#Kalevala Jewelry
dick-chugger · 1 month
I NEED to start wearing more jewelry
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hel-looks · 4 months
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Val and Elena, 27
Val: “I’m wearing matching jeans and skirt, white zip-up sweater, oversized jacket, Marimekko Karla bag, and a bag find from my last summer trip to Spain! Almost all of the pieces are second hand. Lately I’ve been loving the color grey, contrasts in silhouette and comfy clothes. Minimalistic style with confidence suits me perfectly.”
Elena: “I’m wearing all second hand from UFF., Yohji Yamamoto Y-bag, Eytys boots and Kalevala rings and earrings. I’m a big fan of layers, interesting cuts, sculptural jewelry and combining different textures together. I love a good statement piece.”
28 January 2024, Narinkkatori
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For the get to know me ask game: abelia and sage!
wheee, thank you! <333333
abelia ⇢ do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with? The only jewellery I wear is always on me because otherwise I won't ever remember to put it on: engagement ring, wedding ring, pendant necklace from Michael Monroe's A Star All Heart collaboration with Kalevala ten-odd years ago, empty charm bracelet with heart-padlock clasp that I was given as a christening bracelet and fits because my wrists are still tiny, and simple Celtic amethyst and silver bracelet with 'true love never dies' which the missus gave me very early on (she thought it was a terribly romantic quote from Dracula - the movie version with Gary Oldman - meanwhile, I'd never seen the film, didn't care about Dracula (still don't) and thought she'd misquoted the Apoptygma Bezerk song Love Never Dies which was very big at the time XD ). I was wearing a pair of opal earrings and an opal sleeper but they kept getting caught in my bike helmet so I've taken them off for the summer.
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is? Music, I think. I don't read much any more (except my own writing), I have very little visual/artistic sense, but music has been a huge part of my life since childhood and can still reduce me to tears or make me grin hugely completely involuntarily.
Thank you for asking! :D :D :D Get to know me asks here, if anyone else fancies it :D
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thatcharmingjerk · 2 years
I had a dream i was at a mall and there was blind woman begging for money but she would also accept old makeup and jewelry to use in her art???? I guess???? She smelled all eyeshadows she got
Anyways someone dumped her a necklace in kalevala koru case and i looked at it and was like aww cute buT THEN I NOTICED IT WAS SPINOSAURUS!!!!!!! LITTLE SILVER SPINO WITH A SMALL JEWEL!!!!!!! AND I HAD TO HAVE IT so i planned on to steal something from the mall to trade with her!!! I planned to steal some bras because why not!!!!! Bras are expensive right!!!!!!!
Anyways I - i be having some wack dreams huh!!!!
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antmranking · 1 year
EP 1 - Promotional Shots
EP 1 - B&W Beauty Shots
EP 2 - Blistex Ads
EP 3 - Kalevala Jewelry Ads
EP 4 - Cailap Hair Accessories
EP 5 - Sonera Buddy Campain
EP 6 - TRESemmé Campaign
EP 7 - Change Lingerie
EP 8 - Goddesses on a Rooftop
EP 9 - Clarks Shoe Ads
EP 10 - Fida Campaign
EP 11 - Cosmopolitan
EP 12 - Max Factor Ads
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amatesura · 2 years
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Kalevala jewelry, 1990
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annashaberdashery · 4 years
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lehdenlaulu · 7 years
 - Kuka haluaa olla kaikkein kaunein, kun voi olla kesyttämätön? / Who wants to be the most beautiful when you can be untameable?
A beautiful new commercial for a Finnish jewelry brand, celebrating the female diversity. 
(The song is the traditional “theme song” of the Miss Finland contest, by the way.)
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canisalbus · 5 years
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aduialel · 4 years
Just a part of my favourite jewellery. See this post if you're interested why I'm posting this. 🧚‍♀️
It's quite common to see me wearing the whole set at work and at home - and sometimes additional brooch, more rings, bracelet. 😊 Yeah I love jewellery and have so many I sometimes forget what I have, the same goes with dresses 😄
In the pic are Moon Goddess earrings, Wild Duck of Uhtua pendant, Setukais' chain bracelet and Snake rings which I often pair with Maiden of Teljä rings (in the pic). Took this on my mobile, so sorry for the quality of the photo.
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pixie-lated · 3 years
Apparently the flavor of my current Star Wars fixation today is “Satine Kryze: Reformer or Tyrant?” and I have some Thoughts™.
To me the ‘evidence’ is inconclusive either way, and can depend a lot on how willing you are to fold in material from legends. On the page, so to speak, I think it's pretty clear she’s intended to be a total white hat with mildly antagonistic qualities, but if you extend past hard-confirmed Disney canon, the implications get very dubious.
(for the record, I’m aware that a particular author who provided a lot of our Mando-Lore is A Problem, but I also have no idea what she invented and what came from elsewhere. I tend to assume most of her stuff is what provides the ‘but imperial warrior classes are so cool!’ vibes. Either way, I’m not really interested in defending Mandalorian warrior traditions so much as recognizing that there are ways to get rid of cultural practices that are toxic and destructive while instituting new ones that pay respect to the positive foundational values, arts, and needs of the community they have played a part in defining.)
Satine was native to the Mandalore sector, but her background was Kalevalan, which had been culturally distinct from the rest of Mandalore for centuries by the time she was born. Her title, Duchess of Mandalore, was a Kalevalan import, and she fully shifted the capital on the planet Mandalore from Keldabe to the more New Mandalorian-friendly Sundari when her government took over. And Sundari itself is a more engineered, sterile environment than the few glimpses we have of other Mandalorian cities and towns (though those are few and far between, mostly pre-civil war, and, critically, non-canon as far as I know), which tend toward a vaguely complementary organic hodgepodge of structure, style, and layout.
I tend to be a bit uncharitable in my read on her because of how she came across to me in Clone Wars. It felt like she didn’t just have a strict code of pacifism for herself, but a condescending evangelism that cast people who didn’t comply with her views on the subject as ‘unworthy’. It smacked of Ghandi’s, frankly, shitty opinions about what European Jews should have done when faced with annihilation. This is entirely a tonal and contextual interpretation, not clear intent, but it flavors my read on just about everything about the New Mandalorian policies.
I certainly agree that no amount of Cultural Heritage entitles you to own a weapon of mass murder or engage in rampant imperialism, but between the background noise of Satine’s complete political overhaul, what I see as a universally applied and absolute philosophy, the ACTUAL EXILE of all Mandalore's remaining warriors, and the completely homogenous Kalevala-flavored anti-culture we see her framed by, I’m not sure she’s earned the benefit of the doubt. Maybe somewhere off in the background, beskar smiths were crafting jewelry and equipment inspired by the armor they once forged but suited to the new mandalorian way of life, military resources were liquidated to establish a robust communication, promotion, and support system to make it easy and safe for communities to engage with and adopt children in need of a family, and combat training was being carefully transitioned into a performance art to display the traditional weapons and martial artistry of Mandalorian fighters, decontextualized from militarism and conflict. It doesn't seem likely, though.
So, basically, I can see both sides of the argument, and, actually, I like both versions of the story. Either Satine was a young idealist with the steel nerves to stare down all of Mandalorian history to reject the glorification of violence and conquest and rebuild her people's way of life in the wake of a catastrophic civil war, OR she was a teenager radicalized by the violence and trauma of living as a fugitive in a war zone, hunted by the same people who had already done their best to fully annihilate her entire family, causing her to turn the philosophy of strength in peace which she held dear into a tool of oppression and control. Both stories are compelling and even sympathetic in their own way, and I suspect that if she were a real-life political figure, both would turn up in historians’ interpretations of her life.
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zelenacat · 4 years
Chapter 6- When We Were Young- An Obitine Story
After being complimented on her skill with Parliament, the Duchess’ advisors informed her that she would be meeting with the Cerean representative on trade, Shea Mundi, and Queen Padme Amidala to discuss the trade deals.
“The Queen of Naboo herself, I’ve heard, is quite looking forward to meeting Your Grace.” the Prime Minister added.
“Well,” Satine smiled, “I’ve only heard wonderful things about her.”
The summit was to be held on Naboo, and for the next three days, and Satine had an arsenal of women to help her prepare.
“On the first day, Your Grace,” Parna suggested, “you should wear something grand, but not flamboyant.”
“I agree,” the Duchess said, grabbing colored pencils, “it should be in my house colors as well, like an introduction to Mandalore.”
“Perhaps a flowing gown with draped sleeves,” Khaami suggested, “they are very fond of those on Naboo.”
“Yes.” Satine agreed, sketching out a dress.
“And you must wear a headdress,” Fesma added, “hair is a symbol of power on Naboo.”
On the first day of the summit, the Duchess would wear an ombre gown beginning with ebony at the hem, morphing into royal purple above that, and finally ending at Kryze blue on her upper bust and shoulders.
“We could embroider the Mandalorian star system on your gown.” suggested the head seamstress.
“Oh,” Satine gasped, “that would be glorious.”
“I think silver jewels would be best for that gown, Your Grace.” suggested the royal jeweler.
“Yes,” Satine nodded, “I agree.”
Ripping the page from the notebook, the Duchess handed the page to a seamstress, who ran off to begin preparations.
On the second day of the summit, the day of negotiations, the Duchess would wear a golden gown cut in the Mandalorian style with an open back and soft pink accents.
“Definitely golden jewelry to complement this outfit.” Khaami suggested.
“Lily flowers,” Parna suggested, “your emblem.”
“Yes,” Fesma agreed, “we shall have them in your hair instead of a headdress.”
Satine ripped out the sheet and handed it to a second seamstress.
“How about white for the final day,” suggested the head seamstress, “one can never go wrong in white.”
“With green accents,” Khaami added, clapping, “so it can match Naboo’s natural habitat on your excursions.”
“Emeralds then?” Parna asked.
“Emeralds.” Satine agreed.
Once the three dresses were off, Satine made talking points and practiced curtseying. As a Duchess there were few nobility in the galaxy she showed respect to, but a monarch was always one. 
On the day of the journey to Naboo, Satine was excited, except for her stomach which was a flutter of nerves. Besides Khaami and Fesma, Parna and a seamstress, Waldie, accompanied her. The Duchess was thrilled when they landed, taking in all the sights along with her entourage.
“Never been to Naboo before, have you?” remarked a guard.
“No, sir,” Parna gawked, “the trees are so tall.”
The Theed Royal Palace was spectacularly extravagant, and Satine felt a kindred spirit already with Queen Amidala. 
“Welcome, Your Grace,” bowed an advisor, “the Queen shall receive you in the audience chamber.”
He led the way.
“Her Grace, Satine Kryze, Duchess of Mandalore,” announced the advisor, “Second of Her Name and Lady Kalevala.”
Satine stepped forward and curtsied, “Your most Serene Majesty, it is an honor to make your acquaintance.” 
When she stood, Satine noticed Queen Amidala was smiling, “Your Grace, we are more than thrilled to have you on Naboo.”
“I am glad to be here,” Satine replied smoothly, “my ladies and I couldn’t help but admire the natural beauty of the place.”
“I too often find myself astounded by such grandeur,” Queen Amidala agreed, “please let Randor, my aid, show you around the palace and to your rooms, you must need rest after such a taxing journey.”
“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Satine nodded, backing up slowly.
The next time the Duchess saw the Queen was that evening, at a garden pavilion where horderves were served. Khaami, Waldie, Fesma, and Parna were dressed in navy gowns which matched Satine’s dress perfectly. The Duchess got many appraising and interested looks as she made her way to her seat next to the Queen.
“What a lovely dress, Your Grace.” the Queen of Naboo commented.
Satine smiled warmly, “Well, knowing my destination, I thought it necessary to come prepared.”
Queen Amidala gave a wide grin and blushed slightly. Satine realized that Padme Obi-Wan had told her about was likely only 15, then again, she herself was twenty.
“Your Grace is very kind.” the Queen managed.
There was a show and then dinner, the discussions would not begin until tomorrow, but Satine wasn’t anxious. Instead, she felt calm, albeit a little sad thinking about Obi-Wan, because of course, the play Satine and the Queen were watching was about lovers, but she would manage. Satine always managed.
Dinner went long into the night, and Satine was impressed with the young Queen’s stamina, and that of her own ladies.
“This food is marvelous.” Parna whispered to Waldie.
“I know,” the seamstress agreed, “how lucky are we?”
By the end of the night, the Queen had asked the Duchess to call her Padme.
Satine took Padme’s hands in hers, “Then you must call me Satine.”
“It’s a lovely name.” Padme commented.
“Thank you,” Satine tilted her head slightly, “I happen to be partial to it.”
Padme snorted.
 Satine stood, “Good night, Your Majesty.”
“Padme.” the Queen corrected.
“Good night, Padme.”
The Young Queen smiled, “Good night Satine.”
Khaami had too much champagne that night. The Duchess came to this observation when they got back to their rooms and her lady started throwing up.
“Oh, Khaami.” the Duchess frowned.
“I’ll care for her, Satine,” Fesma said, jerking her head towards the bathroom, “Parna and Waldie will help you undress.”
“Alright,” Satine agreed, “just make sure her head’s okay.”
Fesma nodded and Parna and Waldie set to work. Once her jewels were stored, her hair and headdress carefully undone, and her dress draped over the toilette chair, Satine dismissed her two newest ladies and took Fesma’s place by Khaami.
“It was so, bubbly.” Khaami said sincerely.
She had stopped throwing up now, and was cleaning up the bathroom.
“I know, my father used to train me on how to drink,” Satine confessed, “he used to say: a Duchess can never be drunk.”
“Yeah,” the Duchess helped Khaami out of her dirty dress, “we can launder this, right?”
“Yes, Satine,” Khaami grinned, “that's how laundry works.”
The room was set up so Khaami and Fesma would sleep in the same quarters as Satine, with Parna and Waldie in the room next door. They even had their own receiving room.
“Tomorrow will be a day,” Fesma said, arriving at the door with Khaami’s nightdress, “so much diplomacy.”
“Yes,” Satine agreed, joining Fesma at the door, “sleep well, ladies.”
The next morning, Satine slept a little later than she’d hoped. 
“Why didn’t you wake me?” the Duchess asked Fesma.
“Parna and Waldie went to get breakfast,” The lady explained, “they were up early, so I got dressed and prepared your clothes.”
“But what about-”
Khaami snored.
“I’ll wake her,” Fesma said, pinning up her hair, “you should start getting ready.”
After performing her essential tasks, Satine began brushing her hair. Parna and Waldie returned with breakfast and the Duchess ate some toast before changing.
“Once I spilled jam on my court gown,” Satine explained to Parna, “so now I eat before getting dressed.”
“I remember that day.” Waldie sighed.
Khaami got dressed while Fesma and Parna did the Duchess’ hair in an old style braid down her back with lily flowers woven in. 
“Oh, it’s gorgeous.” Satine gasped.
“You’ll look stunning in the gown, your Grace.” Waldie added.
Draped in gold, with her four ladies in tow, Satine made her way to the negotiation chamber. Where a group of people she hadn’t met where gathered amongst themselves.
“The Duchess of Mandalore.” called the announcer.
Descending into the foyer, Satine realized that the group present were all wearing Cerean colors and standing by pale seats. To their right was a throne for Queen Padme and on her right were seats in the colors of House Kryze.
A woman stepped forward from the pack and curtsied, “Your Grace, I am Shea Mundi of Cerea, Ambassador of Trade, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
Satine greeted the Ambassador warmly, “It’s wonderful that we can sort through these troubles we seem to be having.”
“Most certainly,” agreed Ambassador Mundi, “Queen Amidala has been most kind to host this meeting.”
As if on cue, trumpets blared and Padme entered the negotiation room in her regalia.
“Please,” she spread her hands, “let us begin.”
The room shifted, Satine sat on her cushioned, elevated seat with her ladies around her and their personal guard scattered around them. On Satine’s right, Ambassador Mundi sat atop a similar seat with her aids around her, and at the head of their circle, sat Queen Amidala.
“The issue at hand is the trade tariffs recently imposed on Naboo and Cerea by Mandalore,” the announcer began, “the Queen has requested to speak first.”
“Dear friends, ambassadors and representatives of Mandalore and Cerea,” began Queen Amidala, “Naboo’s manufacturers are quite upset with such an action, as we have been long time trading partners.”
“Cerea is also not pleased,” Ambassador Mundi agreed, “we are a traditional people in many ways, yet foreign goods are very valuable in our culture.”
All heads turned to Satine.
“After discussing this issue with my Parliament and Prime Minister,” the Duchess began, “we have reached a proposal we confer on.”
Fesma handed two documents to the announcer, one for Cerea and one for Naboo.
“Mandalore would like to suggest a compromise,” the Duchess continued, “we shall lower the taxes on the tariffs, and offer special trading benefits to Naboo and Cerea, in return, we would like to ask for a loan to help boost our economy.”
Whispers went up among the groups, questions filled the air.
“Please indulge us more, Duchess Kryze.” asked a Cerean aid.
“The tariff tax shall be lowered from twenty-five percent to fifteen,” Satine announced, “Parliament agrees that you shall find this much more manageable.”
“We do,” answered Queen Amidala, “tell us about these special benefits.”
Satine held out her hand to Khaami, who passed her a sheet of paper.
“Discounts for pilots carrying valid IDs,” the Duchess read, “and we’ll wave the atmosphere entering fees.”
“This sounds pleasant.” Ambassador Mundi commented.
“How much are you asking for?” asked an old Naboo emissary.
Satine swallowed, “Ten thousand credits, from each of our trading partners.”
The room went silent. Then the Cerean Ambassador leaned over to speak with her aids.
“Your Grace,” she said after a moment, “is this the number your Parliament has asked for?”
“Yes.” Satine nodded.
“My dear Duchess,” Queen Amidala began, “do tell us what you plan to use this money for.”
Straightening, Satine answered, “We have exhausted much of our national funds on rebuilding the economy through civilian programs, yet much of our infrastructure, schools, hospitals, and government institutions, have fallen into disarray.”
The aids whispered among themselves and to the women representing them. Even the announcer, who was also acting as the meeting’s scribe, looked thoughtful.
“Perhaps we could lower the amount of credits.” suggested a Cerean aid.
All eyes turned to Satine.
“I would hate to disappoint a Parliament that has put such faith in me.” the Duchess replied.
More silence.
“I suggest a recess so all parties may discuss in private,” Queen Amidala spoke, “perhaps half an hour would serve us well?”
“Yes,” Ambassador Mundi agreed after a minute, “that would be beneficial.”
Fesma offered Satine her arm and the Duchess stood, but as was decorum, Queen Amidala left the room first. Then the Duchess, and then the Ambassador. Satine and her entourage retreated to their rooms to relax. After using the fresher, the Duchess and her ladies stretched and nibbled on some fruit that had been left in their room.
“God,” Parna sighed, “politics is so hard.”
“I agree,” Waldie huffed, “so much push and pull.”
“The bartering hasn’t even begun,” Satine frowned, “and this is my first foreign visit.”
“Nothing can shake you, Satine,” Fesma said, taking her hands, “did you see how you conducted yourself in there?”
“Yeah,” Khaami agreed, “and everyone seems very respectful.”
“Besides,” Waldie added, “you have every right to be in that room just as everyone else does.”
“You’re the Duchess of Mandalore,” Parna stated, “you have powers according to our constitution.”
Satine forced a smile, “Thank you, ladies, your confidence is reassuring.” 
When it came time to resume, Fesma helped Satine onto her seat and smoothed her dress around her.
“The Queen of Naboo has requested to speak first.” stated the announcer.
Turning to address Satine, Queen Padme began, “Naboo has decided to loan you your requested ten thousand credits, but we would like to raise the average interest rate from seven to ten percent.”
“Cerea has also considered this proposal,” Ambassador Shea announced, “but we will offer eight thousand credits with an interest rate of four precent.”
Satine was silent for a long time, calculating the math in her head.
“Ambassador Mundi,” the Duchess spoke, “would you accept an interest rate of zero if you only offered seven thousand credits?”
The ambassador turned to her aids.
“And Queen Amidala,” Satine turned, “would your nation be willing to loan us ten thousand credits with an interest rate of eight percent?”
Padme leaned over to her advisors, whispering in quiet tones.
“Cerea agrees to this proposal.” the Ambassador decreed.
The scribe went crazy.
“Naboo agrees to this proposal as well.” Queen Amidala smiled.
Satine clasped her hands, “Then let us draw up an agreement.”
Once all the paperwork was written up and signed, the Ambassador of Cerea and Queen of Naboo held a joint press conference with the Duchess of Mandalore, where the decision was announced. Reporters had a chance to ask questions, but none heard Satine’s view, as she excused herself to call Prime Minister Djarin.
“Parliament is for the most part pleased,” Satine could hear her smile over the phone, “well done, Duchess.”
“Thank you.”
Ambassador Mundi and her entourage left later that afternoon, and after a formal goodbye, Satine and her ladies joined Queen Amidala and her ladies for a “casual” dinner. The next day, the Duchess and her ladies explored palace exhibits as their rooms were prepared for departure.
“Thank you for coming, Your Grace.” the Queen said as she and the Duchess made their way to the landing pad.
“It was a pleasure, Your Majesty.” Satine replied.
“I hope I shall see you again.” Padme confessed.
“So do I,” the Duchess smiled, “you don’t make for bad company.”
When Satine arrived back at the palace, her council was waiting for her, and as the Duchess stepped forward to greet them, they began to clap.
“Well done, Satine.” congratulated Jaru Djarin.
“Thank you,” the Duchess smiled, “I hope Parliament understands.”
“You’ve made us proud, Satine,” the Prime Minister nodded, “I’m sure they’ll be fine.”
Jaru’s words rang in Satine’s head all day, and it boosted her pride. She’d represented her country nobly, and she couldn’t be happier. Unfortunately, that high didn’t last.
“Satine? Satine!”
As the Duchess spewed the soupy contents of her stomach into the toilet bowl, she began to cry. What could she possibly have eaten? Trying to keep her hair clean from vomit, Satine reflected on everything that had happened in the last month and a half, but she couldn’t think of anything.
Footsteps got louder as they approached, and soon Fesma and Khaami were standing over her.
“Should I call for the doctor?”
“No.” Fesma answered darkly.
“Why not?” Khaami’s nose wrinkled.
“Because,” Satine straightened, “it could’ve just happened again.”
“What happened again?”
“The medical droid,” the Duchess turned to her senior lady, “where did you leave it last?”
“Still in the basement,” Fesma answered, “Khaami will help me fetch it.”
Satine spent the next few minutes cleaning herself off and creating a makeshift examination table on her bed.
“Nice to meet you,” beeped the machine, “I am Oiyo, the medical droid.” 
“Oiyo,” Satine pulled her nightdress up to her knees, “I need you to determine if I am carrying a child.”
The droid seemed to understand, and asked its patient to bend her knees.
“Human female, correct?”
The droid took out a scanner and began his work.
“When did you bleed last?” Oiyo asked after finishing.
Satine grimaced, “Not since my boyfriend left.”
Khaami gasped.
“I have determined that you are very likely pregnant, if you do not bleed in the next two weeks, it is one hundred percent certain.”
Fesma turned Oiyo off and wiped his memory.
“I’m sorry ladies,” Satine was suddenly overcome with emotion, “I let it happen again.”
Khaami sat down next to Satine, “You couldn’t have known.” 
“But she could’ve tried to prevent it.” Fesma huffed.
“It was all so sudden,” the Duchess gestured, “I didn’t even think, I didn’t have time to think!”
“Satine, it’s going to be alright.” Khaami whispered.
There was no question of what the Duchess’ choice would be.
“We’ve done it once,” Fesma stated, “and we can do it again.”
By nature, the Duchess of Mandalore was very skinny, so she was constantly worried about the hiding of her new baby. Unfortunately, so much happened in her first trimester that Satine could hardly think about her new pregnancy. Bo-Katan, her own sister, had gone on video saying that the ways of Old Mandalore could not be forgotten, and had called Satine a shame to their parents. The Duchess cried and wondered if she knew. Within three hours of the video’s release, Bo-Katan Kryze was banned from all palaces where the Duchess held court, and her status was degraded from Countess to Lady.
“Satine, did you hear me?”
Releasing a breath she didn’t know she was holding, Satine answered, “No.”
“Waldie has agreed to make them,” Fesma stated, “the girdles.” 
“Thank you,” the Duchess sighed, “I hope my research turns out to be useful.”
“It will,” Khaami assured, “although, these ancient figure slimming devices can't be good for the baby.”
“No,” Satine shook her head, “but I have to take these risks.”
When the Duchess was seventeen weeks pregnant, nearing the end of her fourth month, she started wearing the girdles. They were worn in ancient times by women to make them appear slimmer, and as far as Satine could tell, it was working. The Duchess had asked Fesma to tell Waldie that she had an obsession with historical fashion, and for the most part, the head seamstress seemed to believe it.
“Good morning.” Satine said, gliding into the council chamber.
“Good morning, Your Grace.” responded many advisors.
“We have a serious problem, Satine,” the Prime Minister said as she sat down, “it relates to your sister.”
“Oh?” The Duchess raised an eyebrow.
“She has caused a ruckus with her opposition,” a male advisor explained, “there is talk that those who dislike your policies will join her.”
Satine frowned, “Should we summon the clan leaders to swear fealty again?”
“With respect, Your Grace,” began a female advisor, “it is likely that oaths will not help the situation, but if we show the clan leaders that you are more capable than your sister-”
“Then they will not stray.” Satine finished.
“I suggest we host a dialogue panel,” Prime Minister Djarin began, “summon the clan leaders and ask them to bring their problems to us, show that we can be of more use than Lady Bo-Katan.”
Satine’s fingers curled at the mention of her sister’s name.
“Is four days enough time to prepare?” questioned the Duchess.
“I should think so.” an advisor concluded.
“Then it’s settled,” Satine straightened, “we must outperform my sister.”
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hel-looks · 10 months
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Lempi, 24
“My outfit combines my favorite color yellow, glitter, and grandma spirit. I fell in love with this vest in a secondhand store, because it combines my favorite color with the cozy familiar feeling from grandma's bedspreads. My partner found the pants for me, the shirt was thrifted years ago, the belt from a friend and the shoes from my chosen mother. The Kalevala jewelry was inherited from my grandmother and it is my favorite jewelry, the earrings are from the Kaustinen Folk Music Festival.”
12 August 2023, Flow Festival
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temporal-joy · 5 years
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Day #6 of Crosshair x Korkie
Guys, my ask is always open. Start telling me if I’m doing something wrong with my ship. Tell if Korkie is too OOC or Crosshair isn’t doing much. I’m willing to hear about.
Hit me with your best shot like Crosshair!
The twin suns of Tatooine rose and so did Obi-Wan for breakfast. He still could not believe that he had a son by Satine or that said son became a bounty hunter in desperation, but he will accept the truth and give the pair so wisdom before they leave.
He chuckled. Now he knew what his old Jedi Master felt when they were on the run with Satine. Qui-Gon Jinn was always the one breaking up his and Satine’s arguments before they got physical.
Satine might have chosen the pacifist’s path later in life, but no one would have believed it when she was close to punching Obi-Wan’s face. That was only a month into protecting the young Duchess of Mandalore. He now wonders if Korkie has thrown a punch in his partnership and not just a slap.
Obi-Wan went to the kitchen and found Crosshair already waiting for him. The clone tired and plastered with a frown. Obi-Wan wondered if he and Korkie got into another fight, or if he was merely hungry.
“Good day, Crosshair,” he greeted the clone.
“Technically, I should have killed both of you,” Crosshair sighed.
“Thank you for the bluntness.”
“Did you know Korkie talks in his sleep? I finally figured that one out and it’s scaring me that I had to wake up early to find you.”
“Well, people do talk in their sleep.”
“Do they talk about wars that happened before they were born? Or the fact that he knows there’s another Jedi near here?”
Obi-Wan was surprised to hear how Korkie was using the Force. Yet, he more worried about Korkie knowing about Luke. He trust Korkie to keep Luke a secret from his father, but the fear that Palpatine might torture his son for information was greater.
“Don’t worry about us spilling more secrets to people. I don’t think Korkie can handle breaking his old man’s heart again.”
“And you? Can I trust you?”
Crosshair twitched an eyebrow and looked at the Jedi. He knows from past experiences that even if he fights this man, the Jedi would still win. Also, this was Korkie’s father and he wasn’t ready for another fight because he knows Korkie can find someone embarrassing about him for blackmail purposes.
“You can. I don’t want Korkie to throw another tantrum at me. He slaps harder than he looks.”
Obi-Wan smirked at the comment. Korkie was going easy on the clone.
“At least he’s not wanting to punch you. Satine almost did that to me. My late Master, Qui-Gon, had to stop her at the last second before I got a black eye.”
Crosshair smirked and took out a toothpick to bite. He knows a lot about Korkie from last night, but he knows the boy held back a few. Hearing about Korkie’s mother might just shine a light to his attitude. And maybe how to handle his dramatic ass.
“What was she like?” Crosshair asked.
“Satine?” Obi-Wan inquired.
“Who else? Was she like Korkie back in the day? Or was she more reserved? Did she cause problems? What people do she cross the line? You know, those types things?”
Obi-Wan grinned. “You want to about Satine because you want to know how to handle our son, isn’t that the right answer?”
Crosshair frowned and shifted his toothpick to the other side. Guess he can’t hide anything from a Jedi.
“I will tell you about her, but I don’t think our past might help. Korkie’s Force abilities are vastly different than mine and Satine never had any Force-sensitivity. Also, we ran away from bounty hunters, not become them.”
“Practically, what you’re saying is that you can’t help me much.”
“I’m not saying that, but I will ask this, how long?”
“How long what?”
“This partnership. How long?”
“Almost a month. Why?”
Obi-Wan rubbed his chin and went into his thoughts. Satine’s death and the Fall of the Jedi were not too far part. Also, given that Luke is about to turn a half a year old... Korkie has been in exile for closely a year. And without knowledge of his home while in Kalevala. Or have anyone check up on him.
Obi-Wan had the answer and wish it wasn’t the same as Satine’s when they were on the run.
“He’s in mourning.”
“Korkie? But the Siege of Mandalore was months ago and if I do the math, Duchess Satine’s death was months prior to that. I know the usual Mandalorian mourning rituals, and this isn’t one of them.”
“Some Mandalorian clans can mourn for a long time. Yet, members of Clan Kryze should never mourn alone in their time of need.”
“He had his nanny. Though, she was from another House.”
“Which meant he didn’t mourn with the rest of House Kryze like he was supposed to. Satine said if you’re mourning for the head of the House, it must be done with family or anyone in Clan Kryze, but he must have not had the opportunity to mourn correctly.”
“And that’s why he’s acting like this? Because no one helped him mourn?”
“Yes. When my Master and I were tasked to protect Satine, her father had died protecting her and the rest of the family. She had no time to mourn and took it out on us because we were not her Aliit. To her, outsiders cannot be part of the mourning process.”
“But he can’t do it even if he wants to. He’s now cast off by his House. Also, I can’t help him either, I’m not Mandalorian by Creed.”
“True, but maybe I can help with the mourning process. I am his Buir, which means I can help the healing.”
“Will it stop the dramatic attitude?”
“Maybe, but if not... Ground him.”
Crosshair chewed his toothpick slowly while processing the idea. “Wait? I need to ground him? How?”
“Put him back to reality and make sure he finds his footing. He’ll be in the healing process when you’re with him, so he’s bound to be still be reckless. But, he will listen to you without much of a fight. It’s how we got Satine to calm down in her mourning period, she wanted to do something for herself and it got her in trouble many of the time. Yet, I was there to put her back on her feet and calm her down. If Korkie is anything like his mother, he will calm down.”
“Calm down for what?” Korkie popped out. “I heard voices and followed them to you two. What were you talking about?”
“It’s about your mourning process,” Obi-Wan explained to him. “Bo-Katan must not have given to the right process to mourn, didn’t she?”
Korkie glanced at the floored and sighed at the sight of his boots. They were dusty and worn from all the time he paced around his home in Kalevala. He waited for anyone in House Kryze to help him mourn the loss of Satine and Mandalore, but not one came. Not even Bo-Katan.
Now that he hears his own father talking about it, he realizes he should just moved on already and stop mourning. He knows the antics are getting worse, and he needs to stop acting reckless right now. Start with the fact his partner and father should never be part of the mourning process. That should be left on him and him alone.
“I understand that revealing our true relationship meant that you are my Aliit, but please don’t do this just because I need to finish my mourning period.”
“No, Korkie. I think I need to do the same. Satine was the love of my life, and I be dammed if I didn’t mourn her as the man she loved, and the husband she could have. You are my ad’ika and we must finally mourn her in peace. The correct way.”
Korkie cried and hugged his father. Maybe he should let them in. It’s better to have someone understand, than to never talk about his pain at all. Obi-Wan made them breakfast while Korkie talked about the Kryze’s mourning process to Crosshair. Crosshair wanted nothing in the mourning process because he wasn’t in House Kryze, but he will watch the mourning just to support Korkie.
After breakfast, the three headed off in speeders to Dune See to a mountain top. The height was perfect enough to send their love to Satine in the Mandalorian afterlife. Obi-Wan was the first to go to the tip of the mountain while Korkie was helped by Crosshair along the way. At the tip, Father and Son took out pieces of their past with Satine. Obi-Wan had a letter he kept for years while Korkie took a piece of jewelry from his pocket and let it shine in the light.
“It was my first jewelry I gave her,” Korkie stated. “It’s breakable and it has lost a few pieces along the way.”
“Satine wrote me a letter a long time ago,” Obi-Wan cried. “It was a month after she became the ruler of Mandalore.”
Crosshair started a fire for the two. The main part of the mourning process was to ritually send off the items to the Mandalore afterlife to be with the lost loved one. The men tossed the items to the fire and recited the Mandalorian funeral rites. Korkie would not stop crying as the flames burned his jewelry. Obi-Wan was better, but also cried as the letter went up in flames. Crosshair didn’t know what to do and watched the fire die. As the flame turned to ashes, Korkie ran up to Crosshair and hugged him.
“I am so sorry that you have to put with me,” he sobbed. “I swear, I will be better. For you, and for my family.”
Crosshair was speechless for a while. He knows Korkie was ready to move on and prove him right. He smiled and hugged the boy back.
“I know you will,” Crosshair assured him. “You’re not going to be reckless much anymore.”
Korkie hugged him harder until Obi-Wan told them they needed to go back to his home for supplies. The men raced to his home for the supplies, but when they came back, a lone female figure stood at the door.
“Oh no,” Crosshair groaned.
“You know her?” Obi-Wan asked.
“Yeah, she and I have a bit of a rivalry when it comes to shooting things.”
“Please tell me this will end well,” Korkie said.
Crosshair got off his speeder and readied his rifle. The woman did the same with her blasters.
“You got some nerve running off like that,” she called out. “I helped you with one bounty and you never kept your promise.”
“Which was what Fennec?” Crosshair sneered.
“I needed a teacher to help me become a better sniper. Yet, you ditched me and now hooked up with a nobody!”
Korkie got off his speeder and used the Force to take away her blasters. Fennec was scared at the sight of a Force-user, but stood her ground.
“Sorry about that,” Korkie apologized. “But you’re extremely wrong on one thing. I’m not Crosshair’s hook up, I’m his partner. Let’s have a civilized talk and maybe we have an agreement with the idea that you want Crosshair as a teacher.”
“Do a Jedi Mind Trick!” Crosshair called out.
“No. I am a Mandalorian. We take vows seriously. Fennec, is it? Please don’t shoot us, we just mourned my late mother and I really don’t want to have a fight tonight.”
Fennec looked embarrassed at what she heard. She understood loss and she didn’t want to intrude on the mourning period.
“Alright,” she agreed. “We’ll talk, but he needs to do what he promised.”
“He will,” Obi-Wan said. “But not here. The neighbors will check up on the sounds of blaster fire.”
“Then Mos Eisley. I hatched a ride to that place.”
“How about lunch?” Korkie asked.
“No!” Crosshair snapped. “She’s the enemy.”
“But not for right now,” Obi-Wan said. “I can sense you haven’t eaten in a while.”
Fennec wanted to protest, but her stomach said the truth. She had to have an awkward lunch with a clone, a former Jedi and his son. At least the family was nice to her. Crosshair kept hitting her with toothpicks
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antmranking · 1 year
EP 1 - Natural Beauty Shot
EP 2 - Full Body FadeOut
EP 3 - Pepsodent Ad with Umbrella and Male Model
EP 4 - Watch Out! - Lovex
EP 5 - Vero Moda Fall Campaign
EP 6 - Kalevala Jewelry on a Pirate Ship
EP 7 - Beauty Shots with LensWay Glasses
EP 8 - Bikinis
EP 8 - Novita Knigt Hats 
EP 9 - Fashion Capitals of the World
EP 11 - B&W Emotion Simplistic Shots
EP 12 - Max Factor Beauty Shots
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