#John Solie Artist
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PIC(S) INFO: Mega spotlight on original Japanese B2 theatrical movie posters for American 1973 ecological dystopian science fiction film "Soylent Green," directed by Robert Fleischer. MGM Pictures. Artwork by John Solis (2x).
Resolution at 1496x1062 & 1071x1500.
"The ocean's dying. Plankton's dying. It's people. Soylent Green is made out of people. They're making our food out of people. Next thing, they'll be breeding us like cattle for food. You've gotta tell them. You've gotta tell them."
-- NYPD detective ROBERT THORN (played by Charlton Heston), screenplay by Stanley R. Greenberg)
Sources: https://filmartgallery.com/products/soylent-green-4 & Original Film Art.
#Soylent Green#Soylent Green 1973#1973#Poster Art#Sci-fi Fri#Sci-fi Art#Sci-fi#Vintage Sci-fi#70s Sci-fi#70s Sci-fi Art#Super Seventies#70s Movies#John Solie#John Solie Art#Sci-fi Movies#Movie Poster#Soylent Green is Made Out of People!#Japanese Language#Ecological Dystopia#Science fiction#John Solie Artist#Japanese#Poster#Dystopian Sci-fi#Science Fiction#Japanese Movie Poster#Poster Design#1970s
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Avril Lavigne

Avril Lavigne è la cantautrice canadese diventata una star internazionale allâinizio del millennio.
Icona del pop punk, ha venduto piĂš di 50 milioni di album e oltre 50 milioni di singoli.Â
Le sue canzoni hanno fatto parte di diverse colonne sonore, soprattutto per film dâanimazione, ha prestato la voce a diversi personaggi dei cartoni e ispirato unâeroina dei videogiochi.
Si è esibita in quasi tutto il globo e vinto unâinfinitĂ di premi.
Ha ricevuto otto candidature ai Grammy Award, tre ai Brit Award e si è aggiudicata un Mtv Video Music Awards, due Mtv Europe Music Awards, sette Radio Disney Music Awards e nove Juno Award.
Nata a Belleville, in Ontario, il 27 settembre 1984 in una famiglia umile e molto religiosa, da bambina le è stato diagnosticata la sindrome da deficit di attenzione e iperattività .
A 11 anni ha ricevuto in regalo la sua prima chitarra con la quale, suonando da autodidatta ha iniziato a scrivere le sue canzoni e a esibirsi in festival e spettacoli locali.
A soli 16 anni ha lasciato la scuola e si è trasferita prima a New York e poi a Los Angeles dove, nel 2002, ha pubblicato il suo primo disco Let go, che ha venduto oltre venti milioni di copie nel mondo, le ha portato unâenormitĂ di premi e nomination e lâha fatta entrare nel Guinness dei Primati come la cantante piĂš giovane ad arrivare al primo posto della classifica britannica con un album.
Il singolo di esordio Complicated, immediatamente diventato una hit internazionale, ha raggiunto la prima posizione nelle classifiche di diversi paesi e battuto ogni record di passaggi radiofonici, consacrandola una nuova icona delle giovani generazioni a cui ha dedicato anche una linea dâabbigliamento, la Abbey Dawn.
La sua reinterpretazione di Knockinâ on Heavenâs Door, di Bob Dylan, è stata inclusa nella compilation Peace Song per contrastare il fenomeno dei bambini soldato.
Il suo secondo lavoro Under my skin uscito nel 2004, ha venduto piÚ di 7 milioni di copie.
Nellâautunno 2005 ha realizzato una reinterpretazione di Imagine di John Lennon per unâiniziativa a favore di Amnesty International.
Nello stesso anno ha contribuito alla colonna sonora del film dâanimazione Spongebob e dato la voce a Heather, un personaggio del film Over the Hedge.
Il terzo album, The Best Damn Thing, del 2007 primo in classifica in ben 12 paesi, ha venduto oltre 8 milioni di copie.
Nel 2010, mentre scriveva il suo terzo disco, ha sfornato il brano Alice per la colonna sonora del film Alice in Wonderland della Disney, collaborato alla canzone Wavinâ Flag for Haiti per raccogliere fondi da destinare alle persone terremotate di Haiti e fondato The Avril Lavigne Foundation a favore di giovani con disabilitĂ e malattie gravi.
Goodbye Lullaby, messo in commercio nel marzo 2011 è stato seguito, due anni dopo, dallâomonimo Avril Lavigne.
Nel marzo 2015 ha parlato pubblicamente, attraverso la rivista People Magazine, della malattia di Lyme che lâha costretta a un lungo periodo di riposo.
Nel 2019 ha sfornato Head Above Water e, nel 2022, ha visto la luce il settimo album in studio dal titolo Love Sux e ricevuto una stella sulla Walk of Fame per i suoi ventâanni di carriera.
La sua prima raccolta di successi Avril Lavigne: Greatest Hits è del 2024.
Ă partita con testi che contenevano messaggi dâautostima e di energia, parlato di argomenti personali, ha fatto ballare e emozionare la gioventĂš di mezzo pianeta.
à stata una ribelle, una bad girl e una delle prime artiste che ha mostrato come essere ragazze forti in abiti larghi.
Sebbene potesse sembrare un fenomeno passeggero, da oltre ventâanni continua a ispirazione le giovani generazioni col suo look, gli argomenti che tocca e la sua carica travolgente.
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Vote for your favourite, the top 9 will proceed in the bracket. Since theyre all different shapes and sizes, make sure to click into the full views!
Paget Eliminations
Other Artist Eliminations
Full captions and details for each illustration below the cut:
All Sidney Paget illustrations are for the Strand Jul 1891 - Dec 1904
"The league has a vacancy." Redheaded League Characters: Jabez Wilson, Vincent Spaulding/John Clay
"Holmes," I cried, "You are too late." Five Orange Pips Characters: Holmes, Watson
"Colonel Lysander Stark" Engineer's Thumb Characters: Col Lysander Stark
"You villain!" said he, "Where's your daughter?" Copper Beeches Characters: Mr Rucastle, Holmes, Violet Hunter, Watson
"We found ourselves in the inner room." Stockbroker's Clerk Characters: Holmes, Watson, Hall Pycroft
"We strolled about together." Resident Patient Characters: Holmes, Watson
"Two of his knuckles were burst and bleeding." Final Problem Characters: Watson, Holmes
"The dining room was a place of shadow and gloom." Hound of the Baskervilles Characters: Barrymore, Watson, Sir Henry
"I could look straight through the uncurtained window." Hound of the Baskervilles Characters: Watson
"My friend took the Lady's ungloved hand." Solitary Cyclist Characters: Watson, Holmes, Violet Smith
"Lestrade took out his official notebook." Six Napoleons Characters: Lestrade, Holmes, Watson
"I am the wife of Sir Eustace Brackenstall."Abbey Grange Characters: Watson, Hopkins, Holmes, Lady Brackenstall, Theresa
#acd holmes#sherlock holmes#tumblr bracket#sherlock holmes illustrations#elim poll#sp elim#polls full bracket
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Accumulation as an interrogation of the complex effects of consumer capitalism, technological innovation, colonialism, and the drive to create.

Wastemakers on Cornucopia Street, curated by Ian Dawson, Newhaven Art Space, Newhaven UK, 3rd-19th February 2022
Contributing Artists: John Walter, Donna Mitchell, Jasone Miranda Bilbao, Compound 13 Lab, Ian Dawson, Aqui Thami, Louisa Minkin, Sharmila Samant, Migueltzinta Solis, Andrea Mason, Ben Parry, Amanda Jobson
See also Dawsonâs follow-up exhibition âWastework,â at the Winchester Gallery 9 March-15 April 2023. Wastework extended the idea of accumulation by inviting artists to add to the exhibition over the course of its run.
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Soylent Green - 1973 - Dir. Richard Fleischer
Japanese B2 Poster
Artist: John Solie
#Soylent Green 1973#1973#Soylent Green#John Solie#Richard Fleischer#Charlton Heston#Leigh Taylor-Young#Chuck Connors#Joseph Cotten#Brock Peters#Paula Kelly#Edward G. Robinson#Stephen Young#Mike Henry#Lincoln Kilpatrick#scifi#science fiction#sci fi and fantasy#dystopia#b2#b2 poster#japan#japanese#japanese poster#movie poster#film poster#Soirento geriin#2022: i sopravvissuti#2022: The Survivors
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FRANCESCO CAVESTRI in concerto a Milano per JazzMi il 31 ottobre â23
MartedĂŹ 31 ottobre Francesco Cavestri sarĂ protagonista della serata "Halloween Night" a Milano in occasione dell'8^edizione della prestigiosa rassegna JAZZMI all'interno di una delle piĂš importanti istituzioni culturali a livello internazionale, la Triennale di Milano: alle ore 18 una lezione/concerto (talk) in Sala AgorĂ dal titolo "Jazz e Hip- Hop due generi fratelli", condotta da Cavestri in solo piano (ingresso libero) e alle ore 19.30 seguirĂ il concerto in trio all'interno del Teatro della Triennale, con cui la nuova generazione di jazz italiano formata dal trio di Cavestri darĂ il via al trittico di eventi dell'Halloween Night, che si concluderĂ con la performance della Sun Ra Arkestra, una delle formazioni piĂš longeve nel panorama del jazz moderno. Cavestri sarĂ accompagnato da due musicisti tra i piĂš promettenti della scena musicale hip-hop ed elettronica: il bassista Riccardo Oliva e il batterista Joe Allotta.Â
Francesco Cavestri, dopo aver presentato il suo progetto in diverse cittĂ e Festival con successo di pubblico e di critica sia in Italia - come il Bologna Jazz Festival, il Bravo Caffè e la Cantina Bentivoglio di Bologna, l'Alexanderplatz e la Casa del Jazz a Roma, Time in Jazz a Berchidda - che a Boston (USA) al Wally's Jazz Club, e aver ricevuto il "Premio Strada del jazz 2023" come il giovane pianista jazz che unisce presente e futuro, continua il suo tour in una delle piĂš prestigiose rassegne che riporta Milano al centro del jazz.Â
La lezione-concerto (talk) attraverserà le origini del jazz e dell'hip hop, passando per gli artisti che piÚ hanno navigato tra i due generi, sviluppando momenti teorici volti alla trasmissione delle conoscenze accompagnati da momenti concertistici e di ascolto che avvicinino i partecipanti all'essenza di questa musica.
Il concerto attraverserĂ invece diverse atmosfere musicali: dalla presentazione di alcuni brani originali di Francesco Cavestri contenuti nel suo album "Early 17", ad altri appartenenti alla scena hip-hop, new-soul e jazz degli ultimi anni a cui appartengono anche gli altri due musicisti, fino a reinterpretazioni e tributi a giganti come Robert Glasper, John Coltrane, Radiohead e la presentazione di una colonna sonora originale che Francesco Cavestri ha realizzato di recente per RAIplay sound, il tutto in una continua ricerca dell'innovazione e di un sound all'avanguardia. Durante il concerto verrano presentati anche alcuni brani contenuti nel nuovo album di Cavestri, in uscita a breve, che presenta tra gli altri la collaborazione del grande Paolo Fresu.Â
"Il jazz è di per sĂŠ un genere che va oltre i generi" dice Cavestri "la naturalezza tipica del jazz segue a uno studio attento, un approfondimento, una consapevolezzaâŚche permette di spingersi fuori dai confini, esplorare" dice Francesco in un'intervista per Rai Radio 1.
"il mio desiderio è che i giovani si avvicinino al jazz con la consapevolezza che è alle radici dei generi che ascoltano, che ascoltiamo, tutti i giorni", queste parole di Francesco, come pure il leitmotiv della sua musica, sono le basi su cui si articola il progetto, con il jazz a fungere da fulcro creativo di una ricerca sonora che indaga a fondo le sue ramificazioni.
Info per acquistare il biglietto :
Qui il video dell'intervista su Rai Radio 1 per la puntata di Radio1Musica:
Classe 2003, Francesco Cavestri studia e si dedica allo strumento del pianoforte classico dall'età di 4 anni, per poi entrare a soli 16 anni al corso accademico pianoforte jazz del Conservatorio di Bologna dove si è laureato a pieni voti il 10 luglio 2023. Sbarca giovanissimo negli Stati Uniti, dove ha modo di frequentare la scena musicale newyorkese, esibendosi a New York in contesti d'eccellenza come il Fat Cat e lo Smalls Jazz Club. Oltreoceano Francesco ottiene importanti risultati, tra cui un percorso di studi al Berklee College of Music di Boston, dove conoscerà un gruppo di musicisti americani che si esibiranno con lui in importanti rassegne estive a Bologna e a Boston.
Il 18 marzo 2022 esce il suo album d'esordio Early 17 con 9 tracce inedite e i featuring di Fabrizio Bosso e Silvia Donati, una combinazione di hip-hop, soul e R&B, con elementi del jazz contemporaneo. Cavestri ha poi presentato l'album in due serate al Bravo Caffè, con Fabrizio Bosso come special guest. Ad agosto 2022 partecipa al Festival "Time In Jazz" diretto da Paolo Fresu, portando la sua lezione concerto dal titolo "Jazz / hip hop â due generi fratelli" che presenta anche in diverse scuole e teatri in collaborazione con l'associazione Il Jazz Va a Scuola e dove è ritornato anche questo anno con due eventi.
Da settembre 2022 Francesco sta presentando il suo album "Early 17", registrando il sold out in alcuni luoghi di grande importanza come l'Alexanderplatz Jazz Club di Roma o la Cantina Bentivoglio di Bologna, il Wally's Jazz Club di Boston e la Casa del Jazz di Roma, il Festival Time in Jazz in Sardegna con un suo concerto in trio dove ha presentato il suo prossimo lavoro discografico con la collaborazione di Paolo Fresu e in Piazza Maggiore a Bologna con il suo concerto per il Festival "Strada del Jazz 2023".Â
Cavestri sarĂ in Triennale a Milano con il suo concerto il 31 ottobre per JAZZMI.
Di recente ha anche registrato la sua prima colonna sonora per un podcast di produzione Rai e ha ricevuto il "Premio Strada del Jazz 2023" come il piĂš grande pianista jazz giovane italiano.
Francesco Cavestri TRIO
Francesco Cavestri, pianoforte e tastiere
Riccardo Oliva, basso
Joe Allotta, batteria
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Saint John on the Island of Patmos, about 1545-55
Virgilius Solis
(German, 1514-1562)
Christian tradition says that after Christ's death, John the Evangelist was exiled to Aegean island Patmos, where he composed the Book of Revelation based on a series of prophetic visions. Here, Saint John gazes upward toward a vision of the woman of the apocalypse (traditionally interpreted as the Virgin Mary) in the top left corner. The artist's composition implies that John's vision was partially inspired by his isolation within nature-portrayed in a wide expanse featuring dramatic peaks and fir trees, castles, farms, shepherds, and even a merchant's ship on a vast harbor.
John L. Severance Fund 1954.565
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Desperate Housewives: Gabrielle Solis - Type 3w2
Gabby is carefree, materialistic and caring. She spent her early life working her way out of poverty and continues to enjoy the finer things in life.
At her best, Gabby learns to be less dependent on material things for her happiness and to accept the simpler things in life. She starts to be less concerned with how others see her and works harder on helping the people she loves. This can be seen through more of her interactions as a mother and wife when Carlos is blind and in need of her support.
At her worst, Gabby can be narcissistic and self indulgent. She will put her needs above others and becomes very careless towards the feelings of others. This can be seen with how she embarks on an affair with John Rowland due to feeling like she needs attention and isnât receiving any from Carlos.
Gabby doesnât like being alone and will often be searching for a partner to help take care of her and offer her a rich and lavish world. When she first meets Carlos she is a working model but decides to settle with him as she believes he is wealthy and will give her a good life. While they are divorced she almost immediately begins to date and it can be seen that she ends up marrying another man that is powerful and rich. Ultimately she finds that her initial relationship with Carlos was more than just convenience and that they share a deep connection and love for each other.
Gabby is very determined and confident in her own abilities. She is hardworking and pushes herself to be better than others. She desperately wanted to escape her problematic childhood and make a name for herself, which she was able to do through her modelling career. When she loses her wealth she begins to lose a large part of her identity and resolves to one day be rich again.
While, Gabby is very concerned with amassing her own worth through achievements and things, she is also deep down very caring, kind and friendly. She is a good friend to all of the ladies and wants to be part of their group. She builds strong relationships with each woman and remains especially loyal to Bree after seeing all she is willing to do for her.
Gabby has a wing 2 as she is very people oriented and extroverted. She likes to validate herself through how others see her accomplishments and achievements.
Tri-type: 3w2 - 7w6 - 9w8
Some quotes to describe Gabbyâs motivations:
âGood friends share more than just gossip and brunch, they share enemies too!â
âMe?! I'm going to be stuck! A single mother raising a child alone! Haggling with lawyers on who gets the kid at Christmas. My American dream is officially dead.â
âIt's a Mexican hangover cure. It's the only thing I inherited from my family that's actually worth anything.â
âThere's this one thing that she did that was incredibly moving. She came up to me, and within two seconds of touching my bag, she knew it was expensive.â
âWait. It's not a lame ass party anymore because I'm here now.â
âI just paid a make-up artist five hundred bucks to do my face, do you really think I wanna march down the aisle looking like I just ate a popsicle?!â
Mary Alice [about Gabby]: âGabrielle Solis, who lives down the block, brought a spicy paella. Since her modelling days in New York, Gabrielle had developed a taste for rich food... and rich men. Carlos, who worked in mergers and acquisitions, proposed on their third date. Gabrielle was touched when tears welled up in his eyes. But she soon discovered this happened every time Carlos closed a big deal. Gabrielle liked her paella piping hot. However, her relationship with her husband was considerably cooler.â
Carlos: âSo, that's what this is about... you're competing with Bob and Lee.â Gaby: âPfft. That's ridiculous. This is about Juanita. I'm building her self esteem and giving her a chance to shine. And if a couple of same-sex parents end up crying at home in their silk kimonos, so be it.â
Juanita: âFirst, kissing. Then, get married. Then, he buys me presents.â Gaby: âOh my God, you are my daughter.â
#gabrielle solis#desperate housewives#enneagram#enneagram 3#type 3#3w2#3w4#enneatypes#ennea 3#eva longoria#dh#desperate housewives enneagram#gaby solis#personality types#character analysis#character breakdown#character profile
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đâ˝ď¸đ¨đđŹđ˛đˇ for whoever you'd like!!
taylor!!! you spoil me!!! iâm gonna try and break this up a little to give my girls a fair shake (*âŚĎâŚ) under the cut because loooooong!
elliot honeysett âŁ
đ driving: i think this well-known but elliot drives like a fucking maniac. she SHOULDNâT, she is a COP, but post-reaping ell can let her full colors show and she really enjoys just cranking the music and driving at whatever speed she feels the most comfortable with. sheâs pretty good at maneuvering a vehicle in dire circumstances too because she has no regard for her own safety when sheâs in The Zone(TM).
â˝ď¸ sports: she doesnât do them! she did soft ball when she was in school and like that was it. she really is not super athletic most of the time--sheâs good at running, and sheâs good at pushing herself to make sure sheâs not going to fucking die, but thatâs like. it. sheâs not inherently athletic and also doesnât have any desire to be.
đ˛ surviving in the wilderness: THE BEST! elliotâs biggest skill is survival. sheâs always been a nature girl, always spent a lot of time out in the woods just fucking around, and so sheâs got a pretty good grip on what you can and canât eat, how to stay warm, etc. ainât nobody got the survivor gene like elliot do.
đ performance art/acting: you know, i actually think sheâs pretty good at acting? she canât lie for shit, but sheâs so expressive that i think if she applied herself she could be a great actress. idk, itâs kind of a toss up because she wouldnât be able to hide her true feelings very well, lmao.
isolde khan âŁ
đ¨ art: a purveyor of fine arts, but an artist she is not. as aforementioned, isolde likes a good paint and sip for herself, and sheâs gotten the opportunity to purchase a few pieces of fine art for her own personal collection, but she is certainly no artist herself. she just knows what she likes to spend all day looking at, and this goes for people and art.
đŹ scientific pursuits: does testing the hypothesis of how many times she can piss john off before he comes absolutely unglued count? soli has quite a calculating mind, but it lends itself more to charisma and picking people apart than it does for science. the only theory sheâs frequently testing out is âif i do exactly what i feel, then iâm gonna get whatever i wantâ.
đˇ taking care of living things: please, please god, please do not ask isolde to keep your plants alive when youâre on vacation. she can keep precisely three things alive: joseph, her pet snake cordelia, and herself. do not expect anything else.
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Vote for your favourite, the top 9 will proceed in the bracket. Since theyre all different shapes and sizes, make sure to click into the full views!
Paget Eliminations
Other Artist Eliminations
Full captions and details for each illustration below the cut:
All Sidney Paget illustrations are for the Strand Jul 1891 - Dec 1904
"The door was instantly opened." Redheaded League Characters: Victor Spaulding/John Clay, Holmes, Watson
"At the foot of the stairs she met this lascar scoundrel." Twisted Lip Characters: Mrs St Claire, opium den manager
"He cut at me." Engineer's Thumb Characters: Lysander Stark, Victor Hatherly
"They found the dead body of the unfortunate trainer." Silver Blaze Characters: John Straker
"Hudson it is, sir," said the seaman." Gloria Scott Characters: Victor Trevor, James Trevor, Holmes, Hudson
"In his hand he held a pistol." Resident Patient Characters: Blessington, Percy Trevelyan, Watson, Holmes
"It passed with a rattle and a roar." Final Problem Characters: Watson, Holmes
"You know the story of the Hound?" Hound of the Baskervilles Characters: Beryl Stapleton, Watson
"Mrs. Stapleton sank upon the floor." Hound of the Baskervilles Characters: Lestrade, Beryl Stapleton, Watson, Holmes
"As we approached, the Lady staggered against the trunk of the tree for support." Solitary Cyclist Characters: Violet Smith, Williamson, Woodley, Carruthers, Watson, Holmes
"With the bound of a tiger Holmes was on his back." Six Napoleons Characters: Beppo, Holmes, Watson, Lestrade
"Look at that mark on the seat of the oaken chair!" Abbey Grange Characters: Holmes, Watson
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Matthew J. Rolin âThe Dreaming Bridgeâ
Coming 2021 on Feeding Tube Records.
1.) Pinhole (3:32)
2.) Hallucinations ft. Patrick Shiroishi (8:23)
3.) Weeping Willow (4:08)
4.) Drown (6:45)
5.) When I Could See ft. Jen Powers (4:12)
6.) Moonlight (3:26)
7.) 10:30 AM (4:07)
8.) Backyard Blues (4:27)
9.) Bells (7:38)
10.) The Dreaming Bridge (20:06)
âWe are living in something of a golden age of fingerstyle guitarists. This glut can be both a blessing and a curse, as it becomes increasingly difficult for even the most discerning of fans to distinguish one player from the next, however capable these players might be.
It is always a pleasure, then, to hear the ways in which the braver and brighter guitarists re-think the tradition from the ground up and recast it in their own image. Enter guitarist Matthew J. Rolin, who plays as if he was born with a dreadnought in his hands. The Ohio-based guitaristâs artistic leaps in recent years are rivaled only by those of Daniel Bachman, another once-precocious player formerly in the John Fahey / Jack Rose mold who has over the years transcended the idiom to create his own singular, deeply personal music. Rolinâs latest LP, the double album The Dreaming Bridge, makes similar strides.
For many practitioners of this style, the first and perhaps most challenging feat is to escape the gargantuan shadow of Fahey. Some do this by adding other instruments or field recordings to their DADGAD ruminations; some opt to play electric. Of course, Fahey did all of those things, too. Better still to have not been directly influenced by Fahey in the first place: Rolinâs initial embrace of the acoustic guitar was inspired not by Fahey himself, but rather by Fahey-influenced guitarists like polymath Jim OâRourke and trickster prodigy Ryley Walker.
This vicarious influence is exemplified by Rolinâs distinctive, at times irreverent approach to guitar soli. While the influence of Walkerâs nimble 12-string probing is evident on tunes like Rolinâs impressionistic â10:30 AM,â and while the guitaristâs patiently unfolding, contemplative âWeeping Willowâ indeed recalls OâRourkeâs masterpiece Happy Days, Rolin remains very much his own man, with his own idiosyncratic approach. This is clear from the first notes of The Dreaming Bridgeâs opening track âPinhole,â which introduces Rolinâs affinity for shimmering, almost choral, reverb, the effect doubling as a compositional element. Similarly, on the overtone-rich âDrown,â Rolinâs virtuosic playing is practically a duet with its own echo, an effect deployed not to obscure, but to buoy. This deep attention to atmosphere serves a crucial function on The Dreaming Bridge, which sparkles throughout with a strident, Zen-like focus
Then there are the tunes themselves. Terrific tunes! Like William Tylerâanother possible influenceâRolin, despite largely working from the necessarily limited palette of instrumental solo guitar music, thinks like a songwriter. This more traditional approach can be heard on tracks like âMoonlightâ and âBackyard Bluesâ which follow a compositional logic complete with verses and choruses. Rolin performs these compositions beautifully; as a player he is dexterous and dynamic, with a light and agile touch reminiscent of early Will Ackerman or Alex De Grassi.
Album highlight âHallucinationsâ features saxophonist Patrick Shiroishiâs keening, double tracked reed work, which at times simulates the sound of a two violins playing cat and mouse between the stereo channels. Rolin wisely cedes center stage to Shiroishi for the trackâs first third, supplying gently supportive arpeggios beneath, before the sax fades and Rolin responds. There is something about the unexpected combination of sax and acoustic guitarânot exactly easy bedfellowsâthat brings to mind both postmodern chamber ensemble Entourage and progressive new age pluralists Shadowfax.
Rolin is joined by partner and collaborator Jen Powers on the meditative and marvelous âWhen I Could See,â a painterly duet for two dulcimers (one Appalachian, one hammered) that is as rich and transporting as their excellent duo LP released last year.
âBellsâ (not an Albert Ayler cover), a tone poem for singing bowls, crickets, water, and the ringing of various small bells, eventually gives way to the massive sidelong title track. Structured a bit like a canon, âThe Dreaming Bridgeâ inventively and somewhat impishly simulates aspects of post-Takoma guitar music using some unlikely tools: electric guitar, a looper, and various fuzz and distortion pedals. Note the way the tube-rattling distorted guitar begins substituting for the reverberating whole notes that would typically be the job of the thumb in a traditional Travis picking tune. The sidelong piece, its mood somewhere between apocalyptic and oddly triumphal, gradually builds and crests for over 15 minutes before its waves of stoner tumult and slo-mo tremolo twang begin to recede. We are left with nearly three full minutes of the sound of rushing water cascading from rain gutters. Itâs as if the guitarist, satisfied with the web he has just spun, has placed his instrument in its case and has stopped to listen to that other music all around us, and invites us to do the same. Youâd be wise to accept this challenge, but not before listening to The Dreaming Bridge, an early candidate for one of 2021âs best guitar records, and Rolinâs finest work to date. Keep two eyes on this guy.â - James Toth
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THE TASK - scroll down for FCâs!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNGâs, fancasts, alternative FCâs - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didnât use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK - Â examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSDâs!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Sommore / Lori Ann Rambough (1966) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Grenadian, Afro-Trinidadian, Afro-Barbadian, African-American - actress and comedian.
Nia Long (1970) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Grenadian, Afro-Trinidadian, Afro-Barbadian, African-American - actress.
Nikki M. James (1981) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Haitian - actress and singer.
Nicosia Lawson (1983) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Caymanian - model and Miss Cayman Islands 2008.
Cassie / Cassie Ventura (1986) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Anguillan, Mexican / Filipino - actress, singer-songwriter, model, and dancer.
Annaliese Dayes (1986) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Saint Lucian, Afro-Barbadian, Afro-Grenadian / Afro-Jamaican - model, tv personality, and tv presenter.
Julia Holt (1993) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Trinidadian, Afro-Barbadian, Kalinago, Indian / Irish, Scottish, French, German, English - actress.
Jezra Matthews (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian - model.
Mary-Ana Baker (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian - singer.
Judy Boucher (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian - singer-songwriter.
Kimya Hypolite (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian - singer, dancer and actress.Â
Soli Wallace (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian, other - model (instagram: ahtilos_model).
SunDivas (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian, St. Lucian, Barbadian, British - soca artist.Â
Jimelle Roberts (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian - Miss SVG 2017.
F - Athletes:
Joan Baptiste (1959) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Bigna Samuel (1965) Afro-Saint Vincentian - middle-distance runner.
Jacqueline Ross (1969) Saint Vincentian - long jumper.
Gail Prescod (1971) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Shani Anderson (1975) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Natalie Martindale (1977) Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Juliana Nero (1979) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Natasha Mayers (1979) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Teran Matthews (1980) Afro-Saint Vincentian - swimmer.
Clea Hoyte (1981) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Cordel Jack (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Sophia Young (1983) Afro-Saint Vincentian - basketball player.
Genielle Greaves (1983) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Sancho Lyttle (1983) Afro-Saint Vincentian - basketball player.
Kineke Alexander (1986) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Arantxa King (1987) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Bermudian - long jumper.
Bryanna McCarthy (1991) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Jamaican - footballer.
Christine Exeter (1992) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Jamaican - footballer.
Gabrielle George (1997) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Izzy Shne Joachim (2000) Afro-Saint Vincentian - swimmer.
Arthur W. French Jr. (1931) Afro-Saint Vincentian - actor and director.
Papa Winnie / Winston Carlisle Peters (1955) Afro-Saint Vincentian - singer.
Ardon Bess (1964) Afro-Saint Vincentian - actor.
Jamesy P / James Morgan (1970) Afro-Saint Vincentian - singer.
Andi Peters / Andrew Peters Eleazu (1970) Afro-Saint Vincentian - actor, voice-over artist, tv presenter, and producer.
Noel Clarke (1975) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Grenadian, Afro-Trinidadian, Akan Ghanaian - actor, director, producer, screenwriter, and author.
Kevin Lyttle (1976) Afro-Saint Vincentian - singer.
Protoje / Oje Ken Ollivierre (1981) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Jamaican - singer-songwriter and DJ.
Marlon Roudette (1983) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Trinidadian, Dominican / Scottish, English - singer-songwriter, rapper, guitarist, keyboardist, drummer, percussionist, and producer.
Aml Ameen (1985) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Jamaican - actor.
Demetrius Joyette (1993) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Greek - actor.
Skarpyon (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian - singer-songwriter.
Watts / Austin Garrick (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Greek, Russian, Polish - rapper-songwriter, producer, and composer.
M - Athletes:
Garnet Brisbane (1938) Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Mike Findlay (1943) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Frankie Lucas (1953) Saint Vincentian - boxer.
Colville Browne (1953) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Lance John (1957) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Errington Kelly (1958) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Winston Davis (1958) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Albert Texeira (1960) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Sydney Murphy (1960) Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Orde Ballantyne (1962) Afro-Saint Vincentian - shot putter.
AndrÊ François (1964) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Errion Charles (1965) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Roger Gurley (1965) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Lenford O'Garro (1965) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Ian Allen (1965) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Verbin Sutherland (1966) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Dawnley Joseph (1966) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Leroy Blugh (1966) Afro-Saint Vincentian - Canadian football player.
Fitzgerald Bramble (1967) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Lennox Adams (1968) Afro-Saint Vincentian - triple jumper.
Tyrone Prince (1968) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Eversley Linley (1969) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Kendale Mercury (1970) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Cameron Cuffy (1970) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Mike McLean (1970) Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Keith Ollivierre (1971) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Carlton Myers (1971) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Italian - basketball player.
Kendall Velox (1971) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Michael Williams (1971) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Ezra Hendrickson (1972) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Rodney Jack (1972) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Eswort Coombs (1972) Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Ezra Hendrickson (1972) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Linvoy Primus (1973) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Jamaican - footballer.
Pamenos Ballantyne (1973) Afro-Saint Vincentian - long-distance runner.
Nixon McLean (1973) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Julian Joachim (1974) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Deighton Butler (1974) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Joel Mascoll (1974) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Melvin Andrews (1974) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Thomas Dickson (1974) Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Orlanzo Jackson (1974) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Cornelius Bernard Huggins (1974) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Adonal Foyle (1975) Afro-Saint Vincentian - basketball player.
Erasto Sampson (1975) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Wesley Charles (1975) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Marlon James (1976) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Sabuton John (1976) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Oronde Ash (1976) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Wesley John (1976) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Rohan Ash (1976) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Kenlyn Gonsalves (1976) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Zema Abbey (1977) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Julian Charles (1977) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Kahlil Cato (1977) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Nathan Abbey (1978) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Ghanaian - footballer.
Dan Gadzuric (1978) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Serbian - basketball player.
Bront DeFreitas (1978) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Caswain Mason (1978) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Kenroy Martin (1979) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Clayton Latham (1980) Afro-Saint Vincentian - long jumper.
Kenroy Peters (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Shawn King (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - basketball player.
Calvert Hooper (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Jared Lewis (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Hyron Shallow (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Shandel Samuel (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Romel Currency (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Stephenson Wallace (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - swimmer.
Alston Bobb (1984) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Omari Aldridge (1984) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Kishore Shallow (1984) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Andy Grant (1984) Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Lindon James (1984) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Donnie Defreitas (1985) Afro-Saint Vincentian - swimmer.
Casnel Bushay (1985) Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Miles Bascombe (1986) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Damal Francis (1986) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Nyika Williams (1987) Afro-Saint Vincentian - basketball player.
Donwell Hector (1988) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Othneil Bailey (1988) Afro-Saint Vincentian - squash player.
Delorn Johnson (1988) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Kieran Agard (1989) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Dominiquais, Afro-Jamaican - footballer.
Jolanshoy McDowall (1989) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Keron Cottoy (1989) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Dwayne Sandy (1989) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Cornelius Stewart (1989) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Gavin James (1989) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Junior Cadougan (1990) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Trinidadian - basketball player.
Reginald Richardson (1990) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Chad Balcombe (1990) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Darren Stewart (1990) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Jamaican - mixed martial artist.
Kesrick Williams (1990) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Gregson Hazell (1991) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Courtney Carl Williams (1991) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Jamal Yorke (1991) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Atticus Browne (1991) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
David Pitt (1991) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Jomel Warrican (1992) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Myron Samuel (1992) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Jesse Lingard (1992) Afro-Saint Vincentian / English - footballer.
Nazir McBurnette (1993) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Akeem Williams (1993) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Sunil Ambris (1993) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Tolga Akcayli (1993) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Turkish - swimmer.
Kevin Francis (1994) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Tevin Slater (1994) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Azinho Solomon (1994) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Jahvin Sutherland (1994) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Ray Jordan (1994) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Brandon John (1995) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Chavel Cunningham (1995) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Lemus Christopher (1995) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Brandon Valentine-Parris (1995) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Oalex Anderson (1995) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Gidron Pope (1996) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Jevon Cottoy (1996) Afro-Saint Vincentian - Canadian football player.
Kyle Edwards (1997) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Obed McCoy (1997) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Tayo Edun (1998) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Yoruba Nigerian - footballer.
Nikolas Sylvester (2000) Afro-Saint Vincentian - swimmer.
Diel Spring (2000) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Joel Quashie (2001) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
21 Sa**ge / ShĂŠyaa Bin Abraham-Joseph (1992) Afro-Dominiquais, Afro-Haitian, Afro-Saint Vincentian - rapper-songwriter and producer. - His stage name involves an anti-native slur despite not being native, in his song ASMR he had anti-semitic lyrics, and made tweets supporting rape culture.
#saint vincentian fc#st vincentian fc#vincentian fc#poc fc#fc list#task: 190#task: saint vincent and the grenadines
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Showcasing art from some of my favourite artists in the field of visual arts, including vintage; pulp; pop culture; books and comics; fantastical and imaginative realism; classical; contemporary; new contemporary; pop surrealism; conceptual and illustration.
The art of John Solie.
#Art#John Solie#Movie Posters#StarCrash#Strange Brew#Smokey And The Bandit#Soylent Green#Shaft#Shaft's Big Score#Switchblade Sisters#Death Race 2000#Grand Theft Auto#poster#Movie Poster#Poster Art
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This album called is âWayfaring Strangers: Guitar Soliâ. A fascinating collection of solo guitar work spanning from the 60s to the 80s and in the style usually associated with the likes of John Fahey, Leo Kottke and Robbie basho. Yet this album consists entirely of lesser known names. Some Spotify artist pages donât even list any other songs than the one included on this album.
Linked here is my favorite song from the album.
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Editorial Director (vibe curator)
For the past two years, Laura has been working as Editorial Director for Marine Snow, a new discovery/community platform featured in RA, Holly Herndonâs âInterdependence,â and other music publications.Â
Lauraâs editorial picks/curation of music for the platform have been featured on
DJ Mag
i-D Magazine (Italy)
Artists licensed:Â
Merely, The Growth Eternal, Katie Dey, Armen Nalbandian, Dove, Bliss Gloss, Lucrecia Dalt, Ariel & The Culture, Fievel Is Glauque, Jenys, Lokey, River Moon, Midwife, Garrett David, Semiratruth, Swordman Kitala, Nicolini, MIRRROR, CLIP, Kaja Draksler Octet, Jeremiah Meece, Stanley Star, Hunter Paris, Sovereign State, Nelson Bandela, GAWD, PACKS, K-rAd, Colloboh, Saint Taint, Ada Rook, Marti, Grant Pavol, Malak, Canteen Killa, Deniro Farrar, Cory Champion, Folded Voices, Iftiin Band, Sueuga Kamau & La Favi, Laraaji, Orlando Voorn, Fina, DJ Maaco, Big Dope P, John Moods, Cakes Da Killa, CFCF, Gaunt, Buz, GOJII, Best Fern, Toxe, Cleo Reed, Strange Ranger, Girls Rituals, Banny Grove, Maya Ricci, Princess Ketamine & diana starshine, Bloodshot Bill, Ronald Langestraat, Brandon Ares, Nappy Nina, Leonce, Eliphino, Camden Malik, Cottontail, AnnonXL, Stonie Blue, MuddyMya, CV Vision, Money Lang, Ruth Goller, Sven Wunder, Meishi Smile, JWords, dj genderfluid, Kelora, Folie, Contour, Subsonic Eye, Claude Speeed, Nonna Fab, âBamba Pana & John Pita", Simili Gum, Computerwife, Mother Cell, Emissive, Gafacci & Black-Lo, Braxton Cook, DavidTheTragic, Tammy Lakkis, Le Makeup & JUMADIBA, FLOSSING, Vance Eris, reuben, Lamorn, DJ Earl, ssaliva, DJ SWISHA & AceMo, TOKYOPILL, Oliver Coates Chrisman & Tshongo Le Magnifique, Jabru, Flo & Lithium, Amnesia Scanner & Freeka Tet, Cute Door, Miles French, Phonewifey, Mal Devisa, Ayegy, Lav Andula, Petal Supply, Nana Lourdes, ABADIR, Orchid, Flwr Chyld, Hook, Luka Productions & Rokia KonĂŠ, Big Dope P & Paul Johnson, Sitcom, fauna, Bickle, Palmistry, Paul Damian Hogan, Angel Bat Dawid, Dirty Bird, Swami Sound, Divine Interface, KC Wray, Bitty McLean, Nunu Belle, Pregnant, Kate Brunotts, 27Delly & Lil Gotit, Quiet Luke, Roland P. Young, Talia Goddess, Oui Ennui, AJRadico, Alexia Avina, Gengis Don & Malaya, RisquĂŠ III & K' Alexi Shelby, Juliet Fox, Gabe 'Nandez, Osquello, Beshken, Kelvin T, Ted Kamal, Jennifer Walton, Alto Aria, Jimi Lucid, Savile, Aether Jag, ZAH, Maya Crux, Joshua Asante, Abyss X, Yan Higa, Odete, quannnic, Rosa Pistola, DJ Re:Code, Lidell Townsell, Paive, James Tillman, Internet Death, Evanora Unlimited, TV Room, Family Time, 0kHz, Big Dope P & Katie Got Bandz, Aj simons, bronclair, cutouts, ARTHUR, Ship Sket, Silver Liz, Glitch Gum, HYRADIANCE, Saint Taint, mediopicky, Babebee, Maddie Jay, TAHIR, Coolhand Jax, cktrl, plastic pet, 5v, ilinx, dochi, digifae, Folie, DJ ORANGE JULIUS, nono, Cute Door, Daisy Mortem, 48thST, Maya Nadir, kaixan, YIJIA, SOLIS, Adeodat Warfield, Danny Dwyer, Ola Pang, Caine Casket, Orchid, Kahlil Blu, Danger Incorporated, Vayda, Ayegy, Louke Man, Elujay, Jeremiah Meece, K' Alexi Shelby & Tony Loveless, KAVARI, LustSickPuppy, Maki Adams, Avition, ADA ROOK, odd eyes, CJ808, Adder, diana starshine, Yesterdayneverhappened, DJ MELL G, Klara Zangerl, ARIA VEIL, Earl Dawgit, Lux Vimdor, S1NINJA, Angsty Camboyz Revenge, Trinity Carbon, AKAI SOLO, YhapoJJ, Tochi Bedford, Zack Oke & OSK, Taz Modi , es.cher, Rocco Bunko, Mvntana, alesloveletters, Soft-Bodied Humans & Swordman Kitala, cumgirl8, Harto Falion, Ade Kassim, Rebel 7 & Huzur, The South Hill Experiment, AYLĂ & JoulesDaKid, Screen Name, dashie, Luka Productions, demahjiae, TLIM SHUG, Tony Shhnow, Bergsonist, Norman Whiteside, Muddy, Nathan Bajar & Pink Siifu, Martyn Bootyspoon
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Vote for your favourite, the top 9 will proceed in the bracket. Since theyre all different shapes and sizes, make sure to click into the full views!
Paget Eliminations
Other Artist Eliminations
Full captions and details for each illustration below the cut:
All Sidney Paget illustrations are for the Strand Jul 1891 - Dec 1904
"He congratulated me warmly." Redheaded League Characters: Vincent Spaulding/John Clay, Duncan Ross, Jabez Wilson
"Staring into the fire." Twisted Lip Characters: Holmes
"Not a word to a soul!" Engineer's Thumb Characters: Victor Hatherley, Lysander Stark
"Running up, I blew its brains out." Copper Beeches Characters: Mr Rucastle, Dog, Watson
"Pycroft shook his clenched hands in the air." Stockbroker's Clerk Characters: Holmes, Hall Pycroft, Watson
"I stared at him in astonishment." Resident Patient Characters: Blessington, Percy Trevelyan
"Professor Moriarty stood before me." Final Problem Characters: Moriarty
"It was a stranger pursuing me." Hound of the Baskervilles Characters: Watson, Stapleton
"He looked round him in surprise." Hound of the Baskervilles Characters: Watson, Lestrade, Holmes, Sir Henry
"I slowed down my machine." Solitary Cyclist Characters: Violet Smith
"He was introduced to us as the owner of the house." Six Napoleons Characters: Holmes, Watson, Lestrade, Horace Harker
"It was the body of a tall, well-made man, about forty years of age." Abbey Grange Characters: Lord Brackenstall, Holmes, Watson, Hopkins
#acd holmes#sherlock holmes#tumblr bracket#sherlock holmes illustrations#elim poll#sp elim#polls full bracket
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