#Jennifer Jereau x Emily Prentiss
False Confidence
Don't take yourself so seriously / Look at you all dressed up for someone you never see.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: Spencer and Y/N hate each other, they just don't realise they have been anonymously messaging for months.
Word Count: 2.8k
T/W: Mentions of murder and death
A/N: For @sackofpissandshit . I came up for the premise of this as a plate of prawns fell onto my head at work. Enjoy! ◡̈
SherlockHolmes1887: You were right. 
You couldn’t help the smile that stretched across your face; you replied immediately, the half-drunk coffee in your hand forgotten. 
NapoleonOfCrime: Feel free to say that again.
He did.  
Briefly, you looked up from your phone to cross the road. You were on the way to work having just received a message from Hotch. It sounded urgent. 
NapoleonOfCrime: So what made you realise that, as per usual, I was right? 
You had spent the better part of the night trying to convince him that Sherlock Holmes was in love with Jim Moriarty. You had met him online several months ago, on an Arthur Conan Doyle forum and have been messaging ever since. 
He, except for the one and only Penelope Garcia, was your best friend. You told him everything. Except for who you are. 
Early on in talking you both had agreed not to exchange names, tell each other where you lived or what you did for a career. You knew what SherlockHolmes1887 favourite film was (Star Trek), that he liked wearing mismatched socks and his mum used to call him ‘Crash’ because he would crash into things when he was younger. You knew that, like you, he had four qualifications, liked Sherlock Holmes and had an unhealthy obsession with coffee. You just didn’t know his name. 
Your phone vibrated. 
SherlockHolmes1887: “The greatest schemer of all time, the organiser of every devilry, the controlling brain of the underworld, a brain which might have made or marred the destiny of nations—that's the man! But so aloof is he from general suspicion, so immune from criticism, so admirable in his management and self-effacement, that for those very words that you have uttered he could hale you to a court and emerge with your year's pension as a solatium for his wounded character. [...] Foulmouthed doctor and slandered professor—such would be your respective roles! That's genius, Watson.”
Your phone buzzed again. You silenced it as you walked into the BAU elevator. 
SherlockHolmes1887: I reread ‘The Valley of Fear’ last night. 
You were about to reply when a voice cried out. 
“Hold the door!” 
Instinctively, you stretched your arm out between the closing elevator doors. 
The person entered beside you. 
If you had known who had asked, you would have let the doors shut. 
Dr Spencer Reid leant on his cane, drumming his fingers against its metal top as the elevator moved upwards. He had recently been shot in the leg on a case. You would never tell him but when that gun fired, you thought you were going to be sick. Your heart ached. It made you hate him even more.
“Reid,” you said, staring forward. You refused to look at him.
“L/N,” He replied. 
That was the most words you’d exchanged in days. 
When the doors finally opened again, you both headed towards the round table, where the rest of the team was waiting. 
You and Spencer were the last to arrive. 
It’s not like him to be late, you thought.  
You took a seat between Emily Prentiss and Derek Morgan - you were sat as far away from Spencer as possible.
“Now that you are all here,” Hotch began, pulling you from your thoughts, “let’s begin.” 
Penelope connected her computer to the screen; there was a picture of a body. The flesh was rotten, decayed from what was evidently years hidden away. Your eyes are wide as you saw it: a long cut, rough and jagged, stretched from neck to naval. You recognised this signature. 
“The Brooklyn Butcher,” you said, interrupting the silence. 
Hotch nodded. 
It was a case that had occurred six years ago and ended up going cold. 
Spencer recalled, “Eleven women, all under the age of twenty-five, all with red hair, went missing and then their bodies always turned up three days later with a long knife wound across their torso.” 
“The only body,” you continued, “that was never discovered was Sharon Lewis’. The first to go missing. The wife of Mitch Lewis, the prime suspect during the investigation.” 
“Why wasn’t he arrested?” Derek asked. 
Spencer answered before you could, tucking a strand of his brown hair behind his ear. Why did you want to run your hands through his hair? 
“There was no evidence. The police’s only theory was his wife was his first kill and he killed all the other victims who resembled her in an attempt to relive the thrill of the kill.”
“He had an alibi for Sharon Lewis’ disappearance,” you added. 
“Correct - they also never found her body. They couldn’t prove their theory without her body.” 
“Well,” Hotch said, “they have now.” 
“Sharon Lewis, aged twenty-four, was the first victim in the Brooklyn Butcher killings. Cause of death, blunt force trauma to the head.” 
JJ leant back in her chair and pressed her pen to her lips, “So the cut was postmortem?”
“According to the coroners.” 
“But that was not the case for the rest of the victims?”
“No,” Hotch replied. 
“Our UNSUB gained confidence in his kills.” 
Lewis was likely his first-ever kill. You wanted to message Sherlock and ask him what he thought. He was intelligent beyond belief, you were sure he would add valuable insight to this case but you couldn’t tell him. Then he would know you worked for the Behavioural Analysis Unit. You couldn’t let him know that. He couldn’t know who you were. What would he think then? When he knew you were more comfortable around dead bodies than real people.
“How was the body discovered?” Spencer asked. 
Hotch had that dark look in his eyes, the one he got when an UNSUB scared him. You hadn’t seen that look in his eyes since Haley died. 
“The body was left on an empty police vehicle parked outside a station in Brooklyn. There was a note attached to it.”
Penelope clicked a button on her laptop and the slide changed to a screwed-up piece of paper nailed to the shoulder of the body. 
Hotch read it aloud, “You have three days before I kill another. Happy hunting, the Butcher.”
He stood up from his seat, “Selene Harker was reported missing twelve hours ago. We leave for New York now - wheels up in twenty. Penelope, you’re coming with us.” 
She smiled nervously, you gave her a discreet thumbs up. 
Everyone stood up from the round table and headed towards the door, you had grabbed the handle when Hotch stopped you.
“L/N, you need to stay here.”
You froze, confused. 
He continued, “Reid has not been cleared to fly by his doctors yet and I need you to go through the old Mitch Lewis interrogation clips, find out whether he told any lies. Stay in touch.” 
With that he left the room, leaving you there with Spencer before you had a second to protest. 
You weren’t really sure how you did it, it’s an ability you’ve had since you were a kid. It’s how you were flagged by the FBI. You could tell when people lied. Everyone has a tell and, like the lie-detecter you are, you knew how to spot it. 
When you and Reid had first met, three years ago, he had told you all the statistics about lies: “Did you know,” he had said, “10% of all lies can be defined as exaggerations, though 60% of all lies are considered to be deceptive.” 
You remembered how you had nodded, anxious as it was your first day. 
“Of all liars, 70% of them claim to be willing to do it again. Every week, Americans tell 11 lies. In a study of 11,366 lies told by 632 people over 91 days, 75% of them lied between 0 or 2 times per day.”
“You know a lot,” You had laughed. 
Reid seemed kind. You liked kind people; you dealt with a lot of horrible people growing up. 
“I have an eidetic memory and an IQ of 187.” 
That was the first time you and Spencer had ever spoken and it was the last time you ever spoke like friends. 
You spun on your heels to face Spencer. 
“You leave me alone and I’ll leave you be. Understood?” 
“Understood,” Spencer said, rolling his eyes. 
“God, you are so infuriating.”
“I hate you,” he retorted. 
You noticed the way his jaw tensed. 
You grinned, “Lie.” 
Spencer groaned and left the room. Through the window, you saw him take a seat at his desk. 
Laughing, you walked into Penelope’s office and pulled up the police footage. 
You were three hours into the Mitch Lewis footage and he had told three lies. 
The first was that he did not know what happened to the other victims. Although, this could mean he had read about the case online. 
The second was more interesting. Lewis said he was at the pub when his wife disappeared. Even though there was security camera footage to confirm this, he was lying, 
The third made your head spin. He said he didn’t kill her. True. He said he didn’t know where she was. Lie. 
You paused the interrogation and contacted Hotch to tell him what you had found. He replied telling you to take a break as they searched for Mitch Lewis. 
In an attempt to distract yourself, you reached for your phone and messaged Sherlock. 
NapoleonOfCrime: Hi.
He replied almost immediately. 
SherlockHolmes1887: Hey.
NapoleonOfCrime: So you read ‘The Valley of Fear’ in one night just to try and prove me wrong? 
SherlockHolmes1887: If that’s how you want to interpret it :) 
NapoleonOfCrime: And?
SherlockHolmes1887: And…they are very much in love. It’s almost blindingly obvious. 
NapoleonOfCrime: “It has been an intellectual treat for me to see the manner in which you have grappled with this case.” The definition of enemies to lovers.
SherlockHolmes1887: Enemies to lovers? 
You don’t think you ever smiled as much as when you did with him. 
NapoleonOfCrime: It’s better you don’t ask, or else I’ll be sending you links to Moriaty x Sherlock fan fiction.
SherlockHolmes1887: What are you doing right now?
Your fingers danced along the tiny keyboard on the phone screen.
NapoleonOfCrime: Work. You? 
SherlockHolmes1887: Work. 
NapoleonOfCrime: How is it? 
It made you nervous that he didn’t reply instantly. 
NapoleonOfCrime: Don’t worry, this isn’t me trying to figure out what you do or who you are. I like the mystery. 
SherlockHolmes1887: Horrible. But it’s not really work that’s the problem. There’s a girl. 
It hurt a little to know there was a girl, of course it did, but you didn’t mind. What you cared about was how he seemed distressed. 
NapoleonOfCrime: If you want to share, I’m a good listener. 
He typed for what seemed like an eternity. 
SherlockHolmes1887: We, her and I, have worked together for years. She’s smart and funny and beautiful. So beautiful. But she hates me. I messed up when we first met, I was so nervous around her that I just ignored her. Whenever she tried to speak to me, I would walk away or just act like she wasn’t there. And, now, I am finally more confident, she can’t even be near me without glaring in my direction at least once. 
You yearned for someone to talk about you that way. No one had ever told you that you were beautiful. You didn’t need someone to tell you because you didn’t believe it, it’s just that sometimes, on the inevitable bad days, you want to feel wanted. 
NapoleonOfCrime: I’m sure if you explain it to her, she will understand - you said she’s smart. I can see why you like her. 
SherlockHolmes1887: Yeah, I fell hard. 
I fell hard. 
You recalled what Hotch had said, “Cause of death, blunt force trauma to the head.” 
You recalled how the cut was messy and hesitant whilst the rest were neat. 
 You recalled how it was done postmortem whilst the rest were the cause of death. 
You ran out of Penelope’s office, straight to Dr Spencer Reid. 
“Spence,” you shouted.
You were both alone in the room. 
Spencer looked up from his phone. It was strange, to see him on a phone. You had always thought he was the type of person to hate technology. Instead, he seemed thoroughly invested in whatever was on his screen. 
“Who are you messaging?” You asked, acting causal.
“No one,” he said.
“A girl?”
Spencer’s face had gone bright red. It was cute; it made you smile. 
Why did it make you smile? 
You decided to change the topic before your face went red. 
“Do you have the coroner’s report?” You questioned. 
He dug through the many files covering his desk and held it up for you to see. 
Blunt force to the frontal lobe, that confirmed your suspicions. 
You stared into Spencer’s brown eyes.
“I know what happened to Sharon Lewis.” 
You explained how it must have happened. Sharon was reported missing by her friend at 19:37. She was supposed to be meeting her a 18:00. Mitch Lewis was at a bar from 17:30-20:01, this was confirmed by camera footage. This means that Lewis can’t have kidnapped his wife. Or, perhaps, she never went missing. She tripped getting ready to see her friend and fell down the staircase. She would have died upon impact.
Spencer nodded in agreement with your theory.
“When Lewis got home and saw his wife’s body sprawled out at the base of the stairs, he saw an opportunity…” 
“He dragged her downstairs to the basement, explaining the deep scratches on her back noted in the coroner’s report.” You said, “Lewis worked in construction, he had a table and tools down there, he said so in one of his interrogations. He placed her on that table and cut her. He butchered her. And then did the same to others to try and recreate the high of killing his wife.” 
“We need to call Hotch.” 
Four hours later and Mitch Lewis had confessed and was in police custody.
Derek and Emily had found Selene Harker chained to the very same table Lewis had carved his wife like a cold slab of meat. 
The team was on their way back from Quantico.
You found Spencer sitting on a bench outside the FBI building. Spinning the silver ring your grandmother gave you around your index finger, you sat down next to him. 
You both stared forward, at the road. 
You were glad that you weren’t the only one who was affected by cases like this. You were glad that you weren’t the only one overwhelmed by empathy. Your mother once told you that empathy without boundaries was self-destruction but you were just glad that after so much time in this field, you still felt something. 
Spencer eventually broke the silence. 
“It scares me, Y/N, how easy a life can end.” 
Spencer clutched his cane so tightly that his knuckles went white. 
Gently, you eased one of his hands off it and held it in yours. 
You could hear your blood rushing in your ears. It was deafening. 
“You know, when I was a kid, I was always tripping over things. I walked into doors, tables, you name it. My mum would call me ‘Crash.’”
He laughed dryly whilst your world began to crumble around you. 
You dropped Spencer’s hand. 
“Sh-she called you what?” 
Spencer turned to look at you, confusion and worry were etched across his face, “Y/N? Are you okay? What’s wrong?” 
It’s not that you were upset, in fact, you felt almost the opposite of that. 
Your voice was steadier than you expected when you spoke.
“He is the Napoleon of crime, Watson.”
“He is the organiser of half that is evil and of nearly all that is undetected in this great city.”
“It can’t be.” 
Spencer held his face in his hands. 
“Disappointed, Sherlock Holmes 1887?”
You said it mockingly but you were terrified of what Spencer would say. 
“No, Napoleon of Crime. Not even a little bit.”
“You told me to explain how I felt to that girl so here goes. The first thing I noticed about you was your smile. I saw it from the other side of the room. And, Y/N, it was contagious. Just looking at you made me smile. You are so beautiful and so intelligent and I have wanted to tell you how desperately I liked you since the day we met.” 
He cradled your cheek with one hand. 
“And now I know that this whole time, as well as being the person I can see myself falling in love with, you are my best friend, my favourite, my person.” 
“I hate you, Spence,” you say just before you kiss him. 
Smiling against your lips, you hear him whisper, “Lie.” 
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multifandommilfs · 10 months
Better than The Notebook
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x reader
Wc: 2570
Summary: the tension builds until it breaks
A/n: guess who finally got into the Criminal Minds fandom and got obsessed with Emily Prentiss?Unestablished relationships really aren't one of my strengths but I'm hoping to change that,enjoy! :))
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Gif by @penelope-garcia –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
"Are you okay with this?" Hotch queried from the entrance of the changing room. It was a club mission. All you had to do was walk in there, lure the Unsub out and book it before he could smash your head in. No pressure. 
"Whatever it takes to catch this sicko." You swung open the locker and the sight immediately made you regret your words. It was a low-cut, high-hem dress. The last time you wore anything this revealing was never. Your unamusement was furthered when your eyes landed on the dramatic curve of the waistline. The whole thing was a stark contrast to your daily FBI wear. "Whoever chose this is such a misogynist. This is literally a corset in itself." You lament, pulling the dress out from the locker to share your misery. You knew he didn't pick your poison. 
His lips flattened into a thin strip, a frown cutting between his brows, equally displeased with the ostentatious outfit. "It was Emily's pick. I'll get JJ to switch it out." He turned, heading for the door. Your heart leapt at the mention of her name. Did he say it right? You're holding what Emily likes in your hands. It would be a ruined chance if you didn't take it. 
"Wait wait, Hotch, I think I'll keep it." His hand left the door handle as he pivoted to face you, expecting an elaboration.
"It's unnecessary to bother anyone." You winced at your lousy lie. The questioning look on his face was made apparent by his frown digging deeper. 
"You're not bothering anyone." He reassured. 
"Yeah I know but Emily has a great sense in fashion, there's a high probability that the Unsub would like it."
He sent you that sideways interrogative glare and quirked his brow at the way you pulled the dress into your midriff, like it suddenly meant a lot to you. Adding to the fact that your mind changed after he mentioned Emily, it didn't take a cupid to put two and two together.
The pinch between his brows released, mirth filling his irises. "Alright, but if-"
"-I'm uncomfortable I will switch the dress out. I swear!" The corners of his lips rose for just a second and you would've missed it if you had blinked. 
"Oh and could you get JJ in here please? I have a feeling I'm going to need her help getting into this." You turned the outfit backward to expose the tucked-in zipper that ran too low from your shoulder blades. You weren't in the mood to sprain something.
Another nod and he was out the door. You stripped as quickly as possible, getting into the skin-tight dress with slight difficulty, hating the way you wanted to impress Emily by putting yourself through this torture.
The door to the room clicked open as you secured the dress on your body. You hadn't bothered to check who it was because it must've been JJ. 
You knew you were wrong when you heard the diction you've learnt to memorise. "Oh I knew I picked the right dress! You look absolutely de-lish in this."
It wasn't JJ, it was Emily. The shriek that escaped you as you startled and stumbled didn't help your balance as you slammed sideways into the locker, the reverberation clanging throughout the room.
"Are you okay?" But she was laughing that free, untamed laughter that made you swoon and grin on the grimy floor, forgetting about the possible bruise.  
"Where's JJ!" You tugged up the sleeves that fell off your shoulders, careful not to fray the fabric as Emily approached in quick strides, laughter still bubbling up the length of her throat.
"What? We're basically the same person." She stretched out a hand that you took without a second's break. You couldn't latch on to what she said when her palm pillowed yours with a warmth that made your heart race a little as she hauled you up, the muscles in her arm tensing. 
You were lucky the locker behind you served as a reliable pillar for your knees were almost limp when her scent encased you whole, your eyes instinctively flitting close for a beat too long, snatching that whiff of her that caused your fingertips to jitter. 
Your breathing shallowed out the moment you opened your eyes. And what you saw couldn't help quell the heat that blotched up your cheeks. She was just a breadth away from you, the curled ends of her hair tickling your cheek, but you could only focus on how the shadow cast from the lights above made it so her lips were deeper in red. It was utterly tempting.
You were closing the space, your gaze fixated, hypnotized. Your movement was so slow it was hardly perceptible, the murky hesitance within your irises morphing into something more intimate. Your lips parted as she damped hers, she was unable to move with the intensity and tenderness simultaneously existing in your gaze.
You were just a desperate breath away when she must've tightened her grip too much on your hand in turn for losing her ability to breathe. Just like that, the reverie shattered into splintering pieces. You backtracked, eyes wide, the fervour dissipating in a stunned blink. Her eyes that flicked up to yours averted themselves to the ground in a sadness you couldn't place once you released your grip on her hand, your hand falling limp to your side.
It took a ladened moment during which you swallowed a knot in your throat and her heart dropped so far below. Both of you contemplating whether to out the elephant in the room but at the same time too scared to address it because it was just too bold a move from amicability.  
"Let me just- get something." You managed; she pulled her body away from yours like it was ladened. You rationalised it to be the jet lag, definitely not the hesitance of leaving you. That was your mind playing games.
Your feet were fast to the locker from where you pulled the dress, and once you were obscured from her view by the metal door, you released the breath that had you in a chokehold, your mind replaying the closeness again, again, again, your senses fetching her scent up, her laughter, the glee in her eyes when she laughed and the way she parted from you as if she'd been in a daze like you were. 
"Hey, you okay?" You whipped around at her voice to see her eyeing your shoulder which took the brunt of your fall.
"Yea- yeah. Honestly I would be better if you didn't choose this dress." You were glad for the smile that split her lips at your sarcasm, ignorance lifting the tension immediately. 
"You love my fashion taste." She squinted her eyes at you. A taut smile was your response, but the quietness brought out a strain in the atmosphere. It was awkward enough for you to readjust your stance, swallowing.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night." You forced out, whirling back to the locker to search for the accessories you already knew weren't there. It was you buying time to escape her gaze. It held some kind of encompassing gaiety, some glee in them despite everything they'd seen in this brutal line of work. It was one of the things that took upon your heartstrings and you didn't need any more of that right now. Especially in this locker room, alone with her, after that closeness. She cleared her throat.
"Let me help you with your zip." Oh yeah, you had completely forgotten about that.
She approached from behind as you shuffled on their feet, trying to quell your heart racing in your chest. The fact that you were starting to sweat in the suffocating dress didn't help your case. You really needed to stay calm before- 
Her fingers clasped around your waist and she caught the half-shudder that you tried to suppress, but what was hope now that you were already questioning your friendship? 
The swoop of the zip signalled your completed outfit. Yet she lingered, her hand splayed on the lower part of your back, another ghosting over the hair on your neck. 
You turned back this time, adamantly dismissing another shiver that ran up your spine. And she thought you might just pounce and grab her into a god-fearing kiss like the one in The Notebook. The rain would be her happy tears as long as you were the one holding her. 
But instead your gaze glazed with a kind of regret that she ignored; the tension didn't need any more adding. So just like that, you stepped out of her grasp muttering a thanks and slid on your previously haphazardly placed heels. 
In less than a moment you were striding into the raucous club with a façade of coolness and all confidence with your head angled high while Emily returned to the SUV outside. She wished the floor would give way with each step she took. Mind thinking about the next conversation between the two of you, or the lack of it and she felt a simmering fury that licked her heart, searing her bones. She wanted to linger in it for ruining a chance like that, to let it blaze away the hollow in her chest. 
The team noticed her lack of flirtatious jokes, the internal ruckus that was just threatening to boil over every moment even though she kept a smile on her face. They certainly noticed how she seemed to sink into a reverie whenever you appeared on screen, toying with the Unsub. They concluded it to be the jealousy kicking in, spurring on suggestive glances among themselves. 
The mission was a knock-out success. He took your bait and almost smashed you with a brick before the team ambushed him.
Emily watched you at the corner of her eye, standing a suitable distance away from the writhing Unsub, arms around your midriff in that damn dress that hugged your figure. A gust of wind blew towards you, billowing your hair as the neon club lights decorated your complexion like everything in the world was pointing Emily to you in that ethereal glow. She ducked her eyes when you glanced over. She missed the way your gaze lingered on her until she slipped back into the SUV. 
It was only then that you noticed Hotch beside you. He gave you a sorrowful look, but perhaps you misinterpreted it with your woeful heart because that man was supposedly incapable of any emotions aside from that frown. 
What were the odds of the jet needing a monthly inspection the day you got into this push-and-pull dynamic with Emily? Because not only do you and your team have to take a commercial flight, but that said flight was crammed with vacationers, leaving limited space for the team and your duffel bags. 
"Oh my god what are the chances of people flying to Virginia at 4 in the goddamn morning?" You grumble, but before Reid could even sneak in a statistic, you whipped over to him. "That was a rhetorical question staticReid." It garnered the team's sympathetic laughter as Reid pulled his lips in annoyance. 
And when you were left with Emily in a two-row seat, you knew this wasn't only your bad luck at play. It was Morgan's turn to play matchmaker and the way he shimmied his brows suggestively made you want to shove two middle fingers in his face. He was lucky you were too emotionally exhausted to do that. Instead you rolled your eyes and slumped in your seat, body burning with an emotion you couldn't place.
Emily dozed before the flight took off, an easy task when darkness enclosed most of the plane, save for the dim lights that provided little visibility. You couldn't complain as it rescued you from any tension. 
You could still feel the phantom tickle when the ends of her hair brushed your skin. You dug the hilt of your palms against your eyes in hopes of pushing down the memory. You should've just yanked her in then instead of taking the fool's way out.
It was thirty minutes into the flight, your eyelids were ladened, but the middle-aged man snoring behind you was a lull to sleep, and the toddler shrieking every two minutes in front of you was a hindrance to slumber.
The moment you let your lids shut, a heavy weight fell upon your shoulder and you slapped a hand over your mouth in time to stifle a yelp. The warmth that encompassed your body once you felt the fluff of Emily's hair against your neck where your collar ended made slumber slip away from your grip instantly. Her touch had been everything you craved ever since the locker room.
You were robbed of air when she snuggled further into you, perhaps for your exuding warmth because the little air conditioner that blew above you was freezing the consciousness off of you, but now you were more awake than ever with 3 hours left of the flight. 
The tenderness of it all brought out a sudden intrusive urge in you to just push her hair from her face. And perhaps it was the afterglow from the over the top exhaustion that made your mind a fuzz for consequences, or your bleary gaze that seemed to affect your memory, but Courage peered up in your chest and made it impossible to wave away the impulse that pushed your arm out of your space and into hers. 
With a gentle finger, you tucked loose strands of her hair behind her ear, unveiling, too intimate. But you didn't allow yourself to think about it when the pad of your finger grazed the smooth of her cheek until you were a lump in your seat. Heart wild as a smile stretched across your lips involuntarily, you couldn't calm it down if you wanted. 
Your gaze was soft as it traced her features, and you let your mind wander, her cheek smushed on your shoulder, tender, domestic, all but delusional. You smiled nevertheless, exhaustion clogging up your coherence.
And that smile must've been the key to your manifestation, to your yearning, because she roused awake, lifting her head off your shoulder, her hair tickling your collarbone. Through the drowsy haze of her eyes, she looked up at you past her lashes, and again, so, so close.
And you knew better than to forsake it this time. You surged over the armrest without warning, unbuckling the strain of the seatbelt with dexterity, and captured her lips softly, your fingers holding her chin before it slid to her jaw, tentatively. 
When she kissed you back with equal ardour, hands flying to your cheek, body slumping towards you. The white that burst behind your lids was immediate, fervent, and made you cross the armrest in a blur, pulling yourself into her lap.
She tugged you impossibly closer to her, famished for more, deprived of too much. There was no amount of greed that would satiate her now that she'd tasted. 
And when you parted, lungs heaving for air, you were all smiles and flushes on cheeks within the dark of the airplane, only a glow of yellow light pouring from the miniature bulb above the both of you. 
It was far better than The Notebook.
Here's a link to my masterlist ^^
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rebelliousstories · 5 months
Did You Know?
Relationship: Spencer Reid x Reader
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Request: No
Warnings: Angst, Light Fluff, Allusions to Pregnancy
Word Count: 1,083
Main Masterlist: Here
Criminal Minds Masterlist: Here
Part Two: I Know Now// Part Three: Somebody Knows// Part Four: What We Know
Summary: Spencer is sent to prison and is waiting on his team to get him out. Meanwhile, his partner is there for morale support.
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“It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much preforms much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.” Vincent Van Gogh
Never in a million years did she think she would be in this position. Getting a call from Emily in the middle of the night was not what she expected. But to be told that her husband is currently in federal custody and awaiting trial, that was another. But she took it as it came. There was nothing she could do for her husband except just to be there for him. She would never be able to get the image of him in handcuffs in the BAU out of her head, but she was glad she was able to hug him.
“Spence. Oh my Spence.” She hugged him over the handcuffs that were hidden with the jacket. His fingertips were just barely able to grasp on to her shirt to pull her as close as physically possible.
“Hey honey. I’m sorry you have to see me like this. How’s my mom?” He whispered into her ear. Spencer was thankful that everyone decided to keep a healthy distance as the husband and wife reunited.
“She’s good. Wondering when you’re coming home, but I am helping Cassie take care of her. I don’t care about seeing you handcuffed, sweetheart. I’m just glad I can see you and hold you.” Her reply made Spencer want to cry. He knew it was not fair to her to have to deal with this whole situation. Stepping back, she pressed a sweet kiss to his lips and tried to convey all of the lover she felt into that kiss. Pulling away completely, she watched as he accepted embraces from his teammates.
If only they knew at the time, how much of a roller coaster this was going to be. She sat on the prison bus waiting to be taken to the facility. Being able to see her husband was wonderful, except for the fact that she would be sitting across from him in a cubicle, with a sheet of glass separating them. The bus ride was bumpy, but thankfully it was over quick. Stepping off, her hair was swept away in the windy weather outside.
Walking inside the correctional facility, her eyes kept scanning the room, looking for any threats. A side effect from working for the FBI all those years ago. Now, it only served as a reminder of where she had once been, and of how her husband became that title. She walked up to the reception desk and placed her id down.
“Inmate name?” The officer asked. Her voice was devoid of any emotion.
“Spencer Reid. I’m his wife.” She supplied her name, and waited as the officer scanned a list and then her ID again.
“You’re not on the list. Next!” The officer yelled, pushing the woman off to the side. She stood there dumbfounded as she was handed back her ID, but knew better than to fight with the officer. Her body, especially her heart felt numb as she walked outside and waited for the bus to take her back to the car lot. Why was she denied access to see her husband? JJ was able to see him; so why was she not?
After the numbness wore off, rage fueled her. It kept her going all the way to the FBI headquarters where she signed in for a visitor’s pass silently. Marching her way into the BAU’s office on the sixth floor, she noticed how everyone was still there thankfully. She made her way over to JJ, who was surrounded by Tara, Matt, and Stephen.
“Hey,” JJ greeted, ”how are you doing?”
“Don’t give me that.” She snapped, leaving the agents in a state of shock. Never had she ever snapped, not even raised her voice.
“Whoa, what is going on?” The blonde woman asked, holding her hands up in surrender.
“Did you know?” Mrs. Reid growled, with her patience wearing thin.
“Did I know what? You’re not making any sense.” JJ tried to reason and de escalate the situation, but Emily and David were already out of their offices and looking out at the bullpen.
“Did you know when you went to visit Spence that he had put me on the ‘no visit’ list?” There it was. The million dollar question. JJ remained silent for a minute, but her face did the talking before her words caught up.
“Listen, you have to understand his reasons.” She tried to reach for the woman, but she slipped out of the way.
“You knew? And you didn’t tell me? I just got back from there, hoping to see my husband and check in on him. Only to be turned away at the gate. And you never told me?” Now, she was yelling. It was scary to see the former profiler turned professor yell. She spoke sternly sometimes sure, but she never raised her voice in anger.
“He wants to protect you from the inside. Spence asked us not to tell.” A slip of the tongue and now her fury was leveled to everyone.
“You all knew?” Prentiss and Rossi made their way down the stairs by this point.
“Yes, we did.” The dark haired agent said, walking along with her right hand man.
“Spencer doesn’t want you to see him like that so he asked if we would not tell you that he had put you on that list.” Emily placed her hand on the woman, and it was like her strings were cut. Rage left and was followed by intense depression. Sobs wracked her body as she crumpled to the floor. Emily tried to grab her, but Luke was the one that actually got his arms around her.
There was nothing left for her now. Everything came crashing down around her; her world was shattered. She thought about every interaction that she had ever had with Spencer. There were probably some that she was missing, but she was not blessed with his memory skills. But every major moment came to her at that time. The first time they met, their first date, when he introduced her to his mom, their proposal and wedding. Rubbing her stomach, she wondered when she would wake from this nightmare and be safe in her husband’s arms once again.
Zsa Zsa Gabor said, “To be loved is a strength. To love is a weakness.”
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talaok · 1 year
I saw you asked for spencer ideas so i was thinking… what about something about the team finding out reader(spencer’s wife) is pregnant?
Loooove your work btw
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YES. love this idea so much
"Emily, you in?" Derek asked with a grin as he turned to her.
"Definitely" she sighed, getting up from her desk "I really need a drink after today"
She glanced at the watch on her wrist "Just for a drink, Will's waiting for me at home"
"alright the-"
"wait!" Peneole rushed through the doors "I'm here!" she seemed awfully out of breath for someone who'd taken the elevator "Don't leave without me" 
Derek chuckled "Wouldn't dream of it baby girl" he shook his head, "I was just getting the crew together, there's only one member missing..." he said, cocking his eyebrows at Spencer, who raised his head.
"I'm sorry I can't today"
"oh c'mon pretty boy, you never can"
"seriously Spence, you should come" JJ chirped in.
Spencer looked between them and smiled a bit, he knew they were right, he always said no, but today he actually had a reason, and not just the same old "I wanna get home to y/n because I've missed her the whole day", no, today she was actually meeting him here, even though he had tried to convince her to let him pick her up after work, she had insisted this made much more sense since the restaurant was closer to his work, and as always, he had agreed with her.
"I really can't today, I'll come next time"
"you said that last time" Emily playfully pointed out
"well I mean it this time"
"I'm sure y/n will understand if you come home late just this once" 
He snorted, it wasn't her that wanted him to come home, it was him, leaving the house in the morning had become more and more painful from the moment they started living together, and now.. well now it felt almost impossible, the moment he closed the door behind him he would now always find himself wondering when he'll get to come back.
Penelope elbowed Derek as she shoot him a look
"Hey, wha-"
"if he wants to go home to his lovely lady you should let him," she told him, and turned to him now "Don't listen to them Spencer, you're incredibly precious"
He smiled, a faint blush tainting his cheeks "thank you,"
"alright" Derek gave up, "but you're gonna have to let me buy you a drink at one point" 
"I will" he promised, getting up and starting towards the elevator with the others.
He couldn't wait to get to the parking lot and finally see her, and as the elevator's doors opened, he wondered if she'd put on the dress he'd gifted her just the other week.
"oh, hello" He heard Derek say, he sounded...confused,
Spencer frowned before he heard another voice respond.
not just any voice,
his eyes shot up
"Hi baby" she smiled at him, 
"Hi Y/n!" Penelope squeaked, immidately going in for a hug.
"sorry to intrude like this"
"no, not at all" Emily reassured her with a smile
"we were just talking about you" JJ joined
y/n laughed softly "Were you?" she asked "I'm kind of scared now"
"oh don't worry, only good things" She promised
Spencer smiled as she walked to him and kissed his cheek
"Hi" He said
"hi" she responded, taking his hand in hers
"so we were going to get a drink" Derek spoke, "wanna come with us? It's been a while since we hanged"
Y/n smiled with that smile that made Spencer's insides twist.
"well I can't drink, but you're right, I haven't seen you in too long" She nodded "We can eat out another time?" she asked, her eyes finding Spencer's, but there was something in his she didn't understand, it looked like... stunner?
He opened his mouth to say something but he was quickly cut off by Emily
"what do you mean you can't drink?"
"well you know" she trailed off placing a gentle hand on her stomach "given my situation, I think it's best if I don't"
It was as if time stilled before Penelope's voice cut right through it like a knife.
"oh my god! are you..."
and just then, Y/n realized, her eyes widening
"Oh wow" Emily grinned
"Are you serious?" JJ smiled wide, as Derek just smirked, clearly happy for them.
Y/n glanced at Spencer again, and even though she looked at him with worry, all of his disappeared, as his lips twitched into a smile and he nodded to his friends.
"we're having a baby" he confirmed, making all types of smiles and laughs erupt from the people in front of them
Everyone rushed to y/n to congratulate her, hugging and kissing her, and Spencer chuckled a bit as he felt left out,
it was his baby too after all,
"Why is nobody congratulating me?" he asked
"Oh, you're not getting any hugs" Penelope spoke accusingly "How dare you not tell us something so amazing?"
"Yeah Spencer why didn't you tell us?" JJ joined
"I was going to"
"at the right moment"
"and when was that gonna be, eight months from now, when this little bundle of joy will have been born already?" Penelope asked
"Alright, I'm sorry" he gave up "You're right, I should have told you"
"damn right you should have," Penelope said " I'm already behind on the gifts now because of you"
Spencer laughed softly at that, followed by everyone else
"Lucky for you, you have the whole night to tell us what we've missed"Penelope stated before taking y/n arm in arm and dragging her to the elevator.
"Get ready" Emily chuckled, patting his back and following the two women
"Congratulations man," Derek said "and good luck" He nodded to the very mad woman staring at him from the elevator as he too walked to her.
Only JJ was left by his side
"I'm really happy for you Spence" she almost murmured "You'll be a great dad" She smiled, hugging him tightly, and he couldn't help but smile like an idiot.
I really hope so, he thought, hugging her back
"Hey!" Penelope yelled "No hugging! He's a traitor!"
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sarcasm-and-stiles · 7 months
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker*
Y/N: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
Spencer : ...I did. I broke it.
Y/N: No. No you didn't. JJ ?
JJ : Don't look at me. Look at Penelope.
Penelope: What?! I didn't break it.
JJ : Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Penelope: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
JJ : Suspicious.
Penelope: No, it's not!
Derek: If it matters, probably not, but Emily was the last one to use it.
Emily: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Derek: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Emily: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Derek!
Spencer : Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Y/N.
Y/N: No! Who broke it!?
Derek: Y/N... JJ 's been awfully quiet.
*Everyone starts arguing*
Y/N, being interviewed: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it.
Y/N: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
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mrs-weasley-reid · 2 years
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bau team x bau!reader
Synopsis: you started a tradition of giving the bau team candies whenever you all return home from a case. Only this time, you were on sick leave. WARNING: nothing. all fluff and fun. A/N: This is my first time posting here so bear with me lol
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“Great job, everyone. Have the rest of the week off. You all deserve it.” Hotch announced and walked up the few steps to his office.
The rest of the team was now at their respective desks, working through paperwork to pass their last two hours on the clock.
As soon as Hotch’s office shut, Emily, Spencer, and Derek’s hands flew up in the air, palms facing the ceiling as they waited for a small object to graze on their skin.
JJ entered the room with manila folders clutched to her chest, almost choking with laughter at the sight she walked in on. “I assume none of you are waiting for more paperwork?” She said, earning the three agents’ attention to lift from their desks, realizing the subconscious act they had just done.
You started a tradition of giving the BAU team a piece of candy as soon as Hotch closed his door.
It would start with Derek, as your desk was next to him. Then, to Spencer, whose desk was across yours. You would move to Emily, then venture up the small flight of stairs to knock on Hotch’s door and leave a piece of candy on his desk without saying anything.
You always gave Rossi’s treat last, at least between the people on the main floor, because you wanted to ensure that he didn’t grab two like he did the third time you offered him a piece. Nonetheless, you would give him his favorite flavor to make up for only giving him one candy.
And then, you would skip to Penelope’s bat cave with a customized treat. Ribbons tied at the ends of the candy wrapper. Lastly, you would meet JJ on her way to the bullpen with a strawberry-flavored candy in your hand.
Two doors abruptly opened, and JJ immediately spoke, “She was not with us this week, remember? She’s on sick leave. You two have to calm down.”
Aaron’s face shifted a little but was still stern all the same. On the other hand, Rossi tilted his head to indicate a front that he knew already, failing miserably.
JJ shook her head and went straight to Derek’s desk, dialing your number and setting it on speaker.
The ringing stopped as soon as you picked up the call, announcing your name. Your cough echoed in the bullpen, but you were far too busy fighting for your life to feel embarrassed over your office, hearing you heave for air.
“Hey, it’s JJ. Are you busy?” Her voice was soft and gentle, and even if you were busy, you would’ve stopped everything you were doing.
A bright laugh rumbled from your end, “[If watching ‘A Bug’s Life’ for the fifteenth time is considered busy, then I guess I am.]” Your movements muffled the speaker a little bit, but they heard you clearly enough.
JJ smiled at that. As the person you mainly confided with, you didn’t hesitate to ask her to bring you the DVD copy of the movie as soon as she offered to visit you before they flew out for the case. “I just wanted to ask if you have any treats for your puppies here. They were all waiting patiently, and I’ll let you know they did a great job at the case.” JJ chuckled, earning multiple eye rolls from Emily and Derek.
“[Oh, yeah! I forgot to mention that I left a set of treats in my drawer. One for each.]” You emphasized your last words, knowing how greedy your teammates could sometimes get.
It has happened before. There was one time when Spencer argued, backed with statistics, that he did such a great job helping find the unsub that he deserved at least three chewy candies. Not to mention that they all created a formal petition, signed by everyone (even Hotch with a special mention of his Unit Chief position), to give five candies to the agent that finds and arrests the unsub.
There was a wave of cheering in the bullpen. 
“Now, that’s what I’m talking about!” Emily approvingly nodded.
Derek snorted, “Thanks, sweet mama.”
Spencer went on with his usual random fact, “Sweets as a reward is actually ill-advised because studies show that it leads to obesity.”
“Does that mean I can take your piece?” JJ raised a brow at Spencer.
“I just said it’s ill-advised. I didn’t say I don’t want one.” Spencer walked to your desk and ignored Derek’s teasing grin.
Aaron let go of the railing, clearing his throat. "Just bring it to my office." He said, and then he went back inside his office like he hadn't been looking forward to your dose of sweet treat.
Rossi didn’t waste time walking down at an unusual speed that he doesn’t use even during a case. “I want the grape one!” He announced.
The glass door swung open, revealing Penelope with her bright-colored pen. “Hey! No fair! No one told me the treats are out.” She rushed to the group and playfully shoved Derek out of her way.
You couldn’t help but smile through the phone as you listened to the commotion from the other end of the line. And you promised yourself never to miss a case ever again.
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httpjupiterbby · 10 months
these are my mommies and my daddies 💍🫦
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wildflowerluver · 2 years
sweet pea
aaron hotchner x teen!reader, bau team x teen!reader
5 times the team hears about you and the 1 time they actually meet you
cw: fem reader, set over the span of three years, case mentions, broken family unit, hotchner trio, hotch is a swiftie, also refers to his daughter as ‘sweet pea’, team is nosy, eating/food, forehead kisses run the hotchner home
wc: 3.4k
1. inception
child cases are always rough.
they’re not only extremely sensitive, but they hit emotionally for everyone involved. 
it’s a small town and yet no strong leads. there’s no reason for the case to be as difficult as it is, but every case the team looks into is different.
local p.d. bring in a woman named chancy solace. she was the last one to see the missing boy alive and no one wants to wait around for another death to happen to look for evidence.
hotch was set to do the interview.
he asked basic questions about the missing boy, keeping his voice calm as she recounted her day through tears. they all knew she was innocent, no doubts about it. he was set to finish up after a few moments. it was clear she didn’t know much.
as he went to stand, however, solace had stopped him.
“do you have children, agent hotchner?” her voice was broken.
hotch nods. “i do.”
“how old?”
“my son is 3 and my daughter is 13.”
the air outside the room went stale. everyone on the team knew jack. some had even met him within his first few weeks of life. he was three, that was a fact - but a daughter? not once had hotch mentioned one, let alone one with such a large age gap. jack never rattled about a big sister either.
solace frowned, more tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. “then you must understand the guilt i’m feeling right now. can you imagine if you were the last one to see your daughter before she disappeared? how can i possibly have it in me to be a part of this?”
hotch doesn’t want to think about the question she posed, not at all.
“we’re going to find him. it’s going to be alright,” it was a promise, one hotch intended not to break.
he left the room after that. their only known witness wasn’t much help for the case and there was no point in wasting time.
rossi stops hotch before he can walk away.
“why’d you lie?”
there’s no question on what rossi is asking about. it’s profiling 101 that lying to a suspect, no matter innocent or not, could be dangerous.
hotch glanced at his team.
“i didn’t.”
2. first encounter
you’ve had a really, really, really bad day.
from the second you woke up, everything seemed to go wrong. school wasn’t any better and by the end of the day, the only thing you wanted to do was see your dad. he’s your favorite person and a hug from him always reassures you that things will be okay.
you text him before your last class of the day to ask when he’ll be home. if it’s even possible, a deeper frown appears on his face when he tells you no later than six. 
part of you wants to be happy from that response. no later than six means there’s no cases and he’s on top of his files. but after the day you had, you just need someone and waiting nearly four hours for him to get home is less than ideal. 
can i come to the bau?
your text is a shot in the dark. your dad keeps you out of his profession and you’ve never stepped foot in quantico. you just hope he gets some sort of semblance for what's going on if you're asking to come see him.
he responds back seconds later. ‘i’ll send an agent.’
it’s not that he doesn’t trust you to get there on your own, there’s even a direct line from the train station closest to your school, but you're still young, only 14, and you know he would feel more comfortable having an agent pick you up.
the next time you check your phone, your dad has sent a message with the name of the agent and instructions on how to prove that it’s him. it’s not him being overprotective, it’s him wanting you to be safe. 
agent anderson is easy enough to spot. you run through the procedures your dad wanted and once you know it’s the right person, you get in the car.
he doesn’t say anything when you shove your earbuds in your ears and shuffle your playlist and you’re thankful for that. you’re especially grateful that he doesn’t ask questions when you bite your lip and swipe away stray tears that have fallen down your face.
music is an outlet for you, an escape, and right now that’s all you wanted to do. 
earbuds remain in your ears as you step into the bau building. anderson leads you through security and gets you a visitors badge. you very faintly hear any of his verbal instructions.
he leaves you once you reach the right floor, pointing through the glass doors to show you where to go. with a smile, he’s gone.
you weigh your options for a moment before walking in. you told your dad you're here but you don’t know where his office is. and right now, you really do not want to deal with anyone else. but with a deep breath, you decide to take your chances and head in.
a child walking into the bau is an automatic red flag, let alone one with puffy eyes and red cheeks, a clear sign of crying.
morgan and j.j. are the first two to stand up, wasting no time in circling their desks to walk to where you stand at the bullpen entrance; j.j.’s mouth already open with an “are you alright?” on the tip of her tongue.
but before they reach you, and before j.j. can speak, hotch is out of his office and moving down the stairs.
he steps in front of them when he faces you, thus shielding you from the prying eyes of the team. you look up at your dad, eyes full of a new wave of tears.
hotch doesn’t hug you then, though he desperately wants to, nor does he explain who you are to the team. instead, he places a strong hand on your shoulder, turning you slightly before guiding you up to his office. the door is shut and the blinds are closed. the two of you are cut off from the others and all of them know not to intrude.
“who was that?” rossi questioned after stepping onto the catwalk. the commotion was noticeable.
“i think we just met y/n.”
3. phone call 
on flights home from cases, what the team does onboard genuinely varies with what time of day it is.
during early morning and late night flights, you can find most of the team asleep, trying to make up for the rest lost in the past few days. anything between that is typically a more active time.
hotch is dealt into a game of poker with the entire team. rossi acts as the dealer claiming he’s “not in the mood to get outsmarted at his favorite game.”
the entire group is laughing and chatting among themselves as they play. there’s no reason not to, it was a successful case - worth the positive mood on the jet.
hotch’s phone ringing cuts through emily’s turn.
he holds his hands up in defense and mumbles a quiet apology.
“hi sweet pea,” hotch barely has time to greet you before he gets cut off with your frantic “did you listen?”
his laugh causes the others to bring their heads up from their cards. a hotch laugh is uncommon, rare.
“i did. we finished up here last night so i listened before i went to bed and finished when i woke up,” he answers your question. 
he waits for your response, already knowing that you want to know his thoughts on the album.
“well,” hotch pauses. “if i’m being honest, i liked it more than fearless.”
j.j. and emily are the only two who have any idea what he’s talking about. a record could be set for how fast their eyes snap to each other once it clicks.
hotch is quiet for a few moments. though no one can make out exactly what you’re saying on the other end, they can hear your muffled rambling.
“yeah yeah, i liked that one too,” hotch agrees. “i think my top two are dear john and haunted, though. her songwriting is incredible in those.”
whatever he means clearly pleases you judging by the content look on his face.
“alright i have to get going,” he starts. “but i have the vinyl reserved at the record store. we can go when i get back? should be home by two.”
you agree without hesitation, several “thank you’s” being repeated. hotch won’t admit it ever to anyone besides you, but he’s excited to hear it on vinyl too. it’s kinda your shared thing.
“i’ll see you when i get home, okay? i love you.”
he hangs up after goodbyes, placing his phone back onto the table before picking up his cards. the silence lingers in the air even after he makes the motion that he’s ready to continue. “what?”
“you listen to taylor swift?”
hotch smiles, a genuine one. “my daughter loves her. have to keep up somehow.”
4. vacation 
when hotch doesn’t show up to work for a week, it takes only the first day for the team to panic. it had been a little over a year and a half since foyet had stabbed hotch and hotch had gone missing. no one was going to take chances when their boss, who typically had perfect attendance, showed up without notice.
rossi and morgan went to strauss at the end of the day. 
their interrogation on hotch’s whereabouts is in good faith, but it doesn’t take a profiler to notice strauss’ sigh at their concerns.
“agent hotchner is on vacation,” she starts. “he should be back next week. until then, i am under orders to not assign a new case unless necessary.”
the agents turn to each other in confusion as they leave. “a vacation? come on rossi, when in all the years of knowing him has hotch ever willingly gone on vacation.”
the older man shrugs. “i don’t know. maybe this’ll be good for him.”
there’s no arguing with that.
when hotch returns the following monday, no one hesitates to notice the change in his physical appearance.
his skin is tanned and he has a slight tinge of sunburn on his nose and cheekbones; a clear sign he went somewhere warm.
“hotch!” emily catches him before he can retreat to his office.
all eyes are on him and he knows it. 
“where were you?” she inquired. 
hotch sighs. “greece.” 
this catches the attention of the other team members in the bullpen. rossi seems to have found an empty chair at j.j.’s desk. even garcia had chosen this exact moment to get a new cup of coffee.
“greece?” emily stutters. “like the european country?”
hotch nods. “that’s the one.” 
morgan whistles. vacations in the bau are fairly uncommon. the looming threat of being called back for a case stops most from planning. even if the timing does work out, no one goes far; let alone out of the country. 
“and you just decided to go there for a casual vacation,” j.j.’s tone isn’t condescending, but rather showing genuine curiosity.
“it’s y/n’s birthday in a few months and she’s always wanted to go,” hotch explains like it’s the most casual thing in the world. “jack’s still a little too young so he stayed with jessica.”
he doesn’t mingle around after that, choosing to head up to his office to get set up after his week away.
“huh,” garcia murmurs. “didn’t take him for a greek island guy.”
“guess that shows just how much he’s wrapped around y/n’s finger.”
5. baked goods
you don’t have school today.
despite that, you still get up early to have breakfast with your brother and dad. once jack is picked up by the bus for school, your dad gets ready for work.
you stay in the kitchen, however, moving the cookies you made last night from one container to the other.
when your dad reappears, you wait for his hands to be empty before posing your question.
“is there any way you can give these to agent rossi?” you practically shove the container into your dad’s hand.
aaron raises an eyebrow. “rossi?”
“you mentioned he was italian,” you wait for a nod of confirmation. “these are canestrelli, they’re an italian cookie. i wanted to know if you could give these to him for a taste test.”
he smiles. “trying to expand your baking horizons?”
you match his expression. “exactly.”
with a kiss to your forehead, your dad is out the door and off to work.
“delivery,” hotch’s tone is steady as he knocks on rossi’s office door.
“from who?”
“y/n,” hotch answers as he sets the container down. “she tried to make canestrelli and wanted your opinion. i’m just the messenger.”
rossi takes the container from hotch. he opens it up before plucking a cookie out and examining it. “looks authentic.” 
if he’s being honest, even if the cookie isn’t good, he’ll still love it.
but it isn’t.
of course it isn’t.
rossi takes one bite and his eyes widen.
“i haven’t had canestrelli this good since the last time i went to italy. tell her she should be very proud and i will be happy to pay for more.”
hotch can’t hide his proud expression. “i will.”
+1 first meeting
you always wait for your dad to get home from work. it’s routine.
plus, you made a promise to jack when you put him to bed that you would send your dad upstairs when he got home.
you bake in the meantime. it’s something to pass the time and you figure having something fresh to eat would be a nice surprise for your dad.
music plays from the record you have spinning. you keep it quiet as to not wake jack up upstairs. he’s not a light sleeper, but you don’t want to disturb his rest.
the side door opens as you're mixing the flour to the batter. tonight’s bake is gingerbread. easy enough to make. 
it surprises you when your dad doesn’t call out a hello. he’s come home this late before when you’re still up and he always makes it a point to greet you. plus, you have music playing. there’s no doubt he can’t hear that.
“dad?” your voice is quiet.
you peer around the corner, stepping out a bit further when you see him, though you freeze when you notice the other people following him. 
“hi sweet pea,” his voice is tired, you can tell. you close your eyes when he hugs you and kisses your forehead. if his team is here you know it’s not good.
“what’s going on?”
he turns to you. “i can explain in a few minutes. are you okay for introductions?” his voice lowers for the last part, not wanting the team to hear if you say no.
you nod, though anxiety bubbles at the pit of your stomach at the deflection of the question.
“everyone, this is y/n, my daughter,” your dad starts. unsure what to do, you wave slightly. “y/n, this is my team, that’s dave, derek, emily, spencer, j.j., and penelope.” he points to each of the people as he rattles his name off.
while your dad kept you out of his work, you did faintly know each member of the team. he talked about them in passing and jack rambled often about something “uncle dave” or “uncle derek” did.
“why are they here?” you hope your question doesn’t come off as rude.
your dad squeezes your arm. “can you go back in the kitchen for a few? i’m going to get these guys set up and then i can explain. is jack asleep?”
you nod. “i put him to bed a few hours ago. he was asking for you.”
“thank you,” he starts. “i’ll go see him in a bit.”
the conversation is over. you feel awkward standing in the foyer where you’re clearly the center of attention. you turn and walk into the kitchen. finishing your baking seems like a good idea.
aaron enters the kitchen as you’re pouring the batter into the pans. the music is off by now, though the record stays on the turntable. he waits for you to put the pan in the oven and face him before explaining.
“there’s a mole in the bau. we’re trying to figure it out but we obviously can’t work there. i volunteered our house. we would’ve gone to dave’s but he’s having work done.” you know he’s giving you the most minimal answer possible.
“oh,” you’re honestly not quite sure what else to say.
he continues. “we’re hoping to have it cleared up soon but we don’t have a lot of our normal equipment. i wasn’t expecting you to be up for all this. couldn’t sleep?”
“was waiting for you to get home,” you shrugged. “you know i always do.” 
“yeah i know. i should’ve called.”
you turn to him. “It’s alright. i’m just going to clean up while i wait for the gingerbread to be done and then i’ll go to bed.” 
your dad nods. “let me know when you do.” he disappears out of the kitchen after that.
cleaning up doesn’t take long and you’re still elbows deep in soapy water when the oven beeps. you take it out of the pan and set it on a cooling rack before gathering your stuff. you’re honestly exhausted.
going into the living room takes a moment of mental courage. you know everyone is in there and you don’t want to interrupt them. but, you’ve missed your dad and you want him to say goodnight.
“um, i’m going to head up to bed,” your voice echoes through the room. it was fairly quiet before and you feel embarrassed for interrupting that. the first part is directed at your dad. you turn to the rest of the team. “i made fresh gingerbread if anyone wants any. it’s on the counter, help yourself. i also put on a fresh pot of coffee and that should be ready soon.”
aaron’s heart is so full that he almost forgets the case at hand.
“i’ll be up in a minute,” aaron voices.
you hum, nodding to the team as a non-verbal goodnight.
he dishes out individual assignments within the team. they’ll work as a group to start before taking shifts so others can rest.
jack’s room is his first stop. he doesn’t wake the boy, choosing to instead kiss his forehead before picking up his stuffed dinosaur, a gift, and placing it back on the bed.
you’re just getting under the covers when your dad knocks.
“come in!”
your dad steps inside, shutting the door slightly.
“hi,” you smile.
“hi,” he echoes. “good day?”
you shrug. “yeah, i guess so. i got jack from school and we spent the afternoon together. missed you though.”
aaron frowns. “i’m sorry sweet pea. didn’t think this was going to happen. none of us did.”
“i know you didn’t. i’m not mad.”
you want to continue your statement and wash away any guilt you know he’s feeling. but, your body betrays you and a yawn cuts you off.
“alright, time for bed,” his words make you feel like a child but you know he’s right.
he tucks you in and like with jack, he kisses your forehead.
“goodnight dad, i love you.”
“i love you too.”
his demeanor changes when he goes downstairs and sits with the team. he’s serious, ready to work. right now this case is his priority. he, like others, wants to wrap it up quickly and efficiently. 
emily nudges him when he sits down beside her. spencer and derek’s banter about the case is long drowned out.
“she’s a good kid.”
hotch beams. 
“i know.”
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Emily: My ex got into a car accident today-
JJ: Bitch don't smile
Emily: My ex got into a car accident today
Emily: and I was going to ask if he's okay but then I remembered
JJ: You Remembered what?
Emily: that I don't give a fuck!
212 notes · View notes
ivyflowers13 · 3 months
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Summer vacay with Morgan
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freckles-things · 2 years
Out of Time // Part 1
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Summary: It took you three separate instances to realise that maybe you just didn’t fit into the team of the BAU. Maybe you should be honest to yourself and just request another transfer. You loved the team, but you were unhappy, feeling left out and unneeded. Feeling like you did not belong.
Pairing: BAU!Team x Reader (platonic)
Warnings: feeling left out, feeling unneeded, being excluded, self worth issues
Part 2 / Part 3
It took you three separate instances to realise that maybe you just didn’t fit into the team of the BAU. Maybe your hope of finding your place within their dynamics had been for naught. Maybe you should be honest to yourself and just request another transfer. You loved the team, they were all wonderfully unique and brilliant people. You looked up to every single one of them and learned a lot from them as well. But you were unhappy, feeling left out and unneeded. Feeling like you did not belong.
It had been a hard case that the team had worked on solving for the past few days. It had been gruesome and they had all felt pretty useless in the first few days since they’d not found a single lead. It had been Spencer’s brilliant thinking that had saved the day earlier this morning, as well as several lives.
The rest of the day had been spent wrapping everything up at the local PD. Since they’d gotten the message that the flight back would only start the following morning, the mood had been pretty relaxed and the spirits had been high. Once back at the Hotel, you decided on taking a hot shower and changed into something comfortable before settling in for a relaxed evening. It had been a stressful week and you were glad for the chance to unwind before getting back to work tomorrow. Lying down in the surprisingly comfortable bed, you switched on the TV and zapped through the channels until you had found something you could stand watching. It took you only two hours to grow bored though, and you decided to take a nightly walk to clear your mind some more before going to bed.
Throwing on a jacket, you made your way out of the hotel and moved to stroll through some of the more livelier streets in the area. You passed bars and restaurants, the odd laundromat and corner store until you passed by a small Chinese restaurant. You would have just walked past it, like you had done with all the other restaurants, if you hadn’t heard a very familiar laugh and excited voices the moment the door opened and a couple stepped out. You peered through the large window into the brightly lit interior just to freeze at the view. Inside was sitting your entire team around a big, round table that was loaded with food and wine. They were all smiling and laughing, even Hotch. Spencer was trying to figure out how to use his chopsticks, while Rossi seemed to be commenting on it until JJ took pity on him and helped out with the good old hair tie trick.
Watching them, you couldn’t help but smile at the scene. They seemed content and happy, relaxed. Looking in from the outside, they looked like a slightly odd family. And you clearly weren’t part of it. Your smile dropped and you felt your shoulders hunch in defeat. They’d clearly planned this outing, but no one had invited you. You were fairly new to the team, had only been with them for four month. You had tried really hard to fit in, to befriend them, to find your place within their dynamic. It wasn’t easy. They’d worked together for so many years that they functioned as one. Everyone who joined them would have to struggle to find a place. And it wasn’t that they were rude or didn’t take you seriously. They were friendly and had greeted you openly, assuring you they were looking forward to working with you. It was just that they worked together so well, they sometimes seemed to forget you were there too.
Sighing to yourself, you brushed away the tears that had gathered in the corners of you eyes. You’d wanted to be part of the dynamic so badly, part of this weirdly imperfect perfect chosen family that worked together. You’d wanted to feel like you’d belong. Instead you felt more lonely than ever. Slowly stepping away from the window you sullenly made your way back to the Hotel. The next morning you greeted your colleagues with a smile, resolving to not let them notice that you’d stumbled upon their little get together last night. After all, maybe they just needed some more time to warm up to you. Maybe you just needed some more time to find your place.
And if anyone of them noticed that you were quieter than usual and your gaze held a sadness that wasn’t usually there, none of them said anything about it.
It had been a rather slow week at the BAU. Not that it wasn’t welcome. It gave everyone the chance to catch up on their paperwork. Well, except for Reid who seemed to be ahead of them as always. It was rather monotonous and lead to more frequent coffee breaks and more chit chat within the bullpen.
Today you’d decided to make a little detour on your way to work and get their favourite drinks and bagels for everyone as a surprise. Stepping into the bullpen, you were surprised that everyone was being rather quiet. Emily was wearing shades inside and her hair seemed unbrushed. Morgan was sitting at his desk, head tipped back against his chair and eyes closed. Spencer was starring at the same side of his report without flipping the page. Taking a look at the offices upstairs you saw that Hotch was on the phone and looked like his usual stoic self. Rossi however had his lights dimmed considerably and seemed to be staring at the wall.
Placing your goods onto your desk, you grabbed the first few things and delivered them to their respective recipients. Hotch, still on the phone, gifted you with one of his rare smiles and nodded in thanks. Rossi playfully kissed your hand and dramatically declared you the hero of his day, making you giggle at his ridiculous display. JJ wasn’t in yet, so you placed her things on her desk for her to find. Derek gave you a salute as soon as he saw his coffee, forgoing words for chucking half the drink at once. Emily made grabby hands as soon as you moved towards her, smiling brilliantly at you as soon as she had food and caffeine in her hands. Spencer blinked at you in surprise, but smiled gently and muttered a quick thank you.
“Why do they all look like death warmed over?” you chuckle slightly, as you stepped into Garcia’s office to bring her her drink and a bagel.
“Oh, you’re the best Y/N, thanks! They’re all hungover. Had way too much to drink last night at the Club, well except for Bossman and Boy-Wonder of course. But Reid is an absolute lightweight, gets drunk on one cocktail. And Emily made him drink two. It was hilarious. Too bad you couldn’t make it!” Garcia seemed to be her usually peachy self, but she was wearing shades inside as well.
“Yeah, too bad. Sounds like a lot of fun”, you mutter, already on your way back to your desk. You hadn’t known anything about a Club night. Seems like you hadn’t been invited again. This time it hurt just a little more, knowing that none of them had thought to invite you while they must have known that you’d find out the next day when they were hungover. You felt like they were shoving in your face the fact that you didn’t belong. That they’d tolerate you at work, but you had no places in the team and in their lives beyond that. You felt like a fool for buying the drinks and the food. God, you must seem so desperate for their approval. At least Garcia seemed like she wouldn’t have minded having you there.
Feeling your eyes sting, you made a quick detour to the bathroom. You took a few minutes to breathe deeply and splash some water onto your face to hide the slight blotchiness from your tears. Taking another deep breath you moved back to your desk and tried to enjoy your coffee.
Trying to keep your emotions in check, you stayed silent most of the day. You didn’t join the coffee breaks or the chit chat, feeling like you weren’t really wanted there either way. You stayed silent when Derek weaseled some of his own paperwork into your pile to get off work earlier and when the other’s slowly finished their work for the day.
On your way back from the little kitchenette with yet another coffee, you noticed that you and Hotch were the only ones left. It was Friday evening and the team was off the rota for the weekend. A rare occurrence. You were sure that Hotch was wanting to go home to his son, but if the man was anything it was responsible. He was sure to finish the paperwork before he’d go.
Sighing to yourself for the umpteenth time that day, you made your way up the stairs and gently knocked on the door. Hotch called you in immediately.
“Y/L/N, I thought you’d gone home already like everyone else.”
“Nah, didn’t have any plans for today and I wanted to get ahead of the paperwork.” Hotch nodded in understanding, glancing at his own pile. You followed his gaze and shook your head slightly.
“Are those reports that you have to fill in specifically or can either of us do those as well?” Hotch frowned slightly but confirmed that anyone of the team could work on them. You nodded gently and grabbed about half the pile. Hotch of course instantly protested and assured you that he had no problem filling them out on his own.
“I know. But I don’t have any plans and I’m sure Jack will be happy if you get home an hour or two earlier. And you as well”, you said softly while moving back out of his office and to your desk to not give him the chance to protest or argue any more.
An hour later you noticed Hotch getting ready to leave. On his way out he stopped at your desk, thanking you again for helping him out and reminding you not to stay too long. You just nodded and smiled, whishing him a nice weekend with Jack. As soon as he’d left, your shoulders slumped again. Well, even if they didn’t want you to be a part of their lives, you could at least make sure that you had some use for them. And if making sure that they get to leave work a bit earlier and spend time with their loved ones was it, then you wouldn’t complain. And if you grew even more quiet and distant towards the team, they never brought it up.
It had been a coincidence that you’d even seen the picture. You’d gone to Garcia, wanting to get the information the team required for the case. The filter had still been running and you’d decided to stay the few minutes it would need to finish. She’d excitedly told you about a new dress she was planning on buying and grabbed her phone to show you.
The lockscreen was a picture of the entire team. Well, more like the entire team except for you. You’d disregarded it and would have assumed that it was an old one, if Spencer didn’t already sport his new haircut he had only gotten last week and if there hadn’t been a small scratch on Hotch’s temple, one that was currently still healing. The picture showed them all grinning at the camera, glasses of wine in hand and seemingly cracking up over something.
Well, there was no need to lie to yourself anymore. You weren’t really part of the team. They didn’t need you, they’d worked well before you’d joined and they still would once you’d left. And they didn’t seem to want you either. For one year you’d tried to find your footing, your own place within the team. You’d given it time. You’d known they were like family and would need time to adjust to someone new as well. They hadn’t though.
It wasn’t like they didn’t take you seriously or disregarded your ideas. Not at all, they always took into account what you thought and listened to what you had to say. Somehow though it didn’t feel like enough. You had wanted to be a part of this brilliant team for a long time now, and in a way you were. But not completely. You liked the work, liked helping people and catching the bad guys. You adored every single person on the team in their own way.
Hotch the stoic leader, who always seemed to be stern and so serious, but smiled at Reid’s antics and first bumped him when he looks sad because Derek didn’t. Who always made sure that his teams was alright, reassuring Garcia that she was exactly what the team needed and made small jokes to make her laugh and encouraged Derek to take on more leading responsibilities. Standing up to anyone who dared to threaten or criticise his team, being the first to puts his job on the line and repeatedly disregarded career prospects to stay with them. The person, who centred the team, who always listened and understood, identifying the input each of them had to offer, and formed it into a plan.
Rossi, who was the teams father figure, always listening to everyone and always having a fitting piece of advice to give. Who didn’t care about his fame and just wanted to help people, not hesitating to use his own resources. Who swore in Italian and could charm anyone if wanted, but deliberately choose not to. Who likes expensive things but never missed a chance to share them and who always had a snarky comment for any situation, bringing his famous spaghetti for lunch on a regular basis.
Derek with his nicknames and his flirting and his stupidly big heart, who just wanted to do right and was stupidly self-sacrificing. The man who started prank wars and tried to get out of doing paperwork and liked to challenge authority, but would never leave anyone hanging. Who demolished and remodelled houses and was the first to offer help in any situation, but not afraid to call anyone out on their bullshit.
Emily with her dark sense of humour and though exterior, who would do anything to protect the team and subtly checked in on everyone to see if they were alright. Who could kick anyone’s ass and didn’t hesitate to do so if she felt it warranted. Who felt so much more than she showed. The Emily that could beat Spencer at cards while being nearly as geeky as him. Who could face the most gruesome of cases without flinching and kept most of her life private.
Spencer with his brilliant mind and his awkward nature, who rambled on and on about any topic and tried to cheer people up with magic tricks. Who listened to people and tried his best to give advice and who was way braver and way stronger than he looked. Who always looked out for his colleagues and friends and tried to help anytime he could, even if he didn’t have a solution yet.
JJ the mother of the group, who was soft and gentle and always had an open ear and an open door, but could be fierce and hard if need be. Who tried to do right by everyone and nearly always succeeded in lightning the mood and making people smile. Who made tough decisions without blinking and stood up for them.
Garcia the colourful whirlwind of cheerfulness and happiness, who was a stark contrast to everything they saw in their job everyday. Garcia, who always had a witty comeback and saved their asses on a regular basis, never quite getting the recognition she deserved. The light in their dark and the glue that held the team together.
But it wasn’t enough. You had played with the thought for weeks now. And you had come to the conclusion that you felt like you didn’t fit within the team. You had no special talent or knowledge, no more than the other members of the team at least. You felt tolerated at work, included even. But seeing them functioning together so well, seeing the unshadowed joy and affections every time they interacted with each other, feeling left out in everything that didn’t directly pertain to a case – you couldn’t do it anymore. For over a year you’d tried your best, given your all just to not be enough, just to still not having a set place within the team. You would miss them terribly, even though you weren’t sure that they’d feel the same. But you refused to be miserable.
So, taking a deep breath and knocking on Hotch’s door once the case was over, you squared your shoulders, stepping in as soon as he answered and moved towards his desk while he asked what he could do for you.
“I want to request a transfer.”
Please keep in mind that I'm not a native speaker. Feel free to point out any mistakes.
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demonicbaby666 · 2 years
What a way to care
one shot | Criminal Minds Masterlist | Masterlists
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Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x fem!Reader
Genre: Angst and smut
Words: 3.3k+
Warnings: SMUT (r receiving), top!Emily, bottom!reader, swearing, dom Emily, overstimulation, arguing and shouting, spanking.
Summary: Emily and y/n had a complicated work relationship. Emily (her boss) doesn’t hide her distain for the younger woman. Every time she feels a sense of pride it seems her boss rips it away and labels it as not good enough.  
A/N- first Emily fic!
Y/n had been working at the BAU for a year, she’d grown immensely close to everyone, except one person. Emily Prentiss, the unit chief. For some reason the woman always gave her the cold shoulder and time after time dismissed her. The worst part of all was she didn’t try to hide it. 
She’d never outwardly done anything to annoy the older woman, nor had she undermined her authority in any shape or form. Usually y/n could take it on the nose and continue with her head held high. Unfortunately, enough was enough and she’d reached her limit during the current case they were working on. 
The raven-haired woman had taken it upon herself to shout at the young woman in front of the whole team. All she’d done was follow orders and went in behind the SWAT team, but apparently it was her fault she’d been shot at. 
It took JJ and Tara interfering for Emily to finally back off. Though before they came the argument got heated and it was the first-time y/n had raised her voice and sworn at her boss, it was safe to say, she’d lost all her composure. After getting patched up by the EMT’s, JJ drove y/n to the hotel and helped drop her stuff in her room. She reassured the blonde she was fine being alone and didn’t really want company. So, JJ reluctantly left. 
As she fell back onto the bed she admired the small bandage on her arm, thankfully the bullet only grazed her arm, though that didn’t seem to matter to Emily. 
“It doesn’t matter whether it was serious or not! You got shot and you need to be more fucking careful!” were the exact words the unit chief used. Y/n winced thinking about the harsh tone Emily used and the blame she irrefutably placed on her. 
She didn’t have a lot of time to process the conversation as three loud knocks came booming from her hotel door. Letting out a sigh she stood up and approached the peephole to see who had the audacity to annoy her now. Black hair came into view and y/n instinctively rolled her eyes. There was no way she had the energy for round two or suffer the consequences of their previous altercation. 
“Can this fucking wait till the morning Prentiss?” The words sassily slipped from her lips before she knew what she had even said. Her hand came up over her mouth as the realisation of what she’d said dawned on her. 
“I’m going to let that slip, just open the door y/l/n,” there was a small pause, “please.” 
Y/n was too taken back by the sudden pleasantry that she reached out to unlock the door, not bothering to open it herself. Emily opened the door and walked in as y/n made her way to the couch to sit down, zero effort was made to acknowledge the older woman who was now leaning against the wall in front of her. 
She started to play with a loose string on the sofa, finding it very intriguing all of a sudden. The silence was becoming uncomfortable, but she wasn’t about to say shit, not after the way Emily treated her. She was the one who wanted to come in for some reason, whatever that reason was she couldn’t care less. That was Emily’s problem. 
“About today…” Emily started. Y/n glared up at the older woman through her lashes, blank faced. She raised her eyebrows and blinked a couple times waiting for Emily to continue. “You shouldn’t have gone in like you did.” 
Y/n clenched her jaw, if this was going to happen, if Emily was going to repeat the same bullshit she pulled earlier, the young woman would be beyond pissed. The thought alone was causing her blood to boil. She flared her nostrils, and finally raised her head to fully give the woman all her attention. She made sure not to mask any emotions boiling to the surface like she usually did, because this would not be like the other times, she wouldn’t let it. 
Emily seemed a little taken back by the murderous look she was receiving, her body tensed, and she was fighting back the urge to go into defence mode. She knew she had to skip to the point, an apology was in order, whether or not she wanted to apologise was another issue entirely. JJ and Tara had hammered it into her head she was out of order, no matter how frustrated she got, she had no right to take it out on y/n. 
The young woman remained quiet, refusing to open her mouth. It seemed like Emily was baiting her and she wasn’t having any of it. Emily knew this too and it was driving her crazy, the look she was receiving wasn’t enough, she’d tried to deny it, but the fire she saw in y/n earlier had ignited something in her and she wanted to feel it again. Though it seemed she’d have to settle and get the apology out of the way. 
“I’m sorry okay?” she spat out, it wasn’t aggressive but it most certainly was not heartfelt or touching. It was empty and forced and both women knew it. 
Y/n shot up to her feet, the pathetic excuse of an apology enraged her, anger coursed through her veins, and she didn’t have the willpower to hold back any longer. 
“Are you fucking joking?” the younger woman’s face was contorted, her eyebrows furrowed as she seethed through her teeth. “You’re ‘sorry’? For what Emily? Treating me like shit, or embarrassing me in front of the team, or wait maybe making me feel small every opportunity you have? Please elaborate I’m dying to know?” her voice was dripping with sarcasm and pure unfiltered rage. 
At first Emily was shocked, but slowly the feelings from earlier arose once again and a smirk crept onto her face, only further angering the y/n. 
“You think this is fucking funny? If this is your attempt at an apology you can just leave.” Tears were springing to life in her eyes as she began to walk to the door. It was then she felt a hand on her arm, preventing her from moving any further. She turned back around, and their eyes met, y/n looked into Emily’s chocolate brown eyes and watched as they softened. 
The hand relaxed a little but stayed on y/n’s upper arm, near her bandage, Emily’s other hand came to her face, a finger wiped away a stray tear on her cheek. She felt her whole body relax and tingle, a weird sensation came from where Emily’s hand was. Not knowing what the hell was happening to her, she shrugged off the hand on her arm and stepped away from the older woman. 
“I said you can leave.” She stood her ground; it was her way or the highway. If Emily was going to apologise it would be done right or not at all. 
Emily clenched her jaw and took a deep breath in and out of her nose, squaring her shoulders. She locked her eyes firmly onto y/n. 
“You’re right, I’ve treated you differently. Yes, I’ve been harsh but it was for your own go-” she was cut off before she could continue. 
“For my own good?” her voice was a little louder than expected, unfortunately for everyone else in the hotel she could give less of a shit. “Come on let’s stop pretending, you hate me Prentiss. How is you treating me like shit and giving me hell, for my own good?” 
Emily visibly flinched at the statement, of course she knew she was a little harder on y/n but hate? Had she let it get that far that that’s what the young woman thought. 
She stepped forward so there was now a small amount of space between the two of them, “I don’t hate you y/n.” she said sighing. “I push you because I know you can do more, because you hold yourself back. What happened today was too much and I’m sorry. I just don’t want to see anything happen to you and today, today you came close.” Her voice got quieter, and the last sentence could have easily been missed. 
Both women seemed taken back by the honestly displayed. The atmosphere in the room quickly changed, all that could be heard were the light breaths from y/n and Emily. The arguing seemed to have exerted them more than they knew as they both tried to steady their breathing. 
Their eyes frantically searched one another’s, y/n was looking to find any hint of dishonesty, she couldn’t tell whether she was relieved, happy or angry to only discover sincerity held in the brown iris’s. 
“Why-why do you care?” it came out in barely a whisper, Emily heard, nonetheless. Taking a step forward again she closed the space between the two and rested her hands on the younger woman’s waist. Y/n felt her breath catch in her throat, unsure how to feel about the sudden tender contact. Not being able to take the feeling of Emily’s eyes burning into her she looked at the floor, shifting uncomfortably on her feet. 
When a hand was removed from her waist, she couldn’t help but miss the contact, that was until the hand seemingly found its way to her chin. Light pressure was applied as Emily lifted her head to meet her gaze once again. 
“Why do you think y/n?” she breathed out. 
There was nothing to be said, at least nothing y/n could think of. If she was honest with herself, she had no idea why Emily would care. This whole situation was rendering her speechless; a couple hours ago she was convinced her boss hated her and was out to get her. But now, now things were unclear, and it seemed she had read the whole situation wrong. In some weird fucked up way Emily wanted the best for her. To make sure she excelled at her job and made no mistakes, it was a way of keeping her safe on the job. What it was, was confusing as hell. 
She let herself fully relax into the older woman, “You’re confusing as hell Prentiss.” She said helplessly. 
Emily pulled her in closer so y/n could rest her head against hers. “I barely understand myself sometimes. All I know is seeing you today, not knowing what happened after the shots were fired, it scared me. Maybe I haven’t shown it in the best way, but I do care.”
“You, Emily Prentiss, have a really fucked up way of showing you care.” Y/n smirked playfully, that’s when she felt her ass being spanked. Pain coursed through her veins, and she half whimpered half moaned at the contact, pain quickly subsided into waves of pleasure. 
Emily cocked an eyebrow. “You shouldn’t swear. It doesn’t suit you.” She tightly gripped y/n’s waist with both hands and started walking forward, forcing her to back up towards the bed. “Maybe I need to teach you another lesson?”
The older woman smiled victoriously when y/n began to slowly nod, the submission she displayed was turning her on and she needed more, to see her underneath her, to see her begging. Y/n felt the back of her knees hit the bed, but the pushing didn’t halt causing her to fall back onto the bed. Emily subsequently climbed on top of her as the two moved further up the bed. 
Looking into the eyes of her boss, y/n saw the brown of Emily’s eyes were almost eclipsed by the blacks of her pupils, her eyes were filled with pure lust and wanting. Both set of eyes darted between lips and eyes, y/n felt her tongue slip out of her mouth to wet her lips that were suddenly receiving so much attention. The two hands on either side of her head now bent and she felt soft black hair tickle her exposed shoulders. 
Lips came crashing on hers, the kiss was far from soft and was quickly becoming more and more heated as they both started fighting for control. Hands were felt on Emily’s waist pulling her body closer to y/n’s, which she allowed. Y/n’s felt teeth lightly grip her bottom lip and let a soft moan out. 
Emily took this opportunity to slip her tongue through the parted lips, swirling it around and tracing the roof of the young woman’s mouth. Y/n’s hands came up from Emily’s waist to fiddle with her blouse buttons.
Emily pulled her lips away sensing the frustration building up in the woman under her. She pulled the shirt over her head and lowered herself back down, this time her lips connected with the soft skin of y/n’s neck. She ran her tongue along the area, kissing and nibbling, stopping when one area seemed to have more of an effect. 
Y/n’s neck arched, her head pressing into the pillow under her as Emily nibbled and sucked on her sweet spot, not for a second caring if she left a mark. Her soul focus was revelling in the pleasure coursing through her veins and pulsating between her thighs. 
A hand was removed from beside her head and began to play with the hem of her tank top, which she quickly pulled off. When the lips were removed from her neck, she couldn’t help but drink up the view of Emily straddling her in only a bra and jeans. 
Hands ran up and down the raven-haired woman’s torso and y/n slipped a hand under her lacy black bra, cupping one of her breasts in her hands, tenderly fondling it. She locked her lips onto Emily’s exposed neck and kissed down to her chest, moving her other hand to the back of the bra and easily unclasping it and taking a hardened nipple into her mouth. 
She was harshly pushed back onto the bed as her bra was yanked over her head and thrown somewhere on the hotel floor. She felt her trousers being taken off and raised her hips to assist, a breath of warm air was felt by her ear as she heard Emily whisper “Good girl.” 
Y/n laid there exposed in only her underwear, everything was telling her to cover herself, but she did nothing of such, the want for Emily to see all of her was overpowering. She found her hands on the buckle to Emily’s off centred belt and she began fumbling to take it off. The second the belt was taken off, y/n got to work on Emily’s jeans. 
Within seconds of the jeans being flung somewhere in the room, Emily was back on top of y/n pinning her arms down over her head. The feeling of Emily’s soft skin brushing directly against her own sent sparks flying through ever nerve in her body. 
Lips pressed against one of y/n’s nipples taking the bud into her mouth sucking and teething lightly. The heat growing between y/n's legs was becoming unbearable and she was ready to beg for more but didn’t want to give in just yet. 
The moment she felt a knee between her legs, the younger woman began to grind against it needed some release. She felt Emily smirk against her nipple, “patience.” She purred. 
She removed her hands from y/n and slowly kissed down her stomach until she reached her panties, gripping onto them with her teeth, she tugged them down. The young woman looks down to see Emily coming face to face with her dripping cunt, she watched as her boss’s lip wedged itself between her teeth hungrily. 
One finger ran through her folds causing her hips to buck up at the contact, she wanted more. “Please.”
“Say it again.”
The finger moved up to her clit but teasingly moved away causing y/n to become more and more frustrated. 
“Say my name.”
“Please Emily.” 
And with that, two fingers plunged into her and she moaned out Emily’s name without quite realising what she’d said. But hearing her name fall from y/n’s lips only incentivized Emily. She brought her lips to y/n’s clit and began to move her tongue in circular motions, alternating between sucking, nibbling and licking. 
The immense pleasure y/n felt surging through her veins was immeasurable and overwhelming, but she relished every second of it. Just when she thought she could stay quiet the fingers inside her curled and pumped harder and faster continuously hitting her g spot over and over. 
“Oh fuck Emily.” She half moaned half screamed out. 
The fingers stopped pumping as fast and y/n could have cried out for more, that was before a slap came full force to her ass, causing her to yelp out. 
“Don’t swear.” Emily mumbled against her clit. 
“I won’t, I’m sorry, please don’t stop.” y/n begged, and it was music to the raven-haired woman’s ears. She picked her pace back up and the feeling of being at Emily’s will was pushing y/n closer and closer to her orgasm. Her body was convulsing as pleasure pulsated through her veins. 
Continuous moans passed through her lips progressively getting louder the closer she got to her sweet release. The expert tongue on her clit got faster and faster. When Emily trusts got even harder y/n felt herself fall apart, her legs began to shake uncontrollably. Her whole body convulsed as waves of pleasure washed over her whole body and she cried out in ecstasy. 
“Emily, Emily, EMILY.” 
But she didn’t stop, Emily kept her unrelenting pace and y/n was fighting against her whole body as she felt a second orgasm coming despite not being finished with her first. She grabbed a fistful of Emily’s dark hair not sure whether she was pulling her away or pushing her to keep going. The only thing she knew was she was putty in Emily’s hands, or in this case fingers and they weren’t going to stop until she was spent. 
At this point volume control was thrown out the window as y/n was screaming out gibberish, her moans could most likely be heard from outside the hotel room but neither women cared.
The tightening grip on her hair only motivated Emily to keep going as her jaw became sore and her fingers were stiff. 
It all paid off when y/n’s back arched off the bed, her walls gripped Emily’s fingers and a throaty groan was heard from all corners of the room. Emily slowed down until she felt y/n dug her away, even the smallest touch would have sent her into a third unprovoked orgasm and y/n felt like she may pass out if that happened.
She picked her head up to see Emily wiping her mouth with the back of her hand smirking as she took in the sight of y/n laid on the bed completely exhausted, trying to catch her breath.
Y/n saw the lust in those darkened eyes, she wanted to give her more and more, but stars appeared in her vision, and she couldn’t stop her legs from shaking. Just the feel of Emily's drenched fingers sliding out of her caused her to whimper.
Emily kissed her way back up to y/n’s lips and laid the softest kiss on the swollen lips, laying herself next to her she moved pieces of stray hairs away from y/n’s sweaty forehead and used her other hand to run fingers up and down the young woman’s stomach. 
Instinctively y/n closed her eyes and hummed into the comfort of Emily’s touch. When she opened her eyes and tried to sit up, Emily pushed her back down and she shot her a confused look. 
“It’s your turn.” She tiredly pleaded. 
Emily wrapped her arm around y/n’s shoulder and pulled her in, her head now lying on her exposed chest. She placed a soft kiss to her forehead and started tracing shapes onto her back whilst y/n did the same on her chest. 
And that’s how they fell asleep, wrapped into each other and somewhere between falling asleep one phrase fell from y/n’s lips. “You, Emily Prentiss, have a really fucked up way of showing you care, but I’m glad you do.” 
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cumulo-stratus · 1 year
BAU autism headcannons
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(male reader)
CW: possible swearing, mentions of meltdowns and overstimulation, lemme know if theres anything else!
A/N: sry i havent rly posted in a while, i started a school recently and its been a rly big change for me so ive just been emotionally/mentally exhausted like all the time, but i dont wanna abandon u guys so i decided i would get something up, even if its not super good, thanks for y’all’s understanding <3
i think both JJ and Emily would become sort of mothers to reader
(not that they werent already mothers to the rest of the team but reader especially)
like JJ would totally have a motherly instinct for readers needs (like a sort of spider sense)
like if your ever nervous about something being too much or being overwhelming, jj would kinds know this and either make arrangements for accommodations or make sure you know you dont have to go if you want to.
and like she definitely wold put herself in charge of keeping your safe foods stashed on the jet and at the office
emily is more of a mother in a protective way than jj is
like this girl will not hesitate at all to go off on someone for maybe being disrespected to about stimming your chair while thinking
or like if you dont want to shake a police officers hand when your being introduced, and you get dirty/weird looks for it, or anyone comments on it? BOOM this girl will stare at them with so much animosity they’ll be scared of her shes so hot oml
anyways i thinks he team would be super accepting of you, especially if you joined after reid like they would already have some experience with autism
and like if you weren’t ent comfortable telling anyone other than hotch(i feel like it would be like a in ur file thing idk how the government works tho) spencer would defo be able to tell and confront u privately abt it (our respectful king <3)
and if you are comfortable telling the team, everyone would be respectful
i think like rossi/gideon would be a little clueless but like trying their hardest
like rossi would have no idea what stimming is but understands that like you move in certain ways or make certain noises when ur excited
and like with all his money he wouldnt hesitate to spoil u with any fidget toy u need/want or like a rly nice weighted blanket (its insane how expensive those things are)
and like gideon despite his profound understanding of others (hope yall got that ;)) he wouldn’ t get why sometimes you dont feel like/cant talk but totally respects it
omg garcia is our autism ally QUEEN im telling you
always has a big basket of fidgets/stim toys sitting on her desk and when your having a rough day shell leave you a little goodie in a brightly colored and decorated bag
i firmly believe that she is the queen at finding brands with clothes that not only fits your style perfectly but is also sensory friendly
i think she would definitely say that if she never ended up working in the FBI she wouldve started a clothing shop for sensory friendly clothing/accessories
spencer would totallllyyyy be your best friend when it comes to being under-stimulated
he will totally info dump on you and vice-versa
spencer (like penlope) would totally recommend clothing brands that are sensory friendly, but sock brands in particular
and everyone makes fun of you for nerding out over everything
also spencer would definitely get in the habit of grabbing your hands in his when you start to pick a t your nails and cuticles
like he didnt even realize what he was doing the first time but now he does it without thinking about it and for the team its normal
“hey,” and he would gently grab your hands to stop you from picking at them
”youve nothing to be sorry for” (with that little reid smile oml rf[osifjgturhv)
and i also firmly believe that morgan is the best people to go to if your having a meltdown
he would stop you from harmfully stimming
“hey sugar, unclench those pretty little hands for me. there we go… good job kid.” he would have the softest smile and voice
and when he takes your hands to stop you from hitting yourself his grip is rly firm but gentle
but hotch is the best to go to for when your overstimulated
like he would make sure you know his office is always a quiet place you can go to with out questions
and he would secretly have a stash of like stimm toys in his office that he stole from garcia
his couch is always open to you, especially like late at night if you are really tired his fatherly instincts will kick in and force you to come to his office for a break
he would would hand you and blanket and a stim toy
”sit. sleep”
thats all he would say in his cute little stern but actually caring voice <3
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rebelliousstories · 5 months
That’s My Wife
Relationship: Luke Alvez x Reader
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Request: No
Warnings: Angst, Descriptions of Violence, Fluff
Word Count: 3,662
Main Masterlist: Here
Criminal Minds Masterlist: Here
Part Two: Coming Home
Summary: When the team gets called in on a case, an interesting revelation comes out about the newbie.
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Khalil Gibran once said, “If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees.”
“What do we know?” Emily was in a mood today, and it was not one to mess with. Having just got off the phone with the director of the FBI, she was frantic in finding out what was going on.
“Earlier today, as in two hours ago, there were reports of a bank robbery in progress. But the M.O. is what caught our attention.” Garcia responded, clicking the remote to activate the tv in the round table room. As the other agents filed in, they were met with a horrifying sight.
Animal masked robbers were parading around the lobby. A lion, a tiger, a wolf, and a shark were present. They waved guns around without a care in the world, and kept their finger on the trigger. Shark took off and began to stuff money into his bags, while the other three kept their eyes on the groups of people they were holding hostage. Everyone was analyzing and scrutinizing every frame of the video feed.
“What bank?” Luke asked, keeping his eyes on the feed.
“Three Ring bank in downtown D.C.” Penelope responded, looking around in confusion.
Without a warning, the agent took off to the bullpen silently. He pulled out his phone and was shocked to see a voicemail in his inbox waiting for him. Luke answered the call and just listened.
“Hey baby. I know you’re probably at work, but I am finally home from tour. I was gonna keep it a secret and surprise you tonight, but I just couldn’t wait. Go catch those bad guys, baby. I’m goin’ to the bank and then goin’ to see our baby at home. I love you, sugar. Go be a superhero.”
His fist clenched as he lowered the phone from his ear. Luke turned and was surprised by Emily standing directly behind him.
“Is everything alright?” She asked, despite knowing the answer to her question. The agent took a moment before he responded.
“Our bank is Three Ring. Specifically, we go to Three Ring in downtown.” Luke whispered, rubbing his hands over his face. Emily held an understanding look on her face as she processed the information.
“Is there anything I can do?” Getting her phone out, she listened and read her text at the same time.
“Just don’t take me off of this case. I need to find her.” Prentiss nodded her head and set a hand on his shoulder.
“Go find a quiet, empty room. Clear your head and get all of your frustrations out. Then I want you back in the round table room and getting to work.” Turning on her heel, she left Luke and trusted he would do what she instructed.
“What have you got, Garcia?” Emily marched in to her lair with determined voice and step.
“Um, so I was looking in to who I could identify on the video feed. Now these guys have been staring at a woman, just one in particular. So I did my usual sleuthing into this mystery woman that seems to have their attention and-”
“Get on with it, Pen.”
“Of course,” she readjusted her glasses, and started again. “This woman is the girl behind the concert we went to last month, Amour Yen. And doing some additional digging I found out her name, address, phone you name it. Maybe we can use it?” The colorful analyst rambled.
“Bring up her driver’s license photo again, and shoot it over to my phone, please.” Emily left shortly afterwards. Everyone was tense and on edge as they tried to find out who the men in masks were, but the unit chief only had one job she needed to do. The ping came through, and she searched the sixth floor empty rooms until she found Alvez sitting in a chair, with his head in his hands. Prentiss closed the door which made the agent look up.
“This is her?” Her tone was soft, as she showed him the DMV photo on her phone. Luke nodded without a word, and bowed his head once more.
“We will get her out safely, Luke. But you need to tell them. We think she’s being targeted.” The agent lifted his head abruptly, and made his way to the round table room. Emily followed close behind, and signaled for everyone else to join them. She shot off a text to Garcia, and was met with the whole team upon entering the room. Shutting the door, Emily addressed everyone first.
“Before we continue our investigation, and get our feet on the ground at the bank, there is something that needs to be revealed as Garcia has pointed out that a specific woman seems to be targeted.” She gave way for Luke to pick up.
“I’ve kept something from the team and I can’t do it anymore. The woman in the video is my wife.” There was a pause as the secret was finally out.
“Is that why her last name is Alvez on her license?” Penelope asked, breathless from the information and fear of her team’s family being targeted. Luke nodded before he continued.
“We keep it a secret and keep it on a need to know basis because of my job. The only person who knew before this was Emily, but that was because I had to list her as my emergency contact. Even when I was in the Fugitive Task Force, we kept it close so that no one could use us against each other. If she is being targeted, it’s because of me.”
“We’ll start by digging into Luke’s background with the FTF, then with the BAU. Garcia, I need everything you can find everything you can about his wife. We need to figure out what we’re up against. Rossi, I want you, Reid, and Simmons with the mobile command center in downtown. Let’s get to it everyone.” As the team dispersed, Luke tried to follow the team going downtown only to be stopped by Emily.
“Please, I need to go make sure she’s okay, Prentiss.” Luke pleaded, watching helplessly as the three men left for the SUVs.
“I said I wouldn’t take you off of the case, even though it is protocol. But I will not have you in the field. You’re going to be more useful to us, and to her, here. Now help us figure out who these people are.” She redirected him to go back to the round table room, and begin sifting through his career.
“Keep your heads down!” Lion shouted, waving his pistol around as people whimpered. Huddled with another woman, determined eyes were assessing the whole situation. She twisted her wedding ring around on its chain around her neck while trying to remember what her husband taught her. There were only four men that she counted, and one entrance and exit. Sirens were already outside, which coupled with the entry and exit point predicament, it meant one thing; everyone in this building were trapped together.
Keeping her breathing in check, her hand reached into her pocket, and tried to type discreetly.
Sierra. Oscar. Sierra. Alpha - Delta.
“What the hell are you doing?” A voice startled the phone back in her pocket, and she looked up. Tiger was pointing a gun to her.
“What’s in your pocket?” Reaching her hand back in, she wrapped it around the object and pulled it out to show him.
“Candy? Really?” He asked, not convinced.
“I have blood sugar issues. I keep snacks on me to help regulate it.” She replied, holding the hard candy out for him to take. Tiger snatched it from her hand and slipped his mask up just enough to plop the candy in his mouth. What he did not see, was that she was staring intently at his face at an identifying mark. A long scar on his cheek. Tiger turned around and she hurriedly ducked her head to send another text.
Scar. Tiger.
“What are you doing?” A woman next to her asked. Mrs. Alvez saw the wedding ring on her finger.
“My husband is FBI.” She whispered. “What’s your husband’s name?”
“Frank.” They kept their voices down as they spoke.
“Mine’s is Luke. We’re going to go back to them, okay? They haven’t removed their masks which is a good sign.” A buzz rattled her hand causing her to look down.
Roger. Head down. Romeo, Romeo, Sierra responding. At King Arthur.
The wave of relief at knowing that Luke’s teammates were coming to help her made her relax just a bit. All she could hope for now was that they would get in before the team of robbers dropped their masks and started shooting.
“Just got a text from my wife. She says that the one in the tiger mask has a scar.” Luke walked over to where Garcia was remotely set up at the round table. “Can you search the feed for anywhere that man might have a scar?”
“Of course. Yes. I can do that.” As Garcia worked, Luke watched her efforts on the big tv screen behind them. The tape was rewinding, and rewinding before he intervened.
“Wait, wait, wait. There. Stop.” Penelope followed the order. “There. Do you see it?”
“Yeah. He takes something from her hand and slips it in his mouth.” The tech analyst was confused as she tried to think of reasons, but Luke breathed out a sigh of relief.
“She keeps candy in her pocket for her blood sugar. But I taught her, in a situation like this, she needs to try and find identifying marks on unsubs. Look for men who were put away for armed robbery with a pronounced scar on their faces. Look in neighboring states as well.” Luke turned back to the files as the woman worked beside him.
A big black SUV rolled up on the scene, and out popped three agents already dawning their FBI issued Kevlar vests. Rossi walked forward and went to the command center lead, while the other two trailed behind him.
“You must be captain Romanov. SSA’s Rossi, Reid and Simmons with the BAU. Have there been any demands?” He shook hands with the police captain.
“Not yet. Your guys just finished setting everything up, and helping my guys secure the area. We have access to the security cameras inside, but there has been no contact.” She explained, showing them around. Rossi assumed his position next to the phone box and casted his eyes towards the bank.
“Well, let’s see what we can make happen. Is this tapped in?” With a conformation, he pressed dial.
A shrill ring sounded through the bank. Everyone looked around for the source of the noise, but no one could see it clearly. That was, until, Lion stalked over to a phone that was behind the tellers booth. He yanked the phone off of its resting place, and held it against his ear.
“Hello? Who is this?”
“This is SSA David Rossi. Who am I speaking to?” the man on the other end chuckled as he looked out to the room.
“You can call me Leon.” He answered.
“Okay Leon. What do you say to letting the hostages go? You don’t have to go through with this.” David tried to reason with him.
“No. I don’t think so. There’s some pretty special ones in here that we need.” Leon looked over to the rest of the people around him. His eyes stopped briefly on a woman that his brother stopped by earlier. Shark was trying to find an alternative way out, while Wolf and Tiger were managing the people.
“Is there anything that you want? Something that I can get you?” Rossi asked, looking towards his two other agents.
“We want a way out of here. Call off the cops, call off the feds, and let us go free.” Leon was starting to get agitated the longer he was on the phone.
“I will see about what I can do, but you know that won’t be easy.” The agent was being real, and really hoped that the man with the gun would not use it.
“Tell you what, you call your buddies off, and I don’t kill everyone in here. Deal?” A dull tone rang through as the phone was hung up on Leon’s side. Rossi looked around to his teammates and suddenly had an idea.
“This doesn’t sound like he’s going to follow through. Murder is not in the M.O. but someone inside might. Matt, you and Reid try and find groups of four that commit armed bank robberies. This isn’t their first rodeo.”
Luke marched into Emily’s office with a file and determination. Tara was in there with the unit chief helping her sift through his career.
“Found the man in the tiger mask.” The file plopped down onto the woman’s desk.
“Theodore Jameson. Served five years for a job he did with his twin brother back in 2010. Got a nasty cut from the botched job. The clerk of the store they were trying to rob got him with some broken glass from a window. It healed over into that jagged scar that we saw on the tape. I was the one that put them away. One of the men has to be his brother, Leonard.” Luke explained, feeling accomplished.
“Good work. But who are the other two? And which one is which?” Tara complimented.
“Tiger is Theodore so Leonard has got to be the Lion. Now we need Wolf and Shark. Have Garcia see if there are any connections in or out of prison.” Emily commented, handing the file back to Luke who took off to do the work.
“Come on man. We need a way out of here.” Leonard commented, badgering Shark.
“I’m trying man. Give me a minute.” He replied, disappearing again. Wolf sat at a table and kept quiet as he observed the place. This entire operation had gone to hell.
“Where is the woman? Where is she?” Leonard barked looking around, scrutinizing everyone from behind his mask.
“I’m looking for a woman with the last name Alvez. Where are you?” He yelled. From his right, a woman stood up, however this was not the one he was looking for.
“I’m Sofia Alvez.” She whimpered, standing on shaking legs. But Leonard just scoffed and waved her over with the hand with the gun. Sofia walked over and was practically shaking in fear. He brought his hand up and pistol whipped the woman. It did not kill her, but rather knocked her out cold. Shaking his head, he looked around to see who else was here.
“I’m bored, Leon.” Theodore commented as he waved his gun around. Without a warning or word, the man grabbed a random man and shoved him towards the glass doors. The entire police and FBI forces were on edge as they watched what was unfurling. A bullet planted itself in between the man’s eyes and he slumped forward. Screams erupted throughout as everyone was startled by the display. Theodore laughed as he stalked around. His mask muffled some of his words but everyone he got close to understood what he was saying.
“Eeny meeny, miny moe.”
Garcia shuffled her way into the round table room with an excited air about her. The remaining BAU members gathered around, and patched in the three that were at the bank.
“Okay, so you asked for any connections that would be relevant and I found it.” Pulling two additional pictures up on the big screen, the colorful analyst began.
“So when the Jameson twins were serving their five in the Virginia corrections facility, they were block mates with another set of twins. This time they were serving ten for pleading guilty to involuntary manslaughter after their last job ending in the store clerk being dead. I now present to you Wulfric and Samson Mitchell.” They were drawn to the tv once more.
“Yeah, I remember that case,” came Luke’s voice. “They claimed they were doing the robbing out of necessity and claimed that because they came from a trailer park that the judicial system was prejudiced.”
“So we know who they are. What’s our plan Rossi?” Emily called over the phone.
“They’ve already killed one person. Unsure about anyone else. But we’re trying to establish more contact.” He explained, keeping his eyes aware all around.
“Do we know who was killed?” Luke pleaded urgently.
“It’s not her, Luke.” Garcia confirmed, looking through her screen at the camera. He peered over her shoulder and let out a sigh of relief to see she was telling the truth.
“Rossi, get him on the phone and see if we can break them up. Penelope, give us a full blue print of the bank. I want to know every square inch of the place.” Prentiss ended the call, and delegated the rest of the team to finding out everything they could about the two sets of twins.
“Where are you? I know you’re in here.” Tiger sing-songed as he walked through the lobby waving his gun. When his eyes landed on her, he smiled behind his mask. Stalking forward, he grabbed Mrs. Alvez by her shirt and hauled her to her feet.
“Oh, hello pretty lady. I knew you would be here today.” The man got right in her face, and brought her over to a chair where he dropped her down without grace. “Stay.”
Watching him walk away, she realized that she was in view right in front of the window. She turned and tried to see if she could flag down the uniforms outside.
“Leo! Look at who we have here!” He called out, grabbing his brother’s attention. Leonard came around and laid his eyes on the woman in the chair.
“I think it is high time we have us a little reunion.” Leonard sneered as he neared the woman. Her nerves were going haywire as she realized that they were closing in on her.
Piling in to the SUVs, Luke was furious. These criminals had laid their hands on his wife, and they were going to pay for it. His vest was strapped on tightly, and his firearm was ready.
“How would they know that she was your wife if even the team didn’t know?” Tara pointed out as they drove on.
“She’s a public figure. They could’ve stalked her, or me. Or any variation of the two. Let me get Garcia on the phone.” They turned the corner and parked right as Penelope answered the call.
“Oracle is ready and willing. Whatcha need?” She answered somewhat chipper, but people could tell that it was a flimsy cover.
“Garcia, I need you to track her social media, phone calls, emails, anything. Looking for repeat offenders, text that were deleted or weird phone calls. Anything.” He stated, waiting impatiently with the rest of his team.
“Okay. Don’t know exactly what I’m looking for but…”
“But what Penelope?” Luke was getting fed up with this whole day.
“There’s an account called ‘tigerted’ and it has visited her social medias everyday for the past six months which just so happens to be the same amount of time that all four of the men inside of that bank have been released.” She whimpered.
“Garcia, look into any robberies in the last six months in surrounding states. What’s their endgame?” Matt asked, hands on his hips while they waited.
“I’m not sure,” she started, “they’ve never been around long enough to be caught. They’ve always been in and out with insanely good precision.”
“That’s not going to work, Penelope. Give us something to work with.” Luke growled, pacing back and forth with his phone in his hand.
“I’m trying to help but I have nothing in their previous jobs.” Tears of frustration were starting to build up and push over.
Before anyone else could respond, the phone rang from inside. Rossi held up a finger, and got the phone answered.
“Agent Rossi, my partner has already killed one person. Who else are you going to let die before you let us go, huh?” The voice of Leon answered.
“Leon, who killed the victim? Was it Wulfric? Samson? Theodore?” There was silence over the other end of the phone.
“Leonard, you can end all of this right now if you let the hostages go, and you put down the weapons.” Rossi reasoned, but the sinking feeling in his gut was not helping.
“You know who we are?” Leonard asked, sounding out of breath.
“We know that you and your brother were put away by one of our teammates, and that you met Wulfric and Samson in prison. This is the first time you have ever been caught and cornered and you need to ask why. Somebody betrayed you, Leonard. It’s time to give it up.” There was more silence. It took a minute before someone finally spoke, after some commotion on the other end of the line.
“There’s no giving it up.” Dial tone greeted the BAU as they watched each other for a minute.
Theodore hung up the phone and pranced around the lobby. He removed his mask, which prompted Leonard to do the same.
“They know who we are. Including how we work. They know who we all are.” Leonard spoke, sounding like he was in disbelief.
“So what? No more hiding now bro. Now, we get to have some fun with her.” Theodore waved his gun to where the woman was sitting. She was still watching everyone with skeptical eyes as they moved about. Wulfric, who was sitting partially on a desk, removed his mask when the other two did, yet remained silent.
“You are just gorgeous. Don’t know how that man ever landed you.” As he grew closer, Theodore raised his gun with his finger on the trigger, and fired.
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brightlilith · 1 year
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Jenna Ortega
Tokio Hotel
More will be added as requests are placed!
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I will do NOT write
Tv show couples ex: Damon Salvatore x Elena Gilbert
Romanticization of mental health, eating disorders, depression, any type of self harm, physical abuse, any forced sexual activities, any hate towards LGBTQ People/Rights, any hate towards Transgendered people/Rights, or any hate towards race.
Pedophilia, or activities, child abuse and more.
These NSFW themes - A/B/O, humiliation/degrading kink and more Pregnancies Incest (with the exception of got and hotd)
Characters with some physical disability (nothing against it, I just wouldn’t want to write it wrong)
Black!reader or plus size!reader (nothing against it, I wouldn't want to offend something I don't know.)
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If you want to be added to the tag list, send me a message!🩷
Is there anything you'd like to see in the future from my blog?
Note: Depending on what it is, I might be able to make it happen. All I ask is that you ask kindly.
© morganaah/brightlilith ─ all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other platforms.
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luke alvez could run me over with a truck and I would say thank you
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