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Kwando by Reine [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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Kwando River - Namibia - Afternoon
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ASSESS: Blogpost 2 - Street Art
Namibia's roadways are surrounded by wildlife, which has caused a variety of animal road signs to arise to warn vehicles about the state of the roads.
For example, the wild dog warning road sign appears in the Core Area of Kwando in Bwatbwata National Park.
Many African elephant warning road signs are also present in Khaudum National Park, the most frequented area for elephants.
Additionally, there are road signs of the African Endemic Warthog, which can be seen on most of Namibia's roadways. On the Otjiwarongo to Okakarara route, however, are the most warthogs and warthog road signs to be seen.
These road signs are frequently used to urge drivers to slow down and notify them of the presence of wildlife on the road. This is to avoid reckless driving that might result in a collision that harms or kills wild animals. But tourists interpret these signs differently. These markers indicate the existence of wildlife as well. Visitors who travel these routes solo or in a group may encounter Africa's distinctive wildlife. throughout times of drought, warthogs can be seen unexpectedly crossing highways, while throughout the summer, migratory bird flocks can be seen. Namibia is characterized and branded as being wild, natural, and free thanks to these distinctive African wildlife and road signage.
A particular feature of Namibia is the signage. Although these signposts are not recognized as areas for tourism, I consider them to be one of Namibia's distinctive features. Only in Namibia can you witness this many wild animals on the highways. Man and the environment can coexist together here.
Chapman, A. (2023, May 15). African wild dog warning sign, Namibia. Flickr. https://www.flickr.com/photos/arthur_chapman/42230199240
Heinrich , D. (2019). Caution – animals on the road. Namibia & Botswana Safaris. https://namibian.org/news/nature-and-environment/animals-on-the-road
Tracks4Africa. (2022, November 23). Africa’s Animal Road signs. Tracks4Africa Blog. https://blog.tracks4africa.co.za/africas-animal-road-signs/
Images References
Chapman, A. (2023, May 15). African wild dog warning sign, Namibia. Flickr. https://www.flickr.com/photos/arthur_chapman/42230199240
Jane, & Jane. (2010, June 16). Warthogs-Nature’s Ugliest Piggies. Wilkinson’s world. https://www.wilkinsonsworld.com/tag/warthogs/
Tracks4Africa. (2022, November 23). AFRICA’S ANIMAL ROAD SIGNS [web log]. Retrieved March 2023, from https://blog.tracks4africa.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/JEWEL-elephant-road-sign-Khaudum.jpg.
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Ekonomie: Di Angolese ekonomie, wat gedurende die oorlog.
In Latynse ons _hoek_ die wording van ons mannetjies om dan mens te wees moet ons groei: dit word gedefinieer deur die woord: angola. word en groei en homself. Eocono. Angola; van 1975 tot 1976 byna incengestort het, het uiters stadig herstel weem gebrek aan beplanning en organisasie, 'n groot gebrek aan peskoolde arbeiders en die probleme met die herstel en Instandhouding van die vervoerstelsel, Ru-olic is die hoofbron sun nasionale inkomite, met waardevolle
neerslae van petroleum in die see naby Luanda en Cabinda.
Diamante word op groot skaal ontgin en maak een van die land se
belangrikste bronne van uitvoer uit.
Sowat 85 persent van die bevolking is werksaam in die landbou, maar slegs sowat 3.5 persent van die land word bewerk. Seden onafhanklikheid is die landbou gereorganiseer deur die skepping van groot staatsplase en kleiner koöperatiewe boerderye. Die vernaamste uitvoer-oeste is koffie en sisal. Katoen, mielies, suiker en piesangs word ook verbou en beeste, skape en varke word geteel Angola het ruim bronne vir die opwekking van hidroelektrisiteit, en verskeie belangrike aanlegte is reeds in werking
o Maputo, die eertyde Lourenço Mar
Nadar Portugese seesaarders en ontdekkingsreisigers in die 15de eeu die onbekende van Afrika oopgestel het, is oral handelsposte gestig Toe Portugal se invloed as handsismoondheid later gekwyn het, het baie van hierdie poste verlore gegaan, maar op drie plekke het die Portugest hul invloed geleidelik dieper die binneland in uitgebrei, en beheer verkry oor Angola en Mosambiek en ook oor 'n klein gebied aan die Guinee-kus van Wes Afrika. Toc byna al die Europese kolonies in Afrika in die sestigerjare onafhanklik geword het, het Portugal aan sy Afrika-besittings vasgeklou en hardnekkige militie weerstand gebied teen guerrilla-bewegings wat 'n einde aan sy bewind in al drie die gehiede wou maak. In April 1974 is die Portugese regering egter in 'n staatsgreep vergewerp en deur 'nnuwe bewind vervang. Daarna het die land sy koloniale beleid heeltemal verander en hom kort daarna aan al drie sy Afrika- gehede onttrek Veral Angola is daardeur in groot chaos gedompel
Angola, in die suidwestelike deel van Afrika, het 'n Atlantiese kuslyn van 1 650 km en 'n totale oppervlakte van 1346 700 km, wat die Cabinda-enklave (2270 km) insluit. Cabinda noord van die Kongo (Zaire) rivier en word begrens deur die Volksrepublick van die Kongo in die noorde en Zaire in die ooste en suide. Suid van die Kongorivier strek Angola tot by die Kunene-rivier en word begrens deur Zaire in die noorde en ooste, Zambit in die suidooste en Namibie die suide, Fisiografie: Angola kan verdeel word in die kusvlakte en die binnelandse tafellande of
plato's Die hoofplato is die planalto central, wat tussen 100 en 1 400 m bokant seevlak it en 60 persent van Angola se totale oppervlakte uitmaak Die belangrikste riviere sluit in die Kwanza, wat naby die hoofstad Luanda in die Atlantiese Oseaan vloei, die Kwando en die Kubango, wat suidwaarts in die Okavango- moeras in Botswana vloei, en die Kunene, wat suidwaarts vloei tot by die Ruacana- waterval, waar dit wes draai en die grens met Namibie vorm voordat dit die Atlantiese Oseaan bereik. Die Kasai, een van die grootste takriviere van die Kongo, en die Zambezi
intspring op die sentrale plato en vloei noordwaarts en suidwaarts onderskeidelik. Angola se tropiese klimaat het twee duidelike seisoene 'n warm, nat somer en 'n gematigde winter. Die is laag, veral in die suide waar die uitwerking van die koue Bengurla-seestroom gevoel word. Hier kan jaarliks so min as 50 mm gemeet word. In die suide is die Kunene die enigste standhoudende rivier. gebied met die hoogste eval is die Mayombe-woud in Cabinda, met ongeveer 1800 mm jaarliks.
In die noorde bestaan die plantegroei uit digte woude wat Angolese mahonie in- slait, suidwaarts tot by Benguela word wortelbome en oliepalms langs die kus aangetret, en verder suidwaarts is daar gebiede met digte doringruigtes en -bome kom algemeen voor en katoen en koffie is inheems.
Stede: Luanda (bevolking 500 000, metropolitaanse gebied 1 200 000) is die hoofstad an Angola en die land se tweede bedrywigste hawe. Dit is in 1576 deur die destydse goewerneur, Paulo Dias de Novais, gestig. Die staatsbeheerde Universiteit van Angola is in Luanda, terwyl die stad ook 's internasionale lughawe het en per spoor met Quela in die binneland verbind is.
Mosambiek, 'n langwerpige land met 'n oppervlakte van 799 380 km, is geleë aan die suidooskus van Afrika, en het 'n kuslyn van 2470 km aan die Indiese Oseaan. In die ooste skei die Mosambiek- kanaal dit van die eiland Madagaskar. Die land word in die noorde deur Tanzanie begrens, in die weste deur Malawi. Zambie, Zimbabwe en Suid-Afrika (Transvaal) en in die suide deur Swaziland en Suid-Afrika (Natal).
Fisiografie: 'n Groot deel van Mosambiek is 'n kusvlakte, en byna die helfte le laer as 230 m. In die sentrale en noordelike dele styg die land tot so hoog as 600 m, en verder weswaarts nog hoer tot tussen 1750 en 2207 m.
Die belangrikste rivier is die Zambezi, Suid daarvandaan is die land hoofsaaklik vlakte met 'n sanderige en moerasagtige kus noordwaarts is dit hoër en ruwer met rotsagtige klowe en landpunte langs kus. Onder die ander belangrike riviere wat almal van wes na oos vloei, is die Rovuma, Save en Limpopo. Delagoabaai in die verre suide en Nacala in die noorde is die beste natuurlike hawes aan die kus van Oos-Afrika.
Die klimaat is oorwegend hoëvelds. Droogtes en lae reënval kom algemeen voor, veral in die suide, en baie vog gaan verlore deur verdamping. Mosambiek het warm, betreklik nat somers en droë. gematigde winters (laasgenoemde gedeeltelik veroorsaak deur die
warm Mosambiek-scestroom). Die plantegroei is meestal tropiese woude en savanne. Langs die kus word kokos- en dadelpalms gevind, en verder binnelands ebbe hout-, mopanie- en kremetartbome. Wortelboommoerasse kom
langs die kus voor. Stede: Maputo (bevolking 760 000) in Delagoabaai is die hoof-
Huambo (61 885) is in 1912 gratig en is 'n vervoersentrum met een van Afrika se grote spoorwegwerkplase Lobito (59 528), 'n natuurlike hawe, is in 1843 aangel. Dit Angola se besigte hawe en word deur die Benguela-spoorweg met Zaire verbind skepe ss boumateriaal word hier vervaardig
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Worn by Bonnie Bennett on the Vampire Diaries on season 6 episode 2
Somedays Lovin Kwando tie-dye dress
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It's all about sustainability for us @bettersafaris and that's especially true for African Painted Dogs, with their numbers as few as 7,000. But there's hope through fantastic conservation efforts and sustainable travel initiatives.
Book your dream safari today for 2023/2024.
Contact us: 📧 [email protected]
📍 Lebala Camp, Kwando Private Reserve
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Nkasa Lupala tented lodge is built on the banks of one of the many channels of the Kwando-Linyanti river system. This unique Namibian wetland paradise in the Zambezi Region (Caprivi), is commonly known as Mamili and was recently renamed Nkasa Lupala National Park. The lodge and the Wuparo conservancy are part of the successful and award winning Namibian conservancy program. At Nkasa Lupala Tented Lodge be ready to experience a true sustainable holiday. Nkasa Lupala Tented Lodge is a joint venture between the private sector and the Wuparo Conservancy that is part of the successful and award winning Namibian conservancies program followed by IRDNC and WWF.
Die Zelt-Lodge Nkasa Lupala liegt am Ufer eines der vielen Kanäle des Flusssystems Kwando-Linyanti. Dieses einzigartige namibische Feuchtgebietsparadies in der Sambesi-Region (Caprivi) ist allgemein als Mamili bekannt und wurde in Nkasa Lupala National Park umbenannt. Die Lodge und das Wuparo-Schutzgebiet sind Teil des erfolgreichen und preisgekrönten namibischen Schutzprogramms. In der Nkasa Lupala Tented Lodge können Gäste einen wirklich nachhaltigen Urlaub erleben. Die Nkasa Lupala Tented Lodge ist ein Joint Venture zwischen dem Privatsektor und der Wuparo Conservancy, das Teil des erfolgreichen und preisgekrönten namibischen Konservierungsprogramms ist, gefolgt von IRDNC und WWF.
#Nkasa Lupala Tented Lodge#Nkasa Lupala National Park#Kwando#Linyanti#Mamili#Sambesi Region#Caprivi Streifen#caprivi strip#caprivi stripe#Caprivi#Namibia#Afrika#Africa
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Okavango Lion Daddy DayCare! Running the gauntlet of six cubs taking turns to attack! Enjoy this brilliant capture by #wildographer @garytankard_photography during a recent trip to Botswana ・・・ Instafollow @garytankard_photography for regular updates and enquire about prints. * #Wildography #Funnywildlife #wildlifephotography #wildlife #lioncub #botswana #okavangodelta #okavango #kwandosafaris #kwando #kwara #wilderness #safari #bigcatsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp9NzLYA0Cy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=65hxs3ft8ias
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Africa, At Last!, Pt. 3: Wrapping Up Our Safari And Back To Cape Town
Africa, At Last!, Pt. 3: Wrapping Up Our Safari And Back To Cape Town
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THE NEW CHEETAH BOYS OF KWANDO by BeenaBalasubramaniam http://ift.tt/2gXkfNF
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Kwando River - Namibia - Morning
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Kids by Thomas Retterath wanna play Lions in the Linyanti swamps Botswana Happiness is a way of travel, not a destination. follow me on instagram my pictures on sale join my facebook group All rights reserved. © Thomas Retterath 2019 https://flic.kr/p/2jaNaTm
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Camp Review | Kwando Splash Camp
The latest addition to Kwando Safaris’ accommodation portfolio is Kwando Splash Camp, recently opened as of June 2018.
Set along the edges of the Okavango Delta’s unique labyrinth of waterways, Splash Camp offers up one of the most superb wildlife destinations in the region. Bordering the Moremi Game Reserve and located within the private Kwara Reserve, Splash Camp was the inevitable result of demand for an authentic Botswana safari. The ten ensuite tents sleep six to ten guests, with two family rooms available. There are also no age limitations for children joining their parents on safari, adding the warm and friendly atmosphere of Splash Camp.
Comfortable and modern interiors contrast against the remote and untamed surrounds, offering guests all the comforts of a home-away-from-home yet with a veritable sense of being in the African wilderness. In addition, Splash Camp offers a communal lounge, plunge pool, curio shop and outside dining close to a burning campfire, wonderful on chilly mornings before your daily game drives. Observe passing wildlife as they sip from the ideally positioned water hole.
From August to September, guests and avid birders have access to the Gcodikwe Heronary, a hub of water birds such as storks, ibises, egrets and much more.
The draw card for a stay at Splash Camp must surely be the abundant wildlife in the area. With rare and endangered mammals such as the African wild dog, the red lechwe, sitatunga and big cat predators such as leopards, cheetah and lion at almost every turn, you’ll not want for a thrilling wildlife experience at Splash Camp. Off-road game drives and highly skilled field guides and trackers ensure that you’ll get up close and personal with Africa’s greatest, whether from the water or on land.
Our rating:
Luxury level: 4/5
Malaria-free: No
Wildlife highlights: Elephants, wild dog, lions, leopard, cheetah, sitatunga, lechwe and if you’re lucky; white rhino
Activities: Boat cruises, walking safaris, day and night off-road game drives, quintessential mokoro trips, fishing, birding
Best time to go:
Game viewing: June to October
Birdwatching: September to November
Fishing: March to December
Photography: November to March
Type of travellers: Group safaris, family travel, birders and photographers
What guests had to say:
Fabulous experience
“I spent four days at Splash Camp in July this year. The lodge had been newly renovated and the accommodation was outstanding. The staff in all areas were warm and engaging especially our safari guides Gee and Gom. Thanks to their knowledge and expertise on our first day we were treated to a cheetah sighting, lions, leopard in a tree and a honey badger! Splash is a truly wonderful experience!”
You have to go, it's amazing
If you want amazing wildlife encounters, gourmet meals, new and extremely well-kept "tents"...then you'll definitely want to stay at Splash camp. Every staff member absolutely loves what they do, and the service is impeccable from every angle. If you're thinking about coming to Splash camp, it's probably for the wildlife. You won't be disappointed. In just 3 days my family and I saw monkeys, elephants, giraffes, zebra, impala, leopards, a cheetah, a pack of rare and endangered wild dogs (with 12 pups! We even got to see them nursing!), crocodiles, hippos, a hyena, several jackals, and more varieties of birds than I can list here.”
Wonderful time
“Amazing time at Splash and Lebala. High praise for both guides Poster and Tom who were knowledgeable and personable. We saw a pride of 9 lions, lion cubs, a huge diversity of birdlife, cheetah and a hyena on a kill. Beautiful camps with great service. Thank you.”
Contact us for more information about staying at Kwando Splash Camp on your safari in Botswana.
#botswana safari#safari in botswana#safari#africa#botswana#kwando splash camp#botswana accommodation#accommodation in botswana#travel#travel africa#discover africa safaris#discover africa#camp review#accommodation review#wildlife in botswana
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Why do people claim that ATLA was almost a masterpiece? I literally only knew it existed because of the movie since someone I knew said the actors did tae kwando, which I was doing back then. I watched two times and it didn't really bring me any sensation, it was just a series. I doubt any real masterpiece or perfection exist.
I cannot speak for everyone, but for me, it's a near masterpiece as it comes close to a perfect balance of everything an ideal adventure show needs, at least in my personal views and tastes.
The right amount of comedy, the right amount of worldbuilding, good action, nice attention to details, likable characters, solid animation (especially s2 and onwards), and when they hit those emotional moments, they hit them hard.
Tales of Ba Sing Se with Iroh's mini ep.
And Zuko's apology to Iroh; I just start bawling.
This show also really touched on some dark and complex themes that, at the time, you didn't see a whole lot, particularly with war and how it's not all so black and white. How not one nation is pure evil, it's not that simple. People are people, no matter where they come from.
And for the most part, they offer really good lessons and good examples.
I like Katara choosing to not forgive her mother's murderer.
I like the time Aang spent with Pathik, the lessons he was learning from him.
And Zuko's whole arc, there is a reason why it is mentioned as the ideal redemption arc.
In my eyes, it is closest to a perfect show to exist; with romance being the ONLY thing to bring it down (unless you like the canon ships and are satisfied with how they were handled).
I'm sorry it didn't suck you in as I love it. It's an easy show for me to recommend to anyone.
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Acronix and/or Skales?
Acronix Headcanons
He's a fairly popular Chirper account when he's not trying to take over Ninjago. People like his sense of humor and his "stories."
When he and Krux were younger, they always argued about whose powers were better and more effective. This may or may not have led to some small time shenanigans.
He spends quite a bit of time maintaining his hair. Like, an obsessive amount. He's proud of his hair and screw anyone that might touch it.
He and Krux have very curly hair.
He really doesn't like bunnies.
Skales Headcanons
When he was second-in-command of the Hypnobrai, he and the general were actually very close. Their relationship was very father/son like, with the general being the one to teach him Fang-kwando.
He sometimes misses having his legs because they were so much more effective than his tail when it came to fighting.
Him and his wife are teaching Skales JR to lead the Serpentine with honor and dignity. And with with style.
Someone once compared his voice to Chen's and they were promptly kicked out the gang.
Him and the Fangpyre general were volleyball KINGS, back in the day. They were definitely those friends where people were constantly asking if they were together or just really close (they weren't together, just super affectionate because shut up).
#skales ninjago#skales#skales jr#ninjago acronix#acronix#krux and acronix#krux Ninjago#headcanon game#breathless speaks
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