starz4grimes · 1 year
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fate-alone · 1 year
“What’s a fast zombie?”
“A zoombie.”
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max-e-doodle · 2 years
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hiroshka · 2 years
Daryl with rare smile☆ | fanart by Hirooshka.
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rickyswalker · 1 year
~The governor if he had never met rick
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ceolona · 1 year
The Last Of Us doesn’t suck.
General plot so far is “Escort the Chosen One to safety and save the world”. (Visions of bringing Eugene to the CDC in Atlanta, anyone?). Meh 🫤
Apocalypse with mushroom zoombies. (They’re like zombies, but faster) At least that’s a fresh take on the genre.
On the bright side, I haven’t played the game used as source material, so I’ll be able to enjoy whatever is coming. (I’m looking at you Mayfair Witches)
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ultra-phthalo · 17 days
Slow Zambonis or Fast Zoombies
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moviesandmania · 2 months
ZOOMBIES Reviews and free on Plex, Prime, Tubi, Vudu and YouTube
‘Uncaged, undead’ Zoombies is a 2016 horror film directed by Glenn R. Miller (The Bell Witch Haunting; The Coed and the Zombie Stoner; Santa Claws) from a screenplay by Scotty Mullen (The Coed and the Zombie Stoner). Produced by David Michael Latt for The Asylum. The movie stars Ione Butler, Andrew Asper, LaLa Nestor, Kim Nielsen, Marcus Anderson, and Brianna Joy Chomer. A sequel, Zoombies 2, was…
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luladramas · 11 months
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evelinb · 1 year
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Zombie Apocalypse scene
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adriheavymetal · 2 years
Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead I didn't know that is possible to dodge Smoker's tongue or maybe he just missed the shot🤯🫣😬💀🎮🖥 #left4dead #gameplay #progameplay #zoombies #zoobiesgames #pcgames #xbox360 #zombieapocalypse #gameover #back4blood #pcgaming #pcgraphics #pcgamer #left4dead2 #left4dead2lforever #steam #valve #zoey #francis #louis #bill #oneofmyfavs #supercoolgame #ilovethlforever #playingviredsavideogames https://www.instagram.com/p/ChgWzzjqnca/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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webdiggerxxx · 6 months
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toxictwyla · 6 months
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Funfact, I still ship these two. Zoombie will always have a special place in my heart...it's the circa 1500BC Flash ship.
I mean, Flash is stoic, high maintenance, and probably has ptsd. Zombieman is gentle and kind and patient. I wouldn't say I prefer it over FlashSonic, but there is a dynamic there, at least in my crazy ass brain.
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skull-ishcloud · 2 years
Can we please have a fandom name like "guinea pigs" or "Tilda's zombie robot rat" or something related to the series?
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movie-mutterings · 2 years
Zoombies (2016)
A strange virus quickly spreads through a safari park and turns all the zoo animals undead, those left in the park must stop the creatures before they zombify the whole city.
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kasumikoujou · 1 year
no one asked but i assigned few of my other sonas twst dorms because i have nothing better to do
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