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ricisidro · 8 months ago
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It's summer in the U.S., and RSV and flu have come and gone. But, as ever, COVID-19 is different. Even though the pandemic may be behind us, SARS-CoV-2 is surging again in this country.
#Omicron #FLIRTvariant #KP2 #KP3
Here's what to know about the current spike in COVID-19:
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madurapost · 7 months ago
Pemkab Sumenep Pastikan Stok dan Penyaluran Pupuk Bersubsidi Aman
SUMENEP, MaduraPost – Asisten II Sekretaris Daerah Kabupaten (Sekdakab) Sumenep, Abdul Madjid, bersama Tim Pengawasan Pupuk dan Pestisida (KP3) melakukan kegiatan monitoring dan evaluasi (Monev) langsung ke distributor dan gudang penyangga pupuk. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk memastikan bahwa stok pupuk bersubsidi di Kabupaten Sumenep, Madura, Jawa Timur, didistribusikan secara tepat dan…
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s0ap-bubbles · 4 months ago
I think adding her to the roster could save mk1 (I’m delusional)
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miaaao · 4 months ago
Rewatch Khaos Reigns again but I feel so bad for Tomas, he really deserve to be with Kuai Liang all the time, he really deserve to appear in his Khaos version, he really deserve to be part of the mission, he deserve to have a chapter too.
I really don't understand why NRS doing this to Tomas? There's something seriously wrong here...
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ahoforaveryho · 2 years ago
On the topic of my last post, NRS seems to be going ham with pairings that I would never have even considered a year ago. Ashrah and Reptile, Kuai and Harumi, Raiden and Kitana, Johnny and somebody who is not Sonya. Some dialogue even mentions that Tanya knows Harumi, but won't tell Kuai how, and my brain immediately screamed "ex-girlfriends". I for one embrace the idea, MK needs more crack pairings.
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detikkota · 2 years ago
KP3: Pupuk Itu Bukan Dari Distributor Sumenep
SUMENEP, detikkota.com –  Pengawas Pupuk dan Pestisida (KP3) Kabupaten Sumenep memastikan 18 ton pupuk bersubsidi yang hendak diselundupkan ke luar Madura bukan berasal dari distributor di Kabupaten Sumenep. Anggota KP3 Kabupaten Sumenep, Arif Firmanto menjelaskan, ada 6 distributor pupuk yang bertanggung jawab atas pendistribusian pupuk bersubsidi di Sumenep. Setiap pupuk bersubsidi, wajib…
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tazahan · 4 months ago
So...MK1 KP3 was canceled due to Khaos Reigns selling poorly huh?
Why I'm not even surprised?
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fsfghgee · 8 months ago
Why do I expect to see Bi-Han as Sub-Zero again
in MK2 or (with some luck) in a second story mode expansion accompanying the leaked KP3 ?
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First, let me get straight to the point. There is no other cryomancer besides Bi-Han in the New Era. Officially no. I know, I know, Frost is supposedly already a Lin Kuei and was mentioned in the leaked expansion script, but hear me out, Frost wouldn't make sense as Sub-Zero because the meaning of her existence would be lost. Contrary to what some people might think, she was not created to replace him. And no, she wasn't created in Mk11, she debuted over 10 years ago. And there's really no hint that she's still a cryomancer, anyway.
Second, according to leaks (which have proven true so far), Liu Kang will (I hope, since he can) restore Bi-Han even if it takes him years to master the magic that Havik used on him to turn him into Noob Saibot.
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This is also mentioned in datamined intros:
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Third, there are leaked intros between Sub-Zero and Cyrax (according to the dataminer who found the files they are between Sub-Zero and Cyrax, cause these intros were at the top, between the first letters of the alphabet) that make reference to post-expansion events:
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According to the datamined script, Cyrax will find out that Sub-Zero and Sektor deceived her…
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and even though she will team up with Sektor and Kuai to rescue Bi-Han and Geras…
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and help Sektor take Bi-Han to Liu Kang…
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There is no evidence that she is going to forgive them.
Which indicates that these dialogues between her and Sub-Zero were written alluding to a Bi-Han already restored as Sub-Zero.
Fourth, It's debatable, but it sounds to me like Noob Saibot no longer identifies himself as Bi-Han (during the intros, post-expansion).
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According to leaked intros he no longer goes by Bi-Han, like his old version used to do, even though Bi-Han had his mind fixed by Liu Kang during the story mode (in addition to having been turned into Noob Saibot by Havik, he also had his mind twisted into serving Titan Havik)…
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and even during the time he was being controlled by Havik, he still remembered his name as a human because he answered to Sektor by it:
So why would he suddenly stop responding to Bi-Han after the story mode?
To me, everything indicates that Bi-Han will return as Sub-Zero sooner than most people expect.
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ggswaywardgifrepository · 4 months ago
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Mixed feelings about KP3 apparently being cancelled.
Annoyed for the lack of completion and closure on the narrative front, especially because neither the base game nor the DLC were worth the cost.
But ngl, I’m also feeling a bit of schadenfreude for the fact that those who were able to skate on such a subpar, money hungry effort might finally be feeling the heat.
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ricisidro · 6 months ago
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The new COVID-19 strain XEC might not be as severe, but is part of the more contagious variant class, experts say.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines XEC as recombinant or hybrid of the Omicron strains KS.1.1 and KP.3.3.
The XEC variant, which first appeared in Berlin in late June, has increasingly seen hundreds of cases across #Europe notably in Germany, France, Denmark and Netherlands and in Asia. It has also been reported in at least 25 U. S. states.
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dalekofchaos · 6 months ago
So I have an idea.
Based on Nightwolf's MK11 ending, we should get a female Nightwolf in KP3
But with a twist.
Make a Night Wolf a child of Erron Black and Native Woman with the bow replaced with a rifle with decorations but keeping the axe and native spirits
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ifeelsotinyhehe · 7 days ago
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- Jade regressor moodboard
Just finished this in under a few minutes hehe. Hopefully she returns in KP3 this year because I miss her ;-;
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theartistaslisalee · 1 day ago
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Now that T1000 is out, Syzoth can take that long deserved break from being the fatality dummy!
In meantime will we actually see a KP3 or is this it for MK1? We can only wait…
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ntaras · 4 months ago
they canceled kp3. due to woke.
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happychildcreation · 3 months ago
I just noticed that I has bought this month (deliveries are starting next month) 2x alesis andromeda A6´s , roland JD-800 , 2x roland JP 8080´s , one roland JP-8000 , two vermona DRM-1 mk3´s + one vermona DRM-1 mk4 , korg kaoss pad KP1 & KP2 and KP3 , akai s900 & s950 & s1000 & s1050 , s3200 & s4000 and s5000 and Oberheim OB-Mx and matrix 1000 + three oberheim x-panders + jomox sun syn x2 ... yeah money sucks but it buys lots of cool things
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