#Japan and New Zealand.
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phoenixyfriend · 17 days ago
I was trying to find if/when the word soccer was used in New Zealand (for a fic) and I. I'm laughing.
"Why do Americans have to be so special calling it soccer" It looks like all anglophone countries EXCEPT the UK call it that?
Even Ireland???
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Granted this map is from 2013 but I'm losing it. UK calling the US special when it's THEM. It's them. Losing my mind this is hilarious.
EDIT: Yes, I know the term originated from Associated Football in Oxford, that's why I thought it might have been in use in NZ in the first place.
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hetalia-club · 8 months ago
Hetalia Olympics 8-1-2024
Medal events only-
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Quite a few events ceremonies on the 1st, not the most I've had yet but still quite a few. You can probably guess who won 2nd in women's Judo. If you can't figure it out google it.
The US shot up from 5th to 2nd on this day thas wild. (The girls are carrying tho, as you can see)
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iseulcottage · 4 months ago
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Dream journey ⭐
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banjunky · 9 months ago
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A second post from me today? How could that possible be????
Anyway i had planned that drawing since a year now but i failed to draw it last time
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gomzdrawfr · 3 months ago
Feral gomz aside im out here staring at my google doc thinking where Price and Raven should take a trip to
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fanficfish · 1 year ago
nations and their little "tells" of how long they've lived
there is definitely a post somewhere about this but whatever this is my hadcanon xD
-England and his three big bros are the prime example of "going a little crazy", they've been alive so long and half of it through the Mideival Era that they've lost concept of a lot of stuff. Like their touch with reality is a little screwed and you definitley notice they don't quite get some stuff, like they'll miss empathy cues or slip into mannerisms from days long past. Use old English, etc. They're the wacky cousins that ar just a bit confused but they're trying, even if they get on everyone's nerves a bit. Also they're still figuring out how emails work, because while their personalities change according to their people their actual knowledge doesn't always keep up.
-Russia, i think that one's obvious, man's had such a time that he's spent so long plastering a smile that he's basically forgotten how not to not smile. And you can't undo centuries in a day. You see his true nation age when he takes everything and doesn't bother trying to question it no matter how ridiculous, when he stops a tank with his bare hands and walks it off, when he's surprised people don't usually try to jump out planes without parachutes.
-countries with violet eyes like Canada, Iceland, Norway- they blend in too well, they resemble the quiet kid in the back of the class (personal headcanon it indicatess magical inclination). You realize they're not quite human when Norway turns his head and hos haircurl floats midair and his gaze is just a bit too knowing, when Iceland makes a remark well beyond his physical age and you remember he's a thousand years old, when Canada- actually no the bear is enough proof.
-And then there's China and Japan, two old men who look young but have that sense of knowing more then they let on like Norway but without the creepy blank look that comes when one has Seen Too Much. Instead they travel through life like they don't have a care, as if every day is a lfietime in Neverland. Especially China. Japan also just looks tired all the time even if he isn', from stress lines that never go away.
-Prussia is that fun work colleague who suddenly turns into a history nerd out of nowhere and then flips back to normal wild mode. He's the one who tells tales like he actually was there, he and the wrest lf the BTT really. It's like they rememebr, because they do.
-Meanwhile Lithuania and Finland seem normal enough- good hardoqrking young men doing good woek. But thebmoment they're attacked, their eyes blaze and it's like an aura radiates lff them. And you know they're stronger then they look, that they won't go down without a fight. And you'll probably be the one going down no matter how strong you think you are, because they're nations and they will always hve more power and centuries of experience. Even if it's been years and they aren't superpowers, they have the muscle memory. It's engrained into their very being, it's a part of them and if you approach them the wrong way you might get dropkicked by accident.
-Countries like Denmark and America- their smiles are just off. Denmark's is too sharp, just a amidge too much, and America's is too wide, like he's trying tok hard when it's just his natural face.
-and then there's austrailia and new zealand who are the reason Florida started fighting alligators and convinced their residents to start doing it too "for the YouTube views", forgetting rhat moat people don't have instahealing or can come back from the dtad.
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ignitedminds27 · 5 months ago
45 Days to send Liam with love and happiness.
To all the fellow Directioners from around the world who are reposting and liking the memorial services of their country and others. I'm so happy to see you all. Especially some of them are old fan accounts on Tumblr, and yes, I recognize y'all. It's like back to 1D time and it feels nostalgic seeing y'all.
It's sad that instead of One Direction Reunion we are connecting at this sad and tragic hour of loss but, for the love we all share for our boys and today for our beloved Liam❤️ I would humbly request fellow Directioners to share your stories about the first you saw or heard the 1D song, been to their concert, met them, they replied to your tweet, also waging war on Twitter for the boys, running hashtags like #ProtectLiam. Everything.
Tells us what Liam means to you and what the band means to you. I know that not everyone is verbally expressive about their emotions, so please don't hesitate to share your love the way you express it usually: through art, poetry, photo collage, video, etc.
I said the Tumblr memorial will be on October 20, but where I come from, in my culture, it is said that the soul of the deceased stays with their loved ones and visits people who love them for 45 days. That means Liam is right here with us, seeing all the love all of us are pouring. It also means he can see us cry and mourn him. My question to Directioners all over the world is, are we going to send him off with tears and sadness? Are we really going to send the man who wanted to make others smile and be happy with our tears and despair? Or are we going to send him with happy memories and love that he so very deserves?
If you are like me who chooses to send him with happiness and love do share your love for him here too because there are many Directioners on Tumblr who are lovers and are currently going through this pain alone with their own set of personal struggles. Liam wouldn't like any single person to worsen their condition because of him.
ONE DIRECTION AND DIRECTIONERS ARE ONE FAMILY. We got each other's back and so do we have this responsibility to our fellow Directioners who are in the same boat as us.
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Do It For Liam
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thirdlotusprince3 · 6 days ago
China and England make a rap song to mock youth culture and modern music.
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hws-italy · 2 months ago
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These are OLD and I need to redo them and do MORE of these but
I'm thinking about them so @sylvermidnight and Is weird starwars au
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boredlime · 3 months ago
imagine still being in 2024 right now like that’s so last year
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lesbianfrog666 · 4 months ago
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hetalia-club · 7 months ago
Hetalia Olympics: 8-9-2024
Medal Events Only:
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Rest will be continued with a reblog, so many on this day.
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emmarose1452 · 6 months ago
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calciopics · 2 years ago
Women’s National Teams Nicknames
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Albicelestes (Argentina)
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The Matildas (Australia)
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As Canarinhas (Brazil)
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The Steel Roses (China)
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Las Chicas Superpoderosas (Colombia)
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Las Ticas (Costa Rica)
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De rød-hvide (Denmark)
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The Lionesses (England)
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Les Bleues (France)
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Die Nationalelf (Germany)
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Les Grenadières (Haiti)
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Le Azzurre (Italy)
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Reggae Girlz (Jamaica)
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Nadeshiko (Japan)
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Taegeuk Nangja (Korea Republic)
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Atlas Lionesses (Morocco)
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Leeuwinnen (Netherlands)
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Football Ferns (New Zealand)
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Super Falcons (Nigeria)
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Las Canaleras (Panama)
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Filipinas (Philippines)
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As Navegadoras (Portugal)
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The Girls in Green (Republic of Ireland)
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Banyana Banyana (South Africa)
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Las soñadoras (Spain)
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Blågult (Sweden)
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Nati (Switzerland)
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The Stars and Stripes (USA)
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The Golden Girls (Vietnam)
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 The She-polopolo (Zambia)
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rippledawn · 8 months ago
Alright, no one asked but before the matches fully get underway, here are my predictions for the women’s rugby 7s today:
1/2: New Zealand/Australia, I honestly don’t know which will win, I haven’t really seen either of these teams challenged yet, have to wait and see
3: Canada. Would love to say I think they’ll make the final, but I think Australia are just too powerful 😅. I do think they’ll beat the US for bronze though! Maybe a hot take, but I think Canada can take ‘em
4: rounding out the top 4, US. They’ve been good this tournament, but I don’t think they’re good enough to beat NZ or even Canada
5: I think France will take this one. Of the teams in the 5-8 I think they’re the strongest, honestly I expected them to medal at this tournament before Canada came by with a shocker
6: going with Great Britain for this one, they can take China I believe
7: Ireland, I don’t think they’ll manage to beat France
8: rounding us out, China. They’ve surprised me all tournament, so I might be wrong about this one, but I’m just not sure they’ve got enough to get by GB
9: Japan. Taking Japan for this just because I think how often they’ve beat Brazil this tournament has been funny 😅
10: obviously Brazil
11: I think South Africa might take this, but the 9-12 placing is where I’m least confident in my rankings
12: closing us out, that leaves Fiji. Sorry Fiji 😅 I just don’t think this tournament went the way you want
Would love to hear everyone else’s thoughts!
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himaruo · 1 year ago
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Got bored (All jokes guys) wanna draw more Mexico 🇲🇽 😅 jajaja,South asian countries are very unrated so wanna to draw some,more comics n stuff coming soon --"
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