#beef katsu
vegan-nom-noms · 1 year
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Wagyumelon (Deep Fried Watermelon Steak Cutlets)
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todayisafridaynight · 4 months
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worldsewage · 4 months
I love food. Big fan of food. am I consistently and constantly hungry. Food is the best thing. Wow. Can’t believe I live on a planet where I can eat and taste. I can bring food for my friends. I can slice it in half. I can make an ugly bacon egg sandwich just for me. I can reheat food. I can melt cheese on chips. I can give my friends the black licorice jelly beans. I can give my cat a tiny piece of chicken from my bowl. I can cook food. I can season grilled foods spicy in separate batches for my friends with a low spice tolerance. Wow. You can eat . you should eat. I love a burger.
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buffetlicious · 10 months
Brought mum to Causeway Point for shopping and had an early dinner at Food Republic. Ordered the Beef Tendon & Tripe Noodles Soup (S$11) from The Hong House Beef Noodles as mum enjoyed it the last time she had it.
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I myself went for the Chicken Katsu Omelette Original Curry Rice (S$8.40) from Washoku Goen. It came with an omelette blanketing the white rice and topped with a deep-fried breaded chicken cutlet. The other half of the plate is filled with Japanese curry gravy and potato cubes. The chicken is both crispy and succulent and the curry seasoned more toward savoury and spicy rather than sweet which is a good thing for me.
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viejospellejos · 1 year
Katsu-Sando de Wagyu A5
¿Hay hambre? 🥪
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cruella-devegan · 1 year
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Love Handle / Singapore
Menchi Katsu Burger - Panko-crumbed Impossible™ Beef and Pork patty, Love Handle mayo, thinly sliced cabbage, Bulldog sauce, fluffy buns, fries.
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jedi-bird · 2 years
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Sometimes I manage to make some really good food
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ursine-sister · 1 year
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miss-floral-thief · 13 days
Hm orange sauce isn’t too strong but would rather have the usual brown sauce from other bbq place
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beingjellybeans · 2 years
3 reasons to go on a family food trip at DADS World Buffet, SM Megamall
3 reasons to go on a family food trip at DADS World Buffet, SM Megamall
It’s so nice to finally be able to eat out, right? During the height of the pandemic, community quarantine restrictions specifically prohibit buffet-type setups due to the difficulty in maintaining physical distancing, especially as diners tend to congregate in various food stations to fill their plates. Nowadays, however, all-you-can-eat buffets are making their comeback. One of these eateries…
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my fucking god he’s so crunchy but idc he’s so pretty what the fuck what the fuck what the fu
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love-letters-for-wise · 2 months
Under The Rain (Wise x gn!reader)
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[ gn!reader , no beta we die like the ethereals , ooc-possibility ]
New Eridu was soaked to the ground, and Wise wasn't prepared enough to bring an umbrella. Well, even if he did, he wouldn't be able to hold it with his hands both occupied holding a box of movie stash.
The pavement was wet, and Wise didn't want to risk breaking the disks by slipping. I will just wait, was what he thought as he waited for the rain to stop, or at least ease up enough he could walk with just his jacket being a bit damp.
While he waited, he realized that the katsu stall at the left had just opened for the day. The divine crisp smell of beef wafted through the air; mixing with the smell of rain against the pavement. Not long, the stall's first customer arrived.
Almost forty-five minutes had passed, and there was no sign of the rain letting up. He thought his ears would keep hearing the droplets hitting any surface it could find--along with occasional engines--but he hadn't thought his name would be called.
Green eyes trailed to the side, searching and stopping on your figure beneath your umbrella. As if satisfied by, he presumed, your guess, you approached him.
"How long have you been here?" you asked.
Wise shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant. "Just a few minutes." He didn't know why his mouth decided to spare the details, but he did feel how his hands began to feel slippery. It must've been the box.
"Half an hour doesn't seem a few, no?" You teased, voice trying to sound neutral if not for the laughter behind it.
Wise's eyes grew slightly wide, but he was quick to compose himself and shot back a jab. "Now, that's quite the claim. What made you say that?"
You nodded at the katsu stall at the left. The smell had changed now, its smell akin to deep-fried poached eggs. "I saw you while the katsu stall was crowded--their beef katsu always the star in the morning. Usually, they ran out of beef katsus around thirty minutes after opening--the peak being twenty minutes after opening. And then they switched out to deep-fried poached eggs. Of course, they need to prepare them--which takes ten minutes, and a few minutes to fry them after."
Wise stared at you incredulously. He couldn't help but to let out a laugh, his shoulders bouncing along slightly.
"I can't believe you. But yes, I've been here for around half an hour." He hummed, his eyes opening in hinted triumph. "and, no, I still think that 'half an hour' is a few, after all."
You rolled your eyes, shooting a random spot a "classic Wise" look. "Well, whatever floats your boat, O' Wise the wise. Doesn't change that you still look like a drenched, dry puppy wanting to go home."
"Hey!" He tried to nudge your side but failed to so much as scratch as his focus quickly shifted back to the box he was holding. You, noticing the box he had been holding for the past half an hour, offered your umbrella while moving closer to him.
"Come on, we can share the umbrella and go to Random Play together."
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yuurei20 · 3 months
Short translation from Twisted Wonderland: Bakery Day
"Yuuya hands over the money he had promised to Ace and Deuce, then lines up for his usual lunch set, alone.
There are fewer people in line than usual, and soon it is his turn to order. Today's menu is salmon cream stew.
Yuuya manages to secure seats for the group and his stew is still steaming hot when Grim arrives, a particular spring to his step.
Grim is carrying a variety of little packages; enough to fill both hands. He unloads them all onto the table and lifts the largest into the air.
‘Nyahaha, look at this, Yuu! I snatched the very last deluxe menchi katsu sandwich!’
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‘Wow, that’s amazing. Didn’t they say that’s their most popular? And you managed to get one.’
A tired-looking Ace and Deuce walk up from behind Grim.
‘An upperclassman was trying to buy it when Grim stole it from him.’
Hearing Deuce’s explanation Yuuya breathes a secret sigh of relief, silently reflecting, ’It’s a good thing I didn’t go with him.’
Ace glowers at the proud-looking Grim. ‘He’s stupidly fast, so the upperclassman thought I took it! He was seriously pissed off.’
‘Grim tried to steal just everything—it was tough trying to wrangle him.’
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‘Are you guys all right? Were you able to get what you wanted?’
Ace and Deuce smile as they place several white packages on the table in response to Yuuya’s question. Here and there Yuuya can see thick slices of roast beef and vibrant green lettuce. There are round breads bursting with cream, baguettes topped with melted cheese, and more—it seems they were able to buy quite a considerable amount. 
But they still have change leftover, which they pass to Yuuya, so the prices must be student friendly. It makes sense that bakery days are so popular.
Still smiling, Ace and Deuce sit across from Yuuya. 
‘Thanks for the food!’
‘Gonna dig right in!’
‘Of course. Thanks for helping with the repairs to Ramshackle.’”
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echantedtoon · 3 months
Upper Moon Househusbands: Gyutaro
(This is inspired by @rottencoreflesh101's Househusband Upper Moon posts. (Warnings: Their blog does contain NSFW elements and themes that not everyone may like or be comfortable with AND is only for 18+ folks. Just a heads up. But this WILL STAY Sfw.) I did link to the post in question down below. This is probably not gonna be very long and it's from the perspective of a female reader.
Househusband Upper Moons Concept- @rottencoreflesh101
Demon Slayer- Koyoharu Gotouge
Original Post:
Gyutaro's route is more modern au type.)
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Chop. Chop. Chop.
Went the sounds of a knife. Clever lifted high over his head only to be repeatedly slammed down onto the chopping block. Meat slicing and blood running from the flesh. A clatter of the knife sounded throughout the kitchen as boney hands clamped onto the cut portion-
"This beef needs more basil."
A voice grumbled out annoyed and pouting he'd forgotten about such an important ingredient for meatloaf. He knew he should've just made katsu curry tonight but noooo. He wanted to try this new recipe he found online instead. He was already starting to regret it from all the mess around him. ..and on him. Crap. This apron was a gift too. With a hiss of annoyance and a grip that threatened to squish the beef in his hands, the man ultimately dropped the uncooked food back into the pan and turned to wipe off his hands.
"Fuck this. I'm making meatballs instead."
But first he might as well clean up some of this mess first. It annoyed him more than the failed attempts of 'meatloaf' both left on the countertops and in the trash. A sink full of dishes was in his line of sight as he turned to wash off his hands only making him give pause before hissing even more annoyed. This day couldn't be any worse could it? His annoyance distracted him from noticing the click of the doorknob but not the creaking of the door opening which he snapped around to wide eyed. Oh no-
"Honey, I'm home!" A woman's voice called out before footsteps approached followed by the closing sounds of a door. "Honey!...Gyutaro?"
More footfalls were hand-
They stopped and there was a pause until they approached again moving towards him, his shouting only sealing his fate.
"Are you ok in there?"
Closer and closer footsteps. "Are you alright? You sound mad."
"Are you sure? Because you-"
He froze as your figure stepped into the doorway leading into the kitchen. Your smile dropping into a stare at what stood before you. The kitchen...WAS A MESS. The table and nearby countertops were piled up with what looked like mini burnt bricks, random dishes, and black crumbs from the black bricks except for the middle of the table where freshly cut raw beef was sat on top of a giant wooden cutting board. The sink was piled up with even more random dishes and next to it the oven was left wide open. The air held a mix of different spices, cooked beef, and burnt food. An iPad was propped up on a clean part of the country and it played some kind of cooking show episode. And in the middle of it all was your tall husband. He looked like he'd seen a ghost with how he was staring at you wide eyed and the apron over his body covered in stains and....were those scorch marks?? He stood frozen with his hands half way under the running water of the sink, lavender soap bar in one hand. You both just stood there staring at each other for a long moment.
"So..I see you've been making dinner," you settled on carefully stepping into the kitchen.
"Uuuuuhhh.." Was all he managed to get out as he watched you step into the kitchen and looking around stopping on the nearest burnt loaf of.. meat?
You rose a brow. "So what are you making?" 
...He finally frowned turning back around to finish washing off his hands. "I TRIED to make meatloaf."
"A western recipe I found online. Tried making it but apparently none of it wanted to work!" You waited patiently for him to finish washing his hands before drying them on his long apron scowling. "Last time I try anything like this!"
"You must've been pretty busy today." You mumbled taking a look at the leftover uncooked meat. "We're you going to try again?"
A hand turned off the annoying talk of the iPad. "Nah. Figured I'd just make meatballs or something since I already know how to do...But I can't do anything with this mess."
"I'll help you clean up." His eyes turned back to you as you grabbed the nearby trashcan and was already moving some of the burnt remains back into the bag. 
"You don't have to-"
"I want to. It'll be faster if we both just cleaned up. I'll cook too. That way you can have a break."
He stared at you before sighing. "M' sorry."
"It's perfectly fine. It's the thought that counts. Besides you always did look cute being so domestic."
He choked on air as you chuckled.
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Enough bitching about game design look at this beef and katsu plate
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crowfaraday · 7 months
✨EN / JP vending machine dialogue comparison✨
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compiled for reference + with some brief descriptions of the original items! also yes the really cursed milk joke is exactly the same in the original text
(contains miles + franziska's JP/EN dialogue for each item, theres a lot of text after the cut)
1.) EN / JP [Hot Dog / ホットドッグ] note: the JP dialogue also lists payne as being the one who thought of the description.
Edgeworth:"When you're in hot water, you might need a hot dog." Edgeworth:.................. Edgeworth: Hm... It looks like this slogan was decided through a public contest. Edgeworth: And the winner was... Prosecutor Winston Payne...? Franziska: Hmph. What a pathetic slogan. No presence at all! Now, if it was up to me, it would read... Franziska: "If you leave matters in a Von Karma's hands, everyone in court will be found guilty dogs!" Edgeworth: ............Objection! Franziska: Overruled!
ミツルギ:『有罪で、ほっと一息ホットドッグ』 ミツルギ: ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ミツルギ: ふむ・・・・どうやら、 公募によって決められた名前のようだな。 ミツルギ: 命名者は亜内検事、 か メイ:フン。気の弱いことね。私ならこう名づけるわ。『狩魔に任せておけばほっといても全員有罪ホットドッグ』 ミツルギ: ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 意義あり! メイ: 却下よ!
2.) EN / JP [ Beef Jerky / 饅頭] note: the original item here in the JP release was a box of manjū. the description is probably a pun on shinsou (truth) + shiroi (white) referring to the white cream in the middle of the bun. a close approximation of it is probably something like "Get to the bottom of our most delicious case yet! The proof is in the pudding!"
Edgeworth: "Don't be a jerk in court like these beef jerks!" I see... Franziska: Objection! Miles Edgeworth! Wouldn't you agree that it's a very clever pun? Edgeworth: Do you really think they put that much effort into the product name? Franziska: Even a foolish fool could understand the foolish thinking of the fool who made it up! Franziska: You're acting so foolishly that I got so thoroughly mad, and am now utterly famished! Edgeworth: ......If you wanted a pack of these, all you had to do was ask like a normal person. ミツルギ: 『真相は白いアンの中まんじゅう』・・・なるほど。 メイ: 意義あり! 御剣怜侍! うまいことを言った、とでも思ってるの? ミツルギ: それなりに考えられた名前だと思うが? メイ: バカが考えたバカげたシャレに、バカがバカな理解を示している。 メイ: バカバカしくて、 腹立ちまぎれにおなかがすいてきたわ! ミツルギ:・・・・・・食べたいなら、すなおにそう言えばいいだろう。
3.) EN / JP [ Ham Sandwich / カツサンド] note: the original item here was a katsu sando.
Edgeworth: "Don't let the prosecution and the defense make a ham sandwich out of you!"...? Franziska: It sounds like it's directed at that ham of a Judge. Edgeworth: Well, it certainly isn't directed at me. I can out-maneuver him any day. ミツルギ: 『検事と弁護士にはさまれて、もう限界カツサンド』・・・・? メイ: 無能な裁判長の叫びのようね。 ミツルギ: 私には、まだまだ余裕があるように思えるがな・・・
4.) EN / JP [Orange Juice / 伊予柑] note: the original item here was a lyokan.
Edgeworth: "When it's looking bad, blind your opposition with some OJ!" Are they promoting violence? Franziska: Don't worry. My whip will make sure that anybody following this advice won't be for long. Edgeworth: (Compared to the sting of a whip, the sting of orange juice may not be so bad...) ミツルギ: 『困ったら目つぶしイヨカン』 犯罪を助長してはいないだろうか。 メイ: そんなものなくても、私にはこのムチがあればじゅうぶんよ。 ミツルギ:(法廷にムチを持ち込めるなら、目つぶしくらいカワイイものか)
5.) EN / JP [Milk / 牛乳] note: this joke is basically exactly the same as in the JP text.
Edgeworth: "Defendant's Fresh Milk!" ... What exactly is that supposed to mean? Franziska: I bet it means the milk is freshly milked by various defendants on trial right now. Edgeworth: No, I think it might mean that this was milked right here from the various defendants. Franziska: Miles Edgeworth... You can't possibly be serious! Edgeworth: ...Of course not.
ミツルギ: 『被告人の、しぼりたて牛乳』 どういうイミだろうか? メイ: 被告人がしぼった牛乳、ということでしょう。 ミツルギ:いや、裁判でしぼられた被告人から出た牛乳ということも考えられる。 メイ: 御剣怜侍 ・・・・まさか、本気で言っているわけではないわよね? ミツルギ: ..........もちろんだ。
5.) EN / JP [Swiss Roll / とら焼き] note: the original item here was dorayaki. the description “dorayaki together until the gong/bell goes” is because they're shaped like gongs ("dora"="gong")
Franziska:"Stay neutral as the Swiss do until the end with these!" ...The end of what? Edgeworth: Well, I assume it means the end of the trial. Edgeworth: I suppose this means that one should eat them during a recess...? Franziska: You can't eat during a trial, so I suppose the only time you can eat them is now, huh! Edgeworth: I wouldn't mind if you wanted to eat one now. They come in packs of two, after all. Franziska: Hmph. We're in the middle of an investigation! Besides, I don't have $6 on me! Edgeworth: If you want, we can pool our money and buy a pack together. Franziska: If I have to split it with you, then I don't want it!
メイ: 『ドラがなるまで一緒どら焼き』ドラがなるまで? ミツルギ: おそらく、ドラというのは開廷の合図を指しているのだろう。 ミツルギ: 休廷中に食べるということか...? メイ: 法廷では飲食は禁止されているわ。 食べるのなら、今のうちね。 ミツルギ:食べたいのなら、構わないが?ちょうど2個入りのようだからな。 メイ:今は調査中よ。それに、600円も持ち合わせていないわ。 ミツルギ:ならば私のお金とあわせて買えばよいではないか。 メイ: あなたに同情されるくらいなら、食べなくてもケッコウよ!
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