#Kingdom of the Dinosaurs
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whitewaterpaper · 4 months ago
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Lite gott och blandat denna månad. Mest blandat, men en del gott värt att se om.
Batman & Robin (1997) [👍🔁] Har alltid varit förtjust i den här filmen, fånig och underhållande och redigt duktiga skådespelare rakt igenom.
Behind the Mask of Zorro / El Zorro cabalga otra vez (1964) [🆓] Zorro-film som bjuder på väldigt lite nytt, väldigt röriga actionscener och där dubben faktiskt är bättre än filmen.
DOA: Dead or Alive (2006) [👍🔁] Faller nog in i samma kategori favoritfilmer som Batman & Robin: småfåniga plotter med duktiga skådespelare. Röjjigt underhållande rakt igenom.
En Djävul till Granne / The 'Burbs (1989) [__] Jisses. Blir aldrig bra. Knäppa karaktärer som tar knäppa beslut.
Fasornas slott / Black Castle, the (1952) [🆓] Bra story med vibbar av Mänskligt villebråd, Romeo och Julia och en god portion maktfullkomliga sadister som styr en avkrok med järnhand. Inte genial, men sevärd.
Gorilla lös! / Gorilla at Large (1954) [🆓] Rätt harmlöst karaktärsdrivet drama som utspelar sig på ett nöjesfält kallat ”Ondskans Trädgård” där en man hittas död inne i en gorillabur. Inte genial, men sevärd.
Hannibal: Erövraren / Annibale (1959) [🆓] Allt för tråkig för sitt eget bästa.
Hart to Hart: Secrets of the Hart (1995) [👍🆓] Helt klart kul att återse gamla "Par i Hjärter", får mig att sukta efter mer.
Kingdom of the Dinosaurs (2022) [👎🆓] Skådespelarna känns kompetenta, men regin att få liv i dialogen och piska i gång nerven för storyn finns inte där. Osebart sömnpiller.
Mark of Zorro, the (1974) [👍🆓] Klart sevärd Zorrofilm som både bjuder på de klassiska momenten och en egen spinn på dem.
Mord och inga visor. Den Keltiska Gåtan / Murder, She Wrote: The Celtic Riddle (2003) [👍🔁] Kunde inte låta bli att tänka på Arvspelen medan jag såg den -- klart bra och en av de bästa av filmerna som avslutade serien.
Mord, lilla vän (1955) [👎🆓] Oj vad bra den här hade varit med en mer sympatisk karaktär som huvudroll. Nu blir fick den bara en irriterat halsstarrig journalist som kastar anklagelser runt sig.
Next Stop Murder (2010) [🆓] Modern take på Strangers on a Train, här med en egen spinn. Det funkar men kan kanske inte kallas genialt.
Oh, vilket party! / Party, the (1968) [👎] Vilken överskattad film. Långt ifrån rolig. Var det lämpligt ens 1968 med en sminkad ENGELSMAN som spelade fumlig indier?
Oz the Great and Powerful (2013) [🔁] Bättre än jag mindes den. Ser fram emot kommande Wicked.
Zorro Kommer Tillbaka / Bold Caballero, the (1936) [🆓] Känd för tre saker: första Zorro filmen i färg, första Zorro-filmen med tal och den enda Zorro-filmen som (likt den litterära förlagan) visar Zorro i helmask. Bra story, och kändes på det hela taget påkostad.
Jag ljög. Bara blandat! den här månaden är kanske Zorro-filmerna det vettiga man kan plocka upp. Om man inte känner för att se om 90-tals klassiker då (och då menar jag B&R inte EDtG).
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feathereye12 · 26 days ago
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This is my traditional drawing of the Indoraptor. It is for sale!
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lowpolyanimals · 3 months ago
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Bobaboo from MySims Kingdom
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thedrawinggizzard · 17 days ago
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The Prehistoric Kingdom team really outdid themeselves with this lot.
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baeryonixx · 22 days ago
I'm shamelessly admitting that I created this account just so I could read and see fanarts of my favorite characters.
Here's my contribution to the CRK fandom. I'm gonna be doing stuff for Shadow Milk and Pure Vanilla for now
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Other fandoms that I'm part of is
-Poppy Playtime;
-The Amazing Digital Circus;
-Hunter X Hunter;
-Sonic the Hedgehog;
-Dr. Stone;
-Steven Universe;
-Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun;
And a few others I can't remember but I might draw for those too 💪
I've yapped enough but anyways, I'm accepting ideas of what to draw only for Cookie Run, I also do Y/N stuff.
That's all I had to say, so uhh goodnight I guess 🦖
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bs-fangirl · 1 month ago
Dinosaurs In The New Jurassic World Rebirth Trailer
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justgoji · 1 year ago
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Torvosaurus and Spinosaurus comparison, since they’re both in Megalosauroidea (I think, correct me if I’m wrong). Used the Prehistoric Kingdom designs because that game needs more fanart I thinks /gen
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tharkflark1 · 10 months ago
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More realistic Quadratum dream eaters ft. Cera Terror
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silverthelovebug · 8 months ago
Yasammy Week ~ Day 3: Prom
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“Mom, we really have to go.” Yaz mumbled, eyeing the large pickup truck Sammy’s father had parked near the entrance of the Gutierrez Cattle Ranch. The engine had been running for little over an hour now, no thanks to her misty eyed mother, who decided she needed an album’s worth of photos of their Prom Dresses. Sammy didn’t seem to mind, in fact, she was fully on board for the mini photo shoot. Yaz rolled her eyes, but smiled nonetheless. Prom could wait a few minutes more.
Not sure how to feel about Mrs. Fadoula’s angle here, but it’s good enough !!! Also, yes, Yaz is holding a mum, because Sammy is a Texas girl and she wants to spoil her girlfriend. I know they’re more of a Homecoming thing, but she’s just extra like that :3 (Yaz has no idea what to do with it). Yes, Sammy will be going to prom in cowboy boots, because Yaz is wearing sneakers under her dress, too.
Their designs here are based on what we see of them in the finale of Camp Cretaceous, when Yaz and Sammy grew out their hair. Very pretty :3
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idreamofthemeparks · 8 months ago
Now that Dinosaur is on its way out, we should really be pushing Disney to preserve this ride that so many of us love. The fossils and casts in the queue should really be preserved, not to mention the animatronics. All of them are pieces of Disney history. In particular, the Aladar animatronic should really be put in the Archives or something. But we know Disney won't do that, so fans should do it. Some of us should get together to get that animatronic out of there before the whole building is destroyed. Listen up: we’ve gotta get in, grab the iguanodon, and get out before that demolition hits. Let's roll!
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hellspawnsparks · 4 months ago
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Bobaboo from MySims Kingdom :D
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gilb0t5 · 7 months ago
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DINOSAUR at Disney's Animal Kingdom
Source: x x x x x x
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feathereye12 · 19 days ago
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All my traditional drawings currently FOR SALE!!
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theblogthattimeforgot · 4 months ago
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Love these lil babies so much.
I need a leaellynasaura plush.
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tinderbox210 · 5 months ago
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Land of the Lost AU
Being the only survivor of an expedition, Mae Rodman finds herself trapped in a mysterious place that is inhabited by a variety of dangerous and prehistoric creatures. On the run from carnivorous dinosaurs and other predators, Mae is saved by Noa, an evolved and sentient primate, who decides to help her search for other survivors of the expedition and find a way home.
On their journey they grow closer together and stumble upon the opportunistic castaway Trevathan, who's been stranded in the "Land of the Lost", as he calls the place, for several years with no hope of leaving. He betrays them to Proximus, the ruthless monarch of an archaic clan of apes residing in the ruins of an ancient civilisation.
When Proximus wants to sacrifice Mae to appease the aggressive humanoid lizard creatures called Sleestak living beneath the ruins, she and Noa manage to escape during a volcanic eruption and start a new life together.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years ago
They added dinosaurs to Tears of the Kingdom. Not a mod, Nintendo just added 15 new dinosaurs monsters and didn’t tell anyone.
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