#Keto Pro
gwynrieldreams · 19 days
How Gwynriel and Elucien mirror Quinlar and Satharion
SJM creates characters that mirror each other in each world. They have similar appearance/vibe, similar powers, similar backstory/family origins or similar role.
Rhysand, Ruhn and Dorian. Lidia and Aelin. Amren and Fury. Jessiba and Merrill. Connor and Sam. Einar and Beron. Danika and Fenrys or Danika and Nehemia, depending on how you see it. Yrene and Hypaxia. Vassa and Ariadne.
Even the villains, Vesperus and Maeve, the Valg, the Death Gods and the Princes of Hel. Their gods: Deanna and Luna, Hel and Hellas, Urd and Wyrd. Their kings and queens: Theia and Mala-firebringer. Fionn and Brannon. Elena and Helena. Gavin and Pelias.
Acosf and CC were written pretty much next to each other. So, what if Gwyn is Bryce's mirror?
They're both redheads with freckles.
Mixed: high fae + sth else that is considered lesser.
They work in a library/artifact gallery under a strict librarian.
They wear an amulet that librarians wear, with protective powers.
They both have Autumn Court heritage.
They both grew up or spent some of their childhood years in a temple.
Jelly jubilee was used to foreshadow that Bryce was Starborn and the heir of Dusk Court, while the miniature pegasus was connected to Gwyn in the scene where she cuts the ribbon and Emerie mentions that the pegasus liked Gwyn the best.
Bryce has light powers and it's possible that Gwyn also has similar powers. I believe since Bryce isn't interested in ruling or moving in Prythian, then the land will choose someone else. I just think that all those similarities and the miniature pegasus foreshadowing are something that cannot be ignored, in addition to Gwydion and the possibility that she'll be the one to wield it.
And what if Azriel and Hunt are also mirrors?
Hunt is called umbra mortis, which means shadow of death, while Azriel's name comes from Azrael the angel of death and he has shadow powers.
Dark and broody with wings.
Hunt worked as an assassin for the Archangels and hated himself, while Azriel is the torturer of the NC and hates himself. Also, this:
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Just like Azriel, who was tortured and wasn't allowed to fly or see the sunlight for years.
Considering, also, the mating language parallels between the two couples, I believe all this just seals the deal for gwynriel endgame and opens the possibility that Gwyn could also be the one to wield Gwydion and/or rule Dusk Court.
Let's not forget their bonus chapters ended the same way.
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Same goes for Sathia and Elain:
light brown hair and pretty
associated with flowers
in love with sb who broke up with her but still they went after him (Elain with Graysen, Sathia with Colin)
mated/married with a redhead who has done nothing but respect them and still wants to be with them after everything
Elain is soft and kind, loves to hold court. Her mother saw her as a "doll to dress up" and that she'd only marry for "love and beauty." Sathia is similar.
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Lucien and Tharion also share similarities:
redhead, charming and sarcastic
no place to call home. Lucien is from the Autumn Court but his biological father is Helion, HL of the Day Court, he was emissary for Spring and now he's working as an emissary for Night, while staying in the human lands and in Spring Court/Tharion is mer but loves all things Above, he was hunted by the River Queen, he was staying with Ruhn, Flynn and Declan, until he was forced to make a deal with the Viper Queen
emissary work, Tharion is Captain of Intelligence but as we see he was sent as a representative to the Summit
Lucien wants to get to know Elain but her love for Graysen and her trauma makes it difficult, Lucien respects her decisions/Tharion married Sathia to get her out of a difficult situation but Sathia still went after Collin, Tharion respected her decision but still went after her in order to save her from the Viper Queen.
I think it's possible that Tharion and Sathia are also mates like Elucien, especially when we consider how protective she was of him against the Viper Queen -even though Colin was the one actually in danger.
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thenovocianelullaby · 5 months
now that i have finished the sjm universe, here are my official favorite characters
Lucien - no one can make me hate this man i have been there from day 1! i thought he was the most charming and funny character in acotar and i have come to love him more as the series progresses. i think that he is a complex character and somehow the character that makes me feel the most (elucien book will be the death of me) and as i have said before… i don’t even want him to end up with elain or anyone else, I WANT HIM FOR MYSELF!
Nesta- i used to hate nesta and i dreaded reading her book, and then i read it, and i have never seen myself in a character more. i would, im not joking, die for nesta. talk about complex character. i have nothing else to say i love her.
Yrene- i LOVE the way sjm writes mothers (some) but i love the fact the yrene being pregnant did not stop her from ANYTHING. she saved the whole world so that her child and her family could have the future they deserve, the better future that was hoped for by each character. Yrene also made me fall in love with chaol in TOD. yrene is a powerful woman in every sense, from innish to orynth… i loved her
fenrys- he gave a lucien vibe and had some witty little comments throughout the book that i loved. but the emotions that radiated off him after his brother and what him and aelin went through… my heart breaks for him.
aelin- yes she is the FMC but.. oh my god. TALK ABOUT COMPLEX! i cant even put into words how how much i loved her. that is all i can say.
Tharion- again lucien vibes. he is funny and charming and genuinely made me smile each time he was on the page. i felt so conflicted when he started self sabotaging to the highest degree, but i still found myself wanting him to get through and be happy. this boy is an idiot but hes my idiot.
baxian- i.. want.. NOTHING BUT HAPPINESS FOR HIM! i just.. i want him to be happy
Ember- i want her to be my mother? again love the way that sjm writes moms and the fierceness that ember loves her family. i think you can especially see this in the bonus chapter with my girl nesta
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redheadsdefender · 8 months
Sarah J Maas got me invested in the marriage of convenience between Captain Whatever and the lil Flynn sister, 2 characters I didn't particularly care about, and Ewriels tell us she can't write Elucien because it'll be cringe and Elain doesn't want him?
The Queen wrote a marriage no-one saw from a thousand miles, a marriage still unexplored beyond some banter (banter is important peopleeee), and I'M EATING IT UP
Elucien's book will be perfection, ty
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zenkindoflove · 8 months
Elucien and Sarion Parallels
Ever since I finished HOFAS, I can't help but think of all the parallels between Elain x Lucien and Sathia x Tharion. It's definitely not a coincidence and it makes me have big high hopes for both ships in the future of their series. So I made a big list of all the ways their characters and situations are paralleling each other. HOFAS spoilers under the cut.
This is the most obvious parallel. Both Elucien and Sarion are strangers finding themselves in a romantic entanglement. Elucien's mating bond snaps as soon as they meet each other, effectively making them strangers who are soulmates. Sarion is a marriage of convenience trope, where before ever speaking to each other, they both agree to marry so that Sathia doesn't have to marry one of the Murder Twins. Both have to essentially get to know the other one under the circumstances of having a romantic bond between them.
Tropes Are Troping.
There are tons of similarities in the actual situations that Elucien and Sarion first meet. They are both in a throne room, standing in front of an evil Fae King who is putting Elain and Sathia in a very high-stakes, traumatizing, nonconsensual situation. Before Elain is turned Fae and before the mating bond snaps, Lucien protests what is happening to her, leading to his bondage. He breaks through the bonds once she is dumped onto the floor, running to her to cover her with his jacket to preserve her modesty and provide her with his protection. As the CC crew bargain for Sathia's freedom, which is going nowhere fast, Tharion offers himself to marry Sathia so that she doesn't have to be shackled to one of the Murder Twins forever. He's effectively, like Lucien, the only one who takes the extra step to protect her.
Meet Cute.
Given the trope that Elucien and Sarion are both in, both couples effectively belong to one another right from the start. Lucien and Elain are often referred to each other as mates and Lucien's internal thoughts claim her as his mate. "Mine. You are mine, and I am yours. Mate". In Tharion's POV, he very quickly labels her as his wife and seems comfortable embracing that label for her. Literally, one of my favorite parts about these tropes is how these romantic and intimate labels now have such a distinct and powerful punch against the background of the tension behind the trope.
My Wife/My Mate
This section really deserves a bullet point list because omg, there are so many parallels in these two characters.
Lucien and Tharion
-Flirty rakes who like to "dally"
-Depicted as having lots of low-commitment sexual encounters before they meet their love interest.
-This part of their characters seems to be a defense mechanism to protect their hearts.
-As soon as they do find their love interest which is an instant high-commitment, they are both singularly focused on them and loyal. Feyre states Lucien no longer enjoys the company of females now that he's a "mated male" and we no longer see Tharion flirting with or hooking up with any other characters.
-They're both self-loathing, broody sad dudes who don't have high opinions of their worth. Lucien: "I am seventh son of the Autumn Court" And a whole lot of nothing. Tharion: Captain Whatever. More like Captain Worthless.
-Both jump around in their allegiances after finding themselves in abusive power struggles. For both characters currently in their respective series, they've jumped from court/queens several times, and essentially find themselves aimless and without homes, relying on the generosity of their friends to hopefully take them in and see their worth.
-Both have had someone they love tragically taken from them that greatly affects their motivations and self-loathing.
TBH there are probably a ton more but this is just what I'm thinking of on the fly.
Elain and Sathia are a shorter list but I think that is only because we know less about them than Lucien and Tharion respectively.
Elain and Sathia
-Both are a more traditional feminine archetype. They're described as beautiful, petite, with many characteristics associated with upholding tradition and fulfilling more stereotypical feminine roles.
-Both are shown to value marriage and seek it out from men with power and influence. Elain with Graysen and Sathia in the HOSAB bonus chapter when she asks about Cormac.
-Both fall madly in love with their first love. Sathia says her separation from Collin is her "Ordeal". Elain is shown to be horribly depressed and desperately runs to find Graysen the first opportunity she gets. As Sathia does once she sees Collin again.
-Both are described as having some "vapid" traits that makes people underestimate them. Elain's interests in gardening and cooking is dismissed. Sathia is described as a fairly stereotypical rich and prissy girl who Ruhn thinks only cares about her manicures and clothes.
-Speaking of that underestimation, we see at different points in their series that characters around them are often surprised when they reveal that they are actually quite intelligent, thoughtful, and brave.
-Both have a moment of "standing up" for their love interest. Elain's famous "His name is Lucien" line and Sathia standing up to the Viper Queen on behalf of Tharion when they meet her in the alley.
-There is of course a bit of a difference between them. Elain is described as being more timid. Ruhn refers to Sathia as "a predator". So they both take a bit different approaches to how they fit into their social groups.
Elucien and Sarion both enter into their romance trope with other love interests either in their pasts or currently that they're involved with. Lucien has Jesminda, who he still loves deeply and mourns her death. Elain has Graysen, who she is engaged to but her turning Fae puts a big wedge in their relationship. Sathia isn't with Collin but clearly still loves him. It's unclear how far their relationship ever got. Tharion is the only one who is emotionally "unattached" but he is very much still in the web of the River Queen's daughter and his 10-year long engagement of duress to her.
It's complicated.
In both cases, Tharion and Lucien are effectively unattached. Maybe it's complicated but they are more free and open to the bond they now have to this stranger. Elain and Sathia are not, however. Both Elain and Sathia show that they still have a deep commitment to their former loves and take similar actions by giving into their most romantic fantasies and running after their first loves to try and save the relationship. We know for Elain, that her seeking out Graysen was the nail in the coffin for them. With Sathia, her situation with Collin is left very open ended. But both are full of angst and both show that Elain and Sathia are very romantic at heart and commit deeply to the men that they love. Both Tharion and Lucien are shown to be very understanding and not possessive of Sathia and Elain. Lucien is not present for Elain seeing Graysen but he gives her space to work through her feelings and it's known he's met Graysen and doesn't think highly of him yet its implied he has left him alone. Tharion does not go after Sathia as soon as she leaves to find Collin and even hopes that should he die she'd be free to marry Collin if he can get away from the Viper Queen.
She is still in love with her ex.
Now we don't know how Elain or Sathia truly feel for Lucien and Tharion. We have neither of their POVs. We do however see Tharion and Lucien's POVs and at least based on actions alone, Lucien is clearly more interested in pursuing the mating bond than Elain is at the moment. When Sathia leaves to find Collin, Tharion spends a lot of time with her letter and its said he can't stop thinking about her as he makes his way to help Bryce with defeating the Asteri.
He falls first.
Lucien and Tharion both go to "rescue" their love interest. Lucien desperately wants to leave Spring to make sure that Elain is okay after her trauma in Hybern. He still doesn't trust the Night Court and has no idea what they're doing to her. He crosses Prythian with Feyre, going into Autumn Court where he knows they could kill him on the spot and where he experienced some of his worst traumas. But he braves it all just so he can see Elain once and make sure she's okay. He's fully aware she has a fiance and may not want anything to do with him. Tharion, after the Asteri are defeated, is seen in his last chapter of HOFAS returning back to the Meat Market where the Viper Queen holds a bounty on his head and essentially owned him as her slave. But he returns so he can make sure that Sathia is not in danger. Similar to Lucien, he's returning to the place of his trauma, risking it all with little expectations that Sathia will "choose him"
Damsels in distress.
Lucien is an emissary and he is well known for his social skills. Elain similarly has been described as being very charming and sociable, able to befriend servants or nobles. It's a common head canon amongst Eluciens that Elain and Lucien, once they start spending time together, will find themselves in a situation where they have to act as emissaries and Elain will impress Lucien with her natural skills. We see this scenario play out with Tharion and Sathia when they try to convince the River Queen to protect some of Crescent City's most vunerable members. Tharion is impressed at how skilled Sathia is when talking to the queen, able to charm and "speak her language" which is that of nobility and politeness.
Prediction: I have a feeling that not only are both Elucien and Sarion end game, but I think their end game is going to be mirror images of where they started. Elucien started with a mating bond and I think they will fall in love and choose to marry each other. And the reverse, Sarion started with a marriage but I also think they will fall in love and the mating bond will snap between them. It would just be such a cute additional parallel to how SJM has set up their characters and story arcs.
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highladyofterrasen7 · 10 months
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Ok I’ve done the three
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l1ghtofmylife2 · 2 years
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skinnylosses · 2 years
Leg diff
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Leg diff - 160 - 138lbs
Still some way to go
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sweaterweatherz · 1 year
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dinner makes you thinner. this is quite literally the most cringe thing ive ever said
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bandicorner · 8 months
Imagine being skinny. Couldn’t be me
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ruinineverything · 1 year
just hear me out...
do the keto diet! i mean it. since the end of the june i lost 17 kg. if i was able to do this you can do this too babes 💗 #ketodiet
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aoun101 · 1 year
The Definitive Keto Meal Plan: An Exhaustive Evaluation
Introduction: The ketogenic diet has gained immense popularity in recent years due to its potential benefits for weight loss and improved overall health. The primary principle of the keto diet involves consuming low-carbohydrate, high-fat foods to encourage the body to enter a state of ketosis. In this article, we will delve into the ultimate keto meal plan, exploring its advantages, disadvantages, and providing an unbiased review of its effectiveness.
Pros of the Ultimate Keto Meal Plan:
Effective Weight Loss: The keto meal plan restricts carbohydrate intake, forcing the body to utilize stored fat as its primary fuel source. This metabolic shift can lead to significant weight loss, making it an attractive option for individuals looking to shed pounds.
Improved Blood Sugar Control: By minimizing carbohydrates, the keto diet can help regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity. This aspect is particularly beneficial for individuals with type 2 diabetes or those at risk of developing it.
Enhanced Mental Clarity and Focus: Ketones, the byproducts of fat metabolism, are known to provide a stable and efficient source of energy for the brain. Many proponents of the keto diet report increased mental clarity, focus, and improved cognitive function.
Reduced Cravings and Appetite: The high-fat content of the keto meal plan can help keep you satiated for longer periods, reducing hunger pangs and cravings. This aspect may contribute to easier adherence to the diet and facilitate weight loss.
Cons of the Ultimate Keto Meal Plan:
Initial Adaptation Period: When transitioning to the keto diet, many individuals experience what is commonly known as the "keto flu." Symptoms can include fatigue, irritability, dizziness, and nausea. However, these symptoms are usually temporary and diminish as the body adjusts to the new eating pattern.
Restrictive Nature: The keto meal plan severely restricts carbohydrate intake, which can make it challenging to adhere to, especially for individuals who enjoy a wide variety of foods. The diet may require careful planning and preparation to ensure adequate nutrient intake.
Potential Nutritional Deficiencies: Eliminating or limiting certain food groups, such as grains, fruits, and some vegetables, can lead to a deficiency in essential nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It is crucial to incorporate nutrient-dense, low-carb alternatives to mitigate this risk.
Review of the Ultimate Keto Meal Plan:
The Ultimate Keto Meal Plan offers a comprehensive approach to the popular ketogenic diet. It provides clear guidelines and meal suggestions to help individuals achieve and maintain a state of ketosis effectively. The plan's focus on whole, unprocessed foods ensures a nutrient-rich approach to weight loss and overall health improvement.
However, it is essential to note that the keto diet may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as pancreatitis or liver disease, should consult with a healthcare professional before embarking on such a restrictive diet.
In conclusion, the Ultimate Keto Meal Plan can be an effective tool for weight loss and improving metabolic health. Its benefits include potential weight loss, blood sugar control, mental clarity, and reduced cravings. Nonetheless, it is vital to consider the potential challenges and limitations associated with the diet, such as the initial adaptation period and the risk of nutritional deficiencies. As with any diet plan, consulting with a healthcare professional is recommended before starting the Ultimate Keto Meal Plan.
if anyone want to buy this click; here
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redheadsdefender · 8 months
Ok, this is hilarious 😂
E/riels start shipping Colin/Sathia instead of Tharion/Sathia, but I mean, I get it, Satharion is Elucien in a different font, I'd get worried too 😏
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It's super sad to want her to go back to someone who didn't fight for her, who became a thug for the Viper Queen who left their meeting without a glance back instead of Tharion who manned up, stepped up, literally became a better male for her in front of our eyes in hofas...
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coralinesdream · 2 years
I feel so f@t, I gained weight all because im eating like a fkn pig. I can't stop hating myself, I refuse to look at my body because it disgusts meeee 
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peterchase633 · 7 days
keto os pro + mct
KETO//OS PRO MCT is packed with MCTs, which help combat the aging process, boost energy, and improve digestion. This Ketogenic protein powder helps initiate muscle growth and prevents muscle breakdown –providing high-quality fuel– perfect for advanced post-workout muscle repair and recovery. Now available in the United Kingdom, Italy, and Euopean Countries.
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fragilebrwndoll · 2 months
i can’t wait to be skinny again i had the chance to get ozempic months ago but didn’t bc im scared of injections and I’m kicking myself for it now :(
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skinnylosses · 2 years
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Still in a several month long plateau but around 135lbs now but still flabby 😪 just want to be 120 and I’ll be happy
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