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The man you are looking for is Jonathan Harker in Dracula by Bram Stoker
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When I say I have a priest kink I mean I want to be so sexy I turn a man away from god
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dathen · 18 hours ago
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 days ago
Blood of My Blood: Lu
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moodsandtenses · 9 months ago
There's something hilarious about how so much subsequent media has positioned Vampires and Werewolves as, like, binary opposite entities, and then you read Dracula (1897) and realize that wolves are that guy's preferred solution to every problem. You'd say something to Dracula about "ah yes, werewolves, vampires' great eternal enemies," and he'd just be like "you mean my subcontractors?"
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fictionalgirldetective · 2 days ago
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@chaos0pikachu im losing it
I think a fundamental difference between book Dracula and Nosferatu is how the protagonists work as a collective. In Dracula, they are the Scooby Gang (trusting, collaborative, polyamorous). In Nosferatu, they are the teens from an 80s slasher (suspicious, deceitful, jealous). The count can be defeated, but only the power of friendship can save Mina.
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stainlesssteellocust · 9 months ago
I’m sat drunk in the beer garden of a rock bar and some chick is happily explaining that “So Jonathan Harker goes to this castle in Transylvania and he doesn’t know he’s in Dracula, right” to a guy who seems totally enthralled and I wish them nothing but the best
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vamplire · 3 months ago
good evening to everyone deranged over a piece of vampire media
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it-was-dead-when-i-found-it · 11 months ago
Ok idk who came up with making a "cleaningsona" but that hack works so damn well?? I absolutely cannot clean my room until I put on my most Victorian blouse, my fangs, start playing my funky little vampire playlist, and pretend I'm an 800 year old immortal who's bittersweet about packing up and moving to a new town with a new identity because locals are starting to catch on that I'm a vampire
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hippotime · 2 days ago
Good heavens.
Dracula and Jonathan’s Tango - from The Polish National Opera production of ‘Dracula’.
With Choreography by Krzysztof Pastor and Music by Wojciech Kilar.
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thestuffedalligator · 11 months ago
It is November of 1893. You have just killed a vampire. Exhausted and worn, you close your eyes and rest.
You wake up. It is May of 1893. You are on a train en route to Transylvania. Your diary says you have had queer dreams lately.
You try to believe it.
(An old woman puts a rosary in your hands. You accept it without question.)
You are a guest in a castle you have never been in before (you recognize every hallway and know without trying that every door is locked). Your host is a man you have never met before (you killed him you killed him you killed him he had turned to dust and there was blood on the snow).
One morning you cut yourself while shaving.
There is nobody behind you in the pocket mirror’s reflection.
You turn fast, and the razor is like a Kukri knife in your hand.
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spankerella · 11 months ago
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Happy Lizard Fashion Day to those who celebrate.
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mariathechosen1 · 2 years ago
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angstandhappiness · 3 days ago
Actual things that happen in the 1897 Dracula novel, without context:
A character has ominous nightmares and attributes them to eating too much paprika
Dracula first appears wearing a fake beard
The person he was trying to fool with the fake beard immediately realizes Dracula and Beard Guy are the same man, due to both having really firm handshakes
We are told parrots are immortal unless fatally wounded
A Texan cowboy opens fire on a bat flitting around a window, and lodges a bullet in the wall of an occupied room
A woman is called a polyandrist for receiving blood transfusions from multiple men
An incorrectly addressed telegram leads to two deaths, multiple druggings, and several children being assaulted
Dracula, while trying to maintain a low profile, takes a lovely trip to the zoo and freaks out the animals so badly that he gets mentioned in a newspaper article
The one character who knows anything about vampires spends a good two-thirds of the book refusing to talk about vampires
Dracula went to Satan's Witchcraft Academy and somehow this is only brought up in two throwaway lines
A character gets stuck inside a circle of communion wafer crumbs
A major plot point of the book is Dracula (who was said to be a brilliant scholar and has the strength of twenty mortal men) realizing he can move boxes without human help
Someone is referred to as "manifestly a prig of the first water"
Two characters have a hobby of reading train schedules
A hospital lets a mental patient escape to see what will happen
A character starts vomiting up feathers from eating whole birds
A doctor refuses to give a medical diagnosis and instead makes a speech about growing corn
Dracula impersonates another character just by wearing the same clothes, despite being taller and visibly much older. This deception is successful.
A character "cleans" a room by eating all the insects in it
Suddenly: rats. Thousands of them.
The heroes progress in their efforts through "the wonderful power of money," i.e., bribery
Dracula has three other vampires in his castle. Their relation to him is never explained, nor are any of them named.
A character insists his salvation depends on having a pet cat
Dracula is thwarted by flowers on more than one occasion
A group of vampires stand in the hall outside a man's bedroom, talking loudly about their plans to eat him. When he comes to the door to confront them, they run away laughing
Dracula wears an unfashionable hat and gets roasted for it
A group of Romanians encounter a disheveled, shouting man and, "seeing from his violent demeanour that he was English, they [give] him a ticket for the furthest station on the way thither that the train reached."
A boat crashes due to Dracula having the munchies
A wolf is thrown through a window and immediately runs off, confused and covered in glass
Dracula makes a bed
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see-arcane · 6 months ago
Mina: "Alright, everyone pinkie swear right now to put Vampire Me down if I hop the line between death and undeath."
Van Helsing and the Suitor Squad: "Depressing, but sure, absolutely."
Mina: "...Jonathan?"
Jonathan: "Yes?"
Mina: "Will you promise to slay me if I get vampire'd?"
Jonathan: "Mina, I will not lie to you."
Mina: "Jonathan. I need you to look me in the eye and promise to murder me martyr-style if I get too undead."
Jonathan: "Fine. I can promise to kill."
Mina: "Me? Vampire me?"
Jonathan, making unbroken eye contact with the four guys who just promised to behead and impale his wife if she stops being human enough: "I guarantee there will be killing involved if Vampire You happens."
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wiliecoyotegenius · 6 months ago
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big day today
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