#James buchanan
gwydpolls · 27 days
Time Travel Question 11: 19th Century II and Earlier
These Questions are the result of suggestions from the previous iteration.
This category may include suggestions made too late to fall into the correct grouping.
Please add new suggestions below if you have them for future consideration.
*There is a lot of discourse around gender and sexuality with these two historical figures and it can get pretty ugly. I know most of us have opinions, but absent a time machine we can't know for sure, so please be gentle with each other.
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dustzvacuumcleaner · 3 months
【Antebellum/AMV】Psycho Killer
Happy Independence Day guys!! Hope you all enjoy this!
Like I've said the theme of this amv is probably: humorously(?) compressed simple antebellum history (1812-1861) group portraits into 4 minutes. So most scenes are basically related to historical facts, and the numbers there are the years of the events. However I'm historically illiterate in antebellum era, and this was something I decided to make before I even understood antebellum people lol. I hope there aren't any big mistakes x
While playing this song on repeat it suddenly struck me that everyone in the antebellum era was a god damned Psycho Killer, hence the idea for this group portrait. It's kinda sad that some of the characters I didn't get a chance to draw or that I didn't know enough about them.
If you like this, please tell me your favourite scene and feel free to share any thoughts!!! I want comments so badly😭😭😭I will probably make an explanation of timeline later!!!
BGM: Psycho Killer-Talking Heads
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starlight-tequila · 4 months
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I'm probably extremely right and extremely wrong
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List of ships/people my grandma agrees with me are gay combined with her own statement:
•Troy and Abed- “Oh my” 🫢
•Ben Affleck and Matt Damon- “Straight women don’t even do that” 😨 and “Are their wives are ok with that?!” 😟
•Spock and Captain Kirk- “Oh yeah, they’re super gay” 😄 and “No wonder my mom didn’t want us watching it” 😆
•House and Wilson- “Aww, that’s sad” 🙁
•Hannibal and Will Graham- “Oh” 😰
•Eve and Villanelle- “Oh” 😰
•Regina and Emma- “How do you keep track of all that?” 🤨 and “Oh” 😰
•Batman and Joker- “Oh” 😰
•Deadpool and Spiderman- “Aww they’re good for each other” 🥰
•James Buchanan & William R. King- “Oh like Abe Lincoln” ☺️
•Susan B. Anthony- “Too bad she’s racist” 🙁
Bonus- People my grandma convinced me are gay + my reaction:
•Abe Lincoln- “His wife was chill” 😼
•Raj and Howard- “You’re so right” 🫢
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I drew the US Presidents ⁉️⁉️
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Constructive criticism is not allowed ⁉️⁉️(Because I only draw for fun lol, not mad or anything tho)
I couldn't tag anymore presidents 💔💔
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riddled-forensic · 1 month
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Is this anything
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pranklinfierce · 28 days
you're having a party, which presidents are you inviting?
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Good question, very fun. I'll invite all of the ones I like, and whichever ones I'd like to see in a party setting.
James Madison is chronologically the first that I would invite. I think it'd be funny to see him at a party. I think of "nearly gets trampled on the dance floor..." I, myself, will trample him unless he brings Dolley.
Jackson is invited and I hope he leaves cheese around the house in secret spots like he did at the end of his presidency.
Van Buren is invited unless @presidenttyler continues to insist that I have to marry him or he'll summon a deadly fog (please die, Mr. Tyler.)
I would invite William Henry Harrison, but tragically, as I'm sure we've all heard, he is no longer with us </3.
John Tyler is invited unless he tries to insist I marry Martin Van Buren lest a deadly fog be summoned. Also I swear to God he's not allowed to use my bathroom. I hope he and Jackson start fighting (no weapons allowed in my house) and I get to see their skinny bones fall out.
James K Polk is invited. I want him to bring his Lady Presidentress as well. Double invited if he is the presidentress.
Zachary Taylor is invited. His daughter can come too. His daughter's husband cannot come. His daughter's husband's dog, Bonin, can come. The murderer who shares a name with Zachary Taylor's daughter's husband's dog cannot come.
Millard Fillmore is invited. He can bring the whole boiler room with him. It wouldn't be a party without him.
Franklin Pierce is invited, of course. As an old @/deadpresidents posts that I can longer find clarifies, he would indeed be a welcome party guest, even if people on Reddit don't seem to think so (I have beef with 90% of reddit tier lists, save for any of them made by @starlight-tequila.) As I've come to understand, there're no less than 4 fictional interpretations of Pierce where he's being haunted. I request he keeps the haunting at home; I don't want the watchmojo demmons to mess up the vibe.
James Buchanan is invited. I want to see him in his worst outfit, behaving as he did at Dickinson before his expulsion. He needs to bring Harriet too. WRK too, unless I decide that he's also dead.
Andrew Johnson can come because I once saw an image of him smiling.
Ulysses Grant can come. He may play with the non dog animals (unfortunately, they're all just different Martin Van Buren government assigned rodentsonas in a pen.)
As can Hayes. Hayes can bring his wife, Lucy. She actually allowed drinking in the White House on special occasions, so she would not be a party pooper.
Garfield may come, but only as Lucretia's plus one. It's what he deserves. Since Guiteau did so much for Garfield's election (and was basically the president, let's be real, guys) he can come as an honorary president. So can David Rice Atchison, even though that story is complete bs. Dr. Doctor Bliss will be shot on sight by Boston Corbett.
Arthur is invited, but Julia Sand needs to pre-approve everything that he does. Conkling may come as a plus one, but he will go in the pen with the Martin Van Buren government assigned rodentsonas (it's okay, that's where Grant is anyway.)
On no other day would I ever allow Benjamin Harrison and his shortness within my sight, but I just found a song about him and it's stuck in my head, so I think it's only right that he attends 1 single time before my kind feelings toward him dry out.
McKinley is invited. He must sing to me.
Wilson is invited. But I will lock him in a room like a creature. You-know-who gets the key. The second female president, Edith Wilson, may attend.
Warren Harding gets to come. Gaston Means may, as well. Also Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover. That's about it. If Nixon were to show up I wouldn't turn him away.
I'd like the party to end by sending an anonymous tip to Carrie A. Nation, telling her there is alcohol. She can come in, destroy everything, and all's well because if everything is destroyed, there's nothing to clean. She and Guiteau can ride into the sunset, combining to be a person of a normal height. I hope they invite me to the wedding.
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blueberry-bubbles130 · 2 months
Okay people you know the drill by now. Showing historical figures fanfiction of them:
American Politician edition. Round two!
I never once in my years of existence that I would ever read a fanfiction that had Jimmy Carter and Abby Lee Miller in it. But here we are.
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antebellumite · 11 days
sorry to be in your asks but i need to tell somebody i just saw the abraham lincoln gay documentary and the main historian in it really did write a whole ass book about how buchanan was straight as a board and then turned around and is now sitting there talking about how lincoln gave other men thigh-jobs (NOT KIDDING) what the hell is going on in academia girl what the hell
thigh jobs in particular??
and two, how did he even justify that?
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deadpresidents · 1 month
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"General Pierce is a sound radical Democrat of the old Jeffersonian school, and possesses highly respectable abilities. I think he is firm and energetic, without which no man is fit to be President. Should he fall into proper hands, he will administer the Government wisely and well."
-- James Buchanan, in a July 26, 1852 letter to reporter John Binns, on Franklin Pierce, who had just won the Democratic Presidential nomination as a dark horse candidate at the 1852 Democratic National Convention in Baltimore.
Buchanan had been a leading candidate for the nomination throughout the convention but could not win enough votes to put him over the top. Pierce became a compromise candidate when his name was first introduced on the 35th ballot, and clinched the nomination on the 49th ballot.
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mostwantedpotato404 · 2 years
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judy-ley · 4 months
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dustzvacuumcleaner · 10 days
1830s Congress group chat:
I don’t really understand why did I make this
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starlight-tequila · 7 months
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Something I made ages ago
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opalite-illusions · 5 months
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angelkeitai · 2 months
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people of tumblr i deeply apologize for never having made a post about Her
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