#reader tickle fic
cantwritethetword · 2 months
A Good Distraction
Fic Descript: After what felt like a particularly poor performance training with your brothers, you're feeling pretty shitty. Luckily, your brothers know how to calm you down and get you back to your usual upbeat self.
~A/N  - Sorry this took a while ^^
Got a request for a spn fic:
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(also I checked with them and they're ok for a gender neutral reader)
I know feelings on 'cheer-up tickles' often vary, but I feel like I've got a pretty solid way to make them work so that everyone can enjoy it
Hope it's what you were looking for ^^
- Enoy! ~
Tag List: @fullsongphilosopher
Masterpost Link 
For the most part, you absolutely lived for hunting with your brothers. It was your world, and you loved every moment of it.
But sometimes, that little voice of doubt would creep into your head and question whether you were really good enough to stand next to them.
This was one of those moments.
You were making your way down the halls of the bunker, having just finished a training session - covering the whole range of strength, cardio, accuracy, and combat - and for some reason you felt completely off today.
You had tired earlier than usual, your sprint times were significantly slower than last time, for some reason you struggled to concentrate on the multitude of homemade targets the boys had set up in their diy firing range, and to top it all off, Dean had landed a few more hits than usual when you were sparring together. None that properly hurt your body, just your pride.
To put it bluntly, you felt like shit.
And, your brain being the lovely brain it is, was taking your thoughts and running with them.
You're kidding yourself if you think you'll ever be half as good as Sam and Dean.
They only keep you around cause they have to, if you weren't related to them they'd have dropped you at the nearest motel and high-tailed it.
They wish they could just train properly without you.
By this point, you had accepted defeat. Tonight was a hide-under-the-covers-and-cry kind of night, and you just wanted to make it to your room before your mind had any other fun ideas to make you feel even worse. Sleep seemed like your only way out of this funk.
Unfortunately, as well as having a keen sense for hunting, your brothers also had a keen sense for when something was wrong.
"You good Y/N?" Dean called from behind you, right as you went to reach for the door handle.
You nodded silently without thinking, your attention currently preoccupied by holding back the tears prickling at your eyes, and pushed the door open.
You didn't have to look back to know your response only heightened Dean's worry for you. You were never quiet after training, even if you had pushed to the brink of exhaustion.
So, of course, a few moments after you collapsed onto your bed, Dean gently knocked on the half-open door.
You gave an unintelligible mumble to allow him inside, and he slowly made his way over.
"I didn't hurt you, did I?" He said with a soft half-chuckle, laying a hand on your shoulder.
That was enough to break your resolve.
You shook your head, trying to keep your breathing steady as the teardrops slid down your nose. The room slowly filled with silence, Dean clearly looking for something to say or do to help you feel better.
Just to make sure he knew you weren't upset at him, you rolled over and wrapped your arms awkwardly around his waist - tucking your head under your arm on Dean's leg. It was a little difficult, with him sitting upright and you laying down, but he got the message.
"You wanna tell me about it?" Dean ran his blunt fingernails through your hair a few times, knowing that always relaxed you. "Maybe I can help?"
You thought about it for a minute, but before you considered if you should respond or not Sam's voice came from the doorway.
"Everything ok?" He asked, and you knew the exact look of concern that would be pressing on his brow.
As the bed creaked under a third body's weight, you knew you probably weren't going to get out of this without saying something to your brothers. They would never force you to talk, of course, and if you needed some alone time they'd oblige - no questions asked - but they certainly wouldn't stop looking out for you over the next while until they knew you were ok again.
How difficult it is having a caring family.
"I just feel like I was crap today." You admitted, trying your best to keep your voice steady.
Dean sighed sympathetically, moving his fingers down to gently scratch across your back. You released the last bit of air you had been holding and relaxed into his touch, silently grateful they weren't pushing more of an explanation and were just letting you calm down.
After a few moments though, Dean's fingertips strayed a little too close to the right side of your back. You were so chilled out you didn't even realise you had let a giggle slip as you flinched under his touch.
"Shit, sorry." Dean said softly. "Wasn't trying to tickle you."
"It's nice." You once again murmured - too relaxed to properly consider how embarrassing that admission would usually be.
"Are you sure?" Dean half-laughed in surprise. "You're ridiculously ticklish, and most people hate being tickled at the best of times."
Well, in for a penny in for a pound.
You nodded, trying to suppress the flush forming on your cheeks. "It's a good distraction."
Dean gave a single, silent chuckle, before continuing to softly scratch his fingernails along your ribs. Gentle giggles flowed effortlessly out of your mouth with each touch, your torso occasionally leaning to one side if he his a particularly ticklish spot. As Sam's hands joined in rubbing your lower back, your crappy thoughts dissipated leaving you to half fall asleep.
"Are you sure it's ok?" Dean asked again, breaking the comfortable silence.
You laughed in response, "If you worry any harder you're head's gonna explode."
That earned a gasp.
"I'm helping you you little shit!" Dean grinned, poking up your sides - this time with ticklish intent.
You squealed, hands rushing into position to protect yourself (but not actively working against Dean's just yet).
"Yeah, that's no way to talk to your brother!" Sam added. "Though now I'm wondering if you were trying to get a reaction like that..."
"Nohohoho!" You shook your head, giggles spilling out of your grinning mouth. "Screhew yohou bohoth!"
"Oh you're definitely asking for it." Dean chuckled, and was about to pin your arms above your head when you suddenly twisted away from his grasp and shot your hands under his arms.
The oldest Winchester cackled, flinging himself backwards onto the bed to escape your wriggling fingertips wreaking havoc on one of his most ticklish spots. And, never one to give up the opportunity to annoy his brother, Sam joined your attack by squeezing Dean's hips.
With the three of you wrapped in a tickly tangle, your worries of today's training session faded into the past. Thankfully your brothers would always be there to cheer you up.
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bunnis-monsters · 4 months
Just find it so cute when a puppy!hybrid does something wrong so they roll onto their back and expose their belly hoping you’ll forgive them by showing submission…
And it’s hard to stay mad at them when they’re making kneading motions in the air and giving you those puppy dog eyes… but fortunately you’re a human, not a hybrid, and those puppy mannerisms only get them so far.
So you get on top and punish them with blowing raspberries on their belly, keeping them pinned under you. They yelp and squeal, kicking their legs and letting out little barks until you pull away, satisfied.
“Stop chewing up my stuff, pup. You know better. Next time, I’ll bite you too.”
But this just makes them all horny, feeling hot and bothered at your asserting yourself…
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alastor-simp · 8 months
"Ticklish, My Dear?" - Alastor x Reader Oneshot
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"Knock-knock, my dear!" Alastor was waiting for you to open you bedroom door. He sought you out to help calm himself down after dealing with Angel's raunchy flirts. He nearly destroyed the lobby with his tentacles, but thankfully Charlie was able to stop him before he went to far and nearly send Angel to double hell. "Its open Al!", you yelled out from the other side of the door. Entering inside, Alastor saw you next to your bed, holding up a black dress, along with other clothes laying on the bed. Smiling wider, he made his way over to you: "Salutations, my dear! What are you doing on this fine evening?" Smiling back, you held the dress closer to your body and faced the mirror: "Nothing much. Niffty happened to have gone shopping and she got me some cute clothes, so I wanted to try them on, but I don't know which one to try first." Alastor continued to stare at you as you stayed facing the mirror, then he turned his attention to the dress in your hands and the others on the bed. The dresses on your bed was a short gothic black dress with long lace sleeves, a blue and white polka dot front dress with a bow, and a short red cocktail dress with a black lace front. (Dress images are below)
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His eyes were drawn more to the cocktail dress, so he grabbed that one and approached you. Turning around, you saw Alastor holding up one of the dresses: "Try on this one, my dear!" Thanking Al, you grabbed the red dress and headed towards the bathroom to put it on.
As Al watched you leave to the bathroom, he stood with his hands behind his back and looked over your room. Eyeing the wall, he saw the photos that you had taken of him and the others. Some were of Charlie and Vaggie being an adorable couple, some were of Husk and Angel passed out together, and the others were all group photos. Alastor smiled at the photo you had taken of him. He was inside his radio tower, leaning back against the chair, smiling as he gave his broadcast. The both of you had become the best of friends when he first arrived at the hotel to offer Charlie his services. The both of you bonded over your love for music and also had a love for pranking people, which came in handy when you both wanted to annoy Angel. Lost in thought, Alastor's ears jolted when he heard you call his name. Turning around, his eyes grew wide as he saw you walk out wearing the beautiful dress. Smiling shyly, you had tried on the dress, but you were not able to reach the zipper, so you asked if Al would be able to help you. “Of course, my dear! Allow me!", he said as told you to face the window to give him better access to the zipper.
*Zipppp*, Alastor had succeeded in zipping up your dress, and placed his hands on your hips: "There we are my dear! You look extravagant!" Jumping up from the contact, you moved away from Alastor: "WAH! Don't touch me there!" Wrapping your arms across your abdomen, covering your sides, you backed away from Al, who was staring at you confused. "Why the strange reaction my dear? Are you injured by any chance?", Alastor said as he tiled his head at you, still frozen in shock at your reaction. Shaking your head at Alastor, you told him you were fine and said to him what the real reason was: "S-orry for overreacting. Its just I'm very ticklish there." Alastor took a second to process your words, then he inched closer to you, his smile turned mischievous and his eyes were locked on you like you were prey. "Ticklish, my dear?" Realizing what was happening, you backed up against the mirror and pleaded with Al. Alastor inched closer and closer to you, as he was wriggling his fingers at you. Trying to find a way out, you sidestepped him and rushed for the door. *SNAP* Hearing a snap from behind you, your body teleported and landed on your bed. Trying to get up, you were then felt something wrap around your legs and arms, and realized Al was using his black tentacles to hold you in place: "AL! LET ME GO!" Craning your head up, you saw Alastor at the foot of your bed, smiling as big as the Joker, before he sat down and crawled his way on top of you.
"*Evil cackling* No can do, my dear!" Alastor then placed his hands on your sides, and began to rapidly tickle you. "NOOOO!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! STOPPPPPPPP!!" You screamed out, while squirmed around trying to break free from the tentacles. "Laugh my dear!", Al said as he was finding this very entertaining, enjoying the sounds of your laughter. You were starting to run out of breath from Al's tickle attack, as you kept trying to move and screamed out: "AL! ENOUGH! PLEASE! UNCLE! UNCLE!" After a few more minutes, Alastor stopped tickling you, and allowed you to breathe. "HAHA! Enjoyed yourself my dear?" Alastor smiled down at you, as he snapped his fingers, releasing you from the black tendrils. "Pant-pant Your an a**." You panted out your answer, as you glared at Alastor. Alastor smiled wider: "Incorrect! I'm a dear, darling!" You noticed that Al was still sitting on the bed, and your arms were free now. Feeling it was time for some payback, you placed your hands on his torso and tickled him back: "PAYBACK!" You continued to move your fingers, but Alastor was not squirming in the slightest. Looking up at him, you saw that he was still smiling at you with his eyebrow raised. "Are you not ticklish?" you asked him, as you dropped your hands down, stopping your tickle payback. Shaking his head was a clear answer to you that he was not ticklish. "Afraid not, my dear! Looks like your plan for payback failed!", he said while smirking down at you, leaning closer to your face as he was still hovering over you.
The both of you said nothing as you stopped and stared at each other. Your heart was going a mile a minute as you kept staring at Al's eyes, wondering what the heck was going on! Before you knew it, you felt a peck on your forehead, and Al quickly removed himself from the position, and got off the bed, facing away from you with his hands behind his back. "Well I must be off, darling! Time for another broadcast! Au revoir, my dear!", Al said as he made his way to the door, and walked out, leaving you in a state of shock. "W-w-what was t-hat? Did he j-j-ust kiss my forehead?!, your thoughts were in shambles as you were trying to peace together what just happened. It felt like it was a million degrees in the room, based on how hot your face felt. You knew Al wasn't interested in relationships or anything involving romance, so why did he kiss you on the forehead. Heaving a sigh, you fell back against the bed, grabbing a pillow and placing it on your face, as you kicked your legs up and down.
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burningablaze · 1 month
Hawks x Reader - Just Give In
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A/N: @sparklycupcake56 requested this
Summary: Hawks was feeling a little left out from your lack of attention. He intends on fixing that
Ler: Hawks
Lee: Reader
Words: 527
Hawks had taken a day from hero work and decided to spend the day with you.
You were reading a book with your back against his chest. As you were reading, you felt his hands softly rubbing up and down your thighs and rested his chin on your shoulder, watching you how deeply you were in your book.
He started nuzzling his face against the side of your neck. “You planning on giving me more than your book sometime soon?” he asked.
You smiled and flipped a page. “Yes, I am.”
Hawks hummed, his lips brushed against your neck. “When?” he asked as his one of hands moved up under your shirt gently caressing your stomach.
You chuckled a bit. “When I feel like it.”
He smirked, his fingers traced all over your stomach and his lips moved to your ear. “And if I don’t want to wait?” he whispered.
You chuckled again and moved your head to block his mouth. “That sounds like a you problem.”
He tried to pout, but ultimately ended up chuckling instead. “That’s so cruel of you.” he teased. He moved to lightly attack the side of your neck with kisses. He wiggled his fingers on the top of your thigh and dug his fingers into your stomach. You dropped your book to the side from the tickling.
You started to wiggle against his chest and giggled loudly as you tried to block his hands. “Ahahahahahahahahaha!”
Hawks continued his assault on your vulnerable spots. His fingers gently traced up and down your thighs and his lips attacked your neck. “You could just give in you know,” he said in between kissing your neck.
You grabbed his wrists and tried to push them away. You moved your shoulders up to protect your neck. “Nohohohohoho!”
He chuckled as you continued struggling. “All you have to do is surrender,” he mumbled between kisses. His fingers dug into your inner thighs as he tried to break your defense against his lips attacking your neck.
“Ehehehehehehe stohohohohop!”
He hummed against your neck. “Sorry sweetie, can’t help it. You’re just too adorable I could just eat you up. Tickletickletickletickle!” he said as his hands moved under your shirt. He pushed them up to tickle your sides in an attempt to weaken your defenses.
“Ahahahahahahahahaha!” you wiggled side to side and tried to get away.
You continued squirming in his arms, but he held on tight. His hands moved from your sides to your belly and he dug his fingers in. “What's the magic words, little birdie?” he asked.
“Okay! Okahahahahay! Plehehease stohohohop! Ahahahahahahahahahaha!”
Hawks pulled his lips from your neck and chuckled. “Good lovebird,” he said, his fingers still tapping your stomach and thighs even after he had stopped tickling you. He pulled his hands away and wrapped them back around you. “I’ll spare you tonight, but just know I always win in the end.” he kissed the back of your neck.
You smiled and chuckled softly. “That’s because you cheated.”
He smirked. “There’s no cheating when it comes to tickling. I’ll use any means necessary,” he said with a devilish grin as he kissed your neck again.
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valiantphantomangel · 2 months
Hi since you’re not doing headcanons could you please do a fic of Elijah finding out human!reader is ticklish?
A wonderful Discovery
A/n: i hope y'all love it just as much as I did!
"Darling you have to get up, you know how upset Niklaus gets when we are late for family gatherings" Elijah said softly as he stroked your hair.
"I don't wanna" you grumble which came out muffled due to your face being pressed in the pillow.
Elijah chuckled as he softly traced your spine to hopefully make you get up, what he didn't expect was the soft giggle that came from you and even though it was very silent he heard it perfectly clear with his enhanced hearing.
"What was that hmm" he said with a small smirk as he traced your spine again.
"N-nothing" you stuttered out.
"Nothing? That sounded suspiciously like one of your adorable little giggles" his smirk had now grown to fully as he quickly flipped you over so you were laying on your back and rested his hands threateningly on your sides.
"Are you going to get up?"
You and Elijah's relationship consisted of many playful moments like this but this was the very first time that he had figured out that you were ticklish and...frankly you didn't mind it.
"Make me" you said with a defiant glint in your eyes.
"Oh I'll enjoy this" he said darkly before one hand started tasering your side while the other scribbled over your tummy.
"GHAHAHHAHA" You burst out laughing immediately, Elijah wasn't one that took playful challenges slow and this was no exception.
"Your laughing already, what could possibly be so funny?" He asked with a grin as he pulled you on his lap so your back was flush against his chest and continued his torment on your ribs and sides before suddenly switching to your hip bones.
You squirmed around on his lap as you threw your head back "YOUAHHAHA JERKHIHIHIHI"!!
"Now that's not very nice" Elijah said with a fake gasp as his stubbled chin went into your neck and blew a raspberry in the crook of your neck.
"ALRIGHTAHHAHA YOUHIHIHI WINHAHAHAH" you screamed out in laughter.
Elijah laughed deeply as he stopped his assault and just wrapped his arms around your waist, letting you sink into him.
You slowly gained your breath but still had red cheeks and a giant ticklish smile on your face.
"Your evil" you said trying to be serious but your smile betraying you.
"And you are gorgeous" he smiled and kissed you on the cheek before releasing you "Go get ready and maybe we'll make it there on time".
"Loveable asshole" you mutter with a grin as you stood up and walked over to your closet.
"I heard that" he mused as he simply wiggled his fingers at you but the threat was clear.
You squeak which draws a deep chuckle from him before quickly disappearing into your walk in closet.
God you really loved your boyfriend.
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mwahmimi · 6 months
Soft touches. Eddie Munson x reader. Fluff. Blurb.
🍯 You had your face nestled into Eddie’s chest, the material of his shirt tucked up under your nose. Breathing in the smell of his cologne is sending you to sleep softly. His hands find your sides, rubbing his fingers up and down them so innocently. You can’t help but wriggle around under his touch, this wasn’t a conversation you wanted to have with your boyfriend. Sure he’d find out sooner or later but it was too embarrassing for you, once he does find out you’re sure he’ll be relentless with the information. Your ‘shameful’ secret was that you’re ticklish. Really ticklish.
You’ve seen Eddie attack his friends with the playful act before, watching on at the onslaught you were blushing the entire time, wanting the ground to swallow you up. You also knew that he was ticklish, Steve had wrestled him to the ground and squeezed at his hips plenty of times. Even signalling to you and saying ‘If he ever gets mouthy, just give him a squeeze.’ Eddie looked back at you and waved his finger as a warning, you’d never been brave enough to tickle him. Mainly because you knew he’d try it back.
You didn’t hate being tickled like everyone else seems to, but it made you shy. Something about it made you flustered, maybe the loss of control or the fact you were rendered to giggles and squeals. But deep down, it was because you knew you liked it.
Eddie notices you squirming under his touch, he pinches at your sides playfully. Experimenting with his new discovery, he drags his nails up and down your sides. Squeezing at your hips just like you’d seen happen to him before.
“Sensitive, sweetheart?” He coos down at you, trapping your arms under his knees so you can’t move. Eddie laughs along with you as he pokes up and down your ribcage. You erupt into laughter, twisting and wriggling from side to side as he continues his attack and you enjoy the moment of closeness with your boyfriend.
“Maybe.” You respond with a smile, lifting your head up to see him smirking down at you. With a gentle stroke to your hair he whispers, “I’m gonna getcha.” His voice teasing and soft, it’s playful. Innocent and carefree, something you crave during the constant stresses of life. It brings you out of the anxiety and into the moment. As much into the moment as you can be as you’re gasping for air through your laughter as he finds the soft spot on your neck.
You’re babbling, begging him to stop. “I’m barely touching you baby! You’re so ticklish.” He laughs along with you as teases as his nails softly scratch behind your ears. Looking down at you, Eddie notices the pink shade that’s flushed across your face, withdrawing both of his hands from your neck and replacing them onto the small of your back and kisses your head.
“Too cute. Can’t believe I haven’t done that sooner. This is valuable manipulation material!” His smile beams down at you, maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing he’d found your dirty little secret if you could see that smile each time you were tormented by him. 🍯
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otomiyaa · 1 month
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Aventurine x Ticklish Reader
Romantic + 09. "You and I remember this game very differently." + 18. “Wait… That tickled?” Requested by @thelaughtercafe & anon for my 1K Followers Event🌻
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Games. Aventurine loved to play games. As his lover you knew that very well. Gambling games, strategic games, video games, drinking games, random games.
You knew it very well, so you shouldn't be surprised whenever he came up with something new.
"O-oh. Hi dear," you greeted when he sat on top of you. You were relaxing on your bed with a book, when he climbed on top of you. You blushed at the sudden intimacy.
"Don't mind me. You can continue reading. Unless you'd like to play a game with me of course," he said. You hummed.
"What kind of game?"
You shuddered when you felt him move his hands under your shirt, his fingers trailing against your bare lower back.
"How about hangman? We don't need pen or paper, I can use this here," Aventurine sang, tracing a circle on your bare back. You squirmed and lifted your head to look at him.
"You and I remember this game very differently. Isn't the point of hangman to draw the hanging man if I guess the letters wrong?"
"I like to improvise, you know. As for when you guess it wrong..."
You jolted and let out a stiffled giggle when he traced figures on the bare skin of your back again.
"Wait... That tickled? Already?" Aventurine asked. That little...!
"O-of course it did! You- hehehe stop making up weird games for an excuse to tickle me!" you scolded him, but Aventurine stopped tickling your back and he nodded.
"No, it's not an excuse! I'd still like to play. Guess the word, and if you don't guess it right, the hanging man... will be you. Tickled to death."
Your eyes widened and you dropped the book you were reading. "Aven-!" You looked over your shoulder and saw the smirk on his face.
He was straddling you from behind, one hand resting on your shoulder, and you kind of realized you weren't going anywhere unless you played. Playing hangman with him and guessing the word right might be your best shot at getting out of this with some dignity and energy intact.
"...Letter T," you sighed, pretty confident that Aventurine would be the kind of goofball to choose the word 'tickle' in this case.
"Wrong," Aventurine said, and although you weren't sure how he was going to replace the hanging man for you getting tickled, you knew as soon as he started to lightly tickle your sides.
"W-wait not yehehet- come on hahaah!" you giggled, squirming helplessly and trying to reach back to catch and stop his hands, to no avail. Aventurine whistled.
"No no, this is only the first step. Just keep guessing, if you can~"
Pffft, he was messing with you. If the letter T wasn't in it, then what?
"The E!" you gasped, trying to control your laughter. The tickling was still mild, and you guessed he would increase it with each wrong guess.
"You've got that right. The last letter is the E."
"O-of how mahahany lehehetters!? This gahame isn't fahahair!" you cried.
"Ah.. You're right. Only four letters. I'm sure you can do it."
You continued to giggle and tried to think. A word with four letters... No T... Last letter was an E... It would've been something for Aventurine to choose a simple and cheesy word like 'love'...
"The hehehe O?"
"Nope~" The soft tickles moved up towards your ribs, and increased a little in intensity. He was digging in slightly, and making you laugh more than after the previous wrong guess.
"AHahah- this is too muhuhuch!" you laughed.
"You can still guess it right before I tickle you to death, sweetie," he teased smugly. Geez!
If the O wasn't in it, then it couldn't be 'love'. But you wouldn't know what else, so you just continued.
"Ahahah t-the L?"
"Wrong." And you knew immediately. With stronger and fiercer tickles climbing up to right below your armpits, you were now laughing and giggling hysterically. You had a feeling that it wouldn't take long before 'death by tickling' was officially reached.
Wait, did he even think of a word? Wasn't he just messing you, just to tickle you?
"Ahahahaven! Okahahay I g-gihihive, I dohohon't knohohow!" So hard to guess while getting tickled, damn it!
"Try again, I know you can! You've got to guess the word!" Aventurine encouraged you.
"The Ahahah- A?"
"Correct! Letter two is an A. Keep going!"
That didn't help. The tickling was already pretty bad, so even if it wasn't getting any worse, you were still in a tight spot. Your lover wasn't making this easy, but as you recalled the last letter to be an E, and the second an A, you thought of the possibilities. Many of them.
Fake? Race? Date? Oh, date could be something. With him using this method to ask you to stop reading your book and go on a date with him. Bored Aventurines were dangerous Aventurines.
"Dahahate?! Is ihiiit dahahate?" you cackled.
"Oh, going for the instant word guess? And getting it wrong? My my, you're a bold one," Aventurine said. Oh no!
"Well then..."
The tickling went up and the moment he touched your armpits, you literally crumbled underneath him, attempting to curl up and struggling helplessly to lower your arms, but there really was no convenient way to defend yourself.
"AHAHaha nohoho! Okahahay I lohohohose ahahah! Plehehease- Ahaah- not thehehere!" you howled.
"We've got to make sure you're really dead love," Aventurine sang. What did that even mean! You tried to crawl away from under him, but this only exposed your armpits more, and Aventurine's fingers dug in there as if they were digging up gold.
"GAhahaa I gihihive! I'm dehehead- ahahaha!" you laughed breathlessly. But Aventurine was really merciless and tickled you for a little longer than that. When he finally stopped, you were one breathless and sweaty mess, gasping for air. Aventurine moved off you and took you in his arms to cuddle.
"You did well on your first try, dear. The word was 'game' by the way."
You groaned. "W-what?" Now you felt stupid for not guessing that.
Your boyfriend nodded proudly. "Yup yup. This game of Tickle Man was something I've been wanting to play," Aventurine said while caressing your hair.
You cringed. "Seheriously? Tickle Man?" you asked. Aventurine giggled, sounding too pleased with himself.
"Wasn't it fun?"
You buried your face in his chest and sighed. "You and your silly games!"
"We can play it again. I'll be the next one to guess your word while you tickle me."
Wait, what? "Are you serious?" Did he just give you a literal free pass to tickle him?
Aventurine nodded. "Anything to make you stop reading that book," he added. Ah right, about that part you guessed correctly after all. He was bored and was only pretending he didn't mind you had gotten captivated with this book right now.
"Geez. You could've just asked," you said, but Aventurine shrugged with that cute smile on his face.
"What do you say? Got a word for me to guess?" he asked. You smirked.
"Oh you bet."
But that wasn't entirely true. You were still thinking about a word that would be impossible for him to guess, so you could keep on tickling and tickling him. Maybe a really long, difficult word... Would that be fair? Oh yes it would.
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bunnyy-123 · 2 months
Don’t Annoy Sylus
Summary: You and Sylus play a game of Twister. You wind up losing and don’t react well to it. The twins and Mephisto make an appearance. It’s long I’m sorry 💀 Lee! Reader, Ler! Sylus
Warnings: tickling, spoilers, suggestive comments/content, begging, (sorta) removal of clothes (but nothing sexual), being tied up.
Sylus didn’t like being poked.
It was one of the few things you could do to actually annoy the man. For someone who had no problem eliminating inconveniences, it was surprisingly hard to irritate him. He seemed to have much more patience with you. In fact, most of your attempts to rile him up actually amused him. He would smirk and pat your head in a patronizing way and say, “You’ll have to try harder than that, sweetie.”
You discovered his dislike of poking when one day, you saw him the kitchen. He had his back turned to you and was humming a song you couldn’t recognize. Taking the opportunity, you walked up behind him and jabbed him in the lower back with two fingers.
Sylus let out a quiet gasp and straightened his back before looking down at you. “Is that how you say hello to everyone?” He asked with a frown on his face. You didn’t have time to answer when he told you to pick a spice for the dish he was cooking. You smirked at him, but complied. Since that day, you took it upon yourself to poke him whenever you could.
Sylus was relentless when it came to annoying and teasing you. That time when he made you spend the entire day and almost the entire night trying to capture that brooch in exchange for going to the auction? Beyond irritating. You wasted your whole day trying to get the brooch from him!
“Keep this on you,” Sylus said, pinning it to your shirt when you finally managed to take it from him. “It will let you in and out of the N109 Zone as you please.” He had you pinned to his bed, and he was basically on top of you. Poking fair game. Payback, if you will. Someone had to humble that man. He was so arrogant.
You were spending another night at Sylus’s place in the N109 Zone. You and Sylus were playing Twister with Luke and Kieran. Mephisto was the referee. “Caw! Caw!” Mephisto called out.
“Is it really fair to make the bird the referee? None of us can understand him.” You said.
“You’ll have to blame the twins since they both insisted on playing,” Sylus replied. “He said, ‘right foot, yellow circle.” The yellow circle wasn’t that far from you.
This isn’t so bad, You thought.
“Caw, caw!”
“Right hand, blue circle.”
Luke lost his balance and fell on top of his twin. They both cursed.
“Who’s dumb idea was this anyway?!” Luke complained.
“It was your idea.” Kieran muttered, and you were sure he was rolling his eyes under the mask.
“Caw!” Mephisto said. He spun the spinner and looked at the twins. “CAW!”
“I think he wants you to get off the mat.” You said. The twins grumbled and crawled off, trying not to knock over you or Sylus in the process. As they did, they both bumped heads and cursed again.
“Remind me why I agreed to this?” Sylus asked. The twins stood up and walked off, both muttering about how dumb the game was even though they wanted to play in the first place.
“Caw!” Mephisto replied.
“Oh right,” Sylus shook his head. “I only got in this situation because a certain kitten wanted me to entertain the twins for once.”
“You could have said no.” You pointed out, but when you looked up, you saw he was smirking at you. That smug face! Why is he looking at me like that?! Ugh I just wanna—
You suddenly hear a deep chuckle. “Did you not hear what Mephisto said? Are you getting distracted, sweetie?” You snapped out of your thoughts and realized that Mephisto was repeating “caw!” over and over again, clearly annoyed that you weren’t listening.
“I’m not distracted, I just spaced out for a moment,” You said. “Whats Mephisto saying now?”
“Right foot, red circle.” Sylus replied. It was like that for a while. You were doing good early in the game, but your luck was running out now. Sylus kept smirking at you.
“It’s not a hard game, sweetie,” He taunted. “It just requires some…flexibility.” His face was close to yours, and you could feel his breath brush against your ear. It gave you goosebumps.
“I’m a hunter,” You replied. “I’ve done more physically challenging things before.” He chuckled again.
“Caw caw!”
The game was getting increasingly difficult. You had to stretch more, and sometimes wind up in uncomfortable positions. Like right now. You’re not sure how it happened, but Sylus’s upper body was hovering over yours. A part of you wondered if Mephisto did it on purpose.
“Oh. Look at that. Miss hunter is struggling with her flexibility,” Sylus said. He leaned in close and whispered. “I can help with that, you know.” He kept making suggestive comments over and over again. When you couldn’t take it anymore, and your face was flushed, you started contemplating if you should just poke him to make him fall over.
“Caw caw!”
“Left hand, yellow circle.”
Just as you were about to make your move, you lost balance and fell on your butt. You lost. Mephisto shook his head and flew away. Maybe the bird wasn’t sabotaging you. Sylus had already stood up and held out his hand for you to take, his signature smirk on his face. You felt as if his red eyes were burning into yours and you blushed in response. You took his hand and he helped you up. Sylus folded up the mat and put it in the box with the spinner.
“I thought you were a hunter, who did more challenging activities than this?” Sylus teased as he walked over to the shelf. You crossed your arms and rolled your eyes. Then your eyes widened. He was distracted. You could get revenge pokes after all!
Sylus’s arms were raised as he organized the shelf in front of him. Quietly, you smirked and walked up behind him. You stifled a giggle before rapidly poking his sides with your pointer fingers. Sylus’s eyes widened and he nearly dropped the box. He gasped loudly, and looked down at you with a raised eyebrow. You noticed his ears were red. You tilted your head. You never got that much of a reaction before. Sylus put the box away and stepped away from the shelf, and leered down at you with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Y/N, I already told you to stop doing that.”
“Why?” You asked, and before you could stop yourself, you followed up with, “Does it tickle?” He raised an eyebrow again. You felt your face heating up. That was such a random question. Why did you ask him that?
“Tickle?” He chuckled. “That’s what you were trying to do? Tickle me?” He stepped closer. You froze. Your heartbeat was rising and you suddenly felt very warm and jittery.
“I—what?” You stuttered. “No. I was just curious. That’s all.”
“Hm.” He nodded and laughed dryly. There was a beat of silence before he got closer and looked at you with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
“Are you ticklish, sweetie?” He asked. You blinked. Your heart was pounding. You were screwed.
“I am not.” You shook your head.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
Another silence. Suddenly, Sylus picked you up and tossed you over his shoulder. You let out a suprised gasp.
“Hey, Sylus! What the hell are you doing?!” You asked.
“Don’t worry sweetie. I’m not going to hurt you.”
He continued walking down the hallway. You passed familiar doors and knew where he was taking you: his room.
Oh shit
You squirmed and tried to get out of his grasp, but it was no use. Sylus opened his bedroom door and tossed you onto the bed. Before you could make a run for it, he got on top of you and pinned your wrists down.
“Are..are you mad at me?!” You asked, your voice came out shaky and quieter than you wanted it to be.
“Mad at you?” He shook his head. “No. I’m annoyed but I’m not mad at you, kitten.”
“Then….why are you holding me down like this?”
He used his energy Evol to tie your hands above your head and he sat down on your lap.
“Because,” He whispered into your ear. “I want to show you what happens when you annoy me.” He leaned back.
“What? What do you—“ Your question was cut off by a gasp. Sylus made his hand into a claw shape and gently dug into your ribs, moving his hand up and down.
“Wait, wait, no!” You squirmed and bit your bottom lip. He used both his hands on either side of you. “Ah! Sylus!” You jumped and squirmed more. He tickled faster, which made giggles escape your lips.
“I thought you said you weren’t ticklish.” Sylus smirked and tickled even faster and harder. You threw your head back and squealed. Sylus wiggled his fingers up and down your ribs and even between them.
“Wahahahait! Is thihihis your plan?!” You giggled.
“It isn’t obvious?” Sylus paused. You stared at him. He wasn’t serious right? There’s no way the leader of Onychinus was actually going to tickle you to pieces in his bedroom. That’s just silly, which is the complete opposite of him. He gently clawed at your ribs again.
“Are you kidding mehehehe?!” You giggled.
“I’m very serious, sweetie. You do seem quite ticklish, after all.” He teased and brought his hands underneath your shirt. Your eyes widened.
“W-wait, don’t-“
“You don’t tell me what to do.” He scolded. Sylus gently walked his fingers up and down your sides.
“Nooo!” You whined.
“I’m not even doing anything yet!” He laughed. He started slowly spidering your sides with his fingernails. It was feather light and he was barely touching, but it tickled. You squealed again.
“Wahahahait! Dohohont!”
“It’s too late.” Sylus started scribbling your sides and poking too.
“Ahhh! Nohohoho!”
“How do you like being on the other side, hm?” He teased and tilted his head. He brought his fingers back up to your ribs and poked faster up and down.
You let out high pitched giggles. “Hehehehehehe!”
“Oh my,” Sylus cooed. “You sound so adorable!”
“Nohohoho I dohoho nohohohot!”
He paused the poking and dug into your ribs.
“Hahahahahaha!” You squirmed and thrashed, but it was no use. You could barely move. Sylus moved his hands to the spot between your upper ribs and underarms.
“Let’s see…if I do this….” He gently tickled with his thumbs.
You squealed even louder and laughed. “Hahahahaha! Thahahahats sohoho bad!”
“It is, isn’t it?” He paused and rested his fingers on your underarms. You were panting and your cheeks were red. You could feel yourself starting to sweat. Sylus used his pointer fingers to slowly circle your underarms. He just used the tip of his fingers and he was barely touching you. You bit your lip and stayed as still as possible.
“Oh, come on,” He teased. “Are you really going to tell me you’re not ticklish here?” His circling fingers were getting closer and closer to the center of your underarms.
“Y-you should just give up!” You said.
“Not a chance. I’m not done with you yet.” He reached the center of your underarms and tickled gently. He started tracing different patterns on your underarms.
“Eeeeek! Nohohohoho!” You thrashed and tugged on your binds.
“That’s what I thought.” Sylus used all of his fingers to poke and wiggle up and down your underarms.
“Ahahahahahaha! Sylus plehehehease!”
“You can hold on a little longer, can’t you, miss hunter?”
“Then I guess it’s time for a different spot.”
You watched as he rested his hands on your stomach.
“No, no, no, no-“
“Sweetie. Pleading is pointless.” Sylus lightly scribbled all over your stomach, sending you into another fit of high pitched giggles and squirming.
“Ahhh! That tihihihihickles!”
He started wiggling his fingers, gently digging into the skin. You squealed.
“Hahahahahaha! Not thehehehere!”
“Not here?” He tickled faster.
“What about….here?”
His hands came out from under your shirt and he scribbled on your thighs.
Sylus’s tickling finally came to a stop. You took some deep breaths. “You know,” he smirked. “There’s still one more spot I want to try before I let you go.”
“No, please, Sylus don’t—“
He pulled down your shorts a little bit, along with your underwear. Your face turned red.
“Relax,” He held up his hand. “I’m not going to do anything inappropriate.”
“T-then….why did you-“
“I’m going to tickle your hips.”
He scribbled on the sensitive flesh. You thrashed and shrieked. “Hahahahahahahaha! Nohohoho plehehehease! Stohohohop!”
He slowed his fingers down to tease you more. You squealed.
“Plehehease Sylus!”
Sylus used his thumbs to dig into your hip bones. He rubbed them in circles and from side to side. You practically screamed “Hahahahahahahaha!”
He kept tickling your hips for a few seconds before finally stopping. He released your arms from his Evol and got off your lap to stand up and stretch. You were exhausted. You fixed your shorts and underwear and laid there on the bed, your cheeks still flushed.
“I’ll be merciful this time,” Sylus said. “But now that I know your weakness, I’m going to have so much fun using it to my advantage.”
You groaned. Of course he was going to tickle you more often now. You climbed off his bed and headed for the door.
“Leaving so soon?” Sylus asked.
“I’m tired,” you replied. “I’m calling it a night.”
Sylus nodded. “Fair enough. Have good dreams, sweetie.”
“Good night.” You went to the guest room. As soon as you collapsed onto the warm bed, you fell asleep.
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kanene-yaaay · 7 months
The Benefits of a Restful Sleep (and other things that a friend can help you with)
Kanene's notes: In my defense, Dogday is way too cute and kind. That was his mistake. Now I just HAD to make an entire story where he is alive and the Player is both the most stubborn bean ever and the biggest softie to set a foot in the factory. That is it. That is the entire story. Warnings: Mentioned death as a form of reset, angst and mention of injury and blood. It's discussed but not too deeply and isn't the main plot of the story. Raspberries, nibbles, lots of teasing, hurt/comfort and roothing fluff. Reader is adressed with they/them. Around 9.500 words. Heavily inspired by @fluffymary 's wonderful, incredible stories. Take a look at them too :D
You were exhausted.
That was a problem.
Sure, tiredness wasn’t really a new feeling in your life when you looked at the big scheme of things. Even before you went back to your old workplace, it used to cling on your bones, to fill your mind with memories and to pull your spirits down at any time of the day when a kid’s laughter or flowers would remind you of everything you tried so hard to leave behind.
(And look where you are now.)
The constant ‘fighting for your life’ thing also hasn't been helping a lot lately. Adrenaline and the will to keep on living were perfect for the battles but could only get you so far when the feeling of danger and fear scrutinized all of your steps, stalking in any and every corner, waiting for the right moment to strike. Days and hours became a total mess and the longer you spent on exploring and surviving, the more and more things that were once important started to fade to a background thought in your head.
Food was one of them. Water. Sleep. The debris and destruction brought a lot of memories and enemies but hardly a safezone where you could actually sit down, breathe and rest for a bit. It was fine, though. The solution was simple and quick. 
Sounded harsh when you thought about it in that way, to be honest. 
Or something like that.
Not during a fight, of course. After the first couple of times, it quickly became annoying and no fun at all to have to experience all the chase and… other things more than once. However, on other occasions, missteps into an abyss happen and sometimes a bad calculation using the grabpack could be fatal (and more frequent than you should admit.) 
You couldn’t deny its convenience. In a blink you would wake up, not hungry, thirsty or exhausted, a few meters behind your previous location and then you would be ready to go until the pain of hunger or the feeling of being in a brick of passing out appeared once again.
It was not the best, you knew, but it was a good enough solution. 
It was fine.
(It was fine.) 
Especially now, when you have someone else depending on you to survive. Saving Dogday had been tricky and much, much harder than the alternative. Keeping him alive after that, during the smiling critters chase and the aftermath, even more so. None of this didn’t really matter, though. It was worth it. 
The beginning had been tougher. With all the emotions, the changes, pain (and how to keep going after all of that), going back to Home Sweet Home and getting into more trouble trying to turn on all the generators. The fact that, not very longer after getting into the Daycare, you found a new, clean fabric and a set of tools to take care of Dogday’s injuries was the perfect help, even if the coincidence of that encounter had bordered on a miracle that made your skin prickle in discomfort as you had stared at the sewing kit localized (placed) just a few meters away from you two. There was no way that this could have been accidental. 
(Ever since you set a foot in this factory not a single encounter, voice, tape or battle seemed a coincidence and the fear of the image that this puzzle was creating haunted your every choice.)
Nevertheless, beggars couldn’t be choosers. Even though Dogday stayed unusually quiet for a really long time after his injuries were taken care of, he still insisted on using it despite both of your strong suspicions, not wanting to be a ‘burden’, anymore.
You disagreed strongly with that word, of course. Not only because his knowledge of the place and the little shortcuts or hidden spaces had been essential both to escape from the hungry toys and to make your path confusing enough to mislead any pursuers you had was essential to your survival, but also because… 
You just really missed this.
Chatting. Having someone truly by your side. No second intentions or guesses or working around to earn a couple of moments of dialogue. Just a companionship and a fighter if needed, someone bright who could, just with their presence and company, help to keep your focus and your objectives in mind. 
Dogday’s voice was raspy and rough but his words were light and kind. He would insist on calling you ‘angel’ and gesture excitedly around when he was talking, pulling your attention back when you began losing yourself in your thoughts. He would help solving the complicated puzzles spread through the factory and hold your hand tight to hide the tremble of his own paws when you both went through somewhere too dark. He would joke and hold and help and you wished you could put in words how no trouble in the world could make his presence here not worth it. 
That is why you couldn’t afford passing out right now. That is why you kept pulling one foot after the other and continued your path to the end of this hell.
Unfortunately, the very reason that kept you moving forward was the same one blocking you from actually managing to reset your body and get over that tiredness.
The fact that Dogday cared.
He was smart and quite smooth too. That was clear after all the times he would ‘accidentally’ get in front of you when you managed to step a bit too close from a deepless hole or how he would suddenly remember a shortcut that would have you to deviate from the giant abyss you had been eyeing for a few moments ago or when he distracted you as he followed another direction, a light pull on your wrist and a inviting conversation on the tip of his tongue, the pit getting farther and farther away.
It was a bit endearing, you couldn’t lie.
However, when a badly placed hand of your grabpack successfully made you slip from a fatal high and you only had time to listen to a surprised yelp (or more like a ‘yap’?) before a giant orange arm held you close to a fluffy chest you were actually torn between hitting something in frustration and melting in the warmth.
Dogday smiled, looking down. 
“Ops, you almost fell in there, angel.” His eyebrow was crooked and his expression filled with tension and confusion. Yep. He definitely realized what was going on. That kind of sucks.
He started heading the other direction, taking a different path to where you were going. “You‘re really tired, aren’t you? Saving everyone must cost a lot of energy.” His eyes softened. You struggled to keep yours open, body inevitably relaxing with his voice and kind touch. “And, well, I don’t think you had a lot of opportunities to rest since you got here too, right? Ehehe. That is… a bit worrisome. Humans need plenty of sleep and we have been walking for a long time already!”
You have survived longer without it. It was fine. There were more generators that had to be turned on before anything else. Those were your priorities.
Dogday acknowledged the end of your sentence before shaking his head vehemently, his ears flopping around in an endearing way. 
“The generators have been turned off for a long time now, a few more hours won’t hurt. You are our priority, angel.” Dogday tried to not let his tail wag in adorableness when he pulled you closer to his chest and you let your head and eyelids fall with a really tiny, quiet sound for a moment too long before opening them and watching him in a stubborn manner. “And I think I know somewhere where we can hide for long enough before continuing.” 
He watched as you deviated your gaze, thoughtful. Almost there.
“Besides, my kind angel” he let his posture go, just a little. The exhaustion from… everything showing from the light of his eyes to the darkness of his mouth. Trusting had been what got him stuck but also what freed him. He could offer this human a bit more of it. “I-I really think I need time to recover. Sometimes it just… hurts.”
He looked down and you didn’t need to follow his gaze to get what he was saying.
That was what settled it. You nodded. But he had to put you on the ground. 
You kept your expression firm and ignored his playful chuckle and the way he only pulled you closer with your words, because if he kept holding you, there was no way you would not fall asleep instantly and you both couldn’t afford that until he got to that safe place.
With a huff and a beginning of a pout he acquiesced and put you on the cracked floor, getting your point. He had to hide his snickers with his paw when you wobbled on the same spot for a second before eventually gathering your strength back, feeling a million times more tired. 
Urg. Relaxing was a mistake.
“Don’t worry, it’s not too far from here. We will get there in no time!” 
Took longer than he expected for you to finally lay down, but it was worth it. The place was one of the old dorms so there were a lot of pillows and mattresses thrown around, a few somewhat still holding a good condition for use. With the help of some furniture and moving around, you managed to barricade the door and build a sort of nest hidden in a farther corner so that it would be really difficult to notice through any window. 
The human seemed ready to pass out at any moment, yawning and giving the door a last look, watching every creek and tear on the walls for anything that could be dangerous, even after all their previous care to make this place as safe as possible. Silly dear.
Dogday has always prided himself in being perceptive. Both because of the kids he once needed to watch and take care of and also because it’s important to notice and understand the details around your teammates so he would know when to help them.
(Old habits die hard, as it seems.)
And, yeah, maybe it had something to do with how long he spent without seeing a human or how he missed having someone (anyone-) who cared so much around. But he couldn’t really help to watch, prod and pick every little detail and gesture of yours around as if he was collecting flowers in a garden. Humans were so… expressive, and this one wasn’t different at all. 
Angel was fierce and determined, going silently and non stop through the facility and all their objectives with a focused mind and precise movements. Their senses and general environmental awareness were good, too, catching hints and dangers just a second or two after Dogday himself caught them, which, considering their small ears and eyes, was an incredible feat. 
Still, like a true angel, strength and kindness walked side by side with them. Dogday didn’t say that only because that person was the literal reason he was alive today, but simply because it was clear as water how much of a true softie you were inside. It was in the way they fired only around the small smile critters, avoiding to actually burn and kill them (even though he didn’t really know how he should feel about it), on how they carried and treated his wounds and how all their features - tensed, anxious and angry - softened everytime they looked at him. 
It was on the way that they walked slower to accompany him, amusing his rambles with pokes of fun and interesting additions and in how each touch or word was filled with tenderness and respect. He didn’t feel like a toy with them like some old employers had made him feel before or a failure as… others made him believe.
So, his companionship was extremely captivating and maybe that was why it hadn’t been really hard to notice how the little tiny hints and actions came together to form a quite worrisome image of how disregarding about their own safety they were. Jumping into fights, crawling into dangerous, small spaces without thinking twice (he couldn’t get them there, if he needed he couldn’t get them there-), following strangers’ orders and running over cliffs as if their life wasn’t the thing that mattered the most and Dogday would always be there to catch them when they fell.
(What did they use to do when he wasn’t?)
Even now, he huffed as the human slowly took off the grabpack while still not even lowering themselves on the mattress or trying to get comfortable even though they seemed ready to slip into unconsciousness at any time now. Alert to the very last second.
It felt a bit nostalgic, if he was being honest. At least helping someone to go to sleep was a kind of problem that he knew how to solve. 
With no further ado, he let himself fall on the soft pile with a ‘oof’, slowly rolling around the cleanest pillows they found and hugging the mattress as a loud, relaxed sighing fled from his mouth. His entire body seemed to untense with the unexpected comfortable feeling. How long had it been since he could just enjoy being surrounded by softness and safety like this?
His tail began contently thumping on the pile, another sigh leaving his mouth and making him forget for a moment his objective as he rolled more and more on the spot, the pure feeling of bliss taking over his senses until the sound of amused chuckles brought him back to reality.
He opened his eyes only to find an incredibly fond gaze looking right back at him. The absurd weight that haunted his friend’s shoulders seemed to have disappeared for a moment and, if he really concentrated enough on those kind eyes, it was like the rest of the world became unfocused. That is right! Dogday shook his head, as if cleaning it from his distracting thoughts. He had a mission to accomplish! Get the human to rest! No more fooling around!
“Hmmmm, It’s so, so, sooo comfy here!” Dogday controlled his voice so his playful tune wouldn’t show too much and give away his plan. He got a pillow and shoved his face on it just to highlight his words. “Like a kingdom made of clouds, where all the citizens get to lay down and rest all day, everyday and their favorite hobby is to cuddle and snuggle. Sounds like a nice place, don’t you think?” 
You agreed, snorting when two expectanting lights turned around and Dogday patted the spot right beside him, only smiling bigger when you pretended to roll your eyes and finally, finally, laid down, barely touching the pile before your body crumbled the rest of the way.
It was… really soft. Even more than you expected from such old furniture but that could be the exhaustion talking. A relieved groan filled the place and before you could process that it came from your lips two arms came and carefully pulled you to a bunch of even softer fluff, which automatically made you snuggle closer, hugging the pillow (friend?) and relaxing, body aching with how much tension flew away from it so quickly.
A sweet voice said something in the background, but all of your senses melted together with your muscles when a hand began rubbing your back, drawing light circles on your spine and following it to your neck, briefly massaging it before going back to the back rubs.
That nice voice kept talking and you could briefly distinguish the words ‘deserve’, ‘rest’ and ‘good’ before the hand got a bit too close to your side and you giggled. The hand stilled but it was okay, it just tickled, that is all. No need to stop. 
This was really nice, you kind of missed it. 
You snuggled more.
All of it. It’s been a while.
As the darkness of the unconsciousness started taking you away, an amused, fond ‘aww’ was the last thing you heard.
You woke up with a scare.
Nothing necessarily happened, but your body immediately tensed, in alert. Blurry eyes traveled with speed around the room in search for any kind of movement, the silence helping to amplify the sound of any enemy that could be closer. 
One second, two seconds…all you could pick up was the paused, calm snoring of Dogday still being deeply asleep.
Right. Safe. You were both safe.
You let go of a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding, blinking rapidly to scare the sleep out of your sight as you looked up, mind finally getting time to grasp the memories from last… (night? hours? day? irrelevant). The quick beating of your heart started to slow down to a normal pace and you laid down again on the mattress, now wide awake.
Dogday was still sleeping. That was good. He deserved all the peaceful rest he could get after everything that happened.
And, to be honest, it was quite amusing to watch him sleep. Each time he snored his big ears flopped just the slightest bit around and from time to time those little muffled barks would appear on the back of his throat and his tail would wag a bit, not so different from a real dog.
(He truly was a marvel of science.)
At one time you could almost swear he said a name, but it was so low that you couldn’t quite catch it.
Beyond all of that, you couldn’t deny how right Dogday had been, resting really did wonders to your body and mood. You could feel your mind clearer and your muscles less stiff, even if still quite sore. Also, it was made in a rush, that is true, but the soft pillow pile really was comforting enough that it didn’t make it any easier to get up and go on about your day.
Still, as always, there was work to do. It really wouldn’t hurt to get up in the vents and walk around a bit to see if there was any murder toy wandering close so you could attract them away before they could interrupt Dog’s sleep. 
It wasn’t anything really that urgent, however,… It felt weird not doing anything in this place, to deliberately choose to stay instead of to move. Letting your guard down last night had been literally the only thing you could do with how exhausted you were and having a trustful friend close by your side, but now? When you were more rested and nowhere close to the exit? The jittery feeling was already catching up to you. 
You tried to get up, only to be stopped by an arm closing on your midriff, a nose being pressed on the top of of head and nuzzling it with care before a raspy voice - you really needed to find some kind of oil or toolbox to help with his voicebox, sometimes it felt like he was always with a sore throat - glitched for a half second before coming to life in a quiet, slurred “Angel?”
Good morning, sleepy beauty.
Dogday huffed in amusement. Silence washed over you both once again.
A while passed and no more words were exchanged. Uh, probably went back to sleep already. You tried to carefully extract yourself from his hold. 
“Mm? What happened?” Dogday yawned, sounding a bit more awake this time. “Do we have to go?” He propped himself in one elbow, using his enormous height to peak over the hiding place and watch the door and windows, ears perking up in a search of any strange sound. “I’m not listening to any danger. This is a good spot.”
You agreed, feeling a tad bad that you woke up your companionship unnecessarily with your unrelenting thoughts. Nothing really happened, you assured, he could go back to sleep if he wanted. You could stay with the guarding shift.
Rubbing his eyes and yawning more, the sentient toy then changed his focus to you, noticing the slight drop in your tune, mind becoming clearer as he added to that detail the stiffness that went back in your shoulders. His brain tried to connect the dots.
“Did you have a nightmare, sunshine?”
No, not really. 
“What happened?”
It’s all just… too much thoughts. You wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep like this, not without a distraction. It would be the best if you got something to do, so he could go back to his nap. It was fine, you would stay awake in guard.
“I see.”
He laid back down, however, instead of letting you go and immediately go back to sleep, as you expected, he began massaging your shoulders, mouth turning into a pout when that didn’t make you melt completely in blissful slumber like last night, but at least got some of the tension out. 
Even if it felt like the human continued to hold onto every last drop of stress for some reason, refusing to close their eyes or fully relax. Knowing their current situation, Dogday could understand. But still, his friend should be able to enjoy this little chance of a rest that they’ve got. They were both so tired and finally had a good place to spend some good old lazy time without being worried about running for their lives or seeing nightmares at each blink of eyelids. It was not the best spot that the factory could once offer, of course, yet nowadays it was like a piece of heaven.
He wished he could help his angel to enjoy it. Yesterday they seemed so happy. But unless he could think in a good distraction…
A sudden thought then popped in his head, a memory from what happened the previous night. An idea.
“Sunshine, do you like games?”
Games? Like… hide and seek or catch? 
Dogday nodded, looking eager. 
Yeah, you did. Even so, you don’t think that making up some ruckus will be good to keep up their hidden spot, well, hidden.
“No, no! This one doesn’t involve running or anything that could give up our location. Actually, you won’t even need to move from where you are to play it.”
Really? Well, it was worth a shot, then. 
“Alright. Do you remember what happened when we found those old rags in one of the corridors a few days ago?”
Yes, you did.
You watched as Dogday chuckled, like he knew something you didn’t and, with a crooked eyebrow, you stared at him, trying to remember the mentioned moment better. 
Nowadays his fur was no longer the bright orange that it once was like the old cardboards and tv episodes showed, but at least it got a resemblance of a cleaned state after using some good-enough rags you found on the way to one of the generators. You both did the best to take out the debris, dust and blood from him. It took longer than it should because the taller toy kept squirming and wiggling around in an adorable inescapable fit of giggles, not really being a big help as, in between his laughter, he kept claiming that it really, really tickled. 
As a good friend, of course, you just grabbed the rag he let fall after a bit of lil cleaning on his poor ticklish tummy and racked both hands up and down his sides, scribbling away while he hid his smile behind hands, muffling his loud crackles. The cleaning didn’t stop there and hunted each tiny spot and slight hint of dust off him with plenty of scratches, prodding and drumming everywhere your hands could reach, catching all the titters, snickers and snorts that danced in the rhythm of your fingers. Your own giggles did not take much longer to follow them. 
Dogday’s paw continued to run in a light touch on your back and suddenly a bolt of electricity jolted you up when your mind connected the memory of his playful demisse to what he just said.
Your eyes widened and his expression opened into a smirk, sensing the very same moment you got to the conclusion that you were about to get absolutely and utterly destroyed with tickles.
You tried pushing him away, one hand twisting behind to catch his wrist as the other hand fought to snatch his free one, which kept flying away from yours in a game of mouse and cat. 
“Wait, angel!” He couldn’t help but laugh, especially as your movements got more and more uncoordinated the longer they kept this little game, even before he truly attempted to do anything. A wobbly smile was already taking over your face, only growing bigger when every swipe he did in your direction - only to be deflected by your hands - made your entire skin tingle and prickle in anticipation. Each adorable reaction only assisting in making Dogday more determined that he choose the right distraction. “Don’t you want to know about the game? I bet that you will love it! I used to play and win all the time so I can teach you every special trick of mine.”
No, no, no, no! You knew exactly what he was doing! There was no such thing as a game!
“Gasp!” You were sure that Dogday would be dramatically putting a hand on his chest if it wasn’t for the rough housing, but sudden noise was successful to break your concentration. He used his trapped hand to sneak a quick jab on your side, ripping out a delightful screech before you slammed your back again on the mattress, both hands now in front of you, no longer moving, yet still ready to defend and attack. “I would never lie to you, my beautiful, beautiful beacon of light, the only and one sunshine, my angel.”
He was not going to succeed in distracting you again with those sugary sweet nicknames! You knew exactly what he was doing and you wouldn’t let him get you.
“No, no, you got me wrong, angel.” Dogday booped your nose, seeming like he couldn’t control himself with excitement and a smug kind of joy that only grew the longer you both stared at each other, waiting for the moment to strike. His tail wagged and he pretended to lounge at your stomach, stopping inches before touching it and drinking the way that a squeal escaped from your mouth, body stuck into a position between laying down and curling on itself, giggles quickly filling the room. Actually, you could feel yourself getting giddier at each second, completely aware that there was no way for you to get out of this and no other option besides wait for the next attack.
The way that this thought only made butterflies go crazy on your belly should be illegal.
Dogday continued as if nothing happened. “This isn’t the game. The game only starts when I start to tickle you, silly! And it is called ‘Try To Not Laugh’.” He managed to waltz through your defenses, his index finger and thumb catching your side in a grip way too light to even be considered a pinch. It made you try to squirm with a snort to the other direction, as if he just had unleashed a ruthless attack of squeezes on the spot. 
His grin glimmered and he let you go, chuckling. You could feel the phantom touch still. 
(Why did his paws have to be so fuzzy!?) 
“It means that you can’t giggle, squeal, snicker, chuckle, snort, chortle, shriek or laugh! No matter how much it tickles, itches or ‘feels funny’.” Dogday counted each reaction pulling up a finger and you tried to not let your face melt as he just kept talking, looking more and more delighted with how each word seemed to make you twitch on the spot, his paws clawing in your direction when he was done. 
Before you could think, he went for your neck, fingertips barely, just the slightest bit, grazing the skin before you catched his wrists and pushed them away, scrunching your neck as tiny tickly sparks spread like fire across your nerves. A sound akin to a keysmash left your lips and Dogday looked like you had just given him the best news of his entire existence.
He tilted his head and watched his own captured paws for a piece of moment before shrugging. He continued on with his explanation.
“In turn I will try my true best to make you laugh. And that can mean anything! I can fill your entire cute neck with aaaaall the raspberries that it could ever want, wiggle my claws on your ticklish armpits, play your ribs like a very lovely piano, squeeze your sides non stop until you’re dancing around like a wiggly worm, maybe even give your tummy a few scratches and scribbles, or, or even better! I can play ‘This little piggy’ with your toes over and over again until your sweet laughter fills this entire room like the sweetest melody. And then we can do it all over but with you giggling and snickering ringing free the entire time! Doesn’t it sound like a fun idea, my angel?”
Oh, you were going to die. Whether he decided to tickle you right away or keep the teases for who knows how long, you don’t think that your face would survive being under so much heat for so long.
Besides, this is not fair at all! He will win it anyway, you couldn’t hold on your laughter forever while he t-, while he attacks you.
“Aww, but, sunshine, tickling is hardly an attack!” His face got closer and suddenly you realized that he did not need any free hand to accomplish his first promise of tickles. 
With wide eyes you tried to roll away, but to do so, you would have to let his paws go, and you knew very well that the moment this happened, it would be a game over for you. For the way that Dogday grinned in your direction, he reached the same conclusion as well. “Also, I can’t even touch you, right now! I think you can win this.” Dogday wiggled his paws in your hold, as if proving his point. 
With (an eager) trepidation, you watched as his face continued to get closer, prying a couple of titters when his floppy, fuzzy ears brushed your own ears. He chuckled at your reaction, a mix of fondness and playful, fake frustration painting his words. “Sunshine, you’re already giggling? I will have to take my last words back, then, I don’t think this game will last too long, anymore.” 
Oh ho ho, he should just wait, because when you get him back you then he was going to see who was-
Dogday shoved his face on the crook of your neck and immediately began nuzzling the spot without a worry in the world, successfully cutting your threat short.
Wait! Wait!
“Don’t mind me, angel, please continue.” He huffed and puffed on the spot, shivers running in a hilarious cacophony across your every sense, almost ripping a squeal from your lips. Actually, just like his words hitting the skin, you could feel the way that snickers began pooling in your throat, waiting for any tiny chance to escape. You clamped your mouth shut, a muffled snort taking over. You were going to at least try to hold them in and try your chances at winning this childish game, for your own pride, if nothing else. 
He didn’t have his paws to tickle, right? I mean, how bad could it really be?
Dogday hummed, each word vibrating on the skin in an almost unbearable manner, making you want to jump away and at the same time let yourself get lost in the sensations. “What were you saying, angel? Please, don’t stop because of me! You know I always love to hear what you have to say.”
You shook your head, partially in an attempt to somehow escape from the tickling and partially to dissipate the energy that was building up on your system. Anything to not focus on the snickers bouncing freely in your chest.
“No? Not a word? Aw.” You could feel the fake pout the sentient toy did right before letting his features go back to that dangerous, mischievous grin. “I have a question for you, then! Do you know what is the tickle puppy favorite’s fruit?”
You knew a trap when you saw one, so you kicked your legs, trying and failing to let out any protest because you were sure that if you stopped pressing your lips in a tight line for even half of a second, there would be no stopping from the waterfall of laughter.
A shriek almost made you lose when he unleashed the first raspberry, more and more of them being quick to follow right after. On the base of your neck, your collarbone, under your chin and in every inch on the unprotected spot. There was nowhere safe from the awfully buzzing that made every other feeling disappear, seeing to tickle every nerve and making tingles to run crazy in absolutely everywhere. He even grazed the back of your ears with a couple of raspberries, cooing when you tried to shrink and hide the spot by pressing them on your shoulder, only succeeding to leave the other side of your neck completely free for more nuzzles and tickles, an opportunity that Dogday was fast to take, taking turns in bashing every side of your neck in a tickly attention. 
Another quiet, muffled squeak painted the air.
Dogday lifted his head again, entire demeanor completely melting for a piece of time when he saw you (oh my stars, look at this amazing smile!) before that joyful light was back in his eyes. Once more, he tried wiggling his paws out of your hold, but your grip continued to be as firm as ever, your wobbly smile shining in a challenge.
Oh, you’re just so fun!
“Gasp! It seems like I am stuck! Oh no, angel, what will I do now?” His gaze then traveled to your stomach, and all the hints that softness had ever been present in his features instantly evaporated as his face became something more playful, even a tad devilish, with a hint of hunger. 
“My, my,” you didn’t exactly know why, but his voicebox glitched, jumping between a light taunting tune and his usual lower one. “Is that a delicious tummy that I see? Poor thing, it must be so cold to be shaking like this. Well, and what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t offer any help, huh?”
Your friend was quite tall and kind of clumsy when he walked around, too. Now, how that clumsy toy was able to, in a span of less than a blink, take a gigantic breath and immediately attack your stomach with it was a true mystery that you didn’t had a lot of time to think about when your entire body took a screenshot for a long, long second, ticklish sensations exploding in a frenzy, before your entire torso instinctively beginning to trash, loud peals of laughter jumping freely on the tip of your tongue, begging to be free. They cheered in excitement and only grew stronger when other smaller raspberries took their turn to explore every spot, every sensitive creek or place of your stomach, breaking more and more of your barriers, little by little. It took every single ounce of strength to not lose the game right here and there.
Dogday didn’t even pretend to be holding back, anymore. Right as you survived another tiny raspberry that got way too close to your side to be an accident, a nibble appeared, catching you so out of guard that it made your arch your back, legs kicking with adrenaline. But the tickly, light nibbles weren’t diverted, intertwining with tiny raspberries in a mischievous dance that increased your internal laughing into a tenfold.
That was when one of them hit the spot closer to your bellybutton and you couldn’t take it anymore. Your hands let go of his wrists to push his stupid smiling - so proud and so bright - face away, body squirming and eyes crinkling on the corners with mirth.
“I am free!” He laughed, pretending to not hear the tiny low titters flying from your mouth as you regained your strength, taking the breather as what it was. His ears twitched with every cute little giggle and he kind of wanted to immediately go back to bash every sweet, soft spot in tickles you until that beautiful laughter was ringing loud and free across the entire room and that soft, relaxed state you were in became so much common that he wouldn’t see you stressed ever again.
But he was going to wait for you to rest a tadbit first, that was the main objective of their game, afterall.
Feeling calmer, you looked at your friend, who jolted in the same place, seeing to get out of a trance. He recovered quickly and lifted his paws, easily slipping into the tickle monster persona as he slowly clawed in your direction.
“Now that my hands are free, I wonder where I should attack next…” He looked thoughtful, slowly bringing his paws closer and closer to your torso, wiggly fingers softly scrapping the ticklish skin, but not really drumming on it, not yet. “Maybe I should try your armpits first? Aw, but you were so jumpy when I squeezed your side that one time! And you seemed really excited when I mentioned tickling your ribs… Ah! So many options, so many options… We will have to try every single one of them, of course. What do you think, my giggly angel? Which one do I tickle first?”   
None! Absolutely none of them!
“None?” He tilted his head, knowing very well how cute he looked like when he did that. “But then … Oh! I see!” Dogday snapped his fingers and you were pretty sure that if this was a cartoon a lamp would appear shining right above that absolute, silly, mean, goofball. “You want me to tickle your legs!” 
At your wide stare and sputtering pretenses of protests his smirk turned sharp, which didn’t quite help the anticipatory bolts of electricity that suddenly left you feeling even more ticklish than usual, trying to curl and hide your legs but feeling him dig more on your torso every time you did so. He continued. “That is why you didn’t stop kicking and squirming the entire time I was tickling your neck and tummy, right? Aww, sunshine, if you wanted my attention so much, you could’ve just asked!”
That was literally not the reason at all! Dogday!!
He hummed in an answer, turning around and easily pinning your legs by holding your ankles down, his touch so gentle that you were pretty sure that if you really wanted and struggled you could escape from it.
(And if that didn’t make everything even more endearing, you honestly didn’t know what would.)
Without wasting any more time, Dogday started squeezing the sensitive spot right above your kneecap, skillfully jumping from one leg to another unexpectedly, digging on the skin and following your leg around with no problem as a new round of kicks started once again, keeping up with the tickling. The ticklish sensations made your head spin, tingles spreading across your muscles and teasing all the nearest tickle spots, leaving them prickling in anticipation and a funny kind of energy that made every nerve of your knees crazy as more and more squeezes and pinches continued unmercifully assaulting the spot non stop. 
A sudden move and you yelped when your legs were lifted, his curious hand worming its way under your knee to lightly scratch the sensitive skin there. The touch was so incredibly fuzzy, so adoringly soft that the sudden change from the rough to light technique almost ripped a series of snickers from your throat without permission, the hilarity and urge to laugh taking over your every thought. 
Dogday continued scribbling and drawing shapes, leaving a couple of pokes here and there just so he could listen to those delightful muffled snorts.
(He would really love to listen to them more clearly, though.) 
“You really love this, don’t you, angel?” 
You barely sputtered out an answer before being obligated to clamp your mouth shut, uncontrollable laughter making your shoulders bounce as he took the chance to crawl his fingers upwards to your thigh, skittering them there for a couple of seconds before spidering them right back to under your knees, repeating the cycle for a couple of times before mirroring them on the other leg. 
“When I tickle you.” He scratched under your knee. 
“When I tease you.” He squeezed your calf.
“When I fluster you.” He swiped at the space right under your toes.
“It’s really adorable!” His paw stopped right on your sole and he pressed it, firmly enough that it didn’t tickle, still, for some reason you couldn’t stop your smile from becoming even more wobblier, the giddiness growing stronger and spreading in your every cell just like the heat that seemed to take over your face. 
“Especially because I can’t wait to hear aaaaall those cute giggles and beautiful laughter that you have trapped right there.” Suddenly, he raked his fingers up, from your heel to under the toes. A squeal filled the air. Dogday’s eyes shone, like an arrow findings the target. His fingertips curled, kneading on the skin. “That is why I have to apologize, angel, because I lied to you. That is a game that I just have to win.”
He then attacked.
It was less than a half of a piece of time, but suddenly your soles were being overcomed with scribbles, scratches and wiggling everywhere they could reach. There were digging fingers under your toes and a spidering that followed them to the pads, tweaking and scritching them all while curious pokes payed attention to the entire path of your arches, even if shouldn’t be possible for him to be tickling both places at the same time. Nevertheless, Dogday’s paw was so big that he was able to torment both of your feet at once while still holding them through all the resulting kicks those created.
And the teasing… Of course there was also the teasing.
“There we go! Oh my, oh my, look at you! You just can’t help being so adorable, now, can you? Awww, angel, you always get this… sweet expression when you are happy, so I like to call it your happy face! It’s delightful. The corner of your eyes gets all crinkly and your face gets all soft and your smile… your smile is the best part, it’s so bright! No matter the size or the time, it really feels like we have our own special rays of sun down here.”
He found a rather sensitive spot right above your heel and immediately concentrated on it with all his might, drumming and prodding there as if the salvation of this entire factory depended on making you laugh.
“That is why it was so easy to see how much you love tickles, sunshine. First when you were tickling me a few days ago and now. Since we started that game… you didn’t even ask me to stop and all while you simply never ceased looking so adorably full of joy like this! I could really spend the entire day just here, you know? Tickling you silly over and over again.”
That did it. The barrier broke. Loud peals of laughter were fished from your lips. Every sound and reaction filled the air in a frantic, unrestrained melody of mirth. 
Now, with them flying freely in the room, there were uncontrollable, hysterical giggles when Dogday decided to knead your calves up and down, those only being taken down by an unstoppable crackling, painted with one or two snorts, as his paws wiggled away to squeeze right above your kneecaps, taking his sweet, sweet time to give the ticklish skin under it a few swipes before moving away.
Finally, he let your ankles go, both paws resting on your sides, unbothered by all the squirming and protests that this simple act created, drinking in every reaction with a so fond, so tender gaze that it bordered on dotingly as you got another break.
You tried to take big gulps of air, but everytime your gazes found each other, titters grew anew, distracting you and leaving you in a constant state of a silly, giggly kind of joy.
M-Maybe he should reconsider! You laughed already, he won the game! That should be the end of this, right!
Dogday chuckled, fingers tuttering in their spot, curling and uncurling slowly, content to feel the trembling on the skin under them. 
“The end? But we just started! And you still got so much beautiful laughter trapped right here to show.” With his index finger, he highlighted his word by tapping on your belly, right in your bellybutton, ears perking at the screech this brought. “So many cute snorts and melodious shrieks that I would love to meet. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t help to let them out, huh?”
A flow of words, more unintelligible than anything, fell off your lips. A mix of pleas,  threats, high pitched giggles and some indistinguishable sounds that could only be considered a true keysmash rather than a sentence. Dogday hummed in agreement and nodded his head as if it was all a well constructed and understandable sentence.
“I knew you would eventually see my point, angel. You’re such a delight, you know, that?”
He smiled, so kindly and caring, and then he digged.
His paws, big enough to cover your entire midriff drummed non stop, squeezing the lower part of your stomach while scratching everywhere they could reach. He stayed there for a while before his wiggling fingers crawled up, scribbling and pinching your sides unmercifully. They looked for any weak spot, any lovely place that would make you snort and squirm away and latched there with pinches and kneading until your back arched, only then moving back to tickle your stomach until you went back to try to curl yourself in a ball, starting the cycle over and over again. 
You felt almost high with laughter, the thought that it tickled, it tickled so so much and more than anything ever taking over your brain in sync with the loud, high pitched squeals and belly laughter (ha- Dogday would love that pun if you could say it to him) that chased after each other. After so much teasing, every tickle seemed to be accompanied by the brush of thousand of tiny phantom feathers that still tormented your stomach even when he moved away to your ribs, carefully pressing down on the bones and quickly scribbling with so much skill that it should be illegal the actual, loud crackle such a simple action created.
Your hands flied to hold his wrists, caught between pushing them away and pulling them close and, at seeing that, the sentient toy couldn’t help but feel himself melt and snicker fondly, barely controlling the urge to shove his face back on your neck and nuzzle and nibble the daylights out of it in a pure attack of cuteness. His tail was wagging so much that it dislodged a few pillows from where they were.
“Such a good friend. Such a cute, nice friend for me. For us.” The praises fell from his mouth naturally, your companionship too focused on keeping those happy reactions to really think too much about them. “You do so much to all of us, to me, and keep going above and beyond just to accomplish what you set your mind in. You’re brave and one of the strongest humans I’ve ever known. And there is so much kindness in you that I could talk the entire day about it! You saved me, you cared and tried and sometimes down here it feels like a nightmare but you… you make everything so much better, like a true angel. That is why I love this nickname so much. It really fits you.” 
You tried to answer, to say how much especial, strong and essential Dogday was for you as well, but every time a single coherent word slipped from your lips he immediately reinforced his attack, fully aware that if you said anything sweet he would inevitably let his guard down and you would be able to turn the tables, and he really needed to say all of that to you before that. 
His tickles were now focusing on keeping up the flow of starry laughter, watching them grow up to chortles and tune down into snickers as he scribbled in between each bone, keeping track of every special spot that pried a shriek from your lungs only to randomly attack it with prodding and poking, slowly fishing all kinds of joyful sounds that you could make.
He then buried his paws in your armpits, swirling the fingertips there for a few moments before digging energetically, fingers dancing and prodding every inch they could reach, which immediately made your arms come down with a loud chortle, head shaking and legs kicking at the sensation.
How was he so good at this?
Dogday gasped dramatically (not again-) and lightly pulled his paws in faux alarm, not really stopping his attack. “Oh no! Once more, you have trapped me!” Such a goofball. Such a silly, mean goofball and you could not wait to put your wiggly hands on and see how flustered you could make him be. “Dang, I really didn’t want to resort to this but I guess that I have no other option but to keep tickling and tickling and tickling on your poor ticklish pits forever and ever until the end of our days.” He then winked when he found your shining eyes. “But you would actually love that, wouldn’t you, my giggly sunshine?”
That was it. You were going to die. Right here and there. The playful tickles, the unrelenting teasing, the fond stares and gentle words… you could actually feel your entire body about to melt.
With a strength you didn’t even realize you had, you pulled your arms up to hide your flaming face, a pitched ‘eee’ sound mixing with the hysterical, absolutely uncontrollable laughter, your body rolling to the side and curling, shoulders bouncing with the force of each of your giggles.
Dogday let go of you, giggling together with your reactions, resting his hands on the ground and just observing, amusement and care clear as water in every trace of his features.
After a while, you felt a paw lay on your back, retracting for a bit when just that made you wiggle away, a new round of chuckles spilling, before it came back to rub your shoulders, touch kind and too firm to tickle. “Okay, okay, sunshine. I’m done. You can calm down for now.”
Laying down on the floor giggling yourself silly didn’t feel so embarrassing when Dogday’s own quiet snorts and snickers were quick to accompany you, especially since the rubbing really felt relaxing, making you melt on the touch bit by bit. 
After a few minutes, when a comfortable silence had fallen on you both, you rolled on your back, finally being able to stare at your companionship without feeling like you would explode. Dogday smiled bigger at your direction. He lifted a paw to gently wipe a tear from your cheek, not thinking too much about it.
“That was so fun! I didn’t know you were so ticklish, angel. You are almost as bad as m-” He stopped right in his tracks when a gasp and a new string of titters fell like a waterfall from your mouth and you pushed his paw away, fastly rubbing your cheek so the feeling of fuzzy tickles would go away. It was like the softest makeup brush had just touched your skin, and you had no idea that just this could tickle so much.
Dohohogday! You sahaid you werehe done! 
But your companionship didn’t answer. Astonished, he stared at his paw before looking at you again, gaze jumping from one to the other like he was watching a tennis match.
Suddenly his entire face brightened like the sun and he looked at you as if you had just said the funniest, most brilliant pun he had ever heard in his entire life.
“Aaaangel!” Every letter was bathed in pure, disbelieved delight.
No! You knew very well what that tune meant! No way! Nononono! Don’t you dare!
“Are your cheeks…”
Dohohogday! Don’t you come closer!
Before you could push yourself from the mattress and jump away, there were two thumbs softly scratching on your cheeks, scribbling so lightly that it immediately made a giant smile take over your expression. Titters started to fill the air once more.
“Oh my… angel! This is adorable!” Dogday looked like he was about to bounce around the room with how much excited he was, his voice getting higher and glitching in excitement. “I can’t believe how fun and cute… You just… Ah, sunshine, I can’t help but!”
And before you could even blink, he shoved his smiley, stupidly fuzzy face right on your neck again, nuzzling there without a single worry in the world. His fingers kept  tickling your cheeks, sometimes even slipping to tease the back of your ears with a few scratches as he giggled in joy since he could literally feel the rumbling of your snickers. They twirled and spun in the air for much minutes more until his tickly attack from cuteness overload was finally finished and you both just kept layed down on the comfy pile, cuddling in between content sighs.
Dogday listened to your calm breath, saw how relaxed your entire body was and, according to the few sneaky peaks he had, saw that happy, full of mirth, smile was still in your face, leaving him melting in contentment, entire body relaxing as well. 
Perfect. His plan had worked.
Not that it was that big of a deal, but it had been such a long time since he had the opportunity to…
He was just glad that it worked. That he still got it in him. 
(Being playful. Happy. Helping the others. Being there when they needed him. Matter when it was necessary. Being silly and fun)
He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t sense the hand coming until it laid on his head, playing with the fur there and scratching on that place right behind his left ear that never failed to make him embarrassingly become a mush of pleased hums and wagging tail. A low, sleepy voice crossed the air.
You said you would take him out of here. It’s a promise, Dogday.
How his angel knew exactly what to say was a mystery to him. And, it didn’t quite hurt, but his entire being ached at those words. His smile was sad and he was glad that the human couldn’t see as he blinked quickly, eyes suddenly moisty. “Alright.”
There would still be some revenge when you woke up, though. Be ready.
And that reminded him so much of others playful, sleepy conversations he had before everything happened that it ripped a surprised laugh from him. He tried to look up to see the very much likely mischievous glint in his friend’s eyes, but a few more purposeful scratches turned him right back to a content puddle. He nuzzled the human a bit more. “Sleep well, angel.”
You too, Dogday.
(And sleep well they did. Lost in a peaceful rest as the entire world outside left them be.)
Random fun facts!
-There is a parallel I made by mistake between CatNap and DogDay and the whole 'trusting and following the being that saved your life'. It's not too deep and Dogday isn't as bad as Catnap but that was an interesting thing I noticed :D
-Different from the reader, Dogday is more used to the time down there so he has a good grasp when day and nights happens in general.
-I am actively ignoring the plotholes here about food and water here. Ya know when you have to poke holes in a lid so the bugs in the container can breathe that is what I doing kjhgfdfghyhgfd
-Nothing to do with the fanfic but I kept listening to this song when I was writing it and I think it's cute.
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queenendless · 1 year
😂Ticklish Remedy(Student!SatoSuguxStudent!Fem!Reader)😂
A/N: Sorry this took me so long to get out! I gotta write more JJK tk fics in the future. This one I rushed, it's true.
Content: Angst, hurt/comfort, more exposition than tickles but obvious tickles, mention of reader gaining seer vision cursed technique powers for possible future plot development, Shoko Ieiri cameo, and SatoSugu poly loving.
Credit for characters and art used goes to Gege sensei.
* Please DON'T plagarize, translate, or repost my FANFIC content. Reblog, like, and follow instead.
I hope you enjoy.
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Why were you in such a pathetic mood?
Waking up from a messed up dream in a cold sweat?
Coming back from a mission where more damage than saving was done?
Or a hard downpour out of nowhere soaked you and would be around for the remainder of the evening?
All of the above.
In this life, you are the quiet, sweet protective being. But it takes certain things to set you off. All of the above, for instance.
Another big one would be the only friends turned found family you ever had and known getting harmed in any way, whether from slander from those foolish higher ups or certain corrupted humans you were obligated to save and not harm for retribution despite getting injured on the job because of them. Those indeed pissed you off.
That wasn't the case this time.
Nah, you're just having one of those days.
You had just left the shower, clad in a dry tee shirt and short shorts, going stomach first flopping on your dorm room bed in a downtrodden sense, when a loud knock on your door made you moan in refusal, smothering your face in your pillow.
"L/n? Sweetie? Y/n-chaaaaaan~?!"
Satoru's loud rambles; his voice always making you smile, now sounded irritating to you. "Go away." Your muffled yell made a new voice join in.
"Y/n? Honey? Are you alright?"
Suguru's concerned voice made you feel bad at behaving this way towards them when it wasn't their fault at all. "Not really."
"Excuse us. We're coming in." Suguru's warning was followed by your dorm room door sliding opening as their heads popped up through behind the door, your weak wave giving them the prompt to just come in.
They were both still in uniform but also in socks and slippers, as Satoru flopped down, jostling the bed, before spooning you from behind and Suguru sliding your door closed before sitting on the edge of the bed in front of you and held your hand in his; rubbing comforting circles on your knuckles with his thumb when he asked.
"How bad?"
Your hesitant sigh didn't bode well. "I was sent alone to exorcize a second-grade curse spirit after it ended several regulars working at a cemetery."
"Yaga-sensei told us." Suguru's pitying gaze made you whine weakly. "We're sorry we couldn't go with you."
Flashes of your nightmare from early morning resurfaced; your pinched expression being a sign of your discomfort. "The same nightmare happened again. Just … bloodied corpses … of those I care for …that shadowed, stitched forehead bastard's smile ... and I'm unable to move or scream or do anything …" Your voice wavered as your form trembled with a deep-rooted frustration and pain on this particular dilemma.
You still had no freaking idea who or what it was; human or cursed spirit, let alone why you kept having these dreams. A warning? Perhaps. You were slowly climbing up the ranks in terms of developing your Innate technique; as odd as it was in getting impactful visions followed by side effecting migraines. And this was yet another unknown future threat standing in your way.
"Plus I got rained down hard coming back here. So there." You pouted, taking Suguru's hand in your own, just to splat it over your face, amusing the latter despite the gloomy vibe.
"That bad, huh? God, quite the depressing mood bundle you are!" Satoru sighed loudly.
You jammed your thumb over your shoulder into Satoru's cheek, dryly retorting. "Obnoxious creep." You thrusted your pointer finger of the same hand forward in Suguru's face. "Weird bangs guy."
"Now sweetie, I know you're just saying those things because you're down in the dumps… but it still wounds me!" Satoru mockingly cried out, ruffling your hair, further driving the point of getting stabbed in the feels.
"Honey, you're wrong. About my bangs, I mean. Satoru … nah that's right on the mark." Geto poked your nose, smirking like the smart ass he is, rubbing salt in the wound.
"Hey!" Gojo flared up, dagger eyes on his bestie at the betrayal.
You snorted at their interaction. Satoru's face stubbornly set in a pouting expression, when the sound you just made gave him quite the amusing idea as he kissed your forehead down from up above you. "So, what you need right now is some serious cheering up, 101."
A twisted smile suddenly wormed up on his face. It makes your gut squirm with nerves.
"Suguru~" The sing-song tone to his name snatched the younger man's attention. "It seems our lovely girlfriend is too grumpy for our liking~!"
The same twisted feeling inside you doubled as Suguru smiled at you in the same manner.
"Yes … we should remedy that right away."
Able to read each other's thoughts down pat; synced as the best friends they are, meant they were both on board for their evil agenda.
"Uh, chotto matte," Your Nihongo Jouzu reflexes came spilling out as nervous giggles did as well, fidgeting as your attempts to get up and pull away from Satoru's hold were futile for his arms tightened around your waist and pulled quick enough to flush your back against his front. "Not that. Anything but that!"
"Y/n-chan … if you plead more, I'll consider it." Suguru calmly mused as he climbed up on your bed, trapping your legs in between his knees, coyly smiling. "Maybe~"
A squeal sprung free from your lips as the spider-like fingers of Satoru squeezed your sides before wriggling into your ribs. "I'd rather she beg. After all, she wants this so much~!" Satoru smugly taunted, that fat ass smirk plastered on his face when you jabbed your elbow hard in his side.
"Liar liar pants on fire – AAH~!" Your retort was cut off by your own shriek as Satoru's fingertips slithered around to deeply drag across your belly.
"Oh ho, you're gonna get it now!" Satoru's deepened tone spoke doom for you. Suguru's snickers only added to it.
Your spastic, laughing form was kicking, flailing, and bouncing to both their inner amusement and glee; the bed squeaking and the headboard hitting the wall many times in the process.
"Cootchie cootchie coo~!" Satoru's fingers slid through your shirt sleeves to pinch and wring the bare skin of your armpits.
"Tohohohohoru you ahahahahahass~!" You slam your shoulders into his in another attempt to push him off, but that lean skinny bode hid such strength beneath.
"Hey! I have a fine ass, I'll have you know!" Gojo's pursed lips were made to good use as he began doing raspberries from the crook of your neck to the base of it to under your ear, speaking in between every tingling blow. "Very. Fine. Indeed!" His snowy hair added to the ticklish sensation as his puffy locks brushed your cheek.
"You twohoohoo beheheheheter stahahahap or I swehehehear I'll – EEK~!" You squeaked harder as Suguru exchanges wiggling squeezes between your shaking kneecaps and your thighs. "Suhuhuhuhugu qu – quihihihit it~!!"
Geto snorted. "Jackass is more like it."
"Your face up my ass the other day spoke otherwise, if you recall~" Satoru's buzzing wet lips pulled from your neck to give bedroom eyes to Suguru.
Who returns the look, just as gluttonous for another go. "The face you made proves you enjoyed it just as much~"
Their raunchy talk was halted as a pillow got whacked in Suguru's face, followed by said pillow being thrown to Satoru's, who barely caught it in one hand. But that enough commotion lets you slip free from his loosened grasp.
Though the truth was he let you go free for now, laughing slowly at the look of sheer disbelief on his raven haired lover's face at what you just pulled, the more bangs loosely gracing his forehead from the commotion.
"Ooh, you're in trouble~!" Gojo singing spoke of doom.
Your panting, pink cheeked self could only have a moment's reprieve as chills raked your skin at the dark edge tainting Suguru's almond eyes. Unlike the smile in your nightmares, bearing callousness and insanity, Suguru's bore a more eerily calm smiling face.
"Indeed … it's on."
He dodged the kick to his face by your freed foot, toothily smiling as he caught your ankle, viewed your squirming foot with scrutinizing intrigue, before dragging his finger up and down your sole lightly enough to have you become a cute chortling mess.
Your other foot moved to kick his arm to free yourself when Gojo snatched it straight away, clicking his tongue to scold you. "Naughty, naughty~"
The two looming devils you love jumped you!
Shoko Ieiri, twirling her non lite cigarette between her fingers, jumped at the ear-piercing scream striking the air of the dorm, high tailing to the source as curiosity beckoned her.
Discovering the loud slamming ruckus jumbled in as well, it all is coming from your room followed by your jumbled cackling wordplay in the mix had her sliding the door open, her cigarette nearly slipping from her grasp at the sight she just witnessed.
You were flipped to lay on your stomach, laughing your sweaty red face off, as both those bastards each straddled a thigh of yours, with a footsie for each to tickle savagely.
"And this is why I stopped questioning why this is your norm now." Shoko shrugged.
"She whacked us with her pillow!" Suguru gruffly complained as his fingers wringed through your toes.
"Hilarious move on her part but she did wound my pride." Satoru's mirthful grin then drooped as his pride did deflate. "So, retribution!" Killing your restraint as he nibbled on your padded piggies.
Your flailing calves nearly whacking them were immediately taken care of as their forearms wrapped around them to hold them in place, their hands squeezing your ankles in their ironclad grip. Suguru nibbled and dragged his teeth and tongue down your wrinkled sole while Satoru's lips and tongue suckled and wriggled between your toes.
"Yeah, as the resident healer of our group, I see the telltale signs she's gonna pass out at this rate." Shoko nearly toppled over you as your hands needed some support to dig and squeeze your fingers in something to keep your unhinged self-grounded.
Suguru hummed in contemplation. "Hmmm … while seeing and hearing our love in this state does please me greatly, this overall was supposed to cheer her up."
"Your cheering up brand is quite savage indeed." Shoko's apathetic tone made them both stifle a groan; Satoru's vibrating through your foot made you squeal louder, as he finally popped his mouth off your saliva covered minies.
"Alright, alright! We will," Satoru gave a big wet smooch to your topside. "I'd say we're even now."
Suguru kissed your other topside in the same manner, before their arms released your calves, moving off your thighs so they could lay your legs fully down on your rustled sheeted bed.
You breathed in and out your relief as tranquility came at last; giggles from ghost tickles slipping in, releasing your hold on Shoko's arm to fold yours and use them as your personal resting pillow. "Ah … f … freedom … thank you." You were now more exhausted but less depressing. Pro? Perhaps. For now, anyway.
"Y/n." You leaned your head into Satoru's smooth warm hand as he brushed your hair strands sticking to your forehead aside, rubbing your forehead before brushing your hair back in gentle motions, as he flopped down on his stomach on your right side, resting his cheek on his free forearm, the vibrant Six Eyes looking at you over his lowered shades, straightforward truth teeming in them. "In this life, you can't save everyone."
You frowned at that, blunt and to the point, when Suguru also flopped down the same way on your left side, his giant firm hand rubbing massaging circles on your back, surging with tender care, bringing blessed sighs out of you, as his eyes met yours next, teemed with solace. "Nor will the fear of the unknown go away just like that."
"We can't promise that nothing will happen to all of us later on down the line, either." Satoru's distaste for it showed.
"But we can promise that when they do, come what may, we'll give it our all." Suguru's empathy shined through in his beautiful almond eyes.
"We have to in order to be the strongest duo, after all." Satoru chuckled as his cheek nuzzled yours.
"Eh? And me?" You pouted.
"Then trio." Suguru pecked your lips just to see that smile of yours blossom.
"Ahem!" Shoko fake coughed, sitting against the front of the bed on the floor, plopping her head back, lips puckered and batting eyes at you all in fake sadness.
"Okay, squad then! Point being! Whatever comes our way, we face it together, as best we can. We are there for each other. None of us should be alone. Right?" Satoru's sincere toothy smile sealed the deal.
You sighed deeply. "Fine … but any more savage tickling cheering up schemes in the future are off the table! I swear to God –!"
"Hai hai." The duo agreed in unison as they each pressed a deep noisy smooch to your cheeks.
"Ehem." Shoko pointed at her own face, wanting smooches too. That brought laughs out of all three of you before you kissed her forehead, and the guys kissed her cheeks.
The downpour had finally ceased, and you fell asleep from the tiring experience that toppled the rest.
"Too precious for this kind of life, she is." Shoko smiled faintly as the guys kept their eyes on yourself, softly breathing, slowly lifting and lowering your slumbering self.
"Suguru? Those dreams of hers …"
"Premonitions, you mean?"
Satoru nodded. "It's been happening for weeks now."
"She could be a cursed Seer of sorts. See the future and all that." Shoko interjected.
"Her cursed energy has been increasing. Her output as well. Still … I say we keep close to her. Keep our guard up." Suguru suggested.
"And if Yaga-sensei sends her out solo tasking again?" Satoru dreaded that possible outcome.
"We should inform him of this. If a possible dire threat does arrive in our future, I'd suggest one of us go with her on missions just in case. We both can handle solo missions just fine."
"Then I call dibs~!"
Suguru's eyes narrowed intensely. "My idea, my dibs."
Satoru flared up. "Eh~?!"
Your groggy stirring mumbles alerted the bois to keep it down, your settling down leaving them puffing out their reliefs.
"Compromise then, Satoru~?"
Said man groaned. "You're lucky you're you."
Suguru chuckled at that before smooching his snowy haired lover over your resting head.
"Your throuple is a cursed miracle in and of itself, alright." Shoko murmured, toying with the cig between her lips.
Your throuple life story.
Cursed miracle indeed.
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ticklishraspberries · 11 months
Tell Him (George O'Malley x Reader)
Summary: You’re dating George O’Malley. You tell him about a certain liking of yours, and although he’s initially confused, he tries to understand. (This is incredibly self-indulgent and the reader is essentially just me. If anyone actually reads this, it’ll be a miracle, lmfao. Mentions of sex and tickling as a kink, but overall this fic is more fluff than smut.)
“I can’t.”
George sighed, but he had an amused expression on his face. “Whatever you’re gonna tell me, I won’t freak out. You know that, right?”
You blushed, avoiding his eyes. “It’s embarrassing. It’s not bad, but it's embarrassing.”
He took your chin, making you meet his eye. “Well, I’m not gonna pressure you. Whenever you’re ready to tell me, I’ll listen.”
You couldn’t help but smile. “Alright. Go save some lives, Dr. O’Malley.”
He kissed you quickly before heading out, and you sighed, resting your head in your hands. It was silly, really, and you were getting him worked up over nothing. If only your embarrassment, your shame didn’t run so deep, if only you had the guts to spit out a simple confession.
And it was over something so stupid.
Cuddling in bed with George last night had been nice. He was warm, and groggy after a day of interning at the hospital, but present enough to rub your back sweetly, muttering sweet words. And then his fingers had strayed near your side, soft and it had startled you and made you twitch.
“You alright?” he asked.
You had nodded. “All good.”
And then, he’d done it again. By accident, still. And you had twitched again, a puff of air resembling a soft laugh leaving your nose.
“Oh, I’m sorry, am I tickling you?” he’d asked.
You chuckled nervously. “A little.”
“Sorry,” he said again.
“It’s fine.”
And that had been it. What you hadn’t said was that it was completely fine if he tickled you, and that it would be fine to continue, because you enjoyed it.
You just couldn’t spit that out. And George deserved to know, because he would clearly do anything in his power to make you happy, and yet, you were afraid that something as simple as a little tickling would be the thing to scare him off.
His shift was long. Long enough for you to think it over. To plan out everything you would want to say, to prepare for a worst-case scenario. It wouldn’t be so bad. George was sweet. He was an angel, honestly, and the chances of him reacting poorly were slim to none. But that fear still lingered. The fear of rejection, ridicule, or just plain old misunderstanding.
But George would understand. He had to.
So after a long, long shift, George was back in your bed. Warm, sleepy, and hopefully ready to listen to your words.
“You ready to tell me what you wanted to say this morning?” he asked.
“Yes. No. Maybe?” you replied. “It’s…I really need to stress to you that it’s not a big deal. It really isn’t, but I’m embarrassed and this is really hard for me to talk about.”
He pulled you close. “I’m here to listen. What’s going on?”
“So, last night…You were rubbing my back, and you…Well, you…”
“Is this about me tickling you?” he interrupted. “Because it was an accident, and I won’t do it—”
“No, no, that’s…I wanna tell you that it’s okay. That I…I liked it. I mean, I would like it if you did it…Intentionally, next time.”
George blinked at you, mouth opening and closing. “I’m sorry…You liked it?”
There it was. The twinge of judgement in his voice. It made you deflate, cheeks turning red.
He sensed the shift in your attitude and immediately shook his head. “No, no, it’s not a bad thing. I’m just…Surprised, that’s all! Because, well, my brothers used to tickle me all the time and I always hated it. I mean, they were rough, and it hurt, and they used to make me cry…So, I mean, the idea of someone liking it is just sort of weird to me. Not weird in a bad way, God, that came out wrong…Weird as in uncommon—”
“No, it’s okay, I get it,” you said. “I’m sorry your brothers did that to you. But, it’s just…I’ve always liked it, and I can’t help it, it’s just wired into my brain for some reason, and it’s embarrassing and I’ve had partners react badly to it in the past, so if you’re weirded out, it’s fine, I just…I wanted to tell you because it makes me happy, and you make me happy.”
George smiled. “Okay. If you like it, that’s fine. I can…I can do it, more, if that makes you happy. Is it…Is it like, a sex thing or a cuddly thing?”
You gave another nervous laugh. “Both? It’s not inherently sexual, but it can be hot. We can talk about the sex part later, though. This is all too embarrassing for me.”
George laughed, too. “Don’t be embarrassed, it’s fine,” he said, kissing your temple. “We can talk about it another time.”
You assumed that was the end of the conversation, but his hands found your sides and squeezed, making you squeal.
“So, you like this?” he asked. “Or do you like it better…here?” His hands moved upwards towards your ribs, his fingers prodding into the spaces between your bones with his surgical precision. It only made you giggle harder, feet kicking.
“You’re giggling too hard to answer me, baby,” he cooed.
“Shut up,” you whined. “You’re being mean!”
“How am I being mean? I’m doing what you asked! I think that’s pretty nice of me, actually.”
You had nothing to say in response, just laughing. You were so happy. So loved.
That night, you fell asleep wrapped in George’s arms, the phantom sensation of his tickly fingers still on your abdomen.
“Tickling you is really fun,” George said. “I mean, it’s cute. You smile and you laugh and it’s adorable, and I know it makes you happy.”
You flushed, biting your lip. “But…?”
“No, no but. Well, maybe? I think…If you did it to me, I don’t know if I would hate it or not, but…I know you’ve mentioned that you like it either way…If you wanted to try, I mean, I’d be open to it.”
He was blushing, too. How fucking cute could he be?
“Really?” you asked. “I mean, if you’re open to it, I would love to try. Only if you’re sure, though. I know your brothers were pretty harsh, so I don’t wanna push.”
“No, I’m…I want you to try it. You always look like you’re having so much fun. And, it might take my mind off of the three surgeries I scrubbed in on today.”
You grinned. “It is a pretty good distraction.”
He laid back against the mattress, looking up at you with those doe eyes. You grinned, sitting up beside his body and using one hand to stroke his hair. “Where should I start, hm?”
George squirmed. “Well, when I was younger, my stomach was really bad. And, and my sides. But I’m pretty much ticklish everywhere, as you’ve discovered during other activities, which, if I had known you liked it, I wouldn’t have apologized so many times when I laughed—”
You interrupted his rambling by using one hand to lightly tickle his stomach, feeling his muscles jump beneath your fingertips, listening to the loud, squeaky laugh that burst from his lips.
“Still bad?” you asked.
“Still ticklish, but it doesn’t suck,” he giggled in response. He was clearly fighting to keep still, his hands balled into fists at his sides.
You grinned. “You’re so cute.”
“I’m not cute,” he cried. “I’m a strong, masculine—Ah!”
His laughter took on a new octave as you introduced your other hand to his belly.
“Too much?”
He shook his head. Then, after another minute, he shook it again. “Wait, no, actually, too much!”
You stopped immediately. “Are you okay?”
George wrapped his arms around his middle, protecting his middle although your onslaught had already stopped. “I’m fine, I’m fine, it’s just…still a lot.”
“No worries. I know, it can be really overwhelming sometimes.”
He smiled. “A little. But I didn’t hate it,” he said. “We can try it again, another time.”
“Yeah, of course. For now, cuddle me.”
And, well, how could you say no to that?
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666anxiety666 · 22 days
sup dude, saw your post and i saw you‘re also in the roblox pressure fandom
how abouuuuuut you maybe write a (platonic!!!!) tickle fic between Sebastian and reader?
y‘know the flash bang gun? or maybe when you keep going back and forth through his shop, he gets mad? yeah, maybe write about the reader just annoying him too much
or headcanons about Sebastian
up to ya!
YES! I JUST ADDED THAT TO MY LIST! 💙 I'll also probably do headcanons at some point! 🙏
Don't. Do that. Again.
Sebastian x gender neutral reader
LEE: Y/n LER: Sebastian
Warnings: none :)
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You jumped into the locker quickly, just seconds before angler pasted you. You sigh shakily, quickly jump out of the locker. Already feeling the panic of being inside for too long, starting to set in.
You stumbled along the rest of the room, opening the door to room 50. You didn't even bother to check the drawers as you walked. Determined as ever to get this nightmare of a trip over and done with.
Suddenly, a vent bursts open. You jumped back, ready to defend yourself if needed.
"Psst! In here!"
A voice is heard coming from inside. You sighed. You know the drill by now. You crawl inside, only to be met by the one and only Sebastian.
"Ah! The one who can't seem to keep their coffin shut, huh?"
Sebastian said in an almost mocking tone. You roll your eyes. Already looking around the shop for supplies. You had barely picked up anything from the last 50 rooms. Only having a code breacher and a shitty and crank flashlight on your person.
"Jeez Y/n, you look rough."
Sebastian said mockingly. But he was right. You looked down at the contents on Sebastian's tail, instantly grabbing the medkit.
"I didn't think you'd be this bad still. I mean, you've died what? 40 times now?"
Sebastian commented with a grin. You looked up at him. Rolling your eyes once again as you feel the medkit started to take effect. You were already getting sick of him. It would take a while for you to be somewhat okay to head back out there. That means being stuck in here with *him* while you waited. great.
You sat down on a box, kicking your legs absentmindedly as you looked at the floor. Sebastian didn't say anything else, much to your relief. He just sighed, going through files and data.
You sighed as well, already bored as hell. You look around the shop. Glancing at the raido, the batteries on the table. But then, you spot a flash beacon on a shelf. Despite doing this over and over, you never really picked up one of these on any runs.
You fiddled around with it. Examining it from top to bottom. It still had batteries in it. You sighed again. just as you thought. It was useless. You were about to place it back on the shelve. When you dropped it. The flash beacon fell to the floor, landing in its side facing Sebastian, and it went off.
The room lit up. Sebastian's eyes widened before he quickly covered them, dropping the files he was looking at. You felt your heart drop right to your stomach.
Sebastian uncovered his eyes. Growling as he reached out and grabbed you. His massive hand wrapped right around you, trapping your arms at your sides. Your breathing started getting heavier as Sebastian leaned in closer with a growl.
"Don't. Do that. Again."
Sebastian snarled. You squeezed your eyes shut. Expecting to be thrown to the floor or even killed. It was an accident. You didn't mean for the beacon to go off! You waited, and waited, but nothing came. You slowly but hesitantly opened your eyes. You were still trapped in Sebastian's grip. But now Sebastian was chuckling.
"Jeez, you should have seen your face!"
He cackled. You blinked a few times. Still a little shaken up. Sebastian looked back down at you, still keeping you in his grasp.
"Oh, come on, buddy. *Lighten* up a little...~"
Sebastian teased. That was definitely meant to be a pun. Sebastian squeezed you lightly as he spoke. However, one of his claws dug into your side as he did so.
You jumped slightly. Your breath hitching as you let out a small noise, almost like a squeak. Trying to hold back any laughter that bubbled in your throat.
Sebastian paused for a moment. He blinked, a little worry seeping in, thinking that he had hurt You. But when he saw the look on your face. He grinned. Oh no...
"Oh... I see now..."
Sebastian chuckled, showing off his sharp teeth. He didn't even give you time to react or process before he reached out with his other clawed hand. Instantly digging into your side.
You sqeaked. Wriggling in his grasp as you giggled. Sebastian grinned his clawed hand, squeezing and raking up and down your side.
"What? Do you think I can let you go after flashing that thing at me like that? Not a chance, buddy~"
Sebastian grinned. You could already feel the heat rising to your cheeks. But you could deal with this. It's not like it could get any worse-
Sebastian moved his clawed hand to your tummy, raking his claws along it. You squealed louder, now kicking your legs desperately. It got so much worse!
"Jeez, you're so squirmy..."
Sebastian chuckled. He reached his third hand out. Squeezing just above your knee. Your squeals and giggles only got more high-pitched as it felt like little tickly electric shocks ran through your body.
"So squeaky too... what an odd place to be ticklish..."
Sebastian commented slyly. Keeping at the squeezing on your knee, the hand on your tummy now poking your belly button. Your face was bright red by this point. You didn't know if it was the tickles or the teasing that caused it. But right now, you didn't care as you squirmed and kicked. Your high-pitched giggles filling the shop.
His clawed hand moved down from your tummy to where your sides and hips met. Your eyes widened as he dug his clawed hand right in there. You squealed louder. Kicking your legs harder. You could feel the ends of your ears turning pink.
"What's wrong, squeaky? Does it tickle?~"
Sebastian teased grumbly. His voice getting lower at the end of his sentence. Your face burned red as you tried to squirm and kick. But he still had his hand on your damn knee, squeezing it everytime you kicked. You shook your head, the only thing you could really move. Sebastian smirked.
"No? Hm... well then..."
Sebastian pretended to think for a moment. His eyes lighting up with an idea. You didn't even have time to ask questions or speak before he leaned down, blowing a massive raspberry right on your tummy.
Your eyes widened as you burst into a fit of belly laughter. You struggled, trying to pull your arms out of his grasp to push his head away, but it was no use. Sebastian grinned against your tummy, blowing another raspberry.
It felt like it went on forever. You kicking and squealing. Your laughter filling the shop, Sebastian teasing you to know end. However, you started getting restless, and Sebastian decided he'd give *some* mercy and finally stopped. Leaving you panting and still giggling in his grasp. Sebastian chuckled down at you.
"There, there... that should teach you not to touch things you dont know..."
Sebastian smirked. Yet he didn't put you down, yet freed your arms. You looked up at Sebastian as you caught your breath, still giggling slightly as you half-heartedly glared at him. Sebastian chuckled. A little more fondly, patting your head.
"Your good, right?"
Sebastian asked. He tried to hide the concern in his voice but failed miserablely. You smiled slightly, nodding your head. Sebastian smiled a little too, averting his gaze from yours.
He paused.
"You'll still need to heal up though. You can stay in here and rest while you wait, or whatever..."
Sebastian mumbled. Moving you onto the floor, wrapping his massive tail around you gently. You blinked. He didn't meet your gaze. He looked almost embarrassed at his own actions.
"Just shut up and sleep or something..."
Sebastian grumbled. Picking up more files to distract himself. You smiled slightly, resting you back against his tail. You yawn, only now realising how tired you actually are. You looked up at Sebastian one more time as you got comfortable. Maybe Sebastian wasn't as bad as you thought. You looked up at him one final time before closing your eyes.
"Thanks, Sebastian..."
DONE! I loved writing this! Definitely got me back into things! Also, it feels a little refreshing to take a break from writing about the mandela catalogue as much as I love it. 😅
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tkpuke · 8 months
Best Mistake
Pairing - Alastor x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4,015
In which you’re a new member in the Hazbin Hotel trying to redeem yourself. Everyone has made you feel welcomed, you’ve warmed up to everyone, everyone except one. It is no secret that you do not trust him, and Alastor seems to take matters into his own hands and change that.
This is a tickle fic. Do not read if that’s not your thing.
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It has only been a month, but you vividly remember how your first day went when entering the doors of Hazbin Hotel. Charlie immediately running up to you with such a tight suffocating hug, asking but almost demanding Angel he takes your bags into your room as she expresses her delight of having you stay.
Staying wasn’t your first option. The idea of a sinner redeeming themself enough to see the pearly white gates of Heaven greet them was almost laughable to you. When you first entered Hell, you thought that you finally reached the end. Made yourself at home and rot yourself away almost like how you did on earth.
One stroll in town is when you saw a commercial advertising Hazbin Hotel. You watched Charlie eagerly tell the purpose of the Hotel as she gives the viewers a thirty second tour, almost losing her breath as she tries to fit in as much information as possible before her timed commercial ends. You weren’t alone watching it, people gathering near you as they whisper to the person next to them their opinions. The majority of the reaction was chuckles here and doubts there. You, admittedly, also had your doubts.
Although, did you really believe you belonged down here? That this was your final ending?
Which brings you back to remembering your first day. Charlie had an iron grip on your hand from her excitement, pulling you to every room in the hotel and showing off its purposes and making sure to not leave any details out. Once an hour went by and she finally finished, she made you meet the staff and other guests individually.
You were a little intimidated by Vaggie, but could tell she will be very sweet once she warms up to you. Angel seemed like the guy that could make you crack out of your shy shell by spending five minutes with him. Husk didn’t say much, but you could tell he likes being here rather than anywhere else. Just don’t call him out on that. Niffty left you guessing if she is twelve or somewhere in her mid 20s, would not be surprised if older than that. Oh and also, her swiftness and pleasure for pain and torturing bugs kept you awake on your first few nights. Sir Pentious looks naturally suspicious, but he was actually very nice when greeting and you asked him a little about his egg minions.
“Aaaannd the last person I want to introduce you to is…!” Charlie sing song, bringing you down the halls in search for her last friend she has yet for you to meet. She opens a door, assuming to yourself that’s their room as she peeks her head in a little. You waited behind her, rubbing your neck a little as sudden goosebumps were felt. Charlie turned around after not having much luck finding him in there, but quickly gasped when she looked behind you.
“Alastor! There you are!”
You froze in place for a few seconds as the name fell upon your ears. Alastor. Alastor. You inhaled deeply, slowly turning around and almost having to crane your neck to make visible of the face smiling down at you, arms behind his back and small radio statics being played. Every hair on your body stood up, forgetting to blink when you two locked eyes for a good solid minute.
Count yourself as scared shitless.
You came back to reality, stepping back to keep a good distance between you two but went for a small tumble. “Woah, I got you!” Charlie giggled, catching you before you could fall. Unaware of the now fear written all over your body, she continues on by gesturing her hand towards the seven foot demon.
“Y/N, this is Alastor. Alastor, this is Y/N. Our new guest!”
He sticks his hand out towards you for a handshake, but all you could do was stare at his red claws that looks like he’s been sharpening them every five minutes. Alastor took your hand, knowing he would be standing there all day if he let you willingly shake it.
“Don’t leave me hanging, dear! It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Y/N.” You knew awkward silences went by after that, but you couldn’t tear your eyes away from his hand interlacing with yours. You just want to get the hell out of here and run far, far away from this hotel and never look back. You knew there would be regrets when you gave this hotel a chance.
Okay, this was actually your first time meeting Alastor, but his stories were no stranger to you. Recalling back when hearing those horrifying, blood-curdling screams being broadcasted on the radio for all to hear as if it was a fair warning, people begin telling you the man responsible behind all of it. You wished later on you’d never asked, The thought of The Radio Demon selecting you as his next victim crawling into your dreams which turned to nightmares. Of course, you know that chance is slim, but is never zero. Down in Hell, you just don’t know what the fuck kind of trouble you’ll find yourself in.
Now having a face to the name, he completely became a new wave of terrifying to you. The red claws you observed earlier sent a shiver down your spine. Those pointy yellow teeth that you swear on Lucifer he’s put to good use. Bonus points for his tall, lanky figure which practically makes him towering over you so easily.
What you did not expect, though, was his strange resemblance to a deer. The antlers and, also, are those ears? Funnily enough, it kind of made him less scary. Almost. Not really.
Ever since your first interaction with him, you weren’t dumb understanding that he right off the bat knows your lack in trust and feeling unsafe around him. You would often walk down the halls being paranoid that eyes were watching you intently, eyes belonging to Alastor but had no further proof it really was him.
At certain times, you were convinced the demon was toying with how you felt by saying things to you that definitely came off creepy, but could never accuse him of doing it purposefully when he smiles like there’s no tomorrow. He always looks at you harmlessly, but you’d be a fool to take that as a sign to let your guard down. Every conversation he picks up with you ends short on your end, pretending you have somewhere else to be.
That somewhere being away from him.
Everyone knew the relationship you stand with him. Some didn’t blame you, especially Vaggie. Others, like Charlie, tried her best to ease your worries.
“Alastor is a great friend, Y/N! Just give him a chance.” She would say to you on most days, but it was gonna take more than believing someone’s word for you.
So, bless her, Charlie decided to come up with a trust activity exercise.
“Charlie, I appreciate you trying but I don’t see how this will make a difference…” You say as she rounds everybody up, some sitting and some standing. Charlie waves a dismissive hand. “Not with that attitude it won’t!” Her confidence is quite admirable, something in which you lack greatly.
She went over the jist of the activity, it being pretty simple. Everyone gets a turn to stand on a table and fall backwards, trusting everyone behind them that they will catch you with no hesitation. It seems easy, but once you are up there doubts will for sure start flooding your mind.
It’s called trust fall. A game you remembered playing when you were in middle school, to test your friends on their trust. However, to put this test on a seven foot demon with a horrifying reputation that all of Hell is aware of? Yeah, you wish you could count yourself out of this one.
One by one, everyone went up on top of the table and fell into the arms of those whose duty was to catch them. Some fell as soon as they climbed on top without letting second thoughts get a chance to swoop in their mind, while others took a little bit of reassurance.
Once it was your turn, you did one last pleading look towards Charlie, but she gave you two thumbs up and gestured for you to go. Sighing, you made your way up and looked down at everyone having their arms up and ready. Your eyes looked over to the middle, there Alastor standing nice and tall with his signature grin. A grin you want to see drop at least once.
As you turned your back, you didn’t hear everyone scoot back and have Alastor the only one standing near the table, in range of catching you easily. You took a couple of seconds to yourself to ease your breathing, because you are embarrassingly afraid of heights, but then you let yourself fall.
Arms slide past under yours, fingers resting on your sides as your back hit against a chest. The first thing that clouded your mind was how it felt like only one person catch you, but the next thing on your mind was how you suddenly felt fingers dig a little in your sides, pulling a small squeal from you as you quickly turn around to view the culprit.
Alastor stared down at you, feigning cluelessness. He clapped his hands together, ignoring your confused yet questionable stare at him. “Now! That wasn’t so hard was it, darling?” Vaggie nodded slightly in agreement, while Charlie ran over and gave you a big hug and excitedly expressing how proud she was of you.
Yet, you are still stuck on the question what just happened right after you fell. Every time you look over at him, he just smiles your way innocently, making you second guess yourself on what you truly felt.
You weren’t crazy. You knew exactly what he did, and he damn well knows it too, but it still feels so unlikely to happen.
Ever since the trust activity happened, which has now been a full week, Alastor seems to be playing a one sided game with you. A game that leaves you frustrated yet confused on what he’s gaining from it.
You’ll find yourself reaching for an item placed high on a shelf. Alastor will come strolling along, offering to give you a helping hand, and in the midst of doing so you’ll feel a ticklish breeze near your ribs. Now, the breeze would feel so similarly like fingers dancing along your ribs, their intent to send a ticklish wave throughout your body. Hence you turning with a glare, but Alastor would simply ignore the face you’d be making and hand you the item you’ve been trying to reach.
Another time you felt the same breeze is when you ultimately made a bad decision thinking you could fit into a hoodie that definitely wasn’t your size. You saw it displayed in a store when you decided to take a walk downtown, immediately calling your name. It was so cute in your eyes, despite realizing it wasn’t your true size you usually get clothes in, you wanted to give it a try.
Now, you noticed it was a grand mistake and a waste of money when the tightness it held around your body was starting to get unbearable. What you weren’t expecting, though, was how it didn’t budge any further when you rolled it up and couldn’t get it over your head, blocking your eyes.
You didn’t know whether to feel blessed or cursed that Alastor was walking down the halls during that time. A blessing, because he saw your poor state and undoubtedly offered to help. A curse, because you felt that damn ticklish breeze along your ribs in the midst of him helping you out, a yelp of surprise leaving your lips.
“There we are!” He exclaimed heartily, tossing the hoodie to the side and watching you fix your ruffled up hair but also eyeing him skeptically. “What was that?” You asked, but it almost sounded like an accusation because you damn well knew what caused it.
“What was what, dear?” He beamed, raising an eyebrow with arms crossed behind. You stared for a couple of seconds, not knowing whether to sound like a lunatic explaining what’s been happening for the last couple of days whenever he’s around, or to let it slide once again. Unfortunately, you were already feeling exhausted and were in the middle of heading to bed, so you waved a dismissive hand.
“Nothing, nothing.”
It kept you on your toes. Always checking your surroundings when walking around outside of your room, it got Angel questioning to Vaggie if someone’s out to get you by how paranoid you look.
You knew how stupid you looked to others, because you haven’t talked about any of what’s happening to you with any of them. You thought they would either laugh and say your imagining things, which you weren’t guilty of also thinking the same, or they would confront the overlord himself. If anything, you were at your wits end. You were considering doing the latter yourself, because it really has you on edge.
And so, you did.
One thing that you like to spend your free time on is painting. Painting anything that’s in front of you or whatever idea you had in mind that day. It could also depend on your mood, and for this particular Tuesday afternoon you felt quite peaceful. Your hands were almost as dirty as your palette, sticking your tongue out a bit whenever you were focused and gently dragging the paintbrush across the paper.
Your peace filled mind abruptly vanished when ears picked up on a familiar humming and distant blue jazz playing on a radio. It didn’t take long for you to put the hum to a name, looking over your shoulder but he was already behind you.
You gasped, his sudden appearance startling you. Standing up a bit too fast caused your easel to tip slightly and send your paper flying down, but luckily Alastor caught it and brought it up high to fully view the painting in front of him.
“You never told me you paint, dearie! I’m certain this will turn out marvelous once you’re finished.” His eyes look up for a response, but you’re standing like it’s a predator vs prey fight. Nervousness written all over you, hands out to defend yourself.
“Don’t you dare.” You say, making him tilt his head and squint his eyes a little. “Don’t I dare what?” His smile tightens, but you swore up and down its a smirk laced with nothing but mischief behind it. He’s being a little shit acting oblivious, and he damn well knows it.
“You know what!” You raised your voice a little, trying to sound intimidating but if he keeps staring down at you like he’s about to pounce, you might shrink in fear. Alastor takes a step forward, and you take a step back.
“Oohh sweetheart, whatever do you mean?” He’s got you backed into a wall, which staggers your confidence. Nonetheless, you gulped away any indication you’re feeling quite rather terrified, as anyone else would, and stand a little taller. “Don’t act dumb, Alastor.” The radio demon hummed as if he was collecting any memory of what could possibly trouble you, which made your eye twitch.
“Ah! Do you mean this?” Bringing his hands forward, Alastor danced his fingers alongside your ribs, instantly having the same vibe as the breeze you’ve been feeling. You barely had any chance to react and defend yourself, immediately grabbing his wrists as tightly as you can to tear them away. It did absolutely nothing, by the way.
Being tickled by an overlord was not on your list of things that could happen down at your time in hell. If anyone were to tickle you at the hotel, Alastor wouldn’t even be one of your top three guesses. Him sending those ticklish breezes your way, knowing how easily it got you to squeal and feel embarrassed. Knowing how it kept you on your toes around him, but still not so sure of yourself if it really was him responsible for it. Knowing how easily it can get under your skin.
He tsked at your hands gripping onto his wrists, his tendrils making an appearance and snatching them away, making your entire torso fully vulnerable. However, he did not continue on with his attack and instead watched you struggle a little, chuckling under his breath.
“Why are yohou doing this?” You say, a nervous giggle tittering out because anyone would be a fool to think his onslaught ends there. Alastor traces his fingers alongside your neck up till it reaches under your chin, which tickles like hell.
“You’ve been far too tensed recently, and there should be none of that.” A calm tone in his voice, acting like he’s not about to bring you into a breathless mess. “And you think what you’ve been doing to me over the last couple of days was making me less tense?” You shot a glare, but it bounced right off of him.
Shrugging his shoulders, Alastor tiptoed his fingers on your tricep all the way down to right on the soft spot of your underarms, causing you to violently jolt. “I thought my little game was helping, with all your delightful short squeals you’ve been giving me. hmm, what does it sound like again?”
His fingers, more like claws, resting on your underarms started scratching, not disappointing him when you squealed just like he predicted. Alastor pressed his fingers in a little deeper, searching for a more boisterous laugh. Your true real laugh that you’ve been choking back lately because of how badly it made you feel insecure.
You did not fail him with his goal. You laughed a little harder and tugged on the restraints on your wrists a little harder, but wherever you move, his hands follow. “I must say Y/N, your laugh is like music to my ears. Shall we have everyone else listen?” He sways his radio stick closer to you, but you shake your head desperately.
“Nohoho! Plehehease!” It was a little humiliating, but you were already getting close to your limit. On earth, friends and family recognized how you were more ticklish than the average person. You were a regular victim to tickle fights with your close loved ones, always yelling truce within five minutes. In this situation, you were a little hesitant that begging would translate to him ‘continue’.
Yet, luck was on your side since Alastor took notice you were already having slight tears mirth your eyes. Regardless, he didn’t plan on doing this for very long from the get-go. The whole thing of him brushing his hands against your sides during the trust fall was a honest mistake, but when Alastor picks up on weaknesses that people have, he puts a pin on it and takes advantage of it later down the road for his own good use. Tickling was something Alastor learned was a common weakness for most people, but the other half people rather enjoyed the feeling and the bond it creates.
For you, he already found out it was the second preference. You will never in a million years admit to it, but this entire thing seemed kind of playful to you. The kind of playful you haven’t experienced in so long. Haven’t laughed genuine in so long, and have all your ticklish spots exploited when the reason behind it is for all in good fun. And oh, to be a teasy asshole. He’s doing great in that field.
“Such a sensitive being you are. Have you always known you were this ticklish?” To be honest, you kind of wished he would stop talking. You can’t explain it, but it made everything tickle ten times worse. He’s aware. Of course he is.
You felt his hands travel to every spot that can be ticklish, quickly catching on he was in search for that one spot that can make you go ballistics. “Alastor, wahahait..” you stopped struggling awhile ago, realizing it brought you no use. He yet again ignored your giggly pleas, fueling him to keep going. The more his hands traveled down almost near your hips, the more you start to get nervous and newfound energy kicking in to pull your body away from him.
He catches on.
His next movement happened so fast, you swear it all went down in a blink. The minute he latched onto your hips, you let out a snort, cheeks forming a tint of pink. The tendrils finally release your wrists, at the same time Alastor switched up the pace and drilled his thumbs in a motioning circle. Your legs didn’t stand a chance to support you up, immediately crashing down but he did not follow.
You laid there for a moment, greedily sucking in sweet air to the point you almost thought you saw Heaven itself. When you felt like you collected yourself, you slowly sat up and moved a couple of strands away from your face to view Alastor, looming over you with his widest grin yet in his books. “Bad spot?” He tilts his head down at you, and in response you huff and roll your eyes. He lends you his hand, looking at it hesitantly before taking it. “Come now, let’s get you on your feet.”
You brushed yourself off, finding your painting propped up neatly back on the easel. Alastor follows your eyes, coming to stand next to you. “If you add a pop of red into the sunset you’re creating, I’d say it would almost look like I’m viewing out from a window. What do you say?” Raising an eyebrow, you look up at him. “Do you know how to paint?”
Alastor beams. “Not at all.”
You chuckle at that, picking up the palette and switching to a new freshly blank paper. Picking up a second paintbrush, you handed it over to the demon. “Here, I’ll teach you.”
Teaching wasn’t your strong suit, or either Alastor was seriously terrible at painting. Either way, you guys shared a couple of laughs, listened to any stories he got reminded of along the way, gladly listening. The finished product was suppose to be anything his heart desires to paint of, and after examining it for a few seconds you felt the need to ask what the hell you were looking at. To him, it’s him and his mother enjoying a warm meal of jambalaya while sitting on their front porch. To you, it’s just a big blob of bright colors, but the more you squint the more you start to see his vision and let out a small smile.
The guilt of judging him way too harshly off the bat started to set in. You tried not to blame yourself too much, because if anyone heard the tales and myths you’ve been hearing about The Radio Demon, anyone would jump at the sight of him. Although, there’s one thing you always believed in people: Second Chances.
If everyone at the hotel did not see a problem with not only having him stay, but having him help out a tremendous amount to have Hazbin live up to its full potential, then that must mean they all put a lot of trust in the guy. Charlie specifically, and although people might say she’s naive, she’s not dumb. If putting full trust in Alastor was a mistake, she would’ve taken care of that a long time ago.
However, trust is a sensitive topic for you. Alastor has a long way of achieving that, but for now the time you’re spending with him is something you’ll smile to yourself later tonight.
Maybe The Hazbin Hotel has already started to redeem some qualities of yourself you thought you would never get to see.
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ticklygiggles · 7 months
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A/N: lately I've been thinking about how cute Xavier is 🥺 so I decided to write this. Of course I am tagging fabulous @lovelynim because I'm gifting this to her just because I love her MWAH!
This one is heavily inspired by that card where he is in bed shirtless and with bandages, but it's not based on the story of that card!
Also I don't have a title for this one dkdnf it happens
Words: 900+
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Sweet, frantic laughter echoed throughout the whole room. A certain hunter was currently losing his head because another certain hunter was straddling his hips and tickling a horribly ticklish spot at the sides of his chest, right underneath his armpits. Your fingers were lethal but gentle against his bare skin, wiggling and digging and vibrating at that spot until Xavier was cackling and nearly crying. The poor man tried to grab your hands, but goodness, his arms stubbornly pressed against his sides in a futile attempt to make you stop, so his hands were quite useless at the moment. 
Xavier tried to get up, he squirmed from side to side and arched his back, he also kicked his legs behind you, but it was all worthless because your fingers seemed to be glued to his sensitive skin, refusing to let him go so you could listen to his beautiful laughter. 
"What do we have here?” You said with rather a happy expression. “Is my cute little Xavier ticklish?"
Xavier shook his head and he tried to hold back his laughter, but a quick vibration of your fingers in that spot made him throw his head back with cackles. "PLEHEASE!” He begged, his face and ears pink. “I dihihihidn’t- ahahahaha!"
"He really is ticklish! Look at that big smile! Wakey wakey, Xav! It's time to get up!” You teased, giggling to yourself as you saw his nose scrunching up and his beautiful smile curling his lips up.
Maybe you were being a little mean at the moment. He had just woken up not even twenty minutes ago and you were torturing him like this– did he deserve it? Probably not, but who would stop you? Certainly not him. 
You chuckled, “You really are extremely ticklish, Xavier. That's too dangerous,” you said with a fake worried voice, grinning down at him. “What will you do if you ever encounter a wanderer that releases tickling gas? You wouldn't be able to make it to the hospital, that is for sure!”
Xavier wrapped his arms around himself and weakly tried to push your hands away from him when he found your wrists, but he didn't have any strength laughing like that. 
“But don't worry, my star,” you continued, wiggling your fingers in. “I’ll definitely get the medicine all the way to where you are! You can count on me for that and more! I'm really good, right?” You giggled as he weakly nodded his head. 
He really looked so pretty laughing like that. Was it the first time you ever saw him like this? It was like watching a child giggle, your heart swelled in your chest and happiness overflowed you. You looked down at him with fond eyes and a warm smile. 
“Oh no, Xavier,” you said over his laughter, playfulness dripping from your words. “I really can't stop… I want to see you laughing forever.”
Xavier shook his head, “I cahahan't laugh fohohorever, I wihihill dihihie! WAHAHAIT!” 
It was easy to quickly pin one of his arms above his head and the other under your knee. You didn't immediately start tickling him, wanting to give him a break for him to catch his breath, but Xavier was laughing and squirming around as if you were attacking him already. 
“What's so funny, Xav? I'm not doing anything, am I?” 
“I- I knohohow, b-buhut it tihickles alreheady!” 
Warmth spread across your cheeks and something akin to thick honey filled your chest. How could he be so adorable like this? You giggled softly, leaning down to kiss his nose. 
“And it's gonna tickle even more!” 
Xavier threw his head back with frantic, loud laughter. He tightly shut his eyes, squeezing little tears of laughter out. His arms pulled, but you were holding him nicely and there was no way to go for him. Scribbling, poking, digging, pinching, you made sure to tickle his exposed underarm as best as you could and he went crazy under your touch, kicking his legs and trying to roll on his side. 
“Xavier,” you said in a rather serious tone. “This is very important. What technique tickles the most? I'm gonna do them all again, but slower okay? Here it goes!” 
Needless to say, Xavier was unable to say which technique tickled the most. Halfway through that, between squeals and snorts, his laughter became silent and that was your cue to stop. Xavier lay in bed, exhausted and chuckling as if your hands were still searching for that charming laugh of his, but you were lying next to him with your head in your hand, looking at him with that loving smile that always made him blush. 
“I… actually didn't know I was ticklish…,” he admitted sheepishly, looking at you with tender eyes and a smile on his lips. 
You raised both eyebrows, “what? You didn't? Then was I the first person to ever tickle you?” He nodded and you giggled. “It must be my lucky day then! How was it?” 
Xavier hesitated, “Well…” 
In a moment, you were facing the ceiling, Xavier straddling you as his fingers found their way under your arms. Your laugh was embarrassingly loud, but you couldn't help it.
“I think I should live the full experience before deciding if I liked it or not. Of course that includes returning the favor. Tell me, is this how you did it? Oh, I forgot that I have to raise your arms, right?”
You definitely asked for this, but it was worth it. After all, him attacking you back didn't erase the fact that he was still ticklish and you still had many other tickle spots to try out!
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gingerlee-holds · 3 months
I feel bad for popping a request in ☠ anyway
If you're feeling up to it, perhaps ler Todoroki x lee Reader (bc me and reader insert are inseparable /j) from MHA? Length, perhaps 900+ words if possible? But I'll be grateful for anything haha, I also don't want to force you to write more if you're not feeling inspired i'm gonna be honest here I haven't watched MHA in a long time ☠ and I have no idea what scenarios would be realistic because he's,, Todoroki,,
Personally i'm a sucker for evil/more intense tickles because I wish I was ticklish but if that makes you uncomfy do feel free to ignore :)
oh hush, you!!! i love requests, so thank you so so much!! i just hope this is somewhat what you wanted heehee- enjoy!!! i have a huge crush on this dork so that creeps in- also the reader's quirk is whatever you want it to be, cuz its not mentioned- also also!! im really really sorry if i fuck the names up cuz from what i know of the show, Todoroki is the family name, so Shoto is the given name but i could be totally wrong
i just wanna say that i really really like writing the rambly bits from Shoto about the book-
the reader is sorta a brat lol
Like Poetry
Words: 2,334 Pairing: Ler!Shoto, Lee!Reader Warnings: lotta fluff!!! not proofread!!!
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You groaned as you entered the common room. Mr. Aizawa’s personal training was brutal today, and you were not looking forward to feeling how sore your muscles would be tomorrow morning. Sighing, you grabbed one of Sato’s cupcakes from the counter and flopped onto the sofa, confident it would be unoccupied. It was about seven in the evening on a Friday, which meant everyone was either in their rooms or somewhere around town. 
You huffed into the mattress before gasping at the sound of a page being turned. Looking up, you saw you were about a foot away from, in your mind, the strongest student in your class. He was sitting with perfect posture, reading a book with yellowed pages. On the coffee table sat a mug filled with tea.
Shoto Todoroki didn’t look up from his book at you. If he knew you were there, he didn’t show it. He silently read, seemingly fully absorbed. You sat upright, shaking off the embarrassment of almost landing on him, of all people. 
You cleared your throat and gobbled up your cupcake in one bite, setting the wrapper down next to his tea. Still, he didn’t move. Raising an eyebrow, you poked him in the side to get his attention, and the surprised gasp he gave made you giggle. Shoto looked at you, brow furrowed in annoyance, but his face soon softened when you smiled and waved.
“Hi!” you said chipperly. 
He nodded politely in return. “Hello, Y/N. I’m sorry I didn’t hear you.”
With a chuckle, you shoved his shoulder. “No worries! Whatcha reading, bookworm?”
Shoto tilted his head. “I’m not a worm.”
You sighed and repeated your question without the tease. You loved that your classmate was so adorably literal. 
“I’m reading this book of old poetry. I don’t remember where I got it - it feels like my family’s always had it lying around. I decided to read it today since everyone’s out.” His voice was calm as he spoke.
You were somewhat interested in the subject but mostly just wanted to hear him talk some more. It was so rare that he spoke. “Anything good in there?”
“I found this one that I liked,” Shoto said before flipping back a few pages. “Rain on lemongrass. / Ash trees weep o’er their lost sun: / Their light and love, gone.”
The poem made you hum in thought. “What’s it about?”
“Well, isn’t it obvious?” he asked. Taken on its face, it was an insulting question, but you knew Shoto was genuinely unsure whether to explain it. You shook your head in reply. “The poem is about heartbreak. A woman falls in love with someone, and suddenly, that person has to leave. The woman feels like she has nothing left as she cries into a world that has bigger concerns than her. Soon, perhaps, her love shall return, the sun re-emerging from the clouds, but there’s also the possibility that she doesn’t last until then, and the wind blows her over. Ash trees symbolize grief, so perhaps they may never meet again. The lemongrass, evoking a cheerful memory, is smothered under the rains that hide her beloved.” Suddenly, he looked up from the page. “Sorry, I didn’t realize I was rambling.”
You scratched your head. “How did you get all that from just three lines?” You didn’t mind, of course. He was cute when he rambled. To your great surprise, he let out a soft and sheepish smile. 
“Well, I suppose I have too much time on my hands,” he said, looking away. You smirked and poked his side again, giggling at his surprised reaction. Shoto let out a muffled yelp and jumped, glaring at you suspiciously and rubbing his side. “Quit that.” 
“Sorry, Icy-hot! Can’t be helped!” You held up both your hands in mock surrender.
“Hm,” Shoto mumbled, looking back to the book. “This book was written entirely by hand. See? This character is slightly different here, here, and here,” he continued, pointing at different parts of the page. “And from what I can tell, its publication predates quirks, hence why they are not mentioned. If they had quirks, you would think there’d be a suggestion of their existence, no? Yet there’s nothing. For all intents and purposes, it seems like this book is a remnant of a simpler world.” His expression looked distant as if his mind were a hundred miles and years away. 
You leaned back, folding your arms behind your head. “Sounds dorky. Maybe you should tell Deku! I’m sure he’d be all too interested,” you chuckled, then looked over. If he heard your comment, he gave no sign. He must still be lost in thought. Looking down at his side, you saw it was perfectly exposed. You were pushing your luck. Then again, what is a hero if not someone who tries their luck? You pursed your lips together and quickly extended your hand to poke Shoto’s side again. 
But he was faster. As if expecting your reckless act, he set his book down and grabbed your hand before it made contact in one fluid movement. “You don’t listen, do you?”
“I do my utmost to avoid doing that, yes,” you said, giggling nervously. His grip was firm, giving you no delusions of escape. His hand was chilly, as if Shoto was threatening to encase your whole arm in ice at any moment. You tugged slightly.
He didn’t let go. “No, you need to learn this lesson.” Somehow, that was among the scariest things you’ve ever heard, right alongside the speech of the hero killer and Mr. Aizawa announcing an extra homework assignment before the summer break. Shoto pushed your legs toward the end of the couch, pinning you to his chest with both hands held behind you. You shuddered as Shoto said, “Now, learn well.”
Since both your hands were stuck behind you against his torso, you couldn’t defend yourself whatsoever when he descended both hands onto your stomach. You erupted into bright, bubbly laughter and kicked your feet like that would do anything to help. All that went through your head was repeated, ‘Oh, fuck, that tickles!’ 
You heard Shoto’s hum of approval from behind you as he clawed his fingers over the thin fabric of your shirt. “Interesting,” he mumbled to himself. 
“ShIhihihihIt! ShohOhOHohotoHoHoho!” You shook your head and thrashed all you could, but it didn’t matter. Shoto was stronger, and he would make sure you knew it. 
“Yes, Y/N?” he asked casually.
“STohohoHOAhaap!!” It didn’t have a chance of working, but it didn’t hurt to try.
“No.” Shoto’s clawed hands squeezed around your stomach in circles, taking a moment to dwell on your extra-ticklish lower stomach, which he took delight in exploiting. If you didn’t know any better, you would even say he enjoyed it as much as you were. 
“NohOHoHOhoHT TheheHEherre!” you pleaded helplessly, throwing your head back to give your torturer the best puppy eyes you could… although they were far less effective than you had hoped since they were quickly squeezed shut in uproarious laughter. 
“Here? Right here, yes?” Shoto released a flurry of pokes on your lower stomach as if he wanted confirmation.
You nodded and hiccupped, doing all you could to contain the blush that bloomed on your face at the sound of his cooing hum. Mercifully, he gave you a break, and you panted for breath against him. “Shihihitt…” you giggled, squirming in his grasp to get the ghost tickles off your tummy. 
“Here,” Shoto said, and you turned to see he was holding up his mug for you. Gratefully, you took a big sip of the refreshing tea, smiling a little at the warmth of it. It was strangely sweet; you had expected Shoto to only like the bitter teas, but surprisingly, the flavor was somewhat sugary. As if reading your mind, Shoto said, “It’s chamomile. It helps me relax.” He took the mug from your mouth and set it back on the table. 
Shoto cleared his throat. “Now,” he began, “Have you learned your lesson?”
“Is my release dependent on how I answer that?”
“Then… Never!” You madly giggled as you attempted to escape his grasp before quickly regretting it. He had you suitably pinned, and to further reinforce his lesson, you realized with terror that he was rolling up your shirt to your ribs. “Wait, Shoto-!”
Your tormentor didn’t give you time to finish. Without fanfare, his hands descended onto your exposed tummy. Instead of clawing around, as he had done before, he was using quick scribbles, which, coupled with his cold fingers on your bare skin, was maddening. 
“SHohOhoHOTO!” You had no idea you were so ticklish! By the looks of things, it seemed like he had been in tickle fights before, and from how badly he was wrecking you, he was used to winning them. 
He hummed in thought as your thrashing weakened. “Your belly button is incredibly ticklish,” he observed. It was, to your dismay, very accurate. It didn’t help that his cold finger was heightening the feeling!
“PLehEHehEHHEase! MeheHEheheercyy!” you squealed out, kicking and bucking like a horse.
“Goodness, you’re dramatic. It’s only tickling, Y/N. If anything, this should build your endurance. What if the League captured you? I doubt you’d last a minute before you spill everything you know if they knew this weakness of yours.”
Why did he have to be so monotone with his teasing? He sounded so casual as if he were still explaining the history of that old book - only he was speaking over your hysterical cackling. He was a fast learner, too: he was pretty adept at locating the spots that got an especially wild reaction out of you and cruel in punishing them.
Shoto’s fingers increased in pace while always keeping one wiggling about in your navel. “I know,” he said, “I get it; you’re very, very ticklish. Now calm down.” You could hear the smile in his voice. He was having fun! “I wonder… you’ve inspired me to write my own poetry! Let’s see…” He paused to think, unfortunately not slowing down the tickles, making you yelp and shriek. “Ticklish cutie / Squealing on the couch with glee / With a cute tummy,” he slowly said as if writing it down. With a gasp, you felt him do just that, writing down the poem on your belly with the tip of his fingernail. 
You turned beet-red as you threw your head back, your laughter turning silent. You had long since begun crying with delight, and tears rolled down your cheeks in rivers, but he didn’t stop until you started coughing. With a chuckle, he released you, and you panted for breath. You didn’t move from his lap, and Shoto didn’t seem to mind. He gently placed a hand on your forehead, tilting it toward him. 
“Are you alright?” he asked gently. You nodded with a smile, which he returned. His smile was inviting, like a sunbeam on a winter’s day. He slowly helped you sit back up and handed you his mug again. You eagerly gulped it down. The tea was warm and sweet, and when you finished it and set it back on the table, you realized that Shoto wasn’t too different. 
“Thank you, Shoto,” you said softly.
“For the tea?”
“Yes,” you replied, “and… for the tickles. It… helped me unwind.” You looked away and rubbed your neck shyly. 
“You’re welcome, Y/N. It was fun for me, too. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh like that.” He smiled again, a small treat like candy. “It’s nice to see you so carefree. You’re usually a ball of nerves,” Shoto admitted bluntly, making you sigh and nod in agreement. 
You basked in the silence for a bit before both of you suddenly looked up. That was the unmistakable sound of… And right on cue, the word ‘mumble’ began to figuratively float across your field of view. At its origin, you and Shoto saw Izuku madly scribbling in his notebook and mumbling about something. You swore you caught the words “ticklish,” “stomach,” and “squeals.” 
Behind Izuku, standing in the hallway, were Ochaco, Denki, Tsuyu, Mina, Eijiro, and Kyoka. The first two desperately attempted to quiet Izuku, to no avail. You sat bolt upright, glaring at the unwelcome audience. 
Eijiro broke the silence with a playful swat to the back of Izuku’s head. “You got us caught with your nerd shit, Deku,” he joked, making the green-haired hero look away backfully. 
“That was adorable!” Mina grinned, pointing at you. “You made a bunch of noise, so we wanted to check it out!” 
“You’d better erase what you wrote, Deku.” You spoke calmly but in a way that gave no misapprehensions about your seriousness. 
Ochaco looked over Izuku’s shoulder. “Doesn’t look like he’s gonna do that.”
“Midoriya,” Shoto spoke up. “Be sure to write that they couldn’t use their quirk while being tickled.”
You gasped at the betrayal. “Don’t you fucking dare write that, Deku!”
With a glance, Denki, Kyoka, and Tsuyu replied simultaneously, “Oh, he’s already writing it.”
With a growl, you shot from the couch. “You’re fucking dead, Deku!” Your classmates yelped with shock and ran down the hall from you, stifling their giggles. 
Eijiro, egging you on, tossed back over his shoulder a snide, “Now you’re sounding like Katsuki!”
“Oh, I’ll make Katsuki look like a fucking bag of pop rocks when I’m done with you idiots!” Your threat carried no heat since it was filled with giggles. You couldn’t help but laugh at the ludicrousness of the situation, smiling fondly at how much you loved your friends.
And behind you, on the couch, Shoto grinned with pride as he picked up his book to continue reading. He was glad he had been allowed to be so affectionate with someone for a chance. Absent-mindedly, he picked up his mug of tea for a sip but sighed disappointingly at the lack of tea inside. Maybe he needed bigger mugs. 
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mwahmimi · 2 months
“Wait! Wait! I didn’t have enough time to prepare!”
You beg him to stop and squeal at the first touch. Giggles falling from your lips before you even realise you’re doing it. You thrash your chest into Spencer’s, writhing under his fingers.
He chuckles in response, holding your wrists together and above your head with one hand. Squeezing up and down your exposed side with the other, his touch is firm but playful, taking extra special care in not pressing too hard onto your ribs. His smile beams a spotlight down on you as he watches you wriggle around, almost dancing to escape the sensation.
“You can’t prepare to not be ticklish! It’s a natural bodily reaction. Did you know there’s actually two types of tickling? There’s knismesis which is essentially the lighter touch, like a bug landing on you and the reaction being the itchy feeling you just have to scratch but it doesn’t make you laugh. And there’s also this, what’s happening to you right now. It’s called gargalesis, it’s a harder form of touch which causes that pretty laughter that I can hear right now, and that quite frankly, glass shattering squeal noise when I get too close to your underarm.”
Spencer exclaims. He chuckles at the same squeal he was talking about escaping your lips as his fingers spider-walk from your hipbone all the way up to your armpit, swirling a single finger around in gentle circles in the hollow of your arm.
You manage to knock your wrists out of his grip, pulling your arms down and wrapping them around yourself in a self-hug to protect your sensitive spots. Still letting out residual giggles from the brutal onslaught.
“Wow. You are super ticklish.”
He speaks with a smirk, swiping the hair that has managed to wrap itself into your mouth from your squirming away from your tongue and behind your ear. Spencer’s hands find the small of your back and his open palm rubs against your spine softly.
“You are the absolute worst Spencer Reid.”
You babble, unable to wipe the smile off of your flushed face. He smiles back down at you, pressing his chin to the top of your head shyly. Holding you in an awkward hug he sways you in his hold from side to side, rocking you gently. Your heartbeat slows and syncs in time with his, your fingers interlocking before he speaks.
“The worst at giving you a thorough, hands on education on bodily reactions that I think you should be grateful for.”
You loved this nerd.
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