#Kim Nielsen
metal-sludge · 1 month
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PHANTOM BLUE (1987 - 2009) | METAL HAMMER, September 1988.
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littletroubledgrrrl · 4 months
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moviesandmania · 5 months
ZOOMBIES Reviews and free on Plex, Prime, Tubi, Vudu and YouTube
‘Uncaged, undead’ Zoombies is a 2016 horror film directed by Glenn R. Miller (The Bell Witch Haunting; The Coed and the Zombie Stoner; Santa Claws) from a screenplay by Scotty Mullen (The Coed and the Zombie Stoner). Produced by David Michael Latt for The Asylum. The movie stars Ione Butler, Andrew Asper, LaLa Nestor, Kim Nielsen, Marcus Anderson, and Brianna Joy Chomer. A sequel, Zoombies 2, was…
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galechives · 8 months
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in Kim Nielsen, Money, Marriage, and Madness: the Life of Anna Ott (2020)
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dkavisen · 2 years
Anmeldelse af Fredericias Elite hold i 3-bande carambole kamp
Anmeldelse af Fredericias Elite hold i 3-bande carambole kamp
I weekenden den 15-16. oktober var Fredericias elitehold i 3-Bande Carambole i kamp igen. De gæve gutter gjorde en flot indsats. Lørdag spillede de mod BK Amagerbro og det blev uafgjort 4-4. Kim Nielsen og Per Hermansen vandt deres kampe og fremhæves skal Kim Nielsen med et flot snit på 1,235, hvilket er over hans normale gennemsnit. I toppen af ligaen ligger BK Grøndal og søndag blev til et…
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disneytva · 2 years
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The  2023 Disney+ Sizzle Reel unveiled first look images to a special episode of "Dug Days" from Pixar Television Animation under the title "Carl's Date"
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sarakiz · 2 years
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did not expect to come out of the men's free skate with so many new favs!! what a competition!!
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EuroTrip | Part 16 | Goalshy FC Midtjylland
#FM24 #EuroTrip Part 16: Goalshy FC Midtjylland. Trebor Mahtal is forced to turn to youth at @fcmidtjylland and his young charges deliver a season that very much doesn't meet his board's expectation of attacking football. Read here:
A poor first season in Denmark saw Trebor Mahtal fearing the sack at the lowest point of his 13-year Football Manager career. He’d led FC Midtjylland to a pretty disappointing 6th place in the league after they failed to get going in his first season in charge. The summer saw record goalscorer and appearances holder Franculino Djú go to Saudi for £6.25m as he refused to sign a new contract,…
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byneddiedingo · 2 months
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One Hour Photo (Mark Romanek, 2002)
Cast: Robin Williams, Connie Nielsen, Michael Vartan, Dylan Smith, Gary Cole, Evie Daniels, Paul Kim Jr., Eriq La Salle, Clark Gregg. Screenplay: Mark Romanek. Cinematography: Jeff Cronenweth. Production design: Tom Foden. Film editing: Jeffrey Ford. Music: Reinhold Heil, Johnny Klimek. 
Robin Williams gives a fine performance in One Hour Photo, but it remains just that: a performance, a tamping down of his familiar manic presence into the persona of the repressed, furtive Sy Parrish. He works in the photo processing department of SavMart, a vast and impersonal big box store. He lives alone, and his chief human contact is with his customers, who bring him their rolls of film to be developed. Their snapshots give him a glimpse into the lives of people who have families and children and celebrate events like weddings and birthdays. He also gets a glimpse of the secret lives of people, who bring in shots revealing their sexual proclivities, but he chooses to concentrate on the happy families, especially the Yorkins: the beautiful Nina (Connie Nielsen), her handsome husband, Will (Michael Vartan), and their cute 9-year-old son, Jakob (Dylan Smith). His admiration for the Yorkins grows into an obsession, and from that writer-director Mark Romanek spins the plot. One Hour Photo is supposed to be a thriller, in which we watch uneasily as Sy's obsession curdles into something malevolent. But by showing us Sy talking to the police at the start of the film, he deprives us of that surprise. There's a slackness in the narrative that works against the suspense, and Sy's breakdown and eruption into violence feels less like an integral part of the character than a plot device. Romanek also gets distracted into making a satiric point about the soullessness of the megacorporate entities embodied by SavMart, turning the store manager (Gary Cole) into the villain who pushes Sy over the edge. For many people, however, watching Williams perform is enough to overcome the movie's flaws. 
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littletroubledgrrrl · 4 months
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moviesandmania · 5 months
ZOOMBIES Reviews and free on Plex, Prime, Tubi, Vudu and YouTube
‘Uncaged, undead’ Zoombies is a 2016 American horror film directed by Glenn R. Miller (The Bell Witch Haunting; The Coed and the Zombie Stoner; Santa Claws) from a screenplay by Scotty Mullen (The Coed and the Zombie Stoner). Produced by David Michael Latt for The Asylum. The movie stars Ione Butler, Andrew Asper, LaLa Nestor, Kim Nielsen, Marcus Anderson, and Brianna Joy Chomer. A sequel,…
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cscclibrary · 1 year
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[Image description: Horizontal rectangular graphic; the background is the Disability Pride flag, with adjoining red, yellow, white, aqua, and green stripes slanting together from the top left to bottom right corners on a dark gray background. White text in the center foreground says "Disability Pride: / Suggested Reading / Columbus State Library / library.cscc.edu."]
July is Disability Pride month, and that means it's time for a bigger, better, updated Disability Pride reading list!
A Disability History of the United States, by Kim E. Nielsen
Being Heumann: An Unrepentant Memoir of a Disability Rights Activist, by Judith Heumann
About Us: Essays from the Disability Series of the New York Times, Peter Catapano and Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, editors
Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice, by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Demystifying Disability: What to Know, What to Say, and how to Be an Ally, by Emily Ladau
Disability as Diversity: Developing Cultural Competence, by Erin E. Andrews. Companion case study volume here.
Exile & Pride: Disability, Queerness, and Liberation, by Eli Clare
The Minority Body: A Theory of Disability, by Elizabeth Barnes
Nothing about Us without Us: Disability Oppression and Empowerment, by James I. Charlton
The Problem Body: Projecting Disability in Film, Sally Chivers and Nicole Markotić, editors
Routledge Handbook of Disability Studies, Nick Watson and Simo Vehmas, editors
My Wonderful Life as a Vegetable, Lars Feldballe producer/director
The Disability Rights Movement: From Charity to Confrontation, by Doris Zames Fleischer and Frieda Zames
Disability Experiences: Memoirs, Autobiographies, and Other Personal Narratives, G. Thomas Couser and Susannah B. Mintz, editors
The Routledge Handbook of Disability Activism, Maria Berghs, Tsitsi Chataika, Yahya El-Lahib and Andrew K. Dube, editors
Black Disability Politics, Sami Schalk
Year of the Tiger: An Activist's Life, by Alice Wong
Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century, Alice Wong, editor
From the Periphery: Real-Life Stories of Disability, by Pia Justesen
Young, Disabled and LGBT+: Voices, Identities and Intersections, Alex Toft and Anita Franklin, editors
Disability, Media, and Representations: Other Bodies, Jacob Johanssen and Diana Garrisi, editors
The Routledge Handbook of Disability Arts, Culture, and Media, Bree Hadley and Donna McDonald, editors
Occupying Disability: Critical Approaches to Community, Justice, and Decolonizing Disability, Pamela Block, Devva Kasnitz, Akemi Nishida, Nick Pollard, editors
Use our catalog to search for more titles on this topic!
Current Columbus State Students and employees can check out books using a photo ID. Ebooks and other electronic materials can be used both on and off campus; off-campus use requires logging in with your Columbus State username and password.
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dkavisen · 2 years
Energikrise: Syddansk samarbejde klæder borgerne på til grønne energiløsninger
Energikrise: Syddansk samarbejde klæder borgerne på til grønne energiløsninger
Den tiltagende energikrise og et fokus på omstilling til grøn varmeforsyning i hele den syddanske geografi inden 2030 får nu Region Syddanmark, Nyborg, Assens, Faaborg-Midtfyn, Svendborg, Middelfart, Kolding og Sønderborg Kommune, Dansk Fjernvarme, PlanEnergi og EC Network til at gå sammen om projektet COHEAT, der skal hjælpe borgerne med at vælge de bedste energiløsninger. Skal en varmepumpe…
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compneuropapers · 8 months
Interesting Papers for Week 7, 2024
Targeted memory reactivation in human REM sleep elicits detectable reactivation. Abdellahi, M. E., Koopman, A. C., Treder, M. S., & Lewis, P. A. (2023). eLife, 12, e84324.
Dynamics of cortical contrast adaptation predict perception of signals in noise. Angeloni, C. F., Młynarski, W., Piasini, E., Williams, A. M., Wood, K. C., Garami, L., … Geffen, M. N. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 4817.
Continuous odor profile monitoring to study olfactory navigation in small animals. Chen, K. S., Wu, R., Gershow, M. H., & Leifer, A. M. (2023). eLife, 12, e85910.
Object representation in a gravitational reference frame. Emonds, A. M., Srinath, R., Nielsen, K. J., & Connor, C. E. (2023). eLife, 12, e81701.
Metacognitive judgments during visuomotor learning reflect the integration of error history. Hewitson, C. L., Al-Fawakhiri, N., Forrence, A. D., & McDougle, S. D. (2023). Journal of Neurophysiology, 130(2), 264–277.
Temporal scaling of dopamine neuron firing and dopamine release by distinct ion channels shape behavior. Juarez, B., Kong, M.-S., Jo, Y. S., Elum, J. E., Yee, J. X., Ng-Evans, S., … Zweifel, L. S. (2023). Science Advances, 9(32).
Evidence for a common mechanism supporting invigoration of action selection and action execution. Kita, K., Du, Y., & Haith, A. M. (2023). Journal of Neurophysiology, 130(2), 238–246.
Causal evidence for the processing of bodily self in the anterior precuneus. Lyu, D., Stieger, J. R., Xin, C., Ma, E., Lusk, Z., Aparicio, M. K., … Parvizi, J. (2023). Neuron, 111(16), 2502-2512.e4.
Long- and short-term history effects in a spiking network model of statistical learning. Maes, A., Barahona, M., & Clopath, C. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 12939.
State-dependent coupling of hippocampal oscillations. Modi, B., Guardamagna, M., Stella, F., Griguoli, M., Cherubini, E., & Battaglia, F. P. (2023). eLife, 12, e80263.
Expectations about precision bias metacognition and awareness. Olawole-Scott, H., & Yon, D. (2023). Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 152(8), 2177–2189.
Not what u expect: Effects of prediction errors on item memory. Ortiz-Tudela, J., Nolden, S., Pupillo, F., Ehrlich, I., Schommartz, I., Turan, G., & Shing, Y. L. (2023). Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 152(8), 2160–2176.
Altered oculomotor flexibility is linked to high autistic traits. Pomè, A., Tyralla, S., & Zimmermann, E. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 13032.
Dissociation of vicarious and experienced rewards by coupling frequency within the same neural pathway. Putnam, P. T., Chu, C.-C. J., Fagan, N. A., Dal Monte, O., & Chang, S. W. C. (2023). Neuron, 111(16), 2513-2522.e4.
Ventrolateral prefrontal neurons of the monkey encode instructions in the ‘pragmatic’ format of the associated behavioral outcomes. Rozzi, S., Gravante, A., Basile, C., Cappellaro, G., Gerbella, M., & Fogassi, L. (2023). Progress in Neurobiology, 229, 102499.
Testing the generalization of neural representations. Sandhaeger, F., & Siegel, M. (2023). NeuroImage, 278, 120258.
A neural mechanism for terminating decisions. Stine, G. M., Trautmann, E. M., Jeurissen, D., & Shadlen, M. N. (2023). Neuron, 111(16), 2601-2613.e5.
Subtle adversarial image manipulations influence both human and machine perception. Veerabadran, V., Goldman, J., Shankar, S., Cheung, B., Papernot, N., Kurakin, A., … Elsayed, G. F. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 4933.
Distinct roles of the orbitofrontal cortex, ventral striatum, and dopamine neurons in counterfactual thinking of decision outcomes. Yun, M., Nejime, M., Kawai, T., Kunimatsu, J., Yamada, H., Kim, H. R., & Matsumoto, M. (2023). Science Advances, 9(32).
Alternating capture of attention by multiple visual working memory representations. Zhang, L., & Yamada, Y. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 13029.
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artisticlegshake · 1 year
Other JP! awards from Mini Solos that didn’t place in top10:
Melrose Nikolaus - DC2 JP!
Penelope Akey - DC2 JP!
Lauren Thorne - BOBBIE’S JP!
Lennon Bailey - DC2 JP!
Stella Stoltz - CLUB JP!
Maddie Downs - CLUB JP!
Mia Kostinovski - LARKIN JP!
Morgan Martens - LARKIN JP!
Coleman Hinshaw - EXPRESSENZ JP!
Ethan Workman - NEXT STEP JP!
Vivian Greenig - LARKIN JP!
Addison Pichette - CLUB JP!
Tabitha Nan - CSPAS JP!
Evie McCune-Barrett - LARKIN JP!
Aaliyah Kirk - CSPAS JP!
Melina Biltz - THE ROCK JP!
Kate Baker - CSPAS JP!
Harper Kill - LARKIN JP!
Naomi Harper - CSPAS JP!
Hadlie Scott - CLUB JP!
Caitlyn Mckenzie - CLUB JP!
Kaydence Lawton - CLUB JP!
Amelia Joubert - CLUB JP!
Neala Murphy - LARKIN JP!
Bella Linman - CLUB JP!
Hailey Turnbull - LARKIN JP!
Madeleine Angelo - ELEMENTS JP!
Amirah Nealy - EXPRESSENZ JP!
Brindisi Cirbo - BOBBIE’S JP!
Makayla Jackman - DANCEOLOGY JP!
Finley Nielsen - CLUB JP!
Harlow Hilmo - CLUB JP!
Kynzlie Plote - CLUB JP!
Ellie Self - CLUB JP!
Cambrie O’Haver - CLUB JP!
Kallie Brandon - THE COMPANY SPACE JP!
Chelsea Jang - NEXT STEP JP!
Ramsey Landry - DC2 JP!
AvaLeigh Mackaron - NEXT STEPJP!
Aria Surrec - BOBBIE’S JP!
Scarlett Manzel - LARKIN JP!
Kyle Young - CLUB JP!
Tillie Kuhl - LARKIN JP!
Alivia Hughes - DC2 JP!
Pierson Aldridge - KIM MASSAY JP!
June McLean - VDANSE JP!
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