#Katima Mulilo
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almanach-international · 11 months ago
21 mars : la fête nationale de la Namibie
La Namibie a été un des derniers pays à obtenir son indépendance. L’ancien Sud-Ouest africain allemand, théâtre du premier génocide du XXe siècle, a été occupé par l’Afrique du Sud en 1915. Après la défaite allemande de 1918, la colonie allemande a été confiée à l’Afrique du Sud par la SDN. Elle a administré le pays jusqu’en 1990. L’ONU avait adopté une résolution en 1978 prévoyant l’émancipation du pays. il a fallu une décennie à l’Afrique du Sud pour accepter de mettre en œuvre la résolution. La transition de la Namibie vers l'indépendance a commencé en 1989 et s'est terminée le 21 mars 1990, lorsque le pays a officiellement obtenu son indépendance de l'Afrique du Sud. Le Jour de l'Indépendance (Indépendance Day) est la fête nationale de la Namibie. La fête est marquée par des défilés, des fêtes de rue, des compétitions sportives et d'autres événements festifs organisés dans tout le pays.
le Dr Sam Nujoma devenant président fondateur d'un État indépendant et souverain, la République de Namibie. Le président Nujoma a démissionné en 2005 après avoir accompli trois mandats. Une transition démocratique en douceur du pouvoir a suivi lorsque Hifikepunye Pohamba a été élu président en novembre 2004. En novembre 2014, le Dr Hage G. Geingob a été élu président alors qu'il était Premier ministre. Le Dr Hage Geingob a été nommé président de la Namibie le 21 mars 2015. Il est mort en février 2024, Nangolo Mbumba, le vice-président, lui a succédé.
Cette année, la célébration du 34e anniversaire de l'indépendance de la Namibie a lieu à Katima Mulilo, une première historique pour la région du Zambèze. En effet, Les célébrations du Jour de l'Indépendance se déroulent à tour de rôle entre les régions. En 2024, l’événement a lieu sous le thème « Un peuple uni pour la prospérité ».
Un article de l'Almanach international des éditions BiblioMonde, 20 mars 2024
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afrotumble · 11 months ago
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logi1974 · 1 month ago
Namibia, Botswana, Simbabwe 2024/25 -Tag 15
Herrschaften und Oukies!!!
Beim Frühstück heute waren wir die einzigen und letzten Gäste. Nun kann sich das Personal ganz auf die Feierlichkeiten im Dorf konzentrieren. Immerhin hatten wir die ganze Nacht musikalische Unterhaltung.
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Vor dem Frühstück wieder der obligatorische Start ins heutige Tagesprogramm: aufstehen, Koffer packen, danach Frühstück & den Rest Koffer packen, check-out & ab auf die Piste. Die Routine lässt inzwischen grüßen.
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Weiter ging es, 300 km durch die Caprivi-Region, immer nur gerade aus, nach Kongola.
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Wir fahren heute zur Namushasha River Lodge, die zur bekannten Gondwana Collection gehört.
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Kaum zu glauben, dass noch vor rund 20 Jahren diese Strecke aufgrund von Grenzstreitigkeiten mit Angola nur mit einer Polizei-Eskorte befahrbar war. Zum Glück haben sich die Zeiten geändert.
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Links und rechts der Straße wird wieder vor Elefanten gewarnt. Immer wieder kommt es hier zu Zusammenstößen mit Wildtieren, als auch Nutztieren.
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Es ist schon spaßig zu sehen wie viele Haustiere (Kühe & Ziegen & Esel) so auf der Straße herum rennen, obwohl das streng verboten ist, da dadurch eben so viele Verkehrsunfälle verursacht werden.
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Kongola bezeichnet man landläufig als das Eingangstor in den Caprivi-Zipfel. Die Ortschaft liegt an der Nationalstraße B8 (Trans-Caprivi-Highway) am Fluss Kwando.
Im Norden befindet sich die Grenze zu Angola Grenze und im Süden zu Botswana.
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Der kleine Ort mit rund 12.000 Einwohnern hat eine ziemlich große Bedeutung als Station auf der B8 zur Regionalhauptstadt Katima Mulilo, die etwa 120 km entfernt im Osten liegt.
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Der Ort ist eine "Oase", in der man noch einmal seine Vorräte auffüllen kann, bevor es weiter nach Afrika geht. Es gibt ein kleines Shopping Centre mit ATM der Bank Windhoek, eine Bäckerei, eine Tankstelle und zwei Craft Shops.
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Selbstverständlich dürfen auch einige Straßenhändler nicht fehlen, die allerdings doch sehr zurückhalten sind. Niemand hat uns belästigt!
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Bäckerei, Café und die Craft Shops haben offenbar wegen Reichtums geschlossen. Schade, denn eigentlich hatten wir beabsichtig hier ein bisschen Geld loszuwerden.
Aber so tanken wir nur an der neuen Shell Tankstelle, kaufen noch die letzten Getränke aus dem vereisten Kühlschrank und machen uns wieder auf den Weg.
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Bei Kongola biegen wir nach Süden ab und haben nur noch etwa 25 Kilometer bis zur unser Lodge zu fahren.
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An der Lodge angekommen nutzten wir nach dem Check-Inn die Gelegenheit zu einem Lunch.
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Der Besucher erhält hier viele Informationen, auf Schautafeln, über die lokale Fauna und Flora. 
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So genießen wir von der schönen Aussichtsterrasse den Blick auf den Fluss und die angrenzenden Feuchtgebiete des Kwandos.
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Die hölzerne Aussichtsterrasse ist in drei Ebenen direkt über einem Nebenarm des Kwando angeordnet. Von hier hat man einen tollen Blick in die durch viele Schilfflächen recht feucht wirkende Flussebene.
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Von der Natur her, die schönste Unterkunft unserer ganzen Reise. Überall zwitschert, flattert und hüpft es um einen herum.
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Die Namushasha River Lodge liegt oberhalb des Kwando Rivers und umfasst 24 Bungalowzimmer.
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Auf Anraten unserer lieben Freundin Tina (Lotusblume im Namibia Forum) entschieden wir uns für die Familienvilla mit der Zimmernummer 15.
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Was für eine Überraschung! Das Haus präsentierte sich komplett renoviert und umgestaltet.
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Ein großes Wohnzimmer bzw. Aufenthaltsraum mit großem Sofa, Sesseln und Küchenecke mit Kühlschrank.
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Linker und rechter Hand geht es in die Schlafzimmer mit jeweils eigenem Badezimmer.
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Das Badezimmer des Master-Bedrooms hat neben der Dusche auch 2 Waschbecken.
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Allerdings waren die Vollpfosten zu dämlich ein gescheites Gefälle in der Dusche zu installieren und so schwimmt immer das halbe Bad.
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Klimaanlage in nur in den Schlafzimmern, nicht im Living Room, so muss man immer alle Türen zu den Schlafzimmern offen lassen.
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Von allen Zimmern gelangt man zur Terrasse, die die Länge der gesamten Villa einnimmt.
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Wir richten uns häuslich ein und bestaunen das Interieur. Hier haben sich offensichtlich teuer bezahlte Designer ausgetobt.
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Aber über Geschmack lässt sich eben nicht streiten. Ich überlege, ob ich eine dieser Vervet-Monkey-Lampen mitgehen lasse - und wenn ja, wo und wie ich die zu Hause platzieren könnte.
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Wir setzen unsere Inspektion des Zimmers fort und Micha findet doch tatsächlich eine leere Wasserflasche unter dem Bett, die wohl einer der Vormieter dort verloren hat. Da hat das Housekeeping aber schwer gepennt.
Auf dem Weg zum Abendessen mache ich noch einen kleinen Abstecher zur Rezeption und präsentiere den Herrschaften die besagte Wasserflasche mit der Aufforderung das Housekeeping Personal besser zu instruieren.
Bei dem Preis, der hier für die Villa aufgerufen wird, ist das einfach ein Unding.
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Die Lodge dient auch als Ausgangspunkt für Safaritouren in den angrenzenden Bwabawata Nationalpark oder für Boots- und Angeltouren auf dem Kwando. Dazu kommen wir dann morgen.
Lekker Slaap!
Angie, Micha, Mama & der Hasenbär
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zirhlikuzgun · 7 months ago
January's classic experience: A classic saga of January's good-old adventures (prior to the Pokémon experience) - Part 51 = {Driving Ib and Ib - Part 51 🠊 The Triss team's sitcom show - Part 51 🠊 Parody adventures with Luffe and Sjanne - Part 51 🠊 The Angora guys by night - Part 51 🠊 Fritz and Poul (ft. Split) records their livestream commentary for "January and co.'s hero-brave sad-to-fab quest thru their hero-brave journey from sad to fab" - Part 51} ▶ [Mr. Müller's audio/video commentary for "January and co.'s hero-brave sad-to-fab quest thru their hero-brave journey from sad to fab"] January's hero-brave journey from sad to fab - Part 51 = [Mr. Schüster's audio commentary for "January and co.'s pre-historic quest"] January and co.'s pre-historic quest - Part 51 = January and co. prepares theirself to become hero-brave, famous and fabulous - Part 2: January and co. gets into the hero-brave action / January and co. continues back to business / January and co. engages an interesting situation / January and co. resumes their adventure / January and co. trains their hero-brave efforts to become hero-brave, famous and fabulous / January and co. challenges their hero-braveness - Part 1: January and co. confirms those rules
And now, back to the show.
3665.3665.3665.January and co. gets some awesome stupendy of becoming hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3666.3666.3666.January and co. upgrades their awesome stupendy by making it 1000% awesome, fantastic, flawless and spectacular to become hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3667.3667.3667.January and co. makes it so frenzy of becoming hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3668.3668.3668.January and co. makes it stupendously frenzy of becoming hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3669.3669.3669.January and co. are suddenly astonishly excitied of having so much stupendy of becoming hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3670.3670.3670.January and co. rebrands their frenzy style of becoming hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3671.3671.3671.January and co. are 1000% ready to become hero-brave, famous and fabulous
We're continuing where we had left off.
Of course, it's now working. January and co. are now 1000% ready and steady to become hero-brave, famous and fabulous just like that. So now, without further ado, it is time for January and co. to get back to business, so that they can continue onward, just in time.
And we'll continue on...
3672.3672.3672.January and co. gets back to business by continuing onward
We're continuing where we had left off.
So we're now getting back to business, just in time, cause January and co. are about to resume their quest to find their way home, so we gotta continue where we had left off, so for now, without further ado, let's get back to the regular program.
And we'll continue on...
3673.3673.3673.January and co. engages an highway punnery
3674.3674.3674.January and co. plays with some friends near the edge
3675.3675.3675.January and co. unveils these special offers
3676.3676.3676.January and co. pumps up those kicks with some hunchback youngsters
3677.3677.3677.January and co. goes on the road at scholar
3678.3678.3678.January and co. gets going on their way to Katima Mulilo
3679.3679.3679.January and co. gets warned about friends does not bounce
3680.3680.3680.January and co. embarks on a journey to the center of the world
3681.3681.3681.January and co. teaches how it can be hazardous to its health
3682.3682.3682.January and co. gets shy in which the resistance is futile
3683.3683.3683.January and co. goes nuts with an "Apocalypse Wow!"
3684.3684.3684.January and co. gets troubled by accidents that will happen
3685.3685.3685.January and co. works hard with limbs that are difficult to replace
3686.3686.3686.January and co. gets tough of walking a hard road to easy street
3687.3687.3687.January and co. gets nudged at the naked light
3688.3688.3688.January and co. enjoys those little things
3689.3689.3689.January and co. plays mortal wombat
3690.3690.3690.January and co. gets lost
3691.3691.3691.January and co. engages senior animals and junior brains
3692.3692.3692.January and co. takes a bath at first, and then, they later asks some questions
3693.3693.3693.January and co. gets zoologically improbable
3694.3694.3694.January and co. takes cover in which the wildlife are not food
3695.3695.3695.January and co. whacks the moose
3696.3696.3696.January and co. learns how to which way is west
3697.3697.3697.January and co. spends a night at the arousal cafe
We're continuing where we had left off.
January and co. are still working their best, but for now, 182259 years are later passing.
And we'll continue on...
3698.3698.3698.(182259 years later) January and co. continues their adventure
We're continuing where we had left off.
182259 years had later passed, and since then, a lot of hero-brave efforts needs to be resolved. So anyway, January and co. are about to continue back to business, cause they're about to train their hero-brave skills to become famous and fabulous.
And we'll continue on...
3699.3699.3699.January and co. resumes it on making it hero-brave, famous and fabulous: January and co. trains their hero-brave skills
3700.3700.3700.January and co. pumps up their hero-brave stamina
3701.3701.3701.January and co. dares theirself to sweat their hero-braveness
3702.3702.3702.January and co. boosts up their hero-brave efforts
3703.3703.3703.January and co. retreats the colors by collecting some hero-braveness
3704.3704.3704.January and co. refreshes their style from sad to famous and fabulous
3705.3705.3705.January and co. repaints the color by boosting up their hero-brave stamina
3706.3706.3706.January and co. makes it awesome of training by boosting up the stamina of hero-braveness
3707.3707.3707.January and co. revamps their experience from awful to awesome
3708.3708.3708.January and co. trains their hero-braveness by playing fitness
3709.3709.3709.January and co. redesigns their style from sad and lousy to famous and fabulous
3710.3710.3710.January and co. upgrades their hero-braveness by redesigning their style from sad and lousy to famous and fabulous
3711.3711.3711.January and co. resurrects their hero-brave opportunity, by making it hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3712.3712.3712.January and co. smooths up their energy, by making it hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3713.3713.3713.January and co. resurrects their hero-brave efforts, by becoming hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3714.3714.3714.January and co. makes it 1000% pretty cool, by making it hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3715.3715.3715.January and co. earns some money of becoming hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3716.3716.3716.January and co. wins the lottery and earns a lot of money, by becoming hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3717.3717.3717.January and co. makes a pretty cool teamwork, by becoming hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3718.3718.3718.January and co. receives some high advantage of becoming hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3719.3719.3719.January and co. rebrands their style of being famous and fabulous, by making it hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3720.3720.3720.January and co. gets some high morale of becoming hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3721.3721.3721.January and co. makes it perfect on practicing some hero-braveness, by making it hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3722.3722.3722.January and co. exercises their hero-braveness, by making it hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3723.3723.3723.January and co. gets rich of becoming hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3724.3724.3724.January and co. does some hero-brave activities, by making it hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3725.3725.3725.January and co. trains their hero-brave of how to climb up to the top, by making it hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3726.3726.3726.January and co. reconstructs their style of hero-braveness, by making it hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3727.3727.3727.January and co. rebuilds their style of hero-braveness, by making it hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3728.3728.3728.January and co. rejuvenates their hero-braveness, by making it hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3729.3729.3729.January and co. makes it 1000% super pretty cool of being hero-brave, by making it hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3730.3730.3730.January and co. buys a lot of fabulous stuff, by making it hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3731.3731.3731.January and co. scores a lot of gold moves, by making it hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3732.3732.3732.January and co. upgrades their powers of hero-braveness, by making it hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3733.3733.3733.January and co. makes it 1000% flawless and spectacular of training their hero-braveness, by making it hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3734.3734.3734.January and co. updates their design of hero-braveness, by making it hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3735.3735.3735.January and co. earns some hero-brave achievements, by making it hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3736.3736.3736.January and co. plays "achievement unlocked" by making it hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3737.3737.3737.January and co. earns some fancy prizes, by making it hero-brave, famous and fabulous
3738.3738.3738.January and co. wins a big high-score of awesomeness and hero-braveness, by making it hero-brave, famous and fabulous: Well then, afterwards, January and co. are about to continue back to business, cause their about to resume their adventure, so they're gonna keep moving forward, just in time
We're continuing where we had left off.
And we're back again, just in time. January and co. are always doing it pretty super cool of practicing their hero-braveness to become hero-brave, famous and fabulous, but anyway, there is nothing to waste, cause we're gotta continue where we had left off, so with that, January and co. are about to get back to business, by challenging an glorious situation to become hero-brave, famous and fabulous, so for now, without further ado, let's go ahead and keep moving forward. Good luck and enjoy the fun.
And we'll continue on...
3739.3739.3739.January and co. teaches how to a pun the highway
3740.3740.3740.January and co. plays near the edge with some kids
3741.3741.3741.January and co. reveals some secret offers
3742.3742.3742.January and co. engages those hunchback kids
3743.3743.3743.January and co. goes on the road to that scholar
3744.3744.3744.January and co. goes on their way to Katima Mulilo
3745.3745.3745.January and co. doesn't bounce with those kids
3746.3746.3746.January and co. embarks on a journey to the center of the world
3747.3747.3747.January and co. makes it hazardous to the health
3748.3748.3748.January and co. gets tough, as the resistance is futile
3749.3749.3749.January and co. dares theirself to go "apocalypse wow!"
3750.3750.3750.January and co. goes crazy with those accidents that will happen
3751.3751.3751.January and co. gets tough with those limbs that are difficult to replace
3752.3752.3752.January and co. makes it tough of going a hard road to Easy Street
3753.3753.3753.January and co. nudges that naked light
3754.3754.3754.January and co. enjoys those little things
3755.3755.3755.January and co. pumps it up the mortal wombat
3756.3756.3756.January and co. gets lost
3757.3757.3757.January and co. gets bewared of senior animal and junior brains
3758.3758.3758.January and co. takes a bath first, and then, they later asks some questions
3759.3759.3759.January and co. gets zoologically improbable
3760.3760.3760.January and co. gets warned to which the wildlife is not food
3761.3761.3761.January and co. beats the moose
3762.3762.3762.January and co. learns for which way is west
3763.3763.3763.January and co. spends a night at the Arousal Cafe
3764.3764.3764.January and co. engages those nude sunbathers who eats some waffles
3765.3765.3765.January and co. goes between the peaks
3766.3766.3766.January and co. spends the night at the Abad Hotel (which is better than none)
3767.3767.3767.January and co. gets an necessary inconvenience
3768.3768.3768.January and co. gets pursued by the curse of the unknown meat
3769.3769.3769.January and co. starres at the grass that are smiling at you
3770.3770.3770.January and co. engages an road dude
3771.3771.3771.January and co. picks up the other door
3772.3772.3772.January and co. minds the gaps
3773.3773.3773.January and co. smashes those smashed ice
3774.3774.3774.January and co. musn't write on the walls
3775.3775.3775.January and co. picks up the natural selection
3776.3776.3776.January and co. gets annoying, schmoying
3777.3777.3777.January and co. cooks with brains
3778.3778.3778.January and co. musn't take photographs around here
3779.3779.3779.January and co. gets serious, as this place matters
3780.3780.3780.January and co. will either bahve or go home
3781.3781.3781.January and co. gets rushed into deja vu
3782.3782.3782.January and co. gets frenzy with some summer betings (or, the flighty before the prom)
3783.3783.3783.January and co. musn't feed nor molest
3784.3784.3784.January and co. gets into the jackass lane
3785.3785.3785.January and co. aren't not striding
3786.3786.3786.January and co. engages those hazardous, along with some obnoxious conditions
3787.3787.3787.January and co. gets earth-boring
3788.3788.3788.January and co. gets warned of bewaring the wall
3789.3789.3789.January and co. goes to Amurica
3790.3790.3790.January and co. engages some raised zebra crossing
3791.3791.3791.January and co. goes around of runaround
3792.3792.3792.January and co. walks the escalator that acts as stairs
3793.3793.3793.January and co. receives some free cash
3794.3794.3794.January and co. gets mishearded with some ermahgerd sherrs
3795.3795.3795.January and co. spends an evening at Chez Monyou
3796.3796.3796.January and co. engages those mysterious forces
3797.3797.3797.January and co. gets in trouble of bewaring those stupid children
3798.3798.3798.January and co. gets satisfied about higher ages
3799.3799.3799.Today, January and co. has their day under construction
3800.3800.3800.January and co. goes to drag strip high school
3801.3801.3801.January and co. gets those accidents prohibited
3802.3802.3802.January and co. takes cover of those dead trees that are rotting
3803.3803.3803.January and co. takes cover of those worms that may chase them
3804.3804.3804.January and co. must help those employees with washing their hands
3805.3805.3805.January and co. makes the sumny love those vacations
3806.3806.3806.January and co. gets brushed with some headlight polishing
3807.3807.3807.January and co. punches the best 12 seconds of their time
3808.3808.3808.January and co. buys a birdhouse to rent
3809.3809.3809.January and co. meets some friends by accident
3810.3810.3810.January and co. musn't meddle in the affairs of dragons
3811.3811.3811.January and co. goes to the grand hotel
3812.3812.3812.January and co. engages those authorized animals
3813.3813.3813.January and co. gets free of freedom
3814.3814.3814.January and co. goes shopping for human rights
3815.3815.3815.January and co. remembers Simba
3816.3816.3816.January and co. gets out to toss some dwarf tossing
3817.3817.3817.January and co. says "Yes" to hotel. by commenting "Please"
3818.3818.3818.January and co. are so sorry, that we're open
3819.3819.3819.January and co. dares theirself to get trouble when there may be trouble ahead
3820.3820.3820.January and co. gets trouble of making it dangerous at the bank
3821.3821.3821.January and co. walks the extraterrestrial highway
3822.3822.3822.January and co. gets some fun with parking that can be fun
3823.3823.3823.January and co. musn't rip this sign
3824.3824.3824.January and co. knows parking
3825.3825.3825.January and co. suggests to have those helmets recommended
3826.3826.3826.January and co. engages some imaginary friends, by staying free
3827.3827.3827.January and co. looks it alive
3828.3828.3828.January and co. gets the force of a thousand tigers
We'll be right back after the break...
0 notes
outsidetaiwan · 9 months ago
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我沒有再次確認是我的疏失,以前查過的資料是intercape巴士只過一個海關,尚比亞和納米比亞之間的Katima Mulilo,最近要查的東西太多,忘了再次確認疫情之後的狀況。
我事前先到利文斯頓的新大巴車站(inter-city bus terminal)詢問巴士時刻,Intercape是由UBZ巴士櫃檯代售車票,我問了巴士出發日期和價錢之後就沒再多細問,以為就是每週日、三、五的早上八點大巴直接去,票價是750K。
知道他們是中午12點出發,用小巴把乘客送到Katima,然後等從Lusaka和其他城市過來的客人都到了後,統一從Katima Mulilo下午四點大巴出發去Windhoek。
他們從利文斯頓去Katima的小巴也是一週只有三班,但是從Katima Mulilo去文豪克Windhoek的大巴卻是天天有發車,所以利文斯頓沒有發車的日子,也是可以自己搭車去Sesheke(一個跨Katima邊境前的尚比亞小鎮),自己過邊境後再在Katima Mulilo搭大巴。
Oasis的車票價錢是950K,我嫌還要轉車又比較貴,所以最後我直接在網路上買了intercape車票。結果沒想到,當天早上七點半到車站,intercape一樣也是中巴,一樣也是要到了Katima Mulilo才換大巴。
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順利入境納米比亞後,車子開到Katima Mulilo也下午一點半了,我們把行李換到大巴士之後,被告知巴士要等到三點才發車,其實一樣也是要等其他別的地方接駁過來的乘客。
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drytechengi · 1 year ago
Exporter of Multi Effect Evaporators in Namibia
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Exporter of Multi Effect Evaporators in Namibia Drytech Engineering System, founded in 2017 and based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. Specializing in the manufacturing and supply of industrial equipment, Drytech Engineering System offers a wide range of machinery, including Multi Effect Evaporators, Spray Dryers, Flash Dryers, Spin Flash Dryers, Fluid Bed Dryers, and more. Drytech Engineering System Machineries is a global manufacturer of high-quality Multi Effect Evaporators. Multi-effect evaporators are advanced systems with multiple evaporation stages arranged in series. Each stage operates at lower pressure than the previous, enabling energy-efficient liquid evaporation. Steam provides the necessary heat, making it a cost-effective solution for liquid concentration and valuable product recovery. We manufacture two Multi Effect Evaporators. Fully Automatic Multi-Effect-Evaporator Semi Automatic Multi-Effect-Evaporator Features Coolant fluids, oily emulsions, mold releasing agents Compressor purge, water from washing floors Washing tank and reactor water Galvanic processes and surface treatments require working and cleaning baths. Permeable liquids Rejection of a water treatment plant Application Concentration of high TDS effluent water Concentration of salt-containing organic and inorganic solutions Crystallization by evaporation Sludge drying to produce solids that are easily disposed of Treatment of large amounts of industrial waste water using steam economy Drytech Engineering System is Exporter of Multi Effect Evaporators in Namibia and various locations like Windhoek, Rehoboth, Otjiwarongo, Ondangwa, Swakopmund, Oshakati, Katima Mulilo, Rundu, Okahandja, Luderitz, Oranjemund, Gobabis, Karasburg, Helao Nafidi. We encourage you to contact with our devoted team for a better understanding of our products and meaningful discussions. Read the full article
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karrelhamutenya · 1 year ago
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southafricatribune · 1 year ago
24-Hour operation of Katima Mulilo Border Post launched
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travel-addicted · 5 years ago
Tra l’Angola e il Botswana, una sottilissima striscia di terra appartenente alla Namibia si allunga fino a raggiungere il punto in cui il fiume Kwando, che segna il confine con il Botswana, si getta nello Zambezi, che la separa dall’Angola, a pochi chilometri dal confine con lo Zimbabwe. Una lingua di territorio lunga 450 chilometri e spessa solo 30, insanguinata per tutta la seconda metà degli anni Novanta dallo scontro tra il governo namibiano e i separatisti della Caprivi Liberation Army. Dopo  anni di atrocità, distruzione delle sue ricchezze naturali e bracconaggio, gli animali stanno tornando a popolare i parchi del Caprivi, insieme a qualche turista. Noi l’abbiamo percorsa da est a ovest, attraversando i parchi naturali ancora poco frequentati dagli stranieri e tagliati dalla statale B8, che collega Katima Mulilo a Rundu.
Un viaggio in autobus durato un’intera giornata ci ha portati da Victoria Falls a Katima, attraverso la regione settentrionale del Botswana. Più di otto ore, tra controlli sanitari, disinfezione delle suole delle scarpe e acquisizione di impronte digitali a ogni confine.
Katima Mulilo è la prima città che si incontra entrando in Namibia dal Botswana settentrionale: un avamposto di circa 30.000 abitanti, la città più lontana dalla capitale Windhoek. Qui è dove abbiamo ritirato la nostra auto a noleggio, una piccola Toyota Etios che ci ha accompagnati fino a Cape Town. Lungo la strada principale di Katima, si possono acquistare generi di prima necessità e il carburante necessario per proseguire fino a Rundu. Dopo le 18, gli unici luoghi per mangiare qualcosa sono i negozi dei distributori di benzina o i fast food annessi. Impossibile però pagare in dollari o con carta di credito straniera: essendo riusciti a cambiare circa 5 dollari in moneta locale grazie alla gentilezza della gerente della guest-house dove abbiamo alloggiato, siamo riusciti ad acquistare da bere e qualche snack per dormire a pancia piena.
Riposati e rifocillati, la mattina del nostro primo giorno in Namibia siamo partiti in direzione ovest. Nel giro di pochi chilometri, ci stiamo ritrovati da soli lungo la statale B8, un parco nazionale dietro l’altro, tra elefanti che ci hanno attraversato la strada e villaggi di capanne apparentemente disabitati.
Le nuvole di sabbia sollevate dai branchi di pachidermi, la boscaglia secca ai lati della strada e i rari alberi verdi, sinonimo di acqua nel sottosuolo, sono uno spettacolo che rivedo davanti a me chiudendo gli occhi. Seguiamo la C49 e poi la B8, attraversando il Wuparo Conservancy ed entrando nel Mudumu National Park, una delle aree più ricche di fauna fino agli anni Ottanta, quando divenne una concessione di caccia non ufficiale e gli animali furono decimati.
All’interno del parco di può visitare il bellissimo villaggio-museo di Lizauli, fondato a poca distanza dall’abitato per far conoscere ai viaggiatori gli stili di vita tradizionali del Caprivi. Le guide locali forniscono informazioni sull’alimentazione, i metodi di pesca, caccia e allevamento, l’organizzazione sociale e politica dei villaggi, l’artigianato, la medicina tradizionale, i giochi e la musica. E’ stata l’occasione perfetta per toccare con mano le usanze di una delle tante tribù namibiane, dagli stili di vita estremamente diversi l’una dall’altra.
I Kaprivian sono circa 80.000, divisi in cinque tribù: i Lozi, i Mafwe, i Subia, gli Yei e i Mbukushu. Agricoltura di sussistenza, pesca e allevamento di bestiame ne garantiscono la sopravvivenza. La lingua franca di questi popoli è un idioma derivato dal lozi, tribù che controllava tutta l’area fino al XIX secolo. Grazie proprio alla visita guidata al museo abbiamo scoperto che per allontanare gli animali feroci utilizzano una frusta che, picchiata a terra, produce un suono simile ad uno sparo. Una sorta di slitta in legno trainata da buoi è usata per i trasporti, mentre per proteggere il cibo conservato in ampie ceste costruiscono trappole per topi con la terra dei termitai e per difendere i polli dai predatori, durante la notte, li chiudono in piccole gabbie rialzate. La calabash, in italiano “zucca a fiasco”, è il recipiente usato per il trasporto dell’acqua e per la conservazione del latte, che al suo interno è fatto diventare acido, per poi impiegarlo nella preparazione del porridge. La musica dello xilofono è tipica delle grandi festività, quando tutto il villaggio partecipa alle celebrazioni e si cucinano cibi in grande quantità. Si mescola ai canti e al suono prodotto dalle gonne fatte in legno delle danzatrici.
Parte del progetto del museo è anche la vendita di prodotti artigianali, i cui proventi contribuiscono al sostentamento della comunità e alla tutela della fauna contro il bracconaggio, una piaga che ha afflitto (e ancora oggi continua) tutti i parchi della regione.
E’ solo dopo il cessate il fuoco del 2002 che il Bwabwata è stato dichiarato parco nazionale e i bracconieri non hanno più potuto sfruttare liberamente le risorse di quest’area. La Mahango Game Reserve, una riserva naturale che occupa solo 25 chilometri quadrati di superficie, è un paradiso per gli amanti della savana e degli animali. Senza la necessità di disporre di un fuoristrada, la si può visitare con calma in mezza giornata: il Circular Drive Loop è lungo 20 chilometri e permette di osservare facilmente la ricchissima fauna selvatica.
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Nei pressi di Bagani il fiume Okavango forma una serie di piccole cascate: le Popa Falls, poco più che delle rapide, soprattutto dopo aver assistito allo spettacolo delle Victoria Falls. Un’occasione però per avvistare i coccodrilli che popolano le acque del fiume.
La notte trascorsa sulle sponde dell’Okavango è stata una delle più particolari e allo stesso tempo stancanti che abbia vissuto. Le piazzole del Ngepi Camp si trovano proprio sulle sponde del fiume, pochi metri più in alto di dove sguazzano gli ippopotami. Si è immersi nel bush, i bagni solo all’aria aperta e alle 22 l’elettricità smette di esistere anche nella zona del bar. Ci si riconcilia con i suoni della natura, che tra barriti di elefanti e ruggiti di ippopotami è riuscita anche a farmi temere per qualche ora (esagerando, se ci ripenso) che avremmo potuto morire schiacciati dai pachidermi e nessuno l’avrebbe saputo per molto tempo, dato che anche le comunicazioni sono state pressoché impossibile nei giorni trascorsi nel Kaprivi.
Ma, a ripensarci, è stata un’esperienza preziosa, forse sarà l’unica della mia vita. Svegliarsi all’alba con il canto degli uccelli (anche i grandi animali a una certa ora erano andati a dormire e mi avevano lasciata assopire) e vedere il fiume Okavango, non ha prezzo!
• Welcome to paradise •
Informazioni pratiche:
I parchi e le riserve sono generalmente aperte dall’alba al tramonto. All’ingresso e all’uscita, è necessario registrare i propri dati e pagare una piccola somma di denaro.
Il villaggio-museo di Lizauli non ha orari fissi. Per raggiungerlo, però, si passa davanti all’abitato: quando le guide vedono sopraggiungere dei viaggiatori, arrivano letteralmente di corsa ad accogliervi. Il prezzo dell’ingresso è pari a 40 NAD e i prodotti artigianali in vendita sono splendidi, anche se leggermente più cari che in altre aree, ma sono con certezza costruiti al villaggio e non importati. Inoltre, trovare altri negozi dove acquistare i manufatti tipici del Caprivi è molto difficile: lasciando la regione anche l’artigianato cambia foggia e di villaggi dove “fare shopping” non ce ne sono lungo la strada.
Per raggiungere le Popa Falls è necessario accedere al Popa Falls Resort e pagare il biglietto d’ingresso.
Per avere più informazioni sul camping: http://www.ngepicamp.com. Sulle sponde del fiume, comunque, ce ne sono una decina tra cui scegliere, compresi lodge di lusso.
Caprivi Strip: la rinascita di una ragione contesa Tra l'Angola e il Botswana, una sottilissima striscia di terra appartenente alla Namibia si allunga fino a raggiungere il punto in cui il fiume Kwando, che segna il confine con il Botswana, si getta nello Zambezi, che la separa dall'Angola, a pochi chilometri dal confine con lo Zimbabwe.
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unitedmachinerytraining · 5 years ago
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Diesel Mechanic Course Rundu. 4 Weeks of Training in Rundu - R 12000. Contact +27794485077. Free Accommodation, No qualifications needed. Diesel Mechanic Course Rundu. 4 Weeks of Training in Rundu - R 12000. Contact +27794485077. Free Accommodation, No qualifications needed. Address; 32 Bell Street, Caltex Building, Office No.G14, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga, South Africa. Website:
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logi1974 · 1 month ago
Namibia, Botswana, Simbabwe 2024/25 - Tag 17
Herrschaften und Oukies!
Wir krabbeln aus dem Bett und nach dem morgendlichen Badbesuch beginnt wieder die übliche Routine: Klamotten einpacken.
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Vor dem Frühstück wird wieder alles ins Auto verstaut. Um 8.30 Uhr gehen wir frühstücken. Der Kellner Goliath, der uns gestern Abend schon bediente, versucht uns, nachdem er feststellte, dass wir heute fahren, ein Gespräch aufzuzwingen.
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Im Anschluss packen wir den Rest unserer Sachen ein und gehen an die Rezeption zum Auschecken. Nachdem die Rechnung bezahlt wurde, fahren wir um 9.45 Uhr los.
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Wir verlassen wir Namushasha und fahren zurück, bis zu dem Abschnitt, wo der Kwando den Caprivi-Streifen in Nord-Süd-Richtung kreuzt.
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Der Kwando River ist ca. 1.500 Kilometer lang, entspringt im angolanischen Hochland (unter dem Namen Cuando / Kuando), bildet dann die Grenze zwischen Angola und Sambia, quert dann hier den namibischen Caprivi-Zipfel von Nord nach Süd, biegt nach Osten ab und stellt dann die Grenze zu Botswana dar.
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Er bildet dann das Binnendelta der Linyati-Sümpfe (die bei starkem Hochwasser mit dem Okawango-Delta verbunden sind).
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Da wir uns nun von Westen nach Südosten bewegen und statt erneut die Hauptstraße B8 zur Abwechslung die südlicher gelegene C49 nehmen, können wir die B 8 umgehen.
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Wir passieren den Mudumu Nationalpark und sehen auch noch etwas von der Linyati Gegend.
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Im weiteren Verlauf biegt sich die C 49 hufeisenförmig wieder nach Nord-Osten, in Richtung Katima Mulilo. Doch bevor es dazu kommt, biegen wir in einer Rechts-Links-Kombination an der Siedlung Malubasi, auf die Schotterpiste, ab.
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Am Malubasi Restcamp noch einmal rechts abgebogen und dann 6 Kilometer immer geradeaus, führt uns dieser Shortcut direkt wieder auf die B 8 in Richtung Ngoma Bridge.
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Doch vor dem Grenzübertritt steht noch einmal tanken an und dazu halten wir an der Shell Service Station Bukalo. Die Reifen werden ebenfalls noch einmal geprüft.
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Nach 230 Kilometern ist der namibische Kontrollposten vor der Ngoma Bridge und dem Chobe River erreicht. Auto parken und alle Insassen, samt ihren Reisepässen, müssen ins Gebäude.
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Zum Glück hatten wir die Ausreiseformulare bereits vorher ausgefüllt, so können wir das Prozedere etwas abkürzen. Heute nehmen es die namibischen Grenzbeamten besonders genau und wollen alle Daten des Autos (Chassis-, Engine-Nr. usw.) in eine Liste eingetragen haben.
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Kontrolliert wird dies aber nicht. Hätten wir hier „Pipi Langstrumpf“ reingeschrieben, wäre das auch nicht aufgefallen.
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Es ist voll und laut. Wir sind froh, dass wir durch sind und vergessen, vor lauter froh sein, die Pässe zu kontrollieren. Das wird uns später, am Grenzposten in Botswana noch zum Verhängnis.
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Alle wieder ins Auto einsteigen und los geht die Fahrt über die Ngoma Brücke, über den Chobe River oder was davon aktuell noch übrig ist - und das ist nicht besonders viel. Im Grunde nur ein paar kleine Tümpel - von einem Fluss kann überhaupt nicht die Rede sein.
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Wir erfahren dieses Mal warum die Ngoma-Bridge so heißt. Ngoma ist der Tabakbehälter eines Häuptlings, den er bei einem Ausflug auf die andere Flußseite liegenließ. Er schickte einen Untergebenen zurück um ihn zu holen. Seitdem heißen Grenzübergang und Brücke so.
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Jetzt kam die Einreise nach Botswana. Die war etwas tricky. Man wird von einer „Animal Desease Control‘ per Handzeichen angewiesen durch die Güllegrube (Desinfektionsbad) zu fahren.
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Anschließend müssen alle Autoinsassen auf einen feuchten dreckigen (und wahrscheinlich seit Jahren genutzten) Lappen trampeln, der am Straßenrand in einer flachen Schale vor sich hin gammelt.
Außerdem braucht jeder ein zweites Paar Schuhe, als Ablenkungsmanöver, zum desinfizieren, egal was für welche.  Zum Glück war uns das im Vorfeld bekannt und wir halten dann immer die Badelatschen parat, weil man die hinterher einfach in die Dusche schmeißen kann.
Beim zweiten Paar Schuhe hat es ausgereicht, es kurz auf die Seuchenmatte zu stellen. Es wäre wirklich kein Spaß gewesen, wenn wir vor Ort alle Schuhe aus unseren Koffern hätten kramen müssen. 
Jetzt noch die Frage „you have fresh meat with you“ und "some fruits or vegetables" oder auch "firewood"– dann alle wieder einsteigen und weiterfahren.
Während also die Autos mehr oder weniger sinnvoll gleich mehrfach kontrolliert werden, können die Herden an Ziegen, Rindern und Esel der Einheimischen wenige Meter neben der Straße völlig unbehelligt in alle Richtungen wechseln. Wer überträgt eigentlich die Maul- und Klauenseuche? Vermutlich die Touristen!
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Am eigentlichen Grenzposten müssen wieder alle Passagiere aussteigen.
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Dort angekommen wartet keine lange Schlange auf uns. Puh Glück gehabt, denken wir. Jetzt folgt die eigentliche Einreise nach Botswana für Menschen und Fahrzeuge.
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Ja, Pustekuchen! Ausgerechnet der Pass meiner Mutter wird beanstandet. Die Tussi … ähm, ich meine natürlich die Grenzbeamtin, von Namibia hat doch tatsächlich den Ausreisestempel vergessen.
Also, muss Michael mit meiner Mutter noch einmal zurück nach Namibia. Ich "darf" da bleiben, da ich ja schon mit den Formalitäten durch bin, bedeutet uns die, sich schamlos in der Nase popelnde, Beamtin.
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Nach der geglückten Einreise durchquerten wir den Chobe-Park auf der Transitstrecke.
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Halt, da war noch etwas! Rund 500 Meter hinter der Grenze beginnt der Chobe-NP.
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Also, aussteigen, Fahrzeugdaten eintragen, .... Man entwickelt eine gewisse Routine. 
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Auf unserer Fahrt über die Transitstrecke entdecken wir doch tatsächlich ein Paar Hornraben. Was für ein Sichtungsglück, insbesondere da diese Tiere so selten geworden sind, dass sie im Krüger NP auf der Gefährdungsliste stehen.
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Und wo man sich eintragen muss, muss man sich natürlich auch wieder austragen - nämlich am Ende der Transitstrecke durch den Chobe, am Sedudu Ngoma Transit Control Gate.
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Nach weiteren 10 Minuten Fahrt erreichen wir unsere Unterkunft für die nächsten 4 Nächte: die Sandpiper Villas Chobe.
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Hier haben wir eines der Familienappartements, direkt unten am Flussufer des Chobes, gebucht.
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Es gibt zwei Schlafzimmer mit Bad en Suite und Balkon, einen schmalen Wohnraum mit anschließender Küche und einen großen Balkon mit Außenküche.
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Soweit so gut, aber hier sieht man wieder die typisch afrikanische Bauweise: überall Spalten, so groß, dass durchaus kleine Schlangen durchkriechen könnten - und der Oberknaller: die Türklinke der Balkontür, die ist, kindersicher, in 2 Meter Höhe angebracht.
Also, Werkzeugkoffer bzw. Tapeband ausgepackt und erst einmal alle Spalten abkleben. Gegen die, in luftiger Höhe angebrachte, Türklinke können wir leider nichts unternehmen.
Lekker Slaap!
Angie, Micha, Mama und der Hasenbär
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roswellroamer · 6 years ago
Mukolo Camp, Namibia to Maramba Lodge, Livingstone, Zambia. About 320km. 4/28/19.
Today we agreed to leave a little later than we wanted to accommodate our lovely Lola that took care of the camp. We hung out outside our tents before 7 since we had gone to bed fairly early the previous night. While we were talking a Mavic 2 drone came overhead and was watching us. The pilot then backed up and flew it right into a tree. It turned out to be other guests at the camp on the "camp" side. When he did the walk of shame to fetch his drone out of the tree and shook it loose, I might've mentioned something about karma. We had a nIce breakfast and left around 10. I gassed up in Divundu since I was down to one bar (our of five) on my gauge and we had about 120km to Katima Mulilo. Straight shot on the tar with one rest stop on the way and Incaught up to the rest of the bikes in short order. To this point there were basically no speed limits nor police enforcing much of anything on the roads. The mich discussed Zambian border crossing was just a few km past Katima and we went through the relatively easy process of exiting Namibia. Just a couple stops, a stamping of our previously acquired foreign vehicle tax receipt and we were off to the Zambian side. We did rise right by a line of trucks maybe half a km long. Some trucks may take days to get across the border. Some things in Africa are just not handled that efficiently. But, we proceeded uneventfully through the Nam exit and into the Zambian side of the border.
The Zambia border crossing was a bit crazy. First a health stop where I showed my yellow paper documenting my immunizations including Yellow Fever. I got a "go" tag from them. Nobody else to my knowledge had one and I think it cost the Aussies about $20 to buy their way through that stop. Then a long line for immigration. I had prepaid this through the surprisingly efficient web portal (I can say this now having navigated an incredibly cumbersome process in person) to the tune of $50. Then the next stop was to pay $20 for some sort of vehicle fee. Can you believe the guy wouldn't even take kwacha (Zambian currency) but demanded US dollars?! He must trade them for money... Then a trip to another office where you trade in the registration paper to a friendly guy who gives some more paper with a stamp. Then back to the office to a customs window. Fill out a ledger. Move to another window. Pay 70 kwacha there. Rod loaned me that as I hadn't changed any money yet. Filled out a very detailed form and got another receipt. Then we though we were done. But nooit! After we left the building we were told we needed to get insurance. The SA guys thought they had bought coverage for Zambia but the authorities here require you to buy a months insurance. It was 522 kwacha. Just over $41 if you were able to exchange at an ATM... With the hordes of local currency traders pestering you every time you leave the building I was able to negotiate 550 kwacha for a $50 bill. Exchange shows 635 is what I should get but not surprisingly the only ATM was out of cash and they don't take credit cards. So this whole process has taken a few hours and about half our group is through as of now. I'm writing this in the building while it is fresh in my mind. A fantastic model of government inefficiency with no legible instructions as to the order or where you should go after you successfully fill out ledgers, forms and pay at each windowed station. Trial and error. Anyway the SA guys knew it would prolly take a while and it most definitely did. About $120 paid out so far just at the captive station. I feel like they are taking maximal advantage of tourists here. Then just when we thought we were done.... we had another guard stop and were told to get off the bikes. Then we were told we had to pay a 30 kwacha fee for the shire (some sort of local tax, I don't think it was related to the Lord of the Rings). Then on the bikes again and to another border stop. AK-47 in hand like many of our stops today. We dismounted and had to provide our papers to be entered into yet another ledger. I'm quite sure they're not gonna be digitized any time soon! Some of the SA guys were truly pissed by this point. Frankly I found it a bit comical. Nothing to do but laugh it off since the inefficiency was just so blatant. All this could have and should have been done at a few windows like the rest of the world. 11 windows/stops and separate forms, ledgers, payments, etc. close to $150 all in.
We then finally proceeded into Zambia. Immediately noticing the density, poor conditions and throngs of people selling things. We stopped just over the Zambezi river bridge at a turn off and had some hydration. We discussed the stricter speed and law enforcement in Zambia as well as the expected poor road conditions on the way to Livingstone. The police bakkie went out with blue lights flashing ahead of us shortly thereafter. However fortunately he want after any of us. In fact we followed him for maybe 40 km or so. Turns out he was responding to a cow that had been hit on the road and had bled out on the road. Lots of people were headed to see what the commotion was as we rode by. We also stopped at a bridge about 50 km into the rough section and a couple guys talked their way into a picture with the local cop, his AK and some other local men on a bridge by a river. The condition of the toad was abhorrent. Potholes on top of potholes fo about 100km of the 200km from the border at Shesheke to Livingstone. Some guys went off the road to ride an impromptu dirt access road the local had created so as to try and save flat tires or worse. At least a few trucks were stopped to repair flats. A few bicycles as well were tending to popped tires on the rough and jagged potholes. We slowed down and tried to zig zag our way through. Luckily we all passed this section without a flat! 🤞 about 15km outside of town we entered a nature preserve and everyone spotted a small herd of small deer on the left. I was sweeping and less than a km after that I looked to my left and couldn't believe I saw a large giraffe munching down on a tee right by the road. I swung around and went over towards him. He was wary of my and moved away a bit. Then I saw another big one off to my left. I took a few shots and a short vid and loved it. As I rode away I saw the rest of the family with a couple smaller adolescents and another adult. We met up at a main intersection in Livingstone and then after some more currency trader heckling we rode the last few km to this beautiful lodge which is just a couple km from Victoria Falls. A troop of monkeys waited for us and scampered across the lawn. Some climbed up a tree and sat over our bikes. But they seemed curious and wary of us. I as has been my habit she's my kit and headed for the pool. Now at least I am keeping my bathing suit on the bike. You know it has been hot when the temp fell to 33°C on the bike and it felt cool or at least cooler. Pool was great and I must've chugged 3 pony sized Cokes with ice from the bar in about 5'. A delicious dinner ensued and I opted for the in-African combo of samosa and spaghetti puttanesca along with a nice house salad. Enjoying my nightcap of Amurula here at the bar now and everyone else went to bed an hour ago. Gotta get some sleep because a big rest day tomorrow is planned. Stay tuned! Kameelperd is Baz' word of the day. It means giraffe in Afrikaans and literally translates to camel horse. 😴
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zirhlikuzgun · 7 months ago
8095-8517.8095-8517.8095-8517.Sean Allison engages a lot of wacky stupid signs
8518.8518.8518.Sean Allison engages those first-ever funny sign bloopers
8519.8519.8519.Sean Allison engages an bad guy at the funny signs
8520.8520.8520.Sean Allison engages the first ever funny sign journey
8521.8521.8521.Sean Allison negotiates those funny signs
8522.8522.8522.Sean Allison engages those first ever party-crashing funny signs
8523.8523.8523.Sean Allison joins in the fun with the funny signs
8524.8524.8524.Sean Allison learns how to do some funny signs
8525.8525.8525.Sean Allison engages some new levels of annoying-sign stupidity
8526.8526.8526.Sean Allison gets annoying with those funny signs
8527.8527.8527.Sean Allison gets more annoying with those funny signs
8528.8528.8528.Sean Allison gets still more annoying with those funny signs
8529.8529.8529.Sean Allison engages some annoying errors
8530.8530.8530.Sean Allison engages those funny signs an highway punnery
8531.8531.8531.Sean Allison plays those rude kids with those funny signs
8532.8532.8532.Sean Allison gets back of the edge of the world with those funny signs
8533.8533.8533.Sean Allison are again getting more annoying with those funny signs
8534.8534.8534.Sean Allison engages more variations on the funny sign theme
8535.8535.8535.Sean Allison are yet again getting much more annoying with those funny signs
8536.8536.8536.Sean Allison engages some special funny-sign offers
8537.8537.8537.Sean Allison pumbed up with those hunchback kids at those funny signs
8538.8538.8538.Sean Allison are going road scholar at those funny signs
8539.8539.8539.Sean Allison goes on the way to Katima Mulilo
8540.8540.8540.Sean Allison doesn’t bounce with those kids at those funny signs
8541.8541.8541.Sean Allison engages an funny-sign journey to the center of the world
8542.8542.8542.Sean Allison needs to be hazardous to that health with those funny signs
8543.8543.8543.Sean Allison gets the first-ever funny-sign attitude
8544.8544.8544.Sean Allison doesn't know how to watch every way for what a funny-sign can handle
8545.8545.8545.Sean Allison engages some rude crooks with those funny signs
8546.8546.8546.Sean Allison gets snarled ridiculous with those funny signs
8547.8547.8547.Sean Allison gets an funny-sign attitude
8548.8548.8548.Sean Allison stirs every which way, but the right way for what kinda funny sign
8549.8549.8549.Sean Allison lets the resistance get futile like an funny signs
8550.8550.8550.Sean Allison gets surrounded by funny-sign crooks
8551.8551.8551.Sean Allison gets bullied up by those funny-sign crooks
8552.8552.8552.Sean Allison engages those rude party-crashing funny signs
8553.8553.8553.Sean Allison engages an funny-sign parody
8554.8554.8554.Whatever Sean Allison does, he won’t mess with those funny signs
8555.8555.8555.Sean Allison gets KO’d by those funny-sign bandits
8556.8556.8556.Sean Allison engaegs more party-crashing funny signs
8557.8557.8557.Sean Allison’s funny sign chaos
8558.8558.8558.Sean Allison goes “apocalyptic-WOW!”
8559.8559.8559.Sean Allison goes wrong about funny signs
8560.8560.8560.Sean Allison gets knocked down by those funny signs
8561.8561.8561.Sean Allison gets bewared of some accidents that will happen with those funny signs
8562.8562.8562.Sean Allison gets tough of being difficult to replace limbs
8563.8563.8563.Sean Allison walks an hard road to Easy Street
8564.8564.8564.Sean Allison engages an unnecessary funny-sign sequel
8565.8565.8565.Sean Allison misspells/miscounts those funny signs
8566.8566.8566.Sean Allison nak’d that light at those funny signs
0 notes
muzinanturealestate · 2 years ago
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Fully Functional 3 Storey Lodge For Sale In Olympia Along Katima Mulilo Road With Fully Furnished 24 Spacious Self Contained Rooms, State Of The Art Casino, Gym, Restaurant, Bar, Control Room / Camera Room, Reception, Roof Top Swimming Pool Provision And Many more At $1.3m usd It Is Currently Operational And At It’s Peak In Business. Call 0776154190 0962468627 if interested https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn1eaxrLudR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
istorystream · 2 years ago
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SCOK (at Katima Mulilo,Namibia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiHO4bOMVAE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
wilsonchifike · 3 years ago
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So, having crossed many borders over the past year, my beautiful wife @tabeaboye & I took off for #zimbabwe .. having undergone multiple PCR tests (which all tested -ve) I tested positive for this Sars / Covid - 19 virus. Admittedly I was unwell at some point last week but as the weekend approached I actually felt better. The staff at Katima Mulilo’s state quarantine facility actually wanted me to test tomorrow or on Friday .. but I insisted on a test today which came out -ve 🪅🎊🎉👏🏾🍾🥂 .. So .. we will be on the road again tomorrow morning #roadtripping #overlanding #africatravel #wilsonchifike #wilsonandtabea .. thank you all for the messages of support .. & a #specialthankyou to my #wife #partner #bestfriend @tabeaboye #MrsChifike ❤️❤️ for being with me all the way .. (at Caprivi Houseboat Safari Lodge) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXgsEGaj_E7UEUYlZiCmqhNAAc31UezxMcqjUc0/?utm_medium=tumblr
0 notes