#Jewish Sabbath
a-typical · 11 months
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The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Ilan Pappé (2006)
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katsuramazurka · 1 year
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Everything Challah This recipe yields two lovely, braided loaves that are decorated with dried onion, garlic, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, and, if preferred, a little kosher salt. It was inspired by the toppings on an everything bagel.
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shalom-iamcominghome · 6 months
The funny difference between protestantism (what I grew up with) and judaism is how both conceive of work
For many protestant-influenced scenarios, you must work - the sabbath day? That's just another weekend to spend as you please (work. chores, which is work, too). There's no real excuse to stop working, working is inherently G-dly and Good.
Judaism? Don't you even think about working on the hours of shabbos. (Certain) Holidays? Same deal. Actually, working is explicitly impermissible, g-d literally said so.
Anyway, I just think those small differences in how work and what constitutes work contributes to attitudes about working. I don't think protestantism or judaism are inherently like those examples, just that in my experience, the protestant attitude towards work is that it is what makes you worthy, good, and holy and non-work (laziness, sloth) is A Sin.
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Jewish postcards / judaica: sabbat & synagogue interior.
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sefarad-haami · 4 months
Adafina: The Classic Sephardic Sabbath Stew
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🇺🇸 Adafina is a classic Sephardic Sabbath stew similar to cholent among Ashkenazi Jews. It was prepared before sundown to comply with Sabbath laws, ensuring a ready meal the next day. This slow-cooked stew combines meats, vegetables, chickpeas, and eggs, transforming these ingredients into a delicately textured and flavorful dish. The recipe emphasizes using organic ingredients to enhance the taste, with the key ingredient being time, as the long cooking period perfects the flavors.
🇪🇸 La adafina es un guiso clásico sefardí para el sábado, similar al cholent entre los judíos asquenazíes. Se preparaba antes del atardecer para cumplir con las leyes del sábado, asegurando una comida lista para el día siguiente. Este guiso cocido a fuego lento combina carnes, vegetales, garbanzos y huevos, transformando estos ingredientes en un plato de textura delicada y sabor exquisito. La receta destaca el uso de ingredientes orgánicos para mejorar el sabor, siendo el tiempo el ingrediente clave, ya que el largo período de cocción perfecciona los sabores.
🇮🇱 La adafina es un guiso klasiko sefardí para el Shabat, parecido al cholent entre los djidyos ashkenazis. Se preparava antes del eskurezimiento para kumplir kon las layes del Shabat, assegurando una komida lista para el día sigyente. Este guiso kochido a fuego lento kombina karnes, verduras, garvanzos i wevos, transformando estos ingredyentes en un plato de textura delicada i sabor eskisito. La rezetika sujere uzar ingredyentes organyikos para mejorar el sabor, siendo el tiempo el ingredyente klave, pues el largo peryodo de kochura perfecciona los sabores.
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eretzyisrael · 2 months
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Shabbat Shalom, friends!  
May you have a peaceful and blessed Shabbat.
Keep Israel in your prayers please.
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thejewitches · 1 year
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Good Shabbos
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dteamain · 1 year
someone correct me if im wrong but i really don’t think it’s a big deal that mcc falls on a Jewish holiday? none of the creators celebrate that holiday why are we upset that they don’t honour a holiday from a religion they don’t practice? i just saw ranboo say he will make sure to never do any events on any important holidays jewish or otherwise but like that is fucking ridiculous lmao like sorry for not celebrating the same holidays as you 😭
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bobemajses · 2 years
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Sabbath Ring, Galicia, circa 1850
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literaturha · 1 year
Time is the presence of God in the world of space, and it is within time that we are able to sense the unity of all beings.
Abraham Joshua Heschel, The Sabbath
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that-cunning-witch · 1 year
Seventh Day Adventists want to be Jewish so bad but the SDA isn't ready to hear that
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hebrewbyinbal · 3 months
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🌍📚 Did you know that observing the Sabbath can actually boost your language learning skills? 🗣️✨
Taking a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life allows your brain to recharge, making it easier to absorb new vocabulary and grammar. 🧠💡
Plus, dedicating some quiet Sabbath time to reading and practicing a new language can turn a restful day into a productive one! 📖📝
Why not use this special day to expand your Hebrew linguistic horizons? 🌟
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Eddie is eating his first day Sukkos meal at some else's house. And since it's also shabbat, they served cholent. Eddie immediately started dipping his challah into the cholent just like he used to do as a kid
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ruindunburnit · 6 months
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After all of my griping about the Vampyre Calendar of Celebrations in The Fledgling Handbook, I pulled together a little calendar (or "Wheel of the Year") to show some celebrations they would actually have and how they celebrate them.
There's absolutely room to add more or remove some, so let me know what you think!
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quotesfromscripture · 2 years
Yeshua was teaching in one of the synagogues on Shabbat. A woman came up who had a spirit which had crippled her for eighteen years; she was bent double and unable to stand erect at all. On seeing her, Yeshua called her and said to her, "Lady, you have been set free from your weakness!" He put his hands on her, and at once she stood upright and began to glorify God.
Luke 13:10-13 CJB (1998)
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whats-in-a-sentence · 6 months
The list also includes a rare mention of a Jewish woman. I quote the misogyny and antisemitism for the benefit of accuracy:
Miss Lawr-e, No 6, Church- St. Annes Soho
The religion of the Jews will not permit them to eat pork, or feast with Christians; how strictly this lady may adhere to particulars in her articles of faith we cannot positively tell; but this we can say for truth, that she has not the least objection to Christian concupiscence, and will open her synagogue of love, even on the Sabbath, either to Jew, Turk or Infidel, if they think proper to call on her as above. This young Israelite renounced her Levitical friends for the sake of a Christian, who gave her inward proofs of a new faith, which were so convincing to her, that she has continued a thorough orthodox convert ever since. She is of a sprightly disposition, has good teeth, dark hair, black eyes, a Roman nose, a fresh colour, of a middle size, and is very wanton in her looks.
"Normal Women: 900 Years of Making History" - Philippa Gregory
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