#Just Little Tumblr Things
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kyliafanfiction · 5 months ago
do- do you have a harry potter pfp?? why??????
Because I like Hermione Granger, I like Dramione (the fanart, commissioned from a friend several years back, is of Hermione having dyed her hair green as if to surprise Draco, based on a scene in a dramione fanfic I read)
I am a trans woman who doesn't really care for Harry Potter in it's totality anymore, but I do still enjoy certain aspects of it for the purposes of fanfic, and I am not going to let noted transphobic blogger JK Rowling (who once had a sideline as a halfway decent author and now has a sideline as a terrible author) being a piece of trash stop me from doing that.
I don't give Rowling any money, I don't engage with any Harry Potter content she had a hand in creating anymore, and obviously, as a transgender woman, I don't agree with her views on trans people. (Or her other prejudices views, for the record, but this is tumblr, the trans issue tends to be in focus)
I appreciate that some trans people find the merest presence of Harry Potter related content upsetting or annoying and it is entirely their prerogative to not follow me if that is the case. And if they're stupid enough to assume that I am myself transphobic or don't care about transphobia just because of my pfp, then I don't really want them following me anyway.
Honestly, if not for people like you giving me shit about the pfp, I'd probably have changed pfps a while ago, as I do do that with some irregularity, but I am a machine fueled by spite, caffeine and Tylenol, so I continue to keep it as my pfp.
If it bothers you, then that's fine, don't follow me, hell, block me if you really want to, but I like Dramione fanfic and fanart, and I'm going to continue reading and engaging with it.
Enough metas have been written as to why continuing to engage with HP fanfic and fanart is a very different beast to giving JKR any money or direct support. I direct you to find them if you care to be enlightened on the subject.
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flashbcaks · 1 year ago
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A comedy in two parts
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charlieworkz · 1 year ago
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And a lovely comment here. Thank you man! It really made my day😭😭🌺
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kyliafanfiction · 5 months ago
I'm with you on 'be racist' but there's plenty of very competent fictional murderers that this website think are hot because of the murders.
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Murder🤝Be Racist
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feelslikesugarinme777 · 2 months ago
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insatiablexi · 6 months ago
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orchidektomia · 2 months ago
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kyliafanfiction · 1 year ago
Reblog to make sure the OP never has peace.
“If I had time travel I’d kill Hitler” “If I had time travel I’d stop my favourite politician getting assassinated” you’re all thinking way too small. If I had time travel I’d stop Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin from dying on the moon due to Soviet sabotage, kicking off the Great Nuclear War and devastating half of the planet.
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kyliafanfiction · 11 months ago
I know this may seem rich coming from me, since at least 50% of this blog is complaints and bitching by volume, but enjoying something is a choice. You can choose to enjoy a thing, warts and all, or you can let the warts consume your enjoyment.
Nothing will be perfect. No perfect book, no perfect game, no perfect show. I'm not saying 'settle' or 'never criticize' - again, this blog is at least 50% complaints by volume - but ultimately, you have to decide:
Are you going to enjoy the thing, while also admitting flaws, or just let your hate for those flaws consume your entire perception of the thing.
Or of course, you can set it aside, but this is about the things we can't set aside. The books or shows or games or w/e that just won't leave our brains no matter what.
And if you can't just set it aside and move on, like a rational, sane person would (or so I hear, haven't meant many of those in my time here in fandom and on tumblr), or you can choose to... just hate. Just bitch. Just refuse to like it, and stew. Just... stew.
And the thing is, I don't actually do that. I don't stew. With the exception of my endless rage at Captain America, who continues to squat rent free in a corner of my brain, I actually don't spend much time in my real life focusing on what I don't like about the things I love, or enjoy, or otherwise consume my life and brain. I have things I don't like about my favorite book serieses (What is the plural of series?), or my favorite shows, or my favorite games. Things that bug me, things that annoy me, things that make me wanna pull my hair out.
And when I bitch about them here on tumblr, it's 'I had the thought, I bitch, I move on'. When I have a whole string of them, it's because I'm consuming the thing actively, and I'm venting about whatever annoys me. But if I genuinely hate or can't stand the thing... 99.99% of the time, I just stop. I stop reading, I stop watching, I stop playing. If there's nothing or not enough drawing me in... I quit. Boom. Done.
Because, at the end of the day, I choose to enjoy. That game that I love to pieces and that so many people make snarky videos about how much it sucks compared to the earlier 'good' part of the series? Or about how the game's developers suck because... other game developer did 'basically the same game' better? (When, 75% it's entirely different and not comparable, or actually didn't do the thing better, just different in a way that appealed to the other person's idiosyncratic tastes) Or that book that's trash that sooooo many people insist X or Y or Z did a better version of? That show that 'became garbage' because of a choice you're still butthurt over five seasons later?
I can give you chapter and verse about what's wrong with them. The little things, the big things, the minor annoyances, the quality of life changes, the big picture sweeping reworks I wish we'd had. The stuff that has left me up mad at night when I really can't control myself. The things that I understand why the creator(s) did the way they did, even if I don't agree, and the things that, to this day, I still don't grasp the motivation behind.
And yeah, sometimes those things bubble up to the front of my mind, and sit there for a while, despite my best efforts.
But frankly? I refuse to let that shit stick with me forever (again, Cappy-Fucker excepted, and for the record, I don't like that my hate for him is so deep-seated). I have shit to do. Books to read (again). Games to play (again). Shows to watch (again).
I'm not going to let my hate or annoyance run the show.
I'm going to choose to enjoy it, god fucking damnit.
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mail-me-a-snail · 3 months ago
engie teaches pyro a thang or two about cars
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(original audio from a tiktok by taylormx5)
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spoopdeedoop · 11 months ago
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kyliafanfiction · 8 months ago
We're on tumblr. We haven't been okay in a long time.
Me explaining why my grades were/are shit
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wardingshout · 2 months ago
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ALTTP december warm ups and doodling (and one from today, happy new year)
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kyliafanfiction · 2 years ago
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Tumblr shows that the best way to get queer people to like your show is to not put any explicitly queer people in it. So long as nothing is canon, they will 'Candle Cove' up a whole entire show with EXCELLENT queer representation out of nothing. If you put actual canon queer representation into it, you'll get ripped to shreds for being problematic about it.
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carm3n-carm3n · 2 months ago
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^ caption made by @dollykiller *
goodbye 2014, hello 2015
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zer0expektation · 2 months ago
The (almost) Perfect Assistant
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