#Katie Porter
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Katie for President.
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They were simply "Fortifying Democracy" how can she be upset about that?
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"Congressional salaries are $174,000. That pay has not increased since 2009; in real dollars, salaries are the lowest they’ve been since 1955. Our health insurance is purchased on the Affordable Care Act exchange. We pay 30% of the premium; the House of Representatives pays 70%, similar to most workplace insurance plans. ... Mandatory pensions take up 4.4% of the salary.... two residences are required; votes keep House members in Washington, D.C., about a hundred days each year. No housing allowance or per diem is paid, and no tax deduction for business housing is permitted. ...
Juxtapose these facts against the misconception that people become rich by serving in Congress. ... Congress is full of multimillionaires for the same reason that the NBA is full of tall people. It’s easier to get recruited and win with such advantages. Serving in Congress does not pad your bank account any more than playing basketball adds inches to your height. While we might accept physical attributes in athletes as natural or desirable, wealth does not give a better perspective for politics. It undercuts the purpose of representative democracy.
Americans rightfully fume that congressmembers trade stocks, convinced that insider information is misused, but we refuse to squarely address the harm that comes from representatives having such wealth in the first place. From 2019 to 2022, over 130 members of the House of Representatives each traded over $100,000 of stock. To trade that dollar volume in a year, these folks are either addicted day traders who cannot manage their money (much less our economy), or—and this is the reality—they own stocks worth many multiples of what they traded.
Representatives who are my peers in age and years of political service—like Cindy Axne, Mike Garcia, Ashley Hinson, Ro Khanna, Tom Malinowski, Blake Moore, Kim Schrier, and Mikie Sherrill—have each traded over $1 million while in office. In my life before Congress, I knew that people with net worths in the tens of millions were not my peers. Pretending they are in Congress is an indignity."
From I Swear: Politics Is Messier Than My Minivan by US Rep Katie Porter
#katie porter#us politics#worker housing#government#who can afford to have a residence in DC and California#us house of representatives
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Yes, most of these are two young for this election cycle.
Poll suggested by a friend.
#Justin Pearson#Justin Jones#Alexandria Ocasio Cortez#Katie Porter#Zaynab Mohamed#Hakeem Jeffries#Maxwell Alejandro Frost
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Reps. Katie Porter and James Comer Introduce Landmark Presidential Ethics Reform Bill
Aired May 22, 2024
The American people deserve nothing less than full honesty and transparency from their leaders. Today, Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) and Rep. James Comer (R-KY) introduced a bipartisan bill to strengthen presidential ethics requirements.
#Katie Porter#James Comer#history#white history#us history#congress#Ethics#republicans#democrats#christian#finance#politics#Youtube
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Három héttel az előválasztás előtt, egy februári reggelen Porter az ágyában ült, amikor az egyik munkatársától kapott üzenetből megtudta, hogy egy Fairshake elnevezésű, számára korábban ismeretlen szervezet beszállt az előválasztási kampányba. A Fairshake a kampány utolsó három hetében tízmillió dollárt szánt olyan hirdetésekre, amelyek Porter lejáratásáról szóltak, és előválasztási győzelmét igyekeztek megakadályozni – írta meg akkor a New York Times.
Porter az előválasztási kampányára több év munkájával 30 millió dollárt gyűjtött össze, így meglepődött, hogy egy korábban ismeretlen szervezet egyik napról a másikra ennek egyharmadát költené a lejáratására. Mikor a Google-ön rákeresett, kiderült, hogy a Fairshake egy olyan, kampánypénzek gyűjtésére és költésére létrehozott politikai akcióbizottság (PAC), amelyet elsősorban három, a kriptobizniszben érdekelt cég finanszíroz. A támadásuk azért volt meglepő, mert Porter korábban nem foglalt állást a kriptovaluták szabályozásának ügyében – mint kiderült, ez nem számított, egy, a Fairshake-hez kötődő honlap „nagyon kriptoellenes” képviselőnek sorolta be, tárgyi tévedéseket tartalmazó hivatkozások alapján.
Nem sokkal később megjelentek a tévében a Fairshake hirdetései, amelyek semmilyen, a kriptóhoz kötődő üzenetet vagy általános politikai állásfoglalást nem tartalmaztak. A hirdetések ehelyett egy hazug zsarnoknak nevezték Portert, akiről azt a hamis állítást terjesztették, hogy olajvállalatoktól és gyógyszergyártóktól fogadott el kampánytámogatásokat. Az intenzív lejáratókampány megtette a hatását: a korábbi közvélemény-kutatásokban jól szereplő Porter az előválasztáson csak a szavazatok 15 százalékát szerezte meg, amivel nem jutott tovább a valódi választásig. Azt végül a szintén demokrata, de a kriptolobbi szerint kriptobarát Adam Schiff nyerte.
A FED egy 2023-as felmérése szerint kevesebb mint 20 millió amerikai állampolgárnak volt kriptovalutája, a korábbi közvélemény-kutatások szerint pedig a kriptók szabályozása egyáltalán nem volt a választóknak fontos témák között. Amikor az egyik kriptolobbista felvetette: egyáltalán nem biztos benne, hogy létezik akár egy szavazó is, aki a kriptók szabályozása alapján dönt a jelöltek között, Lehane a New Yorker beszámolója szerint azt válaszolta: „akkor majd elintézzük, hogy legyen”.
A Fairshake mögött álló Coinbase kriptotőzsde a kampány elején elkezdett hirdetni egy olyan állítólagos kutatás eredményét, amely szerint 52 millió amerikainak van kriptovalutája, és közülük sokak szavazási preferenciáit befolyásolja a kriptók szabályozásának kérdése. Később alapítottak egy Stand with Crypto nevű lobbiszervezetet, amelyen keresztül a kriptotulajdonosok petíciókat küldhettek a képviselőiknek.
2-3 hete mentek itt a szakértések (pl. Múzsán) a US választáson látott földcsuszamlásról, tldr ami Magyarországon a "le kellett volna menni vidékre" az amott "az embereket érintő témákról kellene beszélni". Ja, meg ugyanez a narratíva ment a német koalíció összeomlása kapcsán is.
Szóval akkor ezt csak így idetenném kontrasztnak.
#fairshake#katie porter#coinbase#stand with crypto#trump#bitcoin#scott bessent#sec#cftc#chris lehane#a16z
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Democrat Inspo:
#moving forward
(not exhaustive)
(not an endorsement of the US state department in any way whatsoever)
#us politics#democrats#democratic party#talent#democracy#potus#us administration#us government#powerhouse#stars#future#talent pool#law#executive branch#senate#house of representatives#sheldon whitehouse#gavin newsom#jasmine crockett#katie porter#amy klobuchar#jared moskowitz#chris van hollen#eric salwell#pete buttigieg#inspiration#politicians
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Just a U.S. congresswoman out striking with us today no biggie.
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Tastes Like shakkar sounds so good! What are your top 5 books with brown or desi characters?
I enjoyed Tastes Like Shakkar a lot more than I was expecting, and have relentlessly been shilling it ever since. It's such a solid romance, the sex was good, a lot of the desi family stuff (the concept of being a "family manager") really hit, but it never took away from the main romance. Also, it's always nice to feel "seen" in the books you read even though it's pretty rare for me, but since this was specifically about Indian-Americans in the NY-NJ area, I really felt that.
Here are books with desi rep apart from Tastes Like Shakkar that are in my top 5:
Wrong to Need You by Alisha Rai: I debated putting my other fave by Alisha, Serving Pleasure, on here but Wrong to Need You portrayed a less-troubled desi family dynamic than Serving Pleasure so I'm picking this. Sadia is a widowed single mom grappling with her attraction to her brother-in-law, Jackson who's just returned after a self-imposed exile related to a mysterious fire. The restrained tension between these two is so hot (ok maybe not entirely restrained; she doesn't recognize him when he first returns and nearly has sex with him lol). Also, Sadia, like Jiya below, subverts the passive Asian woman trope on multiple levels, and based on the dynamic between her and Jackson.
I also liked how Sadia's large, close-knit Pakistani-American family was portrayed; they may not see eye-to-eye all the time, but they love one another and are willing to learn and compromise.
Take a Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert: Zafir Ansari is truly a prince among men; him and Dani go viral for his rescue of her, and they start fake dating so his football charity can get some positive attention and donations. I like how Zafir was the romantic one among the two of them (and is a Bollywood romance fan, predictably), and is also great in the sack so... a winner, basically.
Also, Talia wrote this lovely exploration of grief (Zafir lost his dad and brother) and this really sweet relationship between Zafir and his SIL, and his family as a whole which I appreciated.
Sink or Swim by Tessa Bailey: I know Tessa has gotten a lot of flak for her portrayal of Latinx characters (which, deserved imo), and she's otherwise by and large stuck to writing white characters, but I can't deny she did pretty damn good job of writing Jiya and her family, who are desi, in this book. Here are my full thoughts on this.
The Roommate Risk by Talia Hibbert: Friends to lovers AND probably one of the only unrequited love books I'll ever recommend only because I love Jasmine so much (even while she's STRUGGLING to figure out that yes, Rahul has had feelings for her ever since she deflowered him on the... I wanna say library floor), and Rahul Khan is adorable and a stern, stern man who can absolutely get it. Similar to Zafir above, Rahul's dad also dies during the book (there's a lot of flashbacks) and Talia portrayed Muslim funeral customs and just the general family dynamics thoughtfully and in such an emotional way.
Hard Way by Katie Porter: lol my problematic fave because there are a few things that are just so weird in terms of rep: For one, the author keeps putting Sunita, the heroine, in "indian inspired" clothes, for example, some kind vaguely described professional suit inspired by a saree? Like, this woman is an attorney who works for a United States congressman. She's probably wearing a regular-ass suit like the rest of the people in that office. Also, her nickname in law school was the "Ice Queen of Bangalore" which was meant to be microaggressive, but the nickname literally makes 0 sense to me since she was raised in AMERICA, and considering half the Indians I know can't make the connection between being Kannadiga and possibly being from Bangalore, the capital of Karnataka, what are the chances these white mfs can, right? And the weird thing is, she narratively sort of "reclaims" her nickname, but it was such a cringe one to begin with and I don't even know why the authors bothered to put it in in the first place.
BUT Sunita is the only Kannadiga heroine I've ever read (I am. kannadiga, to clarify), she's a martial artist, she's struggling to work out her marriage with her husband (I'm a sucker for that shit), she's good with being kidnapped and zip-tied straight from the grocery store by her husband because it's a mutual fantasy, and she attends yakshagana performances (also very personal to me and my family)! Do you know how rare it is to see any of these things as far as brown heroines go? Maybe I have a lower bar for South Asian rep because there are so few romances that have South Asians who don't hate themselves/the culture AND have good sex scenes, but hopefully that will change as time goes on.
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The Supreme Court is only going to hear cases they can legislate from the bench.
The goal is to wipe out legislation and the legislative power of Congress.
To restore balance to the three branches, we must expand SCOTUS.
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Right-Winger Tries To Take On Katie Porter... INSTANTLY Regrets It
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This won't fix everything but it could help provide some measure of transparency. We deserve to know what deals Hunter Biden, Jared Kushner and many others put together using their affiliations...
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"The bad-apple objection was bassackwards, as my granddad would say. The original reference, and the scientific fact, is that one bad apple actually does spoil the whole barrel. I know this because many times I have returned from Washington to discover this miraculous microbial process at work in my produce drawer."
From I Swear: Politics Is Messier Than My Minivan by US Rep Katie Porter
#katie porter#us politics#us house of representatives#i swear: politics is messier than my minivan#bad apple
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For sale last week in Congress: the pristine Boundary Waters. The buyer? A foreign mining company. House Republicans passed a bill overturning a ban on mining near this fragile ecosystem. I led
@HouseDemocrats’ opposition to this dangerous handout to polluters. - @RepKatiePorter
#history#white history#us history#katie porter#nature#jumblr#am yisrael chai#trees#republicans#pollution
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