#Jetpack Compose
amandaroos · 2 years
The paradigm of state and UI in Jetpack Compose is something I'm still wrapping my head around, but it feels good.
Abstracting UI elements into functions just works with my brain somehow. So much better than looking up views the way it was before.
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insynccorp · 2 years
Jetpack Compose is an invaluable tool for developers who are looking to maximize productivity and reduce development costs. With its variable immutability, live preview features, optimized memory usage and declarative UI syntax capabilities this technology enables users to create complex user interfaces with minimal code quickly and accurately.
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codeplayon2 · 2 years
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Benefits Of 5G Network Technology
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wesleytreehouse · 11 months
*makes tea*
*sits down at desk*
*puts on study music*
*reaches for notes*
brain: remember that one time in Trigun --
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coffeeworldsasaki · 1 year
Why did i copy paste the container for the second element in this page and it has a different dimension than the original
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Build Android Apps with Jetpack Compose: A Comprehensive Guide
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droidwave · 1 year
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gen-is-gone · 10 months
Gah see the one thing I can't do with the EDAs, and it drives me up the wall nuts, no matter how much I do agree that they are meant to be books and that's the point of them, that they only metatextually and even thematically work as books, and obscure forgotten books at that - the one thing is, I can't make vids. Gifsets either. God, you have no idea how much I wish I could vid this series.
So many things, so many astonishing visuals and cinematic parallels, so much I want to string together in a coherent form and I can't, I just can't. Like, the actual factual thing that caused me to fucking Mandela-effect myself into misremembering the series as a 90s tv show in the first place was imagining a fanvid about Fitz's fashion sense set to Macklemore's Thriftshop, of all fucking things, BUT. While yes, obviously that would be a work of unrivaled genius, it's not just that. Over the years it's become this endless want, this constantly seeing gifsets and screencaps and vids, vids, above all else, vids, of all the different moments there are.
There is (of-fucking-course) a blog (at least one, but maybe many more) dedicated exclusively to making gifsets of every time destiel touch each other in all contexts. Of fucking course there is. I scream with envy over this because like. That could be us, if only the EDAs had any footage at all, but it's a goddamn (brilliant, daft, exceedingly stupid) BOOK SERIES instead. Every time Eight/Fitz touch? Fitz is in fifty books and they are both extremely touchy; you could absolutely dedicate an entire fucking tumblr blog to making a gifset of each of those moments; you'd be making gifs for fucking years.
I want to bestow upon them the highest honor I could give: a fanvid about their insane nutso relationship set to Vienna Teng's Never Look Away. I want a Sam vid set to Marina's Oh No! I want an Eight vid to the Indigo Girls' Galileo. I can see all these so so clearly and I want to share them with the world. I want a gifset of thematic uses of the color red in Sam's early books episodes books. I want to hear Sail on Sailor and know how the fuck the diagetically composed Dr Who theme would actually sound on violin or acoustic guitar, with its unspeakably tender lyrics. I want someone's painstakingly color-corrected, digitally restored, hi-res slo-mo shot of Fitz in his princess fairy tale wedding dress flying around on a jetpack.
Like they are books and they're supposed to be books and it's significant to what the silly things are trying to say, and also quite frankly there is no way in hell any doctor who ever, even now, could pull off even half the shit they got away with via the infinite budget of the page, and they certainly could not have made say, YIT in the 90s and have it look anything but silly and cheap when it needed to look real, BUT. I wish I could see it. I wish I could make the vids I see playing in my head when I reread these silly, edgy, annoyingly smug, painfully earnest, wildly creative and visually stunning FUCKING books.
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mayxthexforce · 4 months
@sithisms said:
"Dont look at me like that. I saved you from death and you glare at me like I'm the bad guy~"
[Ulic old republic war era]
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The metallic taste of his own blood pooled against his tongue.
That Mandalorian had descended upon him like an omen of death. One moment, it was all quiet. The next, a jetpack coming to life just a couple feet above him and a beskar-tipped boot landing a solid kick against his face. It was a miracle his nose hadn't broken. Although he could already tell his jaw would resent him for weeks.
Ulic hit the ground and, in the couple seconds it took him to compose himself and thrust a tense hand forward, ready to crush the windpipe of his assailant, he realized that Kun had it under control. And yet, he didn't lower his hand right away. He could almost see the force, like translucent tendrils, stretching out towards Kun, trying to tempt him, playing with his ambition, his need to always be the best, the deep rooted fear of being looked down on for every little mistake. Getting caught off guard by a Mandalorian with a jetpack was more than a LITTLE mistake. Kill him, it told him, kill him or he'll kill you.
He was nowhere near regretting any of the things he had done and would continue to do. But as headstrong as he was, even he could admit that the dark side was —at time— a karking nuisance.
Ulic finally put his hand down.
"You're getting paranoid."
Was he talking to himself out loud or addressing his fellow Sith's words? Perhaps both. Ulic didn't dwell on that. There was just no time and he'd spent long enough —pathetically too long— on the ground. Instead, he rose to his feet and summoned his lightsaber back to his hand. Standing tall– not quite as tall as Kun, but still an imposing height; and surveying their surroundings, including above them —as he wouldn't make the same mistake twice—, for any signs of danger.
"Saved me from death? You underestimate me," he noted. "I could have handled it."
Stars, I sound like Cay.
He quickly forced the thought back down into the dark corner of his mind from whence it came. Ulic refused to think much about his younger brother, refusing to let the darkness that now inhabited him taint his memories of Cay. But every now and then, like that karking Mandalorian, the thoughts of his family descended upon him in what felt like a ruthless, premeditated attack.
And, just like with that Mandalorian, there was always Kun for him to focus on, and it made things more bearable.
"Let's keep moving," he breathed out. "There's never just one of them."
The subjugation of the clans was still a work in progress.
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sciencestyled · 2 months
Galactic Guesswork: The Bizarre Hunt for Dark Matter and Dark Energy
Welcome, intrepid explorers of the cosmic carnival, to the most mind-bending show on this side of the Milky Way: the enigma of dark matter and dark energy! Imagine, if you will, that our universe is like a ginormous cosmic burrito, and we’re only tasting the spicy salsa without even realizing there’s a whole fiesta of flavors hiding underneath. Yep, that's right – about 85% of the universe is this mysterious stuff called dark matter and dark energy, and we’re still figuring out what on Earth (or in space) it all means!
Now, grab your metaphorical popcorn, because this rollercoaster starts with the mystery of the universe's missing mass. Picture the early astronomers like Galileo and Newton as the original Ghostbusters, looking for all the visible stuff in the cosmos. Fast forward to the 1930s, when Fritz Zwicky, with a name that sounds like a retro comic book hero, noticed that the galaxies in the Coma Cluster were moving around like kids hopped up on sugar. He figured out there must be something invisible giving them a gravitational push. Voilà, dark matter was born – the invisible hand in the cosmic cookie jar!
Enter Vera Rubin in the 1970s, the real MVP who confirmed that galaxies spin way faster than they should if only visible matter was in play. It’s like if you saw a frisbee flying through the air and realized it’s being propelled by an invisible jetpack. Thanks to her, we know dark matter exists, even if it’s as elusive as that one sock you always lose in the laundry.
But wait, the universe had more tricks up its sleeve. Enter stage left: dark energy, the Beyoncé of cosmic phenomena – fabulous, mysterious, and always in the spotlight. In the 1990s, astronomers noticed that the universe isn’t just expanding, it’s doing so at an accelerating rate, like a YouTube video buffering at hyperspeed. This was thanks to observations of distant supernovae, which, much like surprise guest stars on a TV show, gave us unexpected clues about the universe's plot twists. And thus, dark energy was thrust into the limelight, making us question everything we thought we knew about the universe.
Now, let’s get to the juicy part: what exactly is this dark stuff made of? Scientists have thrown around more theories than Marvel has superheroes. Dark matter might be composed of WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) or MACHOs (Massive Astrophysical Compact Halo Objects). And if those acronyms sound like characters from a sci-fi buddy cop movie, you’re not far off. These particles are like the undercover agents of the universe, working behind the scenes to keep galaxies spinning and the cosmos in order.
Dark energy, on the other hand, might be the universe’s version of anti-gravity – a force that’s pushing everything apart. Think of it as the cosmic equivalent of your favorite cartoon character running off a cliff and somehow staying afloat. Scientists have cooked up theories involving quantum fields and vacuum energy, but pinning down dark energy is like trying to nail jelly to a wall.
To hunt down these elusive entities, scientists have rolled out the big guns – and by guns, I mean colossal detectors and telescopes. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is like the universe’s ultimate science fair project, smashing particles together at ludicrous speeds to see what secrets pop out. Space telescopes like the Hubble and the upcoming James Webb are the cosmic paparazzi, snapping pics of the universe's red carpet events to catch dark matter and dark energy in action.
But even with all this high-tech wizardry, detecting dark matter and dark energy is trickier than convincing your parents that video games are educational. We’re talking about stuff that doesn’t interact with light, making it essentially invisible. It’s like trying to catch a ninja who’s also a ghost. Yet, with every experiment and observation, we get a smidge closer to understanding these cosmic ninjas.
Now, what does all this mean for science education and our understanding of the universe? Buckle up, because this is where it gets wild. Dark matter and dark energy aren’t just footnotes in the cosmic story; they’re the plot twists that change everything. They shape the structure of the universe, influencing galaxy formation, cosmic microwave background radiation, and even the ultimate fate of everything we know. It’s like discovering that the secret ingredient in grandma’s famous pie recipe is something you’ve never even heard of – it changes your whole perspective.
The implications are profound. If we crack the dark matter and dark energy codes, we could revolutionize our understanding of physics, potentially leading to new technologies that make today’s sci-fi look like child’s play. Imagine harnessing dark energy to power spaceships or using dark matter as the ultimate stealth tech. The future could be stranger and more fantastic than any blockbuster movie.
In conclusion, the quest to unravel the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy is the ultimate scientific odyssey – an adventure filled with intrigue, discovery, and mind-boggling revelations. As we continue to probe the cosmic shadows, each piece of evidence brings us closer to the truth, turning science education into a thrilling narrative that rivals the best Hollywood thrillers. So, stay curious, my fellow cosmic detectives, because the universe has many more secrets to spill, and we’re just getting started on this wild ride through the dark!
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setaripendragon · 1 year
Sunlight by Hozier - in Mando'a
If you remember this post where I translated I See Fire into Sindarin, you probably won't be all that surprised by this. I've fallen head-first into the Star Wars fandom (admittedly second-hand, but still), and of course, being me, I went straight for the conlangs. Mando'a might not be the most fleshed out language of the GFFA, but it is the one with the most Culture, at least in the fandom, so it's the one I gravitated to. And honestly, I really like how... brisk it is? It drops unnecessary pronouns and verbs, barely bothers with tense at all, and contracts everything. It's so much fun to play with.
Sunlight isn't the first song I started translating into it (that would be Born For This from the Spiderverse movie), but it is the first one I've finished, because matching Mando'a to English scansion is hell. It struck me as a very Codywan song, which is why I picked it to translate (yes, I do imagine Obi-wan composing/singing it in honour of Cody pretty much every time I listen to it).
I did have to make up a couple of words because the dictionary I use didn't have even a near-equivalent to the concept I was looking for, and those will be marked with a * and I'll add the 'etymology' of them at the end. (If anyone knows any other Mando'dictionaries, throwing me a link will win you my undying gratitude.) I also had to get creative with my interpreations of the meaning of certain lines, since, just to pick the most obvious example, Mandalorians probably don't have the myth of Icarus like we do.
Any feedback, advice, or just general linguistics flailing is always welcome. Now, without further ado, here it is:
Tran'nau* (Sunlight)
Ni ru'nevor nau (I shunned the light) Ru'medinui naak be ca'tra (I shared in the peace of night) Ni nu'mirdi ba'slanar (I wouldn't think to leave) Par tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (For sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Tion'ad karta nu'redal (Whose heart doesn't dance) Dar'shekemi tra be ca'tra (Wouldn't abandon the stars of night) Sha solyc hettyc haa'it (At first burning vision) Be tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Of sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Ni r'echoyla ba'gar, tran'nau (I was lost to you, sunlight) Ru'miy sa kisen* ba'gar, tran'nau (Flew like a moth to you, sunlight) Ner tran'nau (My sunlight)
Gar kar'tayli tran'nau (Your love is sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Your love is sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Gehat'ik arasuum (The tale remains the same) Ru'rejor bal ven'rejor (Told before and told again) Runi ru'got* lo ciryc pitat (The soul that's born in the cold rain) Kar'mir tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Knows sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Mar'e lis dinuir gai (At last I can give a name) Ba tracin haaranovyc (To a hidden flame) Sa kar'tayli darasuum (As love/knowing forever) Ner tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (My sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
An tengaana ba'ni, tran'nau (All that's displayed to me, sunlight) Ratiin kar'mir ba'ni, tran'nau (Is always known to me, sunlight) Ner tran'nau (My sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau (Your love is sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Your love is sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Gar kar'tayli tran'nau (Your love is sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Your love is sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Tran'nau (Sunlight)
An ner alii'gai* lo gar gaan solus (All that I am is in your hands) Ke'juri ni ulyc, ner tran'nau (Carry me carefully, my sunlight) An ner alii'gai* lo gar gaan solus (All that I am is in your hands) Ke'juri ni ulyc, ner tran'nau (Carry me carefully, my sunlight)
Antuur* mhi cuy tome (Everyday we exist together) Kar'mir gar ner shereshoy (Know that you're my reason for living) Ner oya bal kyr slati* gar (My life and death belong to you) Ner tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (My sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Narbatir* sen'tra (Wearing a jetpack) Kyr'nayl'gam* briikasyc (I'm death-trap clad happily) Galar carud ni trattokor (Spilling smoke I fall) Chur tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Under sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Gar kar'tayli tran'nau (Your love is sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Your love is sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Gar kar'tayli tran'nau (Your love is sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Your love is sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Gar kar'tayli tran'nau (Your love is sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Your love is sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Gar kar'tayli tran'nau (Your love is sunlight) Gar kar'tayli tran'nau, tran'nau, tran'nau (Your love is sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)
Tran'nau (Sunlight) Tran'nau (Sunlight) Tran'nau (Sunlight) Tran'nau (Sunlight) Tran'nau (Sunlight)
[*tran'nau = tra (star field)/tranyc (sunny) + nau (light)] [*kisen (moth) = kih (small) + senaar (bird)] [*ru'got (born) = ru- (past prefix) + goten (birth)] [*alii'gai (identity) = aliit (clan)/aliik (sigil/symbol) + gai (name). This is technically already a word that means 'colours', but I took that to mean specifcally the colours one wears on their armour, the 'face' they show the world, i.e. their identity.] [*antuur (everyday) = anay (every) + tuur (day)] [*slatir (to belong to) = slanar (to go) + ti (with). I took the inspiration for this from the etymology of the word 'belong' in English.] [*narbatir (to wear/to put on) = narir (to put) + bat (on)] [*kyr'nayl'gam (death-trap-skinned) = kyr (end/death) + gaanaylir (to trap) + 'gam (skin). Since beskar'gam is literally 'metal-skin' and the word for skin literally translates to 'soft-skin', I figured it could also be poetically used to mean 'clad in']
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amandaroos · 1 year
Time for more #JetpackCompose today! I've never had so much fun with Android before! ❤️
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codeplayon2 · 2 years
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Best Of Jetpack Compose In Android: Codeplayon
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askthesmoltitans · 2 months
A ruckus near the entrance of the base drew the attention of many of the units inside. One of the Cameramen skated towards the area using the unique wheels on their ankles, picking up on a few new and odd voices. "Of course they aren't here! They left two days ago! You didn't read the letter until yesterday!" a gruff English voice shouts. A moment of silence passes as the Cameraman rounds the corner, spotting six individuals standing in the entrance area of the base. Their heads were very differently shaped compared to the normal three types that the Cameraman saw around base. All of their heads were rounded cylinders that laid in a horizontal position with varying sized divots. Upon further inspection, they looked distinctly like firehose nozzles, and their heads matched their attire, which was mostly firefighter gear. One of the units had their arms crossed in front of their chest and they were glaring up at a slightly taller unit who was tapping their index fingers together in a nervous manner. A much taller unit gestured something to the angered unit and said unit turned to face the Cameraman. "You. Over here. Now." the unit stated firmly, pointing at the spot in front of where they were standing. The Cameraman approaches nervously, standing in the spot the unit had pointed too. "I'm getting right to the point here. My name is Chief and were trying to find the human. This letter here that someone-" he pauses, putting emphasis on the word as he glares at the unit he had been yelling at earlier, "-forgot to read, says that the human left here, and this was a couple days ago. So, any idea which base they've gone too?" the unit asks gruffly. There's a soft clacking noise of small boots before something, or someone, falls down with an oomf. The small titans, which had been stacked together on each other's shoulders listening and watching from around the corner, fall out into view of the group. "And you three are?" the unit asks, crossing their arms again and looking down at the three small titans while the other firehose head units look at the small titans.
It’s been quite a busy few weeks as the Alliance factions had to recon their original plan of having the TVs, Speakers and Cameras all being in one base by a set date but due to the raid on the original Camera base, this was sped up as their respective Titans are currently unable to fulfill their duties with their current size. With the help of the Saw Faction within the Deep Frost region (composed of what was Canada and northern regions of the U.S), the Alliance were able to relocate and settle down into their now united base within the lower parts of Deep Frost. Woofer, Crew and Monitors being the last to show up with their respective shrunken Titans after thanking the Saws and well, Woofer somehow managing to, unintentionally, woo a Saw into joining him back to the now bustling base. The Titans get a check up after arriving at the new location to ensure they’re still functional to their best even if their weaponry, jetpacks and a few other defenses are disabled. 
With the ruckus that occurred just now at the door, Cinema glances at Film and DJ who nods a bit nervously before answering the Firehose Chief.
“I am Cinema, Titan TV… or was Titan TV, as you can see sir that me, Film and DJ were attacked by an unknown substance that made us shrink down in size.” Cinema explains, a bit nervously at the Chief before Film answers
“I am Film, Titan Camera a-and if you’re looking for a human, we don’t exactly know where they are. We have a human named Galaxy and they're alive a-and on the move with Silky-Spice and Excalibur.” He chirps while keeping a close hold on Cinema’s hand. 
“I’m DJ, Titan Speaker.” DJ hums a bit before trying to see who these fire hoses are. He’s already liking how they look considering he got introduced to a different faction only a few weeks ago.
“I’m sorry but I’m going to have to say, any concerns on humans will have to go through me. Name’s Security and I am Titan TV’s Chief Engineer, before you ask about my mimic nature, I was a normal unit before an incident that happened.” The scientist mimic camera speaks smoothly as he steps out from around the corner as he was coming to check out the noise at the base’s entrance. 
“Perhaps we can discuss some more if you all are not in a rush to track down this particular, if it's not Galaxy?” Security offers.
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coffeeworldsasaki · 1 year
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The way I almost died trying to do just this with jetpack compose when I made a lot more complex UIs with xml 🥲
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aetherarf · 2 years
Consider: When Alhaitham is very sick, he's shockingly similar to a sick young child.
Kids get really cuddly and sweet, even if they're normally a mean kid that they, on some primal level, understand that they need to be taken care of. They're usually quieter, though their own kind of 'fussy' from feeling bad, and incredibly clingy.
Alhaitham, a grown man, gets this way. He rarely gets sick, at least from the outside perspective, but once he's sick, he's sick. He only considers himself truly ill if he's having great difficulty taking care of himself. Otherwise, he may be sick, but little more than plain inconveniences.
While he is still as composed as possible, and as direct as ever, he's just not as cold, at least metaphorically speaking. Grabs the fabric of a shirt to tug another person near, because he's so cold and three blankets are not helping. Very politely thanking a person when they bring him food with a cough that's so weak it just sounds pitiful.
And even if he's a big man- because he's at least tall- he always ends up clinging or jetpacking. Because he's cold. And he feels safer, in this vulnerable, weakened state, when he can tell someone's right there.
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