skinnylosses · 2 years
Fasting for 4 days on and off the past two weeks and have reached 129.8lbs!!!!! So close to 120 then I’m going to try to start eating v clean and going to the gym
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skinnylosses · 2 years
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Still in a several month long plateau but around 135lbs now but still flabby 😪 just want to be 120 and I’ll be happy
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skinnylosses · 2 years
Leg diff
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Leg diff - 160 - 138lbs
Still some way to go
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skinnylosses · 2 years
Update - down to 138lbs!! Getting there despite the 3 month long plateau :) will be happy around 130/125 I think. Have been sticking to v low carb and whole foods mainly
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From 230lbs at start, middle pic not sure, to 162lbs today. Getting closer to GW of 140lbs. (5ft 8 btw)
Honestly it’s hard to see a difference sometimes but looking at pics help. I was severely depressed in first pic and honestly idk what happened to me or how I ended up like that but I’m happy I’m out of it now. Fell off a bit recently but back on it mainly through OMAD, low carb and walking.
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skinnylosses · 2 years
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keto OMAD - think I overestimated but will go for walk later to get cals down to 500 - think I will do a water fast from today to Sunday so 48 hours?
Currently 161.6 aiming to get down to 140 minimum by end of May for holiday which is v doable (5ft 8 btw) my weight loss had stalled tbh from last year, and I’ve just maintained (which is good?? I didn’t gain but still I don’t feel great abt myself)
Tracking my weight and intake on here really helped losing the bulk of my weight before so trying again!
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skinnylosses · 2 years
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keto OMAD - think I overestimated but will go for walk later to get cals down to 500 - think I will do a water fast from today to Sunday so 48 hours?
Currently 161.6 aiming to get down to 140 minimum by end of May for holiday which is v doable (5ft 8 btw) my weight loss had stalled tbh from last year, and I’ve just maintained (which is good?? I didn’t gain but still I don’t feel great abt myself)
Tracking my weight and intake on here really helped losing the bulk of my weight before so trying again!
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skinnylosses · 3 years
Ngl finding it hard at uni not being able to weigh myself everyday - I’m losing weight from what I can tell based on clothes and I’m almost into a pair of size 10 trousers but I just want to see the numbers so badly 🥲
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skinnylosses · 3 years
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From 230lbs at start, middle pic not sure, to 162lbs today. Getting closer to GW of 140lbs. (5ft 8 btw)
Honestly it’s hard to see a difference sometimes but looking at pics help. I was severely depressed in first pic and honestly idk what happened to me or how I ended up like that but I’m happy I’m out of it now. Fell off a bit recently but back on it mainly through OMAD, low carb and walking.
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skinnylosses · 4 years
If anyone was wondering, I’ve hit 13 stone 12 finally. Being back at uni had been tough but I’m going to be going back to Omad starting tomo and will keep updating!
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skinnylosses · 4 years
23/09/2020 - 201.6lbs
OMAD and walking 10,000 steps a day seems to be working
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skinnylosses · 4 years
Small update : back on it, down to 203lbs so hopefully will be at 14 stone by end of month!!
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skinnylosses · 4 years
29/08/2020 - 14 Stone 11Lbs
Shredded oyster mushroom shawarma - 78
brown pitta - 145
salad - 45
tomato chilli dressing - 30 
Perinaise - 50 
rapeseed oil spread - 12
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2 Vegan chorizo sausages - 151
Perinaise - 50
Salad - 25
Button mushrooms - 15
Rapeseed oil spray - 15
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iced oat milk latte with agave - 70
Espresso Martini - 260
Total calories - 947
Calories burnt - 139
BMR - 1741
Total deficit - -933
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skinnylosses · 4 years
28/08/2020 14 stone 11lbs
3 slices wafer thin ham - 60
cream cheese - 40
Salad with 2 vegan chorizo sausages - 366
Glass of cranberry juice - 16
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2 heck chicken burgers - 240
salad (1/3 red onion, tomato, lemon juice, coriander) - 40
mayo - 40
oat milk iced latte with agave - 70
Total calories - 872
Calories burnt - (none lmao, first day off in over a week so have literally relaxed all day but might do a workout later to bump deficit up to 1000)
BMR - 1741
Total deficit - 869
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skinnylosses · 4 years
27/08/2020 14 stone 13lbs
4 cream cheese triangles - 100
3 slices ham -60
cucumber - 10
Oat milk iced latte with agave syrup - 195
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Haddock fillet - 112
Tomato mozzarella salad - 136
Tomato and chilli salad dressing - 70
2 Cream cheese triangles - 40
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Oat milk iced latte with agave syrup - 105
total calories - 828
calories burnt - 227
bmr - 1741
total deficit -1140
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skinnylosses · 4 years
26/08/2020 14 Stone 13lbs
4 slices ham - 80
Cucumber - 10
Oat milk iced coffee with agave - 60
Banana - 105
Cream cheese - 170
Tuna - 126
Red pepper - 30
Salad - 20
Oat milk iced coffee with agave - 60
Total calories - 661
Calories burnt - 287
BMR - 1741
Total deficit - -1367
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skinnylosses · 4 years
25/08/2020 15 stone 1lbs
5 slices ham - 100
Cucumber - 10
Iced double espresso shot with oat milk and tsp of agave - 60
Iced double espresso shot with oat milk and tsp of agave - 60
Fibre one brownie 100
Tuna - 126
Mayo - 40
Grapes - 15
Lettuce - 20
Total calories - 551
Calories burnt - 288
BMR - 1776
Total deficit - -1513
Not v hungry today and I’m stressed bc of work and uni LMAO which doesn’t help, but I need to up my cals as this isn’t sustainable at all
If anyone has any advice please do message me - I wanted to do Keto around 1200 a day but red meat and dairy, even eating ham in the morning is a no from me 🤢 but I’m not sure if you can do it as a pesceterian
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skinnylosses · 4 years
24/08/2020 15 stone 1lbs
3 slices ham - 60
Green Apple - 54
Fibre one brownie - 100
Lunch (feel like I’m overestimating slightly)
Tuna - 100
Siracha mayo - 45
Bbq sauce - 40
Mixed salad - 15
Tomato - 10
Feta - 105
Salsa - 40
Guacamole - 75
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Iced caffe latte with sugar free caramel syrup and sweetener with splash of soya milk - 130
Total calories - 779
Calories burnt - 274
(Worked 9 hour bartending shift)
BMR - (I’m not sure if I’m calculating it properly???) 1776
total deficit - -1271
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