thick fingers. It’s The Butterfly Rose. 
“Never thought you would do homework for a hobby.” 
“It’s not—” You let out an exasperated sigh, cutting yourself off mid-sentence. “Do you think I want to work at the coffee house forever? It’s not just a hobby. And of course, as an artist, I look at other art to be inspired. They make me feel things.” Seeing the startled expression on his face, you add, “Don’t you get like…shivers or something when you see a very nice wooden table?”
Oh, you made him uncomfortable. You sense that in an instant. His fingers trace the image of the painting, looking down, you notice the crease between his brows deepening with concentration. Was he concentrating on the image? In your words? You have no idea—the only thing you know is that this man concentrating on art is making your insides clench with a need. 
“Sorry,” he grumbles. “I didn’t mean it like that. I do think you’re a serious artist. It’s just…fuck that came out wrong. I just didn’t think you would put in this much effort to somethin’ I said,” he shakes his head. “Shit, I’m bad at this.” 
That undeniable need to touch him comes rushing back. You bite the inside of your bottom lip instead. “ I think I might’ve overreacted after hearing the same thing from my brother all the time. It’s all good. You might be the only one that takes me seriously so it was unfair for me to jump to conclusions like that.” 
“He don’t support you?” 
“He does…” you trail off. “In his own way, I guess.” 
“That doesn’t sound like support,” he answers, clicking his tongue. “And just FYI I like your butterflies better, sweet tea.” 
“Sweet tea?” you ask, lips curling with amusement and eyes widening with shock. 
He shrugs. “You said you liked Dorothea…somethin’---” 
“Tanning.” you quickly say. “So Sweet Tea as in…the last syllable of her name?” 
“Would you rather I call you Tea?” he asks, raising an eyebrow. 
“Nope!” you grin, your heart elevated. “Sweet Tea is perfect.” 
With a soft smile, Joel places the picture in front of you and gently taps on it. 
“Well then, Sweet Tea,” he says. “Tell me more about this surrealism thing.” 
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You and Tommy are waiting by the truck for Joel and Sarah to buy snacks from 7-Eleven. You remember the funny looks the Millers gave you when you suggested buying snacks at the cinema instead. Joel had just shaken his head and steered you towards the truck, his hand on your waist. The touch burned you. 
Then he proceeded to explain the thrill of sneaking something through the cinema doors, and how they deserved it due to their overpriced snacks. The latter you couldn’t really object against. However, you had no idea that the Millers were such kleptomaniacs. 
Tommy had a cigarette between his lips, he pulls it out and exhales a puff of smoke. You watch it mixing into the dark blue night. 
“How’s it like staying with my brother and niece?” he asks. “Hopefully Joel ain’t given’ you too much trouble.” 
“Oh. Not at all,” you smile, waving your hand. “He’s been nothing but kind. You have nothing to worry about.” 
Tommy nods, and he flicks the cigarette to the pavement, stepping on it, he comes closer. “Good good.” you feel his heat, his breath. You shudder. “I miss spendin’ time with you…I mean without anyone else.” 
His voice is a low hum in your ear. You had missed hanging out with him too, but now it's clear that your feelings don't quite match his. Your gaze drifts to the windows of the 7-Eleven, where Joel and Sarah are at the register, scanning the items and chatting. A burst of laughter from Joel warms your heart.
Tommy touches your chin, pulling your gaze back to him. Your pulse quickens under his touch. You swallow. 
“You’ve been distant lately,” he states. “Did I do somethin’?” 
“What?” you gasp, then furiously shake your head. “No. No, of course, you didn’t. I’m…It’s just been hectic with trying to get the power back and the drawings—It doesn’t mean anything, I promise.” 
“If you say so, sweetheart.” he smiles and you fight the urge to let out a breath of relief. “Don’t think about it so much. Joel said the electricity will be back in no time, he might’ve…” he clears his throat. “He might’ve threatened them a bit but it was all light-hearted.” 
You snort. “How can a threat be light-hearted?” 
“You know,” he grins. “When you place a hand on a guy’s shoulder and just squeeze it a bit while smilin’. It’s unnervin’ really. He does that a lot, gives me the creeps sometimes. But then again, a man gotta do what he’s gotta do.” 
“Well, I appreciate it.” you gently kick the pavement with the tip of your shoe. “But no threats necessary. I’m sure they’re going as fast as they can.” 
“We got the goods!”
Sarah comes running, a wide smile stretched across her face as she hugs her jacket tight around her. Joel follows, a lopsided smile on his lips.
When Sarah reaches you and Tommy, she looks around then back to you, she opens the front of her jacket. “See,” she smirks, showing you the various snacks hidden underneath the thick layer. 
Tommy whistles. “That’s quite a haul, baby girl. How long is this movie? Five hours?” 
“I wish,” Sarah snorts. “I’ve been waiting for this a loooong time uncle Tommy. Let me enjoy it.” 
Joel appears next to you, his own jacket also looking a bit tighter. You look up, smiling, and he parts his jacket, showing you, as Sarah had dubbed, “the goods”. 
“I just want to say for the record,” you exclaim, opening the back door. “If you two get sick I’m not cleaning up after you.” 
“You break my heart, Sweet Tea.” Joel answers, hand on his chest as if he’s been shot. “And here I thought you had my back.” 
“I do but not for self-inflicted stomach aches.” 
Sarah slides in after you and Joel takes his place at the passenger seat. Tommy looks at you through the review mirror as he buckles his belt.
“Sweet Tea?” he asks.
“Long story,” you answer, “I’ll tell you later.” 
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The cinema. A place where every art form, visual or otherwise, shakes hands and comes together to create the most amazing of worlds. 
Ever since you were a kid you had this connection to the atmosphere. The scent of popcorn, the dim lights, the other movie enthusiasts excited to witness the magic of it all. You don’t know what it is that draws you to it. From memory, you remember instances where it would only be you and your brother at the movies, the two of you practically owning the dark room for about two hours. It was fun, it was almost magical. Just you and him. That’s it. It was a small town so it wasn’t a hard thing to come by. 
Now it’s the opposite. The screening room is filled to the brim, not one seat empty. Joel is on your left side and Sarah on your right, next to her sits Tommy. You notice she keeps patting her jacket. A small smile tugs at your lips, it almost looks like she’s afraid that the snacks would disappear. 
Despite the past and the present being drastically different, the feeling is the same. It’s a similar feeling to returning home after a long time. You’re excited, giddy almost. And it’s not because of the movie you’re about to watch—Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, one of Sarah’s favorite franchises— it’s from the memories of it. 
The lights turn off completely, the commercials start to play. 
Joel leans in, his shoulder brushing against yours. His lips touch your ear and your stomach tightens. You’re happy he can’t see your face. It would’ve been a dead giveaway if he did. 
“Pass these to Tommy,” he whispers, handing you a box of milk duds. You do as you’re told, Joel then pulls out a pack of Reese’s Pieces. “I do prefer the cups,” he mutters into your ear, you’re not listening, you just focus on the warmth of his breath and the way he turns your hand over. “But these will do for now.” 
You feel the small bite-sized peanut butter and chocolatey goodness falling into your sweaty palm. Throwing back your head, you plop them all into your mouth. You feel his gaze but purposefully keep your eyes glued to the screen. He’s too close. His presence bearing onto you like a heavy blanket. 
The movie finally starts and you do everything to keep your non-existent attention span on the large screen. 
An hour in, goosebumps begin to rise over your skin. It’s cold. The chill is something you always forget about the cinema. You didn’t really have a need to bring your jacket with you when you went out, the night air being warm. But of course, you’d forgotten that you always got chilly in the cinema, no matter how hot it was outside. 
Joel must’ve felt your shivering because soon enough you feel his fingers curling around your wrist. He shuffles closer. 
“Are you cold?” he murmurs and you nod. His fingers don’t desert you as he moves over Sarah to grab his jacket. He throws it over you, warmth immediately coiling around your body. “Better?” he whispers. 
“Yeah,” you say. “Thanks.” 
You’re hyper-aware that his hand remains on your wrist, some portion of his jacket covering your tangled limbs. His fingers tighten, thumb smoothing over your heated skin. Your skin prickles under his touch and soon he starts to skim your forearm up and down with the tips of his fingers. You cheat a glance at him but his sole focus is on the screen. His lips are pressed tight, brows pinched together. When a specifically bright scene appears on screen, you can see the vein meandering down his neck. 
You want to stare at him forever but you know you can’t. Your eyes flitting back to the screen, you ignore the way his fingers continue to move. His touch is much rougher compared to your own. More textured. His blunt nails scrape against your skin, the pads of his fingers travel to your knuckles then move back up again. 
It almost feels like he’s returning the gesture from before. The thought strikes fear. Is this his way of telling you that he knows? That he’d sensed your emotions through your fingertips and telling you; I see you. 
You want to snatch your hand away and your fingers twitch with the need for it. You haven’t heard Asha’s name for a while— But it’s not like Joel talked much about his personal life, and when your alone times with Tommy became limited you heard very little from the ongoing relationship. 
In the end, you don’t pull your hand back and he doesn’t stop touching you. The darkness hides the want, the need, the attraction. Because that is what this is right? Attraction. You’re not alone in your feelings. You can’t be. This was a silent message. A plea for you to say, I see you, back. 
And you do see him. You always have. 
The feeling of his fingers long lingers even after the intermission has come and passed. It stays with you as you exit the movies, as you listen to Sarah excitedly talk about her favorite parts, as Tommy bids you three farewell and drives on home. 
It lingers still. 
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You don’t know what time it is. The only thing you do know is that it’s late. Very late. But no matter how much you toss and turn you can’t sleep. Your mind is wide awake with thoughts of Joel and nothing else. Him and his fingers, his lips, his neck. 
It shouldn’t surprise you that you end up sneaking a hand under your shirt, feeling yourself and imagining it was him instead. 
The sensation of your fingertips brushing over your sensitive skin is electrifying. You close your eyes and imagine it's Joel's hands exploring your body, his fingers tracing circles around your nipples and teasing them until they become tight and hard. His lips trailing down your neck, leaving a burning trail behind.
You bite back your moans as your hand moves further down, slipping between your thighs. Your fingers tease and stroke, exploring every inch of your wetness. You press down harder, your body aching and begging for more, as you think of Joel's hands exploring you. His fingers slipping in and out of your folds, tantalizing and teasing you until you can't take it anymore.
“Joel,” you whisper into the darkness, a prayer. “Joel, please.” 
Your breathing becomes shallow as your orgasm builds, and you moan out his name as you let go. The sensation washes over you, and you can almost feel Joel's hands on your body, his lips on your skin. When you pull out your fingers, you feel like a ragdoll, your limbs buzzing with your fading orgasm. You let out a breath. 
The phone rings. 
Your eyes narrow when you see Tommy’s name flashing on the small screen. Confusion and worry clouding your post-coitus haze, you pick up the phone. 
“Tommy,” you answer. “Are you alright?” 
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” he lets out a breath, his voice sounds frenzied. “I…I saw a—” whatever he was about to say he must’ve decided against saying it because the rest never comes. “I want to ask you somethin’”.
“You can ask me anything.” 
You say it but in hindsight, you probably shouldn’t have. Your heart is restless, your stomach clenching and unclenching in the span of seconds. You hear him breathing heavily from the other line. 
“Would you like to go out with me?” he asks in one exhale. “Like…on a date.” 
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Joel doesn’t want the day to start. It’s unbearably warm, and unknowing to him, he had cast his shirt to the floor sometime during the late night. The morning chill settles over his back. His eyes are closed, his cock hard. He presses temptingly into the pillow between his legs. He has no idea how it ended up there, but he’s grateful for the added pressure. Joel doesn’t think he could ever forget what happened last night. 
The way he touched your burning skin under his jacket, the way you kept stealing glances from him—it was all still too vivid in his head. But then…then you went to bed, and so did he. 
When he woke up in the middle of the night to get water, he didn’t expect to hear his name coming from your room. He waited and listened, you whispered it again. It was such a faint sound that if it wasn’t the dead of night there was no way he could’ve heard it. His cheeks heat up at the memory. He just stayed there, like a deer in headlights, and fucking listened to you get off with his name tenderly falling from your lips. 
Joel had turned and rushed back to his room, his parched mouth now filled with saliva, water forgotten. 
And now, with those thoughts swirling in his head, he grinds himself into the soft pillow. A low groan echoes from the back of his throat. He squeezes his eyes tighter. What were you thinking about? Was it images of him tasting your cunt? Him fucking his cock deep into your sopping heat? Which one was it? What was it that forced those sounds out of your lips? 
Frustrated by the lack of friction, his eyes snap open with something resembling anger. Joel kicks off his sweatpants, brings the pillow underneath him, and squeezes the ends together, forming a crease. He shoves his aching cock between them, wishing it was you instead. 
He leans back, letting the warmth of the pillow engulf him, and takes a deep breath. His body is trembling as he moves his hips slowly. He lets out a low moan as his hips grind against the pillow, the sensation of it rubbing against his hard cock setting off sparks of pleasure throughout his body. The morning sun pours from between the curtains, kissing his skin. His hands grip the pillow tight as he moves his body faster and faster, letting out a series of moans and gasps. 
He imagines it's your body he's thrusting against, your soft curves, your tight embrace. His breathing becomes laboured, his balls draw tight, his stomach clenches. He sees a dark patch growing across the fabric. Joel collapses, his face pressing into the sheets as he rocks his hip forward like a dog in heat. His skin feels raw and over-sensitive. Every time the fabric rubs against his skin, he hisses. 
With one final thrust, he lets out a long, drawn-out moan as he comes hard, his mind filled with thoughts of you. 
He falls onto the pillow, panting heavily. The aftershocks of his orgasm ripple through his body. His cock is still pulsing with pleasure as it slowly softens. His hands run over the pillow, feeling the warmth and wetness left behind from his release. He can still feel the tightness of his orgasm, the pressure inside him slowly fading away. He closes his eyes, taking in a deep breath and letting out a satisfied sigh. Joel wants to feel you against him, to cage you in between him and the bed. 
His cock twitches. 
Joel turns onto his side, his body feeling heavy. The guilt gnaws at his insides. What the hell is wrong with him? First, he touches you during the movies like a man possessed, then he listens to you through the door, and now he’s fucking his pillow with thoughts of you. He groans and flips over to his back. He presses the heels of his palms into his eyes, another groan leaving him. 
He has a fucking girlfriend, and no matter how lax the relationship was, he couldn’t continue on doing this. He needs to break up with Asha, then he needs to talk to you, get things sorted. 
When he allows his arms to fall to his sides, Joel entertains the thought that maybe—just maybe—everything might work out. 
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tina-aumont · 1 month
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Alain Delon passed away the 18th August 2024, this year lots of great stars are leaving us...
Alain Delon was a great actor and worked with Tina in "Texas Across the River" in 1966 and in "Mr. Klein" ten years later, and by looking at these photos (second photo from Jean-Pierre Aumont's funeral back in 2001) it seems that they remained friends since they met back in the 60s.
It seems Alain Delon was a dog lover, he had many dogs during his life and he had them buried at his garden in a chapel. However, in 2010 he adopted Loubo, a Belgian Malinois from a shelter and stated that: “He’s my end of life dog … I love him like a child. I’ve had 50 dogs in my life, but I have a special relationship with this one. He misses me when I’m not there.” and he added: “If I die before him, I’ll ask the vet to take us away together. He’ll put him to sleep in my arms. I’d rather do that than know that he’ll let himself die on my grave with so much suffering.” His family, through Brigitte Bardot Foundation, say that they will keep the dog's alive and will take care of him.
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Lots of people admire Alain Delon a lot, and I think he was a great actor, but he did a very wrong thing when he was young, he had a relationship with German model Nico and had a son, his first son, Christian Aaron "Ari" Päffgen (was called at birth), Nico went to justice to make Alain Delon recognise his own son, but he never did, however, as Nico lifestyle was not suitable for a young boy, Delon's mother and her second husband adopted the kid and took care of him, changing his legal surname in Boulogne. When this happened, Alain Delon never spoke to his mother and step-father again.
In the years 2001 and 2019 Ari attempted to sue Alain Delon for legal recognition of paternity but without success.
In the late 60s, Tina and Nico became friends and at some point in the 70s they shared a flat, I bet in 1966 when Tina worked with Alain Delon didn't know a thing about his young little boy.
Well, Alain Delon's son Ari, left us the 20th May 2023 aged 60, and I would like to believe that now they are together again and I would like to think that in the afterlife Alain Delon has recognised his son and they are at peace... that's my wish...
Very special thanks to @74paris for sharing these photos.
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