#Jegulus tension
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kingstarkingslay · 2 months ago
If the Marauders/Skittles had YouTube channels back at Hogwarts
Regulus Black
How to Decorate Your Dark Arts Study Room (Without Getting Caught)
“Hint: The real secret is to make it look like you don’t care about decorating.”
#DarkArtsAesthetic #MinimalistVillain #SecretlyExtra
The Art of Giving a Monologue That Makes You Look Cooler Than You Are
“It’s all about dramatic pauses and looking like you’re about to make a life-changing decision.”
#VillainMonologues #DarkAndBrooding #RegulusMasterclass
How to Handle Family Gatherings When You’d Rather Be Anywhere Else
“Ignore everyone, stare into the fire, and occasionally nod like you’re deeply contemplating something...important.”
#FamilyDrama #RegulusNeedsSpace #WhyAmIHere
How to Survive Dinner With Your Parents When They Think You’re Still a Pureblood Hero
“Just nod. Pretend to agree. Internally scream.”
#FamilyDinnerFails #PurebloodPressure #RegulusIsTired
Exploring the Dark Arts: Beginner’s Guide (No One Tell My Parents)
“Just because I study it doesn’t mean I like it. Okay, maybe I like it a little.”
#DarkArts101 #RegulusBlackApproved #SlytherinSecrets
How to Deal With Your Older Brother’s Annoying Hero Complex
“Step 1: Roll your eyes. Step 2: Pretend you don’t care. Step 3: Secretly resent him.”
#RegulusVsSirius #SiblingTensions #BlackFamilyDrama
How to Make Your Dark Mark Look Totally Casual
“It’s a symbol of my commitment to... things. You wouldn’t understand.”
#DarkMarkStyle #RegulusFashionTips #SlytherinInk
maybe a few Jegulus ones as well cause of course….
How to Handle Your Secret Crush on James Potter Without Losing Your Slytherin Edge
“Step 1: Deny. Step 2: Insult him. Step 3: Definitely don’t catch his eyes across the room.”
#JegulusComplicated #SlytherinPride #StopLookingAtMeJames
How to Get Through a Conversation with James Potter Without Blushing (Spoiler: I Can’t)
“Why does he have to look at me like that? I’m not a Gryffindor idiot, I don’t fall for things like that. But damn, it’s hard.”
#JegulusCrush #BlushingFail #JamesIsTooCharming
How to Resist James Potter’s ‘You’re Actually Kind of Cute’ Without Dying Inside
“I do not care when he says that. I definitely don’t blush. Just act like it’s nothing. Act like he didn’t just wreck your whole day.”
#JegulusHeartFail #JamesPotterSaysWhat #RegulusIsPretending
The Best Way to Give James Potter a ‘Talking-To’ (And Not Totally Want to Kiss Him After)
“It’s all about keeping a serious face. But inside, my mind’s just like, ‘Why does he make everything so hard?’”
#JegulusTension #SlytherinHeart #IAmNotInLove #IAmInDenial
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wordsofwilderness · 3 months ago
I'm obsessed with this scene, like I'm pretty sure I've peaked with it, so have a tiny snippet:
“This wouldn’t be a such problem if you would stay out of my life,” Regulus scowled, flexing his fingers around his wand. At least it wasn’t currently pointed at James. Progress, you know? “But oh no! Let’s bother Regulus at every chance you get. What a fun little game,” Regulus continued as he made a wide gesture, “Is it then, Potter? Are you having fun?” “I—” James started, his voice nearly a whisper, “Is that really what you think?” “Yes, it is.” James took a half step closer, his eyebrows furrowed. “And what if I just like your company?” “Then you are truly a fool,” Regulus scoffed with a shake of his head. The corner of his lips lifting, James insisted, “Well, I do.”
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marlsswrites · 7 months ago
Summer camp AU, part 23!!
July 23rd <3
Attitude - @jegulus-microfic - words: 494
First part Previous part
The thing is, Regulus liked being alone. He liked the solidarity of it, not having to socialise, not having to worry about what to say, he could just relax.
But also, he didn’t like being lonely. There’s a stark difference of being alone versus being lonely.
Now, this is one of the things that makes him fall even further over his heels for James. The boy always made sure Regulus was up for talking, no matter what attitude the younger gave to him or not, he’d always stick around in silence of Regulus just wanted to be in the presence of someone.
It made Regulus feel bad sometimes, doesn’t he want to be hanging out with this friends? Not the sad lad he shares a cabin with, because, who would?
So now here he was, sat idly on his bed, swiping through the pages of his book. James’ eyes felt like fire how they glued onto the back of his head, and he loved it, having James’ gaze on him.
The music James had in the background grew louder and louder, until the sound of a phone ringing stopped it entirely as Regulus groaned and snapped his head towards James as the phone ringing irritated his ears. “Are you going to answer that?”
“Yeah-“ He scrambled for his phone, picking it up and pressing it to his ear. “Sirius? Yeah- yes? I’m with Reggie, yes, Regulus.” He emphasised the last word, his face showing morphs of different emotions, all of them including a slight redness to his cheeks. Yet all he could hear from the phone was Sirius’ laughing and mumbled words.
In the meantime, Regulus has walked himself over to the small kitchen area to grab himself a drink. He grabbed a glass, filling it with a flow of water from the tap before he heard his name being called.
Taking a sip from the glass, he held it carefully in his fingers as he walked back towards James. “Do you want pizza?” James asked as Regulus leant on the wall next to James’ bed, his attention catching on the way the brunettes gaze caught on Regulus’ hands.
Testing the waters, he circled his ringed, pale, finger around the rim of the glass as he stopped in false thought. “James?” He heard his brothers voice calling through the phone. “Prongs!” Yet James eyes and focus seemed glued to one thing and one thing only, Regulus smirked in triumph.
“I think he’s a bit- distracted.” Regulus coughed out, leaning his head closer to the speaker, and evidently closer to James’ awe struck face. He could practically hear a shaky exhale of breath from the older as Regulus’ curls brushed against his god like arm.
“What’s he distracted with, Regulus?” Sirius asked slowly.
“I wouldn’t know.” He replied slyly. “And yes, I’ll have pepperoni.” Was the last thing he said before stalking away, making sure to brush his hand along James’ leg as he left.
Next part
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profoundprincessfics · 16 days ago
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Futility. (1)
Alas, Regulus Black was as he had always been, futile. Weak, corruptible. The coldest days were haunting the whole of the northeast of England, November was tactful, unforgiving. And Regulus Black had been presumed dead for some days now. It was the end of a decade and it seemed to be the end of the Black name. The daily prophet reported his disappearance, stating that he was killed on the Dark Lord's orders for some sort of cowardliness. Conceivably that's what was expected of him.
Or alternatively Regulus lives and haunts Horcruxes.
Non Canon Complaint!!
The coldest days were haunting the whole of the northeast of England, November was tactful, unforgiving. And Regulus Black had been presumed dead for some days now. It was the end of a decade and it seemed to be the end of the Black name. The daily prophet reported his disappearance, stating that he was killed on The dark Lord's orders for some sort of cowardliness. Conceivably that's what was expected of him.
He recalls entering the cave after a day's travel, he had given himself a day, daring himself to back out. But alas he did not. There was an eerie feeling in the cave as if it had a history that Regulus couldn’t even begin to imagine. Kreature had explained his experience in all the detail that he could fathom, Regulus would not be able to escape as Kreature had. In his right hand, the faux locket stays ready. “Master, you should reconsider,” Kreature attempts, but Regulus casts him a dark glare, menacing.
“Make sure I drink all of it.” Nodding towards the basin of estranged liquid, a sort of poison. He was agonised, with ragged breaths and he still had another round to go. He remembered, more than he would ever care to share. He was being haunted by the ghosts of thousands of his ancestors, laughing in his face. His chest was heavy, and he was fighting the rejection his body put up when Kreature brought him the last round.
“Just one more,” The house-elf ran his hand through his hair like he had many times before, reminding him of childhood, like that time he had caught the most terrible flu and spent 3 weeks in bed. He succumbed, swallowing. “Take-take the locket and go. Now. Destroy it.” He commanded, stuttering. Kreature was gone. The thirst that overcame him couldn’t be described, as a vampire with blood. Regulus needed water. He felt he wouldn’t survive without it.
Adrenaline surged through his body, like eels in dirty water. He was compelled towards the age of the peer, lowering the dish he was once fed poison from into the dark waters. The water was inexplicable, bringing his tremors to an end. His thoughts were cleared. He clung to the safety. To the relief. Then it went dark. Regulus was not safe. He wasn’t alone. There was a growl that came from the water, screaming at him. What Regulus could make out in the darkness resembled a tortured soul, Inferni
What seemed like several thousand of these beasts swarmed the peer, creeping up on Regulus. He was quickly dragged to the end of the peer, holding onto whatever he could grasp. Yet the peer was almost ungraspable. Almost. Inedibitly, after fighting as much as he could Regulus was in the water. Damned to a hopeless fate, he knew he would not be the dark lord's match but it felt all too real in the moment when he clawed the top of the water as if it was an object that could free him from his awaited fate. His blood haunted the water, dark red. A colour he had despised since he was nine years old, the year his brother became red. Gryffindor, a change in his life that was more abundant than he could imagine.
Regulus does not recall reaching the surface, and then dragging himself out of the water. But he can loosely recall grasping his wand, “firestorm.” He broke out, merely a whisper through his scratched throat. The darkness was overcome by a fiery light, as the inferni succumbed to the inferno.
He had awoken, cast upon the top of the cave. He was possessionless but had been cast an undeniable advantage of apparent death. Looking down at his hands, which trembled uncharacteristically, the conclusion was all that apparent; Regulus Black would live another day.
The black jumper he had worn was torn to pieces, stained with water and an illicit substance Regulus came to realise was blood. The sky had taken on a stormy grey colour, a promise of an imminent downpour. The small raft had stayed in place among the rocks at the bottom of the cave.
Regulus shuddered at the thought of the journey back to the centre of the war, through the crashing waves and into the eye of the storm that was men with too much power. A power he vowed to destroy, for one specific man.
Standing on shaky legs, that threatened to fall under the pressure of his body weight, Regulus began to climb down the mountain. Fate was a funny thing, he had never imagined himself clinging to faulty rocks that could cause his demise. He should have been dead.
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siriuslygay1981 · 24 days ago
I'm sure it's been said ...challengers kiss Barty/James with Regulus as tashi
James as art and Barty as Patrick!
Do you see my vision?
Like you just know their enemies to lovers arc went crazy. Their fruity friendship at the start...mmm
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crescenthistory · 1 day ago
my favourite canon fix it is a jegulily/past nobleflower/current narcissa/alice concept where cissa defects when she learns of the prophecy (can’t let her ex and her lover die, can she?) and helps a select few of the order capture bellatrix safely on a rogue mission, so lily can pose as her with polyjuice potion and learn of the exact plans of the murder of the longbottoms and the potters — and get regulus back
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vinylfoxbooks · 8 months ago
July 16 - Stage | @jegulus-microfic | wc: 1123 Part 12 of Medium!James AU Previous Part | First Part
Regulus stands by the Gryffindor boys while everyone is waiting for the train, “My friends know about the whole situation. I’m going to be riding with them, but I’ll make sure to come by before we stop.”
James nods, smiling at him, “Alright, we’ve got the cloak with us. Project ‘Stage Reg’s Innocence’ is a go.” “That’s a horrible name.” Remus laughs.
“I only had a couple hours to come up with it!” James defends, crossing their arms and pouting, “Leave me alone.”
“It is rather stupid.” Regulus smiles, just before walking away and going to join his friends. 
Soon, everyone is getting on the train and their friends are finding themselves a car to sit in, seemingly not far from where Regulus and his friends end up. The train ride is fine, the four of them talking and laughing amongst themselves and figuring out how and when Pete and Remus are going to head over to the Potters’ place for Christmas. 
When they’re close to the station, Regulus is knocking on the door to their room and Sirius is quick to let him in. The younger Black sits himself between James and Pete, leaning into James’ warmth just a bit, being cold as he always is. 
“When we pull into the station.” Remus starts, “You’ll want to lay low, Regulus. We can look out for her, but we don’t want her to be able to see you through the window.”
James nods, “When we stop moving, I’ll cover you with the cloak,” They gesture to the piece of soft sitting in their lap, “and you walk out in front of me, I’ll be the last to leave. Stick close to Sirius and try not to run into anyone. If you walk between me and Pads, then you shouldn’t run into anyone, as long as you don’t mind me standing right behind you.”
Regulus shakes his head, “It’s fine.”
“We’ll meet up with Effie and Monty,” Sirius says, not looking away from Remus for a moment before he finally looks at his little brother, “And you should be safe. I wouldn’t take off the cloak until we get away from the station, but…”
“Got it.” Regulus nods, slipping to sit on the floor when the ugly screech of the train’s brakes start to sound throughout. Immediately, the marauders are glancing out of the window. 
“Shit.” Sirius hisses, “There she is. With Kreacher.” 
“Fuck me.” Regulus whispers. 
“It keeps happening,” Pete starts, “But everytime your fucking magic rings and jewelry works, I hate it. I hate you, James Potter.” James laughs at him, light-hearted and smiling wide. 
Finally the train comes to a full stop and everyone starts getting off. Luckily they’re a train car off from where Walburga and Kreacher were standing, which is Regulus’ usual train car. James throws his cloak over his crush and they all stand up. Pete is first out the door, then Remus, then Sirius, and finally Regulus with James right behind him. They leave the train and make quick work of getting across the platform to where Effie and Monty are usually waiting for them. When they glance over to where the woman is standing, she’s in Barty’s face, grilling him -- which he seems all too happy to fight back -- and not paying any attention to their group. 
Finally, the group arrives at where Effie and Monty are standing, waiting for Marlene. When she shows up, the family, Pete, and Marlene get ready to leave. Remus presses a kiss to Sirius’ lips before splitting from the rest of the group. 
When they’re finally back at the Potters’ house, Regulus allows the cloak to fall from his head and Pete and Marlene say their goodbyes before walking out of the house and heading to their own places. 
“Hello, Regulus.” Effie smiles, looking at the new boy, “Welcome to our home. We’ve got your room ready for you, it’s just right next to Sirius’ and close to James’ so you can head up there when you’re ready.”
“What did you kids want for lunch?” Monty asks, already making his way to the kitchen.
“I think sandwiches will work just fine for now, dad.” James smiles. They lean down to press a kiss to their mum’s cheek before taking their bag and heading upstairs, turning to Regulus and Sirius, “Are you two coming? We need to get our stuff put away.” And with that, they head up the stairs. 
Sirius disappears into his room and James leads Regulus to his after putting down their bag in their room, “Here’s your room, good sir.”
“You’re a fucking dork.” Regulus smiles, putting his bag down on the bed but refusing to meet James’ eyes as he sobers up, “Thank you, James. Seriously.”
“It’s no problem, Reg,” James smiles, “You’ll like my parents, but don’t feel forced to be around them. They’ll understand if you need space.” They reach forward and grabs his hands. 
“That’s- I appreciate that.” Finally, he looks up only to see James right in front of him, smiling down at him. Regulus allows his eyes to flit around James’ face, eventually landing on just watching his eyes as James looks over him, smile growing more passive than something they’re actively keeping up. It’s genuine and it makes Regulus’ heart flutter because James is so fucking attractive.
Their eyes flit down to his lips and Regulus really feels his heart skip a beat, “James…”
“What’s holding you back?” James asks, their voice a whisper, “I know that you want this. I know you feel this. Why… why won’t you do anything about it?”
“I’m scared, Jamie.”
“I know you are,” James hums, leaning forward and pressing their forehead to Regulus’, closing their eyes, “But you were also scared to come here, you were scared to rekindle your relationship with Sirius. You’ve been scared of doing things, but you did them anyway. Why are you holding back now, you’re not scared of me. You’re scared of your family but you’re going against them right now, standing in my home. Please, Reg. Take a chance on me.”
Regulus doesn’t respond for a while before he finally makes up his mind and surges forward, presses his lips to James, and wraps his arms around their waist. James takes a second to respond before their hands move from Regulus’ arms to his shoulders, kissing back just as ferociously. 
When they pull away, Regulus’ cheeks are red and James is smiling, “Thank you, Reg.”
“I’m not going back there.” Is Regulus’ response, “I’m not- I’m not going back to Grimmauld Place. I’ll find a way to grab my things then I’m gone… for good.”
“You’re perfect.” James breathes, leaning down and kissing Regulus once again.
Next Part
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ceruleanheaven · 8 months ago
I think football players jegulus should fight a little on the field maybe even kiss
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15 minutes later...
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starzionn · 10 months ago
ahhh love me some ex-bartylus jegulus fics. the tension is Unmatched
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lexithwrites · 1 year ago
as much as i want content and long fics i also get so scared by thousands and thousands of words,,,,plus slow burn is,.,,i can only take so much i just want them to fuck nasty
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badhairred · 9 months ago
Godlight sneakpeak chp 11
I am way too excited for this chapter, so here a little taste 🤭
James bans all the problems from his mind. The many, many, problems they would have if this came out. The shit storm of media that would come their way. The opinion of the teams and their principals, of which one is also Regulus’ father. Let alone the idea of needing to deal with feelings. All of it is unimportant to James the moment he lifts his hand to put a loose curl from Regulus’ forehead behind his ear and lets his hand rest against the man’s neck, right over the mole under his ear.
“I am insinuating, Fresa,” James swallows before he can continue. His mouth is as dry as the desert and Regulus is an oasis he needs so desperately. “That you are not fully present or willing at the moment.” James takes a breath before finishing his sentence. “Tell me I’m wrong?”
His thumb swipes over Regulus’ cheek where the blush indeed intensifies. “James, what–” Regulus tries to speak, but James shifts his thumb travel to the pink lips to cut off his words.
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rayssion · 2 years ago
Regulus: I hate it when someone asks me if I have painkillers.
Regulus: like even if I have I won't give you my painkillers, you can die for all I care.
Regulus: that doesn't mean I have painkillers, no, I don't have. I like to suffer in silence, crawl to the corner and cry myself to sleep.
James: ....are you alright?
Regulus: yes.
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sixlane · 10 months ago
James eating reg out and playing with regulus clit, never getting enough of the pretty noises he makes for him
their neighbors hate them! i see them having one of those neighborly relationships where the neighbor is banging on the wall while they’re fucking. yelling at them to shut the fuck up. but they probably both get off on it and it just spurs them on. hoa meetings (because obviously reg is on the hoa) are very hostile.
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reminisceaboutme · 10 months ago
sighs wistfully. jegulus & shotgunning
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where-is-vivian · 2 years ago
Under Your Spell
from @jegulus-microfic's prompt, charm (419 words)
James unties his skates. When he takes them off, his feet hurt, and he has to move his toes a bit to make them feel less numb. He trained for too many hours, and his legs are aching a bit. It’s the usual. He’s used to this pain. He grew to like it. Though it’s not easy everyday. Sometimes, when he trains for too long — just like today — he ends up having to walk like a grandpa for the next 24 hours. But James doesn’t care. He loves ice skating too much to care.
He’s about to tie his shoes, when he hears some music. Uprising by Muse. The rhythmic electric guitar, drums and electric sounds echo through the ice rink. It sounds as if it was echoing through a cathedral. 
Oh, James thinks. It’s getting late, and he thought the ice rink was about to close. But apparently, it isn’t. And someone is about to start their routine. He ties his shoes, a bit quicker than he would have, and he walks back to the rink, passing by the lockers, to see who’s that one person that’s training even later than him.
And it’s a very gracious guy dressed in an all black outfit. He’s fast, as he skates to get enough speed. Then he jumps. And he lands a 4LO as if it’s nothing. His face doesn’t betray anything, any emotion; he shows neither satisfaction, pride, joy, nor stress, fear, or deception. James is fascinated. This guy’s way of skating is ice cutting-like. He’s cold, he’s focused, he’s indifferent. His moves flow precisely, and he’s gracious right down to his fingertips. 
He jumps, again, and again, and everytime he does it, it’s like he’s cutting through the music. He’s perfectly aligned to the lyrics, and every step he takes has intent.
James can only grab the wire barrier with both his hands, his face glued to it, his eyes not leaving the boy that’s performing only for him right now. His fingers clutch the wire mesh. He’s witnessing something.
Soon, the music ends, with a last electric sound, and the guy sharply stops, in a final pause. James’ heart is beating. He’s charmed by this stranger.
The guy turns around, and meets James’ eye. And for the first time his face shows an emotion; he smirks at him, and James reads in his eyes that he knew he was watching him. He was indeed performing just for him. And James can just stare at him, completely bewildered. 
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pressedink · 1 year ago
saltburn au but james is oliver
James first saw him through his window.
His eyes had roamed the green, searching, before they landed on a tall laughing boy. He sparkled in the warm afternoon light, and James couldn't help but stare.
He was surrounded by a group of people, all chatting animatedly. James watched as they oscillated around him just itching for a chance to make him laugh, to compete with his witty banter. He remembers his eyes getting caught on that grin, full of perfectly pearly white teeth and oozing with perfection.
Sirius Black had a smile that rivaled the sun. Bright. Blazing. Incapable of staring at for too long but also impossible to look away from. He burned, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. But people wore his burns like jewelry; clambering for a chance to feel his touch, to have his full attention. It only takes a moment for a match to catch fire.
James loved him, he did. But he wasn't in love with him. Not really.
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