#Kid Flash II
damthosefandoms · 9 months
we all joke that year 3000 is an impulse song but has bart ever actually been to the year 3000 specifically
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theghostwiththeglitch · 7 months
A morning with a adhder speedster
It´s at 06:00 A.M., i could stay a little more, but my chest and legs feels overwhelmed. I don´t want to get out of bed, but i have work to do... OH MAN! My hands are cold and warm at the same time... It´s comphy... Let´s just get out of bed please legs, do your thing or whatever. Thanks legs for let me go out from my bedroom.
Everything is so quite in the hallway... please please please... don´t make any noise... don´t wake up the others... I hate the stairs, my legs are still sleepy and i don´t want to wake them up. I said it right? Wake them up, wake up them... wake... wake... oh, i stopped...
-Hm... wake sounds like waka and wakame or wakeme... That seaweed from Animal Crossing...Wait, did i said that loud? Don´t wake them... they are tired from work, college and the hero thing... I want to cry, if i wake them I- Who is in the living room?
Carefully, he approached to the couch and he couldn´t help but smile a little when he saw his formers pattners sleeping. Jaime, Cassie and Gar should have pass out on the couch when they come back from a mission. He thought that maybe they could be cold, it was normal be cold at this hours so he covered them with one of the blankets from the basket near the stairs. Jaime is going to complain a lot for the pain in his spine, neck and back... he pass out again with the armor on. Cassie snoring in her soft way and Gar making poses like a vogue model while he sleep, normal. He smile a last time while his mind was flooded with memories, you can tell that he was falling for them but to him that was normal. Bart can´t tell a lot about his emotions thanks to the alexithymia thing, but he knows when he feel comphy. They feel the same with me? Do i make them feel that too? He look a moment to Jaime and though that he would like to understand his own feelings, it´s confussing. Bullshit, i don´t care about what type of relationship, that happen to them too? Also I can ask them, but not now, later. Sleep well, sweathearts.
It was normal to him ask that type of questions, he wish not, but somedays were more... inexplicable. He started to dissociate in his own thoughts that he didn't even realize he had entered in the kitchen and make some breakfast. In the other side of the kitchen Tim was just watching and debating if he should make Bart comeback or not. Actually, is funny seeing him like that, but, he need to comeback, sorry kid. But sometimes, being a great detective and strategist doesn´t mean always having good ideas, like greeting a person from behind while they are dissociating.
-Hey Bart- Just as Tim´s hand landed on Bart´s shoulder, Bart felt how his heart was going to burst out of his chest as he grabbed his shirt with one hand and grabbed the kitchen counter with the other. His heart and his breath were going so fast, but most important thing: he didn´t screamed so his pals can still sleeping. In this state, he turned his head to see who was behind and he found his friend looking into his eyes as well. They were both like two deer that met a car on the road. They both stifled a laugh.
-Sorry, sorry, I totally forget that- Tim said whispering to iniciate a tone, Bart thanked, he didn´t want to wake them up.
-Don´t mind, don´t mind- Said Bart while moving one of his hands whispering as well . -I should have remember that you are always in the kitchen at this time when you don´t have a mission.- Tim smiled at him and Bart returned the smile. They both share the coffe, Tim always make a lot of coffe, they could open a coffeshop, Bart thought. People uses to think that the caffeine and Bart shouldn´t be friends, but caffeine helps him to relax, something that need it desesperately.
-So, you haven´t slept, have you?
As Tim hear his friend´s question, he sighed while leaving the cup on the table.
-I haven´t, there is this case that it's been keeping me up at night.
-You should to worry less, boy wonder. I´m sure you´ll figurate out, as you always do. And if you can´t because you need some time to relax and think, you can ask for help.
Tim looked and listened. He is good at analyzing and sometimes forget that Bart has that skills too. That´s not new for him, when you have a lack of sleep, the memory is also affected. He didn't wanted to recognize it.
-You are doing it again.
-What i am doing again?- Bart asked confussed, maybe he lose something? Maybe he should start to worry?
-That thing, not looking in the eyes when you said your opinion or trying to help. I know that you can´t control it, but breath, i don´t bite. And if could, i couldn't have the strength to do it.
Bart smirk a little. His friend was right. Maybe the group had problems in the past, but know is different. He comeback to this reality when he heard his friend´s voice.
-Maybe i need to enfocate it from other perspective. My work memory... isn´t working as it has to...- Tim said while rubbing the back of his neck. Bart sigh internally with Tim word´s, he knows how difficult is his friend to convince him about taking some time, so he was glad about what he said, they were worried.
They continued drinking their coffee without saying a word. Tim didn´t have nothing to say and Bart was lost in his thoughs, he didn´t even notice that he was being observed by Tim. Bart mind was fast when he worried about something and he never said nothing, if hefelt like he had nothing to say, he wouldn't say anything. However, his body language was obvious if you payed attention. Maybe Tim was not in his best conditions but a detective is always a detective. He has the itchy ticky fingers. His cheek is resting on the palm of his left hand. With the fingers of that hand he is touching his lobe and the strands of hair bhind it. His gace is lost in the coffe, but his pupil has small movements. His eyes are not full open and in fast moves he looks at the door. His breathing becomes deep and slow... He is worried, but why... Around 3:30 am I heard a sound coming from the living room, Wonder Girl, Beast Boy and Blue Beetle... Maybe... Tim decide to broke the silence.
-Talk to them.
-ExCuSe mE?- Tim let out a malevolic smile, the team found funny broke Bart in that way, it was... cute
-I said, talk to them- Bart didn´t move, he hasn´t talk about this with anyone because for him was shameful. He started to worry about, you can say it thanks for his ticks: hands, legs, jaw tension, silent hiperventiltion, searching with his eyes a way to run away...
-That happens to me too, i mean that things happen. I understand the relation between neurodivergency and alexithymia, but just do it in your way and in your time, just do it so yoy can get use to it. Talk in the way you feel.
-What if he- he stop.- What if they get mad? Please, don´t let him notice
Tim gives a sip of coffe while thinking. He knows Bart, he knows how he worried, he knows how he percieve things, he knows that misunderstood drive him mad, but he need him to stop overthinking.
-Then you have a bad taste in people. He still thinking about his emotions in that way... Like if they are something to apologise for...
Bart died while the coffee was running out of his nose.
Espero que te guste @itsme-inbooks
And... also i dedicated to you @adhdslugcrimes , my adhder partner in crime
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azurecanary · 1 year
Zetaflash only having two episodes of canon content is outrageous. I need more of my gay superheroes.
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I've converted to Konbart, you infected and convinced me. :) I am curious though when you think they realized they were in love or when they got together. I know they're not really together in canon but for the ship when was the moment they realized it?
Taking into considering strictly canon events and trying to stay as compliant as possible?
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Final Crisis #5
After they both came back to life from being dead together.
I feel this is when they finally would have admitted that their feelings were more for each other than platonic.
Kon and Bart were both struggling with dealing with the world after they came back to life. You can also see in TTv3 the writers finally remembered that these two were extremely close in Young Justice and they are seen being much closer and protective of the other (see the entire fight with Holocaust in issue #82, in fact see the entire last quarter of TTv3).
The world they came back to was no longer the same, and both of them had changed and were struggling to adapt.
Kon's relationship with Cassie was strained and neither really knew how to fix it. Neither had the skills to understand why it was falling apart either, so they broke up. Kon retreated further into his role of Conner Kent afterwards and his new solo series kicked off where he tries to live as normally as possibly with varying degrees of success.
Bart's world also had changed in some pretty drastic ways, his grandfather was alive again and the entire flash family dynamic had shifted. Bart was understandably resentful of the fact that Barry was back, but not Max. Barry also was struggling too here and made some poor decisions as a result that led to his relationship with Bart being strained.
So both came back to a world that had changed, and they changed too and couldn't really find a way to get back in synch with it so they gravitated to each other for comfort.
They made sense to each other still when everyone else had changed.
So I feel this is when they likely would have admitted their feelings, recognized what their past feelings were when they were younger, and would have gotten together.
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bobbinalong · 2 months
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Got the okay to post our Relay Race pieces, whoo!
(Close-ups under the cut because I had to make the image smaller to post it to Tumblr lol.)
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omukat · 4 months
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As promised here’s another Nightstar aka Mar’i Grayson drawing along with Ibn al xu’ffasch (Damian Wayne) !
I drew them together from the one panel from the nightstar comic where they are dancing bcs y not! And if you don’t like the paring plz refrain from commenting anything negative bcs at the end of the day they are just simply fictional characters and idc abt your opinion ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
And I’m so sorry for the delay, life has been crazy these past few weeks :’)
I just needed to add this song here ! ;)
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dailydccomics · 1 year
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Flash boys by Nikola Cizmesija
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Stuck in jail trying to break out
(Jai, Damian, and Jon standing and staring at the door)
(Irey sitting on the bench)
Jai: well?
Damian: well what?
Jai: aren’t you gonna break us out?
Damian: I cannot possibly do that now!
Jon: he lost his lock picking kit
Jai: well now what are we gonna do?
Jon: I would say we should just use our powers but there are cameras
Jai: this is all your fault Wayne
Damian: fuck off, if you hadn’t stolen that stupid car we wouldn’t be here!
Jai: oh please, you’re the one who was driving like a fucking maniac!
Jon: shut up! Both of you did this!
Jai and Damian: FUCK YOU!
(The boy arguing)
(Irey gets up and checks the door)
(Door opens)
Irey: GUYS!
(They all turn turn her)
Jon: how’d you do that?
Irey: it was never locked.
Damian: oh
Irey: morons
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Remember what they took away from you...
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This ship and their dynamic drives me insane, can you tell?
-Mod René
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abla-soso · 3 months
"Alicent is not obligated to love her terrible son"
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Alicent stans, I'm no longer part of your club!!
Y'all are brainless abuse apologists, and I do not want to associate with you 😬
Damn, even the dumbass writers acknowledge how vindictivly cruel Alicent was to her own son in that scene. And you can't?? Not even the sinister background music gave you a hint??
I thought you wanted a complex and flawed Alicent? Why are you willing to justify abuse to whitewash her?
You're as bad as the TB stans you love to mock.
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the1entirecircus · 3 months
If I had to write a comic run for Batman and a seperate run for the Flash, I have two main ideas for them.
For my batman run, it would start out with Batman investigating the murder of the Joker. The reason for why I would write this story is because A) Joker Fatigue and B) the way it would pan out would be very interesting. Because as Batman investigates this he learns that it wasn't Jason, Harley, or anyone else that killed the joker, but just some random scared punk with a gun that shot Joker in Crime Alley. Narratively speaking this is both a win and a loss for Joker as he has both ruined the sacred ground of where Bruce's life changed forever and also didn't go out trying to kill Batman. Everyone in the story who hears the knews will often mention that they expected Batman to go down with the Joker, not for Joker to die first. I know that there are already stories of where Joker dies before batman, but this would be my way of pushing Joker aside to allow for other villains to come in.
For my Flash run, it would focus on Barry Allen. One thing I've noticed consistently about his character is that he is clever. This personality trait reminded me of the 10th Doctor, and that gave me the idea for this run. Picture this, for some reason, small occurrences are happening throughout time where things are being changed (and no, Eobard is not behind it). Barry is the only one to recognize this and with the aid of Kid Flash (Ace West) and Flash (Avery Ho), he uses the cosmic treadmill to go through time and fix these small instances while trying not to mess with the timeline. It is a little reminiscent of Flash Forward, but it does take place Earth Prime.
And that's all, thank you for reading my needless rant.
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The relationship that these two have is just unparalleled.
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The absolute adoration and pride when Jay sees Irey running to his rescue. The sheer feral power and ferocity of her attack. The highly elite trained army of a couple hundred grown ass speedsters with guns and tanks retreating because of a pissed off nine year old. The way that she handed them their own asses faster than they could blink. Iris throwing her fucking brother at the ship in an attempt to save Jay.
I just. I love them so much. Jay is so fucking proud of his unhinged firecracker of a granddaughter and Irey would straight up kill some dudes for Jay. It's just so beautiful to me.
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theghostwiththeglitch · 7 months
sO. This week I´m out from (of????? This is not my first lenguage and my mind is going to fast right now to think about grammar)my ADHD pills, yeah? And it´s been a while since the last time I was in this state, right? So, I totally forget this feeling, like i feel everything inside my body going insane and so fast like ZOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM, i don´t now how to describe it with words. BUT externally im like "vibrating"????? Like "oh i have fingers, i can transport that energy to my feet (that was the plural, right?) and hands. And the other day I read a post about adhd and superspeed (Flashfamily as the tags mentioned them all) and how bad could that be and i think about and im like "yeah, maybe??? I DON´T KNOW, MAYBE MY HEART COULD EXPLOTE BUT MAYBE COULD RELAX MY BODY???? So that happens with the coffe". So im like, what would happen if i write something about Bart in this state??? What would do the rest of the team? Also, i have 24, so they would be around my age
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“I’ve got you.”
So I’ve been reading a lot of fanfic where Barry gets to take care of Wally from a younger age, usually between six and eight years old. I’m soft for this parent/child dynamic, especially with how strong their relationship is now. 
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currently thinking about the fact that the guy who killed tim drakes dad canonically had sex with bart allens mom and those two facts are not related in any way
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nopes-and-dreams · 1 year
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Sketch, might turn this into a full piece, we’ll see
Ace deserves more love
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