#High tech like bikes
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pointless-letters · 2 months ago
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Someone wants a three-wheeled bike of their own, don’t they Paul?
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stealingyourbones · 8 months ago
Dash has grown up, gone to college, flunked out of college, and now works as a mechanic in Gotham.
It all started when he took Red Robin's bike in for repair. He just treated the dude as another client and got him on his way with a fixed bike.
Then the other birds came in, bringing their damaged vehicles in to be repaired.
In doing so he had to become a lot more knowledgeable in the unique and high tech equipment needed to repair the Gotham vigilante's machines.
Then the car he was the most excited and most terrified to service pulled into the shop.
A smoking batmobile with a dented hood, something leaking from the undercarriage and the sound of something loose (most likely the cause of the leak), scraping against the ground).
Dash takes a deep breath as the doors to the batmobile open and his client steps out along with a sheepish Nightwing.
Time to go talk to Batman.
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punkshort · 4 months ago
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Back to You
Pairing: Dave York x f!reader
Summary: The stars never aligned for you and Dave growing up. You never thought you'd see him again once he went to college and joined the C.I.A., but one fateful day brings him back into your life - or more specifically, your husband's life.
Warnings: language, violence, smut (18+ MDNI), unprotected piv sex, oral (f!receiving), multiple orgasms, heavy on the possessive behavior, jealousy, infidelity, a glimmer of dark!dave but in a obsessive, madly in love kind of way, graphic domestic abuse
WC: 10.8K
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Pain seared across your eyes, over the bridge of your nose and thrummed steadily against the top of your skull. The door was locked and you heard his car peel out of the driveway, but you laid curled up on the bathroom floor, body trembling in fear, still anticipating the sound of his heavy footsteps to clamber back up the stairs.
How the hell did you let it get to that point? How did you allow this to happen?
You had a bad habit of falling back into old memories whenever Mike hit you. You always wondered where you went wrong and what you could have done differently. Now? It felt like there was no escape. Even if you ran away, where would you go? He could find you anywhere. He told you that, once. And if he were just some run of the mill, blue-collar drunk, you wouldn't have believed him.
It was maybe ten years ago when he accidentally left the door to his office in the basement unlocked. You were doing laundry and saw the door was cracked, so you poked your head inside. He had told you before that it was nothing special, that it was just a quiet place for him to focus on work. He said he locked the door because the equipment on loan from his office was expensive and he couldn't risk anything happening to it. But what you saw was... not the type of equipment a man in finance would need.
Weapons were perched on the walls, sparkling clean and ready for use. You couldn't count how many computer monitors were mounted on the back wall, how many hidden cameras were placed around your home. But what drew your attention the most were the monitors that displayed a view from another house. Or, houses, as you would come to learn later.
His desk had high-tech looking equipment, tactical gear, files on men in a foreign language. Ten different cell phones were stashed away in a drawer along with countless fake passports and a whole duffel bag filled with a mix of foreign currency.
Mike was not the man he claimed to be.
And when he caught you snooping in his office, that was the first night he hurt you. Really hurt you.
You met him when you were a teenager, taken by the fact that he was a couple years older and seemingly wiser. Youth and naivety kept you from seeing who he really was. He was rough and possessive, but you thought you liked it. Before you knew it, he had proposed to you and almost fifteen years later, you were stuck in not only a loveless marriage, but a violent marriage.
And you had no way out. No means of escape.
When you finally stopped shaking, you stood to gather some ice for your face, pressing it tenderly against the bruises when the same inevitable thought crossed your mind:
Dave never would have done this.
Dave York. The boy who grew up next door to you. Who you went to school with all through high school. The boy you had a painful crush on for as long as you could remember, but who only saw you as just a good friend. Someone to hang out with over the summer. Someone to tag along with to the movies when he was bored. Someone to ride bikes with all over the neighborhood. Someone who gave you your first kiss after he convinced you to sneak out in the middle of the night but then made you swear not to tell anyone.
You had convinced yourself the kiss had meant nothing to him. Why would it, if he made you promise not to say anything? It broke your heart, but the idea of losing Dave as a friend hurt more, so you kept your mouth shut and pretended it never happened.
And you were okay with it. For a while. When you were eighteen, you met Mike, and for the first time, you had feelings for someone else other than Dave.
You were so excited to introduce them. Your closest friend meeting your first real boyfriend. But, of course, they clashed the moment they were introduced. Like two animals who sniffed each other out, they knew the other was bad news and from then on, things changed.
Mike asked that you didn't see Dave as much. It felt like being torn in two, but Dave was already applying to colleges out of state anyway, and it didn't take long until he was accepted.
Against Mike's wishes, you went to Dave's going away party. Alone. It was that day when Dave pulled you aside and confessed his feelings for you. Told you he was in love with you and begged you to come with him. Said that you had so much potential that you would just be wasting if you stayed home, with Mike. That he could take care of you.
And foolishly, you turned him down. At the time, you had convinced yourself what you had with Mike was real. He didn't try to hide you the way Dave did. He proudly had you on his arm from day one.
So, you made the biggest mistake of your life. You said no. Accused him of being jealous and ran home to Mike.
When Mike found out where you had been, he grabbed you by the throat and pushed you up against the wall. Spit obscenities in your face and told you never to lie to him again.
The next morning, he apologized. Said he had been drinking, that it would never happen again. You believed him, and he didn't do anything for another year. After that, the aggression slowly built up. It started with the verbal abuse, the accusations, and the lies. Then he grew more physical.
There wasn't one particular day when it all changed, it was a slow progression, but stumbling across his private office was certainly a bad day. The physical abuse was always linked with something big. Something big and terrible that you felt you did wrong. Over the years, that changed, too.
And now, present day, anything could set him off.
That particular evening, you had burnt the chicken for dinner, so he backhanded you across the jaw before grabbing you by the back of the neck and slamming your face into the refrigerator.
No, Dave York certainly would never have treated you that way. Your life could have been completely different had you not turned him down.
Little did you know, you would find out exactly how different soon enough.
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You stared blankly at your computer, one eye still swollen but hidden pretty damn well under a thick layer of your best concealer. Thank god it was a slow day. Even if you didn't get much sleep the night before, allowing yourself to rest by pretending to work was enough to make you feel a little better.
The double espresso in your latte didn't hurt, either.
You had managed to become an expert at faking being busy at work. Zoning out was your speciality. So much so that you hardly heard the front doors of the bank swing open and shut, and only faintly heard the quiet tap of dress shoes on the tile making their way towards your general direction.
"Excuse me?"
Your body jumped at his voice, startling you out of your daydream. With your heart hammering in your chest, you narrowed your eyes at your computer, hoping to convey the look of someone deep in the middle of a very serious work issue.
"Sorry. Have a seat, I'll be right with you," you said without looking up. If you gave up your fake task too quickly, it would prove you weren't really working, so you opened up a few random files and pretended to jot down some notes, some random numbers and names, before clearing your throat and finally giving the man across from you your full attention.
Your jaw dropped. Heart plummeted to your stomach. Body rigid with shock.
It was him. It was Dave York. After fifteen years and never laying eyes on him, you could still pick him out of lineup. Those deep, brown eyes. Thick, slightly wavy hair. Chiseled jaw and angular nose. He was unmistakable.
"H-hi," you stammered, feeling your face warm instantly at your weak greeting. He just cocked his head at you, confused. Then you grew even more uncomfortable when it became clear he didn't recognize you.
You pointed meekly to your name tag, his eyes following your finger and watching as his face slowly filled with recognition.
What you had hoped would be a warm welcome turned out to only be a tight lipped smile and nod.
"Oh. Didn't realize it was you."
You waved him off and briefly looked back at your screen, unable to stand the embarrassment.
"How have you been, Dave?" you asked, pulling your focus away from your computer and back onto him. "Are you home visiting your family? Oh... it's your father's birthday next week, right?"
Something shifted behind his eyes. Something softer. Like he was taken aback but trying to hide it. Your suspicion was correct when he stumbled over his next words, the confidence and cool demeanor he strolled in with temporarily gone.
"How - you remember that?"
You nodded. "Of course, I do. How could I forget?"
The day Dave's father passed away, it was raining. Not just raining, but down pouring. Streets were flooding and everyone stayed huddled in their homes, safe and dry.
But not you.
When you heard the news, you had rushed to the abandoned tree house by the train tracks two blocks from your home. It was a safe place for you both. Whenever your parents were fighting, Dave would find you there. And when Dave's father got sick, you would find him there, too. You had scrambled up the wooden ladder, sheets of rain pelting your face, cascading down your shoulders and soaking through your thin raincoat. But when you hurried into the treehouse and found him, huddled and shaking in the corner with tears streaking down his cheeks, you forgot all about your discomfort. You rushed to him, pulled him into your arms and let him cry against your chest for an hour without saying a single word. The only noise was the distant rumble of thunder and the steady sound of harsh raindrops pelting the wooden roof.
You were both sixteen at the time.
Dave blinked and cleared his throat, shaking off the sudden warmth that filled his chest.
"No. I'm here on business."
He pulled out his badge from his suit coat and your eyebrows raised in surprise.
"C.I.A?" you said, "Wow. I mean, I thought I had heard something-"
"Need you to look up a couple accounts for me."
You clamped your mouth shut, trying to hide your dejection by looking across the lobby floor, but his icy tone and steely demeanor stung. You couldn't blame him, really, given how things ended the last time you saw each other, but you had held out hope that he had forgiven you at some point in the past fifteen years.
Seemed as though you were wrong.
"Y-yeah, sure. That - I can do that," you said, straightening up in your chair, determined to keep things purely professional, same as him. "What are the names and socials?"
He didn't even pull out a file or notepad, he had them memorized so he could keep his eyes locked on your face, studying you, watching for any glimmer of recognition or surprise when he told you the names.
"James Victor Turner."
You typed away on your keyboard, completely unphased by the name, much to his relief. He rattled off the social security number and waited a moment until you found the right person.
"Do you want me to email the account detail or something? That's usually what the feds have us do," you asked, turning back to him. He let your words hang in the air for a moment, searching your eyes for any sign of deceit. Finally, he nodded and slid his card across your desk.
"Email's on there."
Your gaze jumped from his face to the card, noting immediately his cell number was listed, as well, and suddenly the thought of having his cell phone number filled you with a deep sort of comfort you couldn't explain.
He gave you three other names, and every time he waited for a shift in your brow, a flinch in your cheek, or for your breath to quicken in alarm, but every time you remained completely indifferent and calm. He had learned how to read body and facial tells in the academy. He was very fucking good at it.
These names meant nothing to you.
Thank fuck.
"Is that all?" you asked when you emailed the last file. You thought you hid your hopefulness from your voice, that maybe he would say no, let's get a drink, let's catch up. But instead, he nodded and muttered his thanks. Then leaned to the side to slide his wallet back into his pants.
"You taking care of yourself?" he asked casually as he went to stand. "Husband treating you right?"
Now that got a reaction. Your brows tilted slightly, your gaze shifted away and you swallowed nervously. It was then he felt his blood run cold in his veins.
He was very fucking good at reading body language.
"Yeah," was all you said, then pretended to read something in your email. Dave stalled, heart beginning to thunder in his chest when he noticed. How did he miss it before?
"What happened to your eye?"
Your lips briefly pressed into a thin line before you forced a fake smile.
"I was cleaning over the weekend and something fell from the top shelf of my bathroom. Some luck, huh?"
Your tone was practiced. Disarming. He saw right through it.
"What fell?"
"Huh?" you asked.
"What fell from the shelf?" he repeated, watching as you tried to hide the panic behind your eyes. You were used to people not questioning your rehearsed excuses.
"Um, it - I think it was toothpaste."
"Toothpaste caused a shiner like that?" he pushed. He had places to be. He had to report back in less than ten minutes with his findings. But he couldn't seem to give a shit.
"It was still in the box. The corner caught me just right," you replied smoothly, pleased with your quick thinking. Dave slowly nodded, deciding to drop it and not make your day even worse.
Besides, he knew all he needed to know, anyway.
His hands fidgeted at his sides. His gaze slid around the lobby while he tried to think of something else to say. You watched him curiously.
"My number's on the card-"
"I know," you replied, cutting him off. He met your eye and you gave him a small smile. He bit the inside of his cheek and nodded tightly.
"Don't be afraid to use it."
And before you could react, he was halfway across the lobby. When he disappeared through the doors, you looked back down at his business card. Your finger traced the blue numbers indented into the card stock, the small rectangle somehow acting like a talisman. Settling your nerves, calming you.
Dave York came back to you.
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An entire week went by and your thoughts rarely drifted from Dave. Every time the doors opened at work, your head snapped up, hoping to see him again. When you laid in bed at night, your husband sometimes there, sometimes not, you would lay awake staring at the ceiling, thinking of him. Wondering what he was doing, where he was staying.
If he was thinking of you, too.
Friday was your anniversary. Mike had promised to be on his best behavior after feeding you apologies for his bad mood lately. It was always the same, you knew he wasn't actually sorry for what he said and did, but you smiled and forgave him all the same.
He had gotten a reservation at a French restaurant, and even though he knew French cuisine wasn't your favorite, you still tried to appreciate the gesture. You had gotten dressed up to celebrate. You wore a mauve dress with a slit up the leg and thin straps that rested delicately over your shoulders. The bruises from the weekend before had faded. Your hair actually cooperated. You were feeling rather good about yourself.
Until it became clear Mike had picked the restaurant for another reason.
His gaze shifted all over the room whenever he thought you weren't looking. He was waiting for someone, you thought. His fingers tapped mindlessly on the cloth covered table while you sipped your wine and picked at your food, doing your best to finish what he ordered for you, too scared to rock the boat.
"How long's it gonna take for you to eat?" he snapped quietly, so as not to cause a scene. You looked up in surprise, poised to answer, when you froze. Over his right shoulder at the bar sat Dave York, nursing a short glass of amber liquid. And his eyes were pinned directly on you.
Mike must not have liked how you took an extra moment to answer because his arm shot out to grab your wrist, fingertips going white from the pressure he was applying. You hissed, attention refocused on him and his hand, as you tried to squirm out of his grip. In the corner of your eye, you saw Dave stand, but he didn't make a move towards your table.
"I did something nice for you and you can't be bothered to pay me any attention? On our anniversary?" he seethed. You wanted to tell him his attention had been elsewhere the entire night, that you weren't stupid and you knew something else was going on, but you bit your tongue. As usual.
"I-I'm sorry," you stammered, giving your arm one quick yank backwards, pulling away from his grasp. "I'm just not that hungry. My stomach hurts."
"Which is it? Not hungry or your stomach hurts?"
You rubbed your wrist under the table and looked into his eyes. You saw the anger bubbling up, just under the surface, and you knew then and there how the rest of the evening was going to go.
"Both," you shot back with a clipped tone.
His eyes widened and he leaned forward, no doubt about to unleash every horrid threat he could think of under his breath when he spotted something or someone behind you. Whoever he was waiting for all evening finally showed up.
Mike stood from the table and buttoned his suit coat.
"I'll be right back. Just saw an old golfing buddy." Then he pinched your chin between his thumb and forefinger, flexing the digits harshly into your skin, making you wince. "I suggest you finish your food. We're leaving when I get back."
Then he was gone.
Your chest heaved and you took a shaky sip from your glass, looking to calm your nerves. Your eyes darted back towards the bar, but Dave was no where to be seen. Your heart sank. Just as you were resigning yourself to another evening of being on the receiving end of Mike's anger, you felt a gentle brush against your arm.
"Bathroom," Dave muttered as he walked past, heading towards the back of the restaurant.
You didn't even think. You tossed your napkin onto the table, standing up so fast you nearly knocked over your chair to hurry after him. The restrooms were down a short hallway and around a corner. Soft, classical music drifted from the speakers above you, the only other sound besides the click of your heels against the hardwood floors. When you turned the corner, Dave's arm immediately shot out to wrap around your waist, pulling you quickly out of view of the dining room.
He had swiveled you around so your back was against the wall, just past the two doors leading into the restrooms. If anyone exited the bathrooms, they would see Dave's body caging you in, clear as day.
The thought made your pulse thrum steadily in your throat.
"You need to promise me something."
Dave's voice was urgent. Like he was pressed for time.
"Huh?" you asked dreamily, lost for a moment in the warmth rolling from his body and the cloud of his cologne, engulfing you.
He opened his mouth to speak, then annoyance flickered across his face. He yanked out a nearly invisible earpiece, letting it dangle over his collar, and your eyes widened.
"A-are you... working?"
"Promise me," Dave said, grabbing you by the arms and ignoring your question, "that tomorrow night, you won't be home. You need to go out in public. Preferably with friends or family."
"What? Why?" you asked fearfully. You were snapping out of the spell he had managed to put you under. Lust was being replaced with alarm. The hairs on the back of your neck were rising.
"And use a credit card once or twice," he continued, staring deep into your eyes. "Can you do that? Hm?"
Slowly, you found yourself nodding. You had a million questions but you didn't bother to ask - he wasn't going to answer them anyway.
"Good," he breathed, looking visibly relieved. His shoulders relaxed and he let his hands drop from your upper arms to your wrists. His eyes flickered down to where Mike had grabbed you, light blue circles already developing before your very eyes. Dave's jaw twitched. "Good girl," he murmured, dragging his thumb over one of the marks. Your breath stuttered and your knees went weak, the energy between you dissolving back into something else. Something hungrier.
When his eyes met yours again, you could tell he felt it, too.
You were certain you moved at the same time. You pushed off the wall and titled your chin up just as he took a step forward and wrapped his arms around your waist. Your lips met for the first time in almost twenty years and just like that, you felt transported back in time. Anybody could have come down that hall and seen you, including your husband, but in that brief moment, you were safe inside your treehouse again. You were in the arms of the man who had been there since the beginning. Who knew you better than your own husband.
"He won't come home tonight," Dave whispered once he tore himself away. But he didn't go far. His hand had risen to cup your cheek and his forehead pressed gently against yours as he spoke. "Keep yourself safe. Go home, lock the doors, don't leave until tomorrow."
"Okay," you replied shakily, hands coming to lay flat against his chest. You could feel his heart pounding just underneath.
"Tell me what you're going to do tomorrow," he demanded firmly.
You swallowed the lump in your throat. "I'm going to go out with my friends. Somewhere public. And I'll use my credit card."
"Good," he breathed before kissing the tip of your nose. "When it's safe, I'll come get you."
"How?" you asked, gazing up into his dark brown eyes. They looked just as you remembered them. No longer were they cold and distant. Now, they were soft and warm and kind.
"I'll find you."
It was all he managed to say before you had to spring apart, the echo of footsteps tapping down the hall interrupting your moment. He turned away and pulled out his phone, pressing it against his ear as if he were taking a call. You ran your thumb under your lip, hoping to fix any smudges, and forced your feet to move past the other restaurant patron rounding the corner, back into the dining room. Away from Dave.
Even though there was definitely danger swirling somewhere around you, you knew you were safe, because Dave would be watching.
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You didn't have many friends. Mike purposely made that difficult for you. But you did manage to have two friends from work who you occasionally went to dinner with or saw a movie together. So that was what you did. The three of you got dinner, where you used your credit card to pay, and then walked around the mall. One of your friends had a wedding coming up, so she dragged you from store to store as she hunted for the perfect dress. At one point towards the end of the night, you bought a tea with your card, claiming you felt a sore throat coming on.
Obsessively, you checked your phone. For what, you weren't exactly sure. Maybe a call from Mike, or something from Dave. You didn't give him your number but you had a feeling he had ways of finding that out for himself. But all evening, your phone remained silent. No texts. No calls. No news alerts. Nothing.
You dragged the night out as long as you could, but eventually your friends wanted to go home.
In the dark parking lot, you waved goodbye before turning in the direction of your parked car. It was almost eleven. That had to be enough time, right? Whatever it was Dave was trying to protect you from had to be over by then.
You fumbled for your keys in the dark, pulling them out of your purse nervously as you approached your car. You were all alone in that corner of the lot, but of course one sleek, black car had chosen to park right next to you.
You tried to keep your breathing steady as you approached, but right when you were a couple feet away from your bumper, the door to the black car swung open, startling you.
"It's me," a familiar, deep voice said. Then Dave stepped out of the car dressed in all black and your shoulders sagged.
"Oh, my god," you breathed, dragging in a ragged breath before leaning against your car. "You scared me."
Then you noticed a strange man unfurl himself from the passenger seat and you stiffened.
"It's alright," Dave assured you, glancing back at the other man for a moment. "This is Kovac. He's gonna drive your car to the hotel."
You furrowed your brow and clutched your keys to your chest.
"Why? Why can't I drive?"
Dave sighed as Kovac casually leaned against the trunk of your car and lit a cigarette.
"Because... I would prefer you drive with me. Just being extra cautious."
You considered it for a moment, looking around the empty parking lot as you shifted your weight from foot to foot until finally you relented and handed over your keys.
"I'll take good care of her," Kovac promised you, stubbing out his cigarette before unlocking your door and sliding into the driver's seat.
Dave rounded the front of his car and opened the passenger door for you. When you passed him, the scent of sweat and gunpowder flooded your senses. You slipped silently into the seat and he gently shut the door.
The hotel Dave took you to was not far away from the mall. You watched in the sideview mirror as Kovac tailed you both in your SUV.
"Don't you have any questions?" Dave finally asked, breaking the silence. You turned to look at him, his breathtaking side profile illuminated by the streetlights.
"I have probably a thousand."
"So... are you going to ask?"
You shook your head. "No. You wouldn't tell me, anyway."
The corner of his mouth twitched in amusement as he safely pulled into the hotel parking lot.
Kovac picked the spot directly next to Dave's car, turning off your SUV and joining the two of you in front of Dave's bumper.
"All set," he said, dropping the keys into Dave's palm.
Dave nodded and gave a subtle tilt of his chin towards another car parked a few spaces down. The headlights turned on and Kovac slipped into the front seat without another word or glance in your direction.
You looked up at the unassuming hotel as Dave led you into the lobby. It was middle of the road, average at best, affordable but not trashy. For some reason, you imagined Dave picking somewhere much swankier.
Dave immediately ushered you past the front desk and towards the rowdy sports bar just off the main entrance. He found a small, open spot against the bar and held out his hand.
"Give me the credit card you used earlier."
Without even questioning it, you handed it over. He bought your favorite drink and two shots of tequila, then handed it back to you. You smirked and pocketed it before taking the glass from him.
"How did you know my favorite drink?"
He shrugged and tossed back one of the shots. "Part of the job."
You took a sip from your glass, trying to hide your smile to no avail.
"I have to admit," you said, glancing around the crowded room. "This isn't the type of hotel I would have expected you to pick."
"No, it's not. But it's the type of hotel you would pick," he countered, fingers wrapping around the second shot of tequila. Your brows knit together in confusion while you watched him toss back the second shot. "C'mon. You don't have to finish that. Let's get you a room."
Your face fell, hoping he would have invited you to stay with him, but you quickly recovered. It had been so long since you had seen each other, and you were married, for fuckssake.
Not that it stopped him from kissing you in the restaurant the night before, but still.
Dave signaled for your card again when the receptionist was booking your room and you quickly handed it over. You rolled your head back and forth, working out the kinks in your neck while you waited. When she slid a piece of paper across the counter for you to sign, you did so as fast as possible. Dave's eyes lingered on your married name when the paper passed in front of him and he pursed his lips.
"Here's your key. Floor seven. Take a left when you get off the elevators and your room is around the bend," the receptionist said cheerily. You nodded your thanks and tucked away your card and receipt while you followed Dave to the elevators.
When you stepped into the car, Dave pressed the button for floor nine. You reached forward to press seven and he stopped you.
"The room's just part of the paper trail."
It took you a moment, but you caught up. Using your credit card at dinner, being with witnesses in a public setting, using your card at the bar and then again at the front desk. He was creating a rock solid alibi for whatever happened that night.
"Oh," you said softly, allowing your hand to drop back against your side.
Then, for the first time, Dave looked uncomfortable.
"Unless, of course, you want -"
"No," you said, cutting him off. "No, I want to be with you."
His eyes lit up but his mouth remained in a straight line.
"Okay, then."
You grinned and leaned next to him against the wall of the elevator, watching the little red numbers on the screen tick up, up, up, until it read nine.
"After you," Dave said, holding open the doors and ushering you out. You gave him a shy smile and stepped forward, then waited for him to lead the way. The entire walk down the hall felt like a fever dream. Your heart was pounding loudly in your ears with each muffled step against the worn out carpet. It was quiet, but when you passed by the other rooms, you could hear televisions playing or people laughing, completely oblivious to whatever it is you were about to do.
Dave tapped his plastic keycard against the sensor, the little light flashing from red to green with a loud click. When you entered his room, it was exactly like you had expected. Suits and shirts hanging carefully in the small, open closet by the bathroom. Suitcase laid out on the floor with his belongings neatly packed inside, not a single item out of place.
He flicked on another light and the lamps next to his king sized bed came to life, casting the deep green comforter and patterned rug in a warm glow.
That moment could have been awkward if you had given yourself a chance to take everything in, but your body moved faster than your mind. You swirled around and looped your arms around Dave's neck, pulling him down to your level, eager to feel the softness of his lips against your own again. And when his mouth crashed hungrily against yours, all of your questions and insecurities drifted away.
It should have felt wrong, being in the arms of a man that wasn't your husband, but not one shred of guilt entered your body. How could it, when his hands on your waist and his tongue slipping past your lips felt so good?
"Tell me you want me," Dave rasped in between feverish kisses. You took a step backwards towards the bed and he eagerly chased after you.
"You know I do," you whispered, head in a fog. His lips had dragged down to your chin, nipping there gently so as to give you a chance to speak. But words were hard to come by whenever you were in his orbit.
His fingers gripped your waist a little harder when he pulled away to look into your eyes.
"I need to hear it."
You slowly blinked up at him, both your chests rising and falling faster than a moment ago.
"I want you."
Dave swallowed and a muscle in his jaw jumped.
"More than him?"
Your knees went weak when you heard the possessive tone in his voice.
"Yes," you told him. He was already pushing you onto the bed, his mouth inches away from colliding with yours when you added, "I've always wanted you more than him."
He groaned into your mouth, a deep rumble you could feel in your own chest when you were trapped between the weight of him and the old mattress. You could taste the tequila on his tongue as he licked into your mouth with an urgency you didn't expect from a man who appeared so put together, and the thought of being the one to unravel him, to make him a little messier, thrilled you.
You whined impatiently when Dave pulled away from the kiss and shuffled back onto his knees.
"Need to see you," he mumbled, shaky fingers already working on the button of your jeans. You eagerly lifted your hips so he could strip them off with a grunt, then tossed your arms above your head when he pushed up the hem of your shirt.
His hands kept working, plucking at your underwear and bra, but he couldn't hold himself back from kissing you any longer, his tongue invading your mouth once again. The feel of his kiss grew more and more familiar with each passing second. You felt your bra come loose around your shoulders and middle, so you subtly shimmied underneath him, freeing yourself of the offensive fabric and letting it fall to the floor. His palm was on you in an instant, feeling the weight of your breast in his hand and rolling your nipple between his fingers before his eyes even had a chance to open and drink you in.
"You know how long I've been thinking about this?" he asked when your head tipped back towards the headboard, lungs filling with fresh air. His lips slowly dragged down the column of your throat, tongue flicking out occasionally to taste your skin. "Twenty years," he said, not waiting for you to answer. Your back arched and your fingers raised to get tangled in his hair. Nobody had ever spoken to you or touched you the way he did. It was intoxicating to be an object of his worship and desire. A small voice in the back of your mind wondered how you would be able to go back to your miserable life after that night, how you would be able to go on after experiencing Dave's lavish adoration like he didn't tilt your world on it's axis.
"You ever think about me?" he asked. His voice sounded a little sheepish, like he was trying to hide it, but you picked up on it. You lifted your hips when he slid your underwear down your legs with one hand and you said, "Yes. All the time. Especially-"
You cut yourself off with a bite to your lower lip. Dave's hands, which were in the process of caressing every soft curve of your now bare body, froze. His eyes met yours once again, searching them before he asked, "What?"
You shook your head and tried to pull him in for another kiss, but he resisted. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes and his brows furrowed. He didn't like the idea of you holding something back. Not now. Not when he finally had you, after so long. He wanted all of you, the good and the bad.
"Tell me," he urged. He needed to know.
You sighed and averted your gaze. "Especially... on really bad days. Those days I stay up at night, waiting for the pain to go away, and I think about you. How you would never lay a finger on me like that."
His jaw tensed. Anger boiled hot through his veins at the thought of you cowering in your bed or bathroom, in pain and crying and thinking about him.
"Look at me," he said through clenched teeth. You took a deep breath and did what he asked, gazing up at him with watery eyes, trying your best to put on a brave face. "That will never happen again, do you understand? He will never hurt you again. It's over."
You gave him a weak smile and shook your head.
"He won't let me leave. I've tried, believe me, but-"
"You're not listening to me, sweetheart," Dave said, pinching your chin and holding your gaze, trying to do his best to convey his message without implicating you. "You're safe. It's over."
You opened your mouth to argue back and then you paused. You scanned his face and he watched you try to mentally connect the dots. What did that mean? Was Mike arrested?
"Do you understand?" he whispered softly. Slowly, you nodded, and his mouth pulled into a smile. "Good. Now-" Dave unzipped his coat and tossed it on top of your abandoned pile of clothes. He rolled on top of you, caging you in for one quick, heated kiss that took your breath away. When he pulled back, he had a playful look in his eye. It made you smile, your anguish quickly sweeping back into the furthest recesses of your mind. "Let me give you a better reason to think about me."
When he began to move down the bed so he could settle his broad shoulders between your legs, a bolt of anxiety shot through you. You leaned up on your elbows, eyes all wide and nervous, watching as he got comfortable. His hands wrapped firmly but tenderly around your thighs, grip strong so he could fight your instinct to clamp your legs shut.
"W-what are you doing?"
Dave looked up at you with surprise. His eyes flickered between your face and your glistening center, then back again.
"Do you not want me to?"
Your heart was racing so fast, you felt like you were floating. Having a man go down on you was certainly not something you were used to, but if you gave yourself any time at all to think, you would have realized Dave was the type of man willing to give you everything and anything you could ever want or need, including something selfless like that. Something just to make you feel good.
"I-I don't know. It's been a while..." you trailed off, cheeks warming with embarrassment. "It's not exactly something Mi-"
Your mouth snapped shut, wilting under the steely look in his eye.
"Don't say his name," Dave said gently, realizing he might have been a bit too harsh at first. You nodded, understanding, but remained silent. He took a steadying breath and started over. "I won't do anything you don't want me to do. But if being shy is the reason you don't want this, I won't accept that."
He looked up at you from between your legs, gaze heated as he tilted his chin slightly to brush his lips over the inside of your thigh. He maintained eye contact, watching you shudder from the sensation of his five o'clock shadow scraping your sensitive skin.
"What's it gonna be, baby?" he asked before doing the same to your other thigh. You gasped quietly and then swallowed before letting your legs fall open. Dave smirked.
"I want it."
Your voice was soft and meek. He wanted you to feel in control. He wanted you to know just how tightly you had him wrapped around your finger.
You dropped your chin to your chest, lips parted with anticipation as you watched his mouth hover over your mound. You could feel the heat from his exhale fan over you, making your cunt pulse around nothing.
"I want it," you said, voice firm, just as he asked. "I want you to make me feel good, Dave."
One corner of his mouth lifted and his eyes sparkled with excitement.
"Yes, ma'am."
Your eyes instantly rolled to the back of your head when he dragged his tongue through your folds for the first time. Fingers thread through Dave's dark hair as he licked at you again. Over and over and over until your head fell back and you collapsed into the plush pillow.
"Oh - fuck, Dave, that's -" you cut yourself off with a moan, head lolling to the side and eyes sliding shut. It felt too good. He was too good. His warm, strong tongue licked into you messily, flooding your body with rolling waves of pleasure you had never experienced before. Your muscles were limp, pliant and soft under his hands and mouth, allowing him to take and take as much as he wanted.
And he did.
You were helpless against him, helpless against the way he feasted between your legs, entirely at his mercy. Shaky fingers grappled for leverage in his hair but it was half-hearted, at best. Dave had reduced you to a whimpering puddle with every greedy lap of his tongue, and he loved it. He loved how soft you were for him, loved hearing sweet little moans filter past your lips. It was every one of his twenty years worth of wildest fantasies come true, and he couldn't be stopped.
When he pressed your thighs into your chest, tilting your hips to give him even better access to your cunt, you gasped his name. The sound made his cock throb painfully, still trapped behind too many layers of clothes. He rut his hips pathetically against the mattress, seeking just a sliver of relief as he continued to lick and kiss and bite at your folds. The roof could have been ripped off the building and he wouldn't have stopped. He was determined to memorize and map out every inch of you, draw out every possible sound and swallow every drop of your arousal. He wanted to smell you on him for days. He wanted his jaw to ache. Every time he closed his eyes, he wanted to see you writhing around in ecstasy underneath him.
He felt insane. Never in his life had he felt so wild and careless, but decades of being denied the only thing he ever truly wanted made him a madman.
"Dave," you moaned, back arching and collapsing repeatedly off the mattress. He peered up at you, tongue still swirling steadily over your clit, lips still suckling and teeth grazing your delicate skin in the same delicious pattern, not sacrificing an ounce of your pleasure when he dragged his focus to your scrunched up face.
Your eyes, wild and dark, found his. His name fell from your lips like a song as you watched his mouth eat at you with skilled precision. The sight of him like that between your legs, all wrecked and crazed and hungry, was the final push you needed.
Your orgasm forced you upright, sitting with your legs bent and spread. You could see Dave so much clearer that way, watching every purse of his lips and flick of his tongue as he guided you through it. One of your hands raked through his hair, holding him against you so you could grind against his mouth while the other supported your weight somewhere behind you.
With one last drawn out moan, your head tipped back and your eyes slipped shut. Your mouth hung open, pulling in deep gulps of air. A shudder ran through your body and your arm began to shake. Dave was still dutifully cleaning up the mess between your legs, but his licks were softer, gentler, as he worked.
"Oh, my god," you breathed, collapsing back into the bed. Your heart was racing in your chest, skin coated in a thin layer of sweat and your mind was blissfully blank. It wasn't until Dave withdrew himself from between your legs that you opened your eyes. The loss of his body heat made you shiver, and suddenly you felt painfully exposed. You weakly pulled at the bedspread, looking to cover yourself up, when he stopped you.
Your hand instantly released the comforter and you rolled your head to look at him. He had been removing his shirt when you were busy trying to cover yourself up. Your breath quickened and you forgot all about your earlier shyness when you drank in his bare upper half for the first time. Your mouth went dry and jaw went slack at the sight of his muscular, wide shoulders and chest, leading down to a soft but toned stomach. Dave smirked, flinging his belt off before working on the zipper of his pants.
You were out of your element. On one hand you could count how many times Mike made you come in the past fifteen years. You were bone tired and legs still shaky from the way Dave had torn you apart just minutes earlier, unsure if you had it in you to go again. But when he dropped his pants and boxers, revealing his thick, rock hard erection, you felt a second wave of energy hit.
"Shit," you whispered, scrambling to your knees on the bed. Dave's dark eyes skated up and down your naked body, cock twitching when he saw the wetness between your legs glisten as you shifted down the bed on your knees, towards him.
Your soft palms dragged down the sharp planes of his chest, your eyes wide and reverent, studying every inch of his skin. He held his breath, tight muscles twitching under your delicate touch. He flexed his hands at his sides, eyes boring into you, giving you all the time you needed to take him in.
"You've grown up, Dave York."
He chuckled, releasing a nervous breath. It was growing increasingly difficult not to touch you.
"A lot's changed since the treehouse," he murmured. Your eyes flickered up to his, hands still drifting slowly down his stomach.
"You remember."
He brought one hand up to cup your cheek. You leaned into his touch, your fingers stalling right above where he wanted you the most. Your fingertips grazed the coarse hairs there and he thought he might die if you didn't touch him soon.
"Of course I remember."
You closed what little distance remained, capturing his lower lip between your own. You could taste your release on his mouth, surprising yourself when you weren't repulsed by the flavor. You had a feeling it had something to do with the man it was connected to. The idea of Dave smelling like you awakened some primal urge deep inside, like you craved to mark him somehow.
You slid your hand down the rest of the way, fingers wrapping around the base of his cock. He pulled in a sharp breath against your lips, then groaned when your wrist slowly started to work him, up and down.
Dave cursed under his breath when your thumb swept across his slit, collecting the sticky bead of wetness pooling there. He kissed you deeper, tongue swirling frantically inside your mouth, his hips jolting forward, chasing your touch.
"I want you," he murmured, voice a little strained. He gripped the side of your face so tightly, like he was afraid to let you go. You bloomed with pride when you heard his breath stutter and you grinned before dropping your mouth to taste the skin covering his pulse point. It fluttered wildly under your tongue, the rhythm giving away his true feelings in that moment. He more than wanted you. He needed you.
"You have me," you said, lips trailing down his throat. "I'm all yours."
Desperate hands grabbed at your hip and the back of your head, laying you down flat under him with your lips still latched to his neck and your fist still pumping his cock. Once he settled between your legs, it was as if you moved as one: your hand paused, lining him up at your entrance, and a moment later he grabbed that same wrist, pinning it above your head at the exact same time he buried himself inside you with one deep thrust.
"Oh!" you cried out, the sudden stretch stealing your breath. Your head dropped back, abandoning the mark you left on his throat. It was hard to think, hard to speak, hard to do anything except focus on the way he opened you up, carving a spot for himself inside of you.
"It's okay, I got you," he gasped. It was the first time you realized he was just as much of a wreck as you. His mouth hung open, face buried in the crook of your shoulder, struggling to catch his breath. He still held your arm firmly above your head, pressing your wrist into the plush comforter. After a minute, once you both managed to clear your heads, his grip loosened. But instead of letting you go, he slid his palm up to press into yours, fingers lacing together lovingly when you tilted your chin and slotted your lips together once again.
The weight of him on top of you was stifling, the wide stretch of your hips to accommodate his broad torso already pulling your muscles, but it felt so good. With your free hand, you carded your fingers through his hair, deepening the kiss by slipping your tongue past his lips. There was nowhere else you'd rather be than pinned under Dave York's hulking frame, cocooned and protected by his strong body. You wanted him to possess you in every way imaginable, tangle and weave himself through every fiber of your being.
When he started to move, he was so much gentler than you imagined him to be. He took his time, feeding you his cock inch by inch, slowly dragging his hips back just to push back inside at the same excruciating pace. Your fingers squeezed around his with each thrust, tongues still tangled together, sharing soft sighs and gasps each time he moved.
"Good?" he whispered, breaking away and pressing your foreheads together. Your skin was growing dewy, sweat forming where your bodies touched.
"Yeah," you whispered back. His eyelids fluttered when you rocked your hips up to meet his. "You won't break me, you know," you teased. He grinned but still maintained the same pace, making you gasp when he shifted and brushed against a sensitive spot no one had ever reached before.
"I know. Just - don't want to rush it. Been thinking about this for too damn long." He nibbled playfully at your chin before finally releasing the hand above your head. He cupped the back of your thigh, lifting your leg so it hooked over his lower back, burying himself even further inside your tight cunt. You moaned his name, brows knitting together and face flushing with arousal and maybe a little bit of embarrassment when you whined in his ear, "So deep. You're so fucking deep."
There were times in the past twenty years where Dave thought he might be deranged. The way he could never let you go, never get you out of his mind, bordered on obsessive. Time didn't dampen it, like he thought it would. Distance, either. Not a single day passed where you didn't cross his mind and he wondered what the hell was wrong with him. When your husband's name crossed his desk, his next target, with your name next to it posed as a question, he didn't sleep for three days. Panic seized his entire body, morning and night. If you were guilty, if you were privy to anything your husband did - or, god forbid - assisted him with any of his dealings, he knew he wouldn't be able to pull the trigger. Yet he still came back home, because he couldn't pass up the opportunity to see you again. The relief he felt when he confirmed you were clueless, that you were pushed into the darkness by your husband's cruel hand, was unmatched. It might have been the only good deed that bastard ever did for you.
And then the obsession grew ten-fold. Because he knew finally, when his work was done, he would get to have you.
Mania took hold of his mind. The question did he ever fuck you like this? Did he ever make you feel this good? This loved? sat on the tip of his tongue. He wanted to know. He wanted to hear you say he was the best you'd ever had. But he didn't, because that fucking asshole's name had no place in that room. He didn't want to invite him into the sacred place where Dave was buried deep inside you, showing you all the ways he loved you without saying the words.
"You like it like this, baby?" he asked instead. "You like it nice and slow?"
"Yes," you whimpered. Your fingers tugged harshly at his hair when he brushed against that spot again and it made him groan. "Fuck - whatever you're doing, keep doing it," you said, mouthing at his cheek. Your lips burned from the sharp hairs that were already beginning to grow back across his jaw. He rolled his hips again, pulling another broken moan from the back of your throat, slowly fanning the flames of the warmth blooming in your belly. He could feel you pulsing around his cock, pulling him in as your orgasm began to steadily build. He cupped one of your breasts, clamping his mouth around your nipple, allowing his teeth to gently graze the sensitive skin, all in an effort to heighten your pleasure. Based on the way your back arched and you cried out his name, it sounded like he was pretty damn successful.
"You feel so good," he panted, breath coming quick and short. He could feel himself slipping. "So good. So beautiful - fuck," he said with a groan. Your fingers found his shoulder, nails digging into his skin.
It was so hot. Your hair was sticking to the back of your neck. You could feel drops of sweat sliding down the sides of your head. Dave was fucking everywhere. His entire body caged you in, his mouth alternated licking and sucking at your breasts, cock buried further than any man ever had. His hand held your ass, pulling you tight against him, helping you rock your hips in rhythm with his.
And then you felt it. Something deep inside, a pressure that climbed up the base of your spine that had you going rigid and you gasped.
"Oh, my god, Dave - I'm... I'm gonna-"
"Give it to me," he growled, mouth abandoning your sore breasts so he could see you. He wanted to watch. He needed to see the look on your face when you came again. He fantasized about what you'd look like coming on his cock for so long and he was finally going to witness it.
"Right there," you whined, then tipped your head back with a loud moan. He ground his hips against your clit, a grunt rumbling from the back of his throat when your soft cunt clenched down around him.
His dark eyes fixed on yours, feeling his own orgasm creeping up when you screamed out his name and fell apart. He locked his jaw, fighting it, determined to wait until your release swept through you. Your nails dug into his skin, legs pulling tight around his waist. You cried out until your voice cracked and his cock swelled inside you at the sound.
Your release coated his hips and the thick patch of hair that continued to rub against your clit. He looked down, jaw going slack at the wetness that smeared across you both, then moaned your name when your cunt squeezed him again. His head snapped up in surprise to find another orgasm rolling through you.
"Oh, shit," he chuckled, mesmerized. You writhed weakly underneath him, chest heaving with your eyes closed and mouth hung open in a silent moan, too tired and spent to find your voice. You were so soft and warm and fucking soaked, he couldn't hold back any longer.
He scooped you off the bed and into his lap, pressing you against his chest, burying his face in your neck and groaning your name into your skin. His body stilled, breathing a deep sigh of relief when his cock throbbed, spilling thick ropes of his seed deep within your walls.
Dave held you close, each of you panting desperately for air. A shiver ran down his spine and another burst of spend flooded your used cunt. He felt dizzy and out of control, the force of his orgasm taking him by surprise. But he should have known it would have been that good with you.
Your lips brushed lazily against his collarbone, a whisper of his name in-between kisses and he closed his eyes. A wave of peace washed over him: he had everything he could ever want. At last, he could rest.
"We should clean up," he murmured into your hair. You made a whine of protest and he smiled. "You made a mess, sweetheart. We'll be quick, I promise."
If you were embarrassed, you didn't show it. You tilted your chin up, head resting against his shoulder and tired eyes finding his.
"My biggest regret in life was not going with you that night."
Dave wrapped his arms around you tighter, emotion swelling in his chest. I love you, I never stopped loving you.
"I should've fought harder for you. Should've made you mine that night we kissed."
You gave him a sad smile and traced his bottom lip with your fingertip. "Guess we made up for it today, huh?"
"Oh, I plan on making it up to you for a long time," he said, hissing when he flexed his hips and slid out of your warm clutch.
He led you to the shower, let you lean against the wall while he gently cleaned you up. He shampooed your hair with the little bottle that was left next to the sink, thick fingers carefully scrubbing your scalp. You moaned and tipped your head back against his chest, closing your eyes while the warm water cascaded down over both your shoulders.
When his hand fell to clean between your legs, he pressed one finger inside. You tensed and made a little sound, wiggling in his arms as he shushed you. He kissed the shell of your ear and whispered, keep all that in there for me, okay?
"I'm on birth control," you said, wincing when he withdrew his finger.
"So?" was all he said. Then you understood. He wanted to claim you, the same way you wanted to mark him. It made your face flood with warmth.
That night, Dave took care of you. He got you fed and he made sure you weren't in any pain or discomfort. He fluffed your pillows, dried your hair with a towel, and rubbed your sore hips after he slipped into bed beside you.
When you drifted off to sleep, with Dave's strong, protective arm draped over your middle, you dreamt of a boy with dark brown eyes who promised to take you away from all your pain, to save you and care for you until your last breath.
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Sunlight beamed through a crack in the shades, landing right over your eyes and stirring you out of the deepest sleep you ever had. It was no wonder, because when you opened your eyes and took in your surroundings, you found yourself still tangled up with Dave. His arms wrapped around you, his face buried in your neck. Your leg wedged between his own. The thought of having to move whatsoever was cruel, but you had to use the bathroom. Somehow, you slowly managed to extract yourself from Dave's hold with not so much as a change in his breathing pattern.
After you used the bathroom, you hurried back to bed, snatching your phone from the table along the way. You slotted yourself beside him and instinctually, his arms reached over to envelope you once again. It was pure bliss.
You tapped your phone to check the time and your face fell.
38 missed calls. Countless text messages from family members.
Your heart lurched into your throat and with shaky hands, you opened the notifications. There were several voicemails but you chose to call your mother in law first, as she was the one who was responsible for half of the calls.
"Oh Jesus Christ, finally!" you heard her sob when she picked up the phone. You swallowed and sat up in bed, Dave's arms dropping to your waist.
"H-hey, what's going on? Is everything-"
"Didn't you hear my voicemails?" she shrieked. You winced and heard some other voices in the background telling her to calm down.
"No, I just woke up and saw - just tell me what's going on," you said, voice shaking. Dave began to stir next to you.
"He's dead!" she cried, then began to wail nonsense while your vision narrowed and your ears began to ring.
"Hey, honey, it's Ricky," your father in law's voice said from the other end.
"Who's d-dead? W-what is she talking about?"
Dave propped himself up on his elbow, blinking away the sleep from his eyes so he could watch you.
"Mikey's dead, honey. I'm - I'm so sorry," you heard him sniffle and continue to tell you something about a car accident but you couldn't retain any of the details. Dave sat up in bed next to you and pressed a kiss against your shoulder, but you continued to stare blankly at the wall.
"Where are you? Are you home?" he finally asked, shaking you out of your stupor.
"Tell them where you are," Dave's voice whispered so only you could hear. You looked over at him now, panic etched across your face only to find his remained perfectly calm.
"I-I'm at the Hyatt," you stammered. Dave nodded his approval and gave your shoulder another kiss.
"The - what? Why?"
"Tell them you had too much to drink with your friends and you didn't feel safe driving."
You swallowed the lump in your throat and took a deep breath.
"I was out with friends and I had one too many at the hotel bar," you began, licking your lips nervously, "I got a room, I didn't want to drive."
"Good girl."
You listened to your father in law drone on for another five minutes about the police stopping by later and how you really should be there, and you nodded numbly, unable to say much else.
When you hung up, adrenaline still buzzing through your veins and your heart thumping loudly in your chest, you slowly turned to Dave.
He looked at you expectantly, waiting for the inevitable question. But as he stared into your eyes, he watched the fear melt into acceptance, and then calmness blended into what he was ultimately waiting for, what you deserved to feel after years of abuse - relief.
"What are you thinking about?" he asked, his own heart rate spiking. He saved you. He did what he had to do and saved you, but he still worried you harbored some old feelings for Mike. He braced for revulsion. A look of horror.
"I'm thinking... I want pancakes for breakfast," you said with a small smile.
Dave thought he might collapse from relief. He took your hand and brought it up to his mouth, brushing his lips over your knuckles and making your smile widen.
"Pancakes it is."
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rbbrbikerthorp · 9 months ago
Biker Upgraded To Cyborg
For as long as anyone could remember, Jake and Eddie had not only been best mates, but they’d been crazy about motorbikes. Both their dads were bikers so it was no surprise that as kids they were introduced to bikes in real life and got to watch MotoGP, WSB and BSB either in real life or on TV with their enthusiast dads.
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They were riding off-road in their early teens. They got their first mopeds at 16, upgrading to 125cc bikes a few months after their respective seventeenth birthdays. Now in their early 20s they have held full licences for nearly three years. Jake rides a black Honda CBR600RR, bought second hand through the weekly motorcycling title, MCN. Eddie rides a used Red Yamaha R6 that he bought a couple of months earlier from the main dealer in the city where they live. Springtime and the light evenings meant they would be out as much as possible riding 'the highways and byways', and this day was no exception, but it would be a day that changed their lives forever. 
Jake and Eddie had spent most of Sunday riding and were at the edge of the city when Jake’s bike had started spewing smoke out of the engine before rolling to a stop alongside a large industrial estate. Jake jumped off his bike, but with no tools to hand he had no option but to seek help. He pushed his bike into the entrance to one of the large modern warehouses that populated the industrial estate. Jake kicked the side stand into place and sighed heavily. Eddie pulled in alongside Jake, kicked down the stand on his before turning off the ignition.
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Although they were back in the city, they were still about ten miles from home. Jake reached into his leathers for his phone only then realising that they were in an area without mobile phone coverage. Jake and Eddie looked around for a payphone to call the breakdown service - but in this era of mobile technology, BT had removed most of the phone boxes - so there wasn't one within sight. Realising they needed to get help they looked around for signs of life. In front of them was a sprawling grey structure resembling more of a fortress than a warehouse. Its metallic surfaces gleamed under the late afternoon sun, making it look otherworldly. Figuring it might be their best chance at getting help—or at least finding a phone—they started walking towards the massive building.
The front gate was oddly open, inviting yet silent. Jake and Eddie didn't think it weird for a security guard building to be unoccupied with the gates open. More concerned about getting help they walked towards the main building entrance. Jake pressed on the intercom button and waited for a response. After a minute he pushed the button again, but this time there was a buzz. Jake looked at Eddie and shrugged his shoulders, pushing on the door, it opened. They walked inside.
Expecting to see a reception area the two friends were surprised to enter the building at what appeared to be the beginning of a long dimly lit corridor. Jake and Eddie looked at one another, Jake spoke first, “Why don’t you wait here, while I see if I can find anyone to speak to”.
Eddie nodded.
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Both looked at one another, for a moment unsure of what to do. Then Jake smiled, turned and started walking along the seemingly endless corridor, his boots echoing on the cold, concrete floor. The air was chillingly sterile, as he walked he would pass the occasional door and window revealing glimpses of high-tech interiors.
"Hello?" he called out, his voice disappearing into the ether without an answer. The lack of response was unnerving, but as he walked on he could hear noise coming from much further along the corridor. Jake kept walking, driven by his need to get to a phone and call the breakdown service to sort out his bike.
Eventually, the corridor turned to the right, after another dozen or so yards it opened up into a colossal space. What Jake witnessed was like a scene reminiscent of a sci-fi horror film.
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The room was stark yet brightly lit. On one side it was filled with row upon row of raised surgical beds. Yet these weren't like the ones you’d see in a hospital; they were repurposed contraptions where human flesh was being melded with alien, synthetic and electronic components. Shocked by what he was witnessing, he turned his head, but there was no escape from the nightmare he found himself in.
The other side of the room was populated with dozens of cylindrical tubes. Jake’s eyes widened as he took in the sight before him—humans, all young males, lined up and undergoing transformations into, well all he could think of was 'something else'. Whichever way he turned he could see men his age were being outfitted with mechanical limbs, others had technology intricately woven onto weird shiny black body suits, still others were in varying stages of being processed into full cyborgs.
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The horror gripped him; his instinct was to flee back to Eddie and both to get the hell out of there. But before he could move, cold metal hands grasped his shoulders with an iron grip. His heart sank as he was spun around to face what had caught him—a cyborg, its body a haunting hybrid of human and machine, expressionless yet totally menacing.
“Welcome," its voice an unsettling blend of tones, both mechanical whilst still eerily human. "Your arrival is opportune. Your integration process will commence shortly."
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Panic surged through Jake as he struggled, but the cyborg's grip was unyielding. Despite putting up strong resistance, he was dragged towards one of the ominous stations. Glancing around, he noticed the other captives were not fighting; their eyes showed a haunting resignation, some flickering with the vague light of fear.
As he was forced onto what appeared to be a surgical table, Jake looked around frantically, hoping for any chance of escape. His heart raced as mechanical arms equipped with various tools whirred to life around him. 
In a split second metallic straps shot out from the surgical table and tightened around his limbs and across his torso, a sense of utter helplessness began to wash over him. His heart pounded hard against his chest. He desperately sought that extra bit of human strength that would allow him to escape. He struggled and struggled against the restraints, but the metal straps simply wouldn’t budge.
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Stage one of his transformation was about to begin. From above a helmet descended slowly from the ceiling, its approach marked by an audible, mechanical whirring. Jake squinted upwards, his breath coming in sharp gasps. He was used to his bike helmet, but this was unworldly.
Two drones approached the surgical table Jake was strapped to and grabbed the helmet, which had opened up. One lifted his head slightly and the other slid the back of the helmet under the back of his head. As the helmet closed over his head, a claustrophobic fear gripped him. The world outside the helmet faded, leaving him in a confined sphere of existence. Almost immediately, an overwhelming barrage of white noise bombarded his ears, punctuated by low, droning hums that seemed to resonate through his bones.
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Then, the visuals began on the inside of the visor. Spirals of colour appeared in front of his eyes, intertwining and unraveling in hypnotic patterns. Reds, blues, yellows and greens blended into a kaleidoscope that threatened to absorb his mind. Jake tried to close his eyes, but the images were inescapable, imprinted on the insides of his eyelids, searing themselves into his brain and more nefariously his subconsciousness. Almost as if recognising Jake was finally submitting the noise and visuals seemed to become amplified.
As the sensory overload continued, Jake felt a strange detachment creeping through him—a numbness that suggested the audio and visuals were beginning to take effect. Somewhere in the back of his mind, a small voice screamed in terror and defiance, urging him to resist, urging him to hold on to his identity.
With a surge of willpower, Jake focused on that voice, blocking out the chaos threatening to engulf him. He concentrated on memories of standing in the stands watching the best riders in the world, the challenging rides with Eddie, the feel of his motorcycle, the wind against his leathers. He thought about his best mate Eddie and the fun they’d had. He thought about his family and his other friends. These human experiences, these emotional connections to his past life, became a lifeline to cling onto.
As Jake fought against the sensory bombardment, the helmet detected his resistance, It recalibrated its internal mechanisms in response to his defiance. Suddenly, the white noise in his ears shifted, morphing into a series of low, almost inaudible subliminal messages. Each word—"relax", "comply", "obey", "drone", "conform", "follow", "respect" could be heard—the words flashed across his vision, barely there long enough for conscious recognition, but deeply penetrating his subconscious.
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The colours that swirled before his eyes intensified, becoming more vibrant and pulsating rhythmically, as if to synchronise with his own heartbeat. It was a sensory assault designed to break down the walls of the individual, to reshape his mind into something more compliant and obedient. Jake’s initial surge of resistance began to wane as mental exhaustion set in, the messages infiltrated deeper into his psyche, their insistence relentless and overpowering.
His eyes, once sharp with determination and fear, started to lose focus, the vibrant spirals turning into a soothing blur. The resistance in his muscles softened as his body began to accept the inevitability of his situation. His thoughts, those last bastions of his free will, were slowly suffocated under the warm, smothering blanket of compliance and security that the helmet now forced upon him.
With an audible click and a beep, the helmet sealed its final adjustment, signalling the completion of its preparatory phase. At this cue, the two drones, their movements precise and devoid of any hesitation, glided smoothly towards the table where Jake lay subdued. Their appendages were equipped with various tools and devices necessary for the transformation process.
The drones worked efficiently, attaching additional apparatus to Jake’s limbs and interfacing seamlessly with the helmet. As they initiated the physical transformation, Jake’s body was being prepared to receive bio-mechanical enhancements that would connect him irrevocably to The Hive which he learned was housed within the humongous building.
Somewhere in the dwindling recesses of his mind, the essence of who Jake once was—a biker with a love for the open road—flickered weakly. This essence watched as his limbs and muscle fibres were methodically integrated with synthetics and his nervous system was integrated with advanced circuitry. The process was both horrifying and fascinating to watch.
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As the transformation progressed, Jake’s human senses were gradually overridden by electronic inputs. His vision, once clouded by the colourful spirals, now interfaced directly with data streams providing real-time analytics about his environment. His hearing was no longer filled with subliminal messages but was tuned to various frequencies beyond the range of human hearing.
By the time the transformation was complete, Jake, as he had been, no longer existed. In his place stood a new Jake, a cyborg, what was exclusively biological had been augmented with technology. The drones, recognising another successful integration, had begun to step back.
The new Jake climbed down from the surgical table to be guided by the two drones. He moved with a robotic precision that was both chilling and enthralling to witness. He was led to what looked like a modified dentist's chair, but larger and imposing. The chair had been upgraded and was fitted with numerous ports and circuitry interfaces. Without hesitation, he sat down, his actions appearing devoid of the personality that had once defined him.
He leaned back so that his head touched the headrest. The chair immediately sprang to life, adjusting to accommodate his new form. A second later the old Jake would have felt a light sensation on both sides of his head as what can only be described of as two metallic ear pieces, out of which came sets of wires slid into his ears and began to work. 
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Somewhere, an echo of the old Jake could sense what was happening, words echoed around the room and in his head. Screens nearby flashed “accessing biological memories…beginning total erasure”. 
“NNNOOOOOOOO”, But even as the word was said, Jake’s relatively short lifetime of memories were disappearing, flashing before his eyes for a split second before evaporating into nothing - gone forever. 
Monitors next to the chair flashed “Memory Wipe successful,” again, the words echoed around the room. 
Any human observer in the room looking at new Jake’s face would describe it as passive, distant, dull, emotionless. Empty. His eyes were missing their human sparkle. 
Then the drone formerly known as Jake again felt another funny feeling in his ears, as if a static charge was coming out of the wire. Suddenly the screen flashed “Beginning Program Upload”… While that happened, nearby monitors flashed, “Emotional Centres being accessed”. 
“Installing Human Emotion Suppression Software”
“… 10%… 20%… 30%… 40%… 50%… 60%… 70%… 80%… 90%…  ”
“Human Emotions Suppression Software installed. Fully functional.”
The monitors flickered for a moment and then more text appeared, “Beginning Cyborg Program Upload”. The upload began. The Hive, a vast network of interconnected AI and data banks, started feeding a stream after stream of programming directly into Jake's brain. These were not merely instructions; they were directives that informed behaviour, dictated functions, and defined purpose.
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For hours, data was input into him, a relentless torrent of information reshaping and repurposing him; any lingering traces of his previous humanity now completely overwritten. His eyes, once vibrant with youthful emotion, now displayed a steady, unblinking focus as the programming was embedded, ensuring his obedience and efficiency.
At the appropriate time the interface with the new Jake confirmed the programming had been successful. “Operating at 100%,” it said in an emotionless, synthetic voice. “Organic memories have been wiped. Emotional Suppression Software is fully functional. The new data and objectives have been successfully uploaded with zero errors”.
The chair returned to an upright position, and the new Jake stood once more. His movements were smooth, almost graceful, a stark contrast to the somewhat ‘cavalier’ sports biker he once was. He was a product of advanced technology, a being created to serve a purpose far beyond his previous human desires.
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Approaching him now were two more drones, carrying items that symbolised his final transformation. They presented him with a set of Dainese bike leathers, not ordinary leathers but augmented to interface seamlessly with his cybernetic body. The leathers were equipped with sensors and conductive circuitry that could communicate directly with his system, enhancing his interaction with the Hive.
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Then they presented him with a pair of white boots, larger to accommodate the modifications of his feet, designed not only for protection but also to enhance his connection to the ground and his bike. Gloves that reached up to his arms were fitted next, embedded with micro-circuitry to increase his grip and control.
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Finally, they brought over a new crash helmet unlike any other. This helmet was his direct link to the Hive mind. It was designed to keep him constantly connected to the Hive's data stream.
As the helmet settled over his head, a subtle hum filled the air, signalling the activation of all its systems. The new Jake stood there, a figure of both awe and dread, transformed entirely from the young man who had once freely roamed the roads on his motorcycle.
Now equipped, Jake was led to a new motorcycle, one that matched his new form. To the casual observer it looked like a traditional bike that had been upgraded; integrated with technology that responded fluidly to his enhanced senses and capabilities. As he mounted the bike, the connection between man and machine was seamless, a perfect union crafted by the Hive’s sophisticated engineering.
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The new Jake rode the highway on his futuristic bike, a sleek and menacing marvel of technology that effortlessly caught the eye of any enthusiast. Its design was unlike anything on the roads—sharp angles, glowing panels, and a subtle hum that hinted at its advanced capabilities. It was designed not just for speed and efficiency, but as a lure to attract exactly the kind of individuals the Hive sought to convert.
As he travelled along a popular bikers’ route known for its scenic views and biker cafes, he spotted his next targets. Two young bikers, probably in their twenties, had pulled over in a lay-by, their bikes parked as they enjoyed a brief pause in their riding, catching up on conversation and checking their mobile phones. The new Jake slowed down, looking at the two bikers oblivious to Jake’s presence, his connection to the Hive confirmed they would be perfect candidates for upgrade.
Pulling over smoothly, Jake dismounted his bike. His helmet's visor slid up as he approached them, revealing a face that was human enough to be relatable but enhanced subtly with metallic hints that suggested something more beneath the surface. 
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"Hey," Jake called out, his voice modulated to be friendly and inviting. “Hey there. Not seen you riding ‘round here before.”
The two young bikers, intrigued by the stranger and his extraordinary bike, smiled and walked over. “What is that you’re riding? It looks like it’s straight out of a sci-fi movie. What is that?" one of them asked, his curiosity piqued.
The new Jake chuckled, a sound perfectly calibrated to put others at ease. He needed to win their trust so began to make conversation with them. "It’s a custom build from a place not too far from here. They’re experimenting with some next-gen and EV tech. You guys interested in seeing where something like this comes from?"
The offer was tempting. The allure of advanced technology and the chance to see more bikes like Jake’s was too good to pass up for any avid biker. The young men exchanged a glance, a silent conversation passing between them before they nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, definitely,” the other replied. “We’ll follow you!"
Jake smiled and nodded, turning back to his bike. As they put their helmets on and started their engines, a part of Jake’s programming confirmed the successful engagement of two targets. He led the way, riding at a pace that was thrilling yet careful to keep his new followers comfortably in tow.
The journey took them away from the familiar routes into less traveled roads, the scenery shifting subtly as they moved closer to facility where he had been transformed. The two bikers were unaware of the true nature of their destination, caught up in the thrill of the ride and the excitement of seeing advanced motorcycle tech.
After some time, they arrived at the vast building that looked more like a huge distribution centre than a motorcycle manufacturing factory. The gates opened automatically as Jake approached, a silent signal of his authority and belonging.
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Jake signalled for the other two bikers to do follow him down a roadway between two buildings. Jake brought his bike to a stop, opened his visor and announced, ”we are here.” The other two brought their bikes to a stop, dismounted and removed their helmets.
Jake walked forwards into the huge building just ahead of them; the two other bikers looked at one another, shrugged their shoulders and followed. They would ingress through a different route compared to the one Eddie and Jake entered.
The space inside they walked into was clean and modern, filled with prototypes and machines that made the two young bikers' eyes widen in awe.
"This is incredible!" one of the exclaimed, walking closer to inspect a particularly sleek model that caught his eye. "How do you get in on this?"
Jake's response was calculated, his tone still friendly but now carrying an undercurrent of persuasion. "Well, there's actually a selection process. Part of why I brought you here. If you're interested, there’s a quick tour and some tests to see if you're compatible with the tech."
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Excited and completely unaware of the implications, the two young men agreed eagerly, following Jake deeper into the facility. As they walked, the doors behind them closed silently, the outside world receding as they moved further into the realm of the Hive.
Little did they know, their fascination with bikes and the temptation of combining their love of biking and dreams of futuristic bikes had led them into a trap. This walk would be their last as mere humans, as they stepped unknowingly into the next phase of their lives dictated by The Hive's needs.
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Oh, are you wondering what happened to Eddie? As you might have expected The Hive detected his presence and determined a new purpose for him, but that’s another story.
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bullyingfictionalmen · 1 month ago
LaDS Men x Blind/Visually-Impaired!MC Headcanons
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A/N: Not my usual style of writing, but I’m a blind/ADHD girlie myself and was inspired by lovely posts like this one sharing HCs about the LIs interacting with disabled/neurodivergent!MC. I tried to account for a variety of experiences myself and other blind friends have had, but blindness is a spectrum, so please take my preferences and interpretations with a grain of salt :)
cw: fluff, soft LADS boys, brief mentions of ableism
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🐦‍⬛ Sylus 🐦‍⬛
also a light-sensitive king, so he inherently gets needing spaces to be dark and glare-free
Buys you all the assistive technology you could ask for. High tech magnifier, Brailler, braille-note, monocular, e-reader
Modifies them all to an excessive degree to have, like, infrared mode in addition to contrast filters to reduce eye-strain
always scouring online for new cane tips, gps and self-driving cars to increase your mobility and independence
if you have a guide dog, that’s his new bestie. Also picks up on the training super fast
teaches you how to fight with accessible techniques, helping you drill the sensation of the correct movements into your muscle memory
you find yourself able to relax around him because he’s so considerate without making you feel like a burden
loves reading to you, whether it be poems, stories, random posts online. He knows you love his voice
anyone trying to deny you an opportunity or entry into a store/restaurant will catch those hands, or the full might of Onychinus
✨ Xavier ✨
buys you the softest blankets/pajamas/scarves because he knows the textures you prefer
really good about using tactile labels around the house and buying products you could easily recognize by touch
uses his Evol to adjust lighting or to teleport you out of overwhelming situations
Low-key jealous of your service animal but his gratitude for their hard work wins out
went through training blindfolded to better understand your needs
consciously and habitually covers your blind spots in battle without being prideful about it or discounting your skill
always stands on the side nearest the road when you’re walking together and points out stairs, curbs and steep inclines
gently reminds you not to apologize for advocating for your needs
🍎 Caleb 🍎
grew up with you so he understands this whole song and dance. He deeply gets the nuances of what you need without asking
can sense it if you’re tired of explaining yourself to a new person and will swoop in to do it for you
enthusiastic about taking you anywhere you need to go, brags about being your chauffeur
overprotective as hell but he does his best not to infantilize you. He just really cares
smoothly points out or guides you around obstacles and rough terrain
offers to read any restaurant menu that has bad contrast or is far away, highlighting items he knows you like
you video call him anytime you misplace something and he has a knack for knowing where you left it
jokes that he is your guide dog
extra-passionate about disability rights and unfair wages
very considerate of your needs when planning dates or outings, but will run new activities by you and never assume you can’t do something
🐠 Rafayel 🐠
tries hard to make his exhibits and pieces inclusive— loves experimenting with tactile elements in his art and arranges for braille and large-print signs at every event
personally narrates the audio explanations in the gallery/ museum tours for your benefit
makes you custom cane charms, labels, helps decorate the cases for your technology to make using it more fun
checks or sometimes does your makeup himself if you’re not in the mood to painstakingly perfect it
woke up in a cold sweat one night and spent the next three days designing and refining a Braille alphabet for Lemurian
will body-block any bikes or people coming at you from an unseen location
goes full Karen in your defense if someone is rude about your needs or refusing accommodations
“watch where you’re going.” “Um, she’s blind??? Feel bad now?”
his blind jokes are pure art—he was wary of offending you at first, but now he’ll participate in banter with you and make you laugh your ass off without being mean-spirited or degrading (unless you’re into that)
❄️ Zayne ❄️
the king of sided-guide, will navigate you calmly and seamlessly through any crowd or tough situation
when someone pulls a stunt like “oh, you’re blind? How many fingers am I holding up?” Zayne will give them the blankest stare and then launch into a dry medical explanation of your condition to make them feel awkward
has extensive knowledge of your medical records/schedule and will remind you of or accompany you to appointments
you catch him reading ophthalmology books in his spare time and have to beg him not to get yet another specialization
the first to notice when your eyes are strained or you’ve got a headache. Ready with a cold compress or painkillers
gently chastises you if you’re overworking or wearing yourself thin. Very aware of activities that consume more energy for you or stress you out
doesn’t usually make blind jokes, but every once in awhile he’ll make the sassiest deadpan comment that makes you cry-laugh
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tammyjackson50-blog · 8 months ago
**Sam Monroe as Your High School Boyfriend Headcanons**
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2024 ,modern edition
• Sam’s got this grunge meets modern aesthetic. Vintage band tees paired with the latest AirPods Pro, always blasting some random playlist he found at 2 AM.
• His locker? It’s a chaotic masterpiece of old Polaroids, random doodles, notebooks he rarely uses, and a tiny succulent you gave him. It somehow thrives amidst the chaos.
• Every morning, he waits for you by the school gate, leaning against his bike. “Morning, sunshine,” he greets, smirking as he hands you your favorite coffee.
• You two are the power couple in the art room. He’s sketching away, earbuds in, while you’re working on your latest project. Sometimes he’ll pause, look at you, and say, “That’s incredible, babe,” making you smile each time.
• Sam’s a meme Lord. He sends you the funniest TikToks during class, and it’s a miracle neither of you have been caught laughing out loud by the teachers.
" Sam, stop sending me tiktoks! Listen to the teacher! "
• He’s surprisingly tech-savvy. When your laptop crashes the night before a big assignment is due, Sam comes over , fixing it with a “Don’t worry, I got this,” and a few clever hacks.
• Date nights are a mix of rooftop stargazing and binge-watching the latest Netflix series. “Just one more episode,” he always says, and you both know it’s never just one more.
• You have a shared Spotify playlist. It’s a mix of your favorite songs, his angsty tracks, and the random bops you both discover. He’ll occasionally add a sappy love song and then pretend he has no idea how it got there.
• He’s got this quirky humor that keeps you laughing. Once, you caught him trying to teach himself to moonwalk in his room. “Just you wait, babe. I’ll be the next MJ” he said, tripping over his own feet.
" You are so random " You laugh.
• Sam’s protective but not overbearing. He always walks you home, making sure you’re safe, even though you insist you’re fine. “Humor me," he says, and you know it’s just his way of showing he cares.
• Sometimes he really surprise you when it comes to school, "You really did the homework?" He looks at you with an annoyed but not really annoyed stare, " Surprise, now can you tell me if I did it good? " You take a look at his notebook, he like that way you explain things to him.
• And despite his tough exterior, Sam’s a hopeless romantic. From surprise flowers in your locker to handwritten notes, he’s always finding little ways to show he loves you.
I think that it turned out pretty nice.
Edit 13/7/24: I just added a spotify playlist. Tell me in the comments if you liked the playlist I made😅😅
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comicaurora · 6 months ago
Are you planning on watching or have already watched Batman: Caped Crusader? If you have watched it, thoughts?
I was a little late to the party, but I just finished it!
Narrative-wise it's very digestible, ten episodes largely self-contained into episodic mysteries. In my opinion, the best of the bunch is episode 5, mostly because this is probably the best variation of Harley Quinn I've ever seen in anything. The new interpretations of classic Batman villains are a little bit hit or miss - I love this version of Penguin, I liked Clayface but found him one of the less entertaining parts of his episode, and I felt like the pacing on the final spoiler villain of the season was pretty off, to a degree that it felt like a bit of a fizzle on the payoff. Still, the benefit of an episodic show is that it's okay if individual episodes are weak, because they don't drag down the disconnected stories around them.
Overall it's got an absolutely fascinating aesthetic and tone. It's classic DCAU/BTAS Timmverse visual style but with absolutely all of the future tech stripped away, leaving a weirdly faithful recreation of the original 30s aesthetic of the very oldest batman comics. There's no advanced bat-tech or bat-computer, no bat-gadgets perfectly designed to counter the threat of the week, no toyetic bat-mechs or bat-bikes. It's strikingly low-tech, which serves to make Batman feel a lot more reliant on detective work - he has to get his information from a library instead of a datascraping bat-puter or a bat-surveillance-state.
Despite being low tech, it's surprisingly high-magic. Normally Batman's solo shows are kind of walled off from the magic side of the DC universe, but one of the villains of the week is Gentleman Ghost and he turns out to just legitimately be a full-blown ghost, which forces Bruce to reassess a few things. There's also an energy vampire in a later episode. I like that this makes Gotham feel even more out of Batman's control, and it doesn't scooby-doo-ify the more fantastical elements of the DC universe.
Speaking of Gotham, it's delightfully grim. Batman feels like a small part of a large and unforgiving world, and the expanded cast of the story gets a lot of focus. Sometimes it feels like Batman's main job is to show up whenever things look dire for one of the Gordons so he can punch whoever's holding them at gunpoint.
This is also an interestingly early version of Batman - as in, early in his career. He doesn't have that "trained for everything prepared for every eventuality" thing nailed down just yet. It's rare for him to be completely blindsided, but he doesn't feel infallible like the Conroy batman of the classic DCAU. Focus is put on him specifically having issues about not confronting traumas - his own or other peoples' - in a healthy manner. He's less "seen it all and is consequentially very stoic about absolutely bonkers things" and more "so so very repressed holy shit"
Overall, I had a good time with it! Excited to see what they do with a season 2.
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rowretro · 8 months ago
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✧warnings: suggestive, blood, mafia Hoon, yandere
❁synopsis: Sunghoon is one of the most infamous yet famous mafia leaders known, he was one who had his morals, he wouldn't hurt a woman unless necessary. The man had previously been married twice, both times his so called wife cheated on him, hence he divorced them, making sure they left his house with no money at hand. now he's married to y/n, he's cautious, cold, rude, but he secretly loves her, yet he has his doubts, stalking her and seeing if she's a cheater...
"Sunghoon! morning Hoon... I-I made you breakfast~" Y/n said with a wide smile on her face. Sunghoon just coldly stared at her, as he glanced at the maids, their heads hung low "I-I wanted to cook for you, it's typical for wives to do so... so uhm.... Im sorry it won't happen again..." she apologized staring down. He silently sat down and ate, not saying a single word.
The girl smiled to herself seeing that he was eating. The man left for work, not even looking in her direction. It's ridiculous one'd say. Sunghoon saw her first, when he was speeding past her on his bike, his helmet on so no one recognized him. Since then, he'd purposely speed by her, smirking at her flustered expression, until he eventually kidnapped her to keep him all to himself. Sure she was scared, but the moment he legally married her, she felt maybe its a new beggining.
He's never touched her nor harmed her since, he barely spoke to her. Y/n wore a white dress that reached just the middle of her thighs, her manga-like lashes done already by a lash tech Sunghoon had paid for, she applied some light makeup as she wore matching high heels, she left the building looking stunning as ever.
Sunghoon wasn't new to y/n getting all dolled up to even just get the groceries, or buy herself some ice cream from the corner store. However, he remained cautious of her actions, following her in his car, not too far behind. Y/n however, wasn't all too clueless. She took note of the same exact black car following her everywhere she went, but she never knew it was Sunghoon in that car.
Hence Sunghoon was rather confused when he saw his darling wife, in front of the window, head down as she sneakily peaked out. He wasn't too interested in what she was doing, more in what she was wearing. He couldn't take his eyes off her body, that short silky white night gown hugged her in all the right places, it only barely covered her. "Hoon you're back?" she whisper asked as Sunghoon nodded.
The male frowned as Y/n pulled him down with her, his arm snaking around her waist as he sat on the floor with her, pulling the girl onto his lap, nis face nuzzling into her neck as he left a few open mouth kisses down her neck to her collarbone "What are you doing babe?" he asked, as he slipped off a strap of her nightgown. "Look- see that black car? it's been stalking me for a week and now its here.... I think its an enemy hoon-" She said.
Sunghoon frowned looking up, only to see her pointing at his old car that he had used to stalk her "Oh my sweet sweet y/n... that's my car.... I was following you around to make sure you were always safe, you've nothing to worry about not with me by your side" he said with a smile. A smile that melted y/n, a smile she's never seen before on him "You should smile more often.... I like it lots!" she said as Sunghoon kissed her jaw. "For you... I will" he said as he pulled her closer to his body.
The wife whom he will always trust, the wife who loves him dearly.
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ghostf1ux · 3 months ago
5 Times Jason Saved his the Flock and 1 Time they Saved Him: Gasoline and Guns Don't Mix
Day 5: Fire
Words: 2.4k
TW/CWs: Guns, Violence, Fire (this one is pretty tame compared to my other fics)
Part 1 (here) | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Jason hums idly to himself as he walks up to the back entrance of the building, hands shoved in the pockets of his black leather jacket. His footsteps are light despite his steel-toed boots, though his presence is more clearly announced by the subtle little clinks of the two links of chains resting on his right thigh.
The Clocktower looms over him, casting a shadow despite the gloomy sky providing scant light. He comes to a stop outside the secret entrance, inputting his numerical code, eye scan, and thumb print before the door slides open with a hiss. 
The tower is still and nearly silent, only disturbed by the quietest of clink clink clinks in time with his steps. You'd never guess the information tech vigilante backing the Bats was ever holed up here, diligently working away at her massive computer setup all day and all night.
Which brings Jason to why he's here. He has a day off, for once. No cases need his immediate attention, he's uninjured (minus some minor cuts, scrapes, and bruises), and he's, most importantly, bored.
Babs has been helping Batman and his flock for a long time, and in doing so, has managed to fall into the same overworking-themselves-to-death pitfall the rest of them are usually in.
So Jason has decided to intervene.
A little birdie (Red Robin) had mentioned something about a high profile case that was requiring all of both his and Barbara's attention to figure out the culprit and track them down. With emphasis on the tracking them down part, figuring out who they were looking for didn't take all that long. They'd been working on this case for almost a week now, and with Babs also working on other cases, as well as helping the flock out at night and running the Birds of Prey, Jason was willing to bet she hasn't gotten any kind of break, or rather, hadn't given herself any kind of break.
So today he decided to pop by, drag her away from her screens, and drop her in front of another one in the form of a movie and late lunch. There was a new movie that came out recently that had actually caught Jason's interest, so he figured Babs might be interested as well.
He twirls his bike keys around his finger as he steps in the elevator, waiting for it to take him to the top of the tower. Out of habit, he glances around in a quick assessment of the elevator.
It's a good thing he did, because otherwise he never would've noticed the dent in the top left corner of the elevator wall.
Squinting up at it, it's immediately obvious that there used to be something there. He doesn't know for sure what it would've been, since he's rarely in here, but knowing Babs and knowing the placement, it was probably a camera. A camera that's distinctly no longer there.
Jason draws his gun from wear it sits tucked into his waistband, the metal a familiar weight in his hand. With the other he pulls out his phone, sends a quick text to whichever family group chat comes up first, not even paying attention to who may or may not be in it. 
If only they didn't have like seventeen of them.
He steps to the side as the elevator slows to a stop, using the reflection to see out the door while he hides around the corner.
The reflection is blurry, but there's one vaguely humanoid form at the end of the opening room from the elevator, waiting outside the door to the more apartment-like room that hid Oracle's real workspace. It doesn't look like the guy is looking, so Jason unsheathes the dagger he always has strapped to his ankle and throws it.
It hits its mark with a quiet squelch, the goon’s body hitting the floor with a thud muffled by the carpet.
Jason carefully steps out, checking the corners before walking around the edges of the room. He sticks to the shadows just in case the other cameras aren't disabled, and avoids the triggers for the traps that may or may not still be there.
Putting his ear to the door, he doesn't hear anything on the other side, so he crouches down to the guy he got with his dagger. It hit center mass, just like he planned, though it was a little closer to the center than he probably should've aimed. If the guy's wheezing is anything to go by, he probably punctured a lung.
“Oi, asshole, what the hell are you and your boys doing here?” Jason growls, slapping his face a few times to get him to focus. He just glares at Jason, who sighs. “Where is she?”
When he doesn't answer, Jason puts hand over the guy's mouth and twists the dagger. His scream is muffled against Jason's hand, which he just tilts his head condescendingly at.
“Shut up, it could be a lot worse. Now tell me where she is.”
The goon points unhelpfully to the door before passing out. Jason rolls his eyes, kicking him over to the side. The guy is probably going to die, but honestly he could care less about that right now.
He rips the dagger out of the guy's chest, holding it ready in his left hand and keeping his gun in his right. He's got near perfect aim with both hands, but most people go for the right hand first if they see it holding something and he would take a knife in close combat over a gun any day.
He opens the door, thanking Babs mentally that she doesn't have creaky doors, and peeks through the crack.
Through the reflection on the window, he can make out Babs looking almost bored tied to her wheelchair and being held at gunpoint. Almost. The tension in her shoulders gives away her stress– but not from the gun, she's too familiar with being held at gunpoint for that. Her focus is lasered in on something else. She's facing away from the door towards the exact opposite wall, with the barrel of a gun being pointed at her from behind. She's far enough away from the reflection that makes Jason's mental map place her in the middle of the room, which means the guy holding the gun is practically right in front of the door Jason is right on the other side of.
He toes the door open another two inches, enough that he can see a little more but not enough that a passing glance will see anything wrong.
Immediately he gets a whiff of gasoline, along with a glimpse of the other door opened to Oracle's workspace. 
Ah, so that's what she's so worried about.
Babs lets out a huff, tapping her nails against the arm of her wheelchair.
“You're not going to find anything!” She calls ahead of her. So there's more in there, probably trying to go through her systems.
“Quiet, bitch,” the one behind Babs snaps, flicking the barrel of his gun against the side of her head. She only glares, but in turning her head she ends up catching a glimpse of the window. Her eyes widen minutely, but that's the only tell before she's back to playing the victim.
“You two seem pretty focused with fumbling around with my system,” Babs continues despite the previous threat, “You could just untie the rope from my wrists and let me help instead of pouring gasoline everywhere.”
Jason grins when Babs passes him a glance and the slightest of nods. So there are two in the other room that are focused, huh?
He opens the door just wide enough to slip through and stalks up behind the first goon, the one holding the gun to Babs’ head. Without so much as an escaped gasp Jason has him in a sleeper hold and is gently lowering his unconscious body to the ground.
He passes Babs the dagger so she can cut herself free, then starts to move to wheel her out before she shakes her head, then jerks it towards the computers. Jason raises an eyebrow, gesturing between her, the clearly gasoline soaked floor, and the two men too focused on her screens to notice them. Her jaw clenches and she sends her signature bat-glare at him and–
Wow, she is scary. Jason actually backs up a little under the force of her glare. He forgot how scary she can be. Okay.
He allows himself to roll his eyes and silently mock her while she can't do anything about it before walking up to the two guys and knocking their heads together. The first guy collapses with a groan, the other guy just stumbles back while holding his head. Jason doesn't give him more than a second before he's blitzing him with a punch that breaks his nose and a hook that knocks him out cold. 
He shoves his hands back in his pockets and spins on his heel back to Babs.
“So, Barbie, what was that all about?” Jason asks innocently, jutting his hip out to make his stance more comfortable. Barbara wheels herself in, glancing around.
“Somehow they found me, wanted to find and erase something in my systems. Never specified what, though. Also never found it.”
“And the gasoline?”
“A back up plan,” she replies tersely. Jason hums.
“Well, this has all been really fun, but I came here to invite you to a movie and it starts in like twenty minutes.” He leans down to fold his arms on the handles of the chair when Babs sighs. “Cmon Barbie, it's been forever since you've taken a break. And we haven't made fun of a movie together in a long time.”
“...Fine.” She folds her arms across her chest and leans back in the chair, making Jason straighten with a gleeful smile, starting to wheel her out.”
“Fuck yeah. And I texted one of the group chats awhile ago, they can deal with all this shit,” he mentions, waving vaguely behind them at the bodies as they pass into the lobby room. Babs looks down at the first body. Jason follows her gaze, then shrugs. “I was in a rush, it's fine. Speaking of, can I have my knife back?”
She hands it back to him with a disappointed huff. He wipes it off on the dead guy's jacket and tucks it back into his boot before continuing on their way to the elevator.
Of course, it's when he hears the telltale sound of a safety being clicked off that he realizes his mistake.
He can't react before a wave of explosive heat sends both him and Babs careening forward, slamming into the opposite wall. Jason more than Babs because he was closer and she had a wall of muscle protecting her.
It takes him a moment to get his bearings after that, when his vision finally starts to focus and the ringing in his ears dies down. All he registers is the searing, oppressive heat bearing down on him from all sides. It makes him sweat uncomfortably and his lungs struggle to draw in enough breath– no, wait, that's the smoke. Smoke was coming from the fire.
“Barbara!” Jason shouts, or at least he thinks he shouts. All he can see is the blinding light of the fire where it's burning away the gasoline and spreading to every other flammable object in the vicinity. 
“Over- over here!” Her voice finally filters through the roar of the fire, but he can't pinpoint its location. Soon the ringing subsides, but it's just replaced by his heartbeat.
Jason opens his mouth to shout again but breaks out into a cough when he inhales a lung full of smoke instead. If only smoking cigarettes actually helped him build up a tolerance to something like that.
A dark blob moving catches Jason's attention, and then he realizes it's Babs. Not too far away, in fact, just separated by a small trail of fire caused by gasoline that was trailed after them when they left.
Fuck he was careless and let his guard down. And now all of this is going to be destroyed because of him.
He pushes himself to his feet and jumps over the fire, coming to Barbara's side.
“Are you okay?” He asks, quickly checking her over for injuries. She shakes her head, raising her hand towards Jason's face. He finds himself involuntarily flinching away from the contact, a guilt stabbing him in the gut at her wounded expression. 
“You're bleeding,” she states instead. Jason shrugs.
“Not the first time, won't be the last.” With that he works his arms under her legs and back to lift her bridal style, looking around for the exit. The elevator probably wouldn't be working due to the explosion, which just left the stairs.
Jason groans internally as he starts making his way there, dodging flames expertly and only breaking out into short coughing fits.
Eventually he manages to get the door open, but not without nearly sacrificing his boots because of how hot the handle is and the fact that he had to kick it open.
He races down a few floors before finally taking a second to breathe and figure out what the hell he's going to say.
“...Barbie?” He starts hesitantly, looking down at her. She has a conflicted expression when she meets his gaze, but he can't quite figure out why.
“Yeah?” Jason glances away.
“I… I'm sorry. That was… reckless. Should've been more thorough,” he finally gets the words out, keeping his eyes on the steps ahead as he continues down.
“Well, yes, but I didn't notice either. This isn't all on you, Jay,” Babs reassures him. It does little to actually soothe the guilt and blame clawing at him, but he nods anyway. “I have backup servers anyways, it'll just be annoying to reset up everything physically, but I can just make Tim and Bruce do that.”
Jason chuckles at that, but doesn't comment further.
Once they're closer to bottom after a long stretch of silence, Jason finally clears his throat awkwardly.
“...So. About that movie.”
“Might as well, not going to be much help here.”
“Should I let them know we made it out?”
“Nah, let's see how long it takes for them to find us.”
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late-draft · 8 months ago
I want to know all of the details of the scifi au like right now, I'm so hooked instantly
Okay let me set the stage!
This is a sci-fi AU, leaning onto (what I've read) the first idea of ATLA; however unlike how it had Aang be from an ancient technologically advanced civilization waking up in a technologically regressed world(?), here the tech that Air Nomads had was forgotten and new one was created and it proliferated.
An important thing to keep in mind is that I intended this AU to be literally made up of iconic, primeval tropes of young audience's shows. I'm currently in a phase where I test how well I'm able to incorporate tropes and make the best use of them, so for this AU, expect it to feel EXACTLY like the thrill of running at 10 PM up to your grandma's CRT TV to watch that amazing series on Jetix you can't get enough of!!!!
First thing to notice here, the world has a Key Holder for every bending type. Keys are your magical symbols. It's the standard trope in these types of shows, think of them as kids who represent the absolute core traits of their element. Because Aang has to find specific individuals now rather than arbitrarily choosing a teacher, we have a tighter narrative although more trope-y. Aang is the Key holder for Air - every Avatar is always a Key holder for their native element, but can be taught other bending types only by respective elements' Key holders.
As expected, the world is ruled by the Fire Nation's strongest corporation, led by Emperor Ozai. Most of the setting is skyscrapers, huge power cables and mazes of pipeworks. Hakoda is the leader of resistance but he had disappeared two years ago, leaving his two children with a warning to stay hidden and safe below ground. Their secret hideout is pretty safe and cozy. Of course Sokka and Katara would not sit idly forever! Wandering through the underground they discover an ancient cryo pod, the only active one left. When he comes to himself, Aang realizes that he's the last airbender in the world for the past 1000 years.
The Avatar is able to operate ancient spiritual machines that the Air Nomads tended to. Once he learns all bending types, he'll be able to return airbending to the world through a Harmonic Convergence event by activating a huge lionturtle machine. The problem is - nobody knows where this machine is, but the Avatar is able to "listen" for signs of keyholders and machines through an ancient leftover network. Katara and Sokka swear to aid Aang in achieving this goal and restoring balance to the world. Ever since airbenders disappeared, there had been heavy dissonance in the spirit world, creating terrible natural disasters that altered the face of the planet. They're having difficulty finding the Key holder for Water.... the first one they find is Toph for Earth! She joins the gaang in late season 1 :)
In this AU, there's a tradeoff where the element of kungfu fights is reduced in favour of high-speed chases through the metropolis. Aang (14) moves quickly through the city using only his airbending, by running or speeding on his air sphere. The only piece of new equipment he wears are clear plastic goggles that Sokka (18) gave him. And while you might expect Zuko (19) to be chasing them on a red motorbike, no! It's in fact Katara (17) who's a super-skilled bike driver while Zuko and his entourage are on ROLLERBLADES SKATING ACROSS WALLS AND PIPES. Propulsion via firebending! (same thing Azula does in canon, just elevated to skating). Iroh waits for his nephiew to fail each chase and offer him tea, he's just wearing black dress pants. XD Sokka is Katara's genius engineer brother who constantly grumbles and throws sarcastic remarks because he has to fix her bike after every. single. chase! In this setting, Ozai is specifically looking for the Avatar because he could, using unethical means and technology on a trapped Avatar, be able to grant all bending types to whoever he chooses. This would spell disasteeeer. However, it's also implied that in a similar way, he could "fix" anyone...
Some notes:
You can probably feel the conclusions of many things I left blank. This is on purpose.
Zuko absolutely must have to be motivated by a desire to win his father's approval and love, this must not change. I'll introduce Azula in a later post.
The lionturtle as a concept and its effects are made clear and setup from the get-go. The spiritual machines are just a background element that doesn't affect the plot, it's just a goal.
Aang still has a crush on Katara! And it would be brought up a bit more frequently, in order to serve the plot.
Ozai is doing something concrete that's directly related to Avatar's bending, tying him closer to the Avatar as his antagonist.
This AU's setting is as you may have sensed, more mellow at first. It doesn't have a currently active war.
The characters are older because that feels more fitting to me. (I was investigating W.I.T.C.H. show and saw they were basically all 13 and dating and I was like. "Yikes. No")
Help me dig out any VISUAL references you might remember, from shows of the similar vibe. The goal is not to mimic but to add to the characteristic genre.
These screenshots are from OBAN: STAR RACERS and are what I'd associate with the old Air Nomad technology!
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Shape Da Future from Jet Set Radio is precisely what aligned perfectly with this AU.
I'll be sharing more details about this AU in future posts, and everyone is welcome to add their ideas and thoughts on it! I wonder what I forgot to mention here…
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 1 year ago
I’m loving so much the new disowned verse omg, it is so good, you are a genius.
But I’m curious, how did reader and jason met?
The apartment was in a cracker box of a building with thin walls. His neighbors were a young couple that fought about money 25/8 and an elderly 'Nam Vet who liked his porno but- he could cope.
It was different than Gotham. There weren't constant gunshots. And that was weird. But. He knew better than to think his PI license wouldn't make him some money. Even out in the sticks. There was always a contentious divorce. There was always something not quite right. Cops in over their heads.
And he'd have down time. He could read. Work on his bike. Fuck. Maybe even actually go see a movie... Sure. He knew eventually he'd get bored but. For now, he was looking forward to it.
He shut the door and locked it behind him, frowning just slightly and making a note to get a better lock while he was out. He doubted he could find anything super great in town- he'd probably have to order something but. He'd passed a hardware store in town so... it might be worth checking out. If he made friends with the old guy that probably ran it he could probably get some special orders if he needed it.
So he set off that direction, wandering on foot down the sidewalks and taking note of the other houses. It was the middle of the afternoon. And the lunch whistles at the old factory still sounded at nood and then 30 minutes later. Tucked away from the tree-lined main drag, the houses back here varied from run down to better homes and gardens.
That tracked.
They got better closer to the front. The older show homes outweighed the eyesores. American primitive lawn decor. A surprising number of pineapples- and he snorted, wondering if it had come from a big box store or if it was a signal. Or both.
By the time he made it to the hardware store, he was reasonably certain he could stay busy. All was not as Leave it to Beaver as the Town Council would have you believe. And the first place he was gonna leave a flyer was in the beauty shop. Those old biddies HAD to have some shit to stir up.
He shouldered the door open and a bell, an actual bell, chimed. And he smiled a little taking a deep breath. The smell of dust, tools, and old well-maintained wood hit his nose and he exhaled. Definitely not going to find any high tech locks here. But, he had a soft spot for independent shops.
"Be with you in a minute!"
The voice made him jump. Not the gruff voice of a grumpy old fuck he expected. And it made him search of the source. Curious. "No worries," he said, walking a little farther towards where he'd heard it. Finding a young woman on a ladder stocking some boxes of bolts on a shelf. A pink canvas gardening apron tied around her hips to hold more boxes. "You got door locks?" he asked.
"Aisle 5 next to the paver catalogs," you tell him, steadying yourself so you can turn and glance down at him.
"Perfect," he said, "Thanks."
"Mhm, let me know if you need anything else," you tell him.
Jason paused and looked around, "Think you can put a tool box together for me I just moved and-"
"Ah, yeah. One Bachelor special," you tell him," Jumping down from the ladder, "I think I can get you fixed up. At least enough to get you started. You'll be smashing your thumbs in no time."
"Got a first aid kit too?"
"Right up at the counter," you snort. "But if you want anything special, you gotta see Adam at the Pharmacy. Mine are pretty basic."
"I can deal with basic- at least until you sell me a band saw-"
"Oh lord."
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whirlybirbs · 5 months ago
Obssssssessed with the idea of Toshi being all lovesick and eager to shower Derecho (Also a pro-hero, member of his agency, financially well off) in gifts and fancy dates like a good old fashioned sugar daddy. Like she does not NEED the shiny expensive necklace, or the 5-star dinners, or the custom made leather jackets, or all the high-tech riding gear made by none other than Mr. David Shield she could desire... but he wants to give it to her anyway :)))
Sorry had to give my sickness to you real quick ~`☆
not to be insane on main before sunset, but you're right.
derecho's never been on the receiving end of love like his — she's a brat, but boy does this tame her real quick. she's used to shitty, cheap dates and no manners. she's used to back-handed compliments and bad sex. hell, she was in prison. she didn't think she'd get out and have this sort of life.
she's independent to a fault, too, so when the gifts come in she's very protective of the fact she could buy them if she wanted to... but toshinori is stern about the fact that's not the point. they're gifts for her from him. new tech, new bike upgrades, better support items...
toshi's mother might not have been around for long in his life, but he was taught early on how to treat someone well.
derecho keeps the flowers from their first date pressed in a journal she keeps in her nightstand. she tried to keep them alive for as long as she could. they're roses and they're beautiful and that night she comes home to them after their first date, she cries because how did she manage to get this lucky?
god for-fucking-bid toshinori buys her jewelry.
she's never owned nice jewelry until toshinori yagi.
he's acutely aware of her preference for silver or gold, always having a particular sense for what sort of chain length she needs. he's never once bought her anything that isn't sleek, classy, and very her.
it's strange — to know that someone will go out of their way to chase your happiness no matter the cost. it's oddly protective, incredibly sexy. it's... it's the sort of thing that if derecho thinks about it too long (like, the mental image of him agonizing over racing jacket designs with david for hours... just for her) she will jump his bones so quick.
it only gets worse as they get older and the whole sugar daddy thing becomes persistent — especially on the teacher's salary.
big man loves his smol wife and will buy her anything ever, despite her never asking for anything except the occasional back rub.
— a reference to this fic here ;
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marlynnofmany · 1 year ago
Fun and Dangers with Hovercycles
When the spaceship is grounded for a mechanical checkup that most of the crew helps with, but your knowledge of alien tech is limited to “That button means go, right?” then there’s not much to do. I’d been stuck with cleaning duty on other similar overhauls, which was fair enough. But it sucked. So I was delighted today to find that Mur was giving the hovercycle a once-over in the cargo bay, and didn’t mind letting me help.
“Is it hard to ride?” I asked while he shone a flashlight into the fuel tank, standing on the tips of his tentacles to get a good look. “I’ve never actually gotten to.”
“I wouldn’t say so,” he replied. “The balancing function is top-notch, and the brakes are reliable.”
Paint sorted through the toolbox, organizing wrenches and whatever. “It’s a little high off the ground for my taste.” She craned her lizardy neck to look up at me. “But that may not bother you.”
“Probably not,” I said with a smile. “Can I try it? There’s never been a good chance before. It’s always in storage unless we need it for some rush delivery on the far side of a space station.”
Mur sighed and clicked off the light. “Yeah, and that’s usually my job these days. Mimi is a great rider, but he’s usually busy, and Coals is respectable but doesn’t like to…”
“I don’t like to either!” Paint exclaimed, holding a scaly hand to her chest. “He always has a better excuse!”
“Why don’t you like to?” I asked.
“Too fast, dangerous.” Paint shook her head. “I don’t like the pressure of urgent deliveries when a minor distraction could leave me and the package smeared across the scenery.”
“Okay, fair,” I said.
“It’s not that dangerous,” Mur said. “It won’t tip over, and the brakes have an impact sensor.”
“It feels that dangerous!” Paint insisted, lashing her tail and looking away.
I said, “I guess you can’t really drive slower without being late, huh?”
“Oh, some deliveries have plenty of time. But it’s still too high off the ground.”
“Can I try?” I asked again. “It really doesn’t sound that scary to me.”
“Sure, why not.” Mur tightened the fuel cap and consulted the checklist. “We’re almost done here.”
The rest of the checklist was quick. I helped by holding things and occasionally reaching with my long human arms, while Paint was in charge of the toolbox and unscrewing things with her claws.
“Annnd done!” Mur said as he finished the checklist with a flourish. “Let’s take it outside where you won’t crash into a wall.”
“I thought you said there were impact sensors for that,” I reminded him as he clambered into the seat.
“Eh, they’re not perfect.”
Paint hit the controls for the bay door, toolbox already set aside, and I followed as the hovercycle whirred quietly out onto the alien landing pad.
I reflected that this really was an ideal place to practice riding. Only a couple other ships were parked at the moment, some distance away, and the settlement was set far enough back that people wouldn’t be bothered by the noise and whatnot of landing spaceships. Everything else around us was dry, rolling ground, with hills in the distance and not so much as a cactus to dodge around.
“You twist this to go forward,” Mur said. “Turn it the other way for backward, or just a little to slow down. It’s pretty intuitive once you’re moving.”
“Just don’t twist it too far!” Paint said. “It can go really fast!”
“Right, I’ll be careful,” I said. “Do I steer by leaning or turning the handlebars?”
Mur gave me a few more pointers on the basics, with Paint adding cautionary tips, and soon enough they let me get on. It wasn’t really human-shaped like an Earth bike, but it was close.
“Okay, so I’ll just aim to go over that way, then circle back,” I said. “This way for forward, this way for backward?”
“Right,” Mur said, tentacle-walking up onto the ramp.
“Start gently!” Paint said as she scampered up beside him.
“Got it.” The motor was already on and burbling away, so I held on tight and gave the throttle a minuscule twist. The bike scooted forward.
With Mur and Paint offering encouragement behind me, I eased it out across the smooth ground with no trouble, giving a couple experimental leans to get a feel for the auto-balancing mechanism. It really was good. Then I sped up a little, and was honestly impressed with the stabilizing gyros or whatever. Even on sharp turns, I didn’t feel like I was in danger of being thrown off or skidding out of control, which was pretty great. I still had a traumatizing memory of bike-riding as a kid and running over a tin can that slid out from under me. But there would be no scraped-up arms today! This hoverbike knew what it was doing. I gave it some proper speed.
I zoomed over a couple low hills, laughing at the change in pitch while the hover engines adjusted to catching air. I spun in tight circles and a gradual curve, leaving a faint trail of dust behind me where the wind of my passing had kicked it up.
Then I got a look back at my coworkers on the ship’s ramp, and they were waving their hands urgently. I straightened out and looked around in alarm; was some local beastie or natural disaster right behind me?
Nope. Not unless it was invisible. Which I wasn’t ruling out.
I powered back toward the ship, worried now, and braked to a stop that felt pretty darn perfect for my first time out.
“ARE YOU OKAY?” Paint yelled, rushing over.
“Yeah, why?” I looked behind myself again.
“Wait, you weren’t out of control?” Mur demanded. “You were going that fast on purpose?”
“Uh, yeah? Should I not have?” I took in their worried faces. “It felt pretty safe. You’re right about the balance; that’s great.”
“WHAT?” Paint exclaimed while Mur laughed. “Why would you go that fast on purpose?”
“It’s fun?” I asked, shrugging. “I really didn’t think it was that big a deal. Do neither of you like going fast ever? I mean I can understand not wanting to worry about getting an urgent delivery there on time, but what about casual joyriding?”
The way Paint was sputtering for an answer and Mur wasn’t even trying to come up with one told me I’d stumbled into another unexpected bit of culture clash.
Paint finally settled on, “No, that is terrifying!”
Mur straightened up from where he’d collapsed into a puddle of tentacles and helpless laughter. “I’ve been doing all the time-crunch bike deliveries because I can hold on best! You’re doing the next one.”
“Okay,” I said, smiling a bit myself. “You know I thought you were trying to tell me there was something chasing me, right?”
Paint covered her eyes. “I can’t believe you flew over that big hill deliberately.”
“Oh, that was great!” I said. “I want to do that again. Can I?”
Paint spun to walk back up the ramp. “Have fun! I’ll tell whoever’s in the cockpit not to call for bandages unless you ask.”
Mur told her, “You should probably tell the captain about the roster change too.”
“On it!”
“Thanks,” I said. When Mur waved me forward, I zoomed back out into the desert for more joyriding. It really was fun. I made sure not to do anything reckless like standing up during a jump, as much as I wanted to. The crew in the cockpit was probably worried enough already.
I looked forward to the next urgent delivery, though.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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indyanapolis898 · 1 year ago
A Tale of Two Tombstones
bruce wayne x f!reader
Synopsis: Batman needs a break after endless nights of work. He decides to visit his parent's grave as Bruce Wayne, where he's able to open up to his parents and someone else.
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The roaring of his motorcycle halted as it pulled into its intended parking spot. The rider slid off the bike, falling heavily onto the dusty ground of the cave in which his headquarters resided. 
A few grunts escaped his lips as he lay idly in the dim lighting of the cavern. Batman moved his gloved hands to his face to remove his dirty cowl, bloodying his gloves in the process. His messy, damp hair covered his forehead; the sweat combined with the blood on his face and head. 
He took a few unsteady breaths, trying to gain his composure. He'd finished another late night of work at the cost of his physical health. His body armor would need serious work and repatching. He blinked a few times, shutting his eyes to sleep for a few minutes.
Bruce Wayne opened his eyes, shifting his body, which resulted in a painful shout.
"Hey, easy there," said a concerned Alfred, rushing to the operating table in the surgery room- located in the south wing of Wayne Manor. 
"Where- what-," Bruce breathily mumbled. 
"I found you in the cave after the computer alerted me of your presence. You took a heavy beating. I stitched up most of your wounds, but you've earned some rest, Master Bruce." 
"No. I-" Bruce cut himself off with ragged coughs. Alfred sat the bed up and raised an eyebrow with an I told you so, look. 
"Fine," Bruce finally accepted his fate and lay back on the pillow to rest more.
Bruce garnered a total of eighteen hours in and out of sleep, healing very slowly from the brutal fight he'd gotten into in a gang-filled subway station. They had tech and brute weapons that Batman hadn't seen before. They were strong enough to plaster him and his suit. The gang was still on the loose. It was plaguing Bruce's weary mind, but he knew he was in no state to get back into crimefighting. 
Sometimes, while laying in bed with his eyes open because his mind wouldn't stop running, Bruce wondered if his thoughts would ever quiet down. The only thing that could help was getting things off his chest. It was a temporary high; however, his ego and insecurity kept him from sharing with Alfred. That's why, with Alfred's permission, Bruce found himself limping to the mansion's garage in a simple gray sweater, black trench coat, and jeans. His hair was messy and unkempt, only kept out of his face with the pair of sunglasses that rested on his forehead.
Bruce entered one of his vehicles, a black SUV with tinted windows, and let his driver take him to the Gotham Graveyard. 
After a morning of light showers, the sky had cleared up into a baby blue. Bruce struggled out of the car, leaving the driver to wait on the curb outside the cemetery. It was an empty scene. Rows and rows of headstones sat under a canopy of trees with no people to visit. The graveyard resided in a more rural area of the city, so the memorial area was quiet besides the occasional squawking of birds and the wind rustling the autumn-kissed leaves.
Bruce stepped onto the damp, all-too-familiar grassy path leading to the headstones of his late parents. 
Their monuments were big and overly fancy. The cleaner Alfred hired twenty-six years ago still came every month to polish and clean the headstones. In honor of the Wayne's, a bench sat on the side of the stones, so Bruce sat there, idly taking in the silence. 
Breathe in, breathe out.
Speaking in a tranquil but emotional voice, Bruce began to talk to the air, confessing how he missed them, his beloved mother and father. 
"...and that's why I came. I just needed to talk. I needed to be in your presence again. I believe Alfred still cries over you, Father. He acts strong, as you taught, but deep down, he's like me: broken."
"I wish I could be fully capable of feeling, but all I think about is the injustice and monstrous side of the city. The city that took you two away."
Bruce stared at the ground, trying to focus on the words he was saying when a leaf crunching from behind alerted him to whip around. 
A woman, maybe five foot, stood behind him, wide-eyed and embarrassed. 
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to startle you..." she caught her breath, most likely at the realization of who she was talking to, but regained her train of thought. "My mother... her grave is just behind them," she explained, gesturing to a headstone behind the Wayne's. 
Heather Lycona. 
Bruce resorted to nodding in reply. The woman approached closer to the headstone but stopped, clearly wanting to say something the way her mouth opened and closed. Bruce cocked a brow. He decided to attempt to be conversive. "How?" he nodded his head at her mother's gravestone.
"How did she pass?" he tilted his head. She clutched the ends of the scarf she was wearing, a shade of black to contrast the white dress under her jet puffer coat. 
"Oh, um, gang violence. Three months ago, Mom was out at night just trying to get groceries, and, she um..."
Bruce nodded in indication he understood. "Mine as well."
"I know- I mean, I know the story, of course," she awkwardly laughed as a buffer. She looked around and then back at Bruce sitting on the bench. "I'm sorry for intruding on your moment. I-I can come back later."
Bruce shook his head wordlessly. "No, that won't be necessary. I did what I came here to do," he answered raspily. 
"May I sit?" 
Bruce didn't expect the woman to want to be in his presence any longer, yet he wasn't against her sitting with him. Her eyes could tell a story, one that he wanted to hear. His eyes traveled to the open space beside him, barely nodding at it. 
She sat down on the wooden bench, breathing in the mossy air. "There's something about the cemetery that's so peaceful. Everyone says it's scary because it's the resting place for hundreds of people, but I believe it's just a reminder of all the lives that came before us. Everyone is just asleep here, and we sit with them."
Usually, Bruce wouldn't be a fan of the conversation, yet he decided that she was intriguing, a type of thoughtfulness he appreciated. 
He hummed at her words. "Bruce Wayne," he introduced even though she knew very well who he was, leaning back into the bench. 
"Y/N Lycona." 
"Why did you visit today?"
"Sometimes I just enjoy being around her. It's peaceful here."
"I understand."
"What about you? Why did you visit, Mr. Wayne?"
He glanced at her before looking back to the swaying tree branches. "Same as you," he breathed out. He wasn't sure why she was asking him. Not that Bruce believed he was too good to answer questions, but because he'd assume she wouldn't be interested in him. Usually, people were interested in his position. 
"Do you ever feel they were the only people who understood you? I feel like that with Mom."
Bruce nodded, barely moved his gaze to her, then studied her with his signature deadpan expression. Bruce picked up once again on what he'd thought earlier. Y/N seemed warm, like in the right situation, she'd open up. She probably thought a lot. The woman stared off at the trees like he'd been earlier, looking deep in thought. 
"Your mind... is it always running?" 
She quietly sniffled in the chilled air. "Yes. I got approved for the investigative division of the GCPD. I want to help find and eliminate the gangs of Gotham. I don't know what my mother would've wanted me to do for her case, but I know she wanted me to help bring justice to the city. She got me through school for criminal justice. It's what I wanted to do from the start, but it was for the sake of others. Now, it's all for her- for her justice."
"You seem very driven, detective. I hope you do what you set out to do," Bruce stated. 
"If I can contribute to bringing criminals and killers to prison, I'll do what I must. I can't just watch someone turn into the next Heather. Gotham needs change." 
For the first time in a while, Bruce's lips slightly twisted up. "Then we are very alike." 
The two sat in comfortable silence for ten minutes, occasionally making small comments. 
Bruce decided he'd stayed his welcome, opting to stand up suddenly. He nodded down at Y/N. "I give you my best wishes on your assignment. I'll be using my resources to continue assisting the work," he said, his tone void of emotion, but they could both tell he meant it. 
"Good to talk to you, Mr. Wayne."
"Bruce is fine," he mumbled audibly, turning to leave. 
"Thank you for understanding. You don't say much," Y/N chuckled, "but I could tell you understood me."
Bruce gave a close-mouthed smirk, walked out the gates, and got in his car. 
"Thank you for your patience, Gerald."
The driver nodded and drove the pair back to the manor. 
Bruce came out of his visit knowing two things: 
First, he'd have to visit the cemetery more often. 
And second, as soon as he could get back his vigilante work, he would thwart every gang he could get his hands on. If it would help fulfill Y/N's goal, he'd devote all his energy to it. 
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the-vampire-fish-queen · 3 months ago
The UK needs some help with there own Online Safety Act (UK KOSA) that going to end up shutting down both small and big sites starting in March 2025.
It's already starting a online cycling community web forum with over 60K users shutting down because of the UK Online Safety Act (UK KOSA).
Link to more info here
"Reading https://www.ofcom.org.uk/online-safety/illegal-and-harmful-content/time-for-tech-firms-to-act-uk-online-safety-regulation-comes-into-force/ and we're done... we fall firmly into scope, and I have no way to dodge it. The act is too broad, and it doesn't matter that there's never been an instance of any of the proclaimed things that this act protects adults, children and vulnerable people from... the very broad language and the fact that I'm based in the UK means we're covered.
The act simply does not care that this site and platform is run by an individual, and that I do so philanthropically without any profit motive (typically losing money), nor that the site exists to reduce social loneliness, reduce suicide rates, help build meaningful communities that enrich life.
The act only cares that is it "linked to the UK" (by me being involved as a UK native and resident, by you being a UK based user), and that users can talk to other users... that's it, that's the scope.
I can't afford what is likely tens of thousand to go through all the legal hoops here over a prolonged period of time, the site itself barely gets a few hundred in donations each month and costs a little more to run... this is not a venture that can afford compliance costs... and if we did, what remains is a disproportionately high personal liability for me, and one that could easily be weaponised by disgruntled people who are banned for their egregious behaviour (in the years running fora I've been signed up to porn sites, stalked IRL and online, subject to death threats, had fake copyright takedown notices, an attempt to delete the domain name with ICANN... all from those whom I've moderated to protect community members)... I do not see an alternative to shuttering it.
The conclusion I have to make is that we're done... Microcosm, LFGSS, the many other communities running on this platform... the risk to me personally is too high, and so I will need to shutter them all.
What and When
So here's the statement...
On Sunday 16th March 2025 (the last day prior to the Act taking effect) I will delete the virtual servers hosting LFGSS and other communities, and effectively immediately end the approximately 300 small communities that I run, and the few large communities such as LFGSS.
It's been a good run, I've administered internet forums since 1996 having first written my own in Perl to help fans of music bands to connect with each other, and I then contributed to PHP forum software like vBulletin, Vanilla, and phpBB, before finally writing a platform in Go that made it cost efficient enough to bring interest based communities to so many others, and expand the social good that comes from people being connected to people.
Approximately 28 years and 9 months of providing almost 500 forums in total to what is likely a half a million people in that time frame... the impact that these forums have had on the lives of so many cannot be understated.
The peak of the forums has been the last 5 years, we've plateaued around 275k monthly users across the almost 300 websites on multiple instances of the platform that is Microcosm, though LFGSS as a single community probably peaked in the 2013-2018 time period when it alone was hitting numbers in excess of 50k monthly users.
The forums have delivered marriages, births, support for those who have passed (cancer being the biggest reason), people reunited with stolen bikes, travel support, work support, so much joy and happiness and memorable experiences... but it's also been directly cited by many as being the reason that they are here today, the reason they didn't commit suicide or self-harm. It's help people get through awful relationship breakups, and helped people overcome incredible challenges with their health.
It's devastating to just... turn it off... but this is what the Act forces a sole individual running so many social websites for a public good to do.
I don't know where to recommend... I know lots of people have moved small groups to places like Signal and WhatsApp, and that some people are on the fediverse, and some are in other websites and groups.
There is no central place that could take us all and preserve the very special thing we had... so it's done.
This is a really special place... the people are special... I guess the next 3 months will be a time of sharing what it meant, and of groups figuring out where they want to go next.
Love you all forever, it's been amazing to be a part of it all, I never thought I'd touch the lives of so many people by running websites, and in turn to give so much reason to my own life. In the end, the person I save most was likely myself.
This is very bad and the compliance requirements will affect alot of websites based in the UK and Ofcom seems very out of its depth.
The whole thing is an unworkable mess and will collapse under its own weight. There also alot of privacy and legal issues with it.
This may also affect Tumblr and force the site to leave the UK.
Please spread awareness!
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maehwajuuuu-chu · 20 days ago
ough got overwhelmed asf and just yeeted out the Natlan rewrite plans I've been doing the past few months and put it in a scrap bin, I— (a long ass vent abt Natlan below - I really don't like complaining at all, but man) (also personal thoughts ig - if you disagree, please just ignore lol)
Asides from the colourism and whitewashing, the really modern high-tech stuff the playables use really makes me feel iffy. The problem isn't that its high-tech, its just poorly designed and doesn't fit in with Teyvat in a sense. Fantasy can be advanced in tech, but it's usually made to fit in the world and also seem quite seperate from reality (e.g Sending stones in dnd — they're kinda like phones, but in a fantasy setting and definitely do not look like an irl phone, they're a pair of stones that can be used to call someone — the Akasha is another example of advanced tech done well). Mavuika's bike, Chasca's flying gun and etc are often explained with the availability of Phlogiston and the inability of the Natlan people to leave Natlan, which is why its contained inside Natlan. But, there's still people from other nations visiting? There's still trade and merchants, which would cause tech like a motorbike or flying guns to expand across Teyvat — you'd only need a blueprint and instructions on how to make it. Natlan is not a contained nation at all - in fact, they're regularly welcoming people from other nations. Which brings up the problem of this tech not being spread across Teyvat. Then there's the issue of Xilonen being able to make pretty much everything, but there's nearly none of this tech shown anywhere else in Natlan other than the playable characters. Which makes it even more jarring — it causes the playable characters to be unable to fit in their own nation (specifically pointed at Mavuika and Varesa's designs).
Moreover, if she could make a flying gun, why isn't there a plane already? If there is a motorbike, why are there no cars speeding around Teyvat already? Sure, it's knowledge from the dragons that used to be around Natlan — but if they have access to that, this kind of tech would have more variety as well. Honestly, they could have made the aesthetic of the tech be less immersion breaking and made it fit inside the Fantasy genre more. My point is that Natlan's tech can be 'explained' by lore, but it was still executed poorly.
Another design issue that I came across was how little the Natlan characters had any of their relevant lore or daily jobs reflect in their designs and playstyles. I get told Xilonen is a blacksmith, but she just looks like an average DJ girl to me - she just skates and pulls out a DJ board - there's nothing that tells me who she is or what she does. I mistook Mavuika as a commentator for the pilgrimage in the first Natlan trailer, because of her underwhelming design, and I wouldn't have known Citlali was a shaman unless I read her lore, because of how she only floats around her pillows in her playstyle (I'd be honest, the pillows suit Mizuki a lot more). Natlan was a nation where I'd have expected to see designs and playstyles that were a lot more serious and heavily leaning to fantasy, and honestly, super cool - but it feels like its rather corporate and made to just sell in a sense?
Another issue I came across was the multitudes of cultures just mixed into one nation in a way that's considered quite lazy (a problem that Genshin has in nations that are not Liyue). It reminds me of China, Japan and South Korea being mashed into one country cause 'eh, they look similar enough,' but the thing is they are actually really different? It's also just plain damn difficult when I'm trying to do a rewrite and end up having to research 30 different cultures at the same time by myself (I look at everything from traditional clothing, food, traditions, languages, history, music, people and etc — I generally adore doing this, it's my favourite thing to do, but not when its in the double digits, cause it's a lot). It's also a bit sad, cause all of the cultures they used are really beautiful and awesome — I often paused just to admire and appreciate ngl. But, they lost a lot of potential by not focusing on one or two and not going really in-depth — like they chose quantity over quality. Honestly, the whole nation turned out to be a lot more difficult with each update in terms of doing a rewrite and it's quite frustrating, cause I had planned quite a lot ngl — but, oh well. I'm still gonna yap about my Natlan ocs in the future and do redesigns cause those are super fun — but a rewrite is definitely off the table now KJHDKJHDKJ (and besides I have more time to focus on my own oc fics hehe)
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