#Jobs In Eching
mamagabi-s-corner · 1 month
dunno what's happening in the off fangame community, and at this point I'm not even going to ask. /nh
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jobsnotices · 2 months
Embassy of India Kathmandu Vacancy 2024 for Clerk
Embassy of India Kathmandu Vacancy 2024 for Clerk for ECHS Polyclinic Pokhara. ECHS Branch, Defence Wing, Embassy of India invites applications for post of Clerk in ECHS Polyclinic Pokhara. VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Embassy of India Kathmandu Vacancy 2024 for Clerk   Post: Clerk Location: ECHS Polyclinic Pokhara. For qualification, work experience, salary, terms & conditions and other details, see…
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yogenderthakur · 2 years
ECHS Cell Dharamshala Clerk, Chowkidar & Other Posts Recruitment 2022
ECHS Cell Dharamshala Clerk, Chowkidar & Other Posts Recruitment 2022
ECHS Cell Dharamshala Clerk, Chowkidar & Other Posts Recruitment 2022 ECHS Cell Dharamshala Clerk,Chowkidar & Other Posts Recruitment 2022(Official Notification & Apply Online) , ECHS Cell Dharamshala Clerk Chowkidar & Other Posts Jobs Notification & Apply Online 2022 ECHS Cell Dharamshala Clerk, Chowkidar & Other Posts Recruitment 2022: ECHS invites applications to engage the following Medical…
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kimberleyjean · 2 months
The Price of a Life: Death and Dying in Good Omens
In this meta I want to take a closer look at one of the prominent themes I’ve spotted running through Season 2 of Good Omens. While S2 has been billed as the gentle and romantic bridge towards S3, in a few ways it actually had darker tones than S1. If that’s your cup of tea - read on!
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What is the value of a human life? 
This is a question which has been pondered by philosophers far back into the reaches of history. More recently, economists have attempted to put a price on human life, which is then used when justifying the various societal costs associated with governing a population (i.e. healthcare, education). These two different schools of thought are sometimes at odds. Immanuel Kant proposed that humans have invaluable dignity, but not a price - being “not merely something to be used for the ends of others, or traded on the market”[1]. In opposition, value of life calculations, by definition, put a price on the value of an individual.
What side does Good Omens S1 take?
In Good Omens Season 1, one of the significant moral dilemmas, at least for Aziraphale and Crowley, was about whether or not to kill the antichrist.
I've never actually... killed anything. I don't think I could. Not even to save everything? One life... against the universe.
Following their failed attempts to influence Adam’s childhood development, once at the airfield, Aziraphale believes it to be a foregone conclusion that Adam should be killed - eliminate one to save the many. Of course, their attempts fail and Adam faces off against Death, the Four Horsepersons and Satan himself, eventually getting his own way. However, the moral question posed about killing Adam never reaches a definite conclusion.
With the flashback scenes that S1 added to the book, we are shown this same theme when Aziraphale and Crowley attend the crucifixion. The crucifixion is shown in agonising detail here, and gives us an empathetic look at the sacrifice of one life for, presumably, the overall good of humanity. (Although, what metaphysical impact Jesus’ death had in the Good Omens universe isn’t exactly clear). We see Aziraphale and Crowley stand idly by while the Great Plan is enacted.
Does S2 do things differently?
While Good Omens S1 dabbles lightly in the philosophical question about the value of life, Season 2 picks up this thread time and time again - sometimes attaching some numbers!
One of the key mysteries of present-day S2 is the mammoth miracle performed by Aziraphale and Crowley. Registering on the scales at 25 Lazari, this is 25 times the cost of human life in Heaven's accounting system. Presumably, one Lazari is the amount used when Jesus resurrected Lazarus of Bethany four days after his death. As we'll see, this attaching of numbers to human lives is then repeated throughout each of the minisodes.
Firstly we have the flashback sequence with Job and his children. Aziraphale makes the argument that just doubling the number of new children wouldn’t adequately compensate Job and Sitis for the loss of their existing children - since they “quite like the old ones”. The value of human life is not a simple accounting exercise and one life cannot be substituted for another, in the case of the people you love - they’re priceless.
We see this same idea demonstrated again throughout the Resurrectionist minisode. We first meet Elspeth MacKinnon when she is exhuming a body to sell, in order to buy her and her partner a slightly better life worth living. However, the surgeon Dalrymple is not above haggling over human remains. To him this is a business transaction, in which dead bodies are worth no more than five pounds a pop. To Dalrymple, the cost of saving future lives is that others should risk the grave gun gathering bodies which he may then dissect.
Aziraphale is first opposed to anyone being dug up, but then is won over by Dalrymple’s argument, at least until Wee Morag is killed and suddenly for sale. As Crowley says, echoing the Job minisode, “it’s a bit different when it’s someone you know”. In opposition to Dalrymple’s accounting exercises, and, indeed, the 90 guineas with which Aziraphale buys Elspeth's life, Crowley is offering an alternative view. A life is of higher value when it is someone we, personally, know and care for.
We also witness this theme during the 1941 flashback / Nazi-zombie minisode. The magic shop owner warns Aziraphale that he is about to take on a death-defying trick - one which people have died trying, no less! “Your life is worth a lot more than seven pounds five shillings,” argues the shopkeeper. Instead, it turns out that a customer’s life is worth about 27 pounds and five shillings, since he more than willingly accepts that offer - “on your head be it!”.
As human beings, the price we are willing to place on an individual life, how much we are willing to sacrifice for that person, is all dependent on how well we know them.
“He’s just an angel I know”
But it’s the knowing that makes all the difference.
“It’s a bit different when it’s someone you know”
So, for his life, what price are you willing to pay?
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What if it was “one life... against the universe”?
Lastly, death is the price that all humans must pay, no matter what. As the Metatron asks at the end of S2 - “Does anyone ever ask for Death?”. But those are thoughts worthy of a future post.
Thank you to everyone at the @ineffable-detective-agency as always, but especially @lookingatacupoftea and @embracing-the-ineffable for their feedback on this post.
[1] Nussbaum, M., & Pellegrino, E. D. (2008). Human dignity and bioethics: essays commissioned by the President's Council on Bioethics. JAMA, 300, 2922.
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kaylasartwork · 11 months
Ech sorry no comic this week. Started a new job and it's kicking my butt.
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The slugcat drops into the can and starts sniffing around…
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DA: oh! My you are quite the curious creature
Ech slowly approaches, placing himself between tempest and Aqua, sniffing at them
DA: do not worry, Ech is tame
It pauses, inspects Ech, before continuing its search
DA: what are you looking for friend? Are you looking for the other green creature? Are you friends? Family?
It looks up at her
T: Have you seen it?
Aqua looks surprised, bouncing back slightly
DA: you can speak?!
T: yes, now have you seen the 'green one', it's trail seems to end here.
Aqua moves over, picking Tempest up and inspecting them, she holds them in a gentle restraint, not trying to hurt, but not letting them go either
DA: oh my stars this is unprecedented! How on earth did you learn this? Is it a mark of some kind or has your species evolved? No wonder the other one was so hell bent on getting here!
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Tempest squirms in her arms
T: hey-! Put me down, I am not some pet! I have an important job to do-!
she places them down
DA: oh I am - I am sorry, I am not used to visitors and suddenly all this? I - I got ahead of myself. My name is Deep Aquarium, what is yours?
T: Tempest. Now can we get back to business, we do not have time for chit chat. The green creature, where'd it go from here?
she furrows her brow
DA: I - I do not remember… my structure, my memories - Your friend must have left during a structure failure of mine. Come to think of it, one of my leviathans also went missing recently, somehow ended up in twisting weave, near the industrial zone … poor thing. Why are you looking for them?
T: It's a dangerous creature, and I'm charge of stopping it before it does more damage.
DA: more … ? You are not saying that it was the one that killed Epithet, are you?
T: Ascension is our job. I'm just here to fight fire with fire.
DA: Our? Oh no no no no I am so sorry please do not kill me - I am not ready please!
T: relax. I do not intend to follow in its footsteps that closely.
DA: I - I need to tell Shadows about this
T: sure, whatever, just… I need a ride down South. Can you do that?
DA: I can, but not along the direct path that was taken before, my missing leviathan still has not returned and I do not want to lose another
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blubushie · 1 year
im gonna be real with you i do NOT know what vegemite is what is that
On a literal level, it's yeast extract.
Remember how I said Aussies love beer? In order to make beer you need yeast. It's a whole bloody process, but the gist is that when you're done brewing the beer, you get a bunch of leftover yeast. This is normally completely useless, but in 1902 a German bloke named Justus von Liebig came up with the bright idea of "Wait, instead of wasting the yeast, why don't we just eat it?"
"That's a stupid idea because it tastes terrible and no one would eat it," everyone said, but von Liebig wouldn't be deterred! So he slapped some spices in there for flavouring and bam, edible yet still disgusting yeast extract.
The poms liked this idea and as poms are wont to do, they stole it. Branded it Marmite, and shipped it out to Commonwealth countries around the world.
That worked out all fine and dandy until WWI hit and the poms suddenly found themselves in desperate need to conserve this wonderful (ech) source of Vitamin B. They saved it for the troops only. Most of the breweries were shut down in the war and converted into munitions productions and depots, so for a time Marmite was merely a ghost of the past for civilians.
Until the Aussies came along.
"Oi!" some bloke said to some other bloke, "It's been a year since the war ended. Where's our fuckin' Marmite?" But alas, his longing went unanswered.
So he said fuck all that noise and decided "Well, fuck the poms, we'll make the shit ourselves!"
So they did. Fred Walker, (a M*lburnian, ech) decided to hire a bloke called Cyril Callister to figure out how the fuck the poms made Marmite, and instead make something even better.
And, as Aussies love our beer, he turned to Calton & United Brewery, who happens to be the brewery WHAT MAKES VICTORIA BITTER. (It's a conspiracy, do you understand?) They also make Foster's, but we don't discuss fucking FOSTER'S on this blog.
So he took yeast extract, mixed it with TOO MUCH FUCKING SALT, added some celery and onion extract, and bam: breakfast tar! Then he gave his daughter--WHO WAS NAMED SHEILAH--the job of naming the new, better Marmite. And she went "Well, there's veggies in there, innit?" And he just nodded. "Call it vegemite."
It hit the market in 1923, immediately failed, and in 1928 went under a rebrand of "Parwill" ("Because if Marmite [ma might] then Parwill [pa will]) and this didn't last long--it was changed back to Vegemite in 1935.
In 1925 Fred Walker helped found Kraft, an American company (Kraft cheese, anyone?) So Walker used Kraft's newfound success to promote Vegemite. This... actually worked, surprisingly. In 1939 the British Medical Association officially backed Vegemite as a great source of Vitamin B, and when WWII hit, it was included in civilian rations across the country. By the late 1940s, Vegemite was found in 9/10 Australian homes.
And it stuck. Its billionth jar was sold in 2008, and in 1984 it was the first-ever product to be electronically scanned in an Australian checkout.
We're all happy little Vegemites!
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kmp78 · 4 months
*Heavy on the old(er) songs which is probs a major 👍 for the old(er) fans.
*Lord Leto DEFFO lipsynched and it was particularly clear on UITA (his mic was nowhere near his mouth and still the "singing" continued) and Seasons.
*His voice completely fell apart towards the end of the show (and he still kept "abusing" it). 🤦🏼‍♀️
*"You in the WHITE shirt get down..." 👍🤍
*"Has anybody heard of an album called This Is War?" 🙃
*Nana was summoned on stage with emergency Panna. 💦
*Sloth was as useless as expected.
*Stevie did his job as expected.
*Eche VIP pit seemed to have about ~10 people.
*Spesh friend VIP pit seemed to have only a handful of whoevers. 🤷🏼‍♀️
*Bitchred said in earlier gigs he has asked for more confetti on stage, and now he got more and it was too much. 😭🫅
*No cowboy hat. 😡
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hunterwritesstuff · 4 months
Have u done Bruce?
Pre-fall of studio:
Hunter: "Failure. Keep quiet."(Tension)
Sammy: "Go back to church."(Tension)
Joey: "I'm sorry for my son bothering you so often."(Tension)
Rebecca: "My beloved daughter. She does as she's told."(Family)
Marcy: "Why are you still mourning?"(Loved?)
Susie: "A pretty lady with a pretty voice."(Neutral)
Allison: "Please keep your husband under control..."(Tension)
Wally: "Raise your broom to me one more time, see where that gets you."(Tension)
Kenneth: "Go back to radio."(Tension)
John: "Not surprised you got this job. Seems easy enough for you."(Tension)
Henry: "I am so sorry you have to tolerate my son so much..."(Tension)
Norman: "You don't have to coddle him, you know."(Tension)
Bertrum: "An...interesting man."(Tension)
Lacie: "Hm. How interesting."(Tension)
Mary: "I...didn't know women could wear pants."(Tension)
GENT(The company): "A good company."(Friendly)
Barley(Hunter's bio dad): "Why does she still love YOU?"(Tension)
Grant: "Pathetic."(Tension)
Shawn: "Hmph."(Tension)
Betty: "Such an attitude."(Tension)
Post-fall of studio:
Hunter: "Never trust a boy to do his father proud."(Hated)
Sammy: "Failure."(Tension)
Joey: "A man who broke under pressure."(Tension)
Rebecca: "Why are you looking for that whore of a boy?"(Tension)
Marcy: "...you're telling me to get out? YOU'RE telling ME to GET OUT?!?"(Tension)
Susie: "Ech."(Tension)
Tom: "A dying dog on his last legs."(Tension)
Allison: "Fallen angel."(Tension)
Wally: "No more broom attacks."(Tension)
Kenneth: "Deserved."(Tension)
John: "Head's up."(Tension)
Henry: "Should've just left him when you had the chance."(Tension)
Norman: "Oh GOD."(Feared)
Bertrum: "Trapped in his own creation."(Tension)
Lacie: "Consumed by your fear."(Tension)
Mary: "PUT A SHIRT ON."(Tension)
GENT(The company): "Why didn't you contain all of this?"(Tension)
Barley(Hunter's bio dad): "He doesn't deserve your help."(Tension)
Grant: "Coward's way out."(Tension)
Shawn: "Always a toy."(Tension)
Betty: "Why did you come back to the studio?"(Tension)
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ckstufff · 11 months
Random Shipping Thoughts
Not being a hater or nothing, but I can't get myself to gel with Striker x Stella. I GET it in a sense of "oh look, the straight and 'villain/evil' version of Blitz x Stolas," or height difference/big/tall woman fetish. But it comes across as forced, considering it would require completely disregarding both characters, their beliefs, and their experiences. 
Striker, being someone who has a vendetta against the high classes because of their treatment towards the bottom classes and an implied traumatic past. He would be too firm in his ways to violently offended to even suggest the idea of him being some "rebound/I'm getting over my separation" piece or fling. Much less to Stella, who is outright hostile and disregards Imps, including himself. I wouldn't be surprised if Striker put her in his mental black/shitlist as a client for calling off a hit he was right in the middle of and undermining his job while doing so. That entire phone call exchange and his response to it tell pretty much that. Besides, he doesn't need much of an outside force or even money to want to kill Stolas. He knows and experiences Stolas being an abusive douche in both of their encounters. 
And Stella, she's even more outright racist and as abusive towards Imps as Stolas. After the deal with Stolas' cheating, I can only see her hating Imps more because now they're disgraceful "homewreckers" too. As someone who values their status, why on earth would she "degrade" herself by not only pursuing an Imp, but a blue-collar country Imp?? She'd be too disgusted to even use him as a toy like Stolas does with Blitz. And if she ever attempted, Striker would point-blank slash her throat/shoot her in the head 'cuz heck no he's not going to be someone's living sex toy. Consequences be damned at that point, he'd be happier dead.  
I guess that's what puts me off to the ship and makes it an "ech" NOTP. In order for it to work, you can't actually have Striker or Stella being Striker or Stella. And by that point, why not just create your own OCs that would fit in that desired dynamic or an OC that would be more attractive/desirable for either Striker or Stella. But again, I believe the ship is not about the characters and more about the *aesthetic* or *perceived symmetry.* Cuz it's poetry
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anotherdaveyjacobs · 1 year
More Davey things David was never popular he answered questions and studied hsrd he was good at school but that was expected. Encouraged. Les was okay but more interested in other things. Sarah was a girl so if they can only send one kid to college david will probably be best choice considering all factors and can maybe help get they out of poverty/lower class. It doesn't endear the other students to him.
Davey is protective he doesn't care so much for himself but if you threaten his friends or family he will throw down in like two seconds
Davey is patient he will teach the younger newsies to read which leads to some of the older newsies nervously asking if he'd do math and stuff with them and david is struck and a bit angry after a few lessons because they're sooo smart. And of course he didn't think they were dumb but these lessons proved of they were given a chance they were capable of amazing things.but people didn't give poor orphans anything except scathing looks or worse or if they were lucky pity money and it burned David up inside because they deserved so much better. These kids were ech spectacular he'd be dammed if they fell thru the cracks of society. He would make they'd habe jobs somehow even if he singlehandedly had ti figure it out alone. They may have not been his to start with but these boys were his forever now.
In conclusion (fir now) David is ride or die for the newsies
yes yes yes so much yes
Davey loves his newsies!!!
I love Davey teaching them the things he learns in school, bc they're street smart but they've never had the opportunity to go to school (or maybe some had to drop out to support their families but want to keep learning)
Davey bringing his school books to the lodging house and holding classes
Or writing in the margins of a newspaper if he can't find blank paper (or he gives his blank paper to Jack so he can have a clear canvas to draw)
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ukiyowi · 1 year
Hello i here for your free reading, my inicials are S.B
Emoji that represent me 👑
My question is my future self career and love?
Hi love! You've sent two questions but it's fine I'll just pull one card for ech
- Future career: Three of Swords, as of now your future self may be having difficulties with their work-life and be unhappy in the place they are, this could be related to not getting along with people or the management style, or not getting the job you wanted.
- Love: The star, the star for love represents hope and joy, your future self may have met someone that they're hopeful is their soulmate, your future self is lucky in love and will be meeting a lot of great people and won't have the need to settle for anyone
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polyamorouspunk · 2 years
*ahem*Rant incoming!
I'm going to fucking scream at the next person that so much as suggests to me that training for any job will not be paid. Unless the work is literally me plus instructor ech one in our homes and on our computers, I AM LITERALLY PAYING TO WORK YOU ABSOLUTE FUCKERS. And it is work, because on the job training means I actually do tasks, interact with clients and all the rest of the crap. I am so fucking tired, late capitalism should fucking die already, I swear I'll molotov cocktail the next place that requires this shit.
Rant over. Thanks for reading. And I think you would make a great Green m&m hehehe
Thank you! But I’m trans the other way.
Yeah I get that, I mean I know one of my coworkers is doing a medical thing and I don’t think she’s getting paid for it. Like I think some places you might get paid for something like a residency and other’s you might not she said. But like the idea of an unpaid medical residency is bonkers especially when you have to work in the ER and stuff. I honestly know nothing about it though so maybe you do get paid in all of them, maybe none of them pay, idk. I know my job paid me while I was training even though it was just watching videos in the office on the computer. Easiest money I’ve ever made because I was not contributing anything. But my mom is currently training at a new job and she is doing some work there and getting paid but I feel like most jobs what happens is you get hired and then you start and your start is training so if you’re already hired idk why you wouldn’t be paid. Unless of course your job specifically has a stipulation about that.
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aceofspades-sml · 1 year
More davey things!
Davey is protective he doesn't care so much for himself but if you threaten his friends or family he will throw down in like two seconds Davey is patient he will teach the younger newsies to read which leads to some of the older newsies nervously asking if he'd do math and stuff with them and david is struck and a bit angry after a few lessons because they're sooo smart. And of course he didn't think they were dumb but these lessons proved of they were given a chance they were capable of amazing things.but people didn't give poor orphans anything except scathing looks or worse or if they were lucky pity money and it burned David up inside because they deserved so much better. These kids were ech spectacular he'd be dammed if they fell thru the cracks of society. He would make they'd habe jobs somehow even if he singlehandedly had ti figure it out alone. They may have not been his to start with but these boys were his forever now.
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reddus-sideblog · 2 years
17 questions tagged by @apoliticalfemdommunist
1. Nickname: Redd, Red etc.
2. Sign: Sagittarius
3. Height: 6′3
4. Last Google Search: Hanukkah (I didn’t know when it was this year)
5. Song stuck in my head: In the Back Room by Syudou, Kick Back by Kenshi Yonezu (yes I’m loving Chainsaw Man)
6. Number of Followers: 1014 (220 on the art account)
7. Amount of Sleep: 7 and a half (woke up from a dream of being homeless and sleeping in an Old Navy)
8. Lucky Number: 3
9. Dream Job: TTRPG writer (hey I’m doing that now)
10. What are you wearing: my big house cloak and pajamas
11. Favorite media: manga, there’s something about the stark black and white medium where style is everything, some anime can translate or at times transcend that, but the essentialism of manga really gets me
12. Favorite song: (this is pretty hard, let me rattle off a few that come to mind) Dyer’s Eve, Rokumon, Axes of Evil, Heavy Day, The Bullet's Lullaby, Storyteller, Invasion A.D., the entirety of Blue Stahli’s self-titled album and his The Devil album
13. Favorite instrument: Shamisen, really distorted electric guitar
14. Aesthetic: cassette futurism, dark fantasy, industrial, cyberpunk (somewhat)
15. Favorite Author: ech, I have no idea how to answer this one, I’m not really well-read enough to give a proper answer to  be honest
16. Favorite animal noise: shoebill beak clattering, long-nosed dog noises
17. Random: -
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jehlumjk · 2 months
EX-SERVICEMEN CONTRIBUTORY HEALTH SCHEME ECHS CELL KISHTWAR EMPLOYMENT NOTICE 2024. ______________________________________________   Disclaimer:-   We, at Jehlum, only post jobs/scholarship updates on behalf of employers/universities. We are only advertisers and as such, we DO NOT know anything about these updates apart from whatever you find in the description of these posts on our website. Our…
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