#Jumpers for goalposts
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world-of-celebs · 3 months ago
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Maisie Williams attends the World Premiere of "Ed Sheeran: Jumpers For Goalposts" at Odeon Leicester Square on October 22, 2015 in London, England.
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pointless-letters · 2 months ago
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Someone wants a three-wheeled bike of their own, don’t they Paul?
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veranitoprints · 9 months ago
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Football Posters For Summer 2024
2024 will be the summer of football! What do you think of these football posters you can hang on your wall? If you're looking for some wall art to get your house into the Euro 2024 spirit, these are some cracking designs.
They take inspiration from the 90's, playing football as a kid and all the glory days of football in the 1990's.
Which is your favourite?
Source: Veranito football prints.
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silence-between-seconds · 1 year ago
Marauders era characters and how their bedrooms look like:
Sirius: leather jacket thrown over spiny chair, boots under bed, punk rock posters, (the "straight phase" is over so no more nude women posters like his room at grimmauld we don't talk about that). Vanity mirror with makeup and nail paint spread out either messily or OCD level neatly, walk-in closet with the wildest red carpet level clothes, "I'm a grown man I don't need a night light" no it's hidden under magazines but no one needs to know that, fairy lights, sketchbooks and glitter pens and charcoal covered papers everywhere, obnoxious looking stationery over a desk he rarely uses, hand-drawn portrait of the Marauders with I solemnly swear I'm up to no good written in loopy cursive
Lily: neat mess sorta room, books everywhere but her bookshelf, those globe souvenir things, flowers, a couple of house plants, posters with motivational quotes, one of Sirius' paintings of the sunset on the wall, picture frame of all her friends, another with her parents, a handwritten schedule with every minute of the week taken into account, a knitted blanket by Marlene, a jumper suspiciously similar to Remus' James: MESSY room. There's a quaffle rolling around and a makeshift goalpost is hanging from the ceiling. Snacks and candy wrappers everywhere, framed pictures from his childhood, lots of pictures of effie and monty, polaroids of the marauders, his quidditch team and mostly Regulus, books Regulus recommends him, so many clothes dumped on his chair it's barely visible, theres a yoga mat rolled up in the corner
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il3x · 1 year ago
Hello sorry to bother you!
I've noticed you post a lot about a manhwa called Hand Jumper? And compare it favorable to Worm? I was wondering if you could give a description/sell it a little - it seems good but the description online is so vague I can't tell if I'd like it or not
Thank you so much~~~
Cracks knuckles. Let's GO!
Hand Jumper is a fantasy/superpower/thriller webtoon, featuring a girl called Sayeon Lee. Sayeon is my beloved babygirl and somewhat Worm-y in that she has a unique power that interacts with her psychological issues in interesting ways. Having this power makes her an Aberrant, an oppressed class (though, don't look too hard at the social worldbuilding; it's about Ward quality in the early chapters, if you ask me. Sigh.). Aberrants can either be conscripted into the Aberrant Corps (evil torturemurder school. I like how this webtoon depicts the education system. for catharsis reasons) or declared illegal, upon which the Corps is tasked to hunt arrest them.
Sayeon comes from a long line of Aberrant criminals, high-ups in the underworld. As a matter of fact, her older sister is an Aberrant criminal right now. Sayeon, however, is viciously opposed to all crime (for reasons to be revealed later!) and works herself to the bone to become a criminal prosecutor. (Have I mentioned I like how school is depicted?).
Her future and identity are shattered when her Aberrancy manifests and she's conscripted into the Corps. The main story focuses on Sayeon trying to survive and orient herself around a new goalpost, as she bonds with - and pulls away from - her squadmates. (Especially Ryujin. Ryujin, my second favourite scrunkly, stands for none of the Corps' shit and forms a glorious foil for Sayeon.) There's some action here. We also get to know people on different levels of the Corps, and while the worldbuilding can still be criticised, the flaws start to pale in the face of compelling human characters. Having a shit-awful time in the torturemurder school. Perpetrating the atrocities &c. There's also a small ongoing mystery throughout S1, which adds to the thriller element, though it's more a mystery for the readers than the characters.
Then, we have a secondary plotline focusing on Sayeon's sister, and her activities in the Aberrant underworld.
And Sayeon's past is revealed non-linearly, in a sort of third storyline/mini-mystery.
We also get episodes focused on individual side characters, much like Origins episodes in an anime, and learn about the fantasy side of the worldbuilding - better than the social side, imo, even though I haven't dabbled in it too much.
That was a lot more selling than description, lol, sorry about that. I also mayy be biased-
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^ me
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arianatwycross · 2 years ago
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Chapter 3
continue reading below or read on AO3 here
“Told you he liked you.”
Lily rolls her eyes. 
“Just because I made him blush, doesn’t mean he likes me still.”
“But it does.”
Lily groans, pulling herself from the floor and giving Mary another exasperated look. 
“Who likes who?” Dorcas interrupts. 
Lily groans once again. 
“Lily fancies-” 
“Nope! Not here Mare.” Lily chastises, her tone grave. 
Mary just smiles. 
The common room is not as full as it could be - being a free period for a few seventh years, there’s only a handful of them milling around. 
“Who do you fancy?” Dorcas whispers theatrically, sitting on the edge of the sofa behind Lily. 
“I don’t fancy anyone.”
Mary laughs. 
Before Dorcas can interrogate Lily, the boys wander in - loud and distracting. Lily’s eyes instantly travel to James. He’s taken off his jumper - recently, she deduces but the way his hair sticks up haphazardly. His shirt sleeves have been rolled up and she clocks his forearms straight away - she inwardly groans. 
“Oh,” Dorcas whispers behind her. 
Lily swivels around on the floor to question her oh but finds her looking at James and then back to Lily with a twinkle in her eye. 
Lily just rolls her eyes again. 
“Evans!” Sirius calls out when he spots her. She raises an eyebrow in response. 
“James is going to go for a fly this afternoon, wanna join him? I know how much you love watching him fly.”
Lily should have expected this. She can either rise to his torment, let him embarrass her, or - agree. 
“Ok.” She shrugs, pulling her hair into a ponytail. 
James watches her movement with his mouth wide open, Sirius laughs at Lily’s blase response, Remus walks into the back of James and Peter blinks curiously at the group now standing oddly in the middle of the common room. 
“Wait, what?” James finally says. 
“I don’t mind watching, I need some air anyway.” She manages to say it calmly, however, her heart beats dramatically in her chest. 
“Oh. Ok, cool.” James says, his hands flying to his hair, his eyes darting to Sirius and Remus. 
She cooly watches Remus whisper something into James's ear and Sirius slaps his best mate on the back.
“I just need to get changed.” He says, briefly looking at her before darting up the stairs. 
The entire group bursts into laughter and Lily feels strangely like the butt of a joke. 
She frowns, watching her friends laugh. Mary wiggles her eyebrows at her, making Lily swat her hand away from her ponytail. 
“You want to wear my coat? It makes your eyes pop.” Mary offers. 
Lily stands, brushing down her skirt, smoothing the crinkles. She ignores her friend for all of one minute before she nods and says thanks. 
Surprisingly, it's not awkward between them as they walk down to the pitch. Whatever James did while getting ready, alleviated the tension she saw in his shoulders just ten minutes before. Instead, James seems quite giddy. He’s put on a dark blue hoodie - the aura of cosiness makes Lily feel something almost uncomfortable - too much. He’s got a kick in his step as he leads them to the back of the castle, telling Lily about his previous training session the day before. The one she watched. 
She’s always been entranced with the way he tells stories - an aspect of his personality that she previously tried to ignore but James is the type of person to capture someone's interest whether they wanted it or not. 
She laughs as he describes the way a fourth-year student by the name of Betty, flung herself through one of the goalposts in an attempt to get away from a rogue bludger. She takes the opportunity to touch his shoulder when they pass through a crown of sixth years near the pitch, the action coming naturally to her. She notices a slight pause on James' behalf as her hand touches his jumper, but he gracefully takes a hold of her arm and pulls her through the throng of students. 
They stay touching like that the entire way, brief elbow touches, him guiding her by the back, her smiling as he talks - it’s more intimate than they’ve ever been and it's thrilling. 
He leaves her by the gate towards the pitch as he goes to pick up his broomstick. It's cold outside that afternoon, grey clouds cover the large pitch, making the green of the grass seem dull. She wraps her scarf around her neck tighter, trapping her ponytail and fringe. James appears suddenly, shocking her from her stupor. He chuckles but doesn’t speak as he pulls her fringe from her scarf with two fingers. She watches intently as his eyes track his fingers. Lily can physically feel the air thicken around the two of them, her entire body electrified by just a small touch -that small moment fuelling her need and vanishing her doubts towards him. She knows it could be good between them. 
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luciochaves · 9 months ago
Ed Sheeran - Jumpers for Goalposts (Live at Wembley Stadium 2014) - The ...
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sadsacs · 1 year ago
Jumpers for Goalposts.
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violenceviolette · 1 year ago
“It was quite a spiritual journey,” he says. “I took a photo while we were having a little kickabout on the pack ice, jumpers for goalposts, then sent it to one of my mates who sent me a photo of [Ernest] Shackleton with his crew doing the exact same thing.”
Stephen Graham about his experience filming The North Water in the Arctic
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» The Terror (2018) – [gif credit]
» The crew of Shackleton’s Endurance expedition playing football – photos by Frank Hurley
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pointless-letters · 2 months ago
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TRANSLATION: “I am entirely fuelled by hatred.”
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top-the-cat · 6 months ago
Young boys you say?
Jumpers for goalposts?
Back into Europe after forty odd years?
Villa scum deserve to get beaten by some amateur league nobodies?
Keep right on, is it?
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Making some lamb mince/feta pizzas, whilst listening to Villa’s European adventure.
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twobigears · 3 years ago
not trialing nearly as much has been nice for a lot of reasons, but apparently trials are still good for motivating me to actually train things
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aconitum-napellus · 8 years ago
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Snuggly jumpers. (Found on AgentSoloUNCLE twitter.)
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barrymasterson · 6 years ago
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*Charity Auction Klaxon*
festival next weekend, is hosting an art exhibition and auction in aid of
Here's my submission and some close up details.
Pitch side brawl. ✔
Family pet. ✔
Tough tackles. ✔
Clothes on the line, (@LongfordTownFC jersey) ✔
Some lad in goals who has no idea what he's doing. ✔
Crazy talented artists involved, as well as me. If you want to support please check out the link I put at the end of this post. Show your friends, maybe share it. There's something like 16 one off pieces available from some of the best sports illustrators in the world.
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Forever In love with this💗
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eddsheerannblog · 3 years ago
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Ed Sheeran Eighty thousand singing with me🎵
Six years ago, Jumpers for Goalposts: Live at Wembley Stadium was released.
Was anyone at one of the three Wembley shows?💚
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