Archer Lee Carstairs
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archerthepotioneer-blog · 6 years ago
Will looked at him for a moment before taking the vile and drinking it. Wincing at the taste, he huffed heavily and rolled his shoulders. “It’s a balm, I know how to use cream,” he grumbled as he took the jar and carefully rubbed it into his hand.
He gritted his teeth at the pain before looking at his left hand in a better light. He’d survive, he’d probably had worse from quidditch injuries. 
“Thanks,” he said quickly as he put the jar in his coat pocket.
Getting up, he was not intending on hanging around. Pulling his jacket in tight, Will checked for his wand before tucking it back into its arm holster. 
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“Of course.” Archer let him have the jar, sitting back as the other applied the balm. He’d hoped to try and make it hurt less by applying it himself but the balm would help soon either way and the pain would stop.
“You’re welcome. I’m sorry you were hurt in the first place.” With a small smile, he got up from the steps as well, putting his hands in his pockets “May i ask... how you ended up at this part of the woods? I rarely ever see anyone out here is all.” Archer asked, watching him curious about his reaction and his response. It was for his own peace of mind that he wanted to not. Rarely anyone had ever approached his cabin. He had to know if he was safe. 
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Cabin In The Woods | Archer & Will [Closed F2F]
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archerthepotioneer-blog · 6 years ago
“I remember you when you were a little kid. You were always so happy. Dougie was the tortured one. But you were just full of smiles and light all the time. What happened, T.J.?”
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archerthepotioneer-blog · 6 years ago
“You know, Carstair, that might be best.” Sirius agreed, nodding eagerly. “I’m not quite sure I’d have the counter space for cooking anyway.” Or food. Or entertainment. Or the will to clean up after the meal. The general willingness to make himself food was so low that if Archer didn’t offer to make him food, Sirius would probably have just gone to bed without dinner. 
“I don’t want to impose,” The man gave a small shrug “whenever you find yourself needing company. Just give us an owl. I’m always hungry. Remus is always…well, you know.” 
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“I have a small kitchen and there’s not much in my pantry, but i’m sure i’ll be able to put something together.” Archer offered with a smile. It’d be nice to have company. He didn’t remember when the last time he had dinner with someone else was. “You don’t, of course you don’t. I’d be happy to have you over. Remus knows you’re both always welcome here and i... well i’m always here so...” he trailed off with a shrug.
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Shopkeeper’s Bell |Open F2F|
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archerthepotioneer-blog · 6 years ago
Will sat quietly on the step as he drew in a ragged breath. Looking down at his hand and cursed himself for being so clumsy. He blamed the lack of quidditch. When he was playing sports, his reflexes had been sharp and quick, which what made him a good beater. Same for his duelling, he was quick, able to think two steps ahead. It seemed they were the only two things Will was any good at during his time at Hogwarts, though over the years and the countless knocks to the head, in duels and fights, he recognised his decline in his once great skills.
He’d come to learn that being an auror left you bumps and bruises, some visible, some hidden. It was a dangerous job, but he loved it all the same.
His attention darted back when the door opened again, dropping his head he sighed in frustration, vowing to get out of there as soon as he could.
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Archer approached him slowly, sitting next to him on the steps. “This is an antidote for the venom. You will feel better after a few minutes.” he held out to him the purple vial with a small smile “And this is a balm for your hand. It might hurt a bit but there will be no marks or scars after using it a few times. It’ll be like it never happened.” he explained as he opened the little jar “May i? Just to show you how to use it.” he offered as he pointed at his hand. He didn’t know if the other would allow him to touch him, but he could offer. This was his fault after all, the least he could do was to help. But then again, was it really? How did this man end up there anyway? What was he doing there in the first place?
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Cabin In The Woods | Archer & Will [Closed F2F]
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archerthepotioneer-blog · 6 years ago
Sirius nodded. It was unspoken that Remus had cared for everyone around them, the mother duck of the group. Though he could only speak for himself, he was sure that Remus was far more than aware of Archer’s situation. It wouldn’t have surprised him if Remus knew the whole time, and out of respect for the man in front of him, kept the whole thing under wraps. Sirius decided to leave it and smile back. 
“You should get dinner with us-” Sirius started, but as soon as the idea left his lips he cursed quietly, biting at his lip “-ah, Remus’ out tonight. I forgot.” The dark haired man rubbed he back of his head, shrugging. “We could still do dinner. I’m a useless cook, so if I don’t I might as well starve.”
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Archer couldn’t help a small chuckle as he listened to Sirius. “That’s... it’s very nice of you. Um... are you sure? We could... do it another night? I uh...” he trailed off, not sure what to say. He was glad for the invitation. But it was more complicated for him, than just going over for dinner. What if he’d put Sirius or Remus in trouble? “Sirius.. if i’ll be doing the cooking and Remus is out, how about you come over instead and we have dinner up at my place?” he suggested.
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Shopkeeper’s Bell |Open F2F|
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archerthepotioneer-blog · 6 years ago
Remus laughed, unable to help himself. “Of course you would be this excited by a plant that not only has unknown properties but is also considered dangerous.” He used his joke to mask his worry for his friend, knowing he had no right to tell Archer what to do. But his concern soon managed to slip through his facade. “You are… being careful though, right?” He asked. “I mean, as careful as you can be? I don’t want you to get hurt, Archer. What would I do without you? Hey, what would Grinch do without you?” 
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“It is my job, Remus, it’s what i do. Just imagine it. What if i’m the first to discover and understand its properties, its uses? Maybe even work on a new potion with it as the main ingredient, or improve others.” Archer explained. His excitement about his work was no secret, especially to Remus who had often found him in the greenhouse at the back, testing and trying and working on something new. Noticing his friend’s smile fade, he reached over to give his arm a squeeze “I am careful.” he promised, Remus’ concern bringing a smile to his face “I only examine and observe, nothing more. There’s nothing to worry about, i promise. If anything, little Grinch there is more dangerous than my plants. If he decides to climb on the wrong shelf one day and start knocking out potions he could cause an explosion.” he chuckled.
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Shopkeeper’s Bell |Open F2F|
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archerthepotioneer-blog · 6 years ago
Remus smiled warmly at Archer, sensing his fear and his worry, despite his words and the expression accompanying them. “Which reminds me,” he said pointedly, taking a sip of his tea before speaking again. “I have yet to ask you of any new plants you’ve read about, or even managed to find.” He carefully tore a piece of pastry, his smile growing as he awaited his friend’s enthusiasm, always present when it came to Herbology. “Tell me everything.”
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“Oh! How did i forget?” Archer grinned, excited to tell him all about the new plant he’d recently added to his collection. “I have finally acquired a Pritcher's Porritch plant! It is quite rare you, it took too long to find. What’s special about it is that its magical properties have never been classified but it is known that it is dangerous! And now i can study it!” he explained with excitement, always happy to talk about his plants.
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Shopkeeper’s Bell |Open F2F|
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archerthepotioneer-blog · 6 years ago
“I didn’t pay much attention in Herbology, so y’know, this means nothing to me?” he said with a hint of annoyance and attitude rolling off his tongue. His patience was slipping as the pain increased. “Just- just… fix it,” he spoke sharply.
Gripping his wrist, he kept his distance while walking back towards the cabin in the heart of the woods. Eyes lingering on the patch of plants he’d previously been stood in, he followed up the steps slowly to the door. “I’ll wait here.”
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“To put it simply, you could fall unconscious before you’d even find the potion. Then the venom would be in your blood for too long and make you very sick, or even kill you.” Archer explained. He had been trying to not scare him but it was probably best he knows what he’s dealing with. “I will.” he said simply, to reassure him. He walked quickly back with him, giving him a nod when he said he’d stay there “Sit down if you’d like.” he suggested, gesturing at the steps “I’ll only be a minute.” he got inside and rushed to his drawers, searching for the potion. It was a simple one but strong enough to weaken the venom of the tentacula. Then the poultice would help with the blisters and the pain. He’d feel better soon enough. “There you are!” he sighed relieved and grabbed the vials, rushing back outside.
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Cabin In The Woods | Archer & Will [Closed F2F]
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archerthepotioneer-blog · 6 years ago
“Still.” Sirius shrugged, accepting Archer’s physical contact and immediately feeling better. “Funny thing, cats don’t really like me much, either.” The dark haired, onyx eyed man laughed and put a hand on Archer’s shoulder casually, squeezing it as a confirmation of sorts. Cats didn’t like him, probably, because he constantly smelled like a dog and also did not like cats, but to each their own. 
“Remus is pretty attached to you.” Sirius admitted softly with a sideways kind of smile. “It’s the least we can do.” His lips popped dramatically to change the subject, unwilling to yield to anything more emotional than what they’d already discussed. He had a cap to reach per day, and once that was met he shut down more or less. “Are you busy later tonight?”
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“Really? Well good thing he’s asleep upstairs then.” Archer chuckled. He really didn’t want Grinch jumping around Sirius trying to scratch him, that wouldn’t be nice at all. He smiled at the squeeze of his shoulder. “I... so am i. Remus has been a good friend.” he admitted. Remus had been quietly looking out for him for a long time. Bringing him food, checking in to make sure Archer was alright. He was thankful for that. “Tonight? Uh... no? No i don’t have any plans.” he muttered, confused.
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Shopkeeper’s Bell |Open F2F|
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archerthepotioneer-blog · 6 years ago
Matty beamed proudly at this, he was very proud of Maxwell and had to really haggle to buy him. It had been a few months back he had found the advertisement for him in the prophet for an Augurey. He paid a pretty galleon but sure enough, he became Maxwell’s new papa.
“He didn’t touch his food and he’s been calling out all morning. I know that can mean rain, but he doesn’t seem okay to me. It could be a fever?” He offered as a possible diagnosis. “It could be nothing, but I do not want to take the chance. He’s four years old.” He explained, watching the man timidly.
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Archer listened closely as his costumer explained, nodding along while searching on one of the shelves “Here it is. It does sound like a fever, or maybe he ate something without you noticing, that he shouldn’t have.” he came over with a vial containing of a bright blue potion “A few drops of this in his water. It will be good for him whether it is a fever or just something he ate, it will strengthen him right up. Do this twice today. If by tonight he’s still crying, send me an owl and i will come to you, if you don’t mind. Although i’m sure this will help him and there will be no need for that.” he explained with a smile “Don’t worry, he is going to be alright.”
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Shopkeeper’s Bell |Open F2F|
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archerthepotioneer-blog · 6 years ago
Remus smiled warmly down at Grinch. “Animals either love me or they hate me, there doesn’t seem to be an in between… I’m not exactly sure why.” He lied. “But I’m sure it’s nothing personal, there’s no need to call him names.” He glanced up at Archer, scratching Grinch behind the ears without looking. “I’m glad I came too. The world just… keeps getting darker, doesn’t it?” He sighed deeply, unable to help himself. “I think it’s becoming more and more important, spending time with the people you care about.” 
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Archer chuckled as he watched Remus and Grinch. “Hm if you say so i believe you.” he agreed, finishing his tea and picking up another of the pastries. “Yes... yes it does.” he said with a sigh, his smile dropping as he leaned back to his seat “I suppose you’re right. We should cherish the time we have together.” he muttered, with a small smile.
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Shopkeeper’s Bell |Open F2F|
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archerthepotioneer-blog · 6 years ago
William looked up to the other man before refusing his hand. Getting back to his feet, he dusted down his jeans and straightened his leather jacket. “What do I need?” he asked quickly. He’d sort himself out, Will was already feeling guilty for being there and to have run into the owner of the place he was trespassing. 
“Just tell me what I need and I’ll go.”
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Archer got back to his feet as well, giving the other’s hand another glance. The blisters and redness were spreading. “I’d much rather you don’t. Tentaculas are dangerous. The venom might have spread too far before you can get what you need.” he explained. He couldn’t be sure how fast he could find a potion to protect him from the venom, while Archer had it had a few feet it away. “If you would just walk back with me, you don’t even have to come inside. I’ll fetch the potion and poultice and bring them to you. The venom is dangerous, we really shouldn’t waste time.” he offered “It’s the safest option. It’s just me and my cat here.” he told him, so he’d know he didn’t have anyone else to worry about.
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Cabin In The Woods | Archer & Will [Closed F2F]
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archerthepotioneer-blog · 6 years ago
“Oh thank Merlin, that’s a relief.” Archer said with a smile, still holding his hand out to help him up. His smile dropped with the other mentioned something had stung him. That was not good. Not good at all. “Dear me. That must had been the Tentacula.” He sighed. He had to move the plant somewhere more secluded. “It is quite legal, I assure you. In fact many keep the plant as a pet at home.” He explained as he knelt down next to him to take a closer look at his hand “Would you come back with me? I’m a potioneer, see. I have a poultice for your hand and a potion for the fever, back at the cabin. You’re going to be just fine.” He reassured him with a warm smile.
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Cabin In The Woods | Archer & Will [Closed F2F]
Archer realized too late that the light would have been too much. He had to squint after lowering his wand once the bright light had burst in front of him. A noise and the stop of footsteps running proved he wasn’t the only one blinded it by it. “Oh dear.” he muttered as he slowed down, blinking a few times before he could see clearly again and looked around for the stranger. He was already feeling terrible. It could have been anyone. Maybe he was there because he saw the cabin and came to ask for help. Seeing the young man on the ground he only felt worse. “Oh Merlin… i’m so sorry!” he called out, his wand lowered at his side after changing his previous charm with a simple ‘lumos’. Archer slowly approached him, hands visible so he could see he was not trying to hurt him “Are you hurt? I am so sorry. You haven’t hurt your head, have you?” he muttered as he held out his hand once he was only a few steps away, to help the man up.
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Will stared up at the other man as he froze, taking in the tones of voice, the stance and posture. His mind was running through everything it could trying to decipher whether this person was a threat or not. Conclusion; he wasn’t, yet.
“No my head is fine,” he replied bluntly before looking at his hand. The light helped his view as he realised it was covered in red blisters. “Though something in your garden stung me,” he muttered before groaning as he felt his head. “Feel like I’ve got a fever. What the hell were go keeping in there?” he snapped getting a little frustrated as the symptoms developed. “That can’t be legal.”
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archerthepotioneer-blog · 6 years ago
“Oh.” Sirius paused, stopping all of his thoughts dead in his tracks. He never really knew the man that well, after all, and people were becoming orphans more commonly. Sirius scratched the back of his head, feeling bad for inquiring about Archer’s family. “I-I didn’t know you were alone.” Sirius thought about that one Christmas he had spent alone between his family disowning him and not having told James or the Potters yet. It was a hell of a time and he couldn’t imagine spending all that time alone. “You know, Remus and all of us, we usually get together for holiday and such, if you ever wanted to join us.” 
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“You shouldn’t feel bad, Sirius, you couldn’t have known.” Archer felt terrible for having made him feel that way. It wasn’t a lie, not really. He had not seen his family in years and he wouldn’t see them for a long time still, if he did ever see them again. He was truly on his own. Archer went around the counter and gave Sirius a pat on the back and a warm smile “Well not entirely. I have a cat. But the truth is, he does not like me much.” he joked, hoping to make him feel better. “I... that’s... very nice of you.” he muttered, surprised by the offer “It’s very nice. Thank you. I will... consider it.” he agreed.
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Shopkeeper’s Bell |Open F2F|
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archerthepotioneer-blog · 6 years ago
Matty decided not to look around, he was far too worried about Maxwell to try and distract his mind. He swayed on the spot and curled a strand of his hair nervously as he waited. When the shop keep eventually appeared, he gave a smile and approached the desk. “My Augurey is ill and I was hoping you had something for him…” He asked politely, offering a optimistic smile to the man.
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“Oh! An Augurey, how fascinating.” Archer grinned. He quite liked the creatures. “Of course we can find something for him, he’s going to be just fine.” he reassured, leaving the counter to approach the young costumer “Would you tell me a bit about what’s happened with him, so i can find the right thing for him?” he asked as he thought for a moment before walking over to one of his shelves, picking up a few potions to look at. 
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Shopkeeper’s Bell |Open F2F|
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archerthepotioneer-blog · 6 years ago
Remus smiled, admitting defeat and accepting the pastry, balancing the plate carefully on Grinch’s back knowing the cat wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. “Then it’s a good thing I chose today of all days to come and keep you company.” He pointed out, hoping to put a positive spin on the slow business. 
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“Well look at that. He would have scratched my face off if i’d done that.” Archer said as he watched the cat who only looked at Remus confused for a moment when the plate was set on his back then settled back to his nap. “Traitor.” he told Grinch with a huff, before chuckling “Good thing indeed. I’m glad you came Remus.” he smiled and took another sip of his tea.
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Shopkeeper’s Bell |Open F2F|
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archerthepotioneer-blog · 6 years ago
The call to wait had reached Will’s ears, though his initial thought was ‘like hell’. If they caught an Auror trespassing, loitering with intent, it would raise suspicion and have him called in at the Ministry. Everyone there was already incredibly on edge with the rise of fear and tension amongst its employees.
As the bright light dazzled the small section of the forest, Will squinted as the harsh light blinded him, causing him to run straight into the tree in front of him. The air was knocked out of his lung when he fell onto his back. Rolling onto his side, he felt his breath coming in through ragged pants, feeling like a wild animal trying to escape a predator that was hunting him; though now he’d been caught.
Frantically he looked around him, trying to find the owner of the voice. Will had only seen the shadow of the man, he didn’t know if it was a death eater, if it was a muggle- well, no, that he could be sure of; they’d used magic!
Brown eyes turned into even more of a panic when he realised his wand wasn’t tucked up his sleeve as it always was. It was always there. He was there defenceless with no idea what kind of threat was quickly approaching.
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Archer realized too late that the light would have been too much. He had to squint after lowering his wand once the bright light had burst in front of him. A noise and the stop of footsteps running proved he wasn’t the only one blinded it by it. “Oh dear.” he muttered as he slowed down, blinking a few times before he could see clearly again and looked around for the stranger. He was already feeling terrible. It could have been anyone. Maybe he was there because he saw the cabin and came to ask for help. Seeing the young man on the ground he only felt worse. “Oh Merlin... i’m so sorry!” he called out, his wand lowered at his side after changing his previous charm with a simple ‘lumos’. Archer slowly approached him, hands visible so he could see he was not trying to hurt him “Are you hurt? I am so sorry. You haven’t hurt your head, have you?” he muttered as he held out his hand once he was only a few steps away, to help the man up.
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Cabin In The Woods | Archer & Will [Closed F2F]
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