#Japanese Wagyu Steak
bromfieldsbutchers · 3 months
Indulge in Luxury Dining with Japanese Wagyu Steak
Japanese Wagyu steak is renowned worldwide for its unparalleled quality, exquisite marbling, and melt-in-your-mouth tenderness. Originating from Japan, this premium beef is celebrated for its unique flavor profile and luxurious dining experience. Here's everything you need to know about Japanese Wagyu steak:
Exceptional Marbling: What sets Japanese Wagyu apart from other types of beef is its exceptional marbling. The intricate web of fat running through the meat creates a buttery texture and imparts rich flavor throughout the steak. The high degree of marbling is achieved through meticulous breeding and feeding practices, resulting in meat that is incredibly tender and juicy.
Grading System: Japanese Wagyu beef is graded based on several factors, including marbling, color, and texture. The highest grade of Japanese Wagyu is A5, with the "A" denoting the yield grade and the "5" representing the quality grade for marbling, color, and texture. A5 Wagyu is characterized by abundant marbling, a bright red color, and a fine texture.
Flavor Profile: Japanese Wagyu steak offers a flavor experience like no other. The rich, buttery taste of the beef melts in your mouth, leaving behind a lingering umami sensation. The high fat content of the meat enhances its flavor and juiciness, resulting in a decadent dining experience that is both luxurious and satisfying.
Cooking Techniques: To fully appreciate the exquisite qualities of Japanese Wagyu steak, it's essential to use the right cooking techniques. Because of its high fat content, Wagyu beef cooks quickly and should be prepared with care to avoid overcooking. The most common cooking methods for Wagyu steak include grilling, pan-searing, and sous vide cooking, all of which help to preserve the meat's delicate texture and flavor.
Pairing Recommendations: When it comes to pairing Japanese Wagyu steak with beverages, opt for wines or spirits that complement its rich flavor profile. Full-bodied red wines like Cabernet Sauvignon or Malbec pair beautifully with Wagyu beef, while Japanese whisky or sake can enhance the umami notes of the meat. Additionally, simple sides like steamed vegetables or a light salad can complement the richness of the steak without overpowering its delicate flavor.
Culinary Delight: Whether enjoyed as a special treat for yourself or shared with friends and family during a celebratory meal, Japanese Wagyu steak is a culinary delight that elevates any dining experience. From its unparalleled marbling to its exquisite flavor profile, each bite of Wagyu beef is a testament to the artistry and craftsmanship of Japanese beef producers.
Conclusion: Indulge in the ultimate dining experience with Japanese Wagyu steak. With its exceptional marbling, rich flavor profile, and melt-in-your-mouth tenderness, Wagyu beef offers a luxurious culinary experience that is sure to delight even the most discerning palates. Treat yourself to the finest beef in the world and savor the unparalleled quality of Japanese Wagyu steak.
For more info visit here:- Buy Jacobs Ladder Beef Rib Online
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viejospellejos · 2 months
¿Hay hambre? 🥩
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Wagyu-melon Katsu / Watermelon Katsu (Vegan)
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mochimotchi · 1 year
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Kobe Beef🐮
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greedyapron · 11 months
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4/8/2023 - Dinner
Truffle and kinoko croquette ($32)
Crispy outside with creamy mushroom insides. Is it worth the price? Not too sure about that
Sashimi Moriwase ($100)
11 pcs, nice mix of fish. Includes uni.
Chutori Sashimi ($50)
5 fatty pcs
Ohmi A4 Wagyu ($158 for 150g)
There's more meat than fats unlike the other cut. There's a nice clean taste to it.
Miyazaki A4 ($128 for 150g)
Wayyy fattier than the ohmi. Feels like it's at least 50% fat. It is superbly tender as described.
Matsusaka Wagyy Donburi ($260)
The Matsusaka A5 striploin wasn't as tender as the ala carte beefs. In fact, it was a little tough but it has a good beefy flavour. Comes with caviar, uni and black truffles. Served with foie gras that was the solid type instead of jelly-like. Fat rice was rather flavourful
Gyu Tan ($68)
Thick soft cuts of tongue. It's super good!! Would highly recommend this
Matcha Fondant
With black sesame ice cream. The fondant was really melty but could have a stronger matcha flavour. Its still a good amount for normal folks (that haven't tried diluted coke's matcha tart)
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vegan-nom-noms · 1 year
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Wagyumelon (Deep Fried Watermelon Steak Cutlets)
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nerdknowledgepool · 10 months
Dinner! A5 Wagyu ribeye, crab cakes, corn with black garlic compound butter, and smashed homegrown potatoes.
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keepdiettips · 1 year
Discover the Exquisite Flavors of Wagyu Beef! 🥩🔥 Indulge in the unparalleled taste and tenderness of premium Wagyu beef. 🤤 Whether it's a sizzling steak or succulent sliders, Wagyu will take your culinary experience to new heights. 😍 Don't miss out on this gastronomic delight! 🌟🍽️ #WagyuWonderland #GourmetDelights #FoodiesUnite
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honestly the sexiest trope ever to me is The Most Evil Person getting turned into a simp bitch by love, but only a bitch for that one person. All against Evil Person's will and better judgment, because they inadvertently were the recipient of a sincere act of affection or empathy and were so jarred by the experience that they fell headfirst at the person's feet and are now permanently crawling around on their hands and knees tugging at that person's skirt begging for more. for me that's the Japanese-A5-wagyu-beef-steak-dinner-with-top-shelf-red-wine-that-you-can-only-afford-once-every-two-years of tropes.
and KinnPorsche made it even more delicious because Pete is both genuinely loving/empathetic and a fucking freak. so he's gonna be giving Vegas these hits of love affection and understanding while also relishing their unholy power dynamic that sees Vegas dominating Pete sexually but shaking weak at the knees collapsing folded over and worshipping at the altar, desperate for more of any type of divine exchange that Pete will allow him
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bromfieldsbutchers · 4 months
Japanese Wagyu Steak | Bromfieldsbutchers.co.uk
A5 Japanese Wagyu Rib Eye Nationwide Next Day Delivery. Check our reviews and buy A5 Japanese Wagyu Rib Eye today.
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I post comments on a lot of your fics and was typing up one about what if AFO watched Scarface instead of Captain Hero. Then the new leaks dropped.
I can't believe this could have been canon. It's a legit AU and not even a crack idea.
We could have a world where AFO took Kotaro from foster care and turned him into a druglord. By the way, he's not AFO. He's All For Drugs. AFD.
The kid eats expensive food every day, has a golden toilet, and there's drugs and money everywhere. There's a constant party lifestyle in AFD's mansion.
Kotaro looks around at this life, swallows a bite of Japanese A5 wagyu steak, and then redirects his anger.
A grown up, blinged out Kotaro is standing at the head of a massive gang of his enforcers. He's got a cane made of platinum in his hands and a grill in his mouth that spells out his name.
He's ranting at All Might about what a fool Nana and his dad were, because they wouldn't be bribed.
"You'll never understand what getting this money is like, All Might! You can't eliminate vice as long as humans live. You can't get rid of crime! But you can control it."
Kotaro asks him to name his price. All Might explains that he's impossible to buy.
All Might says he wants Nana back, and the other OFA holders too. He also wants all the people All For Drugs killed to be alive again. All Might asks if money can buy that.
He tells Kotaro that when you truly believe in something, you're willing to die for your beliefs. Your ideals are more important than you are. It doesn't make sense to Kotaro because he's selfish and has no higher values.
Kotaro calls him and fool and says that money are his morals. He asks what Nana, or the other OFA holders really got for all their defiance. They died like dogs and had nothing, and left behind people who cared about them. All they had to do was take bribes and they'd have been fine.
And so they're forced to fight.
AFD doesn't even care about OFA in this universe. What he wants is money, control, and power. He gave his brother a power so he'd understand what it's like when you can do whatever you want.
The guy didn't want to sell drugs. He ran off to join a vigilante organization. Yoichi got all his morals from Miami Vice in this universe. He, Second, and Third wear suits, drive fast sports cars and use guns.
AFD's calling people cockroaches and threatening to bury them. His last name isn't Shigaraki, it's Montana. He calls himself Tony.
Even after Kotaro's last stand, his kids are now part of AFD's empire.
This news that all of the boys morals came from fictional media can birth hundreds of AUs.
Especially ones based around divine intervention. Their story is like something out of roman myth.
I've never seen Scarface but that is a fun AU! It's interesting to imagine what could have happened if AFO had read different pieces of media instead of Captain Hero and based his life around them. I think it would have been funny if AFO and Yoichi had read a shoujo manga. Yoichi modeled himself after the male lead and became an arrogant ore-sama type, while AFO turned out normal because he empathized more with the second male lead. Or if they'd read an idol manga and AFO, who modeled himself off the villain, became a famous actor who liked to bully rookies. AFO read Star Wars and wanted to become Darth Vader but first he had to get into space, so he devoted his life to building spaceships. AFO read Charles Dickens and became a miserly businessman. Less harmlessly, AFO could have read a mythology book and started a cult. The possibilities are endless.
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foodmyheart · 1 year
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I cooked A5 Japanese Wagyu steak served on a bed of Jasmine rice Source: https://reddit.com/r/foodporn
http://foodmyheart.tumblr.com | https://campsite.bio/foodmyheart
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zacharyja · 13 days
Sunday, June 16, 2024
Exploring Kyoto, Nijo Castle and Kyoto Tower
Goodmorning, today began at about 9:15 with a brisk shower and a swift change of clothes before heading over to the Hongan-ji temple area again, this time within the operating hours. Once here we were all impressed by the stunning beauty of the temples here. I was glad that we were able to actually go inside of this temple, as many only allow you to view from the outside. This allowed for some really great up close views of the interior which all are insanely extravagant and donned with golden finishes. This complex was pretty massive and included quite a few different temples, all of which were massive and quite the sight for sore eyes.
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While here we realized we had reservations for a mini pig cafe and had to quickly head over to the bus stop to make it to Shijo Kawaramachi in time. We got there about a minute late but it was okay as they were not mad at us thankfully. We were then escorted up to the second floor where all the pigs were hanging out, they gave us a blanket to cover our legs and then the pigs seemingly instinctually came over and sat in our laps. The pigs were very adorable and were surprisingly cuddly. They were all chewing on something the entire time which seemed to calm them down a bit. The pigs were a lot of fun though I felt kind of bad for them as many had chewed up ears and we even saw two of them get into a bit of a tussle and according to the employee they are not exactly friends.
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Following this we headed over to Nijo castle, and this was my second time here so I do not have a whole lot to say other than it was pretty nice to see for a second time though not much changed (and hasn’t since 1603). But being at the former residence of the first Tokugawa shogun always feels remarkable.
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After walking through the palace and viewing the castle grounds, we made way for Kyoto Tower, which is not very tall in contrast to the Tokyo Skytree that we just visited. Though it was nice to get to see all of Kyoto from the top of a very tall tower (130 meters, by no means small but is dwarfed by the 630 meter Skytree). The view was cool but I can only be impressed by so many observation towers, as eventually swathes of city from above just look the same. This one was pretty cool though as it was lower and you could make out more of the buildings. We were able to see Toji temple and the Hongan-ji temples from a birds eye perspective and I was a fan of that (pictured below).
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After viewing Kyoto from above, we went back to the hotel to rest up for a bit before getting dinner. We were all decently hungry and since it was father’s day we decided to go out somewhere nice, this consisted of me searching for a nice Teppanyaki place somewhere nearby. I found one that had good reviews and looked good that was about a 15 minute walk away inside a hotel within Kyoto station. It was rather tricky to find the place and we ended up having to ask for help, though we made it eventually. Once at the restaurant we were treated pretty nicely and given a seat in front of one of the grills, we then picked out our set course for the meal and ordered a drink.
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I ordered the wagyu steak course which came with Citrus flavored Salmon Confit with Cervelle de Canut and Caviar that melted in my mouth like warm butter, Potato Potage soup, specially selected Japanese Kuroge Wagyu Beef Filet, various grilled vegetables, salad, garlic steak rice, miso soup, Japanese pickled vegetables, and a dessert consisting of mandarin oranges on vanilla and raisin ice cream. This meal was phenomenal and it was really fun to watch the chef meticulously prepare everything for us, my dad and brother even ate prawn brains which seemed kind of gross to me. The restaurant also had a great view of Kyoto Tower at night when it was all lit up, very cool experience overall!
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Once we finished our meal, we headed down and went back to the hotel to get some rest.
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wilsweb-asientour · 11 months
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Tag 31. 03.08.2023
Kobe - Rokkosan Drahtseilbahn. Heute fuhren wir nach Kobe und standen dafür verhältnismäßig früh auf, nämlich 07:30 Uhr. Die Fahrt vom HBF Osakas nach Kobe dauerte 30 Minuten, die Städte sind miteinander an der Küste verbunden, was mit der JR-Bahn leicht machbar war. In Kobe angekommen liefen wir zuerst am Hafen entlang bevor es in die Einkaufsstraße Motomachi und ins Chinatown ging. Wie in Kyoto und Osaka gabs viele Vintage Second-Hand-Läden (selbst von Dynamo Dresden gabs Pullis), dennoch schafften wir es irgendwie wieder ins UNIQLO.
Daraufhin setzten wir uns in die Rokkosan Drahtseilbahn und fuhren auf eines der Hügel über Kobe. Der Ausblick von oben war phänomenal, wir konnten Osaka erkennen und sahen die verschiedenen Häfen rundum Kobe. Danach ging’s auf einen niedlichen Bauernhof (Rokkosan Pasture Farm), wo wir über die Weiden liefen. Der Bauernhof war eher was für Kleinkinder, trotzdem war’s eine abwechslungsreiche Erfahrung (kein Tempel…).
Zum Abendessen ging’s in die Innenstadt Kobes, heute war nämlich das Kobesteak-Essen angesagt. Kobe ist weltweit als Rindersteak Hauptstadt bekannt, hier werden die edelsten und zartesten Steaks von 1A-Rindern hergestellt. Wir setzten uns in ein Establishment auf der Haupteinkaufsstraße und bestellten einmal Wagyu (übersetzt japanisches Rindfleisch) und einmal Kobe Steak (das beste japanische Rindfleisch aus der Hyōgo Präfektur, wo sich Kobe befindet). Einmal war’s teuer und dann wollten wir die zwei Steaks vergleichen. Die Steaks wurden auf einer Teppanyaki-Platte vom Koch vorbereitet, er briet die Steaks für maximal 1 Minute pro Seite, dann schnitt er sie auf und servierte sie persönlich auf unsere Teller. Wir fielen beide fast vom Hocker, sowas zartes hatten wir noch nie probiert! Beide Steaks vergingen regelrecht auf der Zunge, das Kobe-Steak nochmal deutlicher als das Wagyu.
Wir fuhren anschließend mit breiten Lächeln zurück nach Osaka und bereiten uns jetzt auf den morgigen Ausflug nach Nara vor. Bis dann!
Day 31. August 3rd, 2023
Kobe - Rokko Mountain Cable Car. Today we went to Kobe and woke up relatively early at 07:30 a.m. The journey from Osaka HBF to Kobe took 30 minutes, as the cities are connected along the coast, which was easily achievable with the JR train. Upon arriving in Kobe, we first walked along the harbour before heading to the shopping street Motomachi and Chinatown. Like in Kyoto and Osaka, there were many vintage second-hand stores (we even found Dynamo Dresden sweaters), but somehow we ended up at UNIQLO again.
After that, we took the Rokko Mountain Cable Car and went up one of the hills overlooking Kobe. The view from the top was phenomenal; we could see Osaka and the various ports around Kobe. Then, we visited a cute farm (Rokko Mountain Pasture Farm), where we walked across the pastures. The farm was more suited for young children, but it was still a great experience (and not another temple...).
For dinner, we went to downtown Kobe since tonight was all about Kobe steak. Kobe is globally renowned as the capital of beef steaks, where the finest and most tender steaks from 1A-grade cattle are produced. We went to an establishment on the main shopping street and ordered Wagyu (Japanese beef) and Kobe Steak (the best Japanese beef from Hyōgo Prefecture, where Kobe is located). One was expensive, and then we wanted to compare the two steaks. The steaks were prepared on a Teppanyaki grill by the chef, who cooked them for a maximum of 1 minute per side, then cut them and served them personally on our plates. We were both amazed; we had never tasted anything so tender! Both steaks practically melted in our mouths, with the Kobe steak even more distinct than the Wagyu.
Afterward, we returned to Osaka with big smiles on our faces and are now getting ready for tomorrow's trip to Nara. See you then!
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goth-oatmilk-latte · 1 year
so i just need to vent about something that absolutely GRATED me.
the other week we drove to go see mine & mr oatmilk's nieces for one of their birthdays. mr oatmilk mentioned how for his birthday, i took him to this super expensive restaurant and he finally got to try wagyu steak, albeit an american wagyu, bc he was saving trying japanese wagyu for our trip to japan later this year.
and that was fine.
what wasnt fine was his parents asking how much it cost and then how much the meal total cost, and i laughed it off by saying i had expected it to be twice what it did. and they kept probing until he told them the ballpark number he figured mentally knowing what he got and what i got (which, by the way, was well worth the price tag bc the beet salad i had was the absolute best thing ive ever put in my mouth)
so all night his parents and sister made comments about how "the mortician money must be good" and how it "must be nice" to have money like i do, all the while mind yall, they have plenty. and then they started making comments about how maybe i should pay for things for them, and his mom even went so far as to say she was going to start sending me her amazon wishlist so i can bless her. biiiiiitch please. i laughed, too.
first of all, i dont like yall. full stop
second of all, it's my money. if i wanna buy my fiance a wagyu filet, im gonna. im gonna do it for him, not for yall. and im gonna buy myself a beet, walnut, grilled peach, and arugula salad with balsamic reduction, too, bc i can do it for myself. if yall dont wanna spend that on yourselves as a nice treat, thats YOUR prerogative, not mine. i work hard, i deserve it, and he deserved a nice birthday meal.
third, i dont owe yall a damn thing, and youre certainly not entitled to send me your amazon wishlist and act like im some family sugar mama yall are about to inherit. i do for ME. not yall. it doesnt matter how much money i make, yall should be satisfied your son and i are doing well financially, enough so that i can comfortably afford an expensive meal at one of the nicest restaurants in the city.
as if i didnt have to claw my way here, too. like what yall are mad bc at 29 im doing better than you at twice my age? thats a you problem not a me problem.
also yall have made me feel like shit for other things before, and now that it accidentally slipped i kinda have money, now youre gonna be nice to me? absolutely not.
the entitlement in this family??? outrageous.
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hyacelyn · 1 year
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Are you craving Japanese food, but traveling to Japan seems impossible for you? 
Do not worry, Tomodachi (my friend)! You may be unable to travel and go to Japan yourself. However, you can now taste the unique sensation of authentic Japanese food at the Tokyo Tokyo restaurant closest to you.
Thanks to the taste of authentic Japanese food, experiencing Japan's culture has become easy and affordable. You can now connect to Japan’s vibrant and dynamic culture through your tastebuds!
Wagyu is usually associated with rarity and exclusivity, but with Tokyo Tokyo, who knew it would be this easy to enjoy Wagyu? It was my first time eating Wagyu beef, and I cannot deny that I was captivated. The savory flavor of the Wagyu Beef blended quite well with the Japanese aesthetic vibes of the restaurant.
The Wagyu Beef Cubes coated with Unagi Sauce were so flavorful and savory to my liking. The beef was delicious, Umami-rich, and delicate to bite. The corn and mushrooms as side dishes were my preference as it complements the Umami-rich flavor of the Unagi Sauce. Also, since I prefer sweets but not too much of them, the sticky, mildly sweet rice mixed with the Unagi Sauce was to my liking.
Their Wagyu Cubes Classic Bento is affordable at P225.00, comprising three skewers of tender steak cubes prepared from premium Wagyu beef, along with rice, corn, and mushrooms served in a bento box with red iced tea.
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