akirakurusufoollink · 5 years
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we’re still forgetting. we’ll be forgiven.
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akirakurusufoollink · 5 years
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on their way to steal your heart this valentines day
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akirakurusufoollink · 6 years
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‘Joker from persona 5 joins the battle’
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akirakurusufoollink · 6 years
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Congrats, Joker. Welcome to the “Seriously Unexpected Fighters” Club of Super Smash Brothers.
(Amusing how all of them were NEVER leaked before their official reveal, hence how unexpected they really were.)
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akirakurusufoollink · 6 years
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You never saw it coming.
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akirakurusufoollink · 6 years
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joker for smash
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akirakurusufoollink · 6 years
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akirakurusufoollink · 6 years
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Joker learning some things from bayonetta gives me l i f e
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akirakurusufoollink · 6 years
The security guard that checks the invitation before letting people into smash like a bouncer looking at a clearly fake id : So you're waluigi?? , Joker w a fake mustache : that's right er I mean WAH
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I drew this shitty comic to properly give visual to the absolutely HORRENDOUS laughter I had when I read this 
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akirakurusufoollink · 6 years
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a fun lil ann-imation between schoolwork
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akirakurusufoollink · 6 years
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Happy birthday, Haru!! I didn’t have time for much, but here’s a small kiss from the dashing Mako-chan, at the very least!
Artwork © 2018 Siobhan || Haru, Makoto, Persona 5 © Atlus Please don’t use, edit, or repost without permission; thanks!
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akirakurusufoollink · 6 years
Me, listening to Goro’s English audio in DIS: Aww, he’s so cute and flirty and happy and WAIT WHAT THE FUCK GORO STOP
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Don’t forget “What ARE you, MONSTERS?!?!”
But yeah it’s definitely the most hilarious thing I’ve heard in a while, jumping from being genuinely encouraging (awww) to dying for attention (”Everyone, look at my score! LOOK!”) to basically “nice moves dumbass mwahahahaha” GORO PLS 
It also breaks my heart hhhhhh
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akirakurusufoollink · 6 years
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its harus birthday today!
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akirakurusufoollink · 6 years
Imagine Yosuke catching on to Futaba's nickname for Yusuke and just starts calling him Inari because their names are similar
Yosuke: Yoooooo, Inari! Can you come over here for a sec?
Yusuke, offended: ….you can’t possibly mean ME, do you?!
Yosuke: Sure I do! Saying ‘Yusuke’ sounds way too weird to me, and your pal over there told me that ‘Inari’ was more than okay-
Yusuke, eye twitching: What PAL-?
Futaba: Don’t look at me like that! It’s easier to keep your names separate this way! And besides, Ryuji does it too, so nyeh. 
Yusuke: …If we’re so keen on assigning nicknames to people who need them, then why haven’t you done anything about Makoto?!
Makoto and Makoto: What about me?! 
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akirakurusufoollink · 6 years
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“Sleep well.”
Just something quick because I have too many WIP pieces. May revisit later because I really like this idea. I’ve included the flats to hopefully make it clear(er) that he’s holding Loki’s braid.
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akirakurusufoollink · 6 years
i love the hc that joker's from inaba so like imagine that him and pq2 and he's like " wait isn't that the junes bear"
Oooh that’s one of my favorite hcs too! And ‘isn’t that the junes bear’ is more hilarious to me than it has any right to be lmfao
Yosuke: So our Detective Prince doesn’t register on your radar at all but you recognize THE BEAR?!
Teddie: With a face like mine how could he not~?
Yukiko: The real question is how it didn’t scare him away. 
Teddie: oUCH-
Yu: No, I just want to know how you’d even know about Teddie…
Naoto: Pretty suspicious if you ask me.
Joker: It’s not like that! Isn’t he the mascot of the Junes in Inaba? His face was everywhere, and I even had a toy of him when I was younger-
Chie: But why would you know something so specific about Inaba?
Joker: Well considering I grew up there-
Rise: *gasp* ONE OF US! ONE OF US!
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akirakurusufoollink · 6 years
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EXACT same energy
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