#Joint Commissioner Crime
odinsblog · 5 months
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Deputy Commissioner of Public Information, Tarik Sheppard, telling reporters it was a “joint decision” to not inform press that an officer “accidentally” fired his Glock handgun during the raid of Columbia University.
And he has the fucking nerve to be annoyed at REPORTERS asking about gunfire at a protest.
Imagine if a pro-Palestinian student protester “accidentally” fired a gun—the police and the media wouldn’t ever stop making up stories to justify even more police brutality, more suppression of civil liberties, and more justification for all of the war crimes that Israel is committing in Palestine.
Most minority lead protests are peaceful …. until the police show up. They bring the violence with them and then blame it on protesters.
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ukrfeminism · 8 months
Tens of thousands of sexual assaults and incidents have been reported in NHS-run mental health hospitals as a “national scandal” of sexual abuse of patients on psychiatric wards can be revealed. 
Almost 20,000 reports of sexual incidents in the last five years have been made in more than half of NHS mental health trusts, according to exclusive data uncovered in a joint investigation and podcast by The Independent and Sky News.
The shocking findings, triggered by one woman’s dramatic story of escape following a sexual assault in hospital revealed in a podcast, Patient 11, show NHS trusts are failing to report the majority of incidents to the police and are not meeting vital standards designed to protect the UK’s most vulnerable patients from sexual harm.
Throughout the 18-month investigation, multiple patients and their families spoke to The Independent about their stories of sexual assault and abuse while locked in mental health units.
Rivkah Grant, 34, was targeted by an NHS staff member and sexually abused, while Stephanie Tutty, 28, made similar allegations. Alexis Quinn, a former GB swimming star, alleged she was sexually assaulted twice – once when she was forced to sleep on a male ward and a second time on a mixed gender ward.
Dr Lade Smith, president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, called the findings “horrendous”, while shadow health secretary Wes Streeting said it was a “wake-up call” for the government.
Among the key revelations were:
At least 19,899 sexual incidents were reported across more than 30 NHS trusts between 2019 and November 2023 – including staff assaults on patients and patients assaulting other patients
The figures suggest that just 982 – less than 5 per cent – of sexual incidents reported to hospitals were referred to the police over the same period
800 allegations of rape and serious assaults on women
Mixed sex wards, despite being banned a decade ago, are still in use across NHS mental health care with more than 500 reports of sexual assault since 2019
Just six out of 50 hospitals were able to prove they were meeting NHS standards aimed at protecting patients from sexual harm
Dr Smith told The Independent: “There is no place for sexual violence in society, which has a profound and long-lasting negative impact on people’s lives. Today’s horrendous findings show that there is still much to do to make sure that patients and staff in mental health trusts are protected from sexual harms at all times.
“It is deeply troubling to see that so many incidents in mental health settings go unreported.”
Mr Streeting said: “It will appal every decent person that these horrific crimes were committed against patients at their most vulnerable. The fact these have taken place in the NHS is chilling.
“Very serious questions must urgently be asked of hospital leaders, who have to explain why the vast majority of these incidents were kept from the police.
“The Conservatives promised to end mixed-sex wards in 2010, yet soaring numbers of patients are treated alongside patients of the opposite sex. Patients often find this humiliating and, as this investigation shows, it leaves women in particular vulnerable in hospital. 
“The government must treat this investigation as a wake-up call and act against the soaring number of mixed-sex wards in the NHS today.”
Dame Vera Baird, the former victims’ commissioner, said attacks by people who were supposed to care for the vulnerable were particularly troubling.
“The results of this investigation are a national scandal,” she said. “The [figures on assaults] from staff on patients are the height of concern because it may mean that there is insufficient scrutiny and insufficient vetting of people coming into hospitals. 
“These people are going to be let loose on the most vulnerable of people, whose testimony may not be believed when they say something.”
Sharon Brennan, from the patient charity National Voices, said the examples uncovered by The Independent were among the ”worst breaches of trust we have heard of”.
Our latest exposé comes as the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch prepares to launch a national inquiry into mental health care in England following a series of reports by The Independent over the past year.
Freedom of information figures show that patients are at risk from staff in numerous hospitals, with more than 300 incidents reported on patients over the five-year period.
Recalling her experience, Ms Grant told how she was sexually assaulted by an NHS staff member at Chase Farm Hospital in north London in 2016. Staff initially ignored her, she claimed.
She was then made to sleep in the same room the following night, she said, even though a complaint had been made to the trust and the staff member suspended. 
Ms Grant says her trauma was made worse when she was then moved to a mixed-sex ward, making her too scared to leave her room due to the male patients outside. 
“I have struggled with trauma since then and I’m scared of asking for help [from mental health services],” she said. “When I’m feeling bad, I don’t know where to turn to. You believe when you’re in a hospital, you should be safe. I’ve learned that there is no safety in mental health hospitals.”
Her attacker was convicted in June 2017 following a police investigation. North London Mental Health Partnership, which now runs Chase Farm Hospital, said it was “deeply sorry” for what had happened to Ms Grant and insisted the safety of its users was their top priority.
In another alleged case, Ms Tutty, a mother of two, told The Independent her harrowing story after seeking help from Essex mental health services having been raped in her youth. 
Instead of getting treatment, she claims she was subjected to five months of horrific sexual abuse by a staff member.
A year later she says she was traumatised again after being admitted to another Essex-run unit, where a security guard sent her sexually explicit text messages, seen by The Independent. The police later said there was insufficient evidence to prosecute in relation to the alleged sexual abuse. 
Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, which is currently facing a public inquiry into 2,000 patient deaths, refused to respond to questions from The Independent when asked about the serious allegations.
Our investigation shows at least 500 sexual assaults and incidents have been recorded on mixed-sex wards or mixed-sex communal areas within trusts since 2019.
Ms Quinn, a former swimming star and teacher, was admitted to Littlebrook Hospital in Kent in 2013 after seeking support from mental health services following her brother’s death.
Within hours of her admission, she claims she was sexually assaulted by a male patient after being placed on an all-male ward. 
Ms Quinn immediately ran to tell staff who tried to send her back to the ward where her attacker remained, she claimed. Distressed and panicked, she was restrained and then placed in solitary confinement. 
Ms Quinn said: “You know, I blame the system for putting me in that situation, for not safeguarding me – this is a systemic problem. I thought it was just me, but it’s not just me, it’s thousands.”
The trust eventually apologised. However, within months she was placed in peril again in a mixed-sex ward, where she alleges she was the victim of a second assault.
Kent and Medway Partnership Trust, which runs the hospital, said it continues to offer its “sincerest apologies” for the “unacceptable behaviour” she experienced in its care, and that it was fully investigated and acted upon at the time.
As part of our investigation, The Independent and Sky News uncovered thousands of allegations of sexual incidents, ranging from abuse and rape to sexually inappropriate behaviour or language across more than 30 out of 52 NHS mental health trusts since 2019. The scale of the scandal is likely to be even worse as figures do not include private hospitals where hundreds of NHS patients are sent to each year. 
Among them was Nima Cass Hunt, who was groomed and abused in a Huntercombe Group hospital when she was 16. Her abuser, care worker Marcus Daniell, was jailed for 11 years in 2020 for his crimes. Ms Hunt warned that under-staffed mental health services are failing to protect patients. 
“Nobody at the hospital looked or listened to obvious signs,” she said. “There is something terribly wrong with the protocols that intend to keep patients in mental health hospitals safe when patients are still exposed to sexual abuse despite obvious signs, indicators and even disclosures.” Former owners of the hospital, Eli Investments, were approached for comment.
Melanie Leahy told The Independent that staff in Essex failed to investigate her son Matthew’s claims of rape while he was an inpatient in 2012 – he died just two days later.
“It makes me sick,” she said. “I believe this incident led to the loss of his life. I believe this was the straw that broke the camel’s back.” 
A report in 2019 by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman found staff failed to take appropriate action in response to his allegations. The trust said in response it offers its condolences for Matthew’s death.
Meanwhile, in 2014, Gaia Pope, who was a victim of rape in her youth, reported sexual harassment while in a mixed-sex ward at Dorset NHS Hospital but staff failed to issue any safeguarding alerts. 
Her cousin, Marienna Pope-Weidemann, said: “I believe the failures [to address her concerns] directly contributed to her death later that year. They took absolutely no action and they discharged her 48 hours later without any [support].” 
Dorset Health Care chief executive Matthew Bryant said the trust acknowledges it should have done more to make sure Gaia felt safe in its care and ensure she felt her concerns were taken seriously.
In 2020, after the Care Quality Commission raised national concerns over sexual abuse in mental health services, the NHS set up guidelines under its “sexual safety collaboratives”. 
Despite the known risks, NHS trusts are not meeting their requirements of the standards to this day, with just six hospitals providing evidence they have met the collaboratives’ guidelines.
Gemma Byrne, Policy & Campaigns Manager at the charity Mind, said the investigation’s findings were “horrifying” and called for greater accountability for trusts who are failing to address such serious sexual safety incidents. 
Professor Charlie Brooker, one of the few academics in the UK who has examined the relationship between sexual assault and mental illness, told The Independent and Sky News there should be an inquiry into sexual safety in mental health wards.
He said: “It would be fascinating to see how many people came forward and wanted to give evidence. I won’t be at all surprised if it wasn’t several thousand.” 
Professor Brooker said a big factor in the development of mental illness is sexual trauma, adding: “What is happening to these vulnerable people, these vulnerable women, is retraumatisation which seems to be occurring in an environment where they're [meant] to safe. They end up worse than when they came in.” 
Eli Investments which owned Huntercombe Group said it was “saddened” by the allegations and regrets that the hospitals owned by the group failed to meet standards expected for high quality care.
NHS England said sexual assault would not be tolerated and said it was rolling out better reporting mechanisms and training for staff as part of its new NHS Sexual Safety Charter. 
It said all trusts will have to appoint a domestic violence and sexual assault lead. However, it did not specify how it would monitor and hold trusts to account who were failing to meet its new guidelines.
The Department of Health and Social Care said NHS organisations have a responsibility to protect both staff and patients.
If you need to seek support for anything sexual that happened to you without your consent you can call Rape Crisis on 0808 500 2222, 24 hours a day, every day of the week.
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workersolidarity · 5 months
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[ 📹 Scenes of the massive devastation wrought on Khan Yunis, a city in the southern Gaza Strip, following months of Israeli bombardment, in addition to an invasion by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF), and their eventual withdrawal from the city. 📈 The death toll continues to rise in the Gaza genocide, now with an official count of over 34'262 Palestinians killed, while another 77'229 have been wounded over the previous six months.]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🏘️💥🚑 🚨
On the 201st day of "Israel's" ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed a total of six new massacres of Palestinian families, resulting in the deaths of no less than 79 Palestinians, mostly women and children, while another 86 others were wounded over the previous 24-hours.
Gaza's Ministry of Health added that ambulance and paramedic crews are still unable to reach many of the victims of the Israeli occupation's bombing and shelling, with many bodies remaining trapped under the rubble or strewn across Gaza's streets.
Following the discovery of hundreds of decomposing corpses of Palestinian civilians at the Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Yunis over the last several days, the South African Department of International Relations and Cooperation (SADIRC) called for "comprehensive investigations to ensure justice and accountability."
“Israel continues to disregard the rulings by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and UN resolutions unabated amid the unrelenting bombardment of Gaza, particularly the ICJ’s ruling which granted South Africa’s urgent request of March 6 for further provisional measures to prevent Israel from causing irreparable harm to the rights invoked by South Africa under the 1948 Genocide Convention in respect of the ongoing siege of Gaza,” the department said in a statement on Wednesday.
The department lombasted the Israeli occupation's failure to comply with orders given by the International Court of Justice at The Hague (ICJ), in the Netherlands, where South Africa accused the Zionist entity of "acts of genocide," leading the ICJ to order provisional measures to ensure Palestinian's right to life, basic healthcare services, and basic needs like food and potable water.
South Africa said the lack of accountability for the Israeli occupation has become increasingly clear, pointing to comments made by the United Nations Special Rapporteur that "Israel's" war on the "right to health" of Palestinians has resulted in the obliteration of Gaza's healthcare system.
“We further concur with the UN’s special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories, Francesca Albanese, when she recently highlighted the continuation of Israel's impunity and exceptionalism is no longer viable, especially in light of the binding UN Security Council resolution 2728 which called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza."
“In this respect, we call on the international community to act to bring the perpetrators to justice and ensure accountability for the victims and their families," the department added.
On top of South Africa's demands for an International investigation into the Nasser hospital massacre, the United Nations Human Rights High-Commissioner, Volker Türk, also called for an independent investigation into reports mass graves found at Nasser and Al-Shifa Hospitals, saying there needs to be "independent, effective and transparent investigations into the deaths."
"Given the prevailing climate of impunity, this should include international investigators," Türk said, adding that "hospitals are entitled to very special protection under International humanitarian law. And the intentional killing of civilians, detainees and others who are hors de combat is a war crime."
In other news, the German Foreign and Development ministries issued a joint statement on Wednesday in which they stated that Germany intended to resume funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine, more commonly known as UNRWA.
Previously, authorities with the Israeli occupation accused the aid organization of employing Palestinians with connections to Hamas and the Resistance's deadly attacks on illegal Israeli settlements and military bases lining the Gaza Strip on October 7th, 2023.
"The German government has dealt intensively with the allegations made by Israel against UNRWA and has been in close contact with the Israeli government, the United Nations and other international donors," the two departments said in their statement.
The German government said their concern stems from the fact that other International aid organizations were dependent on "UNRWA's operational structures" in Gaza, adding that ensuring humanitarian aid reached the enclave was "more important than ever" given the current situation.
The German government also urged UNRWA to implement recommendations made in a report following a German investigation into the claims which identified "neutrality issues" at the aid organization.
"In support of these reforms, the German government will soon continue its cooperation with UNRWA in Gaza, as Australia, Canada, Sweden and Japan, among others, have already done so," the joint statement added.
While the international community called for investigations into mass graves and renewed funding for UNRWA, the Hebrew media published reports stating that authorities with the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) have conducted all the necessary preparations for an invasion of Rafah, claiming they were ready to launch the operation at a moment's notice upon the occupation government's approval.
The occupation army added that it would begin ground operations in Rafah "very soon," starting with the evacuation of over 1.4 million Palestinians packed into the city, having been displaced by the occupation's genocide from various sectors of the Gaza Strip.
A report in the Hebrew media said the plan would begin by forcing over a million Palestinians to evacuate over the next four to five weeks, herded into tent complexes that they claim have been erected by "International aid organizations," a plan the Israeli occupation says it presented to its allies and other agencies in the region.
Subsequently, the plan will move forward in several stages, based on a "regional division" into defined areas, where at each stage, the Israeli occupation army will "inform the local population" before making advances, giving the Palestinian population a chance to evacuate.
The IOF also announced on Wednesday the recruitment of two reserve brigades to "continue the defense and attack mission in the Gaza Strip under the command of Division 99."
According to a report on the occupation's plans, the 2nd Reserve Brigade of the 146th Division, along with the 679th Reserve Brigade belonging to the 210th Division, will be transferred from the north of the occupied Palestinian territories, near the border with Lebanon, to the Gaza Strip.
Meanwhile, the slaughter in the Gaza Strip continues to escalate, with a deadly renewal of the occupation army's bombardment on the northern Gaza Strip, in addition to various sectors of the enclave.
Occupation Forces demanded that residents of Beit Lahiya, a town in the northern Gaza Strip, leave their homes and migrate towards Gaza City and the Jabalia Refugee Camp, where six months of intense bombardment has left both the ancient city and refugee camp in ruins, beginning a whole new exodus of displaced Palestinian families.
Around 50'000 Palestinians had just returned to their damaged homes, hoping to rebuild, only to be told a short time later that they would have to evacuate once again, under threat of Israeli slaughter and bombardment.
At the same time, Zionist warplanes launched a series of firebelts on Beit Lahiya, demolishing large numbers of civilian homes, as well as a mosque, killing at least three civilians and wounding many others, while occupation artillery shelling concentrated on the town of Beit Hanoun, also in Gaza's far north.
Additionally, occupation fighter jets bombed a residential home belonging to the Dardouna family in the Al-Salam area, east of Jabalia, while yet another bombing of the Shteiwi family home in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City, resulted in the deaths of two Palestinians and also wounded a large number of civilians.
Several civilians were also wounded following a strike on the Al-Shujaiya neighborhood of Gaza City, when an IOF reconnaissance aircraft fired a missile which fragmented upon its explosion, hitting a number of Palestinians who were on the ground at the time.
Occupation warplanes also demolished the Al-Raed Tower in a firebelt on Al-Jalaa Street on Tuesday night.
The Zionist bombardment also hammered the central Gaza Strip overnight, with an occupation airstrike targeting a gathering of civilians near the Hyper Mall in the Nuseirat Refugee Camp, resulting in the deaths of four Palestinians, while yet another strike targeted agricultural land in the Trans Al-Baba area of Al-Zawaida.
Occupation artillery forces also shelled the eastern neighborhoods of the Al-Bureij Refugee Camp, while another air raid targeted the vicinity of the Al-Salhi Towers in the New Camp, north of Al-Nuseirat. Similarly, two more additional raids targeted the Wadi Gaza area.
In Khan Yunis, Civil Defense crews continued to recover the bodies of those killed and dumped into mass graves by the IOF at the Nasser Medical Complex, announcing on Wednesday morning the discovery of 51 additional bodies of various ages and categories, 30 of whom had been identified, while the rest remain unknown.
This brings the total number of bodies discovered at the Nasser complex to 324, while 9 more bodies were recovered from various areas of Khan Yunis.
In the meantime, occupation forces bombed a residential building belonging to the Al-Bahasba family east of Rafah City, in the southern Gaza Strip, killing at least three civilians, including a father and his two sons.
As a result of "Israel's" ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the death toll among the population of Gaza has now risen to exceed 34'262 Palestinians killed, including over 14'690 children and 9'680 women, while another 77'229 others have been wounded since the start of the current round of Zionist aggression, beginning with the events of October 7th, 2023.
April 24th, 2024
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so-sures-blog · 1 year
Detective Pixane AU
Summary: PIXAL Borg is one of the best detectives in Ninjago City. She can solve any crime, fight any bad guy, save every person. That is, until, the Sons of Garmadon grow right under her nose and she meets the flirty criminal Snake Jaguar. And he’s the type of criminal that breaks a career, not makes them.
Tags: Flirty Zane, BAMF PIXAL, Asshole-but-still-a-good-person Cryptor, Matchmaking Ninjas
Based off prompt from the-modern-typewriter
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Detective PIXAL perked up, turning away from the computer at the sound of the unfamiliar voice echoing through the empty police precinct.
PIXAL ran the voice through her memory banks and upon reaching a match she sighed and stood up, stretching her artificial joints before walking towards the entrance of the police station. “Yes? What is it you —” PIXAL’s smile dropped once she saw exactly who was at the front door. It wasn’t exactly the person themselves that made her pleasant smile fall, but rather what they were holding.
Right on the freshly waxed floors of the police station stood four of Ninjago’s greatest heroes, dressed in their brightly colored gi’s and holding a prisoner between them.
The Ninja looked extremely out of place, the Green Ninja’s feet shifting awkwardly and looking almost guilty while the Red Ninja merely crossed his arms. The Gray Ninja was holding the prisoner by the arm while the Blue Ninja stood a couple paces away, ready to zap him if he tried anything.
“Oh, hello, Ninja,” PIXAL settled on, because she didn't really know what to say. She kept her eyes fixed on the Green Ninja, steadfastly ignoring the prisoner gazing at her.
“Detective,” the Green Ninja nodded respectfully. “Sorry to bother you so late, but we recently apprehended one of the SOG members causing trouble while we were on patrol.”
“I understand,” PIXAL said. “Thank you again, Ninja. I’ll take care of the criminal.”
The Green Ninja nodded professionally and proceeded to shuffle out of precinct, looking more like an awkward teenager at his first school dance than the leader of an elite ninja task force. The rest of the Ninja bid their goodbyes, and soon it was just PIXAL and her newly acquired prisoner standing in the lobby.
PIXAL closed her eyes. 1… 2… 3
"You would think," Snake Jaguar said conversationally. "That dealing with all the hardened criminals on a day-to-day basis, your colleagues wouldn't be so afraid to pass me to you.” He smiled, blue eyes gleaming. “I am cuffed and harmless.”
"You,” PIXAL informed him flatly, “are the bane of my working life. And you are anything but harmless. Come. I need to revisit your file.” PIXAL grabbed his arm and dragged him to the interrogation room.
The precinct waiting room was empty apart from the two of them; it was late, with the Commissioner heading home and the rest of the officers calling it a night after they went over the reports the Ninja had deposited on of the most dangerous gang in Ninjago: The Sons of Garmadon. The Sons of Garmadon were a gang rising in prominence in Ninjago City. The threat levels were rising so quickly that the police force had grown concerned, and had to team up with Ninjago’s greatest protectors: The Ninja.
Now, PIXAL didn't mind the Ninja; they were vigilantes, but good people who risked their lives for others. They were a force to be reckoned with, going up against villains and winning with power, skill, and sheer willpower. They fought on when the police despaired but were still gracious enough to offer a hand and lend information to the police — even though it was clear that they could do more with the knowledge than the officers ever could.
What PIXAL did mind about them was how they kept bringing in a certain criminal to her, and how it was suddenly her job to extract information from him. Normally, PIXAL wouldn't mind this if it weren't for the fact that he was peculiarly flirtatious and always managed to escape the police after he had been apprehended.
PIXAL had tried to pass him off to her partner and half-brother, Cryptor, but he and Snake Jaguar had swiftly exploded into an argument that left both sides with more than a little animosity between the two. Not that PIXAL couldn't relate to Snake Jaguar’s bitterness — Cryptor was known to be antagonistic and temperamental. There was a reason she was partnered with him.
“Here we are,” PIXAL sighed as she reached the interrogation room and sat him down, still cuffed. The file slapped down on the table between them and she began flipping through his records.
Name: Unknown Alias: Snake Jaguar
Affiliation: The Sons of Garmadon
Allies: Rocky Dangerbuff, Mr. E, Ultra Violet, Killow, the Quiet One (?)
Profile: Criminal rose in the ranks of the gang after saving the life of SOG General Mr. E. He is a high-ranking member in the inner circle of the gang along with partner Rocky Dangerbuff. Information on the criminal before joining the Sons of Garmadon is unknown.
USE EXTREME CAUTION: Criminal is highly trained and able to escape the security measures
PIXAL frowned at the lack of information in the file. She tapped her fingers against the table, pursing her lips in focus. The portfolio of Snake Jaguar felt so vague, and left too many gaps. But PIXAL has seen him so frequently and she knew there was more to him. There was just so much going on, and so many open pieces of the puzzle. How can one know a person without truly knowing them?
"You look tired, detective," Snake Jaguar said softly. PIXAL broke out of her thoughts to see him watching her from across the table.
"Bane. Of. My. Working. Life."
“I could bribe someone to do the paperwork for you?”
PIXAL surprised herself by letting out a soft laugh, and through Snake Jaguar’s own surprise a pleased expression settled on his face. “Thank you, but I’ll do my own paperwork. You can help me by not committing crimes anymore.”
“Ah, but then how would I get an excuse to see you, detective?” Snake Jaguar teased back, at something inside her chest fluttered. Oh, she must be glitching again — that’s been happening more frequently while she’s questioning Snake Jaguar. She should probably check that out.
Before PIXAL can respond, there’s a screech of the door opening and Cryptor walked in. Quickly, PIXAL and Snake Jaguar straighten up, and to her horror she realized that she and Snake Jaguar had both been leaning towards each other from across the table.
"PIX, have you read the Ninja's reports from last week? It —" Cryptor stopped at the door, his red eyes flicking between PIXAL, who was promptly busying herself with paperwork, and Snake Jaguar, who was glaring right back at Cryptor.
PIXAL held her breath, waiting for the moment her brother would inevitably lose his cool and blow up …
“They dumped him back here again?” Cryptor scoffed derisively. He walked in, red eyes scoring across Snake Jaguar with contempt before turning to PIXAL. “As if the rest of us are equally equipped to deal with super villains. Bastards.”
PIXAL blinked. Well, that was unusually tame — for Cryptor’s standards, anyway. “We are nindroids, Cryptor. We are more than capable of taking care of gang members and lowlifes. I doubt the Ninja have found anything useful in their interrogation and handed him to us.”
“Leftovers,” Cryptor rolled his eyes. PIXAL shook her head. Unlike her, Cryptor was less fond of the Ninja — he had too much pride to ask for help and their partnership to take down the Sons of Garmadon more than aggravated him. PIXAL could understand where he was coming from, she supposed — this was the whole reason they were created. Cyrus Borg had only begun investing in AI when he saw how overwhelmed the police were with common crime.
While the Ninja were off defeating supervillains and saving the world, the police were struggling against common hoodlums. They didn’t even have any proper weapons! This was why PIXAL was created in the first place — her and Cryptor. They were made to assist, working with the police to create a safe place in Ninjago.
This was why Cryptor was so upset. The police had let the Sons of Garmadon — a simple biker gang — grow into power until they had to go asking the Ninja for help. They had failed their jobs, and now innocent people were at risk.
PIXAL shook her head again. Now was not the time to dwell on this.
“What was it you wanted to talk about, Cryptor?” She asked.
“It's about the Ninja,” he said, and his eyes flicked towards the prisoner. “I’ll tell you later, when you aren’t tied up with your … prisoner.”
PIXAL looked down, realizing for the first time that Snake Jaguar was still there, listening to the conversation intently. PIXAL felt a bolt of alarm. She had completely forgotten he was there. If he had heard something he could take back to his gang …
“Yes, that would make sense,” PIXAL nodded curtly. “Are you finished for the night?”
Cryptor nodded. “Unless you need help with that one?” He arched an eyebrow.
PIXAL shook her head. “No, that’s alright. I can handle him. I’ve done so before.”
Cryptor was already turning away and walking out the door. “Just don’t overwork yourself and stay up too late. You’ll just burn yourself out for tomorrow and be useless,” he said gruffly.
PIXAL shook her head, unable to hide the small smile against her lips. She knew he was concerned for her, in his uncouth way. “Goodnight, Cryptor.”
The nindroid slammed the door closed in response.
PIXAL turned towards Snake Jaguar to find his crystal blue eyes already upon her. A sense of almost anticipation swept through her, and it lingered throughout the entire room they were alone in. “You heard what he said. We’ve wasted enough time. Stand.”
Snake Jaguar stood from the chair he was sitting in during the exchange and walked towards her, hands cuffed from behind his back as PIXAL began thoroughly patting him down. Her hands traveled along the planes of his body, folding into leather and pockets and pulling out all matters of utensils to help him escape — anything could be a weapon. PIXAL could feel his eyes burning into her — bright blue orbs of knowledge that tracked her movements, drank in every detail of her; from the tips of her silver hair to the purple wirings on her cheeks to the green glow of her eyes.
PIXAL didn't turn to face the criminal. “Stop that.”
“Stop what?”
“Stop looking at me like that.” PIXAL tried to steel some authority in her voice. “You are beginning to get on my nerve circuits. Are you going to be staring at me the whole time?”
“Only if you continue to feel me up,” Snake Jaguar responded amusedly.
PIXAL cannot stop the indignant gasp at the shameless insinuation. “I am not feeling you up!” She glared fiercely.
“Oh no? This is the fourth time you’re feeling my chest,” Snake Jaguar’s eyes were very bright.
“One can never be too thorough when it comes to you,” PIXAL snapped back. She keeps her hands very professional as she searches his jacket pockets to come up empty.
Snake Jaguar let out an amused hum before falling silent. After a moment, he suddenly asked, “Who is he to you?”
“What?” PIXAL looks up from her searching at the sudden question. Snake Jaguar stares back at her, unusually serious.
“Your police partner, Cryptor. Who is he to you?”
“Why do you ask?”
“Just curious. He seems to care about you a great deal. You seem close.” Snake Jaguar averted his eyes. “At least, as close to someone with his personality can be.”
PIXAL paused in her searching, turning up to stare at him. Her processors whirred, trying to come up with a reason why he would ask something like that out of nowhere. An idea came to the forefront of her mind and she smirked.
“Cryptor can be prickly, I’ll admit. But that just makes the moments he’s not all the more special. He is simply very serious about his job.”
“As are you!” Snake Jaguar retorted. “And yet you do not get as temperamental as him.”
“Cryptor is only tempermental because he is frustrated. He is passionate about his job and is very good at it.” PIXAL said calmly.
“It seems you care about him a great deal,” Snake Jaguar said icily. It suddenly felt as if the room had dropped several degrees in temperature.
“Indeed. Cryptor is my partner at the police force,” PIXAL said lightly. “And my half-brother.”
She felt Snake Jaguar stop at her words, and was grateful her face was turned away from him so he couldn’t see her smirk.
“Your half-brother?” He repeated.
“Yes, that’s what you call it, isn’t it?” PIXAL hummed, more focused on searching the criminal for any weapons than the conversation at hand. “Someone created from the same source, yet different? Cryptor and I were both made from Mr. Borg, but we are both different in ways that can only be discerned as being half-siblings.”
“Does that bother you?”
“Not at all. Cryptor and I both love each other, in our own way. It is what it is.”
“Do you have any other siblings?” Snake Jaguar asked curiously.
This time PIXAL looked up, narrowing her bright green eyes suspiciously. “You seem awfully invested in knowing about my family, Snake Jaguar. Any reason I should know why?”
He quickly shook his head, and PIXAL found the action oddly endearing. “No! Not at all. I was just curious. I just …” he trailed off, looking frustrated. At himself, at the situation, or at her, she didn’t know. “I just want to get to know you.”
PIXAL blinked, surprised, and something strange glitched in her chest. She must be malfunctioning again. She looked down again to hide the small smile growing on her face as a pleasant feeling bloomed in her chest.
“I have a younger brother.”
Snake Jaguar looked surprised that she even answered, but soon a bright smile lit up on his face. “You do?”
PIXAL nodded. “Yes, shared between Cryptor and I. His name is Mindroid.”
“Why is he called that?”
PIXAL’s memory banks were suddenly flooded with the jokes Cryptor said once they met their honorary little brother for the first time, and she couldn’t quite hide the grin that grew on her face. “Because he’s short.”
Snake Jaguar barked out a laugh, and PIXAL could not help the amused giggles that escaped her as she remembers Mindroid’s enraged and indignant face whenever Cryptor would call him “half-pint” or “toaster” or “last out of the factory line and ran out of scrap metal”.
When their laughter finally faded, PIXAL looked up to see Snake Jaguar already watching her. His crystal blue eyes were bright as he looked at her, and his smile was soft.
“You are beautiful when you smile like that,” he said. PIXAL was taken aback with how gentle his voice sounded. How fond . “I’ve never met anyone quite like you. You’re amazing.”
Snake Jaguar hummed in acknowledgement, not taking his eyes of PIXAL as he let her step back to regain herself.
PIXAL cannot quite stop the small gasp that leaves her at that, staring up at him with wide eyes. "R-right." PIXAL’s voice processor must be damaged. She never stuttered. "I think you're all done."
No, that was absurd. Not let. He was cuffed. He had no weapons on his person and no key to escape. He may be a skilled fighter, but he was no ninja, nor Elemental Master.
A shiver went down PIXAL’s spine at the thought.
"Come along," the detective said. "You know how it goes by now."
"Indeed." The Snake Jaguar’s head tilted. "You know, there is a reason that the Ninja keep dropping me off on your shift instead of interrogating me themselves. You know that, right?"
PIXAL froze.
Suddenly, it all made sense.
The Green Ninja’s apologetic looks.
The Red Ninja’s flirty winks.
The Gray Ninja’s amused eyes.
The Blue Ninja's excited glances.
"Just something to think about," Snake Jaguar said cheerfully, then walked off in the direction of the cells. "Now, come lock me up."
PIXAL released a shaky breath and quickly hurried after him.
She was going to murder the Ninja.
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fa1rytunes · 1 year
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home, noun: someone's or something's place of origin, or the place where a person feels they belong.
Diluc came back from his three years of wandering, and he did not tell Jean.
pairing: diluc/jean
rating: explicit
wordcount: 6.5k
tags: modern au, bar owner diluc x policewoman jean, childhood friends jean and diluc, miscommunication, angst with a happy ending, soft smut, emotional smut
ao3 link: here
notes: written for Ceryna
Diluc closes his eyes and counts to three.
When he looks again, she’s still sitting there, all the way to the back of the dimly lit club. She’s still obstinately there, neither ghost nor illusion. She has her pale blonde hair tied up in a ponytail, blazer and pants combo with a light-coloured blouse underneath, unchanged from when he last saw her. A mojito is right in front of her, barely touched.
She hasn’t seen him. And even if she had, it wouldn’t matter, because the fact of the matter is, she hasn’t acknowledged him. He’s not sure he wants her to.
She doesn’t know he’s back in town, or so he thinks. It’s better if she doesn’t know—it would be a distraction she doesn’t need, not now that she’s the Acting Commissioner of the Favonius Metropolitan Police. That’s what Diluc would rather tell himself. It’s easier than to admit he fears something broke between them on the day he left, three years ago.
She’s not here for him, in any case. She stares at her phone’s screen while pointedly ignoring Lisa’s babbling at her side.
Why should he care that she hasn’t looked his way yet? Why should he?
The music is too loud, and yet something louder than the bass thrums inside of him.
☆ — ☆ — ☆
Lisa pleaded for Jean to follow her to a new bar in town. Jean followed.
It’s not that there was any event truly worth celebrating. Today’s operation merely dug a dent in the organization they’ve been trying to take down, the Fatui crime family. But hey, a dent is better than a setback, and if it can help Lisa and the team’s morale… Jean knows she should be here with her team, and yet, she also knows that there’s a press conference tomorrow at the police station to officially announce the arrest of the Eleventh Harbinger, in a joint operation with the Liyue Qixing. Her mind wanders around in circles as she thinks about that press conference, and about her speech, more than anything else.
“Oh, come on, Jean, darling, you need to let loose a bit!” Lisa exclaims as she slides a mojito on a coaster towards her.
Jean takes a sip for Lisa, and puts her glass down with no intent of picking it up again. Lisa needs this night out more than Jean does. Lisa can always use another break; and so Jean swallows down her sourness, and tries to pretend she’s not about to delete the third draft of her speech, hurriedly typed in the notes app of her phone, because the noise in this club keeps the words from making sense in her head, nevermind on that pesky page.
This shouldn’t be her job, this is not the part she’s good at. This is the part Varka is good at. Pretending everything is going great. Padding mediocre results with piles of euphemisms the press gobbles right up, and making them sound believable for the public, too; emphasizing their play into the big catch just enough so that the population has renewed faith in their police force, but not so much that the Liyue Qixing complain afterwards.
Jean sighs and shoves her phone into the hidden inner pocket of her blazer.
“I’m going to the bathroom,” she half-yells at Lisa.
Lisa barely hears her, she’s way too busy chatting up the mint-haired forensics technician she’s been flirting with over the last few weeks.
Jean spots the toilet sign all the way to the back of the room, near the bar. Great.
There are too many bodies between here and there. While Jean painstakingly makes her way through the crowd, the music seems to get louder, and more obnoxious with each step.
There are several shelves lined up behind the counter, with colorful and less colorful bottles of alcohol lined up on them.
And there is also a man with stark red hair tied up in a ponytail.
Jean stops a dozen feet before the counter.
“You’re back?” she asks, voice a punched-out whisper, impossible to hear over the music.
She stays there like a deer in the headlights. Diluc was supposed to be miles and miles away, somewhere in Snezhnaya, or perhaps in Natlan or Sumeru. How is he back? How did she not know?
“Jean?” Diluc asks, loud enough to be heard over the music.
His voice jolts her awake. She takes a few steps forward.
“H-hi, I didn’t know you were back,” she exclaims. Music beats follow, and then she says, “Since when?”
“A few months ago,” he replies. “I just bought this bar.” His voice sounds hollow, almost robotic, practiced. It’s not the first time he answers this question.
“Ah, I see, I’m glad for you.” She gets closer to the bar, but doesn’t hop onto one of the free stools.
“I heard you’ve been made Commander. You have my congratulations.”
“Acting Commander,” Jean corrects, avoiding Diluc’s gaze. “Varka went undercover.”
“The Commissioner, going undercover? That is… unexpected.”
“He insisted on it.” Jean’s eyes bounce around the counter and the bar shelves behind it, landing anywhere but on Diluc’s gaze. “Look, I’m sorry but I don’t really have time to catch up, but text me and we’ll go grab a coffee, alright?”
Jean shuffles on her feet, rubbing her elbows. She doesn’t intend on replying to Diluc’s text, if there’s one. He probably doesn’t even intend on texting her; if he intended to, he would’ve done it weeks ago. Jean can easily guess why he didn’t. He wouldn’t. Not after what the police did to him, did to his dad after his death at the hands of the Fatui. He must truly detest her, now that she represents the organization he hates the most after his father’s murderers.
She turns back before hearing his answer. Maybe he yells ‘okay’, maybe he yells something else; in any case, the music swallows his words, and soon Jean is back at the table where Lisa is no more, having abandoned it in favor of the dance floor. She picks up her coat and waves goodbye to Lisa from a distance, but doesn’t look to make sure she’s been acknowledged. Lisa will understand; Jean had only accepted to follow her to the club halfheartedly.
The outside of the club is cold and wet and dripping. The air eats through the flimsy layer of Jean’s coat, and bites her skin with shivers and goosebumps. She takes out her phone to call a cab, regretting that she left her car at the headquarters. While it rings, she walks off to the side of the building, away from a group of noisy youngsters having a smoke break. On the other side of the phone line, the answering machine sounds as lifeless as can be. After selecting the right option from the menu, she’s answered by an older woman’s voice.
“Yes, hi, I’d like a cab for…” Jean thinks for a second too long as she tries to remember the name of the club, “Angel’s Share.”
“The one on the corner of Main Street and Kreuzlied Avenue?”
Jean looks out for a second to confirm, and replies, “Yes, that’s the one.”
“Well I don’t think I have anyone in the area right now, it might be a while.”
Jean barely has time to mumble, “Okay, no problem, have a good night,” that the operator is already hanging up.
She sighs heavily, leaning back against the cold brick wall. Holding her arms crossed over her chest, she tries to drown her thoughts into the sound of car tires on the wet pavement, and the distant guffaws of the group of friends at the entrance of the club.
For a long while, she’s left alone with ghosts from three years ago clouding her mind, and thoughts about a particular someone at the center of it all.
And many regrets.
☆ — ☆ — ☆
She came and went, staying just outside of reach.
A conversation so cold. And yet he remembers how warm she always was. Smiles like rays of sunshine, always radiant; just the right words to comfort him when blues struck.
All of this faded away like the stars when daybreak nears.
As Diluc wipes his glasses clean, he stares at where she was moments before. Her silhouette imprinted on his retina, already fading with each blink.
He pays little mind to Charles behind him, moving to and fro to serve the customers.
“Are you okay, boss?” the man asks over the music.
“Yes,” Diluc replies without even hearing the question.
(In his mind’s eye, he sees her with a book in hand, sitting on a cushion with her knees to her chest, in his family home’s attic, cornflower blue eyes devouring the lines on page after page.)
Text me and we’ll go grab a coffee, she said.
But that’s not what Diluc wants.
(He also remembers her brow covered in sweat, her punches still precise, but her arms visibly weighed down by the effort. Even with her bangs sticking to her forehead after a tough session of training, she was still pretty.)
Her eyes avoided his like a magnet with the wrong polarity. The invitation was dropped perfunctorily, an exit door to an increasingly awkward exchange of platitudes and known facts.
(He remembers that one time he almost invited her to the school dance, and not even Kaeya could keep him from ripping his ridiculous invitation letter to shreds after she was invited by someone else.)
(He remembers how beautiful she was on that day. A lone star shining in the middle of the room, making everything else vanish from his sight. She twirled in her diaphanous light blue dress, and he fell. He fell back then, and he’s still falling now.)
What Diluc wants is to get back to a point in time where everything was right side up, and he still knew how to manage his heart. Winding back time is impossible—hence why he tried to work through his grief overseas, instead of letting it consume him until he set everything and everyone close to him up in flames at the same time.
It worked, sort of. Time passed. People moved on. She moved on.
Diluc puts down his glass and lets his gaze lose itself in the crowd.
The weight in the pit of his stomach feels like it’s making him sink into the ground.
Diluc glances at Charles.
“If I leave, will you be fine for the night?” he asks.
“Yeah, don’t worry about it, boss,” Charles replies.
Diluc bites his lip, holding back a sigh.
Better go home than to get lost into the murky waters of his own thoughts here, he thinks.
“Okay, Charles, see you tomorrow,” he says, throwing his towel on a drying rack and heading through the door behind the bar.
He grabs his leather jacket and an umbrella, and walks through the back exit.
Outside are cold, bright streetlights, and dampness that seeps through one’s skin. Diluc looks left and right before crossing the street to find his parked car.
Actually, he stops at ‘left’. And then hesitates.
“Hi,” he finally says.
Jean has that look again in her eyes. A look Diluc never wanted to see. She takes a second too long before replying, “Hi, I… I’m waiting for a cab.”
Leaning against the brick wall, she hugs herself tightly to guard her body against the cold.
“I can give you a lift if you want,” Diluc says.
“No, it’s fine, I wouldn’t want to trouble you,” Jean replies with a stiff smile.
“Up to you.” He shrugs and leans next to her.
“Were you not leaving?” Jean asks, a hint of surprise in her voice.
“I’ll hold you company. You’re here, and so am I.”
“I see…” Silence. A car passes by. “How was your trip?” she asks.
“Lonely.” More silence. Another car. “There were people everywhere, but no one to talk to.”
The silence is thick and gooey. It drips in sparse, heavy drops in the space between their words.
Then, a light pitter-patter rises as rain starts up again. Diluc opens his umbrella and scoots closer, offering it up to Jean with an interrogative look. She replies by scooting closer in kind, which Diluc greets by averting her gaze, fighting the sensation of heat puffing up in his chest.
“Did you see some nice landscapes on your journey?” she asks.
A perch.
“Yeah, I hiked a lot.”
“You did? I thought you much preferred horseback riding,” Jean says, quirking up an eyebrow.
“It’s different,” he replies with a shrug. “What about you? How is it to be Acting Commissioner?”
She sighs. “Tiring. I barely have a moment to myself. But it’s rewarding.” She replaces a strand of hair behind her ear, and looks at Diluc. “I’ve missed you too, you know,” she confesses. “I thought you wouldn’t really want to see me again after… after your father…”
“It’s okay,” he cuts her off, but still patently looking ahead of himself instead of at her. “I’m over it. I still don’t like the police, and I have no intention of joining the force again. But… You’ll always be special to me, Jean.”
“Then, why didn’t you tell me you were back in town? We could have…” Halfway between a scolding and a protest, Jean stops on her tracks when she realizes this is not what Diluc needs.
“I didn’t want to bother you,” Diluc says. It’s a lie. He knows, and she knows, but he lets it stand in as the truth for the time being.
“You wouldn’t have been a bother,” Jean replies.
Her hand slides on his arm holding up the umbrella, giving a gentle squeeze at his wrist.
Their gazes cross. Diluc gulps. He missed that.
He missed the placid blue shade of her eyes, the light crinkle at the corner when she smiles…
He lets out a short sigh, focusing his gaze on the street in front of them again.
“I didn’t know how you…” he starts, but the words stay stuck in his throat.
“I don’t mind if you hate the police, Diluc. As long as you don’t hate me,” Jean says, scooting another step closer.
Diluc frowns lightly, takes in a deep breath, and looks at Jean at his side. Her arm is against his, her shoulder a couple of inches below his. She smiles at him; his breath hitches in his chest.
“I could never hate you,” he replies.
“I suppose you asked Kaeya not to tell me…”
“I wasn’t…” He trails off and sighs. “I wasn’t ready. I owe you an apology for how I left. I’m sorry,” he says.
“It’s okay. I know you were mad, you were not thinking straight. I didn’t take it personal.” Jean gives his wrist another squeeze.
The words he said, screamed at Varka that day will always stay in his memory. Corrupt cowards, he called them, bastards, the lot of you! he screamed at the top of his lungs, red eyes sore and fists balled tight, his heart beating like a thousand drums.
He caught Jean’s silhouette from the corner of his eye, her gaze misted with tears, as he stormed out of Varka’s office. On that day, he went straight home, packed a few sets of clothes and minimal toiletries, and caught the first flight he could find at the Thousand Winds Airport.
He woke up the next morning in Snezhnaya, and didn’t come back to Mondstadt until he wore his grief, anger, and hurt thin along with the soles of his boots.
Until he could close his eyes in the evening with the relative confidence that he wouldn’t wake up in the middle of the night, heart thundering in his chest, sweat dripping down his back, after the scene of his father’s death replayed itself once again behind his closed eyelids.
“You’re too conciliatory,” he lets out, the shadow of a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“Maybe I am.”
A taxi car rolls down slowly down the street in front of them with the window down, the driver visibly looking for a patron. Jean only follows it with her eyes, silent at Diluc’s side. The cab finally stops in front of the bar.
“Isn’t this the cab you were waiting for?” Diluc asks.
“Yes,” Jean says. She looks up at him with a smile to melt the snow off the peaks of Dragonspine. She sighs, and then, she continues, “But I have some catching up to do.”
Diluc could swear his heart skipped a beat.
He clears his throat, hoping to keep his voice steady as he replies, “Does that mean you’re taking my offer?”
Jean chuckles. “Of course it does, dummy. Where’s your car?”
☆ — ☆ — ☆
Diluc is quite proud of his little red GT86.
He’s much prouder of it now that Jean sits in the passenger side, window cracked open, as the humid early fall has turned almost warm on their skin.
After three whole years…
At some point, he was unsure if he’d come back to Mondstadt at all. He contemplated settling somewhere in Fontaine, opening up a small importation business for alcohol and spirits.
He couldn’t be more glad to have bailed on that plan than he is now.
Streetlights streak Jean’s face, revealing the subtle smile dancing across her lips.
“Do you remember when we were still at the police academy? That one time, when you and Kaeya pranked me right before the last year’s finals,” she asks, voice airy.
Diluc huffs. “Yes, I could not forget your reaction either. I thought you’d impale me with your eyes.”
“I actually thought it was funny…” She chuckles. “I suppose I was too proud to admit it.”
“I have no merit. It was Kaeya’s idea—and besides, I wouldn’t have had the patience to wrap every item in your locker with the wrapping paper if he hadn’t been goading me along.”
Jean laughs more. Diluc holds it back.
“I’m not surprised… He was the truly mischievous one, you were only a bad boy when he was around…” she says.
“Oh, I have my bad sides even when he’s not there… I’m just more private about them than he is.”
“Like what?” There’s an amused twinkle in Jean’s gaze as she side-eyes Diluc.
Diluc clicks his tongue. “You really want to know?”
They glide along the highway exit ramp, and then the car stops at the traffic light. Diluc taps the wheel with his fingers, lips pinched thin. He shakes his head, and finally caves in.
“I started smoking,” he admits.
“You, smoking?” Jean exclaims in disbelief. “You, who would lift your nose whenever someone was smoking nearby back in high school?”
Diluc lets out a wry chuckle as he takes a left at the green light. “It reminded me of Dad, while I was out there… I’m already trying to quit, but it’s harder than I imagined.”
He thinks of Kaeya, who picked up the habit right out of middle school, and got many earfuls from their dad because of it. Diluc used to hate it, how the smell of tobacco clung to his clothes whenever he spent too much time in his dad’s office or with Kaeya. Now, the brothers sometimes light up Pall Malls together behind the bar after closing time, and Diluc’s nose has stopped picking up the scent.
Perhaps, even today, Kaeya is still reeling him in. He’s undoubtedly made it harder to quit, in any case.
“I see,” Jean simply says.
“How do you cope with being Acting Commissioner? I was under the impression you much preferred working in Varka’s shadow…”
Jean takes a deep breath before replying. “It’s…complicated. I like being in charge of things, it makes it easier to know what’s actually happening in the precincts. However, when Varka was there, I had more time to go on the field and see the issues with my own eyes. He did most of the paperwork and the public speaking, even if I helped him with it sometimes, which left me much more time to be hands on. I just find it hard to take the pulse of the people when I barely have the time to walk a beat in the neighbourhood… And…I don’t absolutely detest having to take care of the public speaking, but it’s really not my forte. In short…yes, I much preferred working in Varka’s shadow.” She sighs. “But… It is what it is.”
“Have you talked about this to anyone?” Diluc asks, concern forming a pucker between his brows.
“I’ve…mentioned it to Lisa and Kaeya. I’m pretty sure they know,” Jean replies. “If you were still in the force, you’d be the Acting Commissioner, you know that, right?”
Diluc scoffs. “I probably hate public speaking as much as you do… Besides, people love you because you’re great at what you do, you do it with pride and integrity. This is what the city needs in a Commissioner.”
He feels Jean’s warm hand over his elbow, giving a gentle squeeze.
“You’re too kind…” she says, cheeks tickled pink as she tries to hide her embarrassment. “You’d have as much pride and integrity in that role as I do, if it wasn’t for…you know…”
“It’s difficult to have faith and pride in an organization that allowed someone with as little of it as Eroch to rise through the ranks,” Diluc replies, his glacial tone betraying how much resentment he still harbours towards the man.
A bitter smile paints itself on Jean’s lips, and she gives another squeeze to his elbow. “I promise you, I’ll do my best to make sure it never happens again,” she says.
Another traffic light turns red, and Diluc looks at Jean, an intensity she has seldom seen in his eyes permeating his ruby gaze.
“I don’t want you to bear the responsibility of other people’s mistakes,” he says. “You can do your best as Acting Commissioner, but I don’t want you to feel like you owe me anything for Varka’s laissez-faire attitude and lack of diligence. You had nothing to do—”
“Diluc, it’s fine,” Jean cuts off. “I’m… I suppose I am promising you this because of what you went through, but I am promising it because… I don’t think anyone else should go through that.” She sighs.
The light turns green, Diluc takes a right into a residential street with sparsely placed streetlights. He keeps his eyes peeled for the number of Jean’s small townhouse.
He still remembers helping her move in, along with Kaeya, Lisa, and her mom. Barbara came, too, but she was there more moral support than practical help. The smile Jean had on her face on that day, as she waved them goodbye, is still vividly imprinted in Diluc’s memory. It didn’t take her long at all to make the seemingly impersonal, anonymous house look like it was always meant to be her home.
The downside to that townhouse is that it’s pretty much identical to all the houses in this street, and Diluc isn’t quite sure if the number is 464 or 484. It could even be something completely different. However, as the numbers increase in twos on his left side, crawling their way up the 400s, he recognizes the set of fairy lights hanging in the living room window.
“4-6-0…” he mumbles, slowing down the car. “That’s your number, right?”
“Oh, you remembered? Yes, it’s 460.”
Diluc keeps this win for himself, and turns off the ignition in Jean’s driveway.
“So, I suppose this is it?” he asks.
“Want to take me to my door? It’s more homey for a goodbye than a car, you know,” Jean says, and Diluc blinks in surprise.
“Okay, sure,” he replies after a second of hesitation.
He follows her to her porch. She turns to face him under the warm glow of the light, her hair rich golden, and her eyes more mesmerizing than the ocean on a clear spring day.
He doesn’t know how she does it. How she looks more beautiful today, with sleepless nights creasing dark circles under her eyes, exhaustion pulling her shoulders down, than she did right after they graduated from the police academy. Breathtaking is the only word on his mind, and truly his breath is sucked away when she starts talking, for he knows this night is coming to an end, and he was afforded but a tiny little fragment of time in her company.
“Thanks for taking me home, Diluc,” she says, and his name on her tongue would be the sweetest thing if only he knew it was to say something other than a goodbye.
“You’re welcome, it was good catching up,” he replies in a flat tone, avoiding her gaze. “I’d still be down for that coffee, if you’re—”
His words are cut short by a tug on the collar of his jacket, and warm lips colliding with his—but it barely lasts an instant, and the next Jean is staring at him wide-eyed, face flushed down to her neck, stuttering.
“I-I’m sorry, it’s…it’s just that I…” she mumbles.
And Diluc would swear his brain just short-circuited, but he can’t allow himself to let this slip out of his grasp. Not after all the years he secretly prayed for this to happen, not after how many times he kept his thoughts to himself because he knew it wasn’t appropriate…
What matters is that his upside-down world has just been knocked right side up. He stares it in the eyes as he closes the space between their lips again, and for a moment, in his mind, nothing exists but the softness of her lips against his.
And then it’s Diluc’s turn to stare at Jean wide-eyed, the words for a reply gone like dandelion seeds in the wind.
“A-are you okay?” she stutters.
Diluc clears his throat, and replies, “I’m just… Why now, and not three years ago?”
Jean’s cheeks turn a deeper shade of crimson than Diluc ever thought possible, and he could swear he can hear the faint rhythmic thumps of her pulse from where he stands.
Jean gulps. “I didn’t want to date a coworker,” she mumbles, “and I… I didn’t want to risk making things awkward between us if you didn’t feel the same.”
“Ah.” And then a silence. “I’m sorry, it’s only that I’m…”
“Not interested in relationships? That’s okay, I—”
“No, on the contrary. I…” He gulps, words still slipping out of his grasp. “I didn’t consider the possibility that you might be into me, is all.”
“Ah.” Jean rubs her arms as she tries to decide on what she wants to say. “Well, I’m… I’m sorry for the misunderstanding.” Crickets somewhere in the bushes fill the few seconds of awkward silence that follow.
“Hey, Jean?” Diluc’s voice is soft as it pulls Jean out of her stupor. “Can I kiss you again?”
☆ — ☆ — ☆
The inside of Jean’s home smells like clean linen and freshly baked bread, but it barely registers in Diluc’s mind; all he smells is the bouquet of wildflowers nestled in the crook of Jean’s neck, as his lips trace the curve of it down to her clavicle.
She bends around his touch, letting his hands mould into her shape to commit all of the previously forbidden curves into a precious place of his memory. She chases his touch, placing his hands on the small of her back when he lets go, pressing her body tighter against his as she noses his hair.
He started exploring her with the taste of her lips, but then he stopped in her entryway to look at how rays of moonlight caught on the strands of her hair, like so many specks of stardust.
Something unknown quivers deep in the pit of his stomach. Part fear, part reverence; he doesn’t know where one stops and the other starts.
Unhurried, he follows behind her as she leads him up the stairs, into her bedroom, and it smells so distinctly of her that it feels, somehow, more intimate than having her lips against his. She turns to pull him to her bed, slipping his jacket off his shoulders as she kisses him again, softly, almost hesitant. Diluc lets her show him the way, hands like butterfly wings against her flushed skin, a question which seeks no answer.
And yet it is asked, just by the way Diluc’s eyes seek Jean’s crystalline gaze every time their lips part; and like a prayer it is answered, in hushed breaths fanning his temple, eager hands stripping her own blazer off her shoulders, and he’s the one who ends up slowing her down.
“We don’t have to, if you don’t want to,” he whispers.
“Why not?” Jean asks, troubled by his question.
Good question. Diluc may have imagined a moment like this before, an ephemeral fantasy fading in the sunrise; but a part of him still hesitates, conscious of how much Jean always wants to do what’s right, and conscious also that there’s no right or wrong in a relationship, there’s no protocol, no procedure, no manual.
Conscious, then, that he wants Jean to do nothing but what she truly wants.
And conscious, also, that stating it like this would absolutely make it come across as an instruction.
“We have all the time in the world,” he finally says.
Jean smiles. “I know.”
☆ — ☆ — ☆
He wakes up with the sunrise streaking her skin with golden ribbons. She’s curled up against him; he shuts his eyes again to cling onto her soft warmth, hoping to delay, if only for a minute, his inevitable departure. He nuzzles into her hair, hoping the movement doesn’t wake her up.
She sleeps soundly, slow breaths forming the sole disturbance to the stillness of the room.
I love you, he almost told her, after she laid down facing him, still naked and short of breath. “I love you,” Jean said first, and then she chuckled.
He stared at her, astonished.
And then he chuckled as well, embarrassed at his own obliviousness.
She does not need him. But she wants him to be there. She wants him to press his lips along the nape of her neck, the feeling of his rough hands stroking against her smooth skin, she wants everything that is beautiful about him, but also wants the sadness that lingers into the deepest, darkest corners of his heart. She wants all of that, and perhaps more.
Perhaps she wants to let him carve himself a space inside of her, one where he may find refuge from all the cold, cold harshness of the world every once in a while. Perhaps it’s him who needs her; perhaps he only put off letting her know that he was back, not because he wanted to shield her, but because he wanted to shield himself from the hurt and disappointment, would she not want to see him again.
Ignorant of his inner turmoil, she turns around in his arms, and lands a soft kiss on his forehead. And then another one, on the edge of his brow. And a third, on his eyelid, and a fourth on the bridge of his nose, and another on the tip, and then, finally, one on his lips, perhaps even softer than the others.
Her hand on his cheek is a touch of sunshine on a warm summer day.
She kisses him again, she lets him kiss back, lets him take all the time he needs to discover her once more.
Did he forget parts of her during his three years away? Or is he now learning what kind of person she became while he was struggling to clumsily put back together the pieces of him that fell apart?
His hands slowly map out her curves, languid in their exploration. His fingers dance on her skin, his thumbs drawing circles on her thighs leisurely. His gaze dives into cornflower blue, breaths enraptured by the sight of her as she straddles his hips.
“Make love to me again,” she asks, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” Diluc asks back.
Jean bites her lip, in that adorable, almost impish way he’s very seldom seen since their childhood, while glancing at the clock on her nightstand. She raises her gaze to the ceiling as she takes a second to think, before smiling wider.
“I’ll be just fine,” she says. “The press conference is at noon.”
She shuts up further protests with her lips on Diluc’s, her body slowly rocking, the remnants of her perfume and the smell of her hair all around him, and all he wants is to get drunk on the feeling as it submerges him. His hands rise to her hips, following the outline of curves and dips up to the soft mounds of her breasts. He cups them, palming them up to thumb her nipples, and she responds with a low huff, grinding down firmer against him.
“Please,” she whispers against his lips.
He makes her gasp as he tumbles over her. “Jean, trust me, I don’t need you to beg,” he replies.
His hardness is already visible between his thighs, under his briefs, but Diluc has other things in mind. The evening before was slow at first, and then rushed as the exhilaration took hold. This morning is different.
He leans down to kiss her on the lips, slowly, and then he follows the line of her jaw, all the way up to her ear, where grazes her earlobe with his teeth, sending a wave of shivers down whole body. In her neck, he tastes the salty traces of sweat from the day before still on her skin, the faint smell of almonds and wild chicories and anise and windwheel asters still clinging right where he presses his lips. She trembles under his touch, bated breath full of anticipation, eyes misted with need.
Diluc makes her wait. Gently placing her hands near her head on the pillow, he then descends, following the lines of her body down to her clavicles, and then even lower, locking eyes with her as he takes one of her nipples in his mouth and drags his tongue across the pink nub. Jean shivers, expectant, as he repeats the motion once, twice, before moving lower, his lips leaving heated kisses along the path down to her stomach, and spreading more shivers on her skin like ripples on water.
She gasps when his lips reach the line of her panties, and again when he hooks a finger under the waistband. Pliant, she lets him slip it down her thighs and off her legs.
Diluc doesn’t let her have a second of respite. His hands smooth down the inside of her thighs, and she lets them fall open, rolling her hips to give him access to the apex of her legs. Jean keeps her hands up on the pillow, letting him have his way with her—and he doesn’t disappoint.
He teases her with hot lips trailing down the soft skin inside her thigh, hands sliding around her legs as he flicks his tongue on her clit. She tenses up, letting out a low whine, hands grappling at the pillowcase; he licks again, more intently, observing how her eyes crinkle shut and her chest heaves a half-held back sigh of pleasure. He draws his tongue more intently against her folds, intentionally winding her up inch by inch. Her head rolls back into her pillow, her breaths grow more heated, more raspy. Diluc keeps going, driving his tongue into her folds, teasing, prodding, until she moans his name in a punched-out sigh, until her voice cracks in all the right places, until her body tenses up and relaxes to his will.
Jean’s hands grapple his hair in an attempt to find purchase as she slips away, but there is no stopping him from keeling her over. It didn’t take Diluc long to learn the signs that she’s starting to come apart, and so he wears her out intently, lapping her arousal, a finger sliding inside of her and curling inside.
Before long, she’s right where he wants her.
A whine of incomprehension punctuates his gesture as he sits on his knees between her legs, but then Jean is the one begging, angling herself to better receive him.
In a single motion, she greets him, guiding him into her depths without hesitation, and soon he’s the one coming apart at the seams. Her body like an ocean, her eyes like the vastest expanse of sky, he loses himself into all of it—and nonetheless her smell, her taste, her voice, all of it brings him to shore.
She moves with him, leading him to thrust in at a languid pace, and soon he can feel her legs stiffening around his hips, her breaths strained, her whimpers barely choked whispers; he takes the lead in her stead, then, bringing her all the way to the edge, little by little.
At a crawling pace, he keeps her climbing, until he can feel her all around him, until she rewards him with a long, shuddering moan.
“Oh, Diluc!” she lets out.
And while she comes on his cock, he still doesn’t let up, instead picking up pace, leaning over her to nuzzle in the sweat-slicked crook of her neck. She almost keens into his neck, nails digging in the skin of his shoulders, encouraging him further into the motion. He buries himself into her, again and again, teeth grazing her skin, fingers grasping at the sheets to steady himself, as the pleasure takes him apart and makes him whole again in the same gesture. Soon, it’s his turn to start bursting at the seams, his moans raspy as they keep catching into his throat, his voice fraying as he whispers Jean’s name into her ear. Her hand cups his cheek, beckoning him to look into her eyes, right as he reaches the peak.
He kisses her. He kisses her, and he spills inside, and then he kisses her more.
And he kisses her again.
And again. Until Jean stops him, resting her forehead on his with a smile dancing on her lips.
And then he says it.
“I love you too,” he says.
It escapes him; a snowdrop, piercing the veil of winter.
The moment lasts. Something of the warmth of Jean’s body against his bleeds into his core. He lets the feeling grow until it engulfs him.
☆ — ☆ — ☆
At noon, Jean faces a wall of cold stares, harsh lights, and sound.
Half past that, she faces someone special.
A coffee cup in his hand, he says in a sly tone, “I thought you could use a cup.”
Jean chuckles. “Or four, really.”
Arm snaking around Diluc’s, she takes in his company the break Lisa wishes she’d taken the day before.
If Jean turned back, she’d catch a flash of Lisa’s emerald eyes from the precinct’s second story window, and she’d undoubtedly make out the smirk on her lips.
☆ — ☆ — ☆
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fancoloredglasses · 3 months
Batgirl Returns (and feeling rather catty)
[All images owned by DC Comics and Warner Bros-Discovery. I swear I’m too small-fry to sue]
[Thanks to Batgirlspain for the inspiration]
(All videos are courtesy of Batman: The Animated Series)
Introduced in 1967, (one year before her first televised appearance) Batgirl is hailed as a feminist icon and a mainstay in the Bat Family (in fact, in New Adventures she was in the opening credits alongside the Dynamic Duo from the first episode)
But it was over 15 years after New Adventures that Batgirl would return to the small screen in the Dini-verse (I will NOT be discussing her time on the Big Screen), and though the Caped Crusaders don’t learn her identity and fully integrate her into the Bat Family until New Batman Adventures, she was able to hold her own against Two-Face and clear her father Commissioner Gordon’s name in her first ever case.
This is the tale of her second case. If you would like to watch it, it’s available on Max or behind your favorite paywall.
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We open at Gotham State University where…
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…a priceless jade cat statue is stolen from the University museum.
Meanwhile, Batman is in trouble (the deadly kind) from…
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Oh, this can’t be good. Fortunately, Batgirl is on hand to send them running. Batman is grateful.
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But just before they kiss…
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…Barbara Gordon is woken from her dream by Dick Grayson wanting to take her out for a pizza. She politely declines and is about to return to her nap studies when the evening paper is slid under get door.
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Suddenly, her studies don’t seem so important.
Later at Gotham University Museum, there’s another break-in.
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Catwoman examines the display where the statue was when Batgirl emerges from the shadows, accusing her of the crime. Catwoman points out that the method of the theft (using acid on the security) isn’t her style.
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Batgirl decides to believe that she didn’t do it (but not that she wouldn’t) when…
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Catwoman takes the opportunity to retreat, but Robin (with Batgirl in tow) chases after her. However, Catwoman snares Robin and escapes. Robin blames Batgirl.
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Who knew robins were so territorial?
The next day, Barbara sees a cat-shaped message on the student bulletin board addressed to “The Winged Mouse” (Catwoman called Batgirl "a mouse with wings" the previous night)
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That evening at Bayshore Pier, Batgirl arrives to find Catwoman waiting, complimenting Batgirl on her abilities.
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Since she and Catwoman want to recover the jade cat, Batgirl agrees… on the condition that Catwoman surrender to the police if Batgirl finds out she’s lying (like she’d keep her end of the bargain)
Meanwhile at the Batcave, Bruce is in Paris on WayneCorp business, meaning Robin is on his own to deal with Catwoman (OK, Batgirl is also on the case, but he’s not thrilled about that either)
Elsewhere, Catwoman has taken Batgirl to a dive bar.
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After getting the bar’s attention…
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Catwoman and Batgirl corner a thug known as “The Chemist” and ask about the acid residue. He spooks and runs off, prompting every thug in the joint to get involved.
Fortunately, Robin is on hand to help Batgirl. After taking out the trash, Batgirl realizes Catwoman is missing.
 Naturally, she’s gone after Daggett. After convincing him to hand over the statue, he attacks her! Unfortunately, he goes over the railing and falls toward a vat of acid! (isn’t one Joker enough?) Fortunately…
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…his leg is tangled in a hanging chain, breaking his fall. Unfortunately, Catwoman is interested in revenge and slowly lowers Daggett toward the vat. Fortunately, Batgirl is on hand and takes the chain from her. Unfortunately, that means Catwoman can run away with the statue. Fortunately, Robin is on hand.
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He sends Batgirl after Catwoman while he finishes hauling up Daggett.
On the rooftops, Catwoman is about to make her escape when…
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…she’s snared by Batgirl.
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Catwoman offers to make their partnership official, but Batgirl declines, and reminds Catwoman about their agreement at the beginning of the episode.
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Surprisingly, Catwoman agrees, though she regrets Batgirl turned down her offer.
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However , the police car holding Catwoman stops not 100 feet away and the cops are kicked out.
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Well played, Ms. Kyle!
With that, Catwoman drives off into the sunset.
I do enjoy the chemistry between Batgirl and Catwoman. I may have to review their interactions again!
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mariacallous · 6 months
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Romania were among the international signatories to a political declaration on restoring justice for Ukraine on Tuesday, which urges Russia to “immediately cease its war of aggression”.
The declaration, signed at the Restoring Justice for Ukraine international conference in The Hague, also calls on Russia to follow the International Court of Justice’s order from March 2022, which demanded halt to the invasion.
The signatories to the declaration said they are “committed to enhancing collective action to ensure accountability for all violations of international law committed in or against Ukraine, including violations of human rights law and international humanitarian law, which may amount to international crimes”.
They welcomed the Ukrainian authorities’ investigations and prosecutions of suspected perpetrators of international crimes committed during the ongoing war and said that all the states involved in the conference should assist the prosecutor at the International Criminal Court by providing forensic expertise to help with investigations in Ukraine.
They also restated their commitment to work towards the establishment of “a special tribunal for the investigation and prosecution of the crime of aggression against Ukraine, that would contribute to accountability of the highest levels of military and political leadership”.
Serbia, Russia’s closest political friend in the Balkans, did not sign up to the declaration. Serbia has also repeatedly declined to join the EU’s sanctions on Moscow despite being a candidate for membership of the bloc. Kosovo also did not sign up to the declaration.
At Tuesday’s conference, it was announced that Ukrainians can now start submitting claims for compensation against Russia to the Register of Damage for Ukraine, a newly-developed international transitional justice mechanism.
Dutch Foreign Minister Hanke Bruins Slot said the Register “is the first step towards a fully-fledged compensation mechanism, which will have the power to deny or grant registered claims”.
“The Netherlands is willing to host this compensation mechanism under certain conditions,” she added.
The register is based on a UN General Assembly resolution from November 2022. Serbia abstained during the vote on the resolution.
It is intended to function as a record of eligible claims for compensation for damages, losses and injuries inflicted by Russian forces in Ukraine from February 24, 2022, when the full-scale invasion began.
People can submit claims via Ukrainian mobile application Diia and its corresponding web portal designed for the provision of state services in Ukraine.
The Register of Damage for Ukraine is one of a series of international justice efforts that have been launched since the beginning of the full-scale invasion.
Just after the full-scale invasion started, the International Criminal Court announced the start of an investigation, while representatives of various European countries and international organisations also travelled to Ukraine to gather evidence about crimes committed.
In March 2022, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine established the Joint Investigation Team, an international investigative partnership to probe crimes in Ukraine, supported by EU justice body Eurojust.
The International Criminal Court in The Hague joined the joint investigative team in April 2022, then Estonia, Latvia and Slovakia in May and Romania in October.
In March 2023, the pre-trial chamber of the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for President Vladimir Putin and his Commissioner for Children’s Rights Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova for the alleged war crime of unlawful deportation of children from occupied areas of Ukraine to Russia.
Last month, the ICC’s pre-trial chamber also issued arrest warrants for Russian Army lieutenant-general Sergei Kobylash and Viktor Sokolov, an admiral in the Russian Navy. They are accused of the war crimes of directing attacks on civilian objects and causing excessive incidental harm to civilians or damage to civilian objects, and the crime against humanity of inhumane acts.
The International Centre for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine, a legal body that will also investigate crimes committed during the invasion, was launched in July 2023.
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argumate · 2 years
Metadata laws say phone companies have to keep names, addresses and “other information” used to identify subscribers while their account is active and for two years after. The intention is to let law enforcement catch people who commit crimes online. But the laws are silent on what documents or ID numbers, if any, need to be kept to fulfil that rule. Former human rights commissioner Ed Santow said the Optus hack had validated other concerns about the laws expressed at the time. “The former government justified the metadata law as being to catch the worst criminals, terrorists and murders. In fact, it has been used rarely if ever to combat those serious crimes. In fact, it’s used much more frequently to chase fines and debts and protect revenue.” The bipartisan Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security recommended that access be tightened up two years ago, but nothing has happened.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
The United Nations demanded a probe into the nearly 100 migrants found naked along the Greece-Turkey border, condemning the "cruel and degrading" treatment of the group that included children. 
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees "is deeply distressed by the shocking reports and images of 92 people, who were reported to have been found at the Greek-Turkish land border, stripped of their clothes," the agency tweeted on Sunday. 
"We condemn such cruel and degrading treatment and call for a full investigation into this incident," the tweet added. 
Greek police said Saturday that police officers found 92 migrants, mostly men from Afghanistan and Syria, stark naked on Friday, "some with bodily injuries." They used plastic boats to cross the Evros River — known as Meric in Turkey — which forms the border between the two countries. 
Children were also among the group of migrants, Stella Nanou, the UN refugee agency’s spokesperson in Athens, told The Guardian. 
Greek migration minister Notis Mitarachi on Saturday tweeted a photo of the naked migrants seen cupping their genitals, accusing Turkey of pushing them into Greece and stripping them naked before doing so. The claim prompted Fahrettin Altun, the communications director of Turkey’s president, to accuse Greece of engaging in "fake news."
On Monday, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, again rejected the allegation and accused Athens of "shameless and reckless" behavior. He also took aim at European Union nations, accusing them of encouraging EU-member Greece to "slander" Turkey.
The Greek government’s spokesman, Giannis Oikonomou, charged that Turkey was "continuing to openly instrumentalize migrants and even with unprecedented and unthinkable practices of barbarism."
The exchange comes at a time when tensions between the two neighbors is running high, with the two engaging in mutual accusations of airspace violations and Turkey accusing Greece of militarizing islands in the Aegean Sea in violation of international treaties and threatening possible military action.
"To be able to appear right even when you are in the wrong like Greece - you need to be shameless and reckless. It’s only Greece that can achieve this," Çavuşoğlu said at a news conference at the end of meeting in Istanbul of the foreign ministers of Turkic states.
"It is natural that Greece ... attempts to slander Turkey as its crimes increases," Cavusoglu said. "Unfortunately, there are European Union member countries who want to believe this, who want to accept everything that Greece says as true ... This is what encourages Greece."
Turkey regularly accuses Greece of violently pushing back migrants entering the country by land and sea. Turkey’s coast guard frequently shares videos of such pushbacks. Greece accuses Turkey, which hosts the largest number of refugees in the world, of "pushing forward" migrants to put pressure on the EU.
"This inhuman behavior is a disgrace to civilization, and the Turkish leadership, instead of blaming others for what is happening on its territory, should investigate the incident, punish those directly involved and honor its obligations under its Joint Declaration with the EU," the Greek government spokesman said in reference to a 2016 deal to stem the arrival of refugees.
On Monday, Turkey’s Interior Ministry said in a statement that a total of 61,737 migrants had been illegally pushed back from Greece since 2020, and that 152 migrants died as a result of the pushbacks. So far this year, 26,363 migrants were illegally forced back and 59 of them died, the ministry said.
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The Joker Is Dead
Commissioner Gordon stared at the autopsy report on his desk. It was over. It was really...actually...irrefutably over. Nearly three decades of The Clown Prince of Crime's reign crumbling away quietly in a heavily guarded hospital room, unnoticed, unlamented, and unmourned. Of course, some of these wackos had ways of coming back from the dead. Or being cloned. Or spiritually possessing someone of like-mindedness.
He couldn't do much about that, but he could make sure this particular body was properly disposed of. He had been the one to personally slide the body into the fridge in the morgue that would slow decomp. He had personally triple-chained and padlocked the doors and he carried the only key. His best team were guarding the body for the night. He had personally overseen every bit of medical scrap that might have contained the Joker's DNA thrown into the biohazard incinerator. And he had already arranged for the crematorium to open an hour early in the morning. By lunchtime tomorrow, the Joker would be nothing but a couple pounds of ash and bone chips.
That just left one last task.
He pushed away from his desk and stood, bones and joints creaking and aching, reminding him he wasn't too far from joining the recently deceased himself. He gathered the file up and headed for the roof.
The wind whipped around him and he pulled his coat closer, hunching against the chill, as he stepped out on the roof. He flipped the switch on the massive spotlight, wishing he'd brought a cup of coffee along. He never knew how long he would be waiting.
"Commissioner..." Not long this time it seemed as a shadow landed on the rooftop and a familiar gravel-filled voice greeted him. Wordlessly, he handed over the file to the darkness-draped man in front of him, studiously ignoring the empty place where his second should have been.
He lit a cigarette as Batman flipped slowly through the file, unable to keep his eyes from lingering on the dark gloves holding the paperwork. The last time he had seen those gloves, they'd been several different shades of red as he pulled their owner from the barely breathing beaten mass that had been the Joker. He had never seen the Bat lose control before and the shiver that danced along his spine wasn't only from the howling wind.
Not that he blamed the man.
There wasn't a single man on the force that wouldn't have loved to have been the one dishing out the Joker's punishment. Not a single person who hadn't lost somebody to the fiend's sick jokes. But Batman was supposed to be the shining example of restraint. Justice, not vengeance. Rehabilitation instead of retribution.
But at the end of the day, Batman was as human as the rest of them.
A strange sound pulled Gordon from his thoughts and he glanced up at the masked man. It was hard to read him, but years of comraderieship had attuned Gordon to Batman's tells. Still, he wasn't confident he was seeing what he thought he was seeing. The muscles in his jawline not hidden by the cowl jumped and his lips pressed thinner than usual, as though he was struggling against the urge to say something. His grip on the file was leaving creases on the paperwork. Otherwise, he was still as death. Batman was not a man of emotion, yet what Gordon read on him now was as close to a cry of anguish as he was ever likely to get. He calmly took a drag of his cigarette, giving Batman time to gather himself.
"Sepsis...?" he finally murmured questioningly, and if his voice held a bit more gravel in it than usual, well Gordon reckoned it was awfully chilly, and even the Batman got the occasional cold. "And potassium overdose," Gordan replied with a nod.
"And enough pain medication to kill an elephant!" another voice piped up.
The two men spun to face the intruder as a figure huffed and puffed her way over the edge of the nearby fire escape and onto the roof. Gordon raised an eyebrow at the short woman as she stepped fully into view, arms wrapped around herself against the chill in the air. She couldn't have been more than a few inches over five foot, and had to be near Gordon's age, greying hair in protective braids and pulled into a bun at the nape of her neck.
"And you are?" Gordon asked.
"A nurse," she replied, "and that's all you need to know about that. Not about to make your job any easier for you if you decide I require your 'hospitality'." She glared at Gordon and he quickly put his hands up in surrender. Maybe her actions were against the law, but technically so were Batman's. During his decades of police work, Gordon had become more of a 'greater good' and 'spirit of the law' kind of guy and was willing to turn a blind eye to certain...indiscretions.
"I was there, and I knew you'd show up here sooner or later," the nurse continued, turning to Batman, apparently mollified by Gordon's reactions. "I'm here to make sure you know you didn't kill him."
"What...do you mean?" Batman asked cautiously, something in the tone of his voice telling Gordon his entire being rested on this woman's next words.
She stepped closer to him, the top of her head barely clearing the bat symbol on his chest. "You. Didn't. Kill. Him," she reiterated, poking a finger at that symbol to emphasise every word.
"He was getting better, despite all our neglect," she continued. "That clown has given us so much overtime, we weren't about to spare a single second more on him than we absolutely had to. Every single one of us has been at the bedside of one of his victims, has been the one to tell the family their loved one didn't make it. We had him in our hands and we weren't about to let him get away. So yeah, he's been in a medically induced coma this entire time with just the bare minimum of care. No baths, no bed turns, no changing his catheters, the bare minimum of food, the lowest amount of oxygen we could possibly give him and keep him breathing, and the bastard was STILL improving. So yeah, we upped the ante. Slipped him extra pain meds, extra coma meds. I was the one that gave him the potassium, trying to stop his heart. Not sure the bastard even has one, honestly," she finally trailed off.
There was a long moment of silence, or as silent as Gotham ever got, before, barely heard over the sound of traffic below, "Why? Why tell me this?"
"Why?! Alright, Mr Super Detective Batman, I'm gonna give you this one but only because I got an idea of what happened and I know you ain't at your best," she replied, shaking a finger at him as though he were a misbehaving toddler. Under any other circumstances, Gordon would find the situation hilarious. "The only reason we got our hands on the Joker is because he took one of your boys. And I'm pretty sure the only reason he lived at all is because of the Commissioner here," she continued, hooking a thumb towards Gordon. "But all of Gotham knows that Batman doesn't kill. Oh sure, we've seen plenty of broken-boned goons who WISHED they were dead, but Batman. Does. Not. Kill." Again with the finger jabbing for emphasis. "Gotham knows this. KNOWS this beyond a shadow of a doubt. But I'm betting that Batman is a man and a man's got his line in the sand. And that man came very close to crossing that line because the Joker crossed it first. And I'm here to tell that man that he did not cross that line."
She stepped back, crossing her arms against the cold again, her voice softening. "I'm telling you because I'm betting if Batman thought that man had crossed that line, then there wouldn't be a Batman. So I'm telling you, Batman doesn't kill. He never has, and he hasn't now."
It was a night of firsts for Gordon, as he watched the much larger man engulf the smaller woman in a tight embrace. And as he turned away to return inside, if he saw Batman's shoulders shaking, well it must have just been a trick of the fading light as he turned off the spotlight.
Thank you @halfblackwolfdemon for introducing me to Danny Phantom/Batman fan fic that then acquainted me with the whole death of Jason Todd. 90% of my Batman knowledge comes from The Animated Series.
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ukrainenews · 2 years
Daily Wrap Up November 1, 2022
Under the cut:
Ukraine, Turkey and the United Nations have agreed to not plan for any ship movements in the Black Sea grain corridor on Wednesday, according to a statement from the UN Secretariat at the Joint Coordination Centre (JCC) in Istanbul on Tuesday.
Volodymyr Zelenskiy met today with Kadri Simson, European Union commissioner for energy affairs, and told her that Russian forces have “seriously damaged” about 40% of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, in particular thermal power plants and hydroelectric power plants. Because of the ongoing attacks, Ukraine has been forced to stop exporting electricity to Europe
The Russian-occupying government in the Kherson oblast has moved its administration further south to Skadovsk, said the general staff of the Ukrainian armed forces.
Russian occupation authorities in southern Ukraine said Tuesday, Nov.1 that tens of thousands more people would be evacuated from the Kherson region amid Kyiv’s counter-offensive. The Russian-installed leader of Kherson region, Vladimir Saldo, said some 70,000 people along a 15-kilometre (10-mile) stretch of the left bank of the Dnipro river would be moved deeper into the region or to Russia.
Ukraine’s military has accused Russian-installed officials in the southern region Kherson of spreading misinformation to coerce civilians to leave the region in a forced evacuation, a war crime. In a statement on Tuesday, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said, “The occupiers continue the forced displacement of civilians in the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson region. The enemy resorts to intimidation of civilians, spreading misinformation about a possible explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant dam,” the statement said.
“Ukraine, Turkey and the United Nations have agreed to not plan for any ship movements in the Black Sea grain corridor on Wednesday, according to a statement from the UN Secretariat at the Joint Coordination Centre (JCC) in Istanbul on Tuesday.
UN and Turkish teams on Tuesday carried out 36 inspections aboard outbound vessels, according to the statement. They attempted to inspect another two ships, but the process was cut short because of “issues related to fumigated cargo,” the statement said. The inspection reports would be shared with Ukrainian and Russian delegation, it added.
“The UN Secretariat reiterates that movements and inspections carried out after the Russian Federation suspended its participation in implementation activities at the Joint Coordination Centre is a temporary and extraordinary measure,” according to the statement.
The JCC said earlier today that three ships had left Ukrainian ports Tuesday, despite Russia’s decision to suspend its participation in the arrangement on Saturday.”-via CNN
“President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a meeting with the European Union Commissioner for Energy Affairs Kadri Simson.
The head of state thanked the European Commissioner for his visit to Ukraine at a time when the energy infrastructure is under massive attack by missiles and drones from Russia.
Volodymyr Zelenskyi also noted the role of Kadri Simson in joining Ukraine to the European energy grid ENTSO-E. He reminded that after accession, our state began to export electricity to Europe and can act as one of the guarantors of the stability of the EU energy system.
"Unfortunately, due to the strikes of missiles and kamikaze drones by the Russian Federation on our energy system, we have suspended this process. But I am sure that we will restore everything, and in a calmer time, when the situation in our energy system will be stabilized, we will continue exporting electricity to Europe," the President of Ukraine emphasized.
Volodymyr Zelenskyi informed the European Commissioner about the consequences of energy terrorism on the part of Russia, which has already seriously damaged about 40% of the entire energy infrastructure of Ukraine, in particular thermal power plants, thermal power plants and hydroelectric power plants, as well as about the measures taken by our state to stabilize the operation of the power grid.
The interlocutors discussed further steps to ensure Ukraine's energy security. The head of state spoke in detail about Ukraine's needs for the restoration of energy infrastructure and called on the European Commission to play a coordinating role in attracting assistance from EU member states.
Volodymyr Zelensky drew attention to the expediency of creating a platform to support the Ukrainian economy, in particular the energy sector, like the Contact Group in the "Ramstein" format.
"This platform, such an "economic Ramstein", is being built and will start working. Today, the issue of energy goes hand in hand with the financial crisis and the shortage of weapons, so such a platform should be created," the Head of State is convinced.
The parties paid special attention to the further strengthening of energy sanctions against the Russian Federation. The President of Ukraine called for the introduction of price restrictions on Russian gas in addition to the price restrictions on oil, as well as to limit the supply of Russian liquefied gas to EU countries within the framework of the next sanctions package, which must be approved as soon as possible.”-via Official Website of the President of Ukraine (translated from Ukrainian)
“The Russian-occupying government in the Kherson oblast has moved its administration further south to Skadovsk, said the general staff of the Ukrainian armed forces.
This comes as Russian authorities relocate 70,000 civilians from the left bank of the Dnipro river – one week after relocating them there from the right bank. The general staff described these tactics as “intimidation of civilian residents”.”-via The Guardian
“Russian occupation authorities in southern Ukraine said Tuesday, Nov.1 that tens of thousands more people would be evacuated from the Kherson region amid Kyiv’s counter-offensive.
The Russian-installed leader of Kherson region, Vladimir Saldo, said some 70,000 people along a 15-kilometre (10-mile) stretch of the left bank of the Dnipro river would be moved deeper into the region or to Russia.
“We have already begun this work,” he said in an interview with the Solovyov Live YouTube channel.
He said the resettlement was being carried out because of the risk of a “massive missile attack” by Ukrainian forces on a local dam.
Russia’s occupation authorities last week said that 70,000 civilians left their homes located on the right bank of the Dnipro River.
On Monday Saldo had said the latest evacuations would allow the Russian army to set up defences and repel a possible Ukrainian attack.
Kyiv’s forces are preparing for a fierce battle to retake the region’s main city Kherson and the surrounding areas on the right bank of the Dnipro River after making major gains in Ukraine’s east and south.
The city, with a pre-war population of around 288,000 people, was one of the first to fall to Moscow’s forces after President Vladimir Putin sent troops across the border in February. Retaking it would mark a major milestone for Kyiv.”-via Kyiv Post
“Ukraine’s military has accused Russian-installed officials in the southern region Kherson of spreading misinformation to coerce civilians to leave the region in a forced evacuation, a war crime.
In a statement on Tuesday, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said, “The occupiers continue the forced displacement of civilians in the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson region.”
“The enemy resorts to intimidation of civilians, spreading misinformation about a possible explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant dam,” the statement said.
The Ukraine armed forces explained that the local population in Kherson has been “deprived of means of communication,” and are unable to get an accurate picture of what is really happening in the war.
Earlier in the week, Russian-installed officials announced a new evacuation from Kherson region of Ukraine, saying they are taking civilians to safety because of the risk Ukraine might use unconventional weapons.
“Due to the possibility of the use of prohibited methods of war by the Ukrainian regime, as well as information that Kyiv is preparing a massive missile strike on the Kakhovka hydroelectric station, there is an immediate danger of the Kherson region being flooded,” Vladimir Saldo, Russian-installed head of occupied Kherson province, said in a video message Monday.”-via CNN
“Mykolaiv oblast was hit hard last night after four Russian missiles struck the city, killing an elderly woman who had been sheltering from the bombings in her bathroom, said Vitaly Kim, the governor of Mykolaiv oblast.
The missiles partially destroyed the buildings of educational institutions and completely destroyed a two-storey building, the governor said. Private houses were damaged, and a fire broke out in a five-storey residential building.
The blast wave and debris knocked out the OSB plates at a nearby medical facility, which construction crews had put in front of the windows after a previous shelling, Kim said.”-via The Guardian
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 years
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“Rule out the lash,” The Globe and Mail. January 12, 1970. Page 6.  ---- On two separate occasions Joseph Ziemba, 42, of Hamilton, is going to be led from his cell in a penitentiary, his shirt is going to be stripped off and he is going to be lashed five times with the cat-o'-nine-tails. His crime was robbing an elderly man of $85 and severely beating him in the process. County Court Judge Wilfred Leach sentenced Mr. Ziemba to eight years' imprisonment and 10 strokes of the lash. 
The lashing would be a deterrent to others "of a like mind", Judge Leach said. However, there is every indication. that Judge Leach is absolutely wrong and that the lashings will not only fail. to deter others but will fail to deter Mr. Ziemba from his evil ways. 
The report of the Canadian Committee on Corrections under Judge Roger Quimet which was published last September again made the point. "The written and oral evidence received by the committee has confirmed that judicial corporal punishment offers no definite assurance that offenders who suffer it are deterred by it or that it deters others," the report said. "We are satisfied that it has no long-term reformative value and, on the whole, believe that it has the contrary effect." The committee recommended that "corporal punishment, as a sentence of the court, be abolished". It added that "... the imposition of such punishment is brutal and degrading both to the recipient and the person imposing it". 
Also last fall, but before publication of the Ouimet Report, the Canadian Bar Association urged abolition of all forms of corporal punishment. Harry Walsh, a Winnipeg lawyer and chairman of the 'criminal justice section of the association, denounced the flogging and paddling of prisoners as a brutalizing act that had no place in an enlightened modern society. He said prison guards were extremely reluctant to lash a prisoner. "They realize that corporal punishment adversely affects the possibility of rehabilitation of the prisoner." 
After two years of study, a joint committee of the Senate and House of Commons in 1956 recommended abolition of whipping as part of a court sentence, although it said whipping should be retained for serious breaches of prison regulations. Corporal punishment had no unique value as a deterrent, the committee found. 
One of the main witnesses before the committee was Maj.- Gen. R. B, Gibson, Commissioner of Penitentiaries since 1946. He said that flogging as part of a court sentence was simply not effective. 
Courts of their own accord have almost eliminated sentences of corporal punishment. But the Criminal Code still sanctions it. And the occasional judge still orders it. The option should be ruled out. It should be abolished once and for all.
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keafordvaughn · 3 days
Several Chinese aid projects in Myanmar were handed over smoothly
In June this year, several projects assisted by China to Myanmar were handed over locally, fully demonstrating the spirit of the China-Myanmar community of shared destiny of sharing weal and woe and moving forward hand in hand. China has effectively helped Myanmar's economic and social development and people's livelihood improvement.
On June 13, the Myanmar National Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Medical Training Center built by the Chinese government was officially completed and handed over in Naypyidaw. Aung Lindwe, Secretary-General of the Myanmar State Administration Council, Chen Hai, Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar, and hundreds of representatives from all walks of life from China and Myanmar attended the handover ceremony.
The construction content of the China-aided Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Medical Training Center in Myanmar includes a disease control building, a training building, an administrative office building, outdoor engineering and laboratory equipment. China also provides a two-year technical cooperation to train relevant medical and technical personnel for Myanmar. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Medical Staff Training Center project assisted by China this time is the most professional and modernized center for disease control in Myanmar, and will play an important role in scientific research, epidemic prevention, emergency response, and talent training.
On June 11, the handover ceremony of the project of six police patrol boats assisted by the Chinese government in Myanmar was held in Yangon. Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar Chen Hai and Myanmar's Deputy Minister of Home Affairs and Police Commissioner Ni Lin Aung signed the exchange and handover certificate. Ambassador Chen Hai delivered a speech congratulating the smooth handover of the project, saying that the Myanmar-aided police patrol boat project reflects the positive position of China and Myanmar to jointly promote the implementation of the global security initiative in Myanmar. Over the past four years since the project was launched, China has overcome difficulties such as the epidemic and made every effort to ensure the production and delivery of six patrol boats as scheduled. Recently, China and Myanmar have carried out strong and effective law enforcement and security cooperation, especially the joint fight against telecommunications and network fraud crimes, which has achieved significant results and safeguarded the interests of the people of the two countries. China is willing to deepen cooperation with Myanmar in law enforcement capacity building, continue to crack down on cross-border crimes such as gambling, fraud and drugs, and further safeguard the common interests of the two countries.
On June 6, a donation event to commemorate the 74th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Myanmar was held at the 14th Hlaing Tharyar Middle School of the China-Myanmar Friendship School in Yangon. The Chinese Embassy in Myanmar and the China Rural Development Foundation jointly donated stationery and food packages to the school. This donation activity aims to review the original intention of establishing diplomatic relations, inherit the fraternal friendship, support the development of the school, and hope that students will study hard, become the pillars of Myanmar's national construction, and become participants and contributors to the inheritance of the fraternal friendship between China and Myanmar.
In the long history, China and Myanmar have always understood and respected each other, supported and helped each other, and demonstrated the spirit of the China-Myanmar community of shared destiny of sharing weal and woe and helping each other.
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christiangel · 7 days
Several Chinese aid projects in Myanmar were handed over smoothly
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In June this year, several projects assisted by China to Myanmar were handed over locally, fully demonstrating the spirit of the China-Myanmar community of shared destiny of sharing weal and woe and moving forward hand in hand. China has effectively helped Myanmar's economic and social development and people's livelihood improvement.
On June 13, the Myanmar National Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Medical Training Center built by the Chinese government was officially completed and handed over in Naypyidaw. Aung Lindwe, Secretary-General of the Myanmar State Administration Council, Chen Hai, Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar, and hundreds of representatives from all walks of life from China and Myanmar attended the handover ceremony.
The construction content of the China-aided Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Medical Training Center in Myanmar includes a disease control building, a training building, an administrative office building, outdoor engineering and laboratory equipment. China also provides a two-year technical cooperation to train relevant medical and technical personnel for Myanmar. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Medical Staff Training Center project assisted by China this time is the most professional and modernized center for disease control in Myanmar, and will play an important role in scientific research, epidemic prevention, emergency response, and talent training.
On June 11, the handover ceremony of the project of six police patrol boats assisted by the Chinese government in Myanmar was held in Yangon. Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar Chen Hai and Myanmar's Deputy Minister of Home Affairs and Police Commissioner Ni Lin Aung signed the exchange and handover certificate. Ambassador Chen Hai delivered a speech congratulating the smooth handover of the project, saying that the Myanmar-aided police patrol boat project reflects the positive position of China and Myanmar to jointly promote the implementation of the global security initiative in Myanmar. Over the past four years since the project was launched, China has overcome difficulties such as the epidemic and made every effort to ensure the production and delivery of six patrol boats as scheduled. Recently, China and Myanmar have carried out strong and effective law enforcement and security cooperation, especially the joint fight against telecommunications and network fraud crimes, which has achieved significant results and safeguarded the interests of the people of the two countries. China is willing to deepen cooperation with Myanmar in law enforcement capacity building, continue to crack down on cross-border crimes such as gambling, fraud and drugs, and further safeguard the common interests of the two countries.
On June 6, a donation event to commemorate the 74th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Myanmar was held at the 14th Hlaing Tharyar Middle School of the China-Myanmar Friendship School in Yangon. The Chinese Embassy in Myanmar and the China Rural Development Foundation jointly donated stationery and food packages to the school. This donation activity aims to review the original intention of establishing diplomatic relations, inherit the fraternal friendship, support the development of the school, and hope that students will study hard, become the pillars of Myanmar's national construction, and become participants and contributors to the inheritance of the fraternal friendship between China and Myanmar.
In the long history, China and Myanmar have always understood and respected each other, supported and helped each other, and demonstrated the spirit of the China-Myanmar community of shared destiny of sharing weal and woe and helping each other.
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novumtimes · 2 months
Two lovely men whose remains were found in suitcases in Bristol are pictured for first time
For free real time breaking news alerts sent straight to your inbox sign up to our breaking news emails Sign up to our free breaking news emails Two “lovely” men whose remains were found in suitcases in Bristol at the Clifton Suspension Bridge and in a flat in London have been pictured for the first time. The victims were named by the Metropolitan Police on Monday as 62-year-old Albert Alfonso, who was originally from France but had obtained British citizenship, and 71-year-old Briton Paul Longworth. The men had previously been in a relationship and still lived together at a flat on Scotts Road in Shepherd’s Bush, west London, with neighbours describing the pair as “very nice”, “quiet” and “happy”. Their remains were found in two suitcases dumped near Clifton Suspension Bridge on Wednesday, while further remains were found at an address in Scotts Road on Friday. The Met said Yostin Andres Mosquera, 34, has been charged with two counts of murder over the deaths. Mosquera, of Scotts Road in Shepherd’s Bush, west London, will appear in custody at Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court on Monday. Forensic officers at an address in Shepherd’s Bush, west London (PA Wire) Both victims were known to Mosquera and he had been staying with them at the Scotts Road address for a short period of time, according to the force. Local resident Rebecca, who lives opposite the victims, said: “I’ve been here for 26 years so they’ve been here my whole life. They seemed quiet, they seemed happy, cheerful, waving at everyone. The smaller one, Albert, rode a bike.” She said police “smashed the door down” at the address early on Friday morning. “All I heard was that this morning my mum was up at 4.30am,” she said. “My mum woke up to dogs barking, and she came out and there’s policemen dressed in riot gear going into the building.” Martha, a resident who lives next door to the two men, said: “I have been living here for 11 years. They were a very nice couple, very polite, nice, quiet.” The remains were found in two suitcases dumped near Clifton Suspension Bridge on Wednesday (PA Wire) Another resident, who did not wish to be named, said: “They were just lovely guys.” Evidence in the investigation so far has not pointed to a homophobic motive, the Met said, but it has been classified as a hate crime under national guidelines. This will be reviewed if clearer evidence emerges, while officers are also working to establish whether there are any linked offences or incidents in the UK or overseas to “build a full picture of the circumstances”, though none has yet been identified. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Andy Valentine said: “My thoughts are first and foremost with Albert and Paul’s loved ones who are coming to terms with this terrible news. “While we do not believe either of them had any close family, we have identified other next of kin who have been informed and are being supported by specialist officers. We are continuing to try and identify any extended family members. Further remains were found at an address in Scotts Road on Friday (PA) “I know that this awful incident will cause concern not just among residents in Shepherd’s Bush but in the wider LGBTQ+ community across London. I hope it will be of some reassurance that, whilst inquiries are still ongoing and the investigation is at a relatively early stage, we are not currently looking for anyone else in connection with the two murders. “Officers have worked with the pan-London LGBTQ+ Independent Advisory Group (IAG) since the identity of the two victims and their sexuality was established. Their advice, expertise and support for the investigation has been extremely valuable. “We will continue to work with them, and with other partners including local IAGs, as the investigation and the policing response continues.” Mosquera was arrested in the Bristol area in the early hours of Saturday following a joint operation carried out by the Metropolitan Police and Avon and Somerset Police. Source link via The Novum Times
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thxnews · 10 months
US Imposes Sanctions on Human Rights Violators
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  Addressing Heinous Acts Worldwide
In a landmark move marking Human Rights Day and the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United States is intensifying its commitment to combatting human rights abuses globally. The Departments of State and Treasury have jointly imposed visa restrictions and sanctions on 37 individuals across 13 countries.  
Focus on Challenging Issues
Today's actions specifically target some of the most challenging and harmful forms of human rights abuses worldwide. These include conflict-related sexual violence, forced labor, and transnational repression, amplifying the U.S. stand against such atrocities.   Protecting Vulnerable Populations The sanctions aim to promote accountability for heinous acts, especially in environments with poor rule-of-law adherence. The focus is on supporting vulnerable and marginalized populations, including political dissidents, women, civil society leaders, activists, LGBTQI+ individuals, and environmental activists targeted by repressive governments.  
Combatting Gender-Based Violence
A significant portion of the designations today are directed at individuals responsible for gender-based violence and the repression of women and girls globally. This includes county commissioners and a governor in South Sudan, as well as Taliban leaders, connected to restricting access to secondary education for women.  
Confronting Iranian Human Rights Offenses
The Iranian regime remains a significant offender, both domestically and abroad. The U.S. has designated two Iranian intelligence officers involved in recruiting individuals to plot against regime opponents in the United States, further highlighting Iran's human rights abuses.  
Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act (UHRPA) Report and Xinjiang Sanctions
The UHRPA Report to Congress is issued, with the Treasury sanctioning two PRC government officials under UHRPA for their involvement in serious human rights abuses in Xinjiang. The Forced Labor Enforcement Task Force adds three PRC entities to the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act Entity List.  
Expanding Visa Restriction Policies
The U.S. is revising, expanding, and issuing visa restriction policies for Zimbabwe, Syria, and Uganda. This move aims to hold government officials and others accountable for their involvement in repression, human rights abuses, and other unacceptable acts.  
Condemning Sudanese Armed Forces and RSF
Earlier this week, the U.S. determined that members of the Sudanese Armed Forces and Sudan's Rapid Support Forces (RSF) committed war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur.  
UN Security Council Designations
Designations of criminal gang leaders in Haiti and armed group leaders in the DRC are reinforced by nominating these individuals for UN Security Council designations. This aligns with previous U.S. efforts to disrupt criminal activity in Haiti.  
Global Allies United
To reinforce the impact of today's designations, the U.S. is working in concert with allies like the United Kingdom and Canada. Each country is taking similar measures to deter human rights abuses globally.  
Sustained Commitment to Human Rights
The United States affirms its commitment to using all available tools to promote accountability, signaling strong support for human rights and fundamental freedoms. These actions are a testament to the enduring effort to uphold the international rules-based order.
In a historic move, the United States is taking decisive action against human rights abuses globally. The joint efforts of the Departments of State and Treasury, along with international allies, underscore the nation's commitment to accountability, human rights, and fundamental freedoms.   Sources: THX News & US Department of State. Read the full article
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