#supernatural tickle fic
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cringemesstickles · 5 months ago
Howls Of Laughter
(TickleTober Day 8: Nuzzles)
Summary: 18yo Dean decides to grow a beard. 14yo Sam thinks he looks ridiculous.
Word Count: 1456
A/N: Another SPN fic because I want to 🤭
The Winchester boys were growing up, but some things never really changed… except for Dean’s facial hair.
Dean, now eighteen, had made the impulsive decision to grow out his stubble. He pitched the idea to Sam randomly one day at a diner, insisting he needed a new look. Sam however was quite positive that it had little to do with self expression, and more to do with impressing girls…
A few weeks later, Sam hadn’t really paid much attention to any new features since he didn’t think Dean would actually go through with it. He thought his brother would grow it, hate it, and shave it all off without ever acknowledging it.
The younger had been in his own world, his nose predictably buried in a thick book as he lounged on the worn-out couch in the motel room.
The older Winchester was standing on the other side of the room, looking in a mirror and inspecting the new facial hair. It wasn’t as thick as their father’s by any means, but it was fairly scruffy. He had never really tried to grow a beard before… it definitely different from the light stubble he was used to, but he figured the ladies were into the rugged look nowadays.
He let his gaze wander from his face, seeing Sam in the mirror. He could see that his little brother was deep into whatever he was reading, but that never stopped him from bugging the kid before.
He turned around and sauntered over, perching himself on the arm of the couch.
“Hey, Sammy. How do you like the new addition?”
Sam looked a bit irritated about his reading time being disturbed. He didn’t really care about whatever Dean was blabbering about… he just wanted to enjoy some peace and quiet for once. Nevertheless, he sighed, looking up to acknowledge the elder.
What he wasn’t expecting was for his brother to look like a damn wolverine.
Sam’s eyes widened slightly as they landed on the new beard, and he had to do a double take.
When the hell did that happen?
“Uh… Dean?”
Dean smirked, stroking his facial hair. “Yeah? Lay it on me, little brother.”
Oh, Sam would lay it on him alright.
The shorter boy set the book in his lap and covered his mouth with his hand.
“You look like a werewolf.” He said with a snicker that was bordering on full laughter as he saw the offended expression on his brother’s face.
The older Winchester’s expression faltered but he quickly gave a smirk, trying to recover from the blow to his ego.
“A werewolf, or a handsome lumberjack?”
That was all it took for Sam to fall over on his side, clutching his stomach as he burst into loud, mocking laughter.
“A-A handsome lumberjack?! You’re such a dork!!” Barked the younger, unable to control his amused reactions.
Dean grimaced and crossed his arms. “Quit laughing, Sammy! You’re just jealous that I can grow a beard and you can’t.”
That only drew more laughter from the boy, tears starting to prick at his eyes.
“Oh, please… I’d rather be able to enjoy a full moon!”
Dean’s eye twitched as his little brother continued to cackle, a hint of annoyance growing within him. Y’know what? If the kid wanted to be a sassy little shit, so be it.
“Fine! You wanna see a werewolf?! I’ll show you a werewolf!”
With a growl, Dean lunged at his younger brother, pinning him down with little effort. Sam gasped, eyes widening as he processed the threat.
“W-Wait, no, don’t! I-I didn’t- EEK!”
The kid fell into fresh laughter when his older brother dove down and began nuzzling at his tummy with his scruffy face, the scratchy whiskers rubbing against his soft skin, which immediately quivered on contact.
“Dehehehean, nooo! I-I’m sorry! Hahaha!”
A wicked grin spread across Dean’s face as a low chuckle rumbled deep from his chest.
“It’s a little late for that, kid. You hurt this werewolf’s feelings and now you have to pay!” He gave a playful growl, shaking his head back and forth, making sure the boy felt every bristle on his face.
Of course he wasn’t ACTUALLY hurt. He was just being a goof for the sake of it. Besides… he hadn’t seen Sam laugh that hard in what felt like forever. That uncontrollable belly laughter was the type of sound that he usually had to tickle out of him, but he didn’t have to this time.
It was just a bonus.
The nuzzles continued with full force, drawing squeal after squeal from the poor boy. He shoved at his brother’s head to no avail, kicking his legs and twisting his sides. But no matter which way Sam wriggled, Dean followed, making sure the soft belly got an appropriate amount of torment.
“No escaping, kiddo! You poked the beast, now you face the consequences!”
“Noooo! I’m sorry! P-Please stohohohop!”
Sam’s pleas were becoming more desperate and Dean could tell he was legitimately running out of breath, so he decided to give him a small break, pulling away and giving a cheeky grin.
His heart melted when he saw his brother’s cute, smiling face.
“Aww, is little Sammy too ticklish? Should’ve thought about that before provoking the werewolf, kid!”
Sam’s cheeks were bright red and only seemed to darken at the teasing. He panted for air, trying to glare at his big brother, though it was quite difficult to look angry when there was a goofy smile stuck on his face.
“Y-You’re a jerk… I hope you- AHH!”
The threat was cut short as Sam squealed once more and let out a shrieky guffaw, tossing his head back and writhing with renewed vigor. Dean had swiftly bent down again, but this time, he blew a big raspberry on his brother’s belly.
After each raspberry, he went straight back for another. It wasn’t long before Sam was gasping again, cherry red and struggling to breathe. When the laughter went silent, Dean decided to stop for good, ruffling his brother’s hair and helping him sit up.
Sam clutched his stomach, panting and giggling with tear stained cheeks.
“T-That was mehehean…” he mumbled, slumping into the couch.
Dean just snorted at that and lightly shoved his brother, giving a sly smirk.
“You loved it. But you might’ve been right… maybe I should leave the bearded look to dad.”
Sam nodded. “Definitely… the werewolf look doesn’t suit you, jerk.”
The elder scoffed and jabbed the kid in the shoulder “Bitch.”
The familiar banter made Sam smile, but he quickly regained a snarky tone.
“Now, Dean?”
“For the love of all that is holy, go shave that thing off… unless you want dad to mistake you for a werewolf.”
Dean rolled his eyes, hopping off the couch and starting for the bathroom.
As the older Winchester stood up to head to the bathroom, Sam’s giggles finally started to die down, but he was still watching his brother with that impish grin.
Dean paused in front of the bathroom door, turning back with a raised brow.
“You got somethin’ to say, nerd?”
Sam bit his lip, trying to suppress the teasing comment forming on his tongue, but couldn’t resist. “You sure you’re not gonna howl at the moon before you shave that thing off?”
Dean gave an exaggerated eye roll, but his lips twitched into a smirk.
“You’re just begging for a round two.” He glared playfully as a warning, causing the younger to widen his eyes and raise his hands in surrender.
“N-No! I’m good!” Sam’s laughter bubbled up again, the thought alone making him nervous. “I don’t think I could survive another werewolf attack…”
Dean snorted, but his expression softened a bit.
“Don’t worry, Sammy. I’ll let you off the hook this time… But, next time you make fun of me, you’re screwed. I may not be a werewolf, but I am part tickle monster. Consider yourself warned.”
Sam’s cheeks flushed a bit, but he was still smiling widely. He huffed and leaned on the armrest of the couch, giggling at the silly threat.
“Duly noted, jerk.”
And with that, Dean disappeared into the bathroom. And when he re-emerged, he was no longer a scruffy werewolf… just regular old Dean Winchester.
“There… ya happy now?” Asked the older brother, stroking his face which was back to its regular stubbled state.
Sam grinned at the sight. “Very. You look like a regular old dork again.”
Hearing yet another sassy insult, Dean huffed with exasperation.
“You’re never gonna quit sassing me, are you?”
Sam simply smiled cheekily, giving a quick, “Nope.”
The kid was a brat… but at least he was honest. And Dean frankly wouldn’t have him any other way.
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potatohater · 11 months ago
Big brother’s love
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Dean & Sam Winchester (a bit of Castiel)
Word count: 1929
MY BABIES AHHGRRR; I just NEEDED some brothers fluff and HERE WE GO, LEE!SAM FOREVER🙏 love them, here it’s like moments since childhood-season 6 (bc I’m watching it rn) (btw @cringemesstickles I know that you’re a sucker for lee!sam so you might wanna check this one out🤭)
Dean loved making Sam smile, even though Sam always tried to hide it, making himself look more serious, deep down Dean always knew how to crack him
Older Winchester woke up and sat on the bed, rubbing his eyes. Clock said 8:03 am and he had no idea how he got so early today. John left them for a week.. which turned into two as he couldn’t kill the vampire he was hunting, so two teenage boys spent most of the time in the hotel room; not bothered by trying to pick up a school if they are going to attend it only for a few days.
Sam looked up from his book to take a look at his brother when he froze for half a second, biting back a smile
“What?” Dean asked him, was it something on his face or something?
“Oh no nothing” younger boy replied, trying to focus on his book, but taking a quick glance at Dean. Now him biting back a smile was even more visible
“Is it something on my face?” Dean’s brows furrowed as he asked out loud
He took a half glance in the mirror in the middle of the room and saw how his hair in the middle was slick back, but on the sides it was sticking up in all directions, making him look ridiculous. In what pose did he even had to sleep to get this hairstyle?
He turned his eyes back to Sam, seeing how hard he tried to focus on the book in front of him. They locked eyes as Dean wiggled his eyebrows, trying to play dumb to get the kid to crack
Even though Sammy was quite serious for a kid his age, it wasn’t that hard to make him laugh. 11 year old boy mostly found Dean’s fails funny, when he tried to flirt with a girl but got rejected. This type of fails
“I see you, what’s up? Why are you acting like thi—” Dean didn’t got to finish his sentence when younger boy broke into a stream of giggles. It was really easy to make him laugh sometimes
“Ihit’s juhust youhur hahair” Sam giggled quietly, dimples appearing on his cheeks as his face broke into shy smile. Like he knew it was a bit too childish even for him
Dean took a proper look into the mirror and chuckled too. His eyes were dead and the whole hair thing looked like he experienced getting struck by a lightning
He shook his head, standing up and quickly ruffled kid’s hair too so they would match
“Hehey!” Sam shoved his hand, trying to sound annoyed, but giggles in his voice ruined the whole facade
Yes. As Dean would say, it was pretty easy and unbearably hard to make younger Winchester laugh sometimes. The kid got specific humour
Sam who was standing in the middle of the room doubled on the floor laughing as he saw his brother’s head sticking from the bathroom doorway. They had a little prank war going on and younger Winchester decided it would be hilarious to put some hair dye into Dean’s shampoo
Dean on the other hand wasn’t so happy. His hair was dripping wet and his neck and shoulders were also covered in dark-ish blue dye. His mouth twitched for a second when he was his brother on the floor laughing his ass off, but taking another look in the mirror reminded him that revenge is necessary
“Come here bitch!” Dean said while putting his pants on and running in Sam’s direction. Long haired teenager quickly tried to stand up, but was immediately tackled to the floor by his brother; not like he put up a fight, Sam was mostly giggling like a madman every time he looked at Dean
“Something funny?” Dean tried to look serious but small grin crept into his face as he saw his brother pinned underneath him “Oh I can give you something to laugh at”
With that said, he wiggled his fingers into Sam’s side, making his giggles transform into full on laughter
Damn it sounded good; Dean could swear his laugh immediately filled the whole room, lighting it up
“DEHehean! stOHOP IHihi aham tohoho ohOHOLD FOHOR THIHIS”
“You are only 16 kid, the only one old here is me, and apparently I’m gonna have blue hair for the next—MONTH THANKS TO YOU” Dean chuckled as he raised his voice over Sam’s so he would hear him
Sam’s laugh got higher when he darted his eyes at Dean over him who was still dripping in blue colour
“Any last words?”
“IHIHIT WAHAS SOHOHO WOHORTH IHIHIT” Sam looked at Dean one last time before losing himself in his own laughter again. Dean’s grin got wider with every second as he tickled his brother on the motel floor. Maybe he didn’t care that much about his hair
“Dean!” Sam squeaked as Dean made a move in his direction
“Sam!” Dean chuckled, mirroring his brother’s tone
They were standing at opposite sides of a table in the motel room, waiting for other one to make a move. Well, long story short — Dean found out Sam still had his weakness in touch, apparently Sam was surprised too
“Don’t!” Sam tried to threaten but smile on his face outweighed all the venom in his voice
Dean was wearing a grin on his own, quickly running around the table to catch his brother
They were doing it for the past few minutes, but this time Dean actually tackled Sam on the floor. Both laughing the whole time they tried to gain an upper hand
Older Winchester got his hands squeezing his brother’s knees as he watched his reaction
Sam was okay before.. well maybe a little tired and declined any offer to take a proper sleep, saying that “he was okay taking 2 hour naps every few days”; so as every good brother, Dean just needed an excuse to mess with him. They deserve to have fun once in a while, especially Sam
“Ha! Man you didn’t change— do you still do that? Wait let me check” Dean said as he got his hands to Sam’s ribs, playing them like a guitar
Sam’s laughter transformed into high-pitched giggles that were just music to his brother’s ears
“That’s what you get for not getting to bed. Gosh it’s like I’m 15 again, forcing you to sleep”
Sam’s laughter rang even louder at the recalling memories of their childhood, as joyful sounds came out of him
“And now you are 23 and you didn’t change a bit” Dean grinned, eliciting more sounds form Sam
“Ohokay okay, easy tiger” Older Winchester chuckled at his baby brother who drank a bit too much in the bar. Dean was immune for a few shots of tequila, considering how much alcohol he consumes, Sam wasn’t that strong
“What is wrong with him?” Castiel was standing in the middle of the motel room Winchesters were staying
“Has gone a little overboard, but who gives a shit. I finally convinced him to take a few days off and I don’t care that there is a fucking apocalypse, okay? He needed a moment to breathe out” Dean replied as he caught his brother from falling on the floor and threw him on the bed, making it easier for both of them
“So what now?”
“Well, I’m gonna take his coat and shoes off and let him sleep. Oh man, a hangover tomorrow is going to be ruthless” Older brother chuckled
He motioned Cas to come closer and hold Sam’s abdomen as he took the coat of him. On accident, one of Cas’ hands got under younger Winchester’s arms, making him squirm a bit and let out a quiet giggle
“What was that?” Dean and Cas almost said in unison as Dean put his brother’s clothes and shoes in the wardrobe
Dean’s brows knitted together as a small grin broke his face
“Hey Cas, can you spread his elbows like— yeah like that” Dean full on smiled
Angel did as he was told, grabbing both Sam’s elbows and raised them up, spreading them. Meanwhile Sam was too tired to stop anything.
Dean took a step closer, warming his fingers under Sam’s arms. His brother’s face immediately broke down into wide smile when he clamped his arms down, doing nothing to stop the sensation
“What are you do— waHAHEHehait!” Sam got out of Castiel’s grip and slammed his back into the bed where he was previously sitting (or at least tried to). His eyes were squeezed and smile shining, showing all his teeth
“Damn Sammy, a drop of alcohol in you, and you become even more ticklish than when you were a kid” Dean beamed
“What is wrong with him?” Cas now stood up, and standing next to the bed stared at laughing younger brother who couldn’t even put up a fight because he was so intoxicated and an older brother who now was sitting on his lower half, pinning him and tickling him, having a smile on his face as big as Sam’s. A look of confusion and amusement mixing up in angel
“Oh, it’s called tickling. It’s when you touch some parts of the body that make other person laugh. It’s a body reaction our ancestors had back in the day for surviving. Now it’s.. for messing with your baby brother for example”
“And he laughs because it’s body’s reaction” Cas repeated, trying to make sense out of it
“Pretty much”
“Huh” Cas wanted to say something but his hearing focused on Sam’s high-pitched laughter again. Making his face to share the same kind of grin Dean has been wearing
Right now and there he noticed that Sam didn’t laugh enough. His laugh is too nice to hide it under all these layers of seriousness
“heheHESTOHOHOP DEhehean!” Sam laughed, eyes squeezed shut and hands trying to catch his brother but he even when he did he was to tired to do anything that shove lightly at them
Cas and Dean joined him, chuckling everytime he made some funny noise. “Yeah” Cas thought “humans are cute”
“Hey, you okay?” Dean’s voice rang through the living room where his brother was sitting
They stayed at Bobby’s for some time, trying to find out more about this “Mother” bullshit, someone that can ruin their world and kill everyone (again)
“You know what I did, Dean. That whole year was—” Sam was interrupted by his brother who nudged him in the side with his elbow
“Come on, we’ve been through this. I— you can’t believe how glad I’m that you’re back. That was not you Sammy”
Sam tried to fight, but found that it’s easier just to listen to Dean. “Yeah, maybe you’re right”
“Dude you couldn’t believe how DRY you were, I mean, your humour was purely based on making fun of something. We were almost killed multiple times because you found demons funny and just laughed at their faces” Dean recalled with amused chuckle
Sam let his own small smile to tug at his lips
“Well, at least I got you back, and you still think I’m a god of comedy” Older brother wigged his brows
“Oh you wish” Sam shook his head with a snicker
“What? I’m hilarious” Dean said, poking his brother which made him giggle
“See? You do still find me funny” Each word was highlighted by a poke to Sam’s side, making him giggle again and playfully slap Dean’s hand
“Yeheah, maybe I stihil do”
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cantwritethetword · 7 months ago
A Good Distraction
Fic Descript: After what felt like a particularly poor performance training with your brothers, you're feeling pretty shitty. Luckily, your brothers know how to calm you down and get you back to your usual upbeat self.
~A/N  - Sorry this took a while ^^
Got a request for a spn fic:
Tumblr media
(also I checked with them and they're ok for a gender neutral reader)
I know feelings on 'cheer-up tickles' often vary, but I feel like I've got a pretty solid way to make them work so that everyone can enjoy it
Hope it's what you were looking for ^^
- Enoy! ~
Tag List: @fullsongphilosopher
Masterpost Link 
For the most part, you absolutely lived for hunting with your brothers. It was your world, and you loved every moment of it.
But sometimes, that little voice of doubt would creep into your head and question whether you were really good enough to stand next to them.
This was one of those moments.
You were making your way down the halls of the bunker, having just finished a training session - covering the whole range of strength, cardio, accuracy, and combat - and for some reason you felt completely off today.
You had tired earlier than usual, your sprint times were significantly slower than last time, for some reason you struggled to concentrate on the multitude of homemade targets the boys had set up in their diy firing range, and to top it all off, Dean had landed a few more hits than usual when you were sparring together. None that properly hurt your body, just your pride.
To put it bluntly, you felt like shit.
And, your brain being the lovely brain it is, was taking your thoughts and running with them.
You're kidding yourself if you think you'll ever be half as good as Sam and Dean.
They only keep you around cause they have to, if you weren't related to them they'd have dropped you at the nearest motel and high-tailed it.
They wish they could just train properly without you.
By this point, you had accepted defeat. Tonight was a hide-under-the-covers-and-cry kind of night, and you just wanted to make it to your room before your mind had any other fun ideas to make you feel even worse. Sleep seemed like your only way out of this funk.
Unfortunately, as well as having a keen sense for hunting, your brothers also had a keen sense for when something was wrong.
"You good Y/N?" Dean called from behind you, right as you went to reach for the door handle.
You nodded silently without thinking, your attention currently preoccupied by holding back the tears prickling at your eyes, and pushed the door open.
You didn't have to look back to know your response only heightened Dean's worry for you. You were never quiet after training, even if you had pushed to the brink of exhaustion.
So, of course, a few moments after you collapsed onto your bed, Dean gently knocked on the half-open door.
You gave an unintelligible mumble to allow him inside, and he slowly made his way over.
"I didn't hurt you, did I?" He said with a soft half-chuckle, laying a hand on your shoulder.
That was enough to break your resolve.
You shook your head, trying to keep your breathing steady as the teardrops slid down your nose. The room slowly filled with silence, Dean clearly looking for something to say or do to help you feel better.
Just to make sure he knew you weren't upset at him, you rolled over and wrapped your arms awkwardly around his waist - tucking your head under your arm on Dean's leg. It was a little difficult, with him sitting upright and you laying down, but he got the message.
"You wanna tell me about it?" Dean ran his blunt fingernails through your hair a few times, knowing that always relaxed you. "Maybe I can help?"
You thought about it for a minute, but before you considered if you should respond or not Sam's voice came from the doorway.
"Everything ok?" He asked, and you knew the exact look of concern that would be pressing on his brow.
As the bed creaked under a third body's weight, you knew you probably weren't going to get out of this without saying something to your brothers. They would never force you to talk, of course, and if you needed some alone time they'd oblige - no questions asked - but they certainly wouldn't stop looking out for you over the next while until they knew you were ok again.
How difficult it is having a caring family.
"I just feel like I was crap today." You admitted, trying your best to keep your voice steady.
Dean sighed sympathetically, moving his fingers down to gently scratch across your back. You released the last bit of air you had been holding and relaxed into his touch, silently grateful they weren't pushing more of an explanation and were just letting you calm down.
After a few moments though, Dean's fingertips strayed a little too close to the right side of your back. You were so chilled out you didn't even realise you had let a giggle slip as you flinched under his touch.
"Shit, sorry." Dean said softly. "Wasn't trying to tickle you."
"It's nice." You once again murmured - too relaxed to properly consider how embarrassing that admission would usually be.
"Are you sure?" Dean half-laughed in surprise. "You're ridiculously ticklish, and most people hate being tickled at the best of times."
Well, in for a penny in for a pound.
You nodded, trying to suppress the flush forming on your cheeks. "It's a good distraction."
Dean gave a single, silent chuckle, before continuing to softly scratch his fingernails along your ribs. Gentle giggles flowed effortlessly out of your mouth with each touch, your torso occasionally leaning to one side if he his a particularly ticklish spot. As Sam's hands joined in rubbing your lower back, your crappy thoughts dissipated leaving you to half fall asleep.
"Are you sure it's ok?" Dean asked again, breaking the comfortable silence.
You laughed in response, "If you worry any harder you're head's gonna explode."
That earned a gasp.
"I'm helping you you little shit!" Dean grinned, poking up your sides - this time with ticklish intent.
You squealed, hands rushing into position to protect yourself (but not actively working against Dean's just yet).
"Yeah, that's no way to talk to your brother!" Sam added. "Though now I'm wondering if you were trying to get a reaction like that..."
"Nohohoho!" You shook your head, giggles spilling out of your grinning mouth. "Screhew yohou bohoth!"
"Oh you're definitely asking for it." Dean chuckled, and was about to pin your arms above your head when you suddenly twisted away from his grasp and shot your hands under his arms.
The oldest Winchester cackled, flinging himself backwards onto the bed to escape your wriggling fingertips wreaking havoc on one of his most ticklish spots. And, never one to give up the opportunity to annoy his brother, Sam joined your attack by squeezing Dean's hips.
With the three of you wrapped in a tickly tangle, your worries of today's training session faded into the past. Thankfully your brothers would always be there to cheer you up.
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inkaddict1978 · 1 year ago
June. June was supposed to be nice. It was supposed to be “take Baby for a long drive, windows down, with no destination in mind for once” nice. Instead it was cold, 40’s at best, and the pattering of drops on the windows didn’t seem to be letting up any time soon. It was starting to get on Dean’s nerves. The 4 friends were lounging around in their cozy little living room, “Ramble On” playing softly from the speakers in the far corner.
Sam was in the recliner, scrolling on his laptop. Dean didn’t need to see the screen to know he was searching for their next case. Always the diligent one. Cas was on one end of the couch, nose deep in some new “book of the week” that he had become addicted to. The sight made Dean’s stomach flutter, something he was still trying to get used to. Eileen was on the loveseat, watching tv, surely some reality show that Dean would pretend not to be interested in, but secretly be sad when it ended. Dean was currently propped up in the corner of the couch, opposite Cas, with a magazine in hand, not really focusing on the print, mind distracted.
He was fidgeting, too. He knew it, but he hoped no one else had noticed. He wasn’t used to sitting still, at least not for long periods of time, and his hands itched to be doing something, other than holding the paper distraction. He kept shifting slightly, couch creaking with each move, and every so often one of the other’s eyes would roam over to him, their look questioning. It never lasted long, but Dean would duck his head back into the magazine every time, avoiding the stare. His heart was starting to race, and he willed himself to slow it down. He could do this, dammit. He could relax. He just needed to practice. He wasn’t used to the semi-retired, non-hunting lifestyle. So sue him. It would take some getting used to. He shifted again, trying to return his focus back to his reading, but apparently fate had other plans in store for him today.
“Dude what’s the matter with you?” Sam asked, voice laced slightly with irritation. You’re like a nervous ball of energy, and it’s been radiating throughout the room for the last hour. What gives, man?”
Damn it, Sam was always the intuitive one. Dean couldn’t get anything past him.
He tried to play it off with a scoff, schooling his features into a look that implied as though Sam’s comment was the most ridiculous thing he’d ever heard. In reality, he wished Sam could read his mind, so Dean didn’t have to use his words to communicate his emotions. He’d never been very good at that. For the moment though, he wished Sam would just drop it and leave him alone.
“I know when something’s bothering you” Sam continued “so just tell us what’s going on.”
No such luck.
Truth was, Dean didn’t know what was wrong, exactly. He’d slept well, eaten, and was currently nursing a beer. All his basic needs were met and he should have been grateful for the rest. But for some reason, even in a room full of others, he felt alone. His skin was cold, despite the warmth in the room, and he was itching for some sort of physical contact. Everyone seemed so far away, despite the close proximity of the furniture. What the hell was wrong with him? He rolled his eyes at himself. He needed to snap out of it. He wasn’t sharing with the class, especially something as emotionally confusing as this. Suffer in silence. That was his MO.
Apparently no one was willing to allow him that luxury today, because Cas, who had averted his attention away from his book to observe the brother’s exchange for the last several minutes, chose that moment to join the conversation.
“Dean, you do seem more restless than usual. What’s the matter with you?” Cas paused, waiting for Dean to respond. Dean pulled a face that clearly conveyed “leave me alone” without having to verbalize it. Either that, or he was trying to think of a lie. Cas must have thought the latter, because he followed up his previous question with “and don’t lie to me. You know it won’t end well.”
Dean schooled his features, giving Cas a challenging glare. Who did he think he was? Dean was an adult, he could lie if he wanted to. Besides, choosing to ignore the current line of questioning coming from his brother and boyfriend wasn’t lying, it was just avoiding, and that Dean was a pro at.
The silence dragged on until it was uncomfortable, Cas squinting his eyes and doing his adorable little head tilt that usually signified he was studying Dean, trying to get a read on him. A few more seconds ticked on, and Dean couldn’t stand it any longer. He stood up from the couch, ready to bolt to his room where he could sulk in peace.
Again, no such luck.
Cas was on him, tackling him to the ground before he’d made it two feet. He straddled his hips, and after a brief struggle (that Dean was embarrassed to admit he’d lost too easily) Dean found his hands pinned by Cas’s on either side of his head, face bracketed in by Cas’s arms. Their noses were practically touching. Cas continued to study Dean, but the new proximity was making his head spin.
Tough guy brivatto still intact, for the moment, Dean steeled his expression into a look of annoyance, twisting himself underneath Cas’s hold, testing it. He was stuck, he knew it, but he wasn’t going down without a fight, Angelic strength be damned. Dean continued to struggle, letting out little grunts of frustration as each unsuccessful attempt let it sink in a little more just how screwed he really was. Cas had a small smirk forming on his face, and it just added to the irritation building up. Dean let out a growl, willing himself to break the hold, but eventually he conceded, body going slack, head tipped back, eyes closed, as though he was slowly starting to accept his fate. He was still breathing heavily, little huffs coming out of his nose every few seconds, but he couldn’t help the small smile starting to form on his face from the ridiculousness of it all. He tried to school his expression into something neutral, but he was failing. When he dared to peek one eye open, Cas was grinning down at him with that big gummy smile of his. Dean couldn’t help but smile back as he said “yeah, yeah, you made your point, now let me up.” But Cas apparently had other intentions, grip tightening slightly at the request.
“Dean, we just want to help. I’d like you to tell us willingly, but I’m not against coercing it out of you.” As Cas spoke, his eyes started to twinkle, and Dean gulped, his throat growing dry, nerves set on edge. If Cas’s look was any indication of what was coming, Dean was in trouble. He tried to remain calm, not giving Cas the satisfaction of knowing he was getting under his skin. He fidgeted again, cursing himself silently.
Get it together, Winchester. You can still get out of this.
Right on cue, as if reading his mind, Cas readjusted his grip so that he was holding both of Dean’s hands in just one of his, other hand coming to rest ever so gently on Dean’s side. Well shit. This wasn’t the first time Cas had used this method to get Dean to “talk” and he should have known it was coming. Dean had two options, tell the truth, or try and lie his way out of it, convincingly, of course.
He put on the brightest smile possible, the one he knew worked ninety five percent of the time, his go-to when he was trying to charm his way out of a not- so-pleasant situation he’d inevitably found himself in, and said “I’m FINE, man, I swear, just let me up.” He tried not to let his voice waiver, but when Cas didn’t budge, Dean chuckled nervously, averting his eyes for a moment. After collecting himself, he turned his face back, eyes pleading with Cas to just drop it. But Cas could be stubborn as well, and as the moments ticked on, it became increasingly clear that Cas would not be satisfied until Dean fessed up. Dean narrowed his eyes, voice low. “Don’t even think about it.” he snarled, trying to appear as if he had control of the situation, even if Cas did have the upper hand. He let out another growl, but it quickly turned into a yelp as Cas’s fingers jumped to life.
Sam, who had previously returned his attention back to his laptop after the brief exchange with his brother, heard the noise and looked up, curiosity getting the best of him. He smiled softly at the sight of his brother squirming beneath Cas. Dean was trying his hardest to keep his composure in check, but was rapidly losing that battle. Cas’s growing smile was a clear indicator that Dean was close to breaking. Cas knew it and was slowly chipping away, gaining leverage with every twitch of his fingers. Moments ticked on, Dean still squirming but refusing to concede, and eventually Cas must have decided he’d had enough. Without warning, he released his grip on Dean’s hands in favor of digging all ten fingertips into both of his sides. Dean was not expecting the sudden change, and his wall of resistance shattered. He began cackling, the noise loud enough to catch Eileen’s attention, who until this moment had remained focused on her show. She glanced at Sam, eyebrow raised and questioning, and Sam just smiled back at her, shrugging his shoulders. The pair stood up simultaneously, making their way over to the spot where Dean and Cas were still battling it out, although it was clear who was winning this little bout.
Dean could see Sam and Eileen approach out of the corner of his eye, although his vision was already starting to blur. He groaned through his laughter, trying to hide his face in the crook of his arm. This was embarrassing, especially with how quickly Cas had broken him. It had only been a minute, tops, since Cas had really started tickling in earnest, and Dean was already red-faced and giggling hysterically. He had expected to hold out longer than that, but Cas had him so wound up with anticipation, he didn’t stand a chance. He was twisting frantically, kicking his legs, trying to throw Cas off, to no avail. A few “Cas’s” and “please” and "stop it’s” slipped in whenever he could catch a breath, although only half of them decipherable. Damned if he wouldn’t still try though. Cas just shook his head, acknowledging he had heard him but wasn’t complying with his requests. The little shit was dead when Dean got out of this. Dean was so getting him back, tenfold. But he couldn’t focus on that right now.
The little voice in Dean’s head kept telling him if he just agreed to give them an answer that this could all be over. He tried convincing himself of what it was he DID want. What answer would appease them? What was the truth? Dean hadn’t been able to put his finger on it before, and he certainly was having trouble thinking clearly now. Another part of him, a louder part, kept reminding him that this WAS what he wanted. Physical contact, no matter the form. Sometimes he found himself craving it, the lack of it overwhelming him to the point of suffocation. Usually he drowned himself in other distractions to take away the sting. Until now, it had worked. He wasn’t expecting it to hit him today with an audience. He hadn’t even fully accepted that was the problem, but as the contact with Cas made the earlier cold and loneliness slowly ebb away, a realization dawned on him. Well damn if he would admit it. He had a reputation to uphold.
As Sam and Eileen reached them, Dean could see Cas and Eileen share a quick glance, and then she nodded, as though they could read each other's minds. The silent exchange made his nerves ignite. She knelt down above his head, and Cas paused his tickling to pass Dean’s arms to her, one at a time. He tried to resist, but in the end it was futile. From his seat on Dean’s lap, Cas had the advantage. Eileen sat on them gently, only enough pressure to ensure he was pinned firmly. Dean gulped. One on one with Cas was bad enough, but being double teamed… They wouldn’t, would they? Dean shivered at the thought. At least Sam was still standing. Dean didn’t know what would happen if all three of them attacked. He’d never survive. He might as well ask to cuddle, right then and there. At least he’d still have some of his dignity left.
Once the pair deemed Dean secured in his new position, Cas said “last chance to talk, Dean.” He was counting on Dean’s stubbornness, and when Dean glared at him with a “how dare you” look, Cas grinned and started tickling again, fingers back at Dean’s sides, though not as harshly as last time. Dean should have been grateful for the reprieve, only now Eileen’s hands were added to mix. Dammit, NO! Her fingers were poking and prodding in and around his armpits, occasionally jumping to his collarbones and up and around his ears. Dean exploded, cackling, voice going in and out as his pitch reached new levels. His efforts to free himself increased momentarily, twisting and turning with every poke and prod, but he was quickly running out of energy. He was shaking his head from side to side, a stream of jovial “nonono’s” bursting out of him every time he could catch his breath.
Eventually he went slack, sweat lacing his brow. Cas and Eileen noticed and slowed the tickling just enough to give him a moment to breathe, but still enough to keep him gently giggling. Eileen with her long fingernails still scritching softly under his chin. Cas with the soft pads of his fingertips digging into his ribs. And Sam with that dopey, lopsided smile, grinning down at Dean every time he dared peek his eyes open, looking at Dean like his face was the brightest thing aside from the sun.
It was more than Dean could handle. He needed it to stop. He never wanted it to stop.
“Ok, ok I give. I give up. Please, no more.” Dean relented. Cas and Eileen paused, waiting for him to continue. When his breathing slowed completely, they looked on expectantly, but instead of speaking, he tried hiding his face in the crook of his elbow again. “Heeey” he giggled, as Eileen softly tickled the side of his neck, forcing him to turn his head. He looked up at her, trying to glare, but was betrayed by his lingering smile, and she bent down to peck a kiss to his forehead. He almost started crying. What the hell was going on with him today?
He closed his eyes and laid there for a moment, trying to regain his composure, not trusting himself to make eye contact, much less to speak. He knew they wouldn’t wait forever. Still pinned beneath the pair, he tried to muster up some courage. As he looked over, Cas started wiggling his fingers again, making a show of getting closer and closer to Dean’s sides, and it was all the encouragement Dean needed to blurt out “I was just lonely and wanted attention!” He immediately tried hiding his face again, cheeks burning red. This time, no one stopped him. When a few minutes had passed and no one had spoken, he dared to glance up.
From the looks on their faces, whatever it was they were expecting Dean to say, it clearly hadn’t been that. All 3 were looking at him with slightly different expressions, from fondness to curiosity, but not one of them appeared to be judging him. He was grateful for that, at least. Maybe he could finish the day with some of his dignity intact.
“I answered your question, can I sit up now please?” Dean asked, suddenly looking very uncomfortable in his current position. Cas and Eileen, realizing that they were still pinning Dean down, released their hold, shuffling back to give him some room. He sat up, keeping his head down, hand ringing at the back of his neck, unsure of what to say. He could feel their eyes on him still and it made his cheeks burn red again. He wished they’d just leave him to wallow in peace. They owed him that much. Instead, as Cas and Eileen stood up, Sam offered Dean a hand. He accepted it, shakily rising to his feet, still a little wobbly and light headed from before. Sam saw him stagger and righted him, but instead of stopping at that, he pulled him into a crushing hug.
“Come here, ya big dummy.” Sam said, and Dean could tell by his tone that Sam was grinning. When Dean didn’t put up much resistance, he pressed on “if you wanted us to hug you, why didn’t you just ask?” Dean tensed at the teasing and started to pull away, even though the contact was keeping him grounded at the moment. Old habits were hard to break. Sam wasn’t letting him get away that easily. He tightened his grip, arms wrapped around Dean’s torso, fingers starting to wiggle into the crevices at the back of his armpits. Dean let out a gasp, followed by a “nohoho, not again!” and before he could help himself he was giggling, squirming steadily in Sam’s arms, trying to keep himself upright, although his knees were threatening to give out. Cas stepped in behind him, just in time to catch him as Dean managed to break Sam’s hold.
Dean stumbled and Cas righted him, wrapping his arms around him to keep him vertical. Sam advanced forward, hands finding purchase on Dean’s belly as he responded to Dean’s plea of “no Sammy, please don’t” with “I didn’t get to participate before, Dean, it’s only fair!” When Sam fingers found his belly button, Dean shrieked, laughter quickly turning silent. He was doubled over Cas’s arms, trying to force Sam’s evil fingers away, but Sam continued to slip his grip with ease. Eventually he gave up and tipped his head back, temple brushing against Cas’s, arms crossed in front of him as much as Cas’s hold would allow. Sam eventually slowed when it was clear that Dean couldn’t take much more.
Sam giggled at his brother as he tried to entangle himself from Cas’s octopus-like grip. When Dean was finally free, he stumbled over to the couch, practically collapsing onto it. He laid on his back, arm draped over his eyes, willing his breath to settle. He startled when he felt someone lift his head up, but relaxed again when he realized it was only Cas climbing in to sit beneath him, Dean’s head now in his lap. Cas started running his fingers through Dean’s hair, pausing every once in a while to scratch at his scalp. Dean hummed appreciatively, which only encouraged Cas to continue.
Normally he’d be embarrassed at showing his emotions so openly, but after what he’d just endured, he couldn’t find it in himself to care. Cas had picked up his discarded book before settling down, now propping it up on the arm of the couch, somehow managing to juggle it with one hand while still attentive to Dean with the other. Every once in a while his hand would stray from Dean’s head to rub over his back or shoulders, and Dean would sigh contentedly. Maybe he needed to ask for what he wanted more often.
Sam and Eileen were snuggled on the loveseat, watching on with fondness. Cas looked up and met their gaze, smiling at them and then down at Dean. Dean met his gaze, smiling softly back. The rain still pattered lightly on the windows, only now all was right with the world again. Maybe rest days weren’t so bad after all. He rolled over, snuggling his face into Cas’s lap, and when Cas resumed his scritching, Dean’s eyes fluttered shut, and soon he was snoring softly.
I rarely write but this one just came together so quickly, I couldn’t stop the brain worms. Hope you enjoy.
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burningablaze · 13 days ago
Sam and Dean x Reader - The Missing Key Conspiracy
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A/N: I know this is different from all the other fics I’ve been writing but I’ve been wanting to switch it up for a long time and this is pretty good
Summary: A playful prank turns into a breathless showdown filled with laughter, banter, and one clear lesson: never mess with Dean’s Baby
Lee: Reader
Lers: Dean and Sam
Words: 1,091
The bunker was quiet, save for the occasional rhythmic sounds of clicking keys on your laptop and Sam’s fingers flipping pages of his book. You sat across from him in the library, scrolling through the news with the screen casting a faint glow over your face. Dean had left the room ten minutes ago, announcing he was heading out for a supply run. You had taken that as the perfect opportunity to execute your prank.
You had swiped his car keys off the table when he wasn’t looking and hid them underneath the couch cushions in the Dean Cave. It wasn’t anything malicious, just a little joke to mess with him. The look on his face when he couldn’t find them was bound to be hilarious.
Sam, oblivious to your scheme, was absorbed in researching some obscure lore about ancient rituals. His brow furrowed in concentration, eyes scanning the text in front of him. You stole a glance at the hallway, waiting for the inevitable.
“Okay, what the hell?” Dean’s voice echoed from down the hall, followed by the unmistakable sound of drawers slamming open and shut. “Where are my damn keys?”
You bit the inside of your cheek to keep from grinning as Sam sighed and finally looked up from his book.
“You probably left them somewhere, Dean,” Sam called back, flipping a page. “Retrace your steps.”
“I did retrace my steps!” Dean barked, now stomping toward the library. “They were on the table right here and now they’re gone!”
Dean stormed into the room, eyes scanning every surface like a detective on a mission. He looked at Sam, suspicion already written all over his face. “Dude, did you take my keys?”
Sam scoffed, crossing his arms. “Yeah, Dean, because I totally enjoy stealing your keys just to watch you throw a tantrum.”
Dean narrowed his eyes. “That’s exactly what a guilty person would say.”
Your heart pounded in your chest, but you kept your face as neutral as possible, feigning interest on your laptop. Sam, however, was observant. Too observant. His sharp gaze flicked to you, then back to Dean.
“I didn’t take them,” Sam said, closing his book. “But someone looks awfully entertained right now.”
Dean followed his brother’s gaze and turned his attention to you. You gave them both an innocent look, tilting your head.
“Me? What? No way, I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you said, making a show of scrolling on the pad on your laptop.
Dean crossed his arms. “Yeah, okay. That was convincing.”
Sam smirked, his analytical mind clearly piecing things together. “You were here the whole time. Dean and I were both in and out of the room, but you never moved from your spot. And you’re acting way too casual.”
Damn it. You were good at keeping a poker face but against these two? You never really stood a chance.
Dean’s eyes gleamed with realization, and a slow, mischievous smirk spread across his face. “Ohhh. Oh, I see how it is.” he took a step closer and your heart skipped a beat.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said quickly, pushing back in your chair just a little.
Dean cracked his knuckles. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
Sam shook his head, his smirk matching Dean’s. “If there’s one thing we’ve learned from hunting together, it’s how to break people.”
Your eyes darted between them as they advanced toward you. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, let’s not do anything crazy, guys-”
Dean lunged first, grabbing you by the arm and pulling you to your feet. “Oh, it’s definitely happening.”
Before you could bolt, Sam wrapped an arm around your waist, effectively pinning you between them.
“Last chance,” Sam warned, his grip firm but not rough. “Where are the keys?”
You pressed your lips together, trying to stifle your grin. “I-I don’t know!”
Dean sighed dramatically. “Alright. Have it your way.”
Without another word, his hands shot to your sides, squeezing mercilessly. A jolt of laughter burst from you as you squirmed, your resolve crumbling instantly.
“Nohohohohoho! Ahahahahahahahahaha!” you giggled loudly, trying to wriggle away, but Sam had a firm hold on you.
“See, we could have just asked nicely, but nooo,” Dean teased, his fingers digging into your sides with expert precision. “Now we have to use the Winchester interrogation method.”
You let out a squeal, laughter tumbling freely from your lips as you twisted in their grasp. “N-Nohohoho! This is unfair! Ahahahahahahahahaha! Stohohohohohop!”
“You brought this on yourself,” Sam said, his voice way too amused as he joined in, his fingers kneading into your stomach like dough. The combination of their attacks was overwhelming and you could feel your knees weakening beneath you.
“Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Nohohohohohoho, plehehehease!” you shrieked, thrashing in their hold.
Dean chuckled, he moved his hands up towards your ribs and squeezed rapidly. “Just tell us where the keys are, and this can all end.”
You were laughing too hard to form words, shaking your head frantically.
“Alright,” Sam mused, his fingers now targeting that spot on your sides and hips. “Guess we’ll just keep going.”
Your laughter shot up an octave as you squirmed violently, unable to stop the tears pricking at the corners of your eyes.
“OKAY! OKAY! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” you howled, nearly collapsing under the relentless assault. “I HID THEHEHEHEM UNDERNEATH AHAHAHAHAHA THE COUCH!”
Dean immediately stopped, grinning victoriously. “See? That wasn’t so hard.”
Sam released you and you nearly crumpled onto the chair, breathless and giggling as you tried to recover. “You guys… are evil,” you panted, wiping your face.
Dean ruffled your hair like you were a kid. “Nah, just resourceful.” He strolled over to the hallway and strolled to the room that he called the Dean Cave. He dug his hand underneath the cushions and soon enough found his keys. He walked back to the library while holding them up. “And now, I can finally go get the supplies. And you learned a valuable lesson today.”
You groaned dramatically. “Yeah, yeah. Don’t mess with Dean’s car keys.”
Sam chuckled. “Or at least be prepared for the consequences.”
Dean twirled his keys around his finger, smirking. “Damn right.”
As he walked off, victorious, you slumped against the table, catching your breath. Sam patted your shoulder before grabbing his book again.
“You kinda had that one coming,” he teased.
You shot him a glare but couldn’t help the small smile tugging at your lips. Maybe you deserved it. Just a little.
But next time? Oh, next time, you were definitely getting revenge.
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supermarvel-fics · 1 year ago
Hi anon who requested the Supernatural headcanons :)
Lee and Ler Headcanons for both Sam and Dean please🥰
Sam and Dean Tickle Headcanons
as a ler, sam is pretty ruthless when he needs to be.
growing up with dean, he can get irritated quickly, so if you're getting on his nerves, he'll let you know by tickling you.
it will start out as quick jabs to the side or harsh pinches to your kneecaps.
"oh, you're just asking for it now..."
if you egg him on, it will turn into a fully blown attack until you're left crying and pleading for mercy.
afterwards, he'll think he genuinely put you in distress and run to get you water and then hold you for as long as you need.
growing up with dean, sam got his fair share of being tickled.
he's the pleading type. the guy who will beg and make deals just so he won't be tickled.
"please, don't! I'll wash the car! I won't touch the car! I'll do your dirty laundry, just DON'T!"
when someone finally gets their hands on him, sam has a laugh they won't expect. it's a bit high-pitched.
he's a fighter, so he'll flail and squirm the entire time unless you're bigger than him and can hold him down.
his ribs are his most ticklish spot and that's where you can effectively weaken him.
as an older brother, dean knows just how to get you to talk or basically do anything he wants.
he's a highly skilled tickler, knowing just how to wreck you.
he's got that stern exterior, so he can be downright menacing when he's about to tickle you.
"you wanna repeat that?"
he can also turn it very sexy.
"oh, don't think I've forgotten where you're ticklish, sweetheart. we'll finish this later."
he can deduce you to a giggling mess before he even touches you just with a mischievous smirk.
he's a pinch and squeeze kind of guy, tickling harshly to get the loudest laughs from you.
the tables completely turn when dean ends up on the receiving end.
he'll deny that he's ticklish until he's blue in the face, but everyone knows that it's a lie.
he'll threaten you just before you get the upper hand, making sure you know that he'll get you back eventually.
"I'd rethink this if I were you..."
"If you so much as put a hand on me, I swear to God."
you know it's all an act. you know dean secretly loves the playfulness (though he'd never admit it)
his most ticklish spot in that hollow dip in his hips and if you ever needed information from him, that's where you'd get it.
he'll fight it at first but will eventually calm down and take it once he realizes it's not so bad.
after a while, he becomes comfortable enough where he can actually enjoy the feeling of the soft, lazy tickles just because it gives him goosebumps and he feels loved and cared for.
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cringemesstickles · 5 months ago
A Game Of Chase… But Why?
(TickleTober Day 2: Chase)
Summary: Sam and Dean are wrapped up in a game of chase. Castiel is confused.
Pairing: None (Maybe Destiel if you squint)
Word Count: 1293
A/N: ikik another SPN fic… I can’t help it :v
The bunker was quiet as there wasn’t much to do. There were no apocalypses, no universes shattering, no Lucifer… just a normal day.
And there, sitting on the couch, was the former angel of the Lord, Castiel, hands clasped in his lap as he stared at the wall with his usual pensive expression. His thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sound of boots pounding against the floors, as well as familiar voices shouting through the halls.
“Get back here, Sammy! You know what’s coming!” Dean yelled, his voice carrying a mixture of playfulness and warning.
Sam darted around a sharp corner, his longer legs giving him a slight advantage over his older brother. The angel could overhear the back and forth and the rapid footsteps, but he couldn’t, for the life of him, figure out what was going on.
“Come on, man! I didn’t finish it on purpose! If you wanted it so bad, you should’ve put your name on it!” cried the younger Winchester, his laughter echoing through the labyrinthine halls.
The noise was quite distracting. Castiel considered moving thinking spots before the brothers came bounding into the living area, giving the angel a start.
Sam ran in first, darting behind the couch before Dean followed, taking a wide stance on the opposite side, his hands raised and his fingers formed like claws. Throughout this, neither of them even acknowledged their angelic friend, who could only hope to figure out what on earth was unfolding in front of him.
“Excuses, excuses!” Dean growled, a playful grin on his face as he circled the couch, attempting to subtly close the distance between him and his brother. “You know what happens when you mess with my pie!”
Just as Dean was about to lunge, Castiel’s gravelly voice caught their attention.
“Has Dean been possessed? Why do you appear to be so… urgent?”
The brothers stopped in their tracks, sharing a baffled look before turning back to Castiel.
“Cas, Dean isn’t possessed…” Sam explained, a small, amused smile on his lips. Meanwhile, that cheeky expression found its way back to the older Winchester’s face as he eyed the youngest in the room.
“Oh, I’m possessed, alright… possessed by the tickle monster!” he growled before jumping toward Sam while the younger was distracted, his fingers latching onto the man’s sides and digging in with vigor.
As Sam yelped and burst into a fit of boisterous laughter, grappling onto the back of the couch to try and keep upright, Castiel cocked his head to the side, looking more confused than before as he watched the scene unfold.
“Tickle monster? I do not recall reading about this in lore books… I suppose the name is self-explanatory… How do you defeat it?”
The laughter only got louder at that question, and Sam shook his head, trying his best to answer their friend’s question while his brother was destroying him with tickles.
“N-No, no, no, it’s not a real—haha—monster! Dean’s just being a goof!”
Odd… so this was a playful thing? Castiel had made a lot of progress over the years, but sometimes he thought he’d just never truly understand humans.
“Ah… so you’re not really in danger?”
Dean chuckled, shaking his head as he moved to target the younger’s tummy, causing him to shriek and double over in hysterics. “Nope. The only thing Sammy’s in danger of is dying of laughter… Ain’t that right, Sammy?”
“Shut uhuhuhup!” came Sam’s frantic response.
Castiel’s brow creased with puzzlement, his eyes scanning the scene as if that would help him put the pieces together.
“Why were you chasing him then? He seemed quite alarmed.”
“Because it makes it more fun!”
It seemed that every answer only led to more and more questions. Why on earth would being chased be fun? Castiel had been chased before, and he recalled it as a very unpleasant experience.
“Fun? I fail to see how running for your life could be ‘fun,’” he said bluntly, tuning out the sound of Sam’s squeals as the elder’s fingers scribbled all over his belly.
Dean rolled his eyes and decided to show Sam some mercy so that they could help their angel friend out, giving his younger brother a pat on the shoulder and helping him stand. How on earth were they supposed to explain this to an angel? It was clear that Castiel didn’t have even a shred of understanding on this matter, so they were practically starting from nowhere.
“It just kind of is… the thrill of the chase, y’know?” Dean tried his hand at explaining, admittedly doing a horrible job. As the taller man sat up and plopped onto the couch, he decided to take a crack at it.
“It’s just a playful thing, Cas… When you’re not in any danger and you’re just messing around, chases can be pretty fun.” Sam smiled, trying his best to put it in simple terms. He’d also learned that it was better to explain things in a more blunt manner, since the angel could be quite… literal.
Castiel hummed, nodding slightly. “I see… Perhaps I should try to engage more. I often forget to, as Dean once put it, be less angelic.”
Dean gave a snort of laughter, raising his hands to threateningly wiggle his fingers at the angel. “Oh, buddy, you do NOT wanna get roped into this!”
At that, the angel gave a tilt of his head, his expression a mixture of amusement and bewilderment as he processed his friend’s words. “Dean, I do not believe you could take me… I am an angel of the Lord.”
Sam’s gaze bounced back and forth between the two, interested to see where this would go. Should he intervene? Maybe… but how? And frankly, why? This was pretty damn hilarious. And so, he kept his mouth shut, choosing to observe, but not before popping in with a friendly warning.
“Cas, I really wouldn’t challenge him… He’s ruthless,” he said, his voice the kind that speaks from experience. And if anyone could speak from experience on this matter, it was definitely Sam.
But the angel did not heed Sam’s warning. “Perhaps to you, Sam. But a human cannot merely take down an angel of the Lord.”
Dean’s eyes were twinkling with mischief, subtly shuffling closer to his angelic friend, hands raised menacingly. Dean was always up for a challenge. “Don’t tempt me, angel… I’ll make you eat those words.”
Castiel crossed his arms, giving a huff of disbelief. “Words cannot be eaten, Dean,” he stated matter-of-factly. It was at this moment that Sam realized he might have an out for the long, drawn-out tickle attack he would endure had this not become a thing. So, he sat up and casually started to shuffle away.
“Well, you guys have fun… Just try not to kill each other.”
He got all of three steps away before he heard a shrill shriek, and when he turned around, he saw his older brother straddling Castiel’s hips and digging his fingers into the angel’s ribs. While Sam wanted to stick around and watch the endearing scene, he knew it would only be a matter of time before Dean remembered their unfinished business… so he had to skedaddle.
“Oh, don’t think this means you’re off the hook, Sammy! Once I’m finished with this angel, you’re toast!”
And that was Sam’s cue to run… again.
While the angel didn’t fully understand games of chase, he did understand friendship and brotherhood… and that was precisely what he got from the Winchesters. Maybe he’d come around eventually, but for now, he was more than content to play around the Winchester way… with lots of teasing, banter, and of course, the occasional tickle attack.
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singsweetmelodies · 24 days ago
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in a daze, learning each other's shapes
When Charles Leclerc's friends bully him into joining them on a ten-day holiday to a beautiful island for New Year's, Charles is barely even expecting to enjoy it, let alone meet the love of his life there.
But then he meets Pierre, and everything changes.
my contribution to this year's Piarles Winter Fic Exchange, written for the incredible @hourcat 🩷 i love you so much, phoebe, and i hope you love this fic!
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iamawolfstarsimp · 1 year ago
Sup bitches im back
And I've come bearing gifts of yet another spn fic (I'm in my active writing era 😌💅)
(this is set in season 13 or 14)
So yeah enjoy
Jack was a curious kid, obviously. It was no secret the kid loved to learn about most anything and everything. Even just listening sometimes was enough for him.
Once Dean had gotten attached to the kid, he didn't really mind answering all of Jack's questions.
Jack was especially curious whenever he was allowed on a hunt with them, wanting to know everything about what kind of monster they were hunting.
On an ordinary day though, Jack was more quiet. You could usually find him in his room reading while listening to rock music (Dean had told him that it was the only 'good' kind of music) or watching cartoons on the TV that Cas had given to him from his room. Mostly, they all kept to themselves on the days between hunts.
But often times Dean would gather everyone in the living room area for a movie night while they ate dinner. Cas would usually make some kind of warm drink after they all ate, Dean always got to pick the movie (regardless of how many protests were shouted at him), Sam had taught Jack how to make popcorn and Jack used that skill whenever he got the chance, and Sam took the opportunity to just relax on the couch with them.
Often times Sam would fall asleep during the movie, and Dean would bitch about it afterwards as loudly as he could. Jack had recently taken up Sam's habit though. Every time they all sat down to watch something you'd turn around Jack was dozing off, usually leaning against someone's shoulder.
As cute as it was, Dean couldn't stand for Jack to miss the death star exploding.
Dean had been chosen that evening as Jack's human pillow, so it was easy enough to reach over and poke him several times in the side to try and rouse him.
Jack shifted over and ignored the pokes, snuffling into Dean's arm.
Dean repeated the action a few more times, until he noticed a small sleepy smile on Jack's face that he was trying to hide.
Dean hummed quietly but let the kid sleep, saving that information for later.
After the movie ended (and, yes, Jack did miss the exploding of the death star but it wasn't like this was his first time seeing A New Hope) they all stayed seated, relaxed in their spots making idle conversation.
Jack was now awake, listening to Sam and Cas' conversation about which star wars movie was the best. Dean turned his attention from the pair to look at Jack.
"I can't believe you-" Dean said, rapidly poking Jack's side causing the kid to curl up and swat and Dean's hand. "fell asleep during the best star wars movie and the best part of it."
"I didn't mean to!" Jack giggled, using one hand to protect his side the other to hold onto Dean's hand.
"Mhm, sure you didn't." Dean eyerolled, now launching a full on tickle attack on Jack.
Dean leaned over and dragged Jack into his lap, using one his hands to hold his outer arm above his head leaving his entire left side exposed. His free hand darted around Jack's torso, tickling as many places as he could. Jack attempted to grab Dean's hand but was too slow to catch him and couldn't predict correctly which spot Dean was going to go to next so he just resorted to holding onto Dean's forearm and trying to control his laughter.
"Do you know how to play guitar, Jack?" Dean asked while still tickling him.
"No!" Jack said through his giggles.
"Well, what we have here," Dean pat Jack's stomach. "is a good old fashioned guitar."
Jack's eyebrows knitted together in confusion, his head tilting to the side.
"~Juuust gotta make sure it's in tune before I can play anything on it, of course." Dean grinned at him.
He held his right hand as if he had a guitar pic in his hand and pressed his fingers against Jack's ribs. He pretended to "play" the guitar, Jack's ribs being the strings.
He tested different ribs, listening to Jack's different laughs as he did so.
"Sounds tuned to me." Dean nodded. "That means we can play it now. "
Jack was about to make his protests known but Dean had already started, picking up and down Jack's whole side.
He threw in some light scribbles every now and then when he got up high on Jack's ribs, just to hear him squeal.
Jack promptly lost his mind, lost in his own mirth. He threw his head back against one of the couch pillows, cackles spilling out of him freely. His squirming intensified too, wiggling in every direction to get away from Dean's wiggling fingers.
He noticed that Sam and Cas had been watching for some time now, fond smiles on both of their faces. Dean noticed too and grinned at them.
"Do you guys like my guitar?" He raised an eyebrow. "Probably the nicest one I've ever played."
"Oh, I bet." Sam nodded. "I mean considering that you've never owned a guitar and nor do you know how to play, but if that one can give you the skills to play like that then that's one nice guitar."
Dean chuckled. "Wanna hear how it plays?"
"Dean, nohohOHO!!" Jack shrieked, arching his back. Dean alternated spots, going from right next to Jack's armpit to down low next to his hip. Jack's giggles jumped in both pitch and volume several times.
"I like this note." Dean teased. He scratched on Jack's highest rib, his laughter jumping up to a near screech. He squirmed violently twords the ground, almost falling out of Dean's arms before he was pulled back into Dean's lap.
"My guitar likes to wiggle apparently," Dean laughed, going back to the same spot that he was tickling before. Jack squealed again, giving up on trying to escape and just taking the tingly sensations overtaking his entire being. It was as if he could feel the tickles through his whole body, from his ears, to his neck, all the way down his torso and legs, electric tingles shooting down his knees, to his constantly moving feet which were currently kicking the couch in an effort to help give himself some relief from the sensations that were surging throughout his body.
After a few minutes when Jack had properly melted in Dean's lap from exhaustion, Dean finally stopped, releasing Jack's arm and letting him roll over onto his stomach. Dean rubbed up and down his back grinning down at the kid, though he couldn't see.
"You okay, Jack?" Sam asked after a few minutes.
"Y-yeah," Jack answered.
Dean rubbed a soothing hand through his hair, letting him fully relax.
"Hey, if you ever need any help getting Dean back, I'll gladly help you out Jack." Sam said. "He's ridiculously ticklish just like you." He smirked.
"Shut up." Dean glared at him. "You're just as bad."
"Statistically, Sam is less sensative than you are, but you and Jack seem equal in ticklishness." Cas held back a smile.
"You shut up too." Dean pointed at Cas. Sam laughed at them both.
Once again, Jack felt himself falling asleep but this time to the sounds of his family getting into a silly argument rather than the sounds of blaster fire and exciting background music.
Hope you liked
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chalterdh22 · 5 months ago
Day 7: Dean Winchester and Reader (Yoga Instructor) in "Fidget"
Summary:  Sam has been doing yoga on and off for a few years and thinks it will help Dean with some stress.  He has his yoga teacher come and work privately on Dean, who is thinking this will go in a different direction.  She wants to help him focus and not be so distracted.  But it’s not how he thinks.
Warnings: This is a tickle fic, so if that’s not your thing, don’t read.  Some swearing.  All fluff.  Ler: F/M Lee: M
“I can’t believe you talked me into this Sammy!”  Dean said, sitting and waiting for Sam’s yoga instructor to show up.  He wasn’t nervous, just annoyed.
“I’m telling you Dean, she’s great!  I really feel relaxed when we are done and physically, I’ve never felt stronger!”
Dean huffed and smirked.  “Well, there are other ways she can help with that, ya know what I mean?”  Sam rolled his eyes just as they heard a knock on the door.  Sam opened it and said hi and gave this woman a nice, side hug. 
“Dean, this is my instructor, Kristy.  Kristy, Dean.”
“Hi,” she said to Dean and reached her hand out to shake it.  He did the same with a cocky smirk on his face. 
“Where has Sam been hiding you?”  Dean asked and Sam glared at him, behind Kristy.
She smiled and put her stuff on a table.  “In the studio, but Sam here tells me you won’t step a foot into one, so here we are.”  She put her hands on her hips. “Are you ready?”
“Yes ma’am.  Sammy, you may want to take some notes on how a real man does yoga!”  Dean said, teasing Sam as Sam sat down to look at his phone, shaking his head.
Kristy rolled out a matt for him and one for herself.
“Now, Sam here says you have a hard time focusing and get distracted easily, so this might be a little difficult to do, but we’ll manage.” She said, sweetly.
“I don’t get distracted!  Nothing distracts or bothers me, maybe him!”
“Hm, well, we’ll see.  Let’s get started.”
Dean was so giddy at this point.  He had zero expectations of anything but was excited that he may have a nice time with her.
She had him stretch out, and he made comments the whole time.  Nothing she wasn’t used to, but this one was different.  She was thinking he really didn’t let anyone phase him.  His brother seemed the same way, but more sensitive.
As he was in a downward dog position, with his hips in the air, Kristy walked along side of him and asked him to slow is breathing and focus.
“I am focused.  See, nothing bothering me here.  Nothing distracting me.  It’s like I don’t even need this yoga shit, right Sam?”  He asked with his normal cocky attitude.  Sam pretended to not hear him.  And being distracted, she lightly put her hands on his hips to help pull them up a little higher.
“Hey now!  Baby, you just gotta ask is all!”  He smiled back at her. 
“Wow.  You really jumped for not being someone that startles or distracts easily.  Do we want to test that theory?”  Kristy asked as she looked down on him.  She was totally flirting, which he picked up on.  But her intentions really were to help him out physically and mentally.
“Come on Dean…let her help you out!”  Sam yelled at his big brother.
Dean got down on all fours and sat back on his legs, looking at her.
“Oh, I’ll let her help me anyway she wants to!”  She walked in front of him and got down on her matt in front of him, facing him.
“Well, let’s go onto child’s pose.”  She demonstrated in front of him.  “Really relax your breathing and sink into it.  Focus on your breathing.  No more talking.  Just relax and focus.”
He nodded and obliged.  She got up to walk around the back of him and she slowly slide he fingers down his spine and felt him shiver.
“What you doing back there?”  He muffled with his forehead on the matt.
“I’m feeling your spine to see if it’s straight.”  And then she did it again and he shifted slightly and “coughed.”  “Dean, I thought you said nothing would distract you, so focus.”
She walked back up front, told him to stand up and reach towards the sky looking up and hold, breathing steadily.
He sighed, like this was getting boring.  “I am focused and I’m defiantly breathing.”  He said with his hands in the air.
She went along side of him and put her hands on his hips and gently shifted them.  “Whoa, hey now!  Again, all you need to do is ask.”
“Dean, I’m just trying to realign your hips.  And you keep moving.  Pretty bad when small little touches make you flinch!”
He crossed his arms, now staring at her.  “I didn’t flinch.  And none of this is doing a damn thing!”
“That’s because you’re too easily distracted!”  she said back with force.
“I don’t get distracted!  Sammy, tell her!  I can have a pile of pig guts fall on me and it wouldn’t phase me one bit!”
“That’s probably true!”  Sam yelled back.
“Thanks Sammy!”
“That’s not what I’m talking about.  Look…” she walked around to his back.  “Now, take a deep breath in and hold it for a count of 4 while I straighten you out, then exhale.”
“You just can’t wait to get your hands on me!” 
“Sure, now, deep breath…one…two”  and as she counted, she put her hands on his shoulder blades lightly and traced her fingers down to his hip bones, and didn’t even get to four before he exhaled loudly stepping forward.  She stood there, crossed her arms and stared at him.  She knew what was happening and it was fun to watch him squirm.
“Alright, I’m done with this hippy, dippy breathing crap!”
“Come on Dean,”  Sam said not looking up from his phone.  “Just because you’re too big of a man to admit that your ticklish doesn’t mean…”
“I’m not ticklish!”  Dean shouted back.  “It’s all this mumbo jumbo breathing that’s throwing me off.”
“Well, that’s not what it looks like on my end.  You just seem really fidgety, like it is tickling you.”
“I’ll tell you the last time, I’m not.”  He was all but having a small tantrum, which was very amusing to her.  Tough this one, she thought.
“Fine, I’ll make you a bet.  If you can lay down on your stomach on the matt and let me help you realign your back and massage it out for two minutes, then you can ask me out!”
Dean swung around and shot out his hand.  “You got it babe!”  He laid on his stomach.
“You can either rest your head on your arms folded up or you can have one of your cheeks lay on the matt with your arms spread out like a T.”  He folded his arms up so his head was nestled in them.  “Now, remember, stay still and no flinching, unless something really hurts, which I don’t think you’d admit to anyway.”
He nodded and she could tell he was trying to hold his breath already.  Sam was smiling ear to ear looking at her now, more amused by his big brother being tortured than his phone.  He grabbed on his own ribcage to signal to her, and she nodded.
She started lightly tracing her fingertips down his spine like she did before and felt a small quiver but didn’t say anything.  Then she spread her fingers out wider and slowly moved them out the side of his rib cage.  His shoulders tensed and she could see him flexing, trying not to move.
“You doing ok, big guy?” he nodded, not saying a word.  “And don’t worry, I have my timer running.”
Then she moved her fingers down the sides to his hip bones and his body jerked up for a second.  Again, she didn’t say anything and was having fun with him.
“I’m really going to push on a few spots now, so don’t move.”  Kristy whispered kindly, which was enough to make him shiver as well.
Taking her thumbs along his lower back, she was massaging them closer and closer to his hips.  Right when he felt like he was going to burst, she shot her hands right up to his armpits and he shot off the floor!
“He-heeeeeeeey, what the heeeellll was that?  Naahhahaaaaa!”
Sam was now standing over both of them, smiling.  “No, you’re not doing it right!  Here!”
Then Sam reached down, towering over Dean and started digging into his ribs.  Dean gasped and curled up into a ball.  He would have gotten up, but Kristy was also over him hanging onto his hips again.  When Dean would roll over, she attacked his belly, making him curl even more.  He was not laughing but more like yelling with a smile.
“Eeennnnnnnnnnnnooouugh!!!!  Ssssttttooooopppppppitititttttnooowowwwwww!!!  Nahahahahaaaa!”
Dean was kicking at Sam but missing completely.  Finally, they stopped as he lay there breathing.
“Was that two minutes?”  he asked quietly, still breathing hard.
“Nah, more like 40 seconds.”  Kristy patted him on the back, got up, gave Sam a hug and grabbed her stuff.  “Same time next week, Sam?”
“No, I’ll call you later!  Thanks!”  She smiled and walked to the door.
“Bye Dean.  Keep working on your breathing and focus!”  He waved his hand off at her as she left, now sitting on a chair.
“Well, how did you like yoga?” Sam asked his big brother.
“I’m going to kill you Sammy……”  Dean lunged at Sam, but Sam was able to jet out the door.
“You have to come back sometime!”  Dean yelled at him.
The end
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 5 months ago
we’ve seen ler!sam and we love ler!sam…. but what abt lee!sam I FEEL LIKE THAT’D BE SO CUTE ☺️☺️💗💗
It totally would!!! I’m gonna do this like headcannoms again
Sam & little sister!reader
Sam Winchester Lee!headcannons
(Ok legitimately why is this boy never happy, I can’t get good gifs of it to save my life)
Tumblr media
-he doesn’t get tickled a lot, because obviously he’s a giant so if he doesn’t want to be tickled, he just won’t be
-every once and a while you can catch him off guard, and he’s got this one spot on his side that takes him out immediately
-he’s literally so awkward, like when he’s tickling you he’s having the time of his life, but when he’s getting tickled he’s giggling and blushing, it’s so funny
-sometimes if he’s too mean to you in a tickle fight, you can convince Dean to pin Sam down so you can tickle him
-that doesn’t last long either though, because again Sam is just a giant
-however, SOMETIMES (it usually happened when you were little) he’d just let you win and pretend that you had him pinned down, and he’d just let you tickle him for a few minutes because he just loves how big you grin when you hear him giggling
-you absolutely CANNOT tease him though, like one word and he will immediately flip the switch and be a ler again
-he prefers to be the ler, but once in a while he doesn’t mind being a lee (especially if he needs to laugh after a long hunt)
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl @chocorade @aestheticdaisies @inlovewhithafairytale @that-wannabe-vangoghgurl @casmustdiee @987coley @deadlymistletoe @wayward-impala83 @whump-loverz
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cringemesstickles · 5 months ago
Wings: The Greatest Fidget Toy Of All Time.
(TickleTober Day 7: Fidget)
Summary: Sam is stressed and becomes fidgety.
Pairings: Sabriel (Sam/Gabriel)
Word Count: 1266
A/N: Third Sabriel fic in a row! Can you tell I love them a little bit? 🤭
This one is only a little angsty in the beginning but it gets really fluffy and sweet
It was a difficult day for Sam Winchester… everything small felt significantly bigger, and the world seemed to be crushing him and drowning him in stress.
Something about being a hunter, particularly a hunter that’s been to hell and back and seen the world nearly end about a hundred times, is that the future really starts to weigh you down. Anxiety creeps in and every sound, feeling, or occurrence feels like a warning.
It gets absolutely suffocating.
For Sam, it forced him to hide away in his room and burrow under his covers and hope that the world won’t spontaneously combust.
While Sam was doing just that, the archangel, Gabriel, popped up beside his boyfriend, sitting on the edge of the bed. The sudden dip in the mattress caused the hunter to gasp and shoot up from under the covers, his hair tousled and his eyes wide as he prepared to fist fight any threat in the room.
“Woah there, Sammich! Don’t get too excited to see me.” The archangel teased with a grin, his golden wings flapping slightly behind him as he raised his hands in mock defense.
The Winchester breathed a sigh of relief, but his expression quickly turned sour.
“I’m not in the mood for your games, Gabriel.” He grumbled before laying back down, facing away from his boyfriend.
The trickster cocked his head to the side and raised a brow, not expecting the abnormally cold remark. After a surprise visit, Sam usually relaxed and gave a playfully annoyed response… but this was a real annoyed response.
Gabriel could tell something was up.
“Someone’s down in the dumps, eh?” He hummed, moving closer to his lover and brushing a hand through his hair, trying to offer some form of relaxation and support.
Sam felt himself immediately relax under the gentle touches, leaning back against the archangel and closing his eyes. His brows creased, showing how stressed he really was.
He shuttered. “A little bit…”
Gabriel softened. He laid himself down fully, pressing his body against Sam’s and wrapping an arm around him, resting his chin on the taller man’s shoulder.
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
Almost instinctively, one of his wings protectively draped over Sam like a blanket.
The younger relaxed further and he felt at least some of his anxiety melt away under the warmth.
“I-I don’t know… the world just feels suffocating…”
As Sam started to talk, one of his hands became drawn to the archangel’s wing, his fingers fidgeting with the soft edge of it. Gabriel didn’t expect it, but he didn’t fully mind… it just felt a bit… sensitive.
“It’s like no matter how many times we stop the apocalypse or the end of the world, there’s always more… I-I hate not being able to predict it… disaster is just always looming over me and I can’t-”
Sam’s anxious ramblings were interrupted by a muffled chuckle. What the hell? Was his boyfriend laughing at him?
Sam continued to fidget, his other hand joining in to play with the feathers, his irritation growing as the archangel continued to laugh.
“What the hell, Gabe? How is that funny?!” He growled, his fingers fussing more intensely as he got more anxious.
When they accidentally dug into the base of the wing, it gave a harsh flap and the archangel fell back, nearly tumbling off the side of the mattress as he barked out a laugh.
“I-I’m not laughing at you!!! Quit messing with my wing like it’s some stress toy!”
Sam startled as his boyfriend hastily sat up, clutching his wing and brushing it off. He tilted his head and observed before a look of realization took over his features. A smile tugged at his lips and he stifled a giggle of his own.
“Oh… ticklish wings, huh?” He snorted, causing a blush to spread on Gabriel’s cheeks.
“Oh, shut up! You’re one to talk about ticklishness!” He pouted playfully, giving Sam’s tummy a poke, which resulted in a squeak and a jolt.
The hunter huffed and shot his boyfriend a glare before becoming slightly mischievous.
“You know, I still feel kind of anxious… I need to keep my hands occupied for a bit.”
He then grabbed the archangels wing to hold it still, using the other to scribble over the soft, feathered surface. Gabriel squawked and fell back, erupting in loud, frantic laughter.
“Sammy, you evil, evil, soul!” He cried, kicking his legs and flapping his free wing while the other twitched helplessly under the gentle assault.
Sam’s fingers were thorough, but careful, not wanting to cause any harm to the golden appendages. He began to notice that as his boyfriend continued to laugh and squirm, the room felt brighter and things suddenly didn’t feel so terrible. He felt the weight lifting from his shoulders and his anxiety melting away.
All this from a little tickling?
Sam began to laugh with the archangel, his eyes crinkling in mirth as his fingers scratched at the most sensitive parts of his lover’s wing. He loved the sound of the archangels laugh… it never failed to rub off on him and draw out a similar sound.
“Sammy, stohohohop! This is torture!” Gabriel whined, his hair mussing up as he whipped his head back and forth. Tears of mirth began to fall and his cheeks were brighter than the Winchester’s expression.
“Why would I stop? This is pretty stress relieving.” Sam teased, but slowed down, not wanting to overstimulate the archangel, knowing that the wings can be quite sensitive. Besides… he felt lighter already.
Gabriel gave Sam a mock glare, seizing the opportunity to push him off and straddle him, his wings flapping playfully.
“You like fidgeting, huh?! Well my wings feel pretty fidgety too!” He growled, smirking at the younger’s wide-eyed expression. Sam looked like a dear in headlights and it was almost impossible for the archangel not to laugh.
“I think you deserve a taste of your own medicine!” With a cheeky grin, Gabriel let the tips of his wings flutter against Sam’s neck, eliciting a burst of embarrassingly squeaky giggles and soft snorts. The gentle flitting of the feathers against his skin was enough to drive him up the wall, but also melt away the rest of his anxiety, leaving none at all.
He felt so happy and… free.
“Hey!! T-That’s cheating!” He protested, shaking his head and using his hands to try and cover his neck, only for the archangel to pin them to the side.
“Oh, I think it’s fair game… you torture my wings, I torture you with my wings.” Gabriel grinned and a squeal rang out as he flicked the tip of his wing against his boyfriend’s ear.
“Oh yeah… totally fair.”
Sam’s laughter echoed through the room, blending with the archangel’s warm chuckles and occasional teasing. For the first time that day, Sam’s chest didn’t feel heavy and his mind wasn’t swimming with dark thoughts.
Gabriel decided to ease up, his fingers brushing gently against Sam’s flushed cheeks as he leaned down, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose.
“Feeling a little less suffocated, Samshine?” The older man teased, his golden eyes full of affection.
Sam’s breathing evened out, his giggles fading into contented sighs as he glanced up at his boyfriend, a small, relaxed smile spreading across his lips.
“Yeah…” He whispered, “Thanks, Gabe.”
The archangel grinned, moving to lay beside Sam.
“Anything to get you smiling like that, sugar.”
The rest of their agenda had nothing to do with research or hunting… only cuddles and laughter.
And maybe a little more “fidgeting…”
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chalterdh22 · 1 year ago
Dean and Castiel in Ghost - Augtickletober2023
Lee: Dean
Ler: Castiel
Summary:  Dean wakes up from another nightmare, but this one is different as it’s leaving risiduals coming through while he’s awake.  He thinks it’s a ghost, since he gets chilly feelings as well.  It’s not a ghost though!
Warnings: This is a tickle fic, so if that’s not your thing, don’t read.  Some swearing.
Dean gasped awake one night in his bunker room.  He was sweating and for some reason he had a small grin on his face, but for the love of everything, he couldn’t remember what it was he was dreaming about.  Nothing good though, he assured himself.
He sat up and started getting some chills down his spine.  He reached to his dresser drawer quickly to get a gun.  How did a ghost get in our bunker, he was thinking.  It was completely sealed.  Sure of it though, he started to stand up and investigate.
After a few minutes, all those feelings seemed to go away, so he laid back down to fall back asleep.  He started to drift off again, and slight tingles and chills started at his spine and crawled down his back to the backs of his legs and his feet.
His eyes popped right open and again, sat straight up.  He started to jitter but couldn’t figure out what was actually going on.  He ripped his sheet off him and looked down at the bed towards his feet.  Nothing was there.  He was starting to get aggravated at this point.
He was just about to lay down again and gasped and hopped in the bed.  “Whoa!  What the hell?”  He was looking all over.  There was truly nothing there.
Then he felt it at his feet again, like an itch, and his foot fell asleep, but then it started moving up and down his soles.  “Dammit, ahhh!”  He kicked his legs at nothing and more sounds came out of his mouth involuntarily.  He tried to press his lips together, but it really didn’t help.  Bringing his legs up to his chest, he started rubbing the bottoms of his feet to make the phantom “itch” go away.
It didn’t work, and by now, he was a sweaty mess, and wasn’t thinking straight.  “Sammy!”  He yelled at the top of his lungs, barely getting it out.  “Ugh!!!  SToooo-ooopppp!  Nooo-nooo!”
Sam busted in his room with a knife.  “What is it Dean?”  He flipped the light on and saw his big brother pushing his feet into the bed like they were on fire.
“Saaaaammmmmmeeee!  Sssssoometh-thing is oooon meee!”  He barely got out, scratching at his feet and kicking at the same time.
“Dean, I don’t see anything!  Hold still?  Is it hurting you?”  Sam all but jumped onto his brother’s legs keeping them from moving so he could look properly.
“Nooooo!” Dean swung and knocked Sam off the bed.
“Wait, are you laughing Dean?’  Same asked confused.
“Yeeeessss!  It tiiickles!” 
Sam stood back and just looked at his brother and small smile appeared on his face.  “Ok, Cas, I think he has had enough.”  And just like that, it stopped.  Dean was still on his back breathing heavy with residual giggles leaving his mouth as Sam sat down next to him.  Cas appeared instantly and stood in front of Dean looking down at the brutal hunter that was his friend.
“Told you.”  Sam said, looking up at Cas.  “Told you he has a weak spot.”
“You were right.” Cas said with a straight face.  “I just never would have thought it would be someone’s feet.  I didn’t know that was a human thing.”
“You both are dead.”  And just like that, Cas disappeared, and Sam was left sitting next to a very angry Dean. 
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potatohater · 10 months ago
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fanficsandfluff · 11 months ago
Hii, sorry to bother, but I was re-reading some of your spn fics and a few links didn’t work:( like “Soulless laughter” or “Crowley’s remedy for Frowns”
have a nice day🫶
Thank you for letting me know! Hope these work and you enjoy them! If there's any more fics you come across like these, please let me know :) happy reading <3
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urfavvheather · 4 months ago
Fandoms I follow ☀️
Supernatural 👻
Harry potter ⚡
Marauders 🍁
Marvel 🕸️
Dead poets society 📚
Maze runner 🏃‍♂️
Scream 👻
Feel free to send me content within these fandoms that you've made or you like I'd love to read them
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