#Jily at Hogwarts
athenasparrow · 1 year
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Update! @jilymicrofics
Lay All Your Love On Me | Rating: M
Chapter Seventeen | Beginning
Prompt: strong Summary: The first time Lily kisses James, he doesn’t even know. 
CW: more chats (and arguments) about the non-consensual exploits of one drunken Lily Evans
The unpleasantness he’d swallowed rears its ugly head in his throat, almost coming up all over the maroon carpet as he takes in the sight in front of him.
Lily’s hunched over — knees on plush carpet, forehead against the curved arm of the couch — small and delicate as she shakes, each tremor tearing through James’ heart with far more vigour than sounds ever could. 
It’s rare for James to feel out of depth when someone needs support; he lets his happiness seep out and crawl over Sirius (forced to endure his family), Remus (cursed to withstand the painful effects of an ostracised condition) and Peter (an insecure lad on a good day). 
He’s comforted Lily before; he knows how she’ll fight the hug — stubborn even in despair — before slumping into him. He’s never before wanted to hold her so badly while the crushing force of guilt pushes with equal measure to keep his feet planted where she’s out of reach.
He starts easy. “I’m sorry for Sirius; he was out of line.”
She starts — unaware of his presence — and the spear of guilt strikes deeper into his heart at the sight of her crumbled spirit.
“And most of all, I’m sorry,” James whispers as his voice escapes him, stuck in his throat as he hangs his head. “I am so so so sorry, Lily.”
“You’re sorry?” It’s chocked, but incredulous nonetheless. 
“Yes!” James blurts, moving to kneel before her, hands pausing — outstretched and shaking — before falling to his sides least he breaches the invisible barrier of trust yet again. He’s never been desperate for anything like he is for Lily to believe he’s sorry. 
She’s shaking her head and James has a moment of terrible ache where he thinks she might tell him she doesn’t want to see him ever again — fair of her, but devastating still — before her words escape. “I’m sorry, James. Me.”
As she shakes her head, a terrible ache settles in James’ stomach; she’s going to tell him to leave, she’s going to never want to see him, she’s —”
“ I’m sorry, James.”
He blinks at her; the surprise is paralysing before a fire ignites his fierce words. “You don’t owe me any apology!” He shakes his head so furiously his glasses slide down his nose. He shoves them back onto his face so he can look Lily in the eyes. She doesn’t owe him anything.
“Yes, I do!” Lily finds fight in her indignance, eyes sparking alive at his apparent stupidity. “It’s completely the other way around, James! You don’t owe me one!”
He gapes, astounded. What world was she living in? “Lily, I really, really do.”
“But you haven’t done anything!” Her voice pitches in exasperation before her face falls — quickly covered by her hands — and it’s only because he’s moved closer in their argument that he catches her muffled words. “Not like me.”
“That’s exactly the point… I did nothing !” It escapes quiet and broken — he’s disgusted with himself — as the pool of sorrow that’s been threatening to overflow since Sirius left makes its first escape, dashing down his cheek.
“No, James! How can you think that? I’m the one who…” She wrings her hands as she alternates between staring him fiercely in the eyes and boring a shame-faced hole in the carpet. 
“It’s not your fault!” James pleads. Why can’t she just listen? “Lily, you were —”
“— Smashed! Plastered! Yeah, and I came into your room and assaulted — oh Merlin” 
“You didn’t assault me!” James insists. He might laugh at the idea if he wasn’t in the shadowy depths of guilt. “You were drunk Lily, you had no idea —”
“That doesn’t excuse what I did, James!”
“I was sober, it’s my fault Lily!” “It is not! ” She emerges from her vulnerable cocoon like a butterfly in flames as she pokes him in the chest for good measure. There’s a tiny part of James that’s happy she isn’t curled in on herself anymore even if she’s spouting nonsense. 
“ Well, it sure as hell isn’t yours! ” He does not poke her in the chest, but the urge to shake her until she stops blaming herself is there.
Lily stares at him. A beat of silence passes. “Would you be saying that if the situation was reversed?” She’s quiet again, but her voice stays firm. Stubborn witch.
“That’s different!” His guilt only grows as he wonders if he should ever get truly smashed in her presence.
“It’s not! Which is why this is my fault! James, I got drunk and came and did all sorts of things you never consented to, I —”
“And you’re saying you consented?” James almost laughs — he seems to be doing that a lot; she’s making such ridiculous statements. “Lily, I was sober, I should have stopped —”
“I shouldn’t even have been there!”
James pauses and looks at her. She’s flushed, wide-eyed and tear-stained. “You don’t have to be sorry, Lily,” he murmurs. “And it is different.”
“It’s not!” She raises her chin stubbornly. “Are you saying you’d think it my fault if you turned up drunk in my bed?”
“Of course not!” James protests at once. “But I could have stopped you and I didn’t. That’s why it’s on me.”
She shakes her head and opens her mouth, but James powers on. “I’m not saying it would be the same the other way around because it is different. Lily, I’m bigger and stronger than you; you turned up drunk without your wand,” — in his pause, he realises she’s listening now — “Lily, I could have easily just picked you up, carried you back to your room and fetched you a sobering potion — that’s why it’s on me. I let you keep going, knowing that it wasn’t something you’d want to do sober.” He heaves a dry inhale to control the tremble in his throat. “Do you see now? It’s my fault”
“No, James you don’t understand!” She’s crying again, tears renewed as she reaches for him before drawing her hand back like her fingers touched a flame. “This is me! I’m the one who has all these uncontrolled feelings and I’m the one who has let it spiral out of control! Me, James!” She’s laughing now — unhappy and slightly unhinged as she continuous deliriously — “I thought they might pass, but they haven’t, I mean the sex dreams should have been a hint I had lost complete control, but on I went, determined to —”
“— Feelings and sex dreams?” Can you choke and die on nothing but air? 
“I know, right?” He really doesn’t.
“Arhhgggle —” His world is spinning. He’s dizzy from a realisation dancing just out of reach. He can’t speak. He can’t think.
Lily doesn’t seem to take his momentary brain malfunction into consideration — or perhaps she thinks he’s suffering a stroke; he certainly feels like it. Words float through his ears as he gapes at her. Entirely pathetic — unfair — hurt you — in love with you — fuck it up. 
“Wait what?” His brain slugs into gear as I’m in love with you rings in his head like a choir.
“What?” Lily frowns at him.
“You’re in love with me?” James is in disbelief. 
“Yes, don’t you see James, this is why it’s all my fault, I —”
“You’re in love with me. ” The laugh escapes him this time as the choir reaches a joyous song.
She shrinks under his stare as she folds back into herself. “I know I deserve it, but you can stop making fun.” 
“Making fun? Merlin, Lily.” A second delighted laugh escapes his lips until its touch makes her flinch; he stomps on his excitement so he can fucking speak. 
His calloused fingers brush her soft ones gently. “Lily.”
She looks up. James brushes the fresh tears off her skin, thumb dusting her cheek. “I’m so sorry James.” She closes her eyes as she — unconsciously, James thinks — leans into his palm. 
“I love you too.” Her eyes fly open like his words have reached into the heavens and brought a bolt of lightning through her spine. 
“What?” It’s a trembling whisper, carried to James’ ears only by the silence of the common room. 
“I, James Potter love you, Lily Evans.” The first time James kisses Lily, it’s wet and salty, tears of grief turn to relief as he presses into her with the desperation of a man who found water after days in the desert. He drinks in the taste of her, the smell of her, the feel of her until he cups her cheek — forehead pressed to forehead — and just breathes.
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practicecourts · 6 months
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Jily seen through other people's eyes... Quidditch at Hogwarts.
Written with Moody March Day 18 : Focused || @jilymicro-oops Read Reserve Seeker on ao3
“…and that’s today's Slytherin team. Unlike the Gryffindors there's absolutely nothing surprising about this line-up. Both teams need to win today's match if they want to have a shot at the Cup. Tension levels between the two Houses have been rising higher than the Quidditch Hoops in the last week, and I don't think anyone feels the bad luck of Gryffindor's star players is coincidental. 
The reality for the Lions is that three of Gryffindor’s star players are not playing today. I for one, would have liked to have been a fly on the wall in Professor Slughorn’s office when he spoke to the potentially involved students of his House and—”
“Callum, your job is to comment on the game, not to feed us conspiracy theories and gossip.” McGonagall hisses at the Ravenclaw sixth year sitting in the commentator’s box.
“Ah, alright Professor, so we have the Gryffindor Captain grounded, in a far more effective way than any teacher has managed in all of Potter's years pulling pranks at this school—- well, it’s not gossip if it’s true Professor.”
Every seat in the Quidditch pitch is occupied, some last minute arrivals try to find somewhere to stand and still have a good view of the game that’s about to begin. 
On the ground the two teams, one clad in bright red, the other a vibrant green, are shaking hands. 
“Ouch that looked painful. Captain Wilkes looks more than a little red in the face. Seems he wanted to disable Gryffindor’s reserve seeker before the match, with that excuse for a handshake. But it appears Wilkes miscalculated and is now feeling the sharp claws of the Lions. He should have known better, for she may be small, she’s fierce. I’d not like to be on her bad side, personally.
continue ...
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daiziesssart · 3 months
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belated father's day post!
a polaroid memory of james with harry, aka his "little snitch", taken by lily ♥️
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rainydayathogwarts · 2 months
Closed curtains and open doors - Remus x Potter!Reader
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Summary: Remus and potter!reader still aren't careful enough in hiding their relationship from James. (ft. Jily) more of potter!reader and remus - same au as this one - i'd love you guys to send in requests for this au. warnings: interrupted sex, smut, oral (f!receiving), fingering. 0.7k+ wc
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You laid down on your back, curtains closed around the four-poster bed in your dorm, your boyfriend crouched in front of you with a teasing grin on his face. Your knees folded upwards, feet resting on the bed, clad in your white socks as you stared down at Remus with a shy smile, biting down softly on one of your freshly manicured nails. With his hands resting on either side of your thighs, Remus occupied the space between your legs, pressing slow kisses on your inner thighs and your wet slit before lazily licking a strip up your mound. One of your hands weaved itself into his chestnut locks, nails massaging his head as he played around with your cunt, only half intending to do anything more than kiss you there.
"Remmy." You whisper, encouraging your boyfriend to look up at you with a teasing smile "What, sweetheart?" With his eyes occupying your gaze, you didn't notice his hand leaving your thigh to run up and down your slit, emitting a surprised gasp from you. Your hips bucked up unexpectedly, the hand in Remus's hair tightening its grip. Whining, Remus turns his head slightly to dig his teeth into the soft flesh of your thigh, causing you to gasp in return. Your gasp quickly turns into a moan when Remus sinks two fingers into your entrance, beginning to thrust them in and out of you teasingly slowly. "Oh shit." You moan, throwing your head back into your pillow as Remus licks over the sensitive skin of your thigh before making a trail of kisses back to your pussy, where he immediately finds your clit, beginning to suck on it joyously with a hum of satisfaction.
Remus's free hand moves from your thigh to the bed, where you're desperately gripping the sheets, and he places it over yours. You let go of the bedsheets, letting Remus lace his fingers with yours and you glance down at him, only to meet his gaze, where he's making puppy dog eyes at you. His eyes have a glint of mischief in them and you can't look into them for long, face heating up as you shut your eyes tightly, head falling back into the pillow. The steady pump of his fingers inside you has you squeezing around him and you're moaning his name until- *knock knock knock*.
Remus's head shoots away from your cunt at the same time yours lifts from the pillow to look in the direction of the locked door through the bed's curtains. Remus turns to look at you with wide eyes, waiting for your next move as someone calls for you from outside your dorm. Shutting your legs from their recently spread position, you peek outside the curtains, jumping up when continuous loud knocks start up again, the door handle rattling in an attempt to enter the room. Remus pulls the curtain open, watching as you frantically pull your discarded skirt up your naked legs, yelling out "I'm coming!" To whoever's on the other side of that door.
"Is Lily in there!?" At the sound of James's voice, you freeze, hand on the handle. Remus quickly dives back in your bed, shutting the red curtain and listening closely to the conversation you have with your brother - his best friend. The creak of the door is loud when you crack it open, peeking out to meet your brother's eyes. "Hey, uh- Lily's not here." James's eyebrows furrow, his hand making contact with the top of the door, pushing it slightly open. "Why'd it take you so long, what's going on in there?" He questions, taking a step closer to you. Keeping most of your body behind the door, you respond with "I was napping, James." Which he most definitely doesn't believe since he immediately cries "Do you have a boy in here!?"
Instantly, the both of you are pushing the door back in each other's direction, and you scoff "James, you can't come in here!" the same time as your saviour goes "Hey darling, what are you doing up here?" At the sound of Lily's voice, James's attention is stowed away, his hand falling by his side as he greets her, allowing you to finally shut your door closed, turning the lock so that your brother can't enter. When you spin on your heels with a sigh, Remus is already tripping over his feet making his way over to you and pushing you back against the door to press his soft lips to yours, hands already working on getting your skirt off yet again.
"Where were we?"
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i think the early days would have been a lot of big gestures, but i feel like a date in the clouds takes the cake
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brun-brunette · 4 months
i totally get james potter.
if i was him i would, too, be the sluttiest slut of them all
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redadidassneakers · 5 months
Sirius: I pulled the Casanova of Gryffindor
James: I pulled the girl I’ve been obsessed with since first year AND your little brother
Marlene: well I pulled Dorcas Meadowes who is better than all of you combined
Peter: and I pulled a ‘push’ door, so. . .
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mentallyadinonugget · 5 months
“but james potter was a bully””he bullied snape!!!” ok? someone had to do it.
~Here’s a list of good and shitty things Snape did canonically:
•Snape was a blood supremacist who called lily a slur.
•invented a curse for enemies (marauders)
I don’t think a good person would make up a curse which mutilates someone terribly. That too, during his time in Hogwarts.
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•oh yeah later on he became a death eater 😋 (the main goal of the death eaters wasto eliminate all muggle-borns in the wizarding world and establish voldemort as its ruler)(magical nazis basically).
Plus when voldy was going to kill lily, Snape was like yk what you can kill the husband and the INFANT just don’t hurt my lily flower teehee like okay james bullied him so him not caring about james made sense but harry was a child bro
•BULLIED CHILDREN DURING HIS TIME AS A PROFESSOR????? he was literally neville’s bogart ffs and not because “some teachers are just scary okay Neville was afraid of almost everything!!!” but because Snape bullied neville on a daily basis plus threatened to kill his pet after a failed potion thingy. plus he made fun hermione’s physical appearance (when draco made her teeth all big and Snape was like hah it’s the same there’s no difference) and he bullied for BEING GOOD AT ACADEMICS LIKE 😭😭😭???? He bullied almost everyone in Hogwarts I just know it.
•sectumsempra’d George’s year off.
•tried to out Remus Lupin as a werewolf for NO reason other than his childish misdemeanour.
•called Sirius and Remus an old married couple.
•saves Katie bell from a cursed necklace
•saves draco malfoy from a terrible curse that could’ve killed him by the counter charm “vulnera saneteur”
can someone guess which curse Snape saved draco from??? You’re right! It was sectumsempra!
•switched sides or smth
~Here’s a list of good and shitty things james did canonically:
•called Snape snivellus (was funny ngl)
•bully snape
•turned into an illegal animagus at the age of 15 so his werewolf friend (Remus) has company during his transformations.
•took sirius black in after he ran away from an abusive hoursehold.
•literally died trying to stall Voldemort so Lily and Harry have some time to escape or just live in general.
So my point is canon james was a bit of an asshole but he still did way more good deeds than Snape even though Snape was in all the seven books like one of the good things he did was literally the consequences of his own actions (healing draco).
All of this is canon btw. NONE of it is fanon.
sincerely keep my wife’s name out of your fucking mouth he did what should have been done.
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insuranced · 2 years
Sirius vists Grimmauld after his escape
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three--eyed--cat · 4 months
!! james potter, moodboard !!
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wastingawayinmyroom · 1 month
petition to turn my blog into one of those blogs where people send me headcanons and i expand on them like a professor
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athenasparrow · 2 years
No. 14 - Charm | Jily March Micros
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Thank you to the lovely @jilymicrofics once again for the prompt : )
Read on AO3 | 364 words
“Hey Evans” was how Potter chose to greet her as he slipped into the empty seat next to her at her library table.
Her library table, she might add. The one she’d claimed in her first year and spent most of her study time hidden away at.
“Potter” she acknowledged, trying to ignore the way his voice sent her stomach flipping.
“Could you help me with this charm?” he asked, opening his textbook to a detailed schematic of the wand movements for an illusion charm.
“Didn’t realise you studied” Lily quipped teasingly, breathing through her mouth so she wouldn’t be distracted by the inviting scent that was just James.
“It can be our little secret” he said grinning at her. Lily wanted to tell him she’d rather have a dirty little secret with him.
“Let’s see then” Lily said pushing away her errant thoughts and setting her work down so she could observe him.
He rolled up his sleeves and jabbed his wand through the movements. God his forearms were delicious. She could see the muscles ripping with each flexion and extension of his wrist.
“So…what do you think?” he asked dropping his arm and looking at her expectantly.
“Lily?” he said, looking at her a little oddly. “Are you okay?”
“Perfectly fine.” she forced out, hoping the heat she could feel wasn’t obvious on her face “one more time Potter.”
She determinedly ignored the way his forearm rippled and zeroed in on the wand in his hand. 
“This is not transfiguration… your movements are too angular. In charms you’ve got to smooth them out into a flow, yeah?”
She moved her own wand in the pattern the schematic showed and felt a rush of satisfaction when half of the table looked like the floor.
“Yeah okay” James said adjusting his movements and swishing his wand at the other half of the table.
It vanished.
“Thanks Evans, you’re the best” he grinned, winking at her before grabbing his book and moving back to leave her in peace.
Lily found she couldn’t quite focus for the rest of the day when the image of his forearms played over and over again in her head.
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pottermagiczz · 3 months
Lily, to James: Why are there little hand prints on the wall?
James, to baby Harry: Why are there little hand prints on the wall?
Baby Harry: CeBaUsE, HaWeE haS lItTle hAnS!
James, to Lily: Because Harry has little hands
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theartofprongs · 4 months
Lily's Yearbook
"Sev does Hogwarts publish yearbooks every year?" Lily asks curiously from her spot at the library table.
Severus, who has taken up residence in the seat directly next to Lily, pointedly ignoring the other two Gryffindors at the table, grimaces at Lily's question.
"No Lily, that's a muggle tradition, why would we need such a thing?" Snape shakes his head tersely before pushing his nose farther into his Potions book.
Lily shrugs and hums lightly, "I guess I just think yearbooks are brilliant, oh! Especially the signing! Everyone leaves messages for each other and you get to look through them all summer."
Lily's eyes sparkle with excitement at the prospect of receiving handwritten notes from all of her dearest friend's at Hogwarts, ones that she can re-read during her time away from the magical world.
"Lily I'd forgotten all about yearbooks, it would be so wonderful if Hogwarts had them!" Little Mary Macdonald squeals from across the library table, her smile gleaming.
Marlene also perks up at Lily's excitement, "What's a yearbook?"
These new interjections cause the lone Slytherin tucked into the corner of the table to let out an annoyed huff, "Lily I cannot study here any longer, can we go somewhere that is actually quiet?" Snape directs his sneer at the two girls across from them.
Lily looks over at her two friends, who both have varying looks of disdain now plastered on their eleven year old faces.
"Sure Sev, I'll see you guys at dinner, Okay? Save me a seat if I'm late?" Lily quickly packs her books into her bag so that she can catch up with an already exiting Severus Snape.
"Oh, he is such a git, I don't understand why Lily puts up with that," Marlene snaps, "He doesn't even want her hanging out with people from her own house."
Mary nods in agreement, watching as the two finally disappear out through the library doors. There's a loud echo as the doors slowly close, and then Mary suddenly turns towards Marlene with wild eyes.
"I think I have an idea."
Marlene snorts, "An idea? That's a new one for you."
Mary gasps over dramatically at Marlene's quip, but continues smiling, "No Marly, we're gonna get Lily those signatures, like the ones in a yearbook, so that she can read our notes while she's stuck with him all summer."
"Wow Mary, you do put together some good ideas here and there!"
First year, 1971-1972.
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Second year, 1972-1973.
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Third year, 1973-1974.
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Fourth year, 1974-1975.
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Fifth year, 1975-1976.
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Sixth year, 1976-1977.
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Seventh Year, 1977-1978.
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This was a lot of fun for me to do, but it also took me a while to get everything how I wanted. You'll notice that as they get older their handwriting (and for some even their writing utencils) change and grow with them. There are a few different themes and relationships going on throughout this whole thing so I hope you enjoy all the little easter eggs. Also you'll notice that it is heavily smudged and (wet?) even in some places, that's because I tried to make it seem as though it was pulled from an archive, whether from Lily's belongings or even Hogwarts. Let me know if you can't read anything specific and I'll tell you what it says. It's not perfect but I'm very proud of it!
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bunniesandsilk · 4 months
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worldofwolfstar · 10 months
McGonagall: Is anyone going to tell me what's going on in here?!
James: It's kind of complicated, but Sirius-
McGonagall: Got it. Forget I asked.
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