#Kaya Island Eats
viiiiiiiiiin · 7 months
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How they confess their feelings to you !! (PT. 1)
Includes: Luffy , Zoro , Usopp , Sanji , Nami , Robin , Franky , Brook , Jinbe.
Pt. 1 (Here) , Pt. 2 , Pt. 3
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Strawhat: Monkey D. Luffy
He didn't understand that he was in love with you. He thought he just really liked you as a best friend.
He's never been in a relationship. He hasn't thought of being in one once. He's focused on making his dreams come true , along with his crewmates. And you , of course.
He brought this up to Robin and asked for some advice. When she told gim that he was , indeed , in love with you , he didn't know how to continue.
Did he want a relationship ? Did he want to risk your life ? Did you even want to be in a relationship with you ?
He ended up accidently avoiding you while pondering his decision. He didn't realize how much it hurt you until you confronted him.
He finally nonchalantly asked you to be his significant other while eating , shocking the entire crew (and you).
While everyone stopped eating , screamed in shock , or stared at you (or him) , you just stared.
Eventually , you smiled and accepted his confession.
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Pirate Hunter: Roronoa Zoro
Like his captain , he didn't understand that he was in love with you. He didn't understand why he wanted to share sake with you , workout with you , and sit next to you everytime you guys ate. He didn't understand why his heart fluttered when he was around you.
He assumed it was because he found you to be better company than the rest of the crew.
But he got worried once his heart started skipping beats and he'd get red around you. He brought his concern up to Chopper , who laughed and explained that he was in love with you.
He was shocked. He didn't even think he could love , honestly.
He started avoiding you in hopes that his feelings would drift away.
But they didn't.
In fact , he became more infatuated and it infuriated him.
He finally confronted you about it when you came to visit him while he was working out. He told you everything he had been feeling , angrily at that , and felt flustered afterwards. He didn't mean to share all of that.
You laughed and told you felt the same way. That was the day you two agreed to be in a relationship.
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God: Usopp
Absolute train wreck. He realized he caught feelings for you pretty quick. He's conflicted because of his past relationship with Kaya.
He thinks you won't like a coward like him , so he tries to wait it out.
He tells Nami about it and asks her for some advice. (He pays her to keep it a secret).
She gives him advice. She tells him to try for you , that you don't see him as a coward. You'd love him either way. He didn't believe her , obviously. Why would someone as strong and as stunning as you go for a wimp like him ?
But , he remembered. He's gonna be a brave warrior of the sea one day , like the Giants. Confessing his love to you , in his eyes , got him a step closer to being braver.
Eventually , he picks some flowers from the garden to make a bouquet. He hands it to you while sputtering about how he loves you and wants you to be his significant other (his face is COMPLETELY) red.
When you say yes , his face lights up. He didn't realize how much anxiety this had given him until you relieved him.
He immediately squeezed you and laughed.
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Blackleg: Vinsmoke Sanji
He didn't understand why he wanted to make you smile more than Robin or Nami. Male , female , nonbinary , whatever. He found himself drifting over to you no matter the circumstance.
He'd always find a way to have you in the kitchen with him , or just around him. He'd always volunteer to go with you on islands , take you shopping , etc.
Nami and Robin noticed how he paid more attention to you compared to them.
They decided to play wingwomen.
They started "accidently" leaving you two alone together. They would also talk to each of you about the other to see how you two felt about one another.
Then they would go to each other and tell the other what they found out.
Eventually , they took everyone's dinner out of the kitchen and left your plate and Sanji's plate.
Sanji sat there with you , flustered and quiet. Eventually , he blurted out that he loved you and wanted to be with you. Once he realized what he said , he was embarrassed.
But to his surprise , you told him you felt the same !
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Devil's Child: Nico Robin
She realized immediately and wasn't shy about expressing how she felt about you.
She watched you from afar , observing stuff that you enjoy to do and stuff you like.
When she figured that she gathered enough knowledge , she put her plan to work.
She asked Sanji to set up your dinner and her dinner in a seperate room with a candle and a rose.
He complied without question.
She led you into the room and ate dinner with you.
When the 'date' was ended , she confessed her love for you bluntly.
It made you red , but you told her you felt the same (to her amusement).
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Cyborg: Franky
He also immediately realized he was in love with you. Instead of telling you , he began showing acts of "kindness".
He would give you little trinkets , always show you his inventions first , make you new weapons , and so much more.
Robin noticed. She brought it up to him and turned him SUPERRR red.
She laughed and told him to just tell you.
He did. He listened to her. While showing you a new invention , he confessed his love for you.
When you accepted , he was surprised but laughed. He patted your back and embraced you.
He has your anniversary date engraved in General Franky . . .
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Soul King: Brook
Like Robin , he realized immediately and wasn't shy at all. In fact , you didn't even realize.
Even if you were biologically male , he would still ask to see your undergarments. Even if you said no , he would laugh and play you a tune.
He would always being his new songs to you first. He even accidently wrote a love song while thinking of you.
He still showed it to you. He thought you wouldn't notice it was about you , but you did.
You asked him , and he stared at you in shock. Ashamed , he confessed that it was about you.
To his surprise , you told him you felt the same. You found his advances adorable !
He was ecstatic ! He even asked to see your underwear right after lol.
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First Son of the Sea: Jinbe
He denied his feelings at first but soon came to accept them.
He was extremely nervous about it. He would always turn pink around you and stumble over his words.
He's a man of honor , so he confessed to you anyways.
It happened whenever you guys docked st an island. He found a fancy restaurant and booked a reservation for the both of you. He asked you to accompany him and you agreed.
He brought flowers and dressed in his best outfit for you. When you came , he handed you the flowers and brought you to the table.
After dinner , he confessed his love for you. He couldn't make eye contact with you. He was just terrified about you saying no because he's a Fishman.
But you didn't. You said you felt the same way. His heart soared and he smiled widely.
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i-am-minty-fresh · 20 days
Little details in fanfiction that I always appreciate when authors add (shout out to One Piece authors!)
Feel free to add more in the comments/reblog! Will be updating!
1. Usopp having a different hair texture/wearing protective styles.
2. Different languages. The different seas have all different languages with dialects from specific islands (bonus points for Zoro’s island teaching him a Wano language while he also knows Eastern).
3. The crews hands being calloused. Sanji, Zoro, Franky, Usopp, and Nami would naturally have callouses from doing their interests. Luffy, Robin, Jimbei would have them from the various hard lives that they’ve led.
4. The crew having scars. Zoro’s arms would have cuts from learning how to properly swing a sword, Sanji’s would similarly be from learning how to use different knives, Luffy’s never carried if he gets a little torn up and he lived in the woods…he’s gotta have a ton of little scratches here and there, etc.
5. Brook knowing about older things when he was alive OR
6. Giving him a backstory before he joined the Rumbar Pirates.
7. Robin knowing sign language. With her fruit it would be perfect.
8. Nami and Usopp sending letters to Vivi and Kaya. (Really just any of the crewmates keeping their loved ones consistently updated).
9. Usopp having depression or a diagnosed anxiety disorder.
10. Trauma or PTSD. Come on…they all would have their ‘little things’ (Zoro sleeping by the stairs ‘just in case’, Sanji having some kind of eating problem, Luffy having nightmares about Marineford, etc.)
11. Goth family.
12. Zoro and Luffy having a thing. Maybe it’s not them dating specifically, but everyone else in the stories just being like, “but it’s Zoro and Luffy…it’s different between Zoro and Luffy”
13. The crew talking about their dead loved ones (I especially love when Nami, Usopp, and Sanji talk about their moms).
14. Creating an interesting backstory behind Zoro’s missing parents AND
15. Creating a truly hilarious three stooges-esque situation for Zoro’s scared up eye during the time skip.
16. Robin runs a book club/tea time with Sanji and Brook.
17. Sanji knows how to walk/run/fight in heels.
18. Chopper wants to hold his crewmates hands while they walk (or full on get carried by them).
New Additions:
19. Sanji doing all the cleaning and laundry.
*20. Chopper and Sanji being nutritional powerhouses!
*21. Zoro taking naps because he does the night shift protecting his crew.
*22. Sanji having insomnia or some kind of sleep issue.
*23. Luffy being super physically affectionate with his crewmate (hanging off of them, cuddling at bedtime, zero personal space, etc.)
*24. Nami being good with kids.
25. Sanji having Steel-toed boots.
*Numbers 20-24 are brought to you by @c0ckonfettii thanks so much! Lovely suggestions!
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sen-ya · 4 months
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part 5/7
is it silly that this is my favorite in this series? i really enjoyed writing kaya and I wanna do it again at some point :')
[op comic masterpost]
[pg1] panel 2: Kaya: Oh! Dr. Law! I didn't expect to find you in our library.
panel 3: Law: K-Kaya-ya!
panel 4: Law: Uh. Ahem. Excuse me. I hope you don't mind me borrowing your books.
panel 5: Kaya: Oh of course not! I'm just shocked to hear we have books you don't! What are you studying?
panel 6: Law: UHHHHH
[pg2] panel 10: Kaya: Oh! Is someone on your crew pregnant? Ikkaku??
panel 11: Law (thinking): She doesn't know Ikkaku is trans. Does she not know that I am?? I just assumed Nose-ya would have mentioned it. But that makes sense. If Straw Hat didn't already know Nose-ya was trans it's not like I would have told him.
panel 12: Kaya: ...?
panel 13: Law (thinking): Fuck, I've been quiet too long. I can't throw Ikkaku under to bus. Just say something.
panel 14: Law: No. Kaya: Oh. Then why...? Law (thinking): Wait, shit
[pg3] panel 15: Law: My, uh...brother...'s...wife. Yeah, we're taking him back to Zou soon...because his wife is pregnant...and I...want...to help...?
panel 16: Kaya: Oh, how sweet! Congrats "Uncle Law" hehe. If you have any questions I could help with let me know!! I specialized in traumatic injury, but I did deliver a few babies in Syrup Village! On smaller islands like that you wear a lot of hats.
panel 17: Law: And you've...been pregnant. Kaya: Well, yeah, but I wasn't my own doctor! Could you imagine if I had tried to deliver the twins myself? Even a doctor needs a doctor, you know that.
panel 18: Law: ...right.
panel 19: Law: ...what...what was it like?
panel 20: Kaya: Oh, my pregnant patients were actually pretty fun! I suppose it makes sense that as a pirate ship doctor you wouldn't have had to know obstetrics. But it was always so lovely to hand a parent their--
[pg4] panel 21: Kaya: ...newborn...baby...?
panel 23: Kaya: ...I'm sorry, Dr. Law. If there's context I need you'll have to give it to me. I'm not good at guessing.
panel 24: Law: What do you mean, I just gave you context. Kaya: With all due respect, you're full crying. It's a new sight for me!
panel 25: Kaya: You can tell me what's going on! I'm told I'm a very good listener
panel 26: Law: ...You Straw Hats sure are a pain Kaya: Sorry, hehe
panel 28: Law: ...I...ahem...so number one, if you didn't know...I'm...I'm trans.
panel 29: Law: But not like your husband. He got the works from Ivankov-ya...I never felt the need to seek that out.
[pg5] panel 30: Kaya: ...I see
panel 31: Kaya: How far along are you? Law: ..12 weeks, give or take. Kaya: Well, I've provided obstetric care of all kinds. So whatever questions you're researching here...why don't you ask me instead of being your own doctor?
panel 32: Law: ...Same question. What was it like?
panel 33: Kaya: Being pregnant was a horror show!
panel 34: Law: A glowing review. Kaya: Oh, sorry! I can lie if you'd prefer!
panel 35: Kaya: I was just so sick my first trimester! Law (speaking over her): KAYA-YA I THOUGHT I WAS DYING FOR TWO WEEKS WHEN WILL IT STOP I CAN ONLY EAT RICE.
panel 36: Kaya: It's different for everyone. By the end it wasn't quite so bad for me, though. And I love my kids so much. They were such cute newborns!! So I was alright being uncomfortable for awhile. Because that's what we wanted, you know?
panel 37: Kaya (off screen): What do you and Luffy want, Dr. Law?
[pg6] panel 38: Law: ...We haven't decided yet. We're giving it to the end of the week. I'm trying to think about it rationally. But I just keep getting emotional any time I talk about it. It's strange.
panel 39: Kaya: An emotional decision and a bad decision aren't inherently synonymous, you know.
panel 40: Law: ...your bedside manner is impeccable, Dr. Kaya-ya. Kaya: Well, thank you! Next time let's meet in the infirmary, mine or yours.
panel 41: Kaya: I'll be your doctor through this, okay?
panel 42: Law: ...Okay...Thank you. Kaya: Of course!
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melkyt · 3 months
CW: Major Character Death (of old age)
Luffy dies first Zoro dies last in their old age, history repeats itself, Zoro trains the next generation much like Rayleigh is a *chef kiss of a trope*
But the reverse I don't see much off and I would think would be delicious for the vibes and angst alone xd
Luffy never held back, never worried about dying young as long as the life he did live was full of joy and adventure. As long as he was with Zoro until the very end, and maybe they would go together to the next adventure.
Yet he died in Wano, then came back as a God, came back as something different yet the same with the power of his fruit. In his fights, everyone always said that by using that power he shortens his life span but they were wrong. He already lost his life, and that should be it, but his fruit gave him a new life.
Luffy reaches his forties, everyone is worried that is it. Nami and Zoro did the math a long time ago, they considered he would follow Roger's timeline and have maybe a decade left. They throw a huge party to celebrate life.
Luffy lives another decade, another party.
Sanji is the first to pass away, his genetics never counted for a long life, He is surrounded by everyone he loves, a peaceful calm death in his sleep.
Then it is Usopp around his 70s, it's sudden but he was with Kaya, nowhere else he wanted to be. They, the entire fleet comes to Syrup Village to throw a bigger banquet than this small island has ever seen.
Luffy does not stop using Nika, even if it is for fun over any actual fight.
Time goes on, Nami holds out, but she feels the end, so she goes home to be buried by her precious tangerine trees. It's a smaller event, the three of them started this journey together with nothing to their name, and it is only right they remember that time in the peaceful grove, talking well into the night until it is only Zoro and Luffy talking. They lay her to rest in the morning.
They depart a week later, after a wake where the entire village celebrated the girl that did so much for them since she was nothing but a child.
Zoro falters a month later. He tries to pretend it's nothing, they are almost eighty, and despite everything he is tired. Luffy notices. They visit Kuina's grave, Zoro's home.
They spend the time playing as children among the waves, eating all the food Zoro remembers from when he was an urchin running on the streets.
Paying respects to all the people who supported him and paved the way for him to become the greatest swordsmen.
Once he would have wanted to be buried with Kuina, in the small cemetery where she rests behind the old dojo.
Yet now, he does not want to leave his captain, leave the man he loves. There is a spot on the Sunny, a coffin to be sealed where his bones can be kept.
Luffy has seen people come and go, everyone from his generation, from the worst generation is gone. Yet they made new friends, took on students that hold their memories, that keep their legend alive. Still even as they celebrate the life Zoro lived, Luffy feels alone for the first time in a long time as he stands on the lionhead of the Sunny. With Franky gone, it will not be sail worthy for much longer. It was his ship and it should rest with him. So Luffy takes it back to Water 7 where it belongs, it can rest with the Mary. He takes a smaller ship that is a mix of both, a small thing that Franky built just for one last journey. He takes Zoro's bones with him. They will always be together even of only one of them is still alive.
Still, he lives, finding new adventures, but there is an emptiness. Luffy lasts a decade more. His joy sustains him, and it always will, but it is dampened. Luffy chooses a successor to his fruit on a whim. Maybe the fruit chose its next wielder by itself as it always does. This child with a bright smile will carry the future. Luffy has to smile as it is not an island that is different from his home, almost in the same place. Though his home is under the waves. This will be a good place as any for the adventure to end.
Perhaps in the next world, they can see each other again, and he will not be alone anymore. His ship will float through the oceans, a shrine to the greatest men that ever lived, protected by the power of something that lives within its walls.
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turntechgaykid · 7 months
My Headcanons for the Strawhats: (Monster Trio)
- Low-key has REALLY bad abandonment issues (see him telling Ace he keeps following him into a dangerous forest bc it makes him feel less alone, Sabo's 'death', Saboady, Marineford, etc)
- Autistic
- When he relaxes/sleeps his body will become super slack an his arms an legs will spread out all over
- HATES the cold and his body hurts when it's too cold out (rubber breaks easily when frozen)
- Will drink but is superrrrrrr picky about booze
- Has very green eyes an no one can convince me otherwise
- Love language is Physical touch (He bites people, affectionately)
- (Based on my Headcanons that Luffy is Brazilian and Robin is Peruvian) His first language is Portuguese an if he forgets a word he'll ask Robin to translate
- Favorite color is red (any shade)
- Likes collecting shiny rocks/pretty sea shells
- Is the most emotionally intelligent person on the crew an has really good observation skills but takes most things at face value/doesn't question them bc he can't understand why someone wouldn't want to show/say exactly what they mean
- If he cries or gets embarrassed enough to blush he'll cover his face with his hat
- Likes when Nami/anyone paints his nails but can never sit still long enough to get them done nicely
- Ambidextrous
- Knows a lot about bugs and can rattle off facts about them for hours
- Really really good at guessing games to the point everyone thinks he's cheating somehow
- Has stretch marks alllll over
- Eats so much bc his stomach stretches no matter how much he eats so he never really feels 'full'
- Has HATED Garp ever since he did nothing to help during Marineford
- Has dimples but he's insecure so he tries hiding them
- Everyone thinks he has green eyes but I think he has brown eyes
- His love language is Acts of service
- Extremely touch starved (if someone plays with his hair he is passing out IMMEDIATELY)
- Secretly loves that (other then Robin) Chopper always goes to him first for everything
- Really loves forests, if they land on an island with one he's most likely heading there first
- Unofficial Official first mate of the strawhats
- When it comes to keeping the crew safe he trusts Robin & Sanji the most (other then the Captain ofc) because he knows they won't hesitate to kill someone they're fighting
- Nami is like a sister to him
- Is actually REALLY good at math an confused tf out the crew when they found out (is now in charge of keeping track of the amount of necessities on the ship or how much they need for a certain amount of time)
- Will forget how long he's been going when training an won't realize til someone stops him
- Gets worried/nervous anytime he watches someone walking down stairs
- Knows a shit ton of knife/sword tricks (can absolutely swallow a sword)
- Doesn't like showers bc he hates water on his face
- Is willing to follow Luffy's orders without question (Post time skip, Pre time skip -specifically before thriller bark- Zoro would still question Luffy)
- One of the few Straw hats that hasn't dated anyone (Sanji had some flings w/ regulars at Baratie, Usopp w/ Kaya, Nami had a few flings here an there, Franky had been with a few people back on water 7 and Brook had been with a few people back when he was alive)
- His favorite color is Sage green/Gold
- Taught Chopper some sword fighting techniques (Brook also joined in an taught Chopper some of his moves)
- Loves taking naps with Chopper (Chopper is low-key his favorite person on the crew)
- He an Robin have little competitions to one up eachother with gifts or things for Chopper bc they both wanna be his favorite >:)
- Loves the ocean/thinks it's the most beautiful part of nature ever
- Either is a Queer Cis guy OR a Queer Trans woman<3
- Ace was absolutely his gay awakening but he thought it was a 'fluke' til he stayed on the momorio island and accepted himself
- Sees it as a HUGE compliment when anyone on the crew gains weight bc it reaffirms he's doing his job well :)
- Loves loves loves all animals and won't let anyone hurt them (including rodents/other "gross" animals)
- Has insectophobia/arachnophobia and OCD
- HATES having anything covering to much of his face/head bc of the mask Judge had him in
- Pulls on his hair when frustrated/angry/overwhelmed/etc.
- French is his first language
- Knows how to figure skate, do ballet and learned gymnastics
- His love language is Words of affirmation
- Writes letters to Zeff at least once a week (after the events at WCI he started addressing Zeff as Dad in his letters)
- Is secretly writing his own cookbook
- Has anisocoria, effects his right eye (anisocoria can easily be confused with heterochromia. It gives the appearance of two different eye colors, but the variation only relates to pupil size — which can cause one eye to look darker than the other — not the actual eye color.)
- Sanji an Usopp are actually really close (both their moms passed bc of sickness both had shit dads plus soba mask + sogeking friendship is superior)
- Sees Zoro as a brother (their dynamic is like the eldest brothers who try to compete over everything)
- Sees Robin as a mother figure but low-key feels guilty about it
- Told Nami everything about his past after WCI and they're really close now
- Sees Luffy a bit as an obnoxious younger brother
- When it gets really hot he'll let Chopper sit inside/in front of the freezer for a little bit
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steakosaur · 6 months
As an expanding of previous post about how fucking confusing Luffy is, if only because of the languages he speaks, which are extremely random for a seventeen-year-old pirate from a lost corner of the East Blue :
On the Strawhat crew, you don't ask questions about the others' pasts, that's the most important unsaid rule. You can ask about the crew though, so Robin, between the events of Thriller Bark and Sabaody, decides to get to know the others better, as well as the mechanics of the crew, especially those of the Romance Down trio and East Blue group.
Her investigation begins backwards, from Sanji, to Usopp, to Nami, to Zoro, to Luffy.
From Sanji, she gets the story of how their captain destroyed part of the Baratie, worked there for a single day, encouraged a fight between Hawkeye and Zoro, as he himself fought against one of the big shots in the East Blue, some armoured guy with an enormous fleet who couldn't survive Paradise.
Usopp tells an unusually under-romanced story about this ex-pirate turned butler who was planning on killing his lover Kaya for her money, and how Luffy and Zoro saved them all from the tall butler with poops drawn onto his tailcoat.
Nami tells her about meeting Luffy and Zoro in Orange Town, planning on robbing them dry for a map to the Grand Line, escaping Buggy the Clown, fleeing by herself to go back to Arlong and hopefully buy back her village, Luffy freeing her (she got to wear his hat, Robin notes with attention).
Zoro grunts about a planned execution in a Marine base, something about killing wolves and eating sugared rice balls, and, the most surprising of all, how Luffy, accompanied by the small pink-haired Marine they saw on Water Seven, seemed to know about him beforehand and deliberately wanting to recruit him (he's the only one of them Luffy got out of his way to specifically recruit before even meeting them).
Luffy's story makes less sense. Robin can't get him to tell where exactly he'd been sailing from, and tales of getting sucked into a whirlpool and meeting a big pirate lady are overlapped with descriptions of foods he got to eat and bugs he got to see on his way from wherever his native island is to the Marine base he found Zoro in. With how thick his accent is, she hoped to pin down his island, but the only other time she's heard it was in Vice-Admiral Garp's mouth, and she also doesn't know where he's from further than the East Blue.
Before she can get any more specific, toeing the line of prying, they get to Sabaody and Robin can't ask anymore questions.
What she gets to see and hear on the archipelago doesn't help : with this place being a gathering point for travelers and merchants from all seas, every languages known to her and some she doesn't know are spoken. Her Eastern crewmates struggle a bit, only knowing their native tongue and the most basic version of Grand (even if Zoro's accent hints to him speaking something else entirely, and by having been born in the North Blue Sanji understands one specific Northern dialect, even though he managed to erase all traces of it from his accent), but Luffy gets the strange Grand variation that points to a pirate having lived in the New World, and the vague noble they cross paths with, he can decipher their stuck-up tongue and posh accent, which surprises her a lot.
The New World Grand she can pin down to Luffy having spent, from her understanding, quite a bit of his formative years alongside a New World crew, Shanks' one.
The noble tongue, she can't link to anything. There's nothing that associates Luffy and the nobility, especially with who his father is. She tried asking the others about Ace, who could have given some type of hint, but all the feedback she gets on him is about how polite he was towards them, how affectionate towards Luffy, and how strong towards the Marines.
When Luffy punches the Celestial Dragon at the auction house, she can see that even if the fact that he wanted to buy their friend Camie infuriated him, that punch seemed a bit too personal, only adding to the mystery : why does Luffy speak a noble tongue if the Celestial Dragons are the only people Robin's seen him hate on principle ?
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inspector-m3 · 5 months
One Piece headcannons, reader with allergies.
I have a desire to write but the ideas are moving to fast in my head lol. My requests are open and I can write full stories/oneshots not just headcannons. I promise i dont bite :]
(This one is intended as platonic because, well...bros a reindeer.)
You got incredibly lucky finding this guy, no matter what time you joined the crew. Since chopper is a doctor he definitely feels like a blessing. As soon as he found out about your allergies he started his research (if he didn't already know about it). Finds a cure or a medicine to help with the symptoms and reactions for your allergies. This precious doctor even warns the other crew about what you can't have near you.
In return for his kindness you are now his designated hiding spot for when shit goes down.
He was definitely curious as to why you were constantly taking medicine or having to stay with chopper since you were unwell. Eventually he just outright asked what was wrong with you. He didn't get it at first but once he did he responded with...let's say an interest?
He loudly makes sure that whenever everyone's eating that the food (if you're allergic to a food) is nowhere near you, but let's be honest he probably eats it before it gets even a metre from you, saying something like "I was just keeping Y/ N safe!" when someone complains about their food being stolen. However, if you're allergic to a specific animal or item he makes sure it non-existent on his ship.
Just like luffy she makes sure the allergen (the thing you're allergic to) is nowhere to be found. Since you mean so much to her she'd be willing to part with some money to pay for medicines or doctors if chopper couldn't help (luckily for nami thats a rare chance).
sorry this ones so short, I've never really written anything for nami before.
If you have a food allergy this man is catering to your every need, making new recipes or even a completely different dish to the rest of the crew if needs be. Oh, you like spaghetti but you're allergic to pasta? Bam, special pasta you're not allergic to, just for you. He can and probably will fight luffy to keep him away from your special food.
If youre allergic to something that isn't food his dramatic ass would probably follow you around in new places to make sure it's not anywhere near you. (and if this gets annoying just give him a compliment, he'll pass out from blood loss and leave you in peace)
When you're allergies are bad and it leaves you bed ridden, sniffling or coughing, he'll tell you stories just like he did with kaya. You'll be laying in bed, cursing your allergies while trying to not break your ribs from laughing at ussops silly tales. He always makes you feel much better.
He probably didn't even know what an allergy was lmao. Maybe he thought it was some sort of pest (close enough)
If youre allergic to food we already know sanji will be making sure you're safe but zoro is definitely jealous that he can't do anything about it....unless.... if you guys are on a new island and you're not sure if your food has your allergen in it, zoro is the first to offer his help (well, it was luffy first but we all know what would happen).
If your allergen isn't food, just like sanji, he's following you around but he's definitely more of a silent protector compared to sanji. A plant you're allergic to in your path? not on his watch, it's cut down before you can even think of how to get around it.
Let me know if you have any tips or if there's any mistakes!
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
Luffy having different levels of intimacy with his crewmate is living in my head rent free
Luffy wrapping around his crew into a big hug is normal.
But just him sitting on jinbe's and Frank's shoulder. Watching and observing Franky, constantly asking him questions while he works. He also just sits onto or against jinbe enjoying tea and some down time it's really the only time Luffy can think and be with his thoughts.
Luffy sitting with Robin listening to her facts and observations. He Leans against her and reads whatever books she's reading. He listens to her facts and knowledge about history and will ask questions about whatever interests him. She really enjoys these moments with Luffy, it's a side of him that's rarely shown. It's a side of him that she gets to see more often than the other crewmates. He's usually all about meat and pirating but when with Robin he's curious about history and knowledge.
Sanji's love language is cooking Luffy loves to eat. Luffy would sneak into the kitchen and would watch him cook dinner. Most of the time it would end up with him scolding Luffy and kicking him out if he eats something. But when he behaves he's infatuated with his skill, he likes to wrap around him from behind and would watch him intently. He likes to rest his chin or cheek on top of his head watching his stir soup. Sometimes if he's lucky he gets to taste his dishes. Sanji just loves these moments his whole crew loves his food but small moments hearing praise for his talent and enjoying his food. It takes him back. Back to those moments when he cooked for him mom. He likes to talk about her sometimes not much tho no one wants tears and their steamed tilapia
With Zoro he loves being attached to him he's like a second skin. He's on his shoulder when he's doing squats, on his back doing pushups, oh his back when doing pushups up. When he's napping Luffy likes lying right next to him watching him sleep. He brushes diet or dust off his face. Sometimes he just relaxes with him staring at the clouds peacefully listening to him snoring. Zoro would talk about kuina and would go on and on about her skill he would show Luffy all the techniques she used to do when fighting her and confess that he really hasn't moved on from her death. After every fight he wins he just thinks how kuina would have done it. He even expresses some lingering inferiority still believing that he's not living up to her expectation. Something he wouldn't confess to anyone.
When sailing he likes to pull Nami on top of sunny and watch the clouds and just enjoy the sea with him. She quietly hums and draws maps while Luffy watches clouds and points things out that interest him resting his head on her lap. They usually talk about navigation and what island they're going to next. She talks about her past sometimes her sister, sometimes her mom. Some things that are too painful in a group setting.
With usopp he likes to sit with him shoot and prep his arsenal. Usopp is a story teller at heart so of course he's telling him stories and fables while he works. Luffy usually leans against his back resting his head in his hair playing with his curls while listening to usopp talk. It's usually general knowledge and about whatever niche topic he knows about. Luffy would move from his back to his lap and just listen and observe him. Especially when he talks about his parents or kaya. Usopp honestly hates quiet moments it brings him back when he lived by himself and had no one. Being with someone who hear to his rambling is comforting.
During these moments with the straw hat he always invites chopper with him he's always with Luffy. He either latched to his leg or is held by Luffy. Tho by the time things get intimate and personal chopper is asleep. Unless it's him that's getting intimate and personal. Expressing gratitude for Luffy making him feel not only normal but something to be admired. Luffy's instant amazement and fascination with his transformation really affected him. He reminds him of Hiriluk sometimes with his big personality and his lack of fear that comes from the unknown
Fuck I can go all day about all the personal relationship and interactions Luffy has with his crewmates and how they're all different from each other.
This is,,, So beautiful. Literally the first thing I read when I woke up and- Made my day. I love his little interactions with everyone, being touchy and getting to know them better. They're a little family <3
Also thinking about how Luffy is always the one listening here about his crew's stories and pasts, and he never willingly talks about his siblings and Shanks because, well, he never sees it necessary unless they ask. But when they ask? When they ask he goes on and on talking about his little adventures with Ace and Sabo. About Uta's songs. Makino's food. The way Dadan got angry at them. And everyone is just so happy to hear about their captain's stories!!!
They love each other so much,,, I love clingy strawhats, honestly, one of my favorite things ever.
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thebleedingwoodland · 10 months
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TS4 - Indonesian Cuisine (Part 1)
7 Meshes converted from TS3 version.
>> LINK Part 2
>> LINK Nasi Goreng, Rendang, Sate
🚨[FIXED] UPDATED 15 January 2024 : All food CC were cloned and using Specular images properly, so there are no more weird dark shadow appears on food mesh 🚨Please re-download again.
Bakul Nasi has 3 swatches.
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🚨UPDATED 10 DECEMBER 2023: Shadow for Bakul Nasi & Ayam Penyet fixed. 🚨
Indonesia merupakan negara Asia Tenggara terbesar yang kaya akan budaya, dengan beragam suku dan memiliki banyak pulau, sehingga budaya kulinernya sangat bervariasi, tidak terbatas hanya Nasi Goreng, Rendang, Sate saja. Karena banyaknya variasi makanan tersebar di Nusantara, CC dekorasi makanan ini tidak cukup untuk merepresentasikan keseluruhan makanan Indonesia yang tersebar di berbagai pulau. Selamat makan!  
Indonesia is biggest Southeast Asian country that is rich of cultures, with many ethnicities and has a lot of islands, therefore has many variants of cuisine culture, not just only Nasi Goreng, Rendang, Sate. Because there are so many food variants across the archipelago, these decoration CC are not enough to represent all Indonesian cuisine that spread in many islands. Let's eat!
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Nasi is rice in Bahasa Indonesia, which is staple food to be eaten together with lauk (dishes: consists of meat & vegetables). Indonesian food generally have Sambal option, therefore a lot of Indonesian food are served spicy.
Can be found on Decorations> Miscellaneous
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[ Download ] UPDATED 15 January 2024
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phoenix-manga · 8 months
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Sophie Fascinare
CV: Date Kaya
Biographical Information
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: November 18
Starsign: Scorpio
Height: 160 cm
Eye Color: Heliotrope
Hair Color: Russett & Amethyst
Professional Status
Dorm: Glastanzerin
School Year: 1st Year
Class: 1-A | Student no. 3
Occupation: Student
Club: N/A
Best Subject: Basic Etiquette & Study of Magical Relics
Fun Facts
Favorite Food: Salad
Least Favorite Food: Svisker Gröt
Dislikes: Huge servings and cutting corners
Hobby: Derby racing
Talents: Steering
Idol Stats
Performance: Vocals able to sing but would need to train more to coordinate
Choreography: Currently adjusting to the idol chorepgraphy
Styling Jewel Outfits: Classical | Cute
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Sophie has the need to be helpful to others, which can be troublesome to her by turning into a situation where she takes on tasks she might not be able to do.
She has a determined spirit even if she screws up, she just tells herself to take note of the mistake and try again no matter how embarrassed she may be. A hard worker who has the drive to succeed.
When she doesn’t know what the topic others are talking about, she just stuffs some food in her face or tries not to be noticed so it prevents people from including her until they talk about a topic she is familiar with.
She doesn’t want to say she doesn’t know. She has to cling to her pride as a royal even for a bit. It’s a struggle of not wanting to look stupid yet she doesn’t know what else to do at this point.
There are times when she mumbles and ends up walking while doing so. Oftentimes she ends up somewhere else and she’ll only realize it when she’s finished mumbling her thoughts.
Has the tendency to fumble around with her amulet when she’s nervous or deep in thought.
Whenever she’s too busy to eat she will always go have some snacks while she’s doing her task. Doesn’t matter where or what, she has a form of snack to munch on, be it candy or a small packet of nuts.
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Hometown: Kingdom of Enchantis
Family History
Sophie is the daughter of the Queen Meredith. The sole ruler of her home kingdom, Enchantis, and she is next in line for the throne. Though her future is set in stone, her mother always made time for her and was very involved in her royal education.
Her kingdom is called, Enchantis, a castle built on a large island surrounded by other large islands where villages and towns are built. She has step siblings who are twins. She was very welcoming to her new family members though she has to constantly remind her step-brother that being royalty comes with responsibility.
Her kingdom houses plenty of artifacts that are very old, one of them was a magical amulet that could grant powers to anyone who wears it. The amulet is now in Sophie’s possession and she promises her mother that she will guard it responsibly.
Sophie didn’t expect her mother to remarry, and to a commoner of all people. She was surprised when her mother told her about marrying the man named, Ryland. Sophie supported her mother’s new love while the council voiced their objection.
Despite the council’s arguments, Meredith and Ryland got married and he becomes the new king. Though the newlyweds decided to let Meredith rule as she always did while Ryland takes care of the smaller tasks like hosting events and charities.
As for Ryland’s children, Jemma and Amir, they were announced as the new prince and princess alongside their father. Amir was ecstatic in his new life as he always dreamed what it would be like to live in the palace. While Jemma was a bit hesitant and anxious since she might be forced to behave a certain way and thinks that the nobles would look down on them.
Sophie, being the helpful girl, assisted in her new siblings’ adjustment to the palace. Constantly reminding Amir that though it is luxurious it comes with a responsibility and would always remind him to not let the wealth and power shape his identity.
As for Jemma, Sophie would cover for her when she slips up during fancy parties. Though Sophie doesn’t know what life is like as a commoner, she can understand the feeling of not wanting to leave the life you’re familiar with.
As for Ryland, he was just as nervous as Sophie was in terms of trying to get along. They overthink about what to say or how to behave around the other. By the time they both realized they were fretting over nothing they had a good laugh. The step father was actually a nice guy who shares the open-mindedness like her mother.
Though when her father needs help organizing events, Sophie is there to provide her opinion on what the latest trends are. Ryland is thankful for her help.
Overall, the new family members are slowly adjusting to the new life as royals and Sophie finally has more company when her mother was too busy.
Childhood Memories
Sophie remembers her mother would show her old journals of an ex-royal who left the kingdom to discover the outside world. It was forbidden by the council to possess any outside knowledge, but Sophie’s mother thought it was harmless. So, the queen lets Sophie read the journal in secret.
This gave Sophie this wonder of what the world would be like if she were to leave the kingdom one day. A part of her is hesitant to speak up about her want to see what’s beyond the kingdom. due to the council’s insistence.
And when her step family moved in, she had quite the shock at trying to handle two twins who are such polar opposites. There may be some disagreements, but they are close as family could be.
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She is diligent and hopeful, never gives up on a task until it is done. Though she needs to learn how to lean onto others for support when she needs it. During the first few weeks of the school, Filly and the other animals were the only ones she’d talk to. Hopefully she’d talk and make friends with the other students.
The first few months have had her frozen in shock. Like the floating teapots that were rioting at the time. The explosion of glitter from one of Ella’s creative process. The monkeys who nearly stole her necklace when she went to Magiaoasis and even the brawl between teachers and the students secretly betting on said teachers.
Her face was just frozen into perpetual terror at the sight.
She currently has a hard time trying to adjust to a lot of culture shock. It may be hard, but she’s trying at least…
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She is a cocker spaniel with pink ears and tail, with pinkish white fur. She was given to Sophie as a childhood present and they’ve been inseparable ever since.
Filly often helps Sophie out whenever she feels troubled. If Sophie isn’t able to say what she needs to then Filly does it for her with a loud bark.
Filly has a love for ribbons because Sophie would always have a box of ribbons ready for her. The dog is quite touchy about anyone trying to touch her precious ribbons.
He is a Pegasus in Enchantis who was given to Sophie in her 12th birthday and she raised him as her flying companion for the kingdom’s derby racing.
Zenius is eager to race to the skies but he tends to be quite bashful towards onlookers which sometimes cuts his focus. Which often led him to falling from of the sky mid-flight.
Despite his bumbling mistakes, Sophie still cherishes him as her friend and racing horse. He wasn’t brought to DCA until a few months into the semester because he was getting anxious.
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Sophie has no unique magic yet.
As for magical skills, she has a decent amount of magic meant for daily life such as levitation spells and repair spells.
The spell Sophie likes to use the most are spells that soothe her nerves. They come out as little lilac flowers that float around her head and dissolve. Its what helps her step-siblings calm down or when she’s having trouble thinking straight due to the stress.
As for combat, she only knows defensive spells as well as average dispelling for curses. Anything that involves direct combat is beyond her capabilities.
She has a telepathic connection to her amulet called, Avaloria.
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Meredith Fascinare
The queen and mother of Sophie, she is a benevolent ruler who is more open-minded than the council, she always jokes with Sophie that she thinks they’re always so grumpy they might end up looking like trolls. She is calm and patient with others and would always hear out both sides before speaking her opinion.
Ryland Fascinare
The step-father of Sophie who used to work as a jeweler in a small village. It wasn’t until he was asked to present a gift for the queen along with the other citizens that he fell for the queen at first sight. He is a jolly man who always finds amusement in everything, he is a bit shy with having to be taught the etiquette by Sophie and the queen, but he tries his best to adjust.
Jemma Fascinare (12)
The younger twin who likes to run around and play knight with the other boys back at the village. She finds being royalty a bit difficult but she tries her best when she sees Sophie trying hard too. She dreams of becoming a knight one day.
Amir Fascinare (12)
The older twin easily adjusted to the palace life. He tries to follow Sophie’s lead though he fumbles a lot due to being unfamiliar with the etiquette. But Sophie is always there to make sure he gets it right and guides him along the way.
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The character’s name, “Sophie” is a variation of the name she was twisted from which is Sofia from Sofia the first. Her last name, “Fascinare”, is from the word fascinating. There is no other reason the artist used this name other than to make it sound fancy enough for royalty.
Sophie was going to have several abilities after every overblot was resolved much like how Sofia gains more abilities in her amulet like being able to shrink or turn into any animal she sees. But the artist is still brainstorming this idea.
The artist also wanted to make Sophie’s story in the future be a variation of Overblot since they want to make an antagonist that will be her adversary. (this part is still being brainstormed)
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hoodiethelivinghoodie · 7 months
I like to imagine when Ussop returns to Syrup Village after randomly disappearing for years he just starts telling people the stories of the grand line, and the people in his village will not believe a single word he says.
His stories would literally be like-
"Fought a guy who could eat literally everything"
"We met two giants who've been fighting for 100 years"
"The Merry got wrecked, and it came alive to save us from enies lobby"
"We fought a bunch of zombies after they stolr my friend's shadows"
"Got stuck on an island filled with food"
"After I freed some toy slaves a giant, lifted me up and called me a god"
"Defested a guy made of gas who experimented on kids"
"My captain died and became a god"
And the villagers just think he's lying again until they read the articles written about the straw hats and his bounty poster. They ask the straw hats about the stories and they confirm in full detail that they are indeed true.
Then they take a good close look at him. That the lanky, long nosed teenage boy ended up growing up into a buff, slingshot shooting sniper with the observation haki worthy of the Pirate King, and just repeatedly question how on earth that happened.
Meanwhile, Kaya is thrilled to see him back, and the Usopp pirates are fully hyping him up while he's with Kaya.
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Of Picture Books and Bedtime Antics (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: Bedtime in your house is never boring, so what happens when Rhett decides to read one of his favorites to your kids? Something that could only happen in the Abbott household
You were busy scraping off the last of the dinner leavings in the sink, completely entranced by what you were doing. You hadn’t even felt the cat curling around your ankles, nor did you hear the sound of your children upstairs, giggling up a storm until the muffled noises caught your attention from below the floorboards. 
You finished off the last of the dishes and stuck it in the dishwasher before making your way upstairs to the room that your oldest twin boys, Tatum and Tanner both shared. You watched and listened through the slightly opened door as your rowdy little bunch all gathered around Rhett, Amy included and taking to the floor with their pillows, blankets and stuffies so they could get comfortable and listen. 
“......... I remember him looking round the cover and whistling to himself as he did so, and then breaking out in that old sea-song that he sang so often afterwards.....” your husband read
 “Fifteen men on the dead man’s chest— Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum! Drink and the devil had done for the rest....... Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum !” the kids repeated in their creepiest whisper voices. 
You had to laugh when you heard it. Rhett absolutely loved reading to the kids at night and if it was Treasure Island? Forget it, he was sure to have the kids engrossed in it from beginning to end. 
“.......And so it was, that old sea dog pulled me towards him and in my ear, he whispered those five chilling words.....” 
“Dead man tell no tales......” you answered from the hallway, doing your best imitation of an old sea captain. 
None of them could resist squealing and laughing all at once as you entered, your children practically jumping all over you as you crossed the threshold of the door. “They kept begging for it didn’t they?” you chuckled. 
“Couldn’t resist,” Rhett answered with a big shit eating grin on his face. “They came out to the book barn and they picked it out themselves.” 
You couldn’t fight the smile that was breaking out on your face at that very moment as you helped get the babies ready for bed. Tatum and Tanner crawled into their bunks and Amy went right off to her room with Hannah heading into hers. Rhett hoisted Kaya up into her bunk while Harvey and Franklin both scooted into their beds. Three month old Dallas was the last to be tucked into his little cot at the foot of your shared bed, sucking sleepily on his little blue pacifier and clutching his little lamb stuffie as Rhett pulled his crochet blanket over him. 
“Goodnight my little lovebug,” Rhett whispered, gently scratching Dallas’s little tummy and placing a kiss on his forehead. 
You and Rhett crawled into bed, turning down the light just ever so slightly, scooting close to each other so that you could feel the other’s warmth. “You wanna hear the rest?” 
“Only if you’re offering,” you half laughed. 
Rhett opened up the book and quietly read from the page he had last left off on. You listened to his deep voice regailing that incredible tale of a boy and the ultimate quest for a treasure unlike any other, until the both of you drifted into a deep and heavy sleep that lasted well into the morning.
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disneybritton · 18 days
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Kaya Island Eats, a fusion of Caribbean, Polynesian and Asian flavors. I had the Jamaican Jerk Chicken dish.
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saturninemartial · 2 months
I've been really in my feels over my One Piece future hcs 🥺
So the Straw Hats keep kicking around the seas with Loof as Pirate King, although they do take little breaks/vacations, taking turns around various "home islands" of the crew members (if they have one they consider home). And they eventually have a "home camp" together on Dawn Island, basically taking over an existing small town, but in a way that benefits the local residents—Sanji runs a small "pay what you can" restaurant so everyone can eat but more generous customers can pay more berry if they're touched by the service provided; and ofc the whole island is under protection of the crew. They still go out on excursions; but as everyone gets older, and more children are added to the Straw Hat family, they spend a bit more time on land.
Kaya, a doctor now, has been inducted into the Straw Hat family, providing her services to take some of the pressure off Law and Chopper (she has really good bedside manner, so many women and children like going to her). Because of the poison she'd been ingesting years prior, it did some damage to her body, so she's been having a hard time conceiving a child of her own, which is heartbreaking to both her and Usopp; but they still enjoy being auntie and uncle.
Loof gets to be a dad, and tries to be better than his own dad or grandpa, so he focuses on that for a bit with Law (their kids were definitely rescued from somewhere, like zosan's kid). So with them busy, and with Usopp and Kaya still childless, Usopp finally becomes a captain of his own, forming a crew made up of some Straw Hats, Hearts, Dawn Islanders, older Straw Hat and Heart kids...and their ship's doctor will be Kaya, who gets to create her own pirating stories! 🥺
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q-ueen-potato · 1 year
How I think it was the time passage on the One Piece live action.
*Episode 1*
May 5th
2 pm: Luffy's first scene
5 pm : Barrel scene
May 6th
7 am: Barrel scene and Alvida's attack
10 am: Barrel is taken from the sea
9pm - 11pm: Luffy and Koby meet and Luffy vs Alvida
11 pm: Zoro vs Mr.7
May 7th
9am: Luffy and Koby talk
10 am: Nami steals the boat
May 15th
12 am: Luffy and Koby arrive shells town
1 pm: The bar fight.
2 pm: Zoro and Morgan deal
10 pm: Luffy and Koby 2° talk
May 22th
10 am: Helmepoo provokes Zoro
12:00 : Nami break into the marine base, Luffy talks with Zoro
12:40: Nami looks for the map and meet Luffy
1:20 pm: Zoro find Helmepoo
1:40 pm: Luffy, Nami and Zoro vs Marines
2:30 pm: Luffy, Nami and Zoro leaves Shells town
Offscreen time: 15 days
Onscreen time: 3 days
Time total: 18 days
*Episode 2*
May 25th
2 am: Nami opens the safe
2:30 am: the crew is kidnapped
10 am: Luffy, Nami and Zoro woke up at the circus, Nami tries to run away.
10:10 am: Buggy starts 'torturing' Luffy.
10:20 am: Cabaji appears
11 am: Buggy put Luffy on the water tank
11:20 am Luffy woke up in the water tank
11: 30 am: Zoro and Nami escapes
11:35 am: Luffy escapes
12:00 : Garp gives his speech
2 pm: Luffy, Nami and Zoro leaves Orange town
3:10 pm: Nami fixed Luffy's hat
Offscreen time: 3 day
On screen time: 13 hours
Total time: 3 day and 13 hours.
*Episode 3*
August 20th
7 am: Usopp tells the pirates are coming, Luffy shows Zoro and Nami the flag he made.
9 am: Luffy, Nami and Zoro arrives at Syrup vilage.
9:10 am: Luffy meet Going Merry and Usopp
2 pm: Luffy meet Kaya
August 22th
12:00 : Usopp tells Kaya a story
3 pm: Kuro serves the 'tea'
5 pm: The party started.
6 pm: dinner is served
6:30 pm: Luffy's speech
8 pm: Merry dies
9 pm: Zoro wake up
10 pm: Luffy, Zoro and Usopp talk in the kitchen while Nami and Kaya talk on her room
11 pm: Zoro and Usopp find Merry, Zoro is attacked and Usopp runs
11: 10 am: Usopp tells there pirates but no one belives
Offscreen time: 2 months and 29 days
On screen time: 16 hours and 10 minutes(total, with 2 days break)
Total Time: 3 months, 16 hours and 10 minutes
*Episode 4*
August 22th
11:30 pm: Zoro wake up, Nami finds Luffy, Usopp takes the marines to the Manor
11: 40 pm: Nami knock out Sham, Usopp tells Kaya about Kuro.
August 23th
00:00: Kuro starts the attack
00: 10: Nami finds Kaya and Usopp
3 am: Zoro escapes and find Luffy
4:20 am: Zoro vs Buchi and Sham
4:40 am: Luffy vs Kuro
6 am: end of the battle.
7 am: Kaya gives them the Going Merry
11 am: Luffy, Nami, Zoro and Usopp leaves Syrup Village
11:10 am : Garp attacks them
Total Time: 11 hours and 30 minutes
*Episode 5*
August 23th
11:10 am: Garp attacks them
12:50 : they see Baratie
1:20 pm: starts eating
3: 20 pm: finish eating
3:40 pm: Luffy starts working
8 pm: Usopp, Nami and Zoro are at bar
8:30 pm: Luffy and Sanji talk about all blue, Gin appears
9:10 pm: Usopp dances, Nami and Zoro drink together
11 pm: Usopp talks with Mihawk, Zoro challenges Mihawk to a fight.
11:20 pm: Crew meeting
August 24th
7 am: Nami almost run away
8 am: Zoro and Mihawk duel
8: 20 am: Zoro does his promise
Total time: 22 hours
*Episode 6*
August 24th
8:40 am: Zeff helps save Zoro
August 25th
10 am: Mihawk talks with Garp
11 am: Sanji cooks for Luffy, Usopp and Nami
12:20: Nami and Zoro argue, Garp talks with Koby
2 pm: Arlong arrives the Baratie
2:10 pm: Nami tells them about Arlong
2:15 pm - 2:30 pm: Baratie fight
2:30 pm: Nami leaves
2:33 pm: Sanji saves Luffy
4 pm: Sanji and Zeff argue
August 26th
9 am : Zoro wake up
12:00: Sanji joins the crew, They leave the Baratie
Total time: 2 days and 2 hours
*Episode 7*
August 28th
12:00 : Buggy annoys the crew, they arrived to Conomi Island
12:30: Nami talks with Arlong
1 pm: Garp arrives to the Baratie, Luffy arrives to Cocoyashy Village
2 pm: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Usopp talks with Nojiko
7 pm: Arlong Park party, Nojiko tells her story
8 pm: Luffy and Zoro talk, Nezumi and Arlong talk
8:30 pm: Helmepoo and Koby drink together
9 pm: Garp leaves the Baratie
9:20 pm: Nojiko finds Nami
August 29th
00:00: Nezumi steals Nami
00: 20: Arlong put fire on the village
00: 40: Nami asks for help
Offscreen time: 2 days
On-screen time: 12 hours and 40 minutes
Total time: 2 days, 12 hours and 40 minutes
*Episode 8*
August 29 th
7 am: they see the damage Arlong did
7:20 am: Bogard takes Nezumi to talk with Garp
7:40 am: Arlong Park fight
9 am: Arlong Park crumble
8 pm: Cocoyoshi Village party
11 pm: Garp arrives, Garp vs Luffy
August 30th
7 am: Nami says goodbye to Bellemere, Luffy and Koby talk
7:30 am: Luffy shows his bounty
10 am: Usopp shows the Jolly Roger
12:00: The barrel promise
Total time: 1 day.
Season 1 total time: around 3 months, 29 days, 5 hours and 20 minutes
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beyondkailani · 1 year
One Piece Episode 4 Live Action
This was the first episode of the LA that made me cry. I just about held in it when Kuro was taunting Kaya so cruelly and when Kuina died, both choked me a little but that first note of We Are when the Going Merry set sail for the first time that was it. I had to pause. I was crying that hard.
On another note though - USOPP AND KAYA ACTUALLY KISSED?!! My shipper heart was well fed with that episode!
Overall I really enjoyed the Syrup Village arc. It made sense to condense it and I liked all the choices they made. It will let the plot breath and I actually preferred the fight being in the mansion. Although I did miss Luffy Gatling Kuro into submission but there's no way they could drag out the fights like the manga/anime does and I'm enjoying them being condensed. Zoro of course probably had the better fight. I loved how they used that space. They were up, down and all over!
They've done the Garp reveal super early!! But I guess it would help explain to newcomers why this marine admiral is so intent on chasing a pirate newbie I guess. It's his grandson! I'm thinking this version of Garp might've realised Ace sailing from Dawn Island and winding up with the Whitebeard Pirates is not a good thing. He might be trying to cut Luffy off before he can go properly make a name for himself and drawing unwanted attention! But that's just speculation on my part.
Also!! Zoro got lost!! Perfect! Never been so excited to see a character wander but yes they kept it!!
Next one is called Eat at Baratie which means my second favourite straw hat makes an appearance!!
(I love all the straw hats but Luffy, Sanji, Robin and Zoro are my favs 🥰)
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