#Jelly Husband beloved <3
kakusu-shipping · 10 months
You should do a moodboard for the Swatchlings cause they’re cute uwu
OH and Jel La Fleur too cause jellyfish,,
This isn't even really a selfship board it's just the Swatchlings vague personality headcanons with my MS Paint sketch of them in the middle oops gkjgjk
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La Fleur's feels a lot better to me
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mychlapci · 2 months
Happy hypnotized wife Sunny gets even ditzier when his hubby gets him pregnant. He practically cries from the pleasure when they merge their shared spark, holding his own thighs up by his chest to help Sideswipe fuck him even deeper. The rush of transfluid past his internal sensors has Sunny squealing with ecstasy as it fills his gestational tank. But the pregnancy really melts his processor a little. He spends the whole carriage in a positive feedback loop that eats up whatever bandwidth constructing the sparkling’s processor doesn’t.
Thankfully, Sideswipe and the other mechs on base have plenty of patience with their poor, ditzy house-mommy. Sunny is all giggles and smiles as usual, but he craves spike like nothing else. His hubby is suuuuper smart and locks a plug in his pussy so Sunny doesn’t get tempted to ride anybody else for donations, but Sideswipe isn’t cruel either. Sunny’s allowed to suck as much spike as he needs to feel better until his hubby can take the time to flood his tanks with transfluid again. Which is thankfully lots and lots!
Sunny does his best cooking and cleaning, but it gets him so horny that he has to stop to ask someone to please pet his sweet little node until he squirts or to hump his array against the furniture. All the mechs looooove seeing him lift his skirts up so dainty and demure to beg for them to stroke his clit. Everybody’s so nice when he forgets what he was doing and always remind him to be a good wifey and finish their snacks or dinner. Sunny likes to handfeed those mechs their treats as a thank you, straddling one of their big, strong thighs to hump while he presses jellies to their mouths.
He can’t help stroking his pregnant belly as it grows, giggling when the baby kicks. It’s so shiny and pretty, the perfect look for a good wife. Being a mommy is the best. Sunny’s shows keep telling him how much he loves being pregnant and how good it feels to be a dumb, ditzy mech for his hubby. Sideswipe likes to fuck him from behind when he watches his shows, face pressed into Sunny’s back as he pinches his wife’s nozzles and strokes the swell of that belly. Sunny just moans and grinds back on that thick, perfect spike filling him with cum.
When his milk comes in, Sunny needs a little help remembering to pump it so that it doesn’t drip all over and go to waste. Keeping a schedule is much too hard for a pampered pregnant wife to handle—those sorts of chores are only appropriate when Sunny’s not carrying his hubby’s first sparkling! Thankfully everyone loves reminding him to sit down so they can hook the pumps up to his achy titties for him. Sunny loves looking in the mirror when he’s pumping energon for his mechs and his baby. As soon as he can keep a train of thought, he’s going to do a self-portrait for sure! But for now all he can do is stare at the gorgeous, soft, curvy mommy in the mirror. Legs spread to make room for his huge belly, yellow plating shining in the light as he strokes his bump. His strong, handsome hubby coming up behind him to kiss Sunny silly. The glow of the energon being pumped from his still-growing titties… It’s all picture perfect.
god, this got buried....
Sunstreaker gets even dumber once he gets pregnant... Ditzy little wife doesn't really have the processor capacity to remember anything other than how to be horny <3 But it's okay, all the other bots take care of him and his growing belly, pumping his titties and jerking his cute little node, since theyvre not allowed to cum into him without Sideswipe permission.
He's sooo happy. A heavy mamma with a beloved husband and a cute chunky baby on the way... what more could he possibly want?
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idyllcy · 2 months
from one admirer to another : new years?
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pairing: leon kennedy x reader || masterpost: from one admirer to another
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synopsis: from one admirer to another, an online penpal service, allows for two people with common interests to write to each other without ever revealing their actual address! Luckily for both you and Leon, you get matched up! What do eggs and Christmas even have in common anyway? sure hope it's that modeling business and NOT that Ada Wong addiction.
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featuring: reader as scrambled eggs // leon as christmas
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SUNNY'S SO CUTE AUGHHHHHHH... I drew a twitter mental breakdown emote trust me I'm going through it. Sunny looks so cute. My roommate and I have a black cat called sesame bun, but she doesn't register on polaroids or film so I cry a little each time I see photos of her. Wish I had your number so I could send you photos of her, but that's against FOATA policy, so... oopsie.
You forgot to get their number?? That's an insane thing to say. How do you just casually— okay, well, on that topic, I forgot to get the number of the dude I was making out with on new years as well. It doesn't help that I was so drunk that I barely remember what he looks like. All I know is that he was hot and at the same new years party as me. I don't even remember what he called me. He was just so... hot. Okay, sorry, this isn't about me. This is about you. YEAH. I'M SHAMING YOU FOR NOT GETTING THEIR NUMBER (joke) And, yes, you used it right)
We're friends. I promise lol.
I live with my best friend! We're actually day ones and when she started working her current job, I was there with her at her first event. I can't say too much about her, but we've lived together ever since. I'm like... her stay-at-home best friend? Something like that. I earn less than she does, and she bought the whole apartment with her first paycheck, so now I just do everything that a husband would. Basically, I cook and clean on days I don't work and I dry her hair for her after her showers.
She helped me a lot (well, I live in her apartment so there's that) and I just love her so much :(.
The other two in our little group in high school also went into the same industry as her, except in different directions, so we see them every now and then. Sisters before misters or whatever. She and I are 4 lifers.
As for stuff about me... not too much to say. I told you all of my defining factors already. Sesame bun was adopted when we first got the house, so she's like four years old now. Cute little girl. I attached a keychain I ended up winning from another Ada event. I have one already, so I figured it would be better in your hands.
Hope you get that model's number, scrambled eggs
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You seal the letter and toss it on your bedstand by your phone and head to the kitchen instead of bed because 1. you're hungry, 2. you're hungry, 3. you're hungry. You want a quick snack.
"Hey." Ada raises a brow at you at the sight of your laptop in hand. "Killing half of your reading population again?"
"It's just the comfort now." You yawn. "I want ramen."
"Shin noodles is not ramen." Ada pauses. "Also, no. You're cutting for your next shoot, remember?"
"God, can't they CGI it or something? God forbid a human eat for once." You huff, grabbing a pack of konjac jelly instead, huffing as you pop open your laptop. "I hate this industry."
"It's not that you can't eat."
"Where's the medicine for blood sugar?"
"You already had one today. You'll be fine." Ada hands you a jerky packet, and you groan in bliss.
"China my beloved."
Ada rolls her eyes, going back to her phone to text her relatives again. "Anything you want mailed this time?"
"阿尔卑斯..." You mumble. "Alps lollipops my beloved... please..."
"I'll let them know. Anything else?"
"QQ gummies are here now, huh?"
"Yeah." She pauses. "Let's have them mail some anyway."
"Love you."
"Yeah, yeah. Anything else that they can legally mail over?"
"Oh, I want gum."
"Yuh. The white packaging one." You grin. "I'll dedicate this chapter to you again."
"Mhm." You blow a kiss at her, and she rolls her eyes.
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prev letter : masterlist : next letter
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murfpersonalblog · 4 months
IWTV S2 Ep4 Musings - Loustat & Loumand
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Ah crap. The ONE thing he really enjoys, and could probably get very good at--but he's stuck with garbage exposure and weak flash, cuz he can only take nighttime photos. U_U
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UNHINGED. 😭😭😭 Lestat's become his best friend / supportive soundboard / feral golden retriever eating all his photos, omg. XD
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Lou thinks the only right photos are of Lestat, I'm gonna be SICK. 😍 (Sam's accent was odd--he sounded less French??? Or am I tripping?)
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Louis telling himself he needs to have more patience with the logistics of nocturnal life--and all that implies. So does that mean he wants to have more patience w/ the coven (& Armand) cuz he knows he can't hang out with humans like other artists do?
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Lestat busting a gut every time Armand shows up is KILLING me. 🤣
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The Time-Stop Gift is SO FREAKING cool; I love how they find these actors who can stay so still! Are they mimes or something!?
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Louis loves himself a senior citizen; his husbands get older & older!
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GET HIM, LOUIS!!! We ain't impressed! 😤 (Well, EYE am, ngl, but you stand your ground, Lou, that's right!)
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Scared the mess outta me for a second, omg. 😅
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Yeah, well, your coven sucks, Armand, so.
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I disagree--I think that was the best, nastiest thing he could've done.
The next scene was so spicy I had to make a separate post for Armand's Backstory.
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AMC.... Don't you effing dare.
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That is a WILD fire hazard, omg--at least do that in the kitchen, Lou.
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Before or after meeting Armand? I NEED ANSWERS, AMC!
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LOUIS called Armand a manipulative gremlin!? 😂
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Louis, you walk that back RIGHT NOW!
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Yea, it was NUTS that Louis never told her that Armand was in on their secret.
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Spilled like a leaky faucet, yes. U_U
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To quote your beloved hallucinations: "Let me tell you a little something about 18th century Armand~!" 👀💀 Chile, lemme tell you about 18 MINUTES ago Armand, tossing Santiago around in public!
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This could've been the running theme instead of Memory is a Monster. 😅 (I'm SHOCKED DreamStat has nothing to say from the peanut gallery. Seems he only shows up when Armand's around.)
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CRAZY how Louis' already in like the 5th stage of grief, accepting DreamStat as some buddy ole pal. Walking in the park, chatting on park benches like they used to do back in NOLA. (But also accepting that he HAS to let DreamStat go, if he wants to survive in Paris & build something with Armand.)
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He still thinks he's a "wh*re," doomed to be out cheating. U_U
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WOW! So the night Les chased Jelly Roll Morton out of town was probably the night Lou realized he was REALLY in love, I reckon. U_U
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Is that TRUE, or just what Louis wishes was true? (I bet it's true.) Les carried Lou's monogrammed hanky, daw. :3
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MORE delusion--Louis, you couldn't even run your own family, let alone a pack of 14 Old World vamps who have ZERO reason to parlay with you--America is a totally different situation than Europe! The vamps out there are VICIOUS, cuz they INVENTED viciousness! Louis just gassed Armand up into thinking they had the upper hand, blissfully ignorant that Santiago just got ALL the dirt on him, smdh.
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Ohhhh....THAT'S what Lou calls him in bed! 🤭 This is so touching & sweet, as Lou's like: You are ARUN, you're a PERSON, born with the human right to have hopes, dreams, desires, wants. Eff what Coven Master Armand & rentboy Amadeo did. What do YOU want, as ARUN? TABULA RASA. I love that for him! ❤
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Armand calling Louis Maitre!? DADDY LOU IS BACK! 😈 That's right, you toss that lighter over your shoulder; you've MASTERED the Fire Gift! 🔥 (They grow up so fast~! 😭)
Armand wants to follow Lou's lead, let him take control. "I serve a God." Armand is TIRED of leading, he needs someone to follow; something to believe in. He always needs to have something he can devote his attention to--Lestat & Gabrielle read him for filth about this in several books; esp. Memnoch.
Cuz these are vamps; soul-sucking leeches. Loumand's codependent to a fault. Two vines wrapped so tight around e/o that they'll eventually strangle any life/vitality out of e/o--and you can see that toxicity bubbling to the surface in their huge argument at the end of the ep. They broke up in the books for a reason--Armand NEEDED to find himself (find ARUN, his human soul/identity), too. A coven's a poor substitute for a FAMILY, which he finally got with Sybelle & Benji, Daniel & Marius. This isn't even the tip of the iceberg--but it's a start. 👍
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m-jelly · 1 year
Hello, Jelly! have a pleasant day ahead, sweetie 🥰
anyway, can I please request a one-shot in a Canon! setting where the reader who is Levi's beloved wife is having a picnic kind-of tea date with Levi in his day off. They talked about a lot of things which are kind of so sweet and romantic 💗
Thank you !!! 🫶🏻
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@kenkopanda-art <3
A little picnic
Levi x fem!reader
Canon world, romance, married, fluff, date time, cute, Levi has cleaning issues, reassuring Levi
You take your husband on a cute date and make a little picnic for him to try and get him to relax.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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A cute deep growl came from Levi as he walked behind you. It was sweet how he had mixed feelings about the day. If Levi had a choice, he would stay in bed with you all day long. However, you said you didn't want to spend your day off locked up in the house. You wanted to have a nice day out with the man you loved so deeply.
So, here you were walking with him to a sweet spot so you could have a little picnic. You turned to him in your summer dress and softly smiled. "Is it that bad?"
You fiddled with the basket. "Going on a date with me?"
Levi hurried over to you and cupped your face. "No, no. Please don't read my grumbling wrong. Tch, I'm just being a shit that won't come." He kissed you lightly on the lips. "I love you, my darling. I guess...I just love snuggling with you in bed a lot."
You giggled. "I love it too and I love you."
He put his arm around you. "Come on. Let's take this grumpy idiot on a date, huh?"
You grinned at him. "You're a cute grumpy."
"Thank you." He looked over at a nice tree to sit under. "It's clean, right?"
"I have a blanket."
He blushed a little. "You think of everything, don't you?"
"I try." You led him to a nice spot under the tree and placed a blanket down. "Sit, my handsome man."
Levi sat down and hummed in happiness. "Comfy and it looks lovely."
You joined him on the blanket and placed the basket in front of the two of you. "Help yourself, my love."
He opened the basket and started getting out food and drinks for the two of you. He put everything out and smiled softly as you ate together. He shuffled closer to you and massaged your thigh. He leaned closer and kissed your neck a few times.
You hummed a little laugh. "Levi. Focus on your lunch."
"It's hard when you're so sweet and delicious. You're better than any tea in this world."
You wrapped your arms around Levi's neck and kissed him. "Thank you, you sweet and romantic goofball."
Levi slowly lowered you down to lie back. He kissed you over and over as his hands traced your curves. "How are you so perfect? I love you so much. I'm the luckiest man in the world to be married to you."
You tangled your fingers in his hair. "I'm the lucky one."
"Lunch was perfection, my darling."
"I'm glad you enjoyed it."
He lay on his side next to you. "I could happily do this for the rest of our lives."
You rubbed Levi's cheek and gazed into his eyes. "I hope we stay together forever. I hope that all this fighting ends."
Levi placed his hand on your hip. "It will. I'll make sure of it. We need a sweet home together to build a family and have a big garden to grow things in."
You hummed a laugh. "You're right. I believe in you and the scouts."
Levi pouted. "Mostly me."
"Yes, my love. Mostly you." You giggled and showered his face in kisses.
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holocene-sims · 1 year
get to know me (sims edition)
thank you so much to @dandylion240 for tagging me!! <3
i feel like everyone has done this bad boy by now, so i don't know who to tag, but please consider yourself tagged if you see this and want to do it!
what's your favorite sims death?
ngl i love the jelly bean death from TS3. when i was younger, if i got bored of a sim, i'd just feed them jelly beans over and over until they kicked the bucket and i could get rid of them.
if not the jelly bean death, then mummy's curse! it's way too easy to get sims cured of it, though, so you really have to commit to letting them suffer through it.
alpha cc or maxis match?
i'd say somewhere in between! i much prefer maxis match, but i'll use alpha occasionally. if i do, it's probably for specific clothing items that no one has made in mm style yet.
do you cheat your sims weight?
for story sims, yes. for gameplay sims, no. i really don't care about it in gameplay and i just let my sims look like what they look like. but in my story, i do cheat it because i keep VERY tight control over those characters. i like continuity and making sure everyone sticks to their canon, but also, when things do change, i like to plan for that to happen in the narrative at a logical point in time for the character.
do you move objects?
favorite mod?
literally anything that gives me god-like control over my sims. NRaas and MCCC are my loves <3
first expansion pack?
it was world adventures for TS3.
i remember when i bought the base game on PC for the first time. picture it - september 2012. supernatural just released, seasons is on the way. everyone and their mother is watching lifesimmer. i played one household, an opposites attract couple. i got bored, killed the husband, and then never touched the game again.
at least, i didn't touch it until i watched LGR's reviews and bought world adventures! yay, interest revived.
do you pronounce live mode as aLIVE or LIVing?
i always say it like "liv"
who's your favorite sim you've ever made?
unequivocally, it's grant <3 my beloved
also his future love interest, who i will continue to tease simblr with by vague posting about them
have you made a simself?
yes, but i never play my simself or use them for anything.
what is your favorite EA hair color?
black or red, 100% - they look amazing on every single sim. like i challenge myself to find a sim who doesn't look good in black or red hair. i don't think it'll happen!
i love the unnaturals, too, but more in TS3 because i can customize them to my heart's desire and give sims their natural root color.
also unpopular opinion but in TS4, the original blue black is wayyyyy better than the new one!
favorite EA hair?
honestly, just the curly hairs. me and giving sims in every game curly hair are an inseparable duo
favorite life stage?
you know, i don't think i have one favorite, but i can tell you which one i hate. i HATE playing as kids. they can't do anything and they're not interesting and their clothing options are horrible. babies, infants, toddlers, teens - all okay! kids? NOPE BORING
yes, i would rather play with a burrito or bassinet baby than a kid.
the kids are slightly better in TS3 because i feel like it's easier to get them to make friends, plus i can ship them off to boarding school if i really want to, but they're still not interesting...
are you a builder or in it for the gameplay?
gameplay and stories all the way, baby. i hate building. will i do it occasionally? sure. does it make me want to eat my monitor so i never have to stare at my poor life decisions ever again? yes!
are you a cc creator?
yes and no. i love doing recolors tbh but most of them end up being only for my private game. i've not shared very much on here publicly. i always want to and then i forget or just don't feel like cleaning up my files to be sharable.
do you have any simblr friends?
a few, yes! i'm very shy and short on free time to browse tumblr so i suck at reaching out, but i've made a few amazing friends and lots of close mutuals, i'd say. i'm always wanting to make friends on here, though, so hey y'all, let's be besties! if i follow you, i treasure you. trust me!
do you have any sims merch?
i've never seen sims merch to begin with?
do you have a youtube for sims?
i've had two LMAO. i had one as a kid where i uploaded gameplay clips. i had one video get a decent set of views (okay, like a hundred or something, idk) where i did a world adventures time lapse.
and then i started another one in like 2019? i did speed CAS and decorating videos in TS3. i deleted all the videos, though. i did think about reviving that channel a while back and doing let's plays for sims and RPGs, but then i got paranoid about people hearing my voice. i had the mic and everything ready, left over from a school project.
you know, sometimes i still think about using that channel but i probably won't.
how has your sim style changed throughout your years of playing?
i don't know. i think they've always looked kind of the same. i always lean towards making sims with freckles, big eyes, long noses, curly hair, and who aren't skinny and never wear a color other than black. if you ever see a sim of mine with features that deviate from those, just know that it was a severe struggle and concerted effort to do so.
what's your origin ID?
i'm not giving that out to the whole wide world. though, you can DM me for it if we're mutuals and you want it for any reason!
who's your favorite cc creator?
i love rusty-sims and sifix because they make absolute top-tier formalwear cc. formal is my least favorite outfit category in any sims game and they make it so much easier to work with <3
how long have you had simblr?
this particular one? since december 2021.
how do you edit your pictures?
basically not at all. i use gimp to crop and add borders, then photopea to add text on my story posts.
what expansion pack is your favorite?
it's definitely not world adventures. what do you mean it's world adventures? i've never ever ever mentioned on this blog or in this post that i love world adventures. i don't know where that assertion is coming from!
it's world adventures
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I just want to bully all three elf husbands. Imagine Haurchefant, Estinien and Aymeric in the just the four of us au getting all jelly over Raymond the corgi because Agni has been distracted over them :3 . Just want to take the time and say love your recent gposes
(Oh thank you!!! <3 I always love it when you send me asks!)
"That...thing...is a menace." Estinien huffed, arms crossed over his chest.
Aymeric rolled his eyes. "Tis not a menace but certainly a nuisance."
Haurchefant nodded. "Tis also not surprising when we know how much our lady loves cute animals." Every single cute animal our darling Agi sees, she must pet and cuddle. "Though I do wish some of that attention were turned back in our direction."
The three men watched as their beloved wife had baby Esme on her lap and looked at Raymond the corgi minion with glee. Even Esme is cooing at Raymond! Dear child, pray look towards your fathers.
However, within moments, Esme caught sight of her fathers and cooed loudly, leaning towards them with her fat little arms waving about! So cute!
"Oh! Goodness, I didn't see you three there!" Agnes giggled. "Have you seen Raymond splooting? He's positively adorable!"
Estinien smiled tensely. "Aye, we've seen the bloody minion do a thousand times. Today."
Haurchefant and Aymeric gave him a look (you grumpy ass, NOT NOW) while Agnes frowned. "Oh. Yes. Well, he's being very cute and Esme is watching him so closely. It's all...very cute." Estinien, I love you dearly, but our purpose to get her attention without making her sad!
Aymeric in the most graceful way possible moved to Agnes and sat next to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "What our darling grump means is that you've been spending a lot of time with Raymond--"
"And we'd like some of that, ah, redirected towards us, my lady wife." Haurchefant finished, taking Esme from Agnes. Sweet baby daughter, you are so loved. However, we would like some time with your mother so a trip to see Luci or Father might be in your future.
Agnes's eyes widened, and her mouth dropped. "Oh. My. Fucking. Gods. I am so sorry! I didn't realize! Oh, I'm so sorry!" She grabbed Aymeric's face and kissed him soundly. Then she moved to Haurchefant and did the same. And one more time for our grump with the large cock! There she goes! Now he'll be less miserable. "I really do apologize, my loves."
Estinien grunted. "Hmph. Tis no trouble, my sweet." He pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back. "Been feeling...needy. All of us." Estinien murmured softly.
She melted in his arms and sighed. Her sighs are like music! So beautiful! "Then perhaps some cuddles and kisses are in order, in addition to some private time." Stepping back, she glanced at Aymeric and Haurchefant before smiling softly. "After all, the three of you are my heart along with Esme and deserve--"
"An evening to ourselves, I agree, darling." Aymeric chuckled. "I shall contact your mother and see if she would like to take Esme."
"I'll make sure her to-go bag is packed." Estinien said with a small smile, his gaze catching Esme's. Oh, he adores her. It's so lovely to see. Estinien, after everything, deserves to be happy...we all do. As Estinien walked past Agnes, he pinched her ass making her giggle.
"And you, Haurche? What will you do, my knight brave and true?"
"Why, serve you of course!" He grinned. "As I have vowed to do til my last breath."
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merrybrides · 9 months
Match Your Values With Your Wedding Vows
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As you think about writing your wedding vows, have you considered how to infuse your values into your vows? Whether your values center on your culture, faith, or your family (or all three!), we have tips for making sure that your wedding vows reflect what you value most (plus sharing our favorite examples!).
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This is perhaps the most classic, traditional style of custom wedding vows. Wedding days are full of emotion, and it’s perfectly normal to feel romantic and sentimental when writing your vows (However, if this isn’t something you’re comfortable with, that’s ok! Our vow books are the perfect place to document vows you prefer to keep more private).
My sister, Arielle embraced the notion of Love Letter Wine Box ceremony when she married her husband. They were inspired by moments in their dating relationship when they had many great conversations over a glass of wine. It became a ritual for them to open a bottle that they loved and settle in for an evening of conversation. The wedding box ceremony was the perfect way to recognize those special moments and make their ceremony personal and sentimental. It also fits in perfectly with their Napa wedding.
What moment did you know you wanted to spend your life with this person?
What special rituals have you created as a couple?
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If your relationship is full of laughter and silliness, your vows don’t need to be somber and stiff (although they are serious, they don’t have to be square).
We love this example we found via Offbeat Bride.  It’s playful, certainly, but we love what’s behind this playful vow: a commitment to know and understand your partner as much as you can, and to do everything you can to make them happy. What a lovely sentiment!
“I promise to give you half the cream cheese I would want on a bagel. I promise to under jelly your sandwiches but over toast them. But most of all I promise to work on this, on us. I promise to try. I promise to choose you and us and our family every day.”
What are your favorite quirks about your partner?
What are yours or their endearing pet peeves?
Is there anything about these that you’ve had to compromise on in your relationship, that’s brought you closer?
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Many couples find wisdom in the scriptures to use in their wedding ceremony. No matter your faith, you can choose to involve scripture in your vows or wedding ceremony to express your commitment and sentiments to each other.
A common scripture from the Christian tradition comes from the books in the bible. In the scriptures, while these don’t necessarily refer to romantic love, they do express the ideals of commitment and love that many people want to have in their marriage, which is why these (and other) verses are so popular.
“Two are better than one. For if they fall, one will lift the other up”Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10
And above all these put on love, which binds everything in perfect harmony.  Colossians 3:14
A common Jewish (and Christian) scripture reading comes from the Songs of Solomon 6:3:“I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine”.
What lines of scripture do you want to inspire your marriage?
If you have a different faith from your partner, what will you blend from each of your faith backgrounds?
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Weddings are a universal tradition, and each culture has developed their own beautiful, symbolic, and rich practices around two people pledging commitment of eternal love. Consider adopting a tradition from your own culture, or your partner’s culture.
We love the The Knot Guide To Wedding Traditions which is a fabulous guide for nearly every cultural wedding ceremony tradition you could think of. If you don’t identify strongly with a culture, you may find great beauty in borrowing or adopting a piece of another that resonates with you as a culture.
We love the Japanese wedding tradition of a sake ceremony. The ritual is called a San San Kudo, literally translating to “Three Three Nine Deliver”. Sake is immensely important in Japanese culture and carries historical and cultural significance. It harkens back to the time in Japanese culture when sharing sake carried weight as a formal bond, much like a handshake in Victorian times.
Here’s how it works:
Each partner drinks 3 sips from both sake cups, then offers sake to both sets of parents. The parents then take sips, making for a total of 9 sips, symbolically solidifying the bond between the families. This celebrates the new formed unity between the families.
What you might bring from your culture into your vows?
Are there traditions from another culture that’s meaningful or symbolic to you as a couple that you might want to adopt?
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If this is your second wedding, you may be blending families together, making your union about more than just your twosome. This is a wonderful opportunity to include sentiments about how you’ll care for each other’s family as you come together. Whether your children are still young or grown with children of their own, blending two families always brings unique challenges, and of course, also requires
A wonderful trend we’ve seen in blended family weddings is a vow from the parents to the children. This is a time for the new stepparents to express to their new stepchildren how, in choosing their partner, they are also choosing the child for life. This is a wonderful opportunity to strengthen the bond with the child, and publicly declare love and commitment.
How will you incorporate your family into your new life together?
What are your promises individually and together to the children involved
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fun lil interview questions!
I know I created this but my beloved skyofrey✨ did say that whoever saw this could count as being tagged so here I am. Cuz I love answering questions but hardly ever get asked. So here we go.
1. Who would win in a fight- Dr.Phil or Oprah
Yes Oprah is the obvious answer and you know what else? Gerard answered the same so you know I have to answer what he said
2. What is the significance of a piece of jewelry you own?
I have 3 that come to mind. One is a cool necklace that looks like tusks or teeth that my aunt bought for me from Mexico when I was about 13 years old. Then there’s a ring that has tiny green jewels or diamonds idk and it was given to me by my mom’s best friend who also happens to be my best friend’s mom. She bought it at a yardsale for hardly anything but I love it sooo much. And third is the Pirates of the Carribean medallion that my dad bought me at Disneyland
3. What’s your favorite cover song?
Also 3 come to mind!
A Hazy Shade of Winter by Simon and Garfunkel covered by Gerard Way
While My Guitar Gently Weeps by the Beatles covered by Regina Spektor
With A Little Help From My Friends by the Beatles covered by Jim Sturgess and Joe Anderson
4. If you were a Care Bear, what symbol would be on your stomach? I guess this question could also apply to if you were a My Little Pony
It’d be a painter palette? Or a paw print
5. If you could relive one day of your life, what day would it be?
My thirteenth birthday when my parents took me to see the premiere of Narnia
6. What is your favorite book and what are you currently reading right now?
Idk what my favorite book is anymore since Harry Potter is tainted now. I’m currently reading The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle and I just finished The 7 Husbands of Evelyn Hugo just a few days ago! With none other than skyofrey my beloved!
7. What’s the most embarrassing song you listen to?
I too think nobody should be embarrassed by any music they listen to. Cringe is dead babeey! That being said: I’m gonna answer with Alvin and the Chipmunks XD
8. What question do you never want to be asked again?
What do you do? As in career. Or what are my career plans.
9. What’s the craziest rumor you’ve heard of yourself?
None that I’ve ever known
10. Does a horse go to heaven?
It goes to horse heaven
11. Which of the 7 deadly sins best describes you?
12. Which would you rather have as a pet, a Vampire bunny or a rabid unicorn?
See I wanna answer vampire bunny because it does seem like the obvious choice and Gerard answered this too. BUT if I manage to cure this unicorn I have an animal so rare that could probably make me a bunch of money? I’m thinking too capitalistically for shame 😔
13. If you were a famous rockstar, what would be something you’d always take with you on tour? Nothing boring like your phone.
Probably a book. And yeah good idea Katie, I’d take a polaroid camera to capture all da memories
14. Chunky or smooth peanut butter? What kind of jelly?
Either but no jelly.
15. What is one thing you love about yourself?
I love that I’m empathetic. Oh that was also what Gerard answered...haha whoops 😅
16. If you were an animal what would you be?
A bat or cat
Tagging whoever wants to do this!
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kakusu-shipping · 7 months
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Table Turf versus Jellies
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Shepard AMA Round 2
Rounds 1, 3, 4
... in retrospect I should have done these after I went through the series again, but apparently I'm doomed to work backwards. Odds are high I'll go back and edit the originals at some point, I'll probably reblog them with a notice or something instead of whole new posts? In the meantime, these have been delightful to rebuild my hype and at least set something like a direction I want to work towards, and now I'm a bit sad because they're done xD
As always, question sets by @spookyvalentine ! Hope y'all have enjoyed getting to know Adrian, and I hope to have so much more to share in the future, these have inspired so many little scene ideas!
1. Where would your Shepard go back to play tourist? Are they going alone, or bringing someone(s)? - She's actually made a few trips to Illium that were... on paper for 'necessary upgrades and supplies'. Not her fault if the crew get caught up sightseeing and decide it's easier to grab a meal at the lounge!
She also would love to actually like- visit Earth for a decent while, and harbored a small dream of bringing Thane along and checking out the Outback. During the SR1 days, she and Ash also had vague plans of a world tour of famous battle sites for a while (and really considered asking if Wrex wanted in), but that uh. Didn't pan out.
2. Your Shepard is making a sandwich. What’s going in it? - Well average sandwiches usually are some combo of meat, vegetables or cheese & condiments, but that's not exciting, and she's a biotic. Who does heavy combat. Sometimes she hits the state of 'nothing matters but Calorie', and after an enormous amount of biotic heavy fighting on freezing ass Noveria, the crew were witness to a monstrosity of: roast beef, 4 day old pyjak chunks, the end dregs of 3 nut butters (one of which was mostly chocolate), some kind of stewed Tuchankan root vegetable, and blueberry jelly crammed between two hunks of bread.
(In fairness, half of it went to Wrex, and he thought it was great, so everyone else can shut up.)
3. What’s Shepard’s love language? What love languages do they respond best to? -
Ok they all kind of blend into each other, but ultimately: acts of service. On a wider context- Shepard is just... her default nature is a deep, immense love for life in all its myriad forms, even something like the Reapers- and she wants to help that life flourish and coexist as peacefully as possible. Whether it's making sure a beloved wife's body is returned to a grieving husband or working to undo the genophage, so very much of what makes her Shepard is simply a way of saying 'I love you' to all there is.
On a more personal level: Again, blend of all, but she puts in an effort to help her friends with whatever they need, even if it's. Like. -gestures at every loyalty mission-; and she tends to charge headfirst into battle and draw fire so they don't have to take it. (As for receptive to: words & quality time).
Interestingly, in a romantic context she winds up also leaning hard into touch, both giving and receiving. She had kind of withdrawn from much physical contact after Akuze- and it actually was a bit of an awkward dance with Thane (who I've always hc'd as being a very tactile sort) at first, but it worked out in the end; casual time together, they're almost always in some sort of contact. Not even entirely aware of it, either, and Joker decides it's absolutely worth tempting death to tease them about it.
4. What were Shepard’s opinions of Cerberus before waking up on their table? - Oh, absolute loathing, they're the essence of everything she hates about humanity's attitude towards galactic relations; and half her mission during the ME2 era was to try swinging the SR2 crew away.
5. Is your Shepard politically active? Do they stay on top of galactic comings and going’s - She does her best to stay on top of things, especially after becoming a Spectre. In a perfect world where the Reaper war ends and she lives, she'd probably swerve hard into politics, especially campaigning to restructure the council and get some new embassies set up.
6. What would they be doing, if Shepard never joined the alliance? - Diplomat/ambassador, probably; that or xeno-oceanography work. Anything that lets her travel and meet new people!
7. What’s Shepard’s favorite way to let loose? - Friendly combat competition, especially sniping practice, hand to hand, and biotic sparring.
8. Does your Shepard like to be alone? Are they prone to isolate? - She likes quiet time with other people around, but gets cagey when she's completely alone- it's why you'll find her doing most of her work in the mess hall. Even if everyone else is busy, she knows there's a bunch of folks nearby, and that's enough.
9. What does Shepard like to wear when they’re out of the armor? - OK I actually love the on-ship outfit in 1 Fairly comfortable but tries to keep smart when out and about. (Has been spotted wearing a Blasto tee on the ship though.
10. What does TIM think of Shepard at the start of me2? And at the end? - A necessary trouble in the beginning, hoped he could leverage some kind of gratitude debt. By the end? A goddamn pain in the ass, Miranda was right about the control chip. Shepard destroyed the Base, took his ship, and turned the Lazarus crew including the AI to her side. (And there is something extra insulting about the flagrant relationship with an alien, like no you're not using my recruitment suggestions as a dating service!)
11. What does Shepard think of TIM? - Despite everything in her life, Adrian is not a violent person. She would very much work to change hearts and minds through example and logic than at the end of a gun, and wants to preserve as many lives as possible. And still, even with this: she would happily strangle TIM with her bare hands if given the chance.
12. Who is Shepard’s favorite non-companion character? - Also knocking Chakwas, Joker, and Anderson since they've been mentioned a lot & are important lol. Possibly Aethyta!
13. What kind of roommate would Shepard be? - Polite, quiet, always makes sure the fridge is full and rent is on time, keeps the common areas tidy... but her bedroom is half taken up by an aquarium and every flat surface is covered with half-built models and she's up til 4am editing photos and eating Nutella out of the jar, so weigh all that as you will.
14. It’s takeout potluck night with the gang! What’s Shepard ordering, and from where? A krogan-worthy portion of fried meat, veg, and noodles from literally anywhere that puts that together. (It's a remarkably universal sort of dish, right up there with 'boiled grain')
15. If Shepard could have an extremely dangerous and illegal pet, what would it be? - Less one pet and more the aquarium from hell, any sort of pretty sea critter regardless of how toxic it is. (Blue ring octopi are top of the list, followed by a remarkably toxic eel from Kajhe. ... Her real answer is actually more 'I want to take a vessel down as far as is physically possible into Encompassing and keep the biggest thing I find')
16.. What does Aria think of Shepard? - Wary at first because no one can be that nice, and always kind of thinks Shepard’s a naive idiot... but she's a naive idiot who can get shit done, and Aria can kind of respect that.
17. Does your Shepard seek counseling/have a therapist? - The closest thing Adrian Shepard has ever had to a therapist was Kelly Chambers, interpret that as you will. (She kind of meant to find one once in was apparent the Akuze situation had impacted her long term... buuuut then she was assigned to this new experimental ship, lot of talk about important cooperation exercises with the turians, and then everything kind of snowballed and Therapy Doesn't Make For Good Spectre Optics...)
18. Obligatory gang beach episode! What’s Shepard doing? - She's in the water before the question's finished lol. Unless specifically requested somewhere else, she'll be swimming. Possibly even full diving if circumstances allow!
19. What was Shepard’s first interaction with an alien? - Very brief and barely remembered- due to her parents' participation in the First Contact War and subsequent involvement in peace talks, she wound up encountering some turians when she was very young & still not 100% comprehending what was going on, so she just thought they looked cool as hell. (First real interaction was when she was like 6 & wandered off on a small asari station they were visiting, and asking a very nice blue lady for help getting back.)
20. List five songs your Shepard is currently listening to
-Hand That Feeds
- Summer Nights
- To Hide To Seek (yeah in-game song but please imagine, first trip to Illium, Shep's going to the bar for info, and proceeds to drop everything to ask Aethyta 'hey what's playing right now I need this')
-The Stolen Child
21. What companion quest did shepard enjoy the most? What was the most difficult one for them to do? - All of the SR2 ones except Grunt's fucking wrecked her tbh.
The amount if them that came down to broken families hit hard, Jack and Tali's just straight up made her cry afterwards, Thane's was a very wild emotional soup because they were very much Dancing Around Their Emotions but she would later admit that last moment was like the first time she'd really felt anything resembling a parental instinct and dear lord that's a lot to unpack when neither of you have admitted that you're dating yet.
Mordin's just- gutted her. She loves Mordin, they had become pretty solid friends but then facing all that, especially considering her relationship with Wrex? Legion's and Samara's both actually wound up with her having a slight breakdown on the shuttle ride back because they were heavy as fuck... but the hardest one might have been Garrus'.
He was her constant companion in combat from the first run- once he was on the crew, he was always present. He's a dear friend and someone she worries about and wants to turn to a better path... and so torn up and lost that, for a very brief moment at the end-
She knows Garrus always has her back. But as much as she trusts his heart and soul... there was, for just a moment, a point where she didn't quite trust his body to follow suit, and very much accepted that he might take the shot, whoever was in the scope.
Grunt's was fucking great though. She got to see Wrex again, headbutt an asshole, fight a thresher maw, and solidly bring a new member into her growing krogan family. 10/10 no complaints why can't every problem be that easy.
22. Any guilty pleasures? - Old Earth sci-fi/horror, the cheesier and campier the better! (There was serious debate whether to ban her from movie night choices, but she also needs to turn her brain off sometimes and that's about the only time she's not overtly multitasking.)
23. What does Shepard think of Conrad Verner? How do they handle him? - Oh she was weirded the fuck out by even the autograph thing - like thankfully Eden Prime had just happened so she felt vaguely heroic this time (& tangent, she highkey wants to lose her shit on everyone who brings up Akuze because all she did was run away and not die, there wasn't anything commendable there), and just gets increasingly frustrated with the guy as things go on, and is pissed with his shit in Illium because sir, no, I did not give myself a roaring headache resisting the urge to scare you off just for you to claim I pulled a gun on you.
She does come to appreciate the Shepards foundation afterwards though and even offers some help and an official endorsement... after the few months and she's sure he's not coming back...
24. How does Shepard handle house arrest? How do they fill their time? - Oh she would handle it badly. She is good in ships, but very bad at being confined. She'd probably spend a lot of time trying to get messages out to her companions or see how they're doing and just... trying not to fall the fuck apart because now there's nothing to take her attention away from The Horrors, you know?
25. How does Shepard react to meeting Javik, a real life prothean? - Despite my pre-order, I never did redeem that, so she never did xD She'd think it was dope as fuck though, and really consider starting a tally of 'extinct species I've met'.
26. What is Shepard’s relationship with Joker? - BFFs! They crossed paths a lot as kids and kept in touch when they weren't in the same area. Adrian learned some important early lessons in how to work with other people, little Joker wasn't taking any sort of pity or over concern over his health, and she was one of the only kids who seemed to take him seriously. They mercilessly mock each other, and she values his opinion about the other crew members and missions- even if it's not always readily apparent to others.
27. What does your Shepard take pictures of? - She has a long-standing hobby of landscape photography! It started when she was a kid and wanted to get pictures of wherever her family went, and it just sort of persisted and advanced through most of her life; she loves how much opportunity she has to get some rare shots (aided very much by modifing her helmets). She also picked up a habit of getting pictures of her friends around the Normandy or on the Citadel, though these were less carefully taken. (Though she has also gotten at least one Dramatic Fancy shot of everyone over the years.)
28. Who is your voicecast for Shepard? Is it Jennifer Hale/Mark Meer? Do they have an accent? - Hale all the way even though, thinking about it.. iiit doesn't completely make sense xD Like, Adrian's voice was never a problem point for her but she started hormone tinkering early enough that it would've definitely had an effect. But, I can't think of anyone better or specific tones so Hale it is. She would also have some kind of accent for sure, but fuck if I can figure out what it'd be after another hundred or so years of language drift In Space xD
29. What is the perfect day for Shepard? - Beach day with her friends. She has a deep need to see who wins in an all out Normandy crew chicken fight (also 'can everyone together take down Wrex or Grunt'), some time soaking up the sun, looking for cool weird crap that's washed up, good food... just time at her favorite place with the people she loves, where nothing demands their time or blood, and they can just have fun.
(And in a really perfect world scenario, this also includes getting to share a decent dive, or at least swim, with Thane...)
30. What did Shepard think of the thorian? How did they feel about killing it? What did they decide for Shiala? - On the one hand: fucking Terrifying in the same visceral way the Reapers are. On the other: absolutely fucking fascinating and magnificent, and she deeply regrets having to kill it. Shiala lives, like- look, it wasn't her fault she got mind-zapped and eaten by a plant, she ought to get a chance.
31. How did Shepard feel, seeing Legion wearing their old armor? Does that change? - It was startling at first for sure, but she comes to find it kind of sweet.
32. Any vices? - Not really, she's kind of in that weird range of 'doesn't really do anything self destructive but also needs outside reminders for actual self care' xD
33. Is Shepard free with affection, or more reserved? - Oh extremely free- especially with the Normandy crew, she never hesitates with a kind word, gift, or joke for her friends. Good for morale, good for general mood... and you never know how long a crew will be together. The galaxy can always use a little more love.
34. Are there any people out there that betrayed Shepard? How do they handle it? - Liara (answered further below), otherwise I can't think of any particularly notable incidents. Honestly, she has a tendency to cause betrayals.
35. Is your Shepard a biter? (Interpret this as you will) - She prefers to fight fair, so no biting. and scales can be tough
(And no one can prove those things on her neck aren't general soldier's wear and tear, but if anyone wants to speculate about them they're welcome to bring it up while she's doing weapons maintenance yes this especially includes you, Mordin and Chakwas.)
36. What is their relationship with Wrex? - He's the big brother she never had. They butted heads a fair bit early on (literally in at least a couple instances), but she wasn't passing up the chance to spend time with an honest to god krogan battlemaster, and in time developed a great deal of respect for his wisdom and experience. Wrex was intrigued just on the basis of there being a human who would talk to him- and then this human turns out to be interested in galactic politics and is still sympathetic to the krogan? That's Different.
Both are damn near unyielding in their convictions, but respect each other enough to meet halfway. It's Wrex's friendship and history that so strongly spurs Adrian to prioritize the krogan even through everything else that's going on; it's Shepard’s unwavering choice to remain kind and merciful that help draw Wrex out of his rut and into trying to make some changes. By the end, they absolutely regard each other as family. (Wrex was actually my first recruit in my current play of ME1!)
37. Does Shepard have any friendships that surprise the rest of the crew? - See above lol, like- even Joker, knowing Adrian most of her life, was still a little surprised about Wrex. It also threw everyone for a bit of a loop with how chummy she got with Miranda in the end- Shepard and Miranda included.
(The reaction to Thane was actually split among the crew around the time- Garrus and Jacob were insistent she wasnt going to cozy up to an asassin; Grunt and Miranda just observed, Mordin observed with metaphorical popcorn, while Joker and Jack had a running bet on how long before Adrian made a move. They both lost to Kelly.)
38. If Shepard is dropped into the middle of the wilderness for a week, how do they handle it? - Depending on place & supplies she'd probably do okay? Honestly if she can set herself up okay she might just wave rescue off for another week.
39. Does Shepard have a will? What do they want done with their body after they’ve passed? - She has a standing situation of, should she be KIA without recoverable remains, to hold a memorial or celebration of life sort of service on the following April 11th, just anyone who wanted to get together and get whatever closure they can.
If remains: burial at sea. (Amended to cremation and scattering at sea as of ME2).
She didn't have much else until late into the ME2 timeline, where she puts in last minute stipulations of: belongings split among the surviving Normandy crews as they so desired, while any money goes to Kolyat.
40. How does your Shepard react, when Liara says she’s the one that handed their body over to Cerberus? - Coldly. She and Liara were never particularly close, but that's the end of any friendship they might have had. Shepard doesn't disagree about the necessity and benefit, she's not... ungrateful. But she holds Liara at a distance afterwards, even during the ME3 timeframe.
41. They’ve been caught in the rain! How does Shepard react? - Would barely notice or care tbh xD She's trained to endure most weather conditions- and on top of that, hey, rain's the next best thing to a swim!
42. How does Shepard handle the reporters? What are they like in an interview - Likes Emily well enough, politely indifferent to others- in fact, Emily's about the only interviewer who doesn't have to literally ambush Shepard for a talk. She was put off the whole interview scene after Akuze- everyone kept demanding attention when she just wanted to mourn.
Her interviews tend to be short and curt, between her discomfort with them and the knowledge of just how much weight her words can carry, she doesn't want to start an incident with a bad remark, y'know?
43. What was the clone’s fate? Do you think Shepard and their clone could coexist? - non-existence
And sadly I haven't looked into the whole plotline there enough to give much of a hypothetical answer xD
44. What’s the perfect date to sweep Shepard off their feet? - Honestly, giving her one on one attention and having an hour or two to not think about Everything is pretty good.
(OK though actual answer: dinner, drinks, and impromptu poetry recitations at Eternity.)
45. How many unread emails are in their inbox? - Oh they all get opened. Actually read.. ehhh, it varies and it's kind of random which non-vital ones get read. (She did read that one from one of the salarians stuck in Nassana's tower & still teases Thane about apparently causing some kind of sexual awakening for a salarian)
46. What does your Shepard get competitive over? - Endurance trials. Like, going back to before enlisting and working to hold her breath the longest & handle colder water- she's always had a mentality like this:
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And that probably explains a lot about her.
47. What museum is your Shepard going to? natural history, science, art… the zoo, aquarium? - Oh lord that's many answers. Galleries are a favorite, and she's extremely intrigued by any sort of cultural heritage exhibit. But either make sure the day is clear or just accept you've lost her unless shooting breaks out if she gets into an aquarium, she will hang around for hours. (Incidentally, everyone on board the Normandy now knows a lot of fish facts, whether they wanted to or not.)
48. What kind of a sleeper is Shepard? Sprawl out, hog the covers, octopus…. How many hours do they normally sleep? - Curled up into a tight ball unless she has something or someone to hold onto (And usually in around 4-5 hour chunks. Also interesting note though: she can sleep damn near anywhere, and dozed off on a lot of quieter Mako missions once Tali took over driving.)
49. Do they have any morning or evening rituals? The fuck's a morning or evening?
For a while, not really- she'd be awake, catch up on things or join in morning exercises if that was a thing; evenings were pretty much hose off, fuck around with whatever still needed doing and sleep as she could.
SR2 era saw her start taking a solid bit of time at the end of the day in meditation or prayer. If nothing else, it was helpful to enforce some daily slots of quiet to better organize her mind; and it became vital in getting her biotic skill back up to speed- everything was rebuilt fine, but she was physically and mentally too fucking wound up for reliable use.
50. What scents in particular draw Shepard in? - Anything like saltwater ofc, but also things along the line of forest greenery or spicy will definitely get her attention.
+1 what, to your Shepard, is a good death - A peaceful passing in one's sleep at an old age after a long, full life. Barring that, so long as it's in the service of doing good, she'll be content.
0 notes
finelinevogue · 3 years
Okay okay but imagine this! dad Harry falling asleep on his stomach and your son crawling up and laying on his back! Like this is so friking cute!
ok this is a small blurb but i just love this concept so much :(((
Harry was shattered.
It wasn’t even just the kind of exhaustion that your eyes feel heavy, or you just have a headache. No it was a mix of both those and then the added body tiredness that meant he felt like he couldn’t move a muscle. Yet, he couldn’t complain. Not one bit.
It had been a 3 months since you and Harry had brought life into the world. 3 months since baby Oliver had taken his first breathes and 3 months since the happiest day of your lives. Although, you’d beg to differ that every day of your lives were happy. Not a day went by without a smile upon your faces now, which is why Harry couldn’t complain.
Even with the stress of a newborn baby, what with the endless nights of crying and days of nappy changing, you were both so content with life. With him. It didn’t mean you couldn’t be exhausted though. Harry was current proof of that.
He was currently laying face down on your bed, straight as a toy soldier, with his eyes closed and his breathing shallow. He deserved this rest and nap. He was always up with you whenever Oli was restless in the night and he was quick to help with the breastfeeding. He never wanted you to feel alone through any of this, so he did his part and more. He couldn’t be a better dad if he tried. But as much as he deserved this nap and time away from the chaos of having a 3 month old, Oli missed his dad and wouldn’t stop wriggling around to wait impatiently for his dad.
“Alright you, let’s go find daddy yeah?” You rhetorically asked, knowing your son wasn’t going to respond. You picked him up and out of his bassinet and cradled him in your arms, watching his big green eyes look up into yours. His little hands were curled into fists and waving around in excitement. He was getting what he wanted after all.
He giggled at the feeling of you bouncing up the stairs in search of your beloved husband. You instantly found him resting on the bed and you almost felt evil for going to disturb him. Almost. You knew Harry couldn’t be mad at you for blessing him with his son, ever. He would be happy - sleep maybe, but happy:
You walked your way around the bed and sat down on the edge of it, beside Harry. You watched as he blew the king curls of his hair off his face in his gentle sleep. He looked perfect. It was unreal to think he was yours. It was even crazier to think you’d created a child so beautiful and kind with each other. Life wasn’t always kind to you, but you were grateful that this was how it was ending up.
“Okay bubs, gotta be gentle now okay?” You spoke softly, watching as Oli’s eyes went wide with excitement over seeing his dad. His tiny arms started flapping around like crazy and his legs kicked happily underneath him. He was such an excitable child and you were blessed to call him yours.
You placed him carefully on Harry’s back, keeping your arms close next to him in case Harry suddenly jolted in surprise and catapulted Oli across the room. Oli was also very clumsy so it wouldn’t surprise you if he just fell.
Oli used on of his tiny hands to pat Harrys back softly, as if was going to be enough to wake him up. Unexpectedly, it was.
Harry didn’t move quickly, or even at all, once he knew how he was being woken up and by who. He turned his head to the side and gave a sleepy smirk, his eyes only half open in his wakening. He looked delicious, though, and you seriously just wanted to jump and devour him.
“Bloody gremlin you are.” He chuckled with a raspy voice, like the one he normally acquired in a morning. It sent tantalising goosebumps all over your body. Focus Y/N, your child could fall at any moment.
Harry made a point of keeping his eyes locked onto Oli, but Oli hadn’t quite clocked that his dad had woken up just yet so he kept on knocking his fist against Harrys back.
“Oli bubs, look!” Oli turned to you first and then towards where you were pointing to Harry’s woken face. His eyes were slightly puffy from sleep and his hair was an organised mess ontop of his head, but he still won most-handsome-human in your eyes. As soon as Oli spotted his dads familiar face - especially his eyes - he went a little crazy and nearly fell.
“Someone’s excited to see me.” Harry laughed, you lifting Oli up so that Harry could turn over. Oli wiggled like a dancing jelly-bean as you hoisted him into the air, until Harry had bent his legs at his knees and you could place Oli down on Harry’s lower stomach with his back to Harry’s bent legs. “Why isn’t mummy always this excited to see me, huh bud?” Harry grabbed Oli’s fists and started messing around with him.
“I am, it’s just a very different type of excitement.” You rolled your eyes at him, using his knees to prop your head up on to watch the two loves of your lives interact.
“Different how?” Harry teased.
“Well for starters we’re both normally naked.” You bit your bottom lip at the mere thought.
“Show me how that looks again?”
“Not with your 3 month old son sat on your lap, no.” You shot back at his crude remark, slapping his knee in the process.
“Mummy’s such a tease isn’t she?” Harry asked Oli and Oli just giggled in response, not having a clue what was going on.
“If mummy’s such a tease then she’ll just return her new black lingerie.” You threatened him, but you would never actually follow through with your actions - you loved the lingerie too much!
“Mummy will do no such thing. She’ll go put it on right now so daddy can teach her some lessons in respect.” Harry pierced his eyes into yours and you were quick to move both your hands to cover your sons ears.
“You can’t speak like that in front of our son!” You gasped, making sure you weren’t pushing too hard on Oli’s ears - all the while Oli is still laughing and trying to shove Harry’s fingers in his little mouth. Saliva was going everywhere, but Harry didn’t mind one bit - anything to put a smile on his Oli’s face.
“Well then don’t speak like such a brat to me, darling.” You gulped at his words.
“Shut up, otherwise we’re going to end up with another child a lot sooner than we planned.”
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babygirlwolverine · 3 years
Gift Exchange Masterlist
I just want to say a quick thank you to every single person who participated and created something beautiful for this gift exchange, and to everyone who has interacted with all the gifts that were made! I never thought so many people would sign up, and this event turned out to be something so special and memorable! The fact I got to share this experience with so so many talented and breathtaking content creators in this fandom is something I will never forget! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Let’s do it again sometime, yeah?
Here is the completed Masterlist for all the gorgeous creations that were created for this event! And one last massive thank you to yall for being a part of this <3
Dean and Cas Cuddling in Their New Home by @ersatzangel
a different lover is not a sin by @tootiredmotel
The 5 Senses of Longing by @starrynightdeancas
apricot jelly by @myaimistrue
In a Moment of Unsteady Peace by @amirosebooks
What Might Have Been by @castielisasunflower​
embrace by @moonshadecastiel
Cracker Jack by @doctorprofessorsong
and may this little flower bloom at last by @rainbow-shine
the orange light of early morning by @you-cant-spell-subtext-without
Don’t Ever Change by @lotsofquestionslimitedanswers
Even When You Hide by @apatheticanvas67482
It’s Going to be Fine. Trust Me. by @whoopsitswhump
What He Wants by @curlynerd
Just Say It by @curlynerd
Dean Versus the Airplane by @emeraldcas
Bedraggled but Blessed by @firefly124
When I fall, I Drown (I’ll Take You With Me) by @marvolord
Fixer Upper by @thiscowboyisbisexual
To Keep An Angel by @team-grumpy-hunter-and-gay-angel
Claire Novak’s (Surprisingly) Not-So-Lame Day by @expectingtofly
Luminosity by @thecadenceimperfect
to think that we could stay the same by @samsonmp3
Belonging by @pluckydean
Bee Keychains and Love by @giantpercyfan02
Took Them Long Enough by @nebulous-bondage
Destiel + Movies + Dating by @corancoranthemagicalman
it lasts longer by @gardenforcas
How the Candle Melts by @yourfinalbow
Camp Counselor Destiel AU by @bowtiesandfireflies
Words Left Unsaid by @fandomandsparkles
Home by @sarija
Somewhere Off in the Dark by @magickastiel
finding happiness/pushing a cart around home depot by @bixlasagna
Castiel & Hozier Lyric Analysis Edit by @10x02
Anna and Cas Edit by @multidimensionaldrunkgiraffe
Tangled Destiel Edit by @bebecas
The Origin of Love (Hedwig and the Angry Inch) Destiel Edit by @lovelybydecay
Happy Dean, Cas, & Baby Jack by @andzia267
Dean and Cas Dancing (feat Cas’ Wings) by @ireallydontknowhowtolife
Angel Cas with Dean on His Knees by @haimnatural
Gabriel with His Wings by @fimmfstiel
Destiel Art Inspired by Portishead SOS Cover by @thebluelynxx
Dean and Cas Dancing in the Garden by @heres-to-evil-skanks
Castiel Art by @mademoisellepantalonssassy
Castiel Art Based on Drive Me Crazy by Orville Peck by @lila-tom
Meg Playlist by @10x02
Dreamhunter Playlist by @sierraxnevada
Hell’s Comin’ With Me amv by @casismymrdarcy
Destiel carlyraejepsennatural amv by @one-more-offbeat-anthem
Bron-y-aur amv by @nerdybidean
You’ll Always Be My Divine by @nightandwine
5+1 Dean (and Cas) Aging Poem by @supernatural-jaeger
Dean and Cas Poems (Separate and Together) by @sbright31115
Sick!Dean Poem by @softsophos 
honey!cas by @smiledean
That was the Reason by @deanwinchesteradjacent
deancas + bestie. beloved. bastard. by @ne8ula
Dean Winchester (Being Adorable) Through the Seasons by @becauseofthebowties
Bela/Rowena Gifset by @mattmaesonnatural
Slaughterhouse-Five spn gifset by @stanforderadean
Destiel Montage Gifs by @xofemeraldstars
Dean & Cas + Queen’s Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy by @bipridedean
We’ll Be Fine by Luz Gifset by @theedorksinlove
dean/castiel + fleeting touch by @teamfoundfamily
Funny How Love Is by Queen by @creeepycas
dean/castiel + hunter husbands by @teamfoundfamily
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pumpkin-pi-e · 3 years
Pairing: Erasermic/reader
Reader Gender: Female
Citrus scale: Orange?
Content Warnings: None! :3
*cough* probably crackhead energy.
Synopsis: Erasermic fluff + shin-son! A collection of three lighthearted drabbles, I suppose. Honestly, I'm not sure what to call them. I'll provide snippets from each down below!
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1st: Bully!zawa (homeless cat man) picks on the local hero and beloved radio host, ‘Present Mic.’
“Songbird, Shou’s bein’ mean.” That pout never failed to melt your heart—that cockatoo’s cruisin’ for a smoochin’.
“C’mere, sweetie.” Shouta pretends not to be jealous as you give his husband that tender lovin’—generously warm lips and deep nuzzles that look painfully inviting. He can't help but envy.
“Prince,” Shouta's ears are immediately red, and he stiffens as you address him.
“That wasn't very nice of you, my love.”
2nd: You, Shinsou, and Hizashi do a little science experiment! (The three of you conspire on how to achieve that gravity-defying hairdo.)
“Let me get this straight.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, massaging the thin layer of skin to soothe an oncoming migraine. “You want me to activate Erasure, knowing it'll exacerbate my dry eye for a science experiment?”
You three share a look and answer in unison. “Yes.”
He sighs. “Fine. Let's get this over with.”
3rd: A homeless resident is trying to enjoy his rare day off and is highly against the cardinal sin of putting buns in ovens.
“Babies are cute.”
Shouta eyes you skeptically, unsure where this is going and wary of finding out.
A/N: lol, I'm just here to goof around and have fun. These are some shenanigans I wrote in between stories I'm working on. Hopefully, you can get a chuckle out of them.
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Aizawa bundles up in his Snuggie™️ after work hours and sets you in his lap so you can help him win levels in Candy Crush (and because it's prime cuddle real estate)
Interestingly, Aizawa has a plethora of stored in-game boosts that he never uses. He doesn't allow you to use them either. The hero isn't saving them for burdensome levels; on the contrary. Aizawa mentioned he didn't want any handicaps. Shouta thought it didn't count if he didn't win on his own. He neither wants nor needs the game to hold his hand.
You know, unlike Hizashi, who runs through power-ups like they’re candy.
Shouta likes it because it's both relaxing and stimulating. On the flip side, you enjoy it because you get to see him in those cute bifocals he wears whenever he has his tablet in hand. (heh. Such a dad.)
To your absolute joy, you discovered both heroes wore them in their downtime. And, on the odd occasion where a student's paper was so flagrantly horrid, it gave them literal cataracts. The teachers would be forced to put them on to see that shit clearer, and it was still the most offensive thing they had ever seen.
Laughter could not be con ta in ed when Mic claimed that a singular piece of paper simultaneously spit in his face, gave him acne, pissed in his Cheerios, and insulted his mustache in the breadth of one sentence.
And when you (foolishly) thought the pain in your chest couldn't get any worse, you were mercilessly thrown into hysterics when Aizawa piped up from his sleeping bag, surrounded by his nest of junk food: jelly pouches, hot chip, macarons, and every other sweet he could get his grubby little mittens on without the DJ chastising him. “Truth hurts. It isn't an insult if it's accurate. Maybe you'll take the hint and finally shave it off. Accept your fate as a babyface.”
Mic sputtered, offended by this latest insult to his darling, totally-hip-and-not-all-lame mustache, and from his husband of all people! “Babe! That's hurtful!”
Shouta didn't look away from his tablet and the cute kitties it depicted, but he was snickering under the collar of his sweater.
“Songbird, Shou’s bein’ mean.” That pout never failed to melt your heart—that cockatoo’s cruisin’ for a smoochin’.
“You think your man looks handsome, don't you?”
Poor baby. Sweet summer child. “Of course I do, cutietoo.” How could you not? He's too sweet in those red-rimmed frames and soft pastels. That gold hair is a halo accentuating his round cheeks, drawing attention to the adorable gap between his two front teeth.
Zashi hums sadly into your kiss, melting into your hands as you cup his face. “Need kisses. I'm heartbroken, mama.”
“C’mere, sweetie.” Shouta pretends not to be jealous as you give his husband that tender lovin’--generously warm lips and deep nuzzles that look painfully inviting. He can't help but envy.
To make matters worse, you cradle Zashi in your soft bosom. Shouta swears it looks like pillowy heaven, and the DJ is suddenly smug as he shoots him a look that the erasure hero scoffs at.
Suck up.
Fuckin’ teacher’s pet.
“Prince,” Shouta's ears are immediately red, and he stiffens as you address him.
“That wasn't very nice of you, my love.” He blooms like a rose, albeit one with more than a few thorns, as he grumbles at the pet name. He pouts heavily and hunkers into his sleeping bag.
“My love?”
He turns over, grabbing his snacks as he does. Don't speak to him or his children ever again. He won't stand for this blatant favoritism.
“Sweetest sleep prince?”
More flustered grumbling.
(The sound of velcro zipping.)
“My hero? Handsome tomcat?”
The zipper drops, and Aizawa is startled by the two faces grinning at him. His magic hair levitated from fright.
“...What do you-mm!” Those eyes are wide and red when two pairs of lips smooch his grumpy face, and all too quickly does it dissolve in gentle, husky giggles and the smallest of smiles.
...Fine. He'll forgive you this time.
He’s peppered in kisses and compliments. No inch of him is left unloved. Similarly, no place is safe from the cluster of kisses--not his warm cheeks, his forehead that had to be revealed by sweeping his bangs aside, and certainly not his rosy nose.
“Handsome kitty.”
“Cute caterpillar.”
“Sweet valentine.”
“Extra special squeeze. My VIP baby!”
“Sleepy beauty.”
“Shouta beau.”
“Sweet listener.”
“Jelly Belly.”
Zashi pauses his ticklish assault, and Shouta breathes a sigh of relief--he was this close to losing his shit.
The radio personality repeats your strange endearment, “Jelly Belly?”
You pat Shouta’s belly in response, eliciting a groaned protest from said sleep-deprived dilf. “This bad boy can fit so many jelly pouches!”
Mic shrugs; it's good enough for him.
“It can fit so many [name’s].”
Le gasp! You stare at Shouta in mock horror, drawing back.
“You can't eat me, you fiend!”
Shouta, the aforementioned fiend, merely huffed.
He might be hairy, but he's no wolf, and you don't own a house made of straw.
Shinsou takes this most innoptune moment to walk into the living room and promptly spins on his heels.
Parents being weirdos? Yeah, hard pass.
“Um, songbird? I'm sure he already has...”
“I mean... technically.” Mic supplied.
“Shouta, you indecent kitty.” You narrow your eyes--judgemental.
And here you thought he was a sweet angel. He's more like a sin-ammon roll.
“Shouta, there are children around.” Zashi, admonished.
“He’s hardly a child,” The hero scoffs. “And I didn't mean it that way.”
“Sure you didn't.”
Aizawa cut his field of vision to match his husband's narrowed gaze.
Shouta inhales. “Hizashi, I am this close.”
“Ew! TMI, babe. Think of songbird.”
Shouta lunges.
A whole fiasco ensues where you had to pull the heroes away from each other, putting an end to their playful wrestling. The kissing marathon resumed somewhere in that mess of testosterone and sweaty bodies.
It turns out his swatting was half-hearted. Shouta commands you both to keep going after you stop. “No...keep going.”
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Anyhow, back to the glasses™️.
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You reacted like any other rational adult the first time you saw them in glasses. Meaning, you only turned into a complete sap and waxed poetic about how angelic they were for a minimum of thirty minutes. Anything more would have been excessive.
Both pros are (endlessly) entertained by how quickly you simp over them. Hizashi, that clever cockatoo, discovered it's a sure-fire method to bag himself a couple of kisses.
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[Enter a cranky Aizawa walking in on his three idiots rubbing balloons on the carpet to give themselves static cling for whatever godforsaken reason. Grouchy from insomnia, he would’ve pulled a ‘Shinsou’ and turned right around if you three hadn't stopped him.]
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“Let me get this straight.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, massaging the thin layer of skin to soothe an oncoming migraine.
Since being unceremoniously shoved into a chair, he’d learned that you three goblins were trying to imitate a side-effect of Erasure. More specifically, the apparent scientific marvel of his anti-gravity hair.
“You want me to activate Erasure, knowing it'll exacerbate my dry eye for a science experiment?”
You three share a look and answer in unison. “Yes.”
He sighs. “Fine. Let's get this over with.”
Shinsou and Zashi share a fist bump, and the three of you partake in a round of high fives.
“But,” Aizawa stresses, cutting your celebration short. “You only have fifteen minutes to figure out whatever it is you're looking for. And for the record,” There’s a slight pause as he drags one of the dinette chairs from the kitchen and subsequently plops into it. “I highly doubt this will yield any meaningful results.”
“Babe, you let us worry about that.” Zashi kisses his forehead, squatting further down to connect their lips, when Shouta lifts his head, searching for them.
“Yeah! You're just worried you won't be the only one with magical floaty hair.” You back-up your DJ, lifting a handful of Shinsou’s ube-colored hair and raising it by the ends to imitate the levitation effect of Erasure.
“Whatever.” Aizawa makes himself comfortable since he’ll be sitting for the next ten minutes and counting.
You, Zashi, and Shinsou scramble for solutions when his eyes blaze red and do the cool glowy effect; you examine the hero’s hair thoroughly, and a series of trials and errors follow (with Shinsou as the guinea pig). Hizashi is too protective of his hair, and who knows if you, darling reader, even can participate. So! Shinsou is the man of the hour. Shin-son is given a thorough head massage with two balloons, one held by you and the other held by Zashi.
Meanwhile, Shouta slurps on a jelly pouch (peach flavored) to divert his attention away from the itch behind his eyelids.
The static pull was pretty weak when Zashi lifted his balloon, but with your accompaniment, you had a decent replication of Aizawa's Erasure. However, it's clear that if you three want the full effect, you're going to need at least six of them.
And guess which goobers have six hands combined?
“Hold these for us, munchkin!” Shinsou accepts both balloons with nothing more than a hum, ignoring that each is a shade of purple; Hizashi is a menace, but his antics are expected.
“Seven minutes left.” The gruff voice of Aizawa informs.
“Okay, all at once!” Your excitement can't be bottled—anxious for this spontaneous science experiment to come to fruition. But if it could, you'd buy the entire stock to relive this moment all over again. You're on the cusp of greatness—the edge of success. And God, is it going to taste sweet.
“Count’a three?” Shinsou drawled, sounding as lethargic as his father (on his fifth jelly pouch.)
That dry eye must be a pain in the ass.
And oh, did that get Hizashi’s DJ spirit pumping. There's nothing like a good count down to rev up a hype man. “Yo! I'm gettin’ hype! Let's knock this puppy so far outta the park they’ll need Sir Night Eye to see how far into the solar system it's gonna land!!”
“One!” You enthusiastically chirp.
“Two.” Shinsou’s monotone is the spitting image of Aizawa.
“THREE!!” Mic screamed.
Armed with double ammo, the three of you are a blur of color. Shinsou is given the deepest scalp massage of his life, and Aizawa is five moves away from either victory or defeat (he’s immersed in the sugary world of Candy Crush).
“We did it!”
“That's how you do it, baby! GG, gamers. We got that bread.”
Shouta looks up from his phone, stilling in his seat when he sees a reflection of his younger self.
Shinsou has worn the binding cloth Shouta gifted him every day without fail since he received it. You, Hizashi, and Shouta found it cute, so neither of you commented on it. The metal alloy bound around his neck only made the resemblance more uncanny—more emotionally moving.
Unbeknownst to Shouta, Shinsou is equally floored. He's looking in the mirror, and he sees his hero staring back. All the times he'd dressed up in costume as a child had nothing on this moment. He's given supportive hugs from you and his blonde father when he wipes his eyes. That's all Shouta needed to see. His arms silently envelop his son, and he murmurs how proud he is, not only of how far Hitoshi has come in his hero training but of the young man Shinsou has grown into and the man he's still becoming. Those accolades lose neither sincerity nor vehemence as Hitoshi's shoulders tremble, and they don't stop when he grabs the front of Aizawa's hero outfit for stability. Aizawa hugs him just as fiercely when Shinsou throws his arms around him.
You take three separate photos: the first depicts Hizashi, Shinsou, and yourself. You're holding your balloons over Shinsou’s rather electric hairstyle. The second illustrates you, Shinsou, and Zashi yet again. You each have one balloon held above your respective heads, throwing peace signs toward the camera. And last (a personal fan favorite) is a photo relatively similar to the first one, except Aizawa is activating Erasure to help demonstrate the resemblance.
The last shot finds itself on Mic’s Instagram for all those little listeners out there who haven't decided what they want to be for Halloween yet. Present Mic invites them to try the ‘Eraserhead Challenge.’ It's a fun activity and an excellent way for children to learn about the ins and outs of static electricity!
You and Shinsou stick the balloons to Aizawa’s body. And unfortunately, the many cats and kittens descend upon him like mini lions on a fresh t-bone steak.
Don't worry, he “died” a happy man.
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[Enter you, Hizashi, and Shouta mellowing out on the couch, snuggled up like lovebirds]
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“Shouta...!” The hero spares you a glance after the dramatic groan but goes right back to his Kindle.
‘Yeah?’ ‘yeah?!’ How dare he ‘yeah’ you?!
He sighs. “Yes, kitten?”
You smile, cuddling into his side. “That's better.” You kiss his cheek and fizzle like soda and pop rocks when he leans over to return it.
“Babies are cute.”
Okay, that got his attention.
Shouta eyes you skeptically, unsure where this is going and wary of finding out.
You pull out your phone at the suspicious side-eye he sends your way, showing him the adorable baby videos you'd been watching on Pinterest. “That’s...subjective.” He eventually mutters.
Why are you showing him this?
“And while we’re on that subject...”
Apprehensive, Shouta sought help from his husband. Hizashi is already tuned in to the conversation, gaze shifting between you and Aizawa.
It took him a minute to unravel the compound sentence you threw at him, but when he eventually untangled it, he merely sighed. “No.” His eyes are still narrowed, uncertain if this is another one of your pranks. “We already have Shinsou.”
“Ugh!” You groaned, flinging yourself against the cushions. “Shin-chin is cute, but he's a teenager. I want a baby.”
“We’ll get you a kitten.”
You flail your limbs like a toddler throwing a tantrum. “We already have like three of those, thanks to you!”
“Well then,” Aizawa pockets your phone. “problem solved.” Shouta kept it out of your reach when you groused and fussed at him. He hides his smirk under his turtle neck; even now, you're the most lovable sweetheart. “You don't need to be watching things like that.”
You pout and turn your sights on Zashi. “Hi-Fi? Can I have a baby?”
Oh, Zashi can't stand his baby frowning! If something is wrong with his princess, something is wrong with him. He looks from your pleading expression to the death glare Aizawa spears him with. Those puppy eyes break him in seconds; already, he's scooping you up for cuddles. Mic’s kisses are snow flurries on your grinning face.
“Of course, pumpkin! How many?”
“Hizashi, already said yes.”
Shouta looked toward the DJ in disbelief, a comical expression of betrayal on his face. “Zashi?!”
“I asked him earlier.” You preened, hugging Hizashi. “Two against one. You're outnumbered, caffeinated kitty.”
Not caffeinated enough.
Hizashi is looking ANYWHERE but his husband. “In my defense, I thought you'd be down for it.”
“So you decided to make such an important decision without consulting me first?”
“Uh, yes? I'm sorry? ...I love you?”
“Fine... No more than three.”
You: Can I have a baby?
Hizashi: Yes.
Aizawa: No.
EM: *glances at each other*
Hizashi: No.
Aizawa: Yes.
EM: *looks at you* “Yes.”
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m-jelly · 3 years
hiii jelly <3 can i please have a levi letter??
- i don't wanna share my name, so use like terms of endearment (but not cheesy ones like baby or something)
- she/they
- genre: super fluffy with implied sexy time things
- prompt: just a letter to his wife, he's been away because of work for a little bit and he just wants to update her. he's excited to see her again for so many reasons (wink) and he's just so .., UGH yeah please and thank you my beloved jelly <3
Sweet bratty wife,
I do hope you’ve been behaving while I’ve been gone. I hated leaving so early in the morning and barely being able to say goodbye to you, but I just couldn’t bear to fully wake you up. You’re beautiful in the mornings. I had to drag myself from you, because all I wanted to do was climb back into bed with you and hold you until you woke up for the day. You’re too sweet for your own good. I know you didn’t mind that I left early, you told me so in your letter before, but I just can’t help but say sorry. You know how much I love being next to you in bed. Plus, you look so tempting with only my shirt on. I’m glad you had a good day after that though.
I know you miss me, but don’t worry brat I’ll be home soon. I have one more day here, then I’ll be back in your arms. Erwin has one more deal to sign off on. He said we’ll be getting the early flight back. This deal is a little stupid. The people really dragged their heels and are so old fashioned. I know Hange teasingly calls me an old fart, but these shitheads take the fucking cake. I saw one of them type on a keyboard with one finger only. ONE FINGER. I wanted to kick him, but I remembered what you taught me about my social skills, so I offered to type for him and I did. I converted my rage into typing and got it all done in about five minutes.
Are you proud of me? Tell me you’re proud. I just know you are!
If I made you proud, can I get a reward? I’ll keep being a good boy for you. I love it when you call me that, your good boy. Being called yours just does something to me. You make me so weak with your words, touches and looks. When I think about this and write it down, I just can’t help but think about all the things we can do when I return. I’m wearing a tie when I come back, could you use that? Tie my wrists together above my head and against the headboard. Run your hands over my chest as you praise me for being so good. Oh God, when you clench me with those beautiful thighs of yours.
Forget the tie.
I want you to straddle me on our sofa. I want us chest to chest, hands roaming over each other warm bodies as I thrust up into you. I just want to hear you moan. I’m addicted to your moans. Shit brat, I have to stop here or I’ll be racing home and leaving this trip early and Erwin will kill me for that. You drive me so wild. I love you so much. I can’t wait to see you again.
Your loving husband,
Levi x
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stiltonbasket · 4 years
so i binged all of renouncement verse in one go and lwj sewing clothes for a-yu was so sweet i was wondering if we could see him finally do that for wwx?
(brief author’s note: please please reblog if you can, since that’s how we get prompts for future chapters!)
anon 2: maybe something about wwx getting things ready for the baby?? and lwj helps to feather their love nest a little more too (´• ω •`) like maybe carving a crib or making little clothes! they have advance warning about a baby for the first time ever!
anon 3: For Renouncement Verse: can we see WWX finding new hobbies such as sewing/embroidery to pass time and maybe even sewing their baby some clothes pls <3
When Wei Wuxian was a child—about seven years old, or six—he spent a week in bed after catching a mild case of lake fever, which rarely gave children anything worse than a headache and a cough. But lake-fever requires rest to heal, so the healers confined him to his room with strict orders not to move. 
Naturally, the young Wei Ying had disliked this immensely, and soothed himself by making kites for Jiang Cheng with his uncle until Madam Yu deemed him well enough to get up again.
“Did kite-making truly keep you occupied when you were sick, Wei Ying?” Lan Zhan asks now, so lovingly that Wei Wuxian nearly drops his needle and thread. “I thought you would have tried to run away and fly them as soon as you were finished.”
“How do you think I learned how to sew?” he laughs, tucking up the hem of a tiny blue gown and fastening it with a line of straight stitches. “I broke my leg once when I was around nine, and then I broke my other leg the year after that, so Shijie sat with me and taught me how to mend all the clothes I ripped whenever I went out to play. It was nice, even if I thought it was boring, and then I started to like it enough to keep going.”
Lan Zhan nods and sews another clear red bead onto the garment spread across his lap. Whatever his husband is making is far too large for little A-Lan, but it doesn’t seem to be the kind of robe Lan Zhan would wear. Lan Zhan prefers gowns in blanch-white and azure blue, and this one has plenty of pale red flowers scattered among all the blue threads and silver embroidery. 
“Is that for you?” Wei Wuxian wonders, putting the finished baby dress aside. “When did you start wearing red, sweetheart?”
His husband’s lips curl up into a small smile as he shakes his head. “It’s yours. To wear to A-Lan’s full month celebration.”
He gestures to the fourteen feet of pearly silk and its glittering su xiu stitching, which Lan Zhan had done partly by hand and partly with the help of a crafting talisman. The robe is covered in sparkling flowers and soft white clouds, with most of the blossoms raised above the pale fabric in beadwork; from his vantage point on the bed, Wei Wuxian can see crimson lotuses and pale blue gentians sewn beside a flock of silver-feathered birds the size of his thumbnail, so delicate and fine that he has to squint to look at the details in their wings.
“For me?” he hears himself gasp, reaching out to touch it. “Lan Zhan!”
“A-Yu will wear the robe I made him, so I thought you might like to match,” Lan Zhan says, looking up at him with so much adoration in his eyes that Wei Wuxian’s heart turns to jelly. “I will make one for A-Lan, too, but later on. It will be much faster, and there is no telling how much she might grow in the first month.”
Lan Zhan glances at the tiny socks in Wei Wuxian’s hands—a pair of little knitted things, made in dyed pink instead of blue or white because Xiao-Yu insisted on choosing the color—and goes back to his work, adding in a pair of clear leaves and berries on the sleeves of the festival gown.
“I must hurry,” he says apologetically. “We only have another week at most, and then there will be no time for anything but tending the little one.”
Wei Wuxian sighs in wordless agreement and picks up his two long knitting needles. It hasn’t really sunk in that he’s going to have three children instead of two in less than ten days, even though the baby never lets him forget her presence even for a moment, and part of him is deathly afraid of what lies ahead even if he will have Lan Xichen’s help when it comes to giving birth to her. 
He is also afraid of doing something wrong after she arrives, since A-Yuan and A-Yu were both old enough to walk and talk by themselves when he adopted them.
“She’s going to be so tiny,” he whispers, wrapping his arms around himself. “Lan Zhan, what if we—what if I end up hurting her? What if she cries and we can’t tell what she wants, or—or what if she gets sick, and we don’t notice? I’ve never even held such a little baby before. How are we going to do this?”
Lan Zhan takes Wei Wuxian’s hands in his and kisses them. “We will do it together,” he vows—and oh, it feels as if mountains would gladly level themselves at the sound of his husband’s voice, just so Wei Wuxian could have a clear road to walk on and sunshine to light the way. “When we do not know what to do, we will ask Shufu or perhaps Jiang Wanyin. And there are always healers, and my cousins who have had children.”
“Lan Zhan…”
And then Wei Wuxian realizes exactly what his beloved had said. “We can ask your uncle for help?”
“Xiongzhang was given to him to raise when he was only eighteen,” Lan Zhan explains. “There was a nurse, of course, but Shufu insisted he should bring us up if our parents were not permitted to do so.”
Wei Wuxian relaxes a little at the thought of practiced hands being near. “You hear that, A-Lan?” he chuckles, tapping his side over the spot where he last felt a nudge from the baby. “There’s no need to worry. Your shugong is here, and he’s better at this than your A-Die is.”
“Not for long. You will learn, sweetheart, and so will I.”
“You promise?” Wei Wuxian whispers. “Promise, Lan Zhan.”
(And Lan Zhan promises, as he always does, and kisses him until the last of his fears finally melt away.)
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