#Keith intrusive thoughts
2deadkat · 7 months
You know I’d like to think that Geronimo’s an unreliable narrator sometimes and overblows some of the details about his family because they can be a nuisance sometimes…
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bakersgrief · 3 months
Dealing with intrusive thoughts: Yose and Keith style.
Yose: Hey, Keith. :(
Keith: Hi, Yose. Is everything alright? :)
Yose: Would you still love me if I killed someone and cooked their dead body.
Keith: ...
Keith, hugging her: Yes, I would still love you even if you had that thought and couldn't get it out of your head all day.
Yose, crying: Okay, thanks-
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keithkog · 3 months
That urge to eat pebbles and rocks. I don’t know about you, but I understand some people who were on My Strange Addiction.
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minami-ff · 10 months
You’re Staying Under My Protection
Captain Levi x Reader
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The atmosphere in the Survey Corps headquarters was tense as Captain Levi paced back and forth in his office. The Captain of the Special Operations Squad had never been one to get worked up over his emotions. His stern exterior was well-known among the soldiers, but there was now a particular person who managed to chip away at the walls he had built around himself.
The weight of a decision he had no control over laid heavily on his shoulders, one that involved not just the fate of humanity beyond the walls but the safety of someone he couldn't help but want deeply to protect – you, a member of his squad and, annoyingly, someone who had found a way into his guarded heart.
As he awaited the final word from Commander Keith Shadis, Levi couldn't shake the unease that settled in his chest. Shadis had demanded your presence on his team to be vital for the upcoming expedition beyond the walls, a verdict that left Levi feeling frustrated and powerless.
Levi's thoughts were a turbulent sea of conflicting emotions. On one hand, he understood the necessity of the mission and the need for capable soldiers with specific skills and knowledge to contribute. On the other, the idea of you being under someone else's command, especially someone like Shadis, left a bitter taste in his mouth.
There was no way the Commander could protect you nearly as well as he would.
Levi stormed into the room where Shadis and his subordinates deliberated. His entrance was a forceful declaration of his discontent, and the intensity in his wintry steel eyes silenced the room.
"Commander," Levi's voice cut through the air like a blade, "we need to talk. Everyone, out.”
The Survey Corps team exchanged uneasy glances before quickly vacating the room, leaving Levi and Shadis alone with the uncertainty of the impending confrontation hanging in the air. Shadis, unfazed by the abrupt intrusion, glared at Levi with green eyes stabbing out of his dark panda circles.
"Levi, this isn’t about your special affection for [Your Last Name] again, is it?" Shadis flashed a sly grin, teasing the captain. Levi fixed him with an unyielding glare.
"You’re not taking [Your Name] away from my squad." Levi demanded with unwavering conviction, “That’s final.” Shadis leaned back, chuckling, folding his arms as he belittled Levi.
"Kid, this lineup isn’t personal. It's about ensuring we have the best-suited soldiers on this critical mission. You know that as well as I do. [Your Last Name]'s skills are needed on this expedition." In a burst of frustration, Levi slammed his hand on the table, the sound echoing in the room.
"I trained [Your Name] personally. I won't let you throw my comrades into the fire without me there to watch their back!" The bond between a captain and his squad ran deep, and Levi was not willing to let go easily. Shadis, unmoved by Levi's plea, crossed his arms and leaned against the desk.
"Not up for negotiation. In actual fact, [Your Last Name] agreed to this, even expressed excitement about joining this mission! Clearly you’ve failed to ask for [Your Last Name]’s desires before clouding your judgement. I’m done with this conversation." Levi's narrowed eyes softened, taken aback, and absorbed some truth to what the Commander said.
Unbeknownst to both leaders, you stood just beyond the door, absorbing every word exchanged. You entered the room, gentle eyes laying on your Captain’s.
"Captain, thank you for your concern, but I am more than capable of ensuring my own safety. This is what you trained me for. Allow me to join the Survey Corps on this mission. They need me, and I need this opportunity." Levi's fists clenched at his sides, his gaze never wavering from yours.
"Fine," Levi finally relented after much hesitation, his voice tight. Silence filling the air as he breathed heavily, "but [Your Name] is my responsibility. I expect [Your Name] to return to me unharmed." He fixed Shadis with an intense, piercing stare, requiring reassurance. “Or else I will take this personally.”
Shadis nodded, acknowledging Levi's concession.
As Commander Shadis and you left the room to leave for the mission, you thanked your captain with a nod and subtle smile. Though Levi lowered his head back at you, his frustration reached its peak. He couldn't shake the fear that lingered in the depths of his mind. The walls may protect humanity from the titans, but they could not shield his heart from the fear of losing someone he cared for again. For now, all he could do was hope that you would return safely.
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karakurenai-no-raion · 3 months
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MUD coining time! (Does it count as a MUD if I was a psychiatrist in-source? /silly)
This was coined by me (Hannibal Lecter), not Keith, despite this being his blog and NOT mine. :) I do not have my own blog at all. If I messed anything up in this post no I did not (/silly).
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Anthropophagic Compulsion Disorder
ACD is a rare and severe trauma-based disorder characterized by an overwhelming compulsion to consume human flesh. This disorder stems from early childhood trauma involving the forced or coerced consumption of human meat, typically that of those close to them. Behaviours associated with ACD are known to worsen, without intervention, as the subject grows older. ACD is also known to first manifest its full symptoms around the ages of 15 to 18.
Key Characteristics:
Cannibalistic Compulsions: Individuals with ACD experience intense and recurrent urges to consume human flesh. These compulsions are frequently accompanied by an episodic and insatiable hunger, often to the point of physical pain that resembles starvation, specifically for human meat.
Intrusive Thoughts: Subjects tend to suffer from intrusive thoughts related to murder and cannibalism, which can be highly distressing and near impossible to control. One subject has been known to act upon these thoughts, but most never do.
Trauma Origin: The disorder usually stems from severe psychological trauma, particularly involving forced or coerced cannibalism during formative years. The disorder cannot be diagnosed, or even exist, without the traumatic origins.
Relationship Complications: Due to it's traumatic origins, ACD interferes with the subject's romantic interests. The one that they love tends to be a focus in their cannibalistic compulsions, be it wanting to share their meals with them.. or wanting to eat them. This typically only occurs in those that were forced to eat family members or those close to them, and is uncommon in those that only ate strangers as a child.
Resistibility and Therapy: While the urges and hunger can be resisted, doing so is extremely challenging without professional intervention. Effective management most likely requires extensive therapy, which may include cognitive-behavioral techniques, trauma-focused therapy, and possibly medication.
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There is a diagnostic criteria beneath the cut because I am.. slightly obsessed.
It is what I have already stated but in a format vaguely similar to the DSM.. I also allowed an ai to do most of this part because it is. 20 to 3 in the morning for us. Though, rest assured, I went through and checked that everything was correct!
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Diagnostic Criteria
A. Recurrent and intense urges to consume human flesh, as manifested by at least one of the following, occurring over a period of at least 6 months:
Persistent thoughts or fantasies about consuming human flesh.
Strong urges or desires to consume human flesh, leading to significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
B. Intrusive thoughts centering around murder and cannibalism, experienced frequently and causing marked anxiety or distress.
C. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
D. The behaviors are not better explained by another mental disorder, such as Schizophrenia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, or a Paraphilic Disorder.
E. The disorder originates from severe psychological trauma, particularly involving forced cannibalism during childhood or formative years.
Associated Features Supporting Diagnosis:
Episodes of Insatiable Hunger: Individuals may experience periods where the urge to consume human flesh becomes nearly unbearable.
Compulsive Behaviors: Some individuals may engage in ritualistic behaviors related to their cannibalistic urges.
Trauma History: A history of severe psychological trauma of other kinds is also typically present, but not at all required for diagnosis.
ACD is extremely rare and predominantly found in individuals with a history of severe childhood trauma related to cannibalism.
Development and Course:
The disorder usually begins in childhood or adolescence following a, or a series of, traumatic event(s). Without intervention ACD can persist into adulthood and lead to significant impairment on the subject's life, despite it being a disorder typically missed completely by those around the subject.
Functional Consequences:
ACD can lead to significant functional impairment, including difficulties in maintaining employment, relationships, and engaging in daily activities.
Differential Diagnosis:
Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders: Unlike these disorders, ACD is specifically linked to trauma and involves clear, consistent cannibalistic compulsions. It is not a disorder that can be genetic, but the existence of other genetic disorders (within the family tree) can increase it's likelihood of occuring as a result of the subject's trauma.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): While OCD involves intrusive thoughts and compulsions, the specific nature of cannibalistic urges and behaviors is distinct in ACD. Some may consider ACD a subtype of OCD.
Paraphilic Disorders: ACD is differentiated by the primary focus on cannibalism as a result of trauma rather than sexual arousal. It can be comorbid with paraphilic disorders, but it is uncommon.
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trashc-anon · 7 months
hazbin hotel is polluting my mind so if I were the editor's intern: reco
• either stretch the season into 16 episodes or cut the plotlines in half;
• definitaly cut Alastor's screen time in half (if not more)
• make up your mind how much of the pilot is canon (especially regarding Lucifer)
• episode 1 is good as is, a soft reboot from the pilot without getting in too much detail and I love hating Adam, "Hell is Forever" is banger (i hope the music writers were properly paid and Disney learns why AI is a bad idea!)
• episode 2 is a problem, because Sir Pentious presence is only because of the V's, make that episode 2/2;
• ep 1/2 - Charlie and Vaggie leave the hotel to recruit; Sir Pentious attacks, all on schedule
• Charlie or Vaggie save some of the eggs from being crushed; when the "battle" is over, Pentious is cautiosly agrees to entertain their hospitalty; angel is untrusting;
• "Starts with Sorry"
• leave the Vs as unseen foes, and Alastor's only appearance is his shadow at the end of the episode (Overlords are mysterious unseen threat)
• episode 2/2 - Vs are anxious that Alastor is with the princess;
• see, the first couple of episodes make sense, but they take away from the girls and the hotel
• but "Stayed Gone" is sooo good! maybe use at a later date?
• "Stayed Gone" is a fun song, BUT it doesn't make sense for Alastor, mysterious serial killer, to have childish rivalries; why didn't he kill Vox back when he rejected him and Vox got 'pissy'?
• either make Vox less pathetic or less there;
• soooo, episode 3/1 is would be trust exercises
• i actually liked Angel's plan with BDSM, he's not wrong and I wished he had the chance to be an adult that LIKES sex separate from the victim that uses overtsexuality as a defence mechanism
• each character could have their own moment to show what trust means to them; trust comes in different shades;
• between Angel and Maggie we see sexual intimacy and surviving extreme situations; Husk has issues with openess; Niffty with intrusive thoughts;
• IN FACT! actually stablish WHY Husk and Niffty are part of the exercises! they're not guests, Husk says as much, they are employees LOANED by Alastor; they're not there to earn redemption; *vague hand gesture in confusion*
• OKAY - Overlord meeting... ehhhhhh
• i still want to cut Alastor's screentime! whats the point of the meeting? screentime for the overlords, the dead angel (which we know, but main cast won't until episode 7) Carmila being responsible is important, we need to know who to ask for help, but ugh. I get its also, prelude that you need love to fight and win against angels, but its never stablished in canon, Carmila says it to Maggie to use as internal compass to keep her fighting beyond pain and fear; bloodlust is distracting, love is focused;
• my delight with Zestial being all dark and yummy need to take a hike for the sake of - what am i even doing any more?
• I can't help but think how much of these decision are also based on Voice Actor salaries; because Keith David (Husk) gotta be expensive and for a character that is literaly always presented he almost never talks; and just, ALL of them being expensive and ~ahahah better make fewer episodes if you want big names in your projects~
• ughhhh that's when you know a series has issues, when trying to fix you run into a thousand more problems;
• i would respect how much they put into 8 episodes, ONLY IF it's true they didn't know they would get season 2. Because in that case a bunch of these plot lines needed to be dropped, I don't care how fanfavorite the character is;
• the Vs serve no purpose what so ever, you can easily have Valentino as a lone villain (also less confusion about hells social rules about SA and abuse);
• Lucifer should've been the last big name to enter screen; work up to the trial with Heaven for S2E01 (why even a trial)
• just how PLOT heavy is this series that Viv needed Lilith's bomb to drop in season 1? which is a major inconsistancy for a series based on the theme of redemption, a CHARACTER heavy theme;
• as it is, i don't see how Sir Pentious being redeemed is a good thing, because he died before entering Heaven, so other souls need to die too and hope it's not forever? wouldn't that fuel Exterminators cause to kill in name of 'clensing'? (holy shit, the more I write the worse it gets)
• IS there an primordial EVIL to scare the angels so badly?
• omg I hope they won't try to bring actual GOD into the series; I know there is concept art floating around, but please, do not;
• Supernatural barely got away with it in Season 5 because it was a funny 'what if' and made it got bad in Season 10 (?) (no series should ever emulate Supernatural, its a warning I mean it, don't, not worth it, you don't have 10+ years of dead horse to beat)(the fans, me, stayed out of, idk, regretfull loyalty)
• my english is not good enough for this... KAY IM DONE NOW! BYEEEE
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just-jae · 3 months
Voltron LD Creative rerwrite
Okay, here we go.
Imma start with some superficial stuff:
All the main characters are adults (ranging 20-45). Tallest to shortest: Hunk and Keith are a close tie, Lance, Allura, Coran, Shiro, Pidge.
Oldest to youngest (ignoring Altean aging and the whole 10000 yr sleep) : Coran, Shiro, Allura, Pidge, Lance, Hunk, Keith
Allura's hair is more of a amber blonde. It's got like a slight rainbow effect (if that's what that's called) but just warm colors.
Alright less superficial stuff.
Keith's mom had a more outgoing and fun personality,. A lot more laid back and adventurous, but also verocious in battle. She can be passionate about what's right and wrong and what's nessecary. Leaving behind Keith wasn't just a testament to her dedication to to the Marmoran cause, but also to how much she trusted Keith's da with her bean
. Keith's dad was an actual cowboy (took care of cattle and the like) and liked to do funky cowboy dances. Maybe a volunteer firefighter though?
Keith also likes to do funky cowboy dances… when no one’s watching.
Keith had a crush on a neighbor who'd come to dance at their ho-down parties, but yaboi shy af tho so they never actually dated. His dad definitely teased him about his "boyfriend".
After Keith's dad's death, Keith became something of a workaholic, pouring himself into training and school, but was socially and emotionally shut down. He never really properly mourned, and had a hard time with intrusive thoughts whenever he was on the ranch, so he left it completely for the Garrison.
Allura and Coran aren't the last Alteans, the remaining ones are scattered throughout the universe just like the Galra (I mean, that was the whole point of destroying Altea-- to get revenge. So the Altaens dont have a homeworld just like like the Galrans, but the goal was never to wipe them out--- also why would they assume every Altean was on Altea. C'mon.
The Galra were originally very war like. It was their technological advancemencents that the Altaens adapted for more altruistic science. The Galra specialize in weapons and battle ships and communications while the Altaens had tech catered more toward medicine, bioengineering, and observation (telescopes, scanners, etc) But had a culture more deeply rooted in magic and mystic arts. Magic was how they initially came into contact.
Daibazaal had nightmare creatures, Altea had nightmare weather.
Zarkon was a Paladin a bit ironically. The Galra were very confrontational and defensive, often escalating conflicts amongst eachother or other planets into full out war, to the point that they were often seen more as predacious creatures than sentient beings.
Altea was one of the first planets to make peace with Daibazaal and, in-short, begin rehabilitating their image as bloodthirsty monsters, by sharing their diplomatic skills with them. This gave rise to leaders like Zarkon, whom could be very passionate and fierce if e felt threatened, but had the patience to observe and investigate a situation and indeed forged a reputation of robust reliability. Zarkon was a great leader, but was always controlling and power hungry,however those traits were used in healthier ways. Before then, those vices were more or less thoughts in the back of his head. Altea and Daibazaal worked together to forge Voltron, but at the time they were both fairly homogenous peoples (not very diverse in their personalities or mindsets) and so members of other species ended up as the other three paladins. The first Green and Blue paladins were both from the Dalterion belt, with Yellow actually being a wanderer alien of no particular planet (was mixed species too cause scifi).
The Fallout happened because of Altean witches being shady on multiple accounts and a domino effect leading to the death of a paladin. Broken trust, grief, and anger-- along with Altens generally tending to deny or trivialize the existence and influence of witches... or any bad thing in general-- escaelated social problems amongst their respective planets, opening old wounds until the destruction of Daibazaal, turns the Galra on the Alteans.
At first the Black Lion willingly participates, not only sharing the pain and distrust, but also being more nieve influenciable, like a child basically, but eventually it becomes conflicted by the killing and Zarkon's blind rage, and indulgence in his controlling tendencies, still emotionally attached, it rejects Zarkon and allows itself to be locked away, not even trusting itself to choose a good paladin to replace Zarkon.
Then history happens and--
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Okay so Lance is indeed a sharp shooter. His whole theme is precision and perfection. He's accurate with just about any weapon, and is phenomenal in tight spaces and dynamic, high-speed settings. Personality wise e tends to be impulsive and impatient, nit picky, vain, and superficial, quick to make other's deviations from an "ideal" out to be a flaw to fix. He starts out really annoying at first but he means well, he's just misguided about image and what-not. Also Lance is the cooky, foody one and a snob about it.
Hunk IS AN ENGINEER, and mechanics/physics expert. He's very attentive to the conditions of things, particularly when it comes to problems, and is good at telling real problems from inperfections. He's a good listener who tends to other's internal turmoils and helps the team mesh together by supporting everyone and tending to their needs. Sometimes this can be a bit onesided as Hunk may sometimes feel he has to be strong and invulnerable for everyone else, becoming burned out or neglecting his own care.
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Allura grapples with the fact that Altea's allies turned on them and wiped out everything she knew in a blink. I imagine she's got some trust issues and at first is particularly sensitive to infighting. From her perspective the Galra were either lying the entire time or the very idea of an alliance was fragile to begin with. The fact that it seems the entirety of the Galra went along with wiping out her people and then turning on the rest of the universe muddied her optimism and makes her more wary and hesitant to give the benefit of the doubt.
However, these are more subconsious fears that effect her knee-jerk reaction to things. The other paladins, starting out rough to begin with, and being prone to inner conflicts, help Allura to remember how strong and reliable forged bonds can be. She ends up investigating more of Altean and Galran history to try to make sense of what happened to cause the trust formed between them to collapse.
Shiro's backstory is much like the original.... EXCEPT there's no clone shinanigans. Shiro was absorbed into the black Lion and then revived- unlocking the ability to astral project and teleport.
At first, the Black Lion doesn't accept ANYONE, as the new Paladin, as it's too busy dealing with Shiro's soul or whatever. It's basically a scifi fantasy withdrawal/shutdown as he started to reflect on the fact that defeating Zarkon wouldn't end the imperialism of the Galra empire-- it seems like an impossibly endless feat. So the team has to learn to function without a head to Voltron. This is when Allura really steps up to be more involved on the front lines. She ends up spending alot of time with the black lion, empathizing with it, while also mourning Shiro, and she confides in it, especially given that they were both stuck in the castle for 10k yrs just to jump into a universal war.
So- yeah, eventually, Allura becomes the Black Paladin.
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Allura is the one who realizes Shiro is IN the black lion, and works on learning some kind of magic finger flittering to revive him.
After Zarkon's defeat, the team start to see more Galra opposing the Empire, not through flat out fighting it, but basically by under-the-table acts like voting against certain moves, conveiniently failing missions, Becoming secret allies to previously conquered planets (especially if they're on the outskirts of the empire and barely get looked at-- especially as generations pass.
Passive aggression. That's what it is. "Fuck imperialism, but also we were born on this conquered planet and the Empire is still pretty brutal, so. :,/"
The Blade of Marmora are considered a suicide squad and necessary evil for opposing the empire on such an intimate level as they often participate in war acts to maintain their cover, but have been vital in weakening the empire from the inside and gaining intelligence through their many moles. The Blade is part of the reason the Galra haven't advanced even further than they have, haven't found the lions, or Altaens and are only just now developing their super juice. It looks like they haven't done much but they have, especially for an organization that only started forming after the twisted intentions of Galra imperialism became apparent.
Shay joins Hunk and helps maintain the castle ship as a mechanic. She also journals to practice writing and reading. She ends up creating her own little scripts bc she finds them easier to use. It takes some time to teach her the ropes, but she helps out however she can. Gets a bad case of homesickness after a few weeks, but, you know who doesn't. Occasionally she goes back home.
Pidge was always a tomboy :'D So infiltrating the Garrison was more a matter of looking like a different person than a different gender :V. Just makes more sense to me that that would work better than just cutting ones hair and wearing a short and pants instead of a dress.
Mat died for real. Idk, I feel like the show made a big mistake punching me the gut and then going "haha just a prank bro". NOPE. Its my headcanon now. Mat's gonna stay in the ground and enjoy the tears I shed.
Maybe Pidge looks into it, in denial at first, and uncovers some journals or records about Mat that confirmed he was dead but also leads Voltron to new allies. I thought it was a nice touch to show the mortality of rebels, and why more people aren't opposing the Galra.
Prince Lotor gets a complete makeover, He looks a lot more like his dad, and is a bit of a mess. Like in the original, he goes through much the same arc, except he's not this brittish mastermind, he's still really smart, but he's a mess...a lot like Keith, and relatively young, like, younger than Keith (20), so like, 18-19 ish in galran ages. Imagine OG Lotor and LD Keith fused.
Sendak and Haxus, and Throk. They do more. Like, seriously, they were good villains'. They still get taken out, but its more than just, Haxus falling, Keith just surprise attacking, and... idek what happened to Throk.. did he even die? *does research*
Throk goes rogue, full chaotic evil.
Some shipping stuff since its crossing my mind:
Shiro/Allura, they're literally mom and dad.
Hunk and Shay, are literally sweethearts, I think I'd love for them to be platonic friends too. Either works. Like, c'mon they adore eachother. Beasties frfr.
Like I said before, Keith/hometown cowboy crush. Keith feeling like he's already thrown es life away (the life he had on the ranch with his friends and whatnot) is something that makes him progressively more angsty. He becomes a high-functioning angster, longing for the life e had before the Garrison, but always being more afraid of the pain of all those emotions than the feeling of being alone or afloat.
When thy go back to earth Hometown Crush has also joined the Garrison, but as Casualty Control. I initially chose casualty control just bc I felt it was a pretty cool but overlooked specialty--- but for those who know what it is, it ironically also implies certain things about his and Keith's relationship
I'm thinking, for Lance/Pidge, he initially picks on Pidge a lot, but develops a crush on her bc "Pidge is awesome!". Its one of the first times he's actually been interested in someone for reasons other than looks or status. But, Pidge is not into Lance seeing him as a baby (even at 22) bc he's immature, and initially thinks he's only interested cus shes a girl and Allura already rejected him. She realizes later that he's being genuine, but again he's still pretty immature so it's a bit of a slow burn for them. Like literal years of work flirting- mutual work flirting.
Zarkon/Haggar, but, they weren't together before the "war". Heck, they didn't even know eachother. Haggar was practicing dark magic before and appealed her use the the Galran Empire just to save herself, and expand her reasources. Overtime, she gained a following of druids and floated up the ladder of power until she was at Zarkon's ear.
Seeing that she is the very thing that wedged the Galra and Altaens apart, they're a very ironic pair, and they're aware of this. But its been 10K years of being evil assholes, Zarkon doesn't give 2fucs about Altaens or witches anymore. And his relationship with Haggar has been marinating for a long time... and is mostly platonic... mostly.
I think Zarkon might even find it funny that the Empire is now the perfect entity for witches to thrive in.
Lotor initially is infatuated with Allura, but it's just infatuation. He does get a bit snot-nosed about it, thinking Allura couldn't see past his Galran blood and seeing it as an excuse to rip on her vices, but its a learning point for him to not have his insecurities blind him to reality. He gets over it once he accepts that Allura's disinterest isn't amanifestation of shallowness or a personal attack. She also makes him realize more about himself than the mix blood he's always ridiculed for. Allura salvages it pretty well.
Okay.. that's enough shipping stuff.
As far as endgame go. The show is very much a power of friendship theme, about building connections and mutual care. So, I guess, the endgame would be the sympathetic Galrans, the ones who HAVE learned to appreciate freedom and connections, instead of perpetuating the heirarchal chain of dominance and control, create their own web, and "join the fight" so to speak, by disrupting status Quo's left and right, and employing the empire's own robust tech and man power against it. It's like the American Revolution, but in space.
Call me a glutton for grief, but I was legit actually thinking that Earth would be destroyed just like Altea. All the signs wwere there, the Atlas being built, "Carrying the world", all the romancing about Earth and whatnot.
It seemed like they were going to put us in bith altean and Galran shoes and really make us understand what it meant to have yourworld destroyed, coming full circle. Maybe Haggar even straight up replicates the event that destroyed Daibazaal. And it just went to show not only how far removed modern Galra are from their history, but also snapshotting why it's so impactful when we see everything that we associate with ourselfes and our identity, and the place we called home, obliterated.
Or on a happier, more conclusive note, all the allies Voltron makes along the way make their defense of Earth successful, and they beome the first planet the Galran's fail to conqure, where at the end of the first season, Voltron barely made it out alive facing Zarkon alone.
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caffedrine · 2 years
Keith Howell - Chapter 21 Dramatic - Summary
I pretty much have no idea what I’m doing. I don’t trust me, and you shouldn’t either. This summary is not guaranteed to be accurate, it’s mostly written for myself to follow along with the route.
The Court of Rhodolite was always peaceful on the surface. Doubtlessly there were still court intrigues and politics flowing under the surface, but it lacked the tension found in the Jade Court.
Oddly enough, today was an exception to the rule.
Rio speaks to a servant, asking if they visited the east side of the palace. The servant did, but there was nothing out of place. Out loud, Rio contemplates the possibility that they need to look outside of the palace.
From a distance, Keith watches Rio scramble back and forth obviously looking for something. He wonders why Rio looks so unusually panicked.
Well, that’s because someone stole Ms. Bunny.
Turning to face Gilbert, Keith desperately works through Gilbert’s nickname scheme. Is he saying someone stole Emma?
Gilbert admits that even he lost track of her right around noon. And knowing Ms. Bunny, he doubts she would just run away without letting anyone know. That’s why Rhodolite Court is in such a mess right now. Ms. Bunny has been kidnapped.
Still smiling, Gilbert places a hand on Keith’s shoulder, as if worried about how pale the latter is.
Gilbert has heard an interesting rumor recently, that Keith and Emma are lovers. Is Keith familiar with third-rate villains? They’re the kind of people who will kidnap a loved one and hold them hostage to control a person. And now, who knows what will happen to Emma if Keith doesn’t obey them?
So, it’s his fault Emma is in danger.
Probably. Gilbert noticed it was shortly after the messengers from Jade arrived that Emma went missing.
Slowly Keith covers his face, hiding an expression of dismay. Gilbert smiles at him and asks if this is the first time someone has been held hostage against him.
Well, it is the first time, but Keith had known about the possibility and thought he had prepared himself.
Gilbert muses that if Keith is being attacked, he must fight back. But he’s known to be a pushover who can’t stand up for himself. Is Emma doomed to die now? What a cruel fate.
Slowly Keith raises his face from his hands. He admits that Gilbert has the right to it, and thanks him for his advice.
If Jade’s involved, Emma is headed for the border. If he doesn’t hurry up, he won’t be able to track her after the crossing.
Laughing, Gilbert wishes Keith luck. He wonders if Emma will be able to see the true darkness that lies within those with power.
He wonders if the Royal family and the nobility will both perish due to the events today.
Keith assures him that he won’t die. He refuses to let anyone hurt Emma, and he has to be alive to do so. With an unfathomable smile, Keith turns his back to Gilbert and walks away.
Watching him leave, Gilbert muses that it’s bad to be part of the nobility in any country. He has a bad feeling about this.
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(Gilbert dipping his toes into being a wingman)
~Several Hours Later~
Entering Keith’s room, Clavis cheerfully calls out to Keith, asking him to forgive the sudden intrusion. However, there is no reply since Keith isn’t actually there, though Dill in his cage flutters about. Following him, Licht complains that he just broke into Keith’s room.
But how can Clavis break in if the door isn’t locked? Besides, Licht witnessed him knocking first. Clavis was just concerned when Keith didn’t reply.
Licht is about to argue when his eyes alight on a letter laid prominently on Keith’s desk. Clavis sees it at the same time and asks Licht to read it to him. Immediately, Licht refuses - looking at the page it’s far too long.
Big brother Clavis believes in him! Just summarize it.
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(He believes in Licht)
Complaining that Clavis shouldn’t act like a responsible brother, Licht scans over the page. He tells Clavis that it’s full of apologies, at least one hundred of them.
Okay, is Prince Keith by chance apologizing over anything specific? Maybe something important or relevant to their particular situation?
Licht reads on. From the beginning, Jade was suspecting Rhodolite and Obsidian of having an illegal weapons trade, and Keith’s main purpose was to investigate it.
Okay, that lines up with what Keith had told Sariel and the faction leaders earlier that morning.
Keith originally approached Emma, suspecting that she was an intermediary to the deal. However, using a truth serum, he had found out her true identity as Belle instead.
Truth serum? Clavis’ eyes narrowed in speculation. It sounds like Keith has just volunteered to be Clavis’ new favorite test subject for every last drug he dreams of.
Licht pauses, as if to contemplate this, and then continues reading. Keith has left to go rescue Emma - who has been kidnapped by Jade in an effort to control him. He takes full responsibility for this and promises to send her back to Rhodolite unharmed. The rest of the letter is apologies for the situation.
Clavis considers the implications of the letter - and what Keith is doing. Even though he’s being accused of attempted regicide, he’s run off by himself to rescue Emma.
Right now, Rhodolite is being questioned by the messengers from Jade about Keith’s current whereabouts. Does Licht know what will happen if they can’t produce Keith? The messenger will report that Rhodolite is aiding him. So, what can they do to delay the messenger until this kidnapping gets sorted out?
Seeing Clavis’s gaze on him, Licht immediately refuses to participate.
Oh, but look at the situation. Keith, man with few friends, is daringly running off to rescue the woman he loves. Smiling at Licht, Clavis tells him that he just came up with a wonderful idea. After all, Licht is friends with Keith and must want to help him.
~Some Time, Some Place~
Emma wakes up in a carriage, feeling the vibrations run through her. She is still very drowsy and only woke up because of the carriage running over a large bump.
Struggling to keep her eyes open, Emma looks around. She is unbound in a carriage, and it takes her a while to figure out why she’s there. The last thing she remembers is trying to find Keith in his room. No - wait, the last memory is of a cloth laced with a sweet smell covering her face.
She is alone in the carriage, and she wonders why her hands and feet were unbound. Maybe there was a reason they couldn’t tie her up.
Emma heard a loud noise from outside the carriage. It sounded like voices shouting but the windows are opaque and she cannot make anything out. Is the carriage being attacked?
Emma tries to open the carriage door, only to find it locked from the outside. Then again, she doesn’t know if she should leave. Does the carriage belong to an enemy and is taking her to her room? Or does the carriage belong to an ally, and is bringing her to safety?
The carriage rocks with a sudden blow, and the door buckles. Emma realizes that someone is forcing it open, whether she’s ready or not. Listening closely, she can tell that the outside is eerily quiet, except for the person at her door.
Looking around, Emma can’t see anything that she can use as a weapon or block the door with. The best she can do is cram herself in the farthest nook away from the door.
Suddenly Keith shouts out to Emma. Surprised, Emma calls back and sees that Keith has pried open the door wide enough for her to slip out. It suddenly feels like all the tension in the world that Emma has been unknowingly carrying is gone.
Keith asks if she’s okay, and Emma assures him she is. Then she takes a good look at him and grows afraid. She demands to know where Keith got hurt.
Uh, the blood isn’t his. Keith apologizes for showing up looking so frightening.
In any case, it’s still dangerous here, so Emma needs to exit the carriage and come with him. He warns her that once she exits the carriage, to look directly forward, and not to either side.
Well, Emma isn’t an idiot and can read between the lines. She nods, trying to not show the turmoil she feels on her face. It must work as Keith breathes a long sigh of relief.
He peels off a bloody glove and holds his hand out to her, helping Emma down from the carriage. Very quickly, he circled around to her side, as if trying to use his large frame to block Emma’s sight. Taking a deep breath of the iron-laced air, Emma focuses directly forward as Keith told her to, and walks forward.
They don’t get far into the forest before Keith’s hands are on her shoulders, stopping her. He mutters that there is no end to them, and Emma realizes that there is a man in plain clothes just ahead, with a bare sword in hand. Is this a roadside bandit? No, as more men come out of the trees to surround them, it becomes obvious that they’re particularly hostile, and had been waiting for them.
Keith tells Emma to close her eyes, just for ten seconds. Ten seconds is all he needs to deal with this. Looking at Keith, Emma understands that this is as kind as he can be in this situation. Nice!Keith is bottomless in his kindness, and she accepts it.
Seeing her nod, Keith smiles and steps in front of Emma, his back blocking her sight. He tells the group of assailants that he hates hurting people, but if they refuse to pull back then he will take the appropriate action.
Since her eyes were closed, she can’t grasp all that is happening, but Emma still has ears. It sounds like a life-and-death battle is being fought around her, and the screams of the injured ring in her ears. When Keith guides her forward and tells her to open her eyes, all she can see is the new splatters of blood on his cloak.
Accepting his kindness, Emma doesn’t look at anything behind them.
Keith grows obviously relieved when they come across a villa, and they enter it. He explains that although it belongs to him, few people know about it, as was able to purchase it under a false name. This is his refuge, where he comes to when he wants to be alone.
If it’s a property that Keith owns, Emma surmises that they’re in Jade. Nearby, Keith strips off his blood-soaked jacket as she sits on the sofa. For the first time in a long time, she feels like she can breathe. As the events all catch up with her, her body starts trembling. She clenches her hands, trying to stop shaking and avoid worrying Keith.
Keith kneels in front of her and looks closely at her face. He asks if she’s injured, and she assures him that she’s fine. More importantly, she’s worried about Keith.
Keith quickly assures her that he’s fine, but Emma disagrees. His face is pale, and he looks like he’s about to collapse. Now that things are calmer, she can look at him and really see him, and right now, a strong breeze might knock him over.
Because of Emma, the gentle, and kind Keith drew his sword and killed so many people. She places her hands on his cold cheeks, watching a shadow fall over his golden eyes.
Keith apologizes; he was afraid this entire time. He was convinced that just like his brother, he would lose her too. If he wasn’t fast enough in chasing after her, If he made the wrong choice, if he didn’t arrive in time . . .
Keith didn’t think anything through, instead, all he felt was the need to find her and rescue her as quickly as possible.
Keith’s trembling gets worse, and Emma decides to pretend to not notice it. Abruptly, Keith stands and hugs her tightly to him. Emma is still alive, and at least safer. Emma agrees and thanks him for rescuing her. If Keith hadn’t come for her, who knows what might have happened to her by now? Thinking about it only terrifies Emma more, so instead, she focuses on the warmth of Keith’s arms. His warmth, his smell, all come together to calm her down.
Abruptly Keith realizes what he’s doing and apologizes. It is wrong to hug her without her permission.
. . . so can he hug her?
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(Keith is very pro-consent)
Emma gives him permission, on the caveat that he lets her hug him back. Surprised, Keith allows this, and she wraps her arms around him. Their bodies line up without any gaps, and Emma is surrounded by the smell of the forest.
Keith sighs, he’s in trouble now. When she hugs him like this, he wants to hold her for the rest of their lives. He might never be able to let her go. Laughing, Emma tells him that he’s exaggerating. Keith tells her that he’s not, by now she must know how he feels about her.
Emma’s heart jumps strangely, and she asks him if she was kidnapped. Keith admits that she was and apologizes for dragging her into his affairs. He is really, really sorry.
Emma tells him not to apologize, he’s done nothing wrong. She explains that Sariel already told her about how he was accused of regicide and was in the process of being extradited to Jade.
Drawing a deep breath, Keith muses that Emma has heard pretty much the whole of it. Emma agrees, and she has a general overview of Jade’s internal affairs now. The King of Jade’s younger brother, who is Keith’s uncle, is aiming to ascend the throne. To do that, he needs both the King and Keith out of the way.
Keith confirms Emma’s knowledge, adding that she’s probably been recognized as his weakness. When he gets to Jade, Keith is going to be put on trial and questioned about his role in the assassination attempt against the king. Of course, forgeries and false evidence have already been prepared in advance, so there’s a very high chance he’s going to be found guilty.
In a noble trial, the truth doesn’t matter so much as your popularity. It’s an opportunity for nobles to enact their own will and vote on what benefits them, as opposed to finding the true culprit.
Emma is aghast; Keith is a kind prince who cares deeply about Jade, but he’s convinced he’s going to lose based on his lack of popularity. Keith strokes her hair soothingly, and Emma realizes that her anger was showing on her face.
Keith has many enemies among the nobility of Jade, and Emma recalls Sonia’s party. She had met a very unpleasant duke who took delight in telling her disparaging rumors about Keith. The memory angers her, and she admits this to Keith. Smiling, Keith tells her that she’s the only person he knows who would get this angry on his behalf. His arms tighten around Emma as if he’s recovered some of his stamina.
Despite everyone agreeing that he was a failure prince, Keith’s uncle must still be wary of him. There are times when Keith has outdone himself and even he has to agree that he’s succeeded. Keith’s uncle must recognize this as well, and kidnapped Emma to ensure that Keith would announce his guilt at the trial.
Emma grumbles that this is a dirty way of operating, and this farce can’t be considered a real trial. Keith apologizes. Emma asks why Keith is apologizing.
The more they talk, the more upset Emma gets. If Keith didn’t like her so much, she never would have been dragged into his affairs. He was too selfish, letting himself develop feelings for her.
Emma doesn’t agree, the person in the wrong is Keith’s uncle, not Keith. And if he’s selfish, so is she; Emma had plenty of opportunities and warnings to break off whatever it was between them. Even knowing that Keith was a Prince, and a foreign prince at that, she stepped into this mess.
Keith apologizes again, and Emma interrupts him. She reminds him that she doesn’t want him to apologize to her, he’s not to blame for every bad event that happens in their lives. She recalls a similar scene, where she warned Keith that his words don’t just hurt her, but himself.
Ever since Sariel told her about Keith’s circumstances, Emma has been thinking about how few people Keith has to rely on. Rhodolite can’t get involved with foreign politics, and he has few allies in Jade. But the malice he is facing is too much for a single person to face; so, Emma wants to help him. She doesn’t know what she can do, but since she’s been dragged in, she must have some rights and abilities.
Emma promises to fight together with Keith, she refuses to sit on the sidelines and watch.
Keith is amazed, he mumbles that she really –
Suddenly Keith stumbles, almost falling on top of Emma. As she shouts his name, Keith falls down.
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lilflowerpot · 2 years
The Blue Lion’s Attribute
A commenter over on Ao3 asked after my thoughts on the Blue Lion’s key attribute and what qualities her paladin is supposed to possess, as we were never actually given a clear answer in canon, and I figured that the topic was one worth making a post about.
“As you have found, the lions choose their pilots. It is a mystical bond and cannot be forced. The quintessence of the pilot is mirrored in his lion. Together, they form something greater than science can explain. The Black Lion is the decisive head of Voltron. It will take a pilot who is a born leader and in control at all times, someone whose men will follow without hesitation. That is why, Shiro, you will pilot the Black Lion. The Green Lion has an inquisitive personality and needs a pilot of intellect and daring. Pidge, you will pilot the Green Lion. The Blue Lion– [Lance interrupts] The Yellow Lion is caring and kind. Its pilot is one who puts the needs of others above his own. His heart must be mighty. As the leg of Voltron, you will lift the team up and hold them together. The Red Lion is temperamental and the most difficult to master. It’s faster and more agile than the others, but also more unstable. Its pilot needs to be someone who relies more on instincts than skill alone. Keith, you will fly the Red Lion. [...] Once all the lions are united, you will form Voltron, the most powerful warrior ever known, the Defender of the Universe.
- Allura, Voltron: Legendary Defender, s01ep01
As was clearly laid out for us, the Black Lion seeks a born leader, someone decisive & disciplined that others can believe in; the Green Lion seeks a daring intellectual, someone inquisitive and curious; the Yellow Lion seeks an empathetic soul, someone who is kind & caring upon whom the others can fall back on when they’re struggling; and finally, the Red Lion seeks a fierce warrior, someone not only skilled but guided by instinct.
When previously asked what I would have named the Lions if in Alfor’s position, I spoke about the wu xing—the five elements of Chinese philosophy—as it has always been quite clear to me that it is from them that the Lions’ concept takes direct inspiration. To repeat now the brief summaries I gave then:
Black (metal / 金 jīn) - intuition, rationality, mind / grief, bravery
“Righteous, faithful, brave and gallant; a sharp intellect combined with a tendency for self-discipline can make them very successful. They like structure and tend to be organized and methodical.”
Green (wood / 木 mù) - idealism, spontaneity, curiosity / anger, kindness
“Competitive, adventurous, and determined, they seek out challenges and do well under pressure, but can become driven and stressed when out of balance.”
Yellow (earth / 土 tǔ) - agreeableness, honesty / anxiety, joy
“Nurturing, grounded, practical, and known for their reliability; though compassionate and empathetic, when out of balance they can become obsessive, intrusive, and worry unnecessarily.”
Red (fire / 火 huǒ) - passion, intensity / hate, resolve
“Energetic, passionate, and dramatic, they make great leaders but have a tendency to be emotionally volatile; when in balance they create intimacy and connection easily, but when out of balance they might become destructive and suffer from insomnia.”
Blue (water / 水 shuǐ) - erudition, resourcefulness, wit / fear, gentleness
“Determined, self-sufficient, and adaptable; they achieve their aims by determining the best path through a situation, but when out of balance they can be fearful, timid and indecisive.”
So as is presumably quite evident, Allura’s descriptions of the qualities that each Lion looks for in their paladin line up near-perfectly with the wu xing, meaning I feel secure in saying that the Blue Lion seeks emotional intelligence and adaptability, someone who is not only good-humoured, but capable of navigating tricky situations with grace and diplomacy.
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2deadkat · 27 days
Geronimo Stilton artist who doesn’t care about Geronimo Stilton himself
Actually I lied, I do care, he’s just not my priority
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bakersgrief · 2 months
Intrusive thoughts, part 2
Yose: *slowly opens bedroom door*
Keith: Oh, hello, dear. Is everything okay?
Yose: *looks conflicted*
Keith: ...it's happening again, huh? Come here.
Yose: *runs over and hugs him*
Keith: *holds them tightly and sits on the couch*
Both: ...
Yose: I made myself feel sick.
Keith: It's okay if you want to tell me.
Yose: No. I don't want you to have to know.
Keith: Do you want me to read to you?
Yose: Yes, please.
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keithkog · 4 months
That urge to drive around and go to a knife shop at 3 in the morning is killing me. They likely wouldn’t even be open, why am I thinking about this.. I have a sizable collection already, though it would be great to find more daggers and sheepsfoot blades..
Guess these are what people call intrusive thoughts?
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dualityvn · 2 years
How would you react to an MC who is a Vampire? more If they find out accidentally, for example: [TW:BLOOD] Keith had just finished leaving work around 10 pm at night when he heard one last mouse that was prowling the plants looking to bite them, Clearly annoyed he went to take care of that, who would say that Now He saw the girl who seemed Pretty devouring that same mouse in the dark Just for fun? temebris: it was just one more night in which he tried to clear his mind of intrusive thoughts, also why not? Thinking of the cute girl who bought him a coffee, he thought he saw her with someone near some bushes, great! now he had missed an opportunity, well I think he is glad he missed it seeing that she was biting the body of the other person who accompanied him and devouring her entrails.
Keith would be pretty spooked, but he'd grow used to you eventually. His best friend is a monster so it would be rude of him to reject you for being one. And yes, he would let you drink his blood.
Tenebris wouldn't care much about it. A vampire life sounds more akin to the type of life he's supposed to be living. If anything, just like any other nonhuman MC, he'd just feel closer to you and seek understanding.
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goldilocks-pony · 2 years
Tough Guy Chapter Two
Yes, I haven't forgot about this fic.
Warnings: Intrusive thoughts, thoughts of manipulation, detention center
Tagging: @theoutsidersisruiningmylife, @sarcasticpenguini, @cha0s-incarnated, @sophie-i-guess13, @mx-misty-eyed, @serpentski, @thefingerinthemiddle, @pasta-and-isopods, @james-fucking-hates-dallas, @papa-no-cheese
Waking up to a stranger in the bed across from you isn't what you expect on an average morning, but being here was hardly average. He couldn't even say it was the first time something like this had happened. Then again, he had spent a lot of time here.He had woken up before the sun had even fully rised, as per usual. He grabbed the deck of cards that lay near the head of his bed and started shuffling. He wasn't great at card games and usually only played to show off his shuffling skill. He'd deal for all the local poker games that went on in bars. Not the classiest job, even for a juvinile delinquent but it paid, and lord knows if he kept getting locked up Buck might just start making him pay rent. It's not like that dead beat had trouble making due, not as much as most the greasers, but he was tired of Dallas going in and out of every center in the state. Regardless, Dallas kept shuffling despite it not taking up enough space in his mind to keep him entertained. Hopefully soon someone would check on him and let him have a book. He usually wouldn't even give a second glance towards books but it's about the only way to keep from insanity here. He glanced at the kid who laid across from him. He was a bit stocky but well built, and had long redish brown hair. A bruise had stained his left cheek bone, kid must've gotten into some fight to get sent here. Either way, he couldn't judge him just yet, when he wasn't even concious. Curiosity nearly got the best of him as he took a breath to clear his troat and wake him up, but then he realized that he wasn't there when he went to sleep. Who knows what time he got to sleep last night, you never have a restful first night sleep here anyway. Waiting for something, anything, was not Dallas' favourite task. In fact, it had to be one of his least favourite things to do, but it wasn't something he could avoid in here. He dealt out the cards to play solitare, the only game he knew that you could play with only one's self. As he sat down the last of the deck the boy across from him tossed in his cot and then sat up, his legs swinging from the bed and hit the concrete floor with a clunk. His hand reached up to rub his eyes, clearly he hadn't had enough sleep. His voice also indicated he was in need of a good drink of water as well when he blurted, "Good morning, I know it's probably not typical to wake up to a stranger in your room." He chuckled after that, Dallas couldn't see how waking up with a stranger could be anything but eerie unless you were drunk the night before. Regardless of the other boy's obvious attempt at being friendly, Dallas met him with a cold and sharp tone, "What's your name?" The other boy had a slight hesitation, as if he wasn't expecting such a harsh tone, when he finally replied, "Keith, but everybody calls me Two Bit." Dallas pondered such a nickname, he looked down at the floor until he finally spoke up, "Well, 'Two Bit', my name's Dallas. I'm not here to be your friend but if you have any questions I can show you the ropes of this place." Last time Dallas got a roommate he got on bad terms very quickly which made it unbearable to stay with him, the only reason he never punched him was because he didn't want an extended sentence. Besides, maybe the staff would notice him helping this 'Two Bit' and would write him a good word. Two Bit inturrupted his thoughts, "You gonna play cards alone? I know a few games." Dallas sighed, "Yeah sure, you know how to play black jack?"
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thirstyshipper · 1 year
Dude I just finished reading your Buck/Keith fic on AO3 and it's fucking amazing. I love the way you portray Keith's inner thoughts and the obsessive intrusions. Also Bucks reactions to it. I can't wait to see where you go with it whenever you come back to it!
AHHHH thank you so much!
That means so much-
Chapter 3 is already in the works and I hope it will live up to your expectations!
But getting comments like these always motivate me, so thank you thank you thank you!! 💛💛💛
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excaive · 2 years
So how did roger get those scars? I feel like maybe it was Kj cuz they like to cause pain to roger but I could be real far off too fjdbfbd
that could've been possible if I didn't change KJ as much as I have!
when I first made KJ they weren't part of my story Black Orbit and just a little funny slasher guy and I just chose Roger to be subject to slasher!KJ lol The only thing that's violent about KJ now is the vioelnt intrusive thoughts they deal with 💔
anyway I can't talk about how Roger got the scars on his face because it's story spoilers, but like everyone in Black Orbit (the gang) and Crimson Maw have scars in one shape or another since they fight each other + other types of conflicts <3 Keith got em, Cass got em. The other members got em. Whether the scars are relevant to anything varies between all of them Keith's mouth scars are just there bc i thought it looked cool and from their origin design (I don't remember if I actually wrote down how they got them lol) and from before the story starts
Cass' face scars is from something I haven't talked about or can talk about and also from before the story starts
and Roger's scars are the same thing (tho within the story time frame) bc if I say anything, then I need to explain So Much Context and all of it is spoilers LMAO
Ya gotta play the long game and wait until I make the actual comic in 28739853 years
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