blue-burning-heart · 4 years
If the hellhound was even slightly put off by the rejection, she did a fine job of not showing it, an easy nonchalant smile slithering across her long muzzle. “If I was lookin’ for a piece of ass t’night, that might actually have disappointed me. But I’m not, so it don’t.” Vae paused just long enough to withdraw a pack of cigarettes before adding in that same deceptively smooth tone, “I’m here t’talk business of a different kind. I’m of the understandin’ that aside from bein’ a hot lil’ dish every soul across the Pentagram drools over, y’got yourself a pretty decent headcount when it comes t’angels ... is that right...?” As she took one of the unlit cigarettes between her teeth, no lighter of any kind was taken out. Instead, a quick snap of her clawed fingers produced a small azure flame for just long enough to give herself a light. That same eerie blue glow now smoldered at the lit end of the cigarette, rather than the usual deep orange one would expect. Taking a long slow drag, her muzzle split into a broad predatory grin as coils of smoke swirled out from between her many fangs. It was difficult to tell if all of this was some thinly-veiled attempt at intimidation or if this was simply a part of her natural character. The reptilian lackeys, for their part, largely kept to themselves, muttering to one another low enough not to be heard. This was for their employer to sort out, until they were called upon. Until then ... nothing that was said was any of their business.
(( Closed starter for @sluttyspiderpolkacock )) – It wasn’t often anymore that Vae found herself back in more familiar and comfortable haunts … but something about this particular club was just gritty and filthy enough to feel nostalgic while being spit-shined well enough for the presence of an Overlord not to stand out. Fun as it might be, the goal of the night wasn’t to draw undue attention onto herself. No, this time … a more subtle approach would be required. After all, she was now deep behind enemy lines, hunting for a prize that ‘belonged’ to someone else. And so it was that the hellhound Overlord had chosen a relatively secluded booth near the back of the club, where she would have the broadest view of her chosen hunting grounds for the night. She had not come alone, a pair of surly-looking reptilian demons serving as her ‘body guards’. It was ironic, really … for however mean-looking and muscle-bound her entourage appeared, the tall lithe canine they were ‘protecting’ gave off a far more intimidating presence than they would ever be able to muster. In truth, they were only there to serve as additional pairs of eyes with which to search and additional mouths with which to speak, should there be a need. A meager flex of her own growing power within potentially hostile territory. But if the night kicked off the way Vae hoped it would … such bravado would likely not be needed. All she had to do first was find a certain itsy-bitsy spider…
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blue-burning-heart · 4 years
(( Closed starter for @sluttyspiderpolkacock )) -- It wasn’t often anymore that Vae found herself back in more familiar and comfortable haunts ... but something about this particular club was just gritty and filthy enough to feel nostalgic while being spit-shined well enough for the presence of an Overlord not to stand out. Fun as it might be, the goal of the night wasn’t to draw undue attention onto herself. No, this time ... a more subtle approach would be required. After all, she was now deep behind enemy lines, hunting for a prize that ‘belonged’ to someone else. And so it was that the hellhound Overlord had chosen a relatively secluded booth near the back of the club, where she would have the broadest view of her chosen hunting grounds for the night. She had not come alone, a pair of surly-looking reptilian demons serving as her ‘body guards’. It was ironic, really ... for however mean-looking and muscle-bound her entourage appeared, the tall lithe canine they were ‘protecting’ gave off a far more intimidating presence than they would ever be able to muster. In truth, they were only there to serve as additional pairs of eyes with which to search and additional mouths with which to speak, should there be a need. A meager flex of her own growing power within potentially hostile territory. But if the night kicked off the way Vae hoped it would ... such bravado would likely not be needed. All she had to do first was find a certain itsy-bitsy spider...
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blue-burning-heart · 4 years
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I’m not what you want   But I’m exactly what you n e e d —    Take a bite and feed       Your satisfaction g u a r a n t e e d!  
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blue-burning-heart · 4 years
please reblog this if you’re an active roleplay blog !
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blue-burning-heart · 4 years
Hi! I'm on mobile and I can't find your rules,,, could you possibly get a link or write them out?
I am most happy to help, my dear! <3 https://blue-burning-heart.tumblr.com/laws
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blue-burning-heart · 4 years
Psst. Hey. I’m still alive. Health problems IRL pretty much sapped ALL of my muse for awhile, but finding myself missing HH stuff pretty badly, SO ... here I am again! As a head’s up, I WILL be defaulting to Vae’s Overlord Verse for the time being, as I haven’t had the opportunity to do much with it and I’ve really been wanting to explore that direction this time around. You can find the Overlord version of Vae’s background at the bottom of her Bio page, for those who haven’t seen it (or are new). Hope to write with some of you guys again, if a wee lil’ hellhound OC piques your interest. <3 Dunno how active I’m gonna be or for how long, BUT ... I wanna capitalize upon the inspiration while I’ve got it, y’know?
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blue-burning-heart · 4 years
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blue-burning-heart · 4 years
Hello friends, if you are getting this annoying message when trying to send asks to people….
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I just want to say that you are more than welcome to send them to me via messages. I can always crop them and such. 
Reblog if it’s okay to do the same for you until Tumblr stops being so dense.
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blue-burning-heart · 4 years
Heeeeey, not dead, guys, I promise. <3 Came down with a case of the blahs after all the drama that came with trying to get my damn blood test done (anxiety disorder + needle phobia = “fuuuuuuun”) and it kinda sapped my muse. >_< Trying to get my groove back by working on another hellhound OC I’d had the ideas for awhile back, to see if working on Hazbin-related RP ideas knocks the ickiness loose. So expect pretty low activity for a wee while, but always feel free to IM me or poke me on my Discord if you have me there. <3
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blue-burning-heart · 4 years
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blue-burning-heart · 4 years
(( Continued from here. )) The hellhound pinched the bridge of her snout between two clawed fingers and let out a hard sigh. “Look ... Charlie ... Princess ... Yer Majesty ... it might be time to admit y’might be in over yer head on this one.” Vae’s opinion on the entire concept of this hotel was one thing--but if the Princess was truly determined to see this through, her dubious methods of trying to handle catering was just a bit much for her to bear. True as it was that her own innate abilities gave her a fondness for arson, this was hardly the time and place. She raised her head to cast a withering glance at the still-smoldering kitchen. If ever there was a time that she wished she had inherited her father’s affinity for frost, this was certainly it. Her concerned gaze fell back down upon the shorter woman. “Isn’t there anybody y’could ... I dunno ... hire t’handle this sorta shit? ‘Cause I hate to break it to ya, Princess, but cookin’ is so not yer thing.”
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blue-burning-heart · 4 years
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And I’ll tell myself it’s fine to be alone     Just to find somewhere that finally feels like home                                                  I hate all this overthinking                                                    The more I swim, the more I’m sinking… – When the fun’s over … and the booze is gone and the high wears off … everything she’s tried so hard to run away from catches right back up. Sobering up sucks, when you can do everything but let go. Got some angsty inspiration from this song, so I hadda do a thing. Also gonna include the full-sized version of the photo on the mirror, since you can’t see it as well in the main image. Enjoy the feels, y’all! <3   
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blue-burning-heart · 4 years
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And I'll tell myself it's fine to be alone     Just to find somewhere that finally feels like home                                                  I hate all this overthinking                                                    The more I swim, the more I'm sinking... -- When the fun’s over ... and the booze is gone and the high wears off ... everything she’s tried so hard to run away from catches right back up. Sobering up sucks, when you can do everything but let go. Got some angsty inspiration from this song, so I hadda do a thing. Also gonna include the full-sized version of the photo on the mirror, since you can’t see it as well in the main image. Enjoy the feels, y’all! <3   
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blue-burning-heart · 4 years
please reblog this if you’re an active roleplay blog !
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blue-burning-heart · 4 years
I have so much of you in my heart.
John Keats (via qvotable)
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blue-burning-heart · 4 years
I hope you find someone who knows how to love you when you are sad.
— Nikita Gill
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blue-burning-heart · 4 years
After a brief moment, another image comes through, this one of the hound reclining back in her seat with thighs spread, rigid length and glistening slit on equally shameless display. The text that follows shortly after eliminates all possible doubt of it being another accident. [Hound Hookup #5]: betcha you can taste it just by lookin’ at it, eh stripes? >=P
( . Y . )
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Emilio taps the needle-like tip of his crimson stained forefinger against the glass display of his cellphone, studying the image he’d received for a good, long while before he decides to send out a response text. 
[To: hound hookup #5]
-was that meant for me?
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