#Jewish mafia
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awesomecooperlove · 1 year ago
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msclaritea · 9 months ago
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Well yeah, if you want moviegoers to be bored out of their skulls. Looks like the Hollywood Gay Mafia and Sony Pictures are trying to be strong arming assholes, again. Has to even got in on the act by releasing some weird Hellverine figure. There is NO Midnight Sons without Doctor Strange
Owners of Hasbro aka Hassenfeld Brothers:
The Vanguard Group (10.8%)
Capital Research Global Investors (9.8%)
BlackRock (8.4%)
Alan G. Hassenfeld (6.1%)
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i-am-q · 8 months ago
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Head of the Jewish Mafia and Domestic Coup: The Nanny
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chialattea · 2 months ago
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power-chords · 2 years ago
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Wittgenstein is a TRIP, man! But the original reason I came here to post this was for that last line, which made me exclaim, “Yeah, yeah. We’ve all seen the Alan Menken and Lynn Ahrens adaptation of A Christmas Carol.”
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zooptseyt · 2 years ago
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thenewdemocratus · 8 months ago
Crime Time Stories: 'Casino: The REAL Sam 'Ace' Rothstein/Frank 'Lefty' Rosenthal'
Source:Crime Time Stories talking about the Frank Lefty Rosenthal Story. Actor Robert De Niro played him in Martin Scorsese’s Casino, from 1995. Source:The New Democrat “Frank “Lefty” Rosenthal was a professional sports bettor who was the mob’s man in Vegas and ran their casino operations alongside his friend Tony “The Ant” Spilotro. The 1995 Martin Scorsese film Casino is based on his career in…
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msclaritea · 1 year ago
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i-am-q · 2 months ago
All Good
we handled it internally
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"why do you headcannon bruce as being half Sicilian and half jewish"
one, because jewish bruce has always and will always make sense.
and 2, he's freaking darker than most of the people in Gotham while he literally never goes in the sun (depending on what bruce version you're talking about)
also it makes tons of sense why Damien is brown.
my horrible horrible Batman/bruce Wayne headcannons
He’s half Sicilian and half Jewish. I will take this to my actual grave/srs
the real reason he can walk away and fight people with broken bones and while bleeding out is because he has an undiagnosed pain disorder. Like the one where you can’t feel pain at all. And has never realized it ever, and the batfam are completely oblivious too. Thomas Wayne (his dad) had it and never noticed either.
he sings songs to his kids, but really really bad covers. On purpose. He also has a secret YouTube music channel called “bats in the belfry” where he uploads his good guitar/vocal covers. He accidentally goes viral, and juggles a triple life as a semi-famous songwriter and singer. No one knows it’s him though, not even the league.
Thomas gave bruce all his old medical texts, and used to teach him first aid when he was little. little bruce loved it so much.
bruce actually has his doctorate in chemistry, engineering, medicine, biology, botany, and he took some random courses about the bats of Gotham and then studied veterinary medicine.
he proudly displays his many doctorates he earned in the same 3 years, in the library where no one see them.
his best friend forever is Harvey dent, even though Harvey and Harv are twoface. he does not care and randomly rocks up to his house with some good brandy, and invites them to his house always and forever.
bruce is actually a good dad, he's just also oblivious and accidentally hurts his kids feelings.
he actually hates being called bruce, and considers it his deadname. he actually one time when he was poisoned got out the name change forms filled them out with the name Bat Bruce Wayne and got his name changed and then he started feeling better after being poisoned he realised that he changed his legal name to Bat Wayne and he could not change it back. he tries to lie about it but he still has to sign forms with his legal name, no one has figured it out yet. everyone just assumes Bat Wayne is like his 9th kid or something.
bruce despite being rich as balls actually hates being rich with a passion, and literally throws his money at anything he can. when he was younger he tried desperately to get rid of all his money via charities, investing in local Gotham shops and chains, and literally paying for any health or medical care thing he could. sadly that only made the entire city of Gotham love him, and sadly he just got 30x the money he put in. and he still doesn't know how. it basically turned into a one upping where bruce tried everything he could to get rid of his money but all that happened was people started to love and adore Wayne tech and Wayne industries, and bruce Wayne's constant stream of donations to literally every single charity he could shove money in their hands. it backfired horribly and now he has a LEGION of international Bruce Wayne fans who literally give him money. he hates every single moment.
he has a weird thing going on with joker, they made out a couple times and they both refuse to ever bring it up. (bruce would have killed him if he didn't kinda have the hots for him and thought he couldn't be redeemed.)
he singlehandedly is keeping all of Gothams diverse bat species alive and well, he also has like 1,000s of pet bats in the batcave.
his favourite colour is actually yellow, but he just likes that black is stealthy.
he actually has tons and tons of scars, and no one really knows because bruce always wears fingerless gloves and long sleeves. they just think it's a fashion statement, bruce just likes covering up his scars.
he started a conspiracy that batman was actually not real and just a cryptid, he leans even more into it as Bruce Wayne.
he picks up all his kids and spins them around at random, because he loves keeping them on their feet.
he's low-key on and off dating both Catwoman and Harvey, while having work husband Clark Kent be his teammate.
the media completely forgets bruce literally has multiple doctorates some times. and when he publishes any work he does everyone is like "oh look it's Bruce Wayne, not THE Bruce Wayne of Wayne tech. science Bruce Wayne of the same name. because the playboy billionaire doesn't publish in scientific journals" and then one time he was invited to give a lecture on poison ivy's plants and the critically endangered Gotham wild rose of which there is only one left and of which he is currently keeping safe in his plant house. anyway everyone was fucking shocked and bruce put on his serious scholarly tone and started talking. while in a yellow Gotham U jumper with coffee stains on it while looking like he was in a car crashes aftermath only moments earlier. (he just forgot to set his bones again.)
bruce has autism and OCD. his special interest is gray ghost, and he fucking hates bright lights. (sun glasses indoors kinda guy)
bruce keeps like 50 photos of his kids in his wallet, 1: because it's funny 2: because he does not bring a phone with him anywhere.
and lastly, when he was doing his tour around the world to learn all types of fighting and escapism. he also learned he was horrible at cooking, just downright destructive.
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creatingblackcharacters · 2 months ago
do you have any advice on creating a poc gangster from the 1920s? I don’t want to make anything about him to be stereotypical and I want to avoid any missteps. He smokes cigarettes because he grew up in the 1920s and he earned immortality around that time so yeah, he gambles a small amount, particularly card games (most common type of gambling at the time) and he has magic (kind of oracle-like magic where he can recreate scenes from the past as allusions and predict possible futures)
I do not know how to write a gangster of color in the 1920s, but I do have advice for writing a Black gangster in the 1920s!
(the terms are not synonymous, y'all! Say Black when you mean Black.)
I would suggest researching the era itself, including 1920s fashion, writing, Black culture. Even within mafia communities, we were still treated differently in comparison to Italian, Jewish, and Irish gangs, for example (even in The Godfather, they mention "leaving the drugs to the n****rs"). Watch Black American movies, and study plays and stories of the time!
Gambling- "the numbers"- was also a thing- why not let him be involved? Shit, he could make beaucoup with them powers lmao. Especially in the roaring 20s?? The early Great Migration and the Harlem Renaissance?? Then he gets to the 1930s where they say no alcohol but he could predict- this man could do so much. I would be criminal with those powers 🤣
Hell, you could watch Interview With The Vampire lmao, Louis lives within that time as a Black gangster, now damned with immortality.
But yeah, I would also refer to my pinned for my lessons on stereotypes and violence. You can write a Black gangster doing bad shit without being racist about Black people as a writer and within your narrative. It depends on what type of story you want to tell.
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loudtrashcan · 2 months ago
Late-night Batfam thoughts: Duke is figuring out why Tim is a vigilante.
(I've never made post like this before please eek)
Duke: So, Tim... What's your deal man?
Tim: My deal?
Duke: Yea, like the trauma that made you a vigilante? After meeting all the Bats, they have a lot of Big T Trauma.
Tim: I- explain....
Duke: Well, Bruce and Dick watched their parents get murdered. Jason was poor, had a parent struggling with substance abuse, and an abusive dad. Babs has a cop dad.
Tim: Does that count? Last I checked Babs became Batgirl because of her sense of duty and love for Gotham...
Duke: Nah, cop dad is pretty bad.
Tim: You know what, sure.
Duke: Steph has a villian dad. Cass was trained to be a weapon. Damian was raised by the LOA. Jarro is related to Starro. Helena is from a mafia family. Kate is a Jewish Lesbian military brat and lost her mother in a terrorist attack. Harper is poor and has an abusive parent.
Tim: What about Luke? He's from a wealthy family.
Duke: He's Black, there's some trauma there.
Tim: ...right
Duke: And I am the biological son of a villian and the whole Incident.
Tim: Doug isn't your biological dad????
Duke: Don't worry about it.
Duke: You're some rich white kid. You have no major injustice that drew you to crime fighting.
Tim: I'd argue the same applies to Babs and Luke.
Duke: Nah, theres trauma there. Besides, it's not like Bruce kidnapped you either. You showed up in costume.
Tim: That's not... Ok, yes, my home life was decent even with my parents traveling a lot. Also, I didn't want to be Robin, that was Alfred.
Duke: Ok, but how did you just show up?
Tim: Might've stalked Batman and Robin for multiple years. And took photos of them while they fought crime while remaining undetected. And showed up to an active crime scene to covince Dick to help Bruce. And raw dogged a confrontation with Two Face...
Duke: See! How does someone do that with no life-altering trauma?
Tim: *shrugs*
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creature-wizard · 2 years ago
Some antisemitic dog whistles to watch out for
Because overtly hostile antisemitism is difficult to sell to people, and because it often gets people banned from media platforms, conspiracy theorists rely on other terms to get their ideas across.
Note that people will sometimes use these terms without understanding their connections to far right conspiracy theories, and some of them have legitimate uses outside of far right conspiracy theories. Don't assume that everyone who uses them is a secret Nazi or something. However, do pay close attention to what else they're saying and who they're getting their info from.
Banker/International banker: references the conspiracy theory that Jews control the banks.
Cabal/Kabbalists: references the belief that the Jewish conspirators are into Kabbalah (which is sometimes claimed to be satanic).
Globalists: references the conspiracy theory that Jews are working to create a one world order.
Talmudists: Literally just means Jews.
Marxists/Cultural Marxists: references the conspiracy theory that Jews created communism.
Leftists: references the conspiracy theory that progressive/leftist politics are a Jewish conspiracy.
The elite/elite bloodlines: references the conspiracy theory that most wealthy/ruling families have Jewish blood.
Khazars/Khazarian mafia: references a debunked hypothesis-turned-conspiracy theory that Ashkenazi Jews are descended from a group of Khazars who converted to Judaism. (Conspiracy theorists often claim that this means Ashkenazi Jews aren't "real" Jews - which is nonsense from every angle because Judaism does not measure Jewishness through genetics.)
Generational Satanists: references the 13 Illuminati bloodlines conspiracy theory, which is basically a knockoff of the material in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion combined with blood libel and the anti-Catholic conspiracy theories of Alexander Hislop. Conspiracy theorists often claim that it isn't about Jews, it's about powerful families who sometimes just happen to be Jews, but like... c'mon, it's an obvious Protocols/blood libel knockoff that also happens to demonize a few more people. You're not slick.
Lizard people: references David Icke's assertion that the world is under the control of blood-drinking reptilian aliens who created Judaism to enslave humanity. Some people literally believe in Icke's lizard aliens; some just use the term as a dog whistle for regular Jews.
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awesomecooperlove · 10 months ago
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knight-a3 · 1 month ago
Heavenbound AU
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Design notes and headcanons under the cut
Husk always struck me as the type that should be more stocky and broad. And he should have a beer belly, since alcoholism is a significant character trait of his. He's a fat cat. He has a few grey streaks in his hair to hint at his age. His clothes are more tattered to represent both his loss of power and his deal with Alastor. And his colors are duller after he lost his overlord status.
Older versions of his character portrayed him as a magician, and I really liked the idea of him using his magician skills to cheat at cards, which is why he got into gambling.
Generally speaking, his canon design is too busy and I simplified it. I didn't really understand why he had wings. Thematically, there's no reason for it and they overcomplicate the design. Instead, I gave him a magician's cape to reference his magician background. His hands are white to resemble the gloves magicians wear. The shirt helps to separate his dark fur from his pants, so they don't blend together too much.
He has card suit symbols integrated into his design. I didn't think to add a shirtless version here(if I get around to it, I'll update this with one), but he does have a spade pattern on his chest. You can see the tip of it around his collar. His nose is shaped like a heart, his tail has a diamond shape, and the paw pads on his hands and feet are clubs.
He was born in 1907 and died in 1975 at age 68 from liver failure. It's popular for people to design him as black, but I headcanon him with either Slavic or Jewish Russian ancestry. He's lived in the US his whole life though. The chipped tooth sorta just happened and I liked it. It kind of resembles his demon form's cat teeth.
He became a magician and used his skills in sleight of hand to cheat at cards. He became involved with a gambling syndicate in Las Vegas. And he was a heavy drinker(hence his eventual liver failure).
Is he a war veteran? Lots of people headcanon Husk as a Vietnam War veteran. But I'm not sure that works very well. At least, not with my headcanons. The draft for Vietnam went on between 1964-1973. Husk would have been 57 in 1964, and the number of Baby Boomers meant the draft could make more exceptions than in previous wars. So Husk was not involved with Vietnam.
But the draft for WW2 required all men 18-64 to register between 1940 and 1946. There are a few nuances, such as the required ages being narrower at the beginning of that time, but they ultimately don't matter here. Husk was in his 30s through the entire draft period. So unless he had a reason to be exempted, or he dodged the draft, he was probably going. But Husk doesn't actually strike me as a shell shocked veteran. So I'm leaning toward him being a draft dodger.
Syndicat the Gambling Overlord-
While doing Mafia research for Angel Dust, I came across a mention of gambling syndicates in Las Vegas. I realized it fit Husk's background, and decided his name before Husk could be Syndicat. I thought the cheesiness of it wasn't out of place. So here we are.
His magician life led him to gaining magician(mostly cards) related powers. He gambled for souls and won his way to Overlord and ran a gambling syndicate. But he got cocky and others started to catch on. They did different types of gambling that didn't involve things he could easily cheat in. He started losing bets, and he was too proud and addicted to cut his losses. Plus, he was the Gambling Overlord, he couldn't stop gambling!
Eventually Alastor showed up and challenged him to Syndicat's specialty: poker. The offer was practically too good to be true. They were gambling all the souls they owned(their own souls were implied to be included). If Syndicat won, he'd have the collective power of Alastor's souls. If Alastor won, Syndicat would still be allowed to keep his existing power in exchange for servitude.
Alastor was a top tier Overlord, and owning the Radio Demon would surely catapult Syndicat to the top! He thought he had this in the bag. But Alastor has an inscrutable poker face, magic of his own, and his soul isn't even available to be put on the table. Syndicat predictably lost, and his overlord status was officially gone.
It hadn't really mattered either way. The whole thing was rigged. Alastor's soul was never going to be Syndicat's, and Alastor had clawed his way to Overlord in record time(He took less than a week to orient himself, killed his first overlord, and that was it). So even if he lost, it wouldn't take long for the Radio Demon to be back in full force. He could have just destroyed Syndicat and gotten everything back anyway.
The Husk:
Alastor dubbed him a husk of his former self and kept calling him either Husk or Husker. Husk felt too sorry for himself to care, and decided the name fit. (He doesn't hate "Husker" any more than he does "Husk". In the pilot, he was just annoyed at being magicked away from his poker game)
As far as Overlords go, Alastor wasn't actually all that bad to work for. Husk had actually been a crueler overlord to his underlings. For the most part, Alastor let him carry on as before. Husk gambles for cash and drowns himself with more booze than ever before, but he can't gain or lose power while Alastor owns him. Alastor could bother Husk at any given moment without warning and drag him to do whatever, but it would sometimes be months or years between his summons(seven years was significantly longer than normal, but Husk never thought much of it until after). Alastor is mostly just manipulative, confusing, and condescending. He didn't try to hurt Husk, and rarely even threatened to. Husk was still going to be grumpy about it though.
(update notes will go here if needed)
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msclaritea · 1 year ago
"...In a now-viral clip on TikTok, one Christian woman takes Swift's stage performance a little too seriously.
"This is Taylor Swift's song 'Willow' where she is a witch during rituals," the woman said.
"The first video you saw was taken by a fan the other night at the concert and he says, 'yes, summon the demons b***h!' The worst part is that [Swift] commented twice [on the video]. [Swift] said: 'This is the new 'one, two, three, let’s go b***h'," the woman explained.
"So what she’s saying is 'summon the demons' is the new crowd chant that they all say when she does his witchcraft ritual.
The person added: "Then she commented laughing emojis."
Admittedly, however, Swift has previously said her song ‘Willow’ 'sounds like casting a spell to make someone fall in love with you'.
She then riffed off that notion, putting out several several witch remixes of 'Willow'.
Also, in her song 'Mad Woman' from 2020's Folklore, Swift sings: "Women like hunting witches too. Doing your dirtiest work for you."
She also referenced witch hunts on her 2017 album Reputation.
"They’re burning all the witches, even if you aren’t one," she sings in the song 'I Did Something Bad'.
What these Conservative Christians seem to have missed is the more modern meaning of 'witch'..."
What was the best way to hide the activities of the Rothchilds families? By making those activities seem like a conspiracy.
What was Pizzagate? A Russian Psyops that mixed truth with fiction. Just look at how many Pedos are falling out of closets.
What has been the biggest thing hidden about the Cult of Scientology? That it is based on the principles of Satanism and Dark Magical. Also that many of its members are Israeli and Freemasons.
The article I posted about the producer, Ovitz, being taken down by the Hollywood Gay Mafia was written as though he were a deluded liar....just like this bit of propoganda, below. Taylor Swift absolutely does do everything this article accuses her of, while simultaneously dismissing it.
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And IF Taylor Swift is not supposed to be a clone representative or 'Twinned' version of Leena LaVey, then why has she been styled and posed like the known Satanist?
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