#King is a dork
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angst-king · 8 months ago
Time of Dying pt 1
(So this is a story series for my friend and I's elemental spirit OCs. Due to them being spirits, we've decided to do a 'how would they die' back story series. Here we go!) (CW description of serious house fire and being burned alive) Leyo loved his job he had worked very hard to get into the fire academy, it took him a while but he eventually became a lieutenant. Not only that but he had a lovely girlfriend who he loved with every fiber of his being. From her pitch-black coily hair to her caramel-colored skin, to her bright white smile. He’d do anything for her, he’d risk his life for her. She was perfect for him, she knew how to make him laugh after a stressful day at work. Cooled him down from exploding with anger-Leyo was known for being a hot head- and not being afraid when he’d get mad. She made him feel love and brought him all he could ever need.
There was only one downside….she couldn’t cook. Ashlyn couldn’t cook to save her life, okay that's an exaggeration. She could cook small things, mac n cheese, toaster oven pizzas, just simple things if she was alone. Anything else she would overseason, underseason, undercook, overcook. Leyo grew up and was taught how to took and it was clear Ashlyn was not. It was a wonder she had made it 23 years like this!
After moving in together for a month, Leyo would teach her how to cook whenever he could. It was fun, just another way to spend time together. Dancing around the kitchen and talking about their day, Ashylyn would learn how to cook and Leyo would get a laugh out of her antics. The thing was she was starting to get better and better at it, she still struggled not to walk away from the stove or oven for too long or not second-guessing and needing to put the food back on the heat but she was making progress.
It was a late night and Leyo was grabbing himself a bite to eat on the way home from his overnight shift at the station. He was sitting in the parking lot of a Wendy’s, eating his sandwich only 5 minutes from home when he got a call on his cellphone. Huh, his neighbor was calling, ah maybe their kid was out late again?
“Hello?” “Leyo dude, get home now your house is on fire!” His heart skipped a beat and he dropped his sandwich asking for them to repeat what he heard.
“Your house literally bursted into flames man, no joke, I don’t know where your girlfriend is. I already called the fire department but you know it’ll be a bit. Just get here now!” Without skipping a beat as soon as the neighbor hung up he sped out of the parking lot and down the street. His mind raced wondering what could have happened and if Ashlyn was okay. As he grew closer smoke filled the air polluting it with sparks and the sound of crashing and tumbling. A glow of orange and red illuminated the sky as he zoomed through the neighborhood. Many civilians came out of their homes to see what had happened and just as he turned down his street he saw no fire trucks arriving yet. He parked as close as he could and ran towards his house, calling out for his girlfriend asking if she had come out. But no one knew, and Leyo had a sick feeling in his stomach that she was still inside.
The house was going up in flames, it wasn’t much but the fire was taking it down slowly. He knew it would be a good few minutes before the fire truck would get here, cops would arrive first to clear the street. He looked down and saw he was still wearing his fireman jacket. It was risky but he wouldn’t be able to rest if he waited minutes, he didn’t have minutes he had seconds!
“LEYO!” The purple-haired man dashed inside many bystanders screamed for him to get out, but it was too late. Smoke nothing but smoke, he got as low as he could, face covered by his shirt to filter out as much ash and smoke as he could as he called for Ashlyn. The crackling of fire and would coming down didn’t phase him he had one thing on his mind and it was to get to his girlfriend! First, he checked the kitchen which was the main source of the fire, he couldn’t even get in without being surrounded, and when he called out.
“ASHLYN! ASHLYN!” No answer, he quickly backtracked and went up the stairs continuing to shout for her. This time he got an answer from behind the bathroom door. The floor beneath him was getting hotter and hotter it felt like everything was melting in on itself but he pounded on the door for Ashlyn to let him in. When she did he stepped inside and asked if she was okay. Visibility wasn’t any better up there as the smoke was traveling.
“I-I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry, I-i tried-I tried to make dinner a-and something c-caught fire and I exploded so-so I ran” She stammered out shakily coughing and choking on air. Leyo shook his head and held her close.
“Its gonna be alright, let's get out of here, can you walk?” Ashlyn took a step forwards but stumbled hard almost falling face-first onto the sink. Leyo caught her and wrapped an arm around her waist for support.
“I got you, let’s go!” Headed back towards the stairs a creaking noise came and the smoke had grown denser and the fire was climbing into the living room slithering into the sockets causing sparks. Creaking, crackling, sizzling, popping, and crashing, the house was starting to come down around them. Getting to the front door they thought they could just through the door open but the suction of the outside air and the pressure inside mixing with the heat made getting it open difficult. Leyo remembered he had something upstairs he could use to ram the door open Still, he encouraged her to find a way out, shrucking off his jacket he covered her with it and dashed back up the stairs.
The fire rose parts of the floor were coming down, the hot spots were boiling, it was like being in an oven. Leyo searched and searched he didn’t know how long he was up there but he managed to find a bat with the hopes of breaking the window and getting out. Right as he turned to go back to Ashlyn he made a wrong move and next thing he knew he fell through the second floor and right into a ring of fire. Ashlyn screamed as she heard a sick thud and saw Leyo’s body hit the ground. Leyo let out a scream of his own when he felt something searing into his back.
He kicked and squirmed in hopes of making it stop but the fire spread along his body. Breathing got harder it felt like a 50-ton weight was crushing his chest and acid burning his throat. He had dropped the bat but gestured for Ashlyn to grab it.
“Smash the window and run!” He choked out, she shook her head and tried to get closer to him but more planks and drywall plunged down.
“NO PLEASE!” She screamed, all Leyo could do was nudge the bat over, and pull his body towards the edge to crawl out from underneath the rubble.
“I’ll be okay” He croaked out, another burst of fire crackled around them and the black-haired girl picked up the bat limped her way back to the front, and weakly smashed at the window. It took many tries as he need for oxygen increased her body grew weaker. Each swing felt like it was taking years off her life but she kept going in hopes that she could get out and tell the firefighters where Leyo was and they could rescue him too.
With one final crash, the window had broken enough for her to climb through not without injury but it was better than burning alive. Just as she got to the front of the house a firefighter came to get her away while she rasped out for them to go inside.
“M-my boyfriend, please, you-you have to-have help him! Inside f-first flo-floor” Her world went black, she dropped the bat, the young woman was whisked to the paramedics as soon as she lost consciousness.
Inside the house Leyo was losing a battle he knew he would never win. Pulling himself along the scolding floor, his flesh scraping along the burning wood. Plaster and decor fell atop his body, his mind was becoming numb as his heart was pounding up to his head. Black nothingness was all he could see and flickers of fire. No matter how much he focused on getting to the front door each reach of his shaking arms felt like he was swimming in tar. He wasn’t even sure he was conscious anymore. Nothing felt real, he could hear voices but see nothing, he could feel the vibrations of footsteps thumping up to the front door through the floor.
Weezing and sputtering for air just as a crew of search and rescue firefighters busted through the door the fire erupted like a blazing inferno!
“WE FOUND HIM!” They dashed out carrying Leyo’s limp body hurriedly to the medics. His body had been chard, muscles and bones were being exposed as multiple layers of skin had been burned away. His airway was hardly salvageable, 55% of his body had been covered in 3rd nearing 4th degree burns as even bones were becoming exposed. His hair was melting off his scalp with chunks of his skin, and his heart no longer beat.
No matter how long medics looked for an airway, creating one only bought them time. No matter how many rounds of chest compressions and shocks. No matter how fast they got to that hospital. It was all for nothing.
He was gone
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technically-human · 5 months ago
The cat queen…?
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The Cat Queen
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ittybittyluci · 11 months ago
So y’all remember this scene right?
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From Helluva Boss S2 E7? When Mammon threatened Ozzie. And how EVERYONE was freaking out and so scared cuz they though Asmodeus was gonna get in trouble for his relationship,
But, now I’m looking back and I’m like… why IS he gonna regret it. He’ll get public backlash sure, but eventually everyone’s gonna have to get over it. He’s a Sin. He’s the main sex toy manufacturer in Hell. I don’t think ppl are gonna care enough to boycott. They’re too desperate.
The only people that outrank him are the royal family. And like… in all actuality, who’s gonna get mad at him?
This bitch?!
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durgewyll · 1 year ago
Wyll: There're tales galore of a great green dragon called Claugiyliamatar. Try saying that five times in a row!
Wyll: 'Claugiyliamatar'. 'Clog-ee-myalarfer'. 'Cloff-a-mother-f...' Whatever - let's call it Old Gnawbone.
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devnote: CLOG-ee-lee-uh-MAT-ar. Wyll tries his own game to say the dragon's name five times in a row and fails spectacularly and charmingly.
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bb-eb-db-bb-eb-b-ab-f-b-ab · 8 months ago
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fullscoreshenanigans · 4 months ago
Me whenever I remember the English dub canonically has Norman and Ray calling each other dumbasses. <3
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a-non-event · 4 months ago
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Bonus Mitch because he looks insanely hot in that shirt:
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fangsandfeels · 1 year ago
Astarion and planning in a nutshell:
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wyxxiee · 1 year ago
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literally episode 5
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woohoorin · 6 months ago
(he's in denial btw)
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polarisjisung · 6 months ago
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emmastraub3 · 23 days ago
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The Queen and King of Arendelle I love how they are so in love and very dorky.
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ventriloquistfan69 · 29 days ago
Another one of these I made at work. I've made more than I've shown on my blog
Audio source
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ylordfran · 2 years ago
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still a working in progress, my college exams are coming so putting effort in my drawings are out of question at the moment... :(
also one of my headcanons is that Macaque didn't know how to kiss, so Wukong teached him after coming back to FFM from studying to became an immortal..
he still don't get the grasp of it yet, but Wukong doesn't care
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spidehpig · 12 days ago
archdevil raphael at his first annual meeting with the other archdevils
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dy3rs3v3 · 1 year ago
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80s Metallica and Slayer crossover
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