#Killam School Building
readingrecap · 10 months
🗓️ This Week in Meetings 12/4 - 12/8
Here is the list of all the meetings with agendas currently scheduled for this week in Reading. As always, this list is only up to date as of Monday morning and new meetings or modifications can be added/revised at any time. For PDF’s of the agendas, please click on the meeting name. Please check out https://www.readingma.gov for any changes. Monday Board of Registrar – December 4, 2023, 10:00…
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postitforward · 3 years
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If you’re feeling the winter blues, you’re not alone. In fact, about 14% of folks in the US experience some form of seasonal depression this time of year 😱
Here’s what we know: Our relationships can offer support during difficult times, and fostering those relationships during difficult times can be incredibly challenging.
Join us for a special class on Social Wellness over the holidays. In this class, you’ll get valuable insight on how to build healthy, supportive, and nurturing relationships with those around you. Social wellness can improve your self-esteem, communication, and build a positive social network for you to learn your own boundaries and those around you.
💆Self-Care Sundays💆 with Kasley for Social Wellness over the Holidays at 12:00 pm EST
But, don’t get it twisted. Self-care is about you. And, today’s class is about giving you the power to enhance your social skills and receive the love that is all around you.
Meet Kasley
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Kasley Killam is an award-winning innovator and the founder of Social Health Labs, where she leads initiatives to address the loneliness epidemic and improve social well-being for individuals, communities, and organizations. Kasley holds a master’s from the Harvard School of Public Health and writes the Social Health blog for Psychology Today.
P.S. Did you miss any classes this week? No worries! Check them out here and here.
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scvpubliclib · 5 years
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Afternoon at the Movies 5/24/2019 1:00 pm Join us on Friday for a free showing of a movie. Movie:Night School Starring: Kevin Hart, Tiffany Haddish, Rob Riggle, Taran Killam, Romany Malco Directed by Malcolm D. Lee Synopsis: A group of adult misfits attend night school to finally complete their high school education and obtain their GED diploma. Comedic tension builds between a particularly hapless former salesman and a no-nonsense teacher. 2018 Comedy PG-13 1h 52m Canyon Country Library #santaclarita #publiclibrary #library #movies http://bit.ly/2Me0aFy
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katesattic · 6 years
hiya i saw that you go to dal and i was just wondering if you could give me a rundown of student life on campus— like dorms/social scene and whatnot— i’m thinking of going to dal but i don’t know if i’ll fit in there :/
My big advice would be: go to O-Week, mingle with people in your dorms, don’t be afraid to talk to other people. Because that was my problem.
My secondary school was in southern Ontario so when I moved to Halifax, I didn’t know anyone. I am very introverted, and my anxiety disorders were undiagnosed at the time, which didn’t help me. I avoided most of the events at O-Week and a lot of social interaction - this proved to be a hindrance later.
As for the school itself, Dal has an abundance of clubs and teams and events to attend. Not too long after O-Week they hold a weekend event called Dal Fest and they set up a stage in the quad (on the Studley campus) and local bands play on-stage in the evenings. It’s basically a free concert for students, I went in my first year for a bit, but I definitely would suggest that.
Also, around the beginning of the year they have Homecoming and a tailgate for their football team, I didn’t go, but tickets are cheaper for students than the locals, and it’s actually pretty good because your ticket covers a lobster as part of the tailgate meal.
Every weekend, they host events called “Dal after Dark”. And if you’re in residence, these events are always posted in the lobby. Some residents also host their own events. Shirreff Hall has a Hogwarts dinner every year (older parts of the campus, such as Shirreff, look Hogwartsy due to their age or design style), LeMarchant Place has a competition between the six floors of the building (each floor has a different name - I was on the one called The Jungle). Especially if you live in residence, news about campus events should be easy to come by.
I didn’t really form any friendships until my third year because my second major was very small, so almost everyone knew each other, and even then, I didn’t really talk to them outside of class. But definitely if you’re in a small major, make friends with as many of your peers as you can. Creative Writing - only available as a second major, not the primary one or a minor - is one of those small programs. They cap at about 40-60 students each year, and those who are majoring in those classes get priority registration, but they become a rather close-knit group because of it.
I stuck mostly to myself, and although I do wish I formed more lasting relationships with people, I did like my time there. The campuses are relatively easy to navigate (except the LSC - if you have any classes there devote extra time to that maze) and there is a small tunnel that connects a few buildings, which is helpful in an Atlantic winter. I preferred my time living off-campus because I didn’t enjoy the meal plan (but my mum is chef -quality good so …) but I think a lot of that was because of my extreme introversion and anxiety.
Public transport is fairly reliable there - which shocked me because GTA suburb transit kind of sucks - but most things you’ll either take the bus or a ferry for (bus pass is included in tuition for full-time students) and the only train they have is VIA Rails, so it’s not like you have to worry about a subway system. Shopping is also decent with malls in the West End of Halifax and another in Dartmouth. The downtown and waterfront are beautiful, I think that’s one of the reasons I stayed as long as I did (I’m finishing my final classes online in Ontario). The boardwalk has a lot of seasonal touristy places (BeaverTails, Cow’s Ice Cream, Boat tours - lots of boat tours) which is busiest in September but if you want to see them get there before November because they close by them (Public Gardens - on Spring Gardens Road is also seasonal. I spent 5 years in Halifax and never went).
As for non-campus stuff feel free to ask, I lived in the South End for three years (on South Park Street) so I don’t know much about the North End, but I did live there for ½ a decade in total (apartments and in residence), so I might be able to answer some questions about Halifax if you’re not a local. If you’re thinking about attending the Agricultural Campus, I’m afraid I can’t say much about it. It’s in Truro (or Bible Hill according to Wikipedia, but everyone at Dal says Truro) and it’s got its own mascot (a ram rather than a tiger) and is in a more Rural location compared to Halifax’s mix of city and suburbia. Also, the Ram has a name - because the Agricultural Campus was a separate college (same for the architect/Downtown Campus) before Dal bout them out. The tiger doesn’t have a name. He’s just The Dal(housie) Tiger.
Ooh, there’s also Dal Patrol which is like a free cab service (As long as you have your student card) and operates after 6pm. Though the Killam has better hours, especially around exams, I prefer the new Public Library downtown. I’m forgetting something …
Anyway, TL;DR: go to campus events. It’s the best way to meet people. And please try to meet people, that’s my only real regret about my time on campus (well and the other thing, but that’s a different story). Don’t be afraid to meet people and don’t feel bad if some friendships don’t last. Just get out there and have fun.
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atlanticcanada · 3 years
Halifax's Dalhousie University announces eight presumptive COVID-19 cases among students, residents
Dalhousie University in Halifax has announced eight presumptive COVID-19 cases involving members of their school on and off-campus.
In a release posted to the university's website on Saturday from Emily Huner, assistant vice-provost, student affairs at Dalhousie, she says the school has learned of six members in their residence community in Halifax who received positive COVID-19 test results through rapid testing.
All six individuals – five of whom are in Howe Hall and one is in Risley Hall – have been instructed to undertake PCR (lab) testing and are currently self-isolating.
Huner says there are also two off-campus student cases that have been reported to the university.
"Nova Scotia Public Health has been engaged and, pending the PCR test results, will work with the university to identify close contacts and potential precaution and/or exposure notifications," read the release from Huner.
According to Huner, the registrar's office has confirmed that none of the eight individuals attended any in-person exams.
The school says more information will be provided to the university community as soon as they are able to.
Dalhousie provided a list of "important instructions" that they are asking all students and residents to follow.
Those instructions include:
All residents in Halifax and Truro are being asked to complete rapid tests Saturday or Sunday. Test supplies are being delivered directly to residence building lobbies. Any residents who test positive will be required to contact residence staff, self-isolate and complete a PCR test.
The suspension of guest privileges in residence has now been extended to also include guests from other residences. Residents have been asked to limit or eliminate social contact and stick only to their designated dining hall.
Exams are continuing, following all safety protocols (including masking). Any resident who tests positive (rapid or PCR) is NOT to attend in-person exams. Students who show any symptoms of COVID should also not attend in-person exams. Information is being provided to residence students on how to request an alternate final exam through the appropriate channels if required.
Dalhousie will await further instruction from Public Health as to whether additional quarantine/self-isolation or testing measures will be required.
The university encourages everyone to take advantage of asymptomatic rapid testing. On the weekend, take-away rapid tests are available at the Student Union Building, Killam Library and Kellogg Library.  Rapid testing is also available in the community at the Halifax Convention Centre and St. Margaret’s Centre (Tantallon).
Review the province's list of precaution and exposure notifications in the community.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/3DNpaZE
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mypositiveoutlooks · 3 years
Students builds bus stop shelter for 5-year-old wheelchair user to protect him from the harsh weather
Students builds bus stop shelter for 5-year-old wheelchair user to protect him from the harsh weather
Several high school students in Rhode Island helped a five-year-old wheelchair user stay sheltered while waiting for the school bus every morning. Waiting for the school bus may be a simple activity for some, but that isn’t the case for Ryder Killam, who was born with spina bifida and is completely wheelchair-dependent. Ryder’s parents push his wheelchair to the end of their driveway every…
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readingrecap · 1 year
🗓️ This Week in Meetings 9/18 - 9/22
Here is the list of all the meetings with agendas currently scheduled for this week in Reading. As always, this list is only up to date as of Monday morning and new meetings or modifications can be added/revised at anytime. For PDF’s of the agendas, please click on the meeting name. Please check out https://www.readingma.gov for any changes. Monday Council on Aging – September 18, 2023, 5:30…
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What My Depression Taught Me
Almost a year ago, I was walking to Starbucks. I got to these stairs which lead to the building Starbucks is in, and I sat down on them because I couldn’t make it the next thirty steps to get my coffee.
I know, I know. It sounds ridiculous. But what you don’t see from the outside is the battle I had already fought before I left my front door. That particular morning the giant cinder block that keeps me in my bed was especially heavy, but I lifted it. The walk to the bathroom felt like a thousand miles, but I walked it. The effort it took to shower was too much, and I sat down on the shower floor and cried for half-an-hour, but by the end of it, I was clean. By the time I had done the most basic of tasks I was already exhausted.. and I mean exhausted. So when I saw these stairs and realized I didn’t have the strength for one more step, I sat, and I cried. That was the moment I realized I needed to take a semester off school. I had gone to about three of my lectures, total, in the first three weeks of school, and now it was time to admit defeat. Admitting that I couldn’t do school was one of the hardest and most humbling experiences of my life. I have always had a large part of my identity held in being “that smart girl” or “the one who graduated early” or “the homeschooled girl”. It was devastating to my pride to have to admit that I couldn’t handle the three classes I had signed up for, let alone the honours program that I had been enrolled in a few months prior. 
Now, I don’t say any of this to make you feel sorry for me. I don’t feel sorry for me. I’m an incredibly privileged physically able straight white cis-woman from an upper-middle class family. I realize that I have an easy life compared to most people on this earth. I say this to give you some background to what I’ve learned in the past year, and the incredible, terrifying, strengthening journey I’ve been on. 
1) A support system can come from anywhere
My core support system consists of the expected people, like my mom and dad and my best friend.. but it also includes my mom’s friend from University, my voice teacher from high school, the parents of my piano and voice students, my theatre professor, and my friend from first year Chemistry. Now, of course, I count all of these people as close friends now but I am only around a few of them on a regular basis. Even so, together they have managed to pull me through some really hard times. If you don’t have a family that you can go to about these things, or you feel like you have a hard time making friends, your support system can be found anywhere. 
2) There is a major difference between being lazy and being depressed, but they aren’t mutually exclusive. 
This year has been, and continues to be, a time for major life lessons. One of those lessons is that sometimes, I am lazy, and I need to work on that. Because I felt as though I had a “legit excuse” for skipping class, and skipping work, and skipping out on plans, I did it all of the time. My “legit excuse” was really only legit about half of the time. The other half of the time I just used my depression as a way out of something I didn’t want to do. I didn’t realize I was doing it at the time, but looking back I can see the difference between the two. It is incredibly important to find the balance between self-care/self-love and just being selfish. Mental health days are real, and they are necessary, and sometimes you genuinely cannot get out of bed.. but if you use that excuse on days where you just don’t want to get out of bed, you quickly become the boy who cried wolf and even help perpetuate the stigma of Depression=Lazy. 
3) Hard work and mediocre grades are so much more satisfying that lazy work and good grades.
As I mentioned before, school has always been my thing. I was homeschooled, I planned my own curriculums, I finished my high school coursework when I was 15. Grades come really easy to me, just like how socializing comes easily to other people (pretty sure that’s just witchcraft though). This year went from me doing ballet twirls through stacks of A+’s and sometimes putting aside the time to pretend to study, to me becoming a rhino violently thrashing through the Killam Library for hours every day trying to find some kind of ability to focus and ending up with C’s. And I am so damn proud of those C’s. 
4) A freshly made bed makes the world a better place.
Even if you get right back into said bed. 
5) So does a luxurious shower.
It’s hard to be sad when you are a soft, good smelling, clean and shiny god/goddess. It’s also a lot easier to go outside once you feel clean and shiny and good. 
6) Motivation is a privilege, not a given. Don’t take it for granted.
I am so, so happy to say that after lots of adjustments, and “new pill” side effect flus, I have found a combination that works. I am motivated. I have been up and doing things before noon almost every day for the past month. Waking up and wanting to do something, anything, is incredible. I will never again take that feeling for granted. I will get up, and do as much as I possibly can, so that if the bad days come again, I haven't wasted the good days.
7) Daily gratefulness isn’t just some yuppy thing. It actually does help. 
I have a home. I have food. I have access to medications and therapy. I have parents that can help me out financially so I can afford to not work or do school for a semester. My body is healthy even when my mind is not. I am able to go to university. I have a good, healthy family situation.There are so many things that I can be grateful for.
8) Solitude can be really, really healthy.
Wandering through a Chapters by yourself, looking at, smelling, and basking in being surrounded by books isn’t weird. 
...okay maybe it is but it’s still incredibly soothing. 
9)  People are generally kind.
The amount of support I have received from acquaintances, old friends, employers, even some strangers, has been incredible. Watching the news, it can sometimes feel like the world is evil and scary and bad.. but people surprise you and come through in unexpected ways. 10) I am strong. Really really f***ing strong. 
I have battled my own brain with a complete lack of motivation, irritability, wanting to isolate my self, wanting to never leave my room again, suicidal thoughts, and anxiety attacks. It’s not easy to fight off thoughts of your own death with a stick made out of anxiety and the granola bars you’ve been eating for four days because you can’t leave your house to get groceries. But I did it. I’m present. I’m about to go shower and do some work. I weathered a violent storm in the middle of the ocean, and came back in one piece. 
Yesterday, I walked out of Starbucks with a delicious Frappuccino after working on a website, creating a budget for myself and for my new company, talking with a new potential roommate, and generally working really hard. I sat on these stairs and realized how far I’ve come in the past year.
I am alive, I am vibrant, and I am proud.
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scvpubliclib · 5 years
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Canyon Country Library CC Meeting Room Join us on Friday for a free showing of a movie. 5/24/2019 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Today's movie: Night School Starring: Kevin Hart, Tiffany Haddish, Rob Riggle, Taran Killam, Romany Malco Directed by Malcolm D. Lee Synopsis: A group of adult misfits attend night school to finally complete their high school education and obtain their GED diploma. Comedic tension builds between a particularly hapless former salesman and a no-nonsense teacher. 2018 Comedy PG-13 1h 52m #santaclarita #library #publiclibrary #movie — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2YJo50T http://bit.ly/2KaKWhZ
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scenestertv · 6 years
 -Special Advance Screening of Universal Pictures’ NIGHT SCHOOL for new members-
NO STUDIOS, a new hub for the creative arts in downtown Milwaukee, will hold its grand opening the weekend of Oct. 12–14 featuring a series of open house and special event opportunities. The opening weekend will give Milwaukeeans the chance to learn more about this new organization and the many ways to get involved. This first-of-its-kind experimental concept bridging arts and entertainment experiences, a networking/social club model and shared workspaces was founded by Oscar-winning filmmaker and Milwaukee native John Ridley (12 Years a Slave, American Crime) and business partner Chris Abele.
To welcome new members ahead of the grand opening, No Studios will offer an exclusive Special Advance Screening of the new, much-anticipated Kevin Hart and Tiffany Haddish comedy NIGHT SCHOOL. The screening will take place Wednesday, Sept. 26 before it’s released to the public on Sept. 28. A full lineup of grand opening events and open house opportunities will be announced later this month.
Housed in the newly redeveloped Pabst Brewery Complex, No Studios builds on Milwaukee’s rich history as a vibrant, creative community in one of the city’s up-and-coming revitalized areas. It is a social space dedicated to the creation, curation and presentation of art, in all forms, and welcomes diverse communities across the city to celebrate art together.
“No Studios is unlike anything I’ve been a part of before,” said Ridley, founder and CEO. “We’ve carefully curated a space and network where creatives of all kinds can socialize with purpose. Relationships still matter, and in our increasingly digital world, we hope to offer the opportunity for people to connect offline and fuel their creative passions.”
The 40,000 square foot building is designed to feel comfortable, open, modern and inviting, encouraging collaboration. There is a mix of long-term and short-term offices, conference rooms and shared work space intended for individuals, organizations and companies in creative fields. The first floor gallery space, bearing high ceilings and exposed brick, will show rotating exhibitions and feature a gallery lounge and cocktail bar serving wine, craft beers, cocktails and Colectivo coffee. The gallery level also includes a state-of-the-art, 47-seat screening room, and a performance stage. A glass enclosed rooftop offers a bar and event space with expansive city views, and is scheduled to open later this year.
No Studios is rounding out its management team and has hired Luke Repetti as general manager of building and events, who started in his new position Sept. 4. Repetti’s experience in Milwaukee’s arts and entertainment scene is robust, with previous roles at BMO Harris Bradley Center, 88Nine Radio Milwaukee and Summerfest. He will join Lisa Caesar, chief operating officer, and Sylvia Desrochers, director of media and programming.
A curated group of tenants, who share a common dedication to the arts in Milwaukee, will call No Studios home in the coming months, including Independent, Media Circus International and Gener8tor. These organizations will join previously announced tenants Milwaukee Film, Milwaukee Filmmaker Alliance, 371 Productions, Custom Reality Services, UW-Milwaukee Department of Film and Marquette University.
No Studios offers a unique membership model aimed at supporting the local creative community. Membership is broken into three tiers, to provide accessibility and accommodate various audiences, from burgeoning filmmakers and versatile artists to seasoned professionals. Varying benefit levels include access to No Studios’ programming calendar featuring a variety of events both on-site and at locations throughout the city; access to performance spaces to present; use of meeting, event and social spaces; concierge services and film equipment rentals. Memberships can be purchased online at www.nostudios.com.
Founded by Oscar-winning filmmaker and Milwaukee native John Ridley (12 Years a Slave, American Crime ) and business partner Chris Abele, No Studios is a hub for the creative arts in Milwaukee, designed to provide a social space dedicated to the creation, curation and presentation of art. No Studios offers long-term and short-term office space for local individuals, organizations, and companies in creative fields. As a for-profit venture that aims to become a sustainable model for bringing arts to Milwaukee, No Studios offers a unique three-tier membership model providing accessibility to a wide variety of audiences. No Studios presents year-round programming including film screenings and discussions, dance and music performances, readings, and photographic and fine art exhibitions. The building is located in the newly redeveloped Pabst Brewery Complex at 1037 West McKinley Avenue. Learn more at www.nostudios.com.
About John Ridley
John Ridley’s critically acclaimed documentary about the Los Angeles uprising, Let It Fall: Los Angeles 1982-1992, premiered in theaters and aired on ABC in 2017 and is now available on Netflix. He is currently directing the sci-fi romance Needle in a Timestack with Leslie Odom Jr., Freida Pinto, Cynthia Erivo, and Orlando Bloom. He is slated to direct an adaptation of his graphic novel series “The American Way” for Blumhouse as well as the first episode of the EPIX original series “Godfather of Harlem,” starring and executive produced by Forest Whitaker.
Ridley previously won an Oscar® for writing 12 Years A Slave, he wrote and directed the innovative Jimi Hendrix biopic All Is By My Side, and was the creator, director, and executive producer of ABC’s Emmy-winning series “American Crime.” His limited series “Guerilla,” with Idris Elba, Freida Pinto, and Babou Ceesay, aired last year on Showtime and Sky.
Star Kevin Hart and producer Will Packer, who partnered for the hit Ride Along and Think Like a Man series, bring their signature style to Night School.  The comedy from director Malcolm D. Lee (Girls Trip) follows a group of misfits who are forced to attend adult classes in the longshot chance they’ll pass the GED exam. 
Co-stars Tiffany Haddish, Rob Riggle, Taran Killam and Romany Malco join Hart on-screen for the film that Hart produces for his Hartbeat Productions, and Packer via his Will Packer Productions.www.nightschoolmovie.com
John Ridley’s No Studios NO STUDIOS LAUNCHES OCT. 12–14th  -Special Advance Screening of Universal Pictures’ NIGHT SCHOOL for new members-
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Taran Killam - October 23, 2017
Past talk show appearances (sorted by most recent):
Late Night with Seth Meyers (October 12, 2017)
Eminem Impression (link)
Killam is a huge L.A. Rams fan, but there aren’t many celebrity Rams fans. 
Holy Trinity of Rams fans: Ty Burrell, Danny Trejo, and Killam.
Meyers praises Killam’s impressions, including Brad Pitt and Eminem.
Killam raves over Eminem’s rap against Trump. He tries to add upon the video in his best Eminem impression, but he has a hard time freestyle-ing on the spot. 
Arnold Schwarzenegger (link)
Promoting Killing Gunther, a mockumentary about a group of hit men trying to kill a hit man.
Starring in this film was his dream because he wanted to run around and pretend to be an action star.
Extensively discusses working alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger, who, according to Killam, was very professional and had the poise of a body builder, action star, and governor. 
Killam had to FaceTime Schwarzenegger every week to remind him to post on social media, and his wife, Cobie Smulders could never get used to hearing Schwarzenegger’s voice coming from their bedroom.
Meyers and Killam grew up at a time when Schwarzenegger’s films were huge, and they both watched them at sleepovers.
The first R-rated film Killam ever saw was Terminator 2.
For 3-4 years, Killam tried to mimic the “step-cut” haircut of Edward Furlong by sporting long bangs swept to one side.
In Killing Gunther, Killam wrote a scene from Commando with a comedic twist before he even knew Schwarzenegger would be in it. The scene involves a hit man breaking into a weapon arsenal, taking all the weapons, and then getting arrested by the cops, who confiscate all the weapons.
Schwarzenegger was forced to wear disguises in the film; in his first scene, he was forced to wear booty shorts and a tankini.
Killam wrote, directed, and starred in the film.
(The directing was not planned, but in the end, he felt no one else was as committed to making the vision come to life as he was.)
Killam was fortunate enough to share many dinners with Schwarzenegger where he asked him about his prior movie experience.
Killam’s biggest regret is that he didn’t work out with Schwarzenegger. 
Rather than exercise in a fancy gym, Schwarzenegger frequented the local YMCA.
Late Night with Seth Meyers (June 10, 2015) (link) 
Meyers praises Killam’s 2013 SNL skit “Blazer,” in which he played a 1980′s inspired cop who incidentally only went after black perpetrators. 
Killam was ecstatic to get the chance to slide over the roofs of cars and jump between buildings all day, but on his final shot, he fell and landed on his face, and this shot was used in the sketch.
Killam describes himself as the ‘king of falling on the last take’; when he shot a Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? parody with Charlize Theron, he had to repeatedly do keg stands, and on the last try his arms gave out and he fell over onto Theron’s face.
Late Night with Seth Meyers (September 10, 2016) (link) (with Bobby Moynihan)
Moynihan and Killam remark on the relaxed security on the Late Night set and show a movie, shot on an iPhone, of them prancing around Meyers’ studio earlier that day and putting their bare butts on his desk.
Late Night with Seth Meyers (December 20, 2016) (link) (with Marc Andreyko)
Interview shot on the first day of Killam’s Hamilton rehearsals. 
Killam says that the character he plays, King George III, is the funniest role in the role play. 
Late Night with Seth Meyers (April 30, 2015) (link) (Cobie Smulder on Killam)
Smulder remarks that her husband is a huge Avengers fan, and even knows more about the comic world than she does, so he had to explain Ultron to her. 
Killam used to have Avengers poster in his SNL dressing room, which Meyers realized Killam would have regardless if his wife was on the poster.
Late Show with Stephen Colbert (February 10, 2017) (link)
Discusses his role as King George III in Hamilton.
Killam attended college for musical theater for a year before “comedy took over.”
Due to his Hamilton costume involving high heels and a velvet cape, the most difficult choreography is walking in a straight line.
Killam is the tallest in the cast, so when he’s wearing a crown and heels, he has to duck under the set for his entrances. One time he forgot to duck, so his crown went flying, but the audience laughed because, as Killam describes it, you “can’t fail in that role.”
The celebrity he was most excited to meet backstage at Hamilton was Sarah Michelle Gellar because he was a huge fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but he kept his cool when he met her.
The only time he ever cried at T.V. was during Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Colbert praises Killam’s impression work, including Brad Pitt and Matthew McConaughey. 
Killam says people are never impressed with his impressions of them.
Killam was extremely excited to meet Jeff Goldblum at the SNL 40th anniversary special. 
Killam explains that when outside guests come back for recurring roles on SNL (i.e. Melissa McCarthy, Alec Baldwin) they are usually comedy gods and therefore well-received by the cast.
Both Killam and McCarthy started at the Groundlings Theater in Los Angeles, and Killam always went out of his way to watch McCarthy perform. 
Killam never did a Schwarzenegger impression on T.V.
Filmed Killing Gunther during the summer of 2016. The film is about a group of hit men killing Gunther, the most famous hit man (played by Schwarzenegger.) 
The first time Killam FaceTime’d Schwarzenegger for casting, Schwarzenegger was sitting at an oak desk in front of a six foot tall oil painting of himself, smoking a cigar.
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon (April 10, 2013) (link) (”Worst I Ever Bombed”)
One of his comic friends pressured Killam into trying stand-up, and got him a 5-minute slot at 2:45am at the Westwood Brew Co. Attic.
Killam prepared no jokes for his set, but rather told a story about taking his 18-year-old brother to a strip club, to an audience of four people (two college girls and an old couple). 
As soon as he mentioned giving a stripper $10 to give his brother a lap dance, the two college girls left, and he proceeded to explain to the couple the circumstances for his subpar stand-up.
He has never tried stand-up ever again since that incident.
From the Dressing Room (July 2, 2015) (link)
Discusses his role as Orin in the New York City Center reproduction of Little Shop of Horrors, directed by Jake Gyllenhaal.
Compares working in theater versus SNL, and explains that Little Shop requires much more memorization, but is a less time-stressed experience. 
This show was his first time singing “in earnest.”
He would love to do something on Broadway, namely play Dr. Frank-N-Furter from Rocky Horror.
His first SNL hero was Eddie Murphy because his family had VHS tapes of Murphy’s work.
He was most nervous to perform alongside Jim Carrey, his biggest comedic influence, but because of Carrey’s SNL hosting gigs, Killam has now performed with him three times.
Among the shows Killam (binge) watches include Inside Amy Schumer, Bloodline, Game of Thrones, and Hannibal.
Fandango Movieclips Action (July 12, 2015) (link)
Killam has been attending Comic-Con since he was 19 years old. (Considering he was 33 in 2015, this made 14 consecutive years.)
Just starred in season of Drunk History, where he acted out the scenes, but never blacked out and recounted a history.
His wife, who plays Maria Hill in the Avengers, just received her own Hot Toy action figure.
In upcoming Drunk History seasons, he’d like to see the history of Australia represented, so he can see crazy criminals build an opera house.
His wife is an ambassador for Oceana.
Hot tamales are one of his favorite candies, and made up an integral part of his middle school diet, along with peach rings, Mountain Dew, and French onion Sun Chips.
Funny or Die (March 12, 2014) (link)
Attended the Secret Policeman’s Ball with fifty of the top American and British comedians.
Funny or Die (May 10, 2012) (link)
A PSA for “Got Your Back,” a charity dedicated to enhancing lives of soldiers upon their arrival back in the U.S., in which Rob Riggle slaps everyone’s back (including Killam’s.)
Also stars Ron Perlman and Kim Coates.
Funny or Die (June 19, 2007) (link)
Parody of Knocked Up, in which Killam plays a character named Scott Peterson. When a woman Peterson had a one-night-stand with confesses to him she’s pregnant, he reacts by asking if she likes boats. 
Funny or Die (July 8, 2008) (link)
Three different Matthew McConaughey’s (one being Killam) find a baby girl outside their door and collectively take care of her.
Also stars Olicia Munn and Joey Kern.
Funny or Die (July 10, 2007) (link)
Skit written by Killam and a partner, titled “True Life: I’m Crazy.”
Killam plays a 46-year-old man named Harold who consistently follows around his 17-year-old high school friend named Lucas.
When Lucas gets asked on a date, Harold gets jealous, tries to float in the sky, but instead stands still for fourteen hours before passing out.
Talkhouse Podcast (July 27, 2017) (link) (Fairly rare: 2,542 YouTube views)
Killam sits down with SNL cast member, Kyle Mooney, at a flagship Sonos store in New York City.
The initial interviewer’s daughter knows Killam solely as “Nature Cat”, a character in a show about cat that ventures out to spend time with its animal friends every time its family leaves.
Killam took the red eye that morning from L.A. to NYC because he was filming Drunk History in L.A.
Killam grew up in southern California, and then attended UCLA there.
When Mooney was cast on SNL, Killam was one of the first people to call and congratulate him. 
Mooney and Killam try to visit Disneyland once a year again.
Disneyland makes Killam happy because it reminds him of a fun carefree time that signaled the start of his dreaming to be involved with Disney in come way.
His first film shot in Vancouver.
Killam performed karaoke in Boston’s China Town, where English was the sixth language selection for each song.
Killam’s go-to karaoke songs are “Starlight” by Muse and “Don’t Look Back in Anger.”
Mooney estimates that he and Killam have done karaoke between 4 and 10 times together, but Killam insists it was more because of SNL ‘after-after parties.’
Killam is a boy band fanatic.
When Taran was thirteen, his mom got him a singing audition for a boy band.
Lance Bass was Killam’s favorite member of NYSYNC because he raved about horseback riding and jet skis.
Mooney and Killam extensively discuss Saved by the Bell.
Schwarzenegger played villain in Killing Hunter. 
Schwarzenegger is a “man of the people” and a “promoter of himself,” so he’s very accessible. 
Killam’s dream would be to eat his way through the holidays, then start a mission to get ripped on January 2, so he could be in shape for summer, but he voices his concerns to Mooney that being chiseled might interfere with his comedic potential.
Killam loves murder mysteries and intends to make more comedic murder mysteries.
Some of his favorite murder mystery films are The Thin Man and Murder by Death. 
Flawlessly quotes Peter Falk in Murder by Death talking about having sex with a fat waitress. 
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hollywoodages-blog · 7 years
Amanda Bynes Height Weight Measurements
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Amanda Bynes Height Weight Measurements
Amanda Bynes Biography
Amanda Laura Bynes born on April 3, 1986 is an American previous performer. In the wake of showing up in plugs and in plays, Bynes rose to conspicuousness as a tyke star in the late 1990s and mid 2000s on the Nickelodeon arrangement All That and The Amanda Show. From 2002 to 2006, she featured in the sitcom What I Like About You on The WB. She has likewise featured in a few movies, including What a Girl Wants (2003), She’s the Man (2006), Hairspray (2007), Sydney White (2007), and Easy A (2010). In 2012, Bynes reported that she was resigning from acting. Bynes was conceived in Thousand Oaks, California, the most youthful of three offspring of Lynn, a dental right hand and office administrator, and Rick Bynes, a dental practitioner. Her dad is Catholic, and is of Irish, Lithuanian, and Polish drop. Her mom is Jewish (from a family from Romania, Russia, and Poland). Bynes’ maternal grandparents are Canadians from Toronto, Ontario. Bynes went to a parody camp, and started professionally acting at 7 years old, showing up in a TV ad for Buncha Crunch confections. Amid her youth, she additionally showed up in front of an audience in variants of Annie, The Secret Garden, The Music Man, and The Sound of Music. Bynes rose to noticeable quality with her different parts in All That for seasons three through six. She later turned into a general individual from Nickelodeon’s Figure It Out (1997–99). At 13 years old, she started featuring in her own representation comic drama demonstrate, The Amanda Show (1999–2002). In 2002, Amanda started to build up her fan base with her introduction film part in Big Fat Liar (2002) inverse Frankie Muniz, and a co-featuring part in the WB sitcom What I Like About You (2002–06) with Jennie Garth, which increased positive surveys. She additionally made her voice-over introduction in Charlotte’s Web 2: Wilbur’s Great Adventure and later in the enlivened comic drama Robots (2005).
Amanda Bynes Personal Info.
Full Name: Amanda Laura Bynes
Nick Name: Chicky, Mandy, Manda
Family: Richard Bynes – (Father) Lynn – (Mother) Tommy Bynes – (Brother) Jillian Bynes – (Sister)
Education: Bynes began her acting vocation professionally at 7 years old. Be that as it may, not at all like some different celebs, she could finish her educating. Amanda moved on from Thousand Oaks High School in California in 2004 by means of autonomous study program.
Date of Birth: 03 April, 1986
Birthplace: Thousand Oaks, California, U.S.
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Religion: Agnostic
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: American
Profession: Actress, Fashion Designer, Singer
Measurements: 34-27-37 in or 87-69-94 cm
Bra Size: 34D
Height: 5′ 8″ (173 cm)
Weight: 141 lbs (64 kg)
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Dyed Blonde and Naturally Brown
Dress Size: 08
Shoe Size: 08
Friends: Drake Bell, Josh Peck, Jesse McCartney
Boyfriend/Dating History:
Drake Bell (1999-2001) – American performing artist, Drake showed up on The Amanda Show in 1999 and soon began dating the on-screen character. From February 1999 to December 2001, they dated together.
Taran Killam (2001-2002) – From March 2001 until May 2002, American performing artist, Killam dated the on-screen character.
Frankie Muniz (2002-2003) – Another American performing artist, Frankie Muniz had an opportunity to date the on-screen character until March 2003. They acted together in the film, Big Fat Liar, discharged in 2002, which is additionally Bynes’ presentation film.
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Scratch Zano (2003-2004) – Again, she dated another on-screen character, Nick Zano for very nearly a year prior getting isolated in 2004.
David Cross (2006) – Rumor
Seth MacFarlane (2008) – MacFarlane is just about everything – vocalist, chief, maker, humorist, voice on-screen character, illustrator, screenwriter, lastly performer. He dated Amanda quickly in 2008. They initially met on the arrangement of TV arrangement, Family Guy as Bynes needed to voice a character in a solitary scene. It’s not clear when the relationship finished in 2008.
Doug Reinhardt (2008-2009) – American unscripted television arrangement “The Hills” identity, Doug Reinhardt and Bynes were seen together at the LA Laker’s diversion in December 2008. However, the relationship kept going not exactly a month and finished in January 2009.
Liam Hemsworth (2009) – Rumor
Kid Cudi (2010) – The rapper, Kid Cudi (conceived name as Scott Mescudi) dumped Bynes for over tweeting. They are accepted to have dated from February till March 2010.
Known For: Amanda Bynes is best known for movies like “Big Fat Liar” (2002), “What a Girl Wants” (2003), “Love Wrecked” (2005), “She’s the Man” (2006), “Hairspray” (2007) and “Easy A” (2010).
Active Year: 1993 (present)
Favorite Comedian: Lucille Ball
Favorite Movie: Clueless (1995)
Favorite Bands: Christina Aguilera, No Doubt
Favorite Accessories: Fake Wig
Favorite TV Shows: Friends, Gilmore Girls
Favorite Pet: Dog
  Official Twitter: Twitter Account
Official Facebook: FB Account
Amanda Bynes Filmography:
Year Title 2002 Big Fat Liar 2003 Charlotte’s Web 2: Wilbur’s Great Adventure 2003 What a Girl Wants 2005 Robots 2005 Love Wrecked 2006 She’s the Man 2007 Hairspray 2007 Sydney White 2008 Living Proof 2010 Easy A
Year Title 1996–2000 All That 1997–99 Figure It Out 1998 Blue’s Clues 1999 Arli$$ 1999–02 The Amanda Show 2000 Crashbox 2001 The Drew Carey Show 2001 The Nightmare Room 2001–03 Rugrats 2002–06 What I Like About You 2008 Family Guy
Search Terms:
Amanda Bynes Age. Amanda Bynes Amanda Show. Amanda Bynes Actress. Amanda Bynes Show. Amanda Bynes Sister. Amanda Bynes Siblings. Amanda Bynes Dog. Amanda Bynes Facebook. Amanda Bynes Filmography. Amanda Bynes Fiance. Amanda Bynes Husband. Amanda Bynes Hair Color. Amanda Bynes High School. Amanda Bynes Horoscope. Amanda Bynes Homeland. Amanda Bynes Last Movie. Amanda Bynes Wiki. Amanda Bynes What A Girl Wants. Amanda Bynes Engaged. Amanda Bynes Eye Color. Amanda Bynes Twitter. Amanda Bynes Tv Shows. Amanda Bynes Upcoming Movies. Amanda Bynes On Twitter. Amanda Bynes On Facebook. Amanda Bynes Parents. Amanda Bynes Zodiac. Amanda Bynes Zodiac Sign. Amanda Bynes College. Amanda Bynes Biography. Amanda Bynes Bio. Amanda Bynes Brother. Amanda Bynes Natural Hair Color. Amanda Bynes Movies. Amanda Bynes Married.
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readingrecap · 1 year
🗓️ This Week in Meetings 8/21 - 8/25
Here is the list of all the meetings with agendas currently scheduled for this week in Reading. As always, this list is only up to date as of Monday morning and new meetings or modifications can be added/revised at anytime. For PDF’s of the agendas, please click on the meeting name. Please check out https://www.readingma.gov for any changes. Monday Council on Aging – August 21, 2023, 6:30…
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readingrecap · 1 year
🗓️ This Week in Meetings 8/7 - 8/11
Here is the list of all the meetings with agendas currently scheduled for this week in Reading. As always, this list is only up to date as of Monday morning and new meetings or modifications can be added/revised at anytime. For PDF’s of the agendas, please click on the meeting name. Please check out https://www.readingma.gov for any changes. Monday Board of Cemetery Trustees –…
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readingrecap · 1 year
🗓️ This Week in Meetings 5/22 - 5/26
Here is a list of all the meetings with agendas currently scheduled for this week in Reading. As always, this list is only up to date as of Monday morning and new meetings or modifications can be added/revised at anytime. For PDF’s of the agendas, please click on the meeting name. Please check out https://www.readingma.gov for any changes. Monday Killam School Building Committee – May 22, 2023,…
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readingrecap · 2 months
🗓️ This Week in Meetings 7/22 - 7/26
Here is the list of all the meetings with agendas currently scheduled for this week in Reading. As always, this list is only up to date as of Monday morning and new meetings or modifications can be added/revised at any time. For PDF’s of the agendas, please click on the meeting name. Please check out https://www.readingma.gov for any changes. Monday 100b Medical Review Panel –…
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