#Sam Nujoma
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21 mars : la fête nationale de la Namibie
La Namibie a été un des derniers pays à obtenir son indépendance. L’ancien Sud-Ouest africain allemand, théâtre du premier génocide du XXe siècle, a été occupé par l’Afrique du Sud en 1915. Après la défaite allemande de 1918, la colonie allemande a été confiée à l’Afrique du Sud par la SDN. Elle a administré le pays jusqu’en 1990. L’ONU avait adopté une résolution en 1978 prévoyant l’émancipation du pays. il a fallu une décennie à l’Afrique du Sud pour accepter de mettre en œuvre la résolution. La transition de la Namibie vers l'indépendance a commencé en 1989 et s'est terminée le 21 mars 1990, lorsque le pays a officiellement obtenu son indépendance de l'Afrique du Sud. Le Jour de l'Indépendance (Indépendance Day) est la fête nationale de la Namibie. La fête est marquée par des défilés, des fêtes de rue, des compétitions sportives et d'autres événements festifs organisés dans tout le pays.
le Dr Sam Nujoma devenant président fondateur d'un État indépendant et souverain, la République de Namibie. Le président Nujoma a démissionné en 2005 après avoir accompli trois mandats. Une transition démocratique en douceur du pouvoir a suivi lorsque Hifikepunye Pohamba a été élu président en novembre 2004. En novembre 2014, le Dr Hage G. Geingob a été élu président alors qu'il était Premier ministre. Le Dr Hage Geingob a été nommé président de la Namibie le 21 mars 2015. Il est mort en février 2024, Nangolo Mbumba, le vice-président, lui a succédé.
Cette année, la célébration du 34e anniversaire de l'indépendance de la Namibie a lieu à Katima Mulilo, une première historique pour la région du Zambèze. En effet, Les célébrations du Jour de l'Indépendance se déroulent à tour de rôle entre les régions. En 2024, l’événement a lieu sous le thème « Un peuple uni pour la prospérité ».
Un article de l'Almanach international des éditions BiblioMonde, 20 mars 2024
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Jetzt ist die Reise losgegangen. Gestern brachte uns unser Nachbar Giulio nach Wörgl, mit Zug und Bus erreichten wir Innsbruck, flogen mit nur 20 Minuten Verspätung nach Frankfurt, wo wir ohnehin 5 Stunden Aufen5gehabt hätten. Wir checkten zwar pünktlich ein, wegen eines starken Unwetters mussten aber alle Checkins am gesamten Flughafen für 1,5 h gestoppt werden. Deswegen und weil wir wegen des Konflikts in Niger einen Umweg fliegen mussten, erreichten wir den Zielflughafen in Windhoek mit 4 h Verspätung um 11.00. Die Passkontrolle gestaltete sich sehr gemütlich. Unser Transfertaxi musste also ordentlich warten und brachte uns in 40 Minuten in unser schönes Quartier in Windhoek, da wir schnell bezogen und gleich mit einem Taxi ins Zentrum fuhren. Dieses brachte uns zu diversen Sehenswürdigkeiten wie den 120 Jahre alten schnuckeligen Bahnhof, das Kududenkmal oder die kleine katholische Kirche. Bei der Tintnenburg, dem Parlament, stiegen wir aus, spazierten zur schnuckeligen Christuskirche- auch geschlossen - und zum Unabhängigkeitsmuseum. Dieses wurde von Nordkorea!!! gebaut, von dortigen Gefangenen, die dafür danach freikamen. Aber weder innen noch außen wurden lokale Menschen eingebunden, was für ein Nationalmuseum schon krass ist. Schließlich spazierten wir zu 3 kleinen Burgen. Eine ließ sich der deutsche Statthalter vor 100 Jahren bauen, da ist jetzt die italienische Botschaft drinnen, eine ließ er für seine Frau errichten- die wollte standesgemäß alleine wohnen- und jetzt ist ein 5 Sterne Hotel drinnen. Die Terrasse ist wahrscheinlich der schönste Platz in Windhoek. Und das beste ist für uns ja nur gut genug. Ein guter Aperitiv, dann setzten wir uns zum fürstlichen Essen- Onyxfleisch für Franz, das ist eine Gazellenart- in eine Burgkammer, weil der Wind Franz nicht behagte, es heißt nicht umsonst Windhoek. Zum Sundowner wieder ein Coctail auf der Terrasse. Besser hätte unser Urlaub nicht beginnen können.
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Africa’s holocaust
By Dr Selwyn R. Cudjoe May 14, 2024 In 1985 I interviewed the president of the South West Africa People’s Organisation (SWAPO) Sam Nujoma when he visited the United Nations Decolonisation Committee to plead for his country’s independence (West Africa, present-day Namibia). Namibia was a German colony from the 1880s to the First World War … Continue reading Africa’s holocaust → http://dlvr.it/T6sMHk
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The independence of Namibia from South Africa
On 21 March 1990, Namibia achieved a significant milestone in its history by gaining independence from South African rule. This hard-won independence marked the end of years of struggle and oppression, and paved the way for a new era of freedom and self-determination for the people of Namibia. Dr. Sam Nujoma, a prominent leader in the fight for independence, became the Founding President of the…
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Día Internacional de los Bosques, Día Mundial del Síndrome de Down, Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Discriminación Racial, Día Mundial de la Poesía, Día Internacional del Color, Día Internacional de Nowruz, Día Internacional de la Cefalea en Racimos, Semana Mundial del Dinero, Semana de solidaridad con los pueblos que luchan contra el racismo y la discriminación racial, Semana de la Lengua Francesa y la Francofonía, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
Santa Fabiola y Santa Clemencia.
Tal día como hoy en el año 2012
Militares de Malí, encabezados por el capitán Amadu Haya Sanogo, deponen al presidente Amadu Tumani Turése y toman Bamako, la capital del país, en protesta por la falta de medios para combatir la revuelta tuareg que desde enero asuela el norte del país. Disuelven todas las instituciones y suspenden la Constitución. (Hace 12 años)
En EEUU, el presidente Obama hace historia al lograr su primera gran victoria en el empeño de poner en marcha un cambio en el sistema sanitario de EE.UU. para lograr la asistencia médica universal, algo en lo que habían fracasado desde Harry Truman a Bill Clinton. Este cambio beneficiará al menos a 30 millones de personas que actualmente no cuentan con seguro médico. (Hace 14 años)
Antes de que la URSS desaparezca, se disuelve la estructura militar del Pacto de Varsovia (acuerdo de cooperación militar de los países del Bloque del Este). En julio lo hará la estructura política. Con ello se repatriarán los más de medio millón de soldados soviéticos desplegados en los países de la antigua órbita comunista. (Hace 33 años)
Tras 75 años de colonización sudafricana, Namibia finalmente se convierte en estado soberano al proclamar su independencia. Sam Nujoma es su primer presidente y será reelegido en 1994 y 1999. (Hace 34 años)
Se cierra la prisión federal de la isla de Alcatráz, en la Bahía de San Francisco (EE.UU.) que, durante su historia, ha contado con algunos de los más peligrosos prisioneros civiles, incluyendo a Al Capone y a Robert Stroud, el llamado "hombre de los pájaros". (Hace 61 años)
Tiene lugar en la ciudad de población negra de Sharpeville (Johannesburgo, Sudáfrica) la matanza de Sharpeville, al disparar de manera indiscriminada la policía africaker contra un grupo de manifestantes no armados, con el trágico balance de 69 muertos y 180 heridos de bala, mientras la población se manifiesta en protesta a las restricciones de viaje impuestas a los ciudadanos no blancos. Tras esta injustificable masacre se sucederán revueltas en Ciudad del Cabo con más de 100.000 arrestados, antes de que el ejército consiga restaurar la calma. Este dramático suceso convencerá al líder anti-apartheid Nelson Mandela para abandonar su actitud de no violencia, y comenzará a organizar grupos paramilitares para luchar contra el gobierno racista de Sudáfrica. En 1964, tras una serie de acciones de guerrilla de poco calibre, Mandela será detenido y condenado por traición siendo sentenciado a cadena perpetua. Tras pasar 27 años en la cárcel, será finalmente puesto en libertad y 3 años después, en 1994, resultará elegido primer presidente negro de Sudáfrica. (Hace 64 años)
En Alemania, unos días después de ganar las elecciones, Hitler obtiene de Hindenburg la disolución del Parlamento y, a continuación, inicia la detención de miembros de las organizaciones socialdemócratas y comunistas. (Hace 91 años)
El periodista Henry Morton Stanley parte desde Bagamoyo (actual Tanzania) en una expedición por el África central en busca del misionero y explorador británico David Livingstone. Lo encontrará el 28 de octubre junto al lago Tanganika. (Hace 153 años)
En Francia se adopta el Código Napoleónico como nueva ley civil, que una comisión de 4 juristas, en algunas de cuyas reuniones ha intervenido el mismísimo Napoleón, ha elaborado durante cuatro años. Este Código renueva el derecho existente al garantizar la libertad individual, la igualdad ante la ley, la propiedad privada, el matrimonio civil, el divorcio y la separación entre la Iglesia y el Estado, eliminando las estructuras de la sociedad feudal anterior. Tendrá una gran repercusión en Europa y América. (Hace 220 años)
Una fuerza turcobritánica formada por 14.000 hombres al mando de Sir Ralph Abercromby, efectua un desembarco anfibio en la Bahía de Abukir, en las cercanías de la bella ciudad de Alejandría. La pérdida de Egipto de manos francesas acaba de comenzar. En julio, el ejército inglés se apoderará de El Cairo, y en agosto, de la urbe de Alejandría. El 31 de agosto de este año, el ejército francés en Egipto se rendirá permitiéndosele regresar a Francia, cosa que hará el 2 de septiembre. Una vez resuelto el escollo del problema egipcio, Francia y Gran Bretaña firmarán la paz. (Hace 223 años)
Enrique V asciende al trono de Inglaterra, al haber muerto su padre, Enrique IV, ayer. Durante su reinado, su principal objetivo será reclamar a Francia los territorios que él considera como suyos. Por ello, en el año 1415, declarará la guerra a Francia, derrotándola ese mismo año en la batalla de Agincourt. Morirá en 1422 batallando en tierras francesas enfermo de disentería, con 34 años de edad. (Hace 611 años)
En Citeux, Borgoña (Francia), el duque Eudes de Borgoña y San Roberto, abad de Molesmes, fundan la Orden del Císter. Serán llamados los "monjes blancos", por el color de su hábito, en oposición a los benedictinos, denominados "monjes negros". (Hace 926 años)
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Providing In-Depth Horoscope and Personality Analysis for May 12 Birthdays
They are individuals with a cordial, very serene and respectful disposition. Close to home, delicate: they show dependability in their connections. They can adjust to life circumstances. They can accomplish huge advantages through associations with others. Genuine companions will help you particularly. They can resolve their lives in an agreeable manner. They are truly keen on singing and music. Because of these interests, they even become craftsmen, painters, or scholars. They show extraordinary adroitness in manual work, which permits them to acquire amazing outcomes in the applied expressions. They can likewise be astounding specialists. Your endeavors and difficult work will ultimately be delegated with progress. They have a fundamental energy in overabundance, and they have it in sports, love or work. A side interest that can hurt them is gastronomic, in light of the fact that it could cause liver or kidney illnesses. Likewise, they frequently show a propensity to put on weight. People brought into the world at sunrise are better and stronger. Imperfections: The lacking sort rapidly ejects out of resentment. He is eccentric, constrained by his interests. Albeit languid, he is fit for playing around. Imperious, excessively basic. Providing In-Depth Horoscope and Personality Analysis for May 12 Birthdays
Assuming your birthday is on May 12, your zodiac sign is Taurus May 12 - character and character character: immaculate, kind, determined, erratic, forceful, antagonistic; calling: humanist, nurture, writer; colors: purple, brown, white; stone: lapis lazuli; creature: snail; plant: nasturtium; fortunate numbers: 10,15,23,26,39,54 very fortunate number: 3 Occasions and observances - May 12 Worldwide Fibromyalgia Day. Worldwide Nursing Day. Worldwide Day of the Section of Beginning wine development. May 12 VIP Birthday. Who was conceived that very day as you? 1900: Pedro Puig Adam, Spanish mathematician (f. 1960). 1900: Helene Weigel, German entertainer (d. 1971). 1907: Katharine Hepburn, American entertainer (d. 2003). 1910: Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, English scientific expert, 1964 Nobel Prize victor for science (d. 1994). 1910: Johan Ferrier, Surinamese president (d. 2010). 1910: Giulietta Simionato, Italian soprano (d. 2010). 1913: Jamelao, Brazilian samba player (f. 2008). 1914: Bertus Aafjes, Dutch author (d. 1993). 1918: Julius Rosenberg, American covert agent (d. 1953). 1918: Mary Kay Debris, organizer behind the beauty care products organization Mary Kay Beauty care products (d. 2001). 1920: Vilდ©m Flusser, Czech author (d. 1991). 1921: Joseph Beuys, German craftsman (d. 1986). 1922: Marco Denevi, Argentine author (f. 1998). 1924: Claribel Alegrდa, Nicaraguan author. 1925: Yogi Berra, American baseball player. 1926: Luis Molowny, Spanish footballer and mentor (d. 2010). 1928: Burt Bacharach, American arranger. 1929: Sam Nujoma, Namibian legislator. 1929: დ?gnes Heller, Hungarian logician. 1930: Jesდºs Franco, Spanish movie producer (d. 2013). 1930: Tirofijo (Manuel Marulanda Vდ©lez), Colombian guerrilla, commandant of the FARC (d. 2008). 1935: Felipe Alou, Dominican baseball player. 1936: Guillermo Endara Galimany, Panamanian legislator and attorney, president somewhere in the range of 1989 and 1994. 1936: Honest Stella, American painter. 1937: George Carlin, American comic (d. 2008). 1942: Michel Fugain, French vocalist. 1945: Alan Ball, English footballer. 1945: Claudia Sauce, Spanish entertainer brought into the world in Zaire. 1948: Guillermo Pდ©rez Villalta, Spanish painter. 1948: Richard Riehle, American entertainer. 1948: Steve Winwood, English performer, of the band Traffic. 1950: Gabriel Byrne, Irish entertainer. 1958: Eric Artist, American performer, of the groups Kiss and Alice Cooper. 1959: Ving Rhames, American entertainer. 1962: Emilio Estდ©vez, American entertainer. 1962: Brett Gurewitz, American guitarist. 1962: Einar Arnaldur Melax, Icelandic artist and writer, of the band The Elgar Sisters. 1963: Stefano Modena, Italian Equation 1 driver. 1963: Gavin Hood, South African producer. 1963: Beatriz Valdდ©s, Cuban-Venezuelan theater, film and TV entertainer. 1966: Stephen Baldwin, American entertainer. 1966: Bebel Gilberto, Brazilian artist. 1966: Deborah Kara Unger, Canadian entertainer. 1967: Paul D'Amour, American bassist, of the band Device. 1968: Tony Bird of prey, American skater. 1970: Samantha Mathis, American entertainer. 1971: Alejandro Irarragorri, Mexican money manager. 1972: Antonio Bosch Conde, Spanish author. 1972: Yadhira Carrillo, Mexican entertainer. 1975: Jonah Lomu, New Zealand rugby player. 1978: Sied van Riel, Dutch DJ and maker 1978: Jason Biggs, American entertainer. 1978: Malin Akerman, Swedish entertainer, model and vocalist. 1979: Joaquim Rodrდguez, Spanish cyclist. 1980: Keith Bogans, American b-ball player. 1980: Silvestre Dangond, Colombian vocalist lyricist of Vallenata music. 1980: Paula Woyzechowsky, Venezuelan entertainer and model. 1980: Alexandra de la Mora, Mexican entertainer. 1981: Rami Malek, American entertainer. 1981: Erica Campbell, American model. 1981: Andre Brown, American ball player. 1983: Alina Kabდ¡yeva, Russian athlete. 1983: Axel Hervelle, Belgian ball player. 1983: Domhnall Gleeson, Irish entertainer. 1984: Justin Williams, American ball player. 1985: Jaime Gavilდ¡n Martდnez, Spanish footballer. 1985: Paolo Goltz, Argentine footballer. 1986: Emily VanCamp, Canadian entertainer. 1986: Mouhamed Sene, Senegalese ball player. 1986: Victor Liz, Dominican ball player. 1988: Marcelo Vieira, Brazilian soccer player. 1991: Joe Dombrowski, American cyclist. 1992: Malcolm David Kelley, American entertainer. 1995: Luke Benward, American entertainer.
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The Sam Nujoma Statue sits on the site of the German-era 🇩🇪 Reiterdenkmal equestrian statue. (à Independence Memorial Museum (Namibia)) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck44AVUoAGm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Der Präsident. / 18.02.2017
#Berlin#Berlin Mitte#U-Bahnhof Schillingstraße#Namibia#Sam Nujoma#Namibia Today#SWAPO#Laura Horelli#NGBK#Mitte in der Pampa#2017#2017Februar#2017Februar18#DDR#1980
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Barely 16 days away from his release from prison, Nelson Mandela visited Zambia on 27th February 1990 where he was greeted with the ceremony normally reserved for heads of state.
Among the people that welcomed him included notable figures such as leaders of the Frontline states, Commonwealth representatives, Palestine Liberation Organization Chairman and the exiled ANC Executive Committee.
• Present at the then Lusaka International Airport were:
• Yasser Arafat - Palestine Liberation Organization Chairman
• Tunku Abdul Rahman – Malaysian Prime Minister
• Yoweri Museveni – President of Uganda
• Sam Nujoma - SWAPO Leader
• Herman Toivo ja Toivo - SWAPO Founder
• Robert Mugabe – President of Zimbabwe
• Quett Masire – President of Botswana
• Joaquim Chissano – President of Mozambique
• Obed Dlamini - Prime Minister of Swaziland
• Justin Metsing Lekhanya - Prime Minister of Lesotho
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Katutura is a township of Windhoek in Namibia. Katutura is Otjiherero for "The place where we do not want to live". Katutura was created in 1961 as an aftermath of the forced removal of Windhoek's black population from the Old Location, which later was developed into the suburb of Hochland Park. The Windhoek municipality and the South African colonial administration decided to forcefully move the residents of the Old Location 8 kilometres to the north of the city. Sam Nujoma Stadium, built in 2005, is located within Katutura. Katutura Community Radio, a community-based radio station, also operates from the township as well Katutura State Hospital, one of two State Hospitals in the Windhoek area.
Katutura ist ein Township in Windhoek in Namibia. Katutura ist Otjiherero für "Der Ort, an dem wir nicht leben wollen". Katutura wurde 1961 als Folge der erzwungenen Umsiedelung der schwarzen Bevölkerung von Windhoek aus dem Bereich gegründet, der später zum Vorort des Hochlandparks ausgebaut wurde. Die Gemeinde Windhoek und die südafrikanische Kolonialverwaltung beschlossen, die Bewohner 8 Kilometer nördlich der Stadt gewaltsam umzusiedeln. Das 2005 erbaute Sam Nujoma Stadium befindet sich in Katutura. Katutura Community Radio, ein in der Gemeinde ansässiger Radiosender, ist ebenfalls in der Gemeinde tätig, ebenso wie das Katutura State Hospital, eines von zwei staatlichen Krankenhäusern in der Region Windhoek.
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The missive recalls "the sacrifice of thousands of African and Cuban heroes and martyrs," as a fundamental element in the forging of relations between the two parties - above all in the joint struggle to preserve Angola's independence, contribute to achieving that of Namibia, and defeating "the segregationist, racist system of apartheid in South Africa," in which Cubans and Namibians fought alongside combatants of the Popular Armed Forces for the Liberation of Angola and the African National Congress.
Included was a special, fraternal greeting to comrade Sam Nujoma, historical leader and founding father of SWAPO and the nation of Namibia, a "close, loyal friend of Fidel, Raúl and the Revolution; defender, with his government, of solidarity with the people of Cuba in their struggle against the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States.
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Namibia: World's largest diamond-hunting ship Unveiled
Namibia: World’s largest diamond-hunting ship Unveiled
Mining giant De Beers has launched a state-of-art £122m exploration ship that will scan for diamonds on the seabed off the coast of Namibia. The mv SS Nujoma is equipped with sonar technology and a drilling device that can probe the ocean floor and take samples more quickly and efficiently than previous vessels. It looks to maintain high production levels until 2035. Mining is the biggest…
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De Beers MV SS Nujoma Sets Sail
De Beers MV SS Nujoma Sets Sail
De Beers MV SS Nujoma theWorld’s Largest, Advanced and specialized Diamond Exploration Ship.
De Beers launched the world’s largest diamond-exploration ship on Thursday, as it looks to Namibian waters to maintain production levels.
De Beers MV SS Nujoma cost around $157 million to build and will allow Debmarine Namibia, De Beers’ joint venture with the Namibian government, , a 50/50 joint venture.…
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#Bruce Cleaver#De Beers#Debmarine#Debmarine Namibia#diamond exploration#MV SS Nujoma#Namibia#Offshore mining#Sam Nujoma
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Tanzania was the headquarters for revolutionaries from Africa and around the world in the early 1960s. Revolutionaries like Sam Nujoma, Oliver Tambo, Samora Machel, Robert Mugabe, and unknown young men and women frequented Tanzania between 1960 and 1965. Dar es Salaam was the place to be if you were a revolutionary. It is not surprising revolutionaries like Malcolm X and Che Guevera from the Americas were also attracted to Tanzania. The African American leader Malcolm X and Che Guevera came to Tanganyika and Zanzibar within five months of each other in the end of 1964 and beginning of 1965. Malcolm came to Tanzania first in October of 1964. The country was then known as Tanganyika and Zanzibar. The new name Tanzania was adopted in November, about a month after Malcolm left the country. To understand Malcolm’s attraction to Tanzania and learn about what he did once in Tanzania, it is important to go back to the Second OAU Summit in Cairo, Egypt held from July 17 to 21, 1964. The conference came after Malcolm had made a pilgrimage to Mecca; this was the first of the two transformative experiences for the 39 year old African American leader. He had just broken off with the Nation of Islam and embraced Orthodox Islam. Malcolm made his second tour of Africa after the pilgrimage. The tour of West Africa from April to May 1964 helped cement his Pan African convictions. Malcolm felt at home wherever he went in Ghana and Nigeria; he returned to the US in May of 1964 determined to start a new organization and forge strong links with Africans. He founded the Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU) in June; it was modeled after the Organization of African Unity. More importantly Malcolm had made up his mind to attend the OAU Summit in Cairo to lobby for the support of African heads of state for his campaign for the human rights of African Americans. Read more here; http://azariambughuni.blogspot.com/2015/05/did-malcolm-x-have-passion-for-tanzania.html?m=1 https://www.instagram.com/p/BytKBIxnn1c/?igshid=i9hh59vybpwt
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