#James Manor
under-lok-n-ki · 3 months
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saying a mean thing DOES hurt more gilly has a point
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enbysiriusblack · 3 months
the reason i love wolfstar is that remus knows sirius would always choose james over him and he'd never ask sirius not to because he very understands the james appeal and he's also the biggest fan of the james and sirius show
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p1ssyhorroz · 4 months
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Jessa becouse yeah.... y'all fw this or nah... becouse I've been feeling yuriful lately...
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xxkazuna14 · 5 months
J, gesturing to Tessa: N, look what you did! You made Mom upset! V: Mom, please don’t cry, we’re sorry! N: I’m sorry Mom… :( Tessa, near tears: I DON’T REMEMBER GIVING BIRTH TO ANY OF YOU!
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7s3ven · 1 year
OBSESSION. tom riddle x fem! reader.
( master list )
IN WHICH… Tom Riddle is partnered with a Gryffindor for potions. He expects them to crush every assignment sent their way, but what he doesn’t expect is him falling in love.
Words: Too many
Warning/s: Not proof-read, Grammar mistakes
A/N: I disappeared for a while, but I’m back now, lol. With Harry Potter oneshots. I have so many in my drafts that I hope to publish soon.
“These are your potion partners. You will work with them for the rest of the year. And no, you cannot change.”
Half of the class erupted into groans but Slughorn ignored them. Slytherins and Gryffindors were paired together, one boy and one girl.
Slughorn had purposely paired up Tom Riddle, the cold Slytherin heartthrob, and Y/N L/N, the intelligent Gryffindor beauty, together. He saw their potential together considering both students were academic geniuses.
“A Skele Gro potion? Seriously?” Y/N scoffed, rolling her eyes. It was one of the easiest potions to make and this was an advanced class.
“Slughorn probably gave the class an easy potion since he partnered us up with people we basically hate.” Tom retorted, staring at the old potions book.
“You hate me?”
“You are a Gryffindor, after all.”
“How original.”
For the remainder of the class, the two were quiet. There were a few words exchanged but not many.
“Pass the scarab beetle.”
“Give me the puffer fish.”
As Tom was busy mixing the potion, Y/N took this as her chance to glance at him. She couldn’t deny that he was attractive with his curled brown hair and high cheekbones.
She soon went back to scribbling a few notes in her textbook, the black ink staining the side of her hand (something she didn’t notice). She wiped the side of her cheek, unknowingly smearing the ink onto her face.
Tom gaze wandered from the simple potion to Y/N, who was leaning over the desk, quill in hand. He looked at the ink on her face, almost smiling in amusement.
“L/N,” He uttered. She turned her head to look at him in confusion, wondering why he had mumbled her name. “You have something on your face.”
She reached up a hand, touching the wrong side of her face.
“Other side- You know what, never mind.” Tom licked his lips and shook his head. He beckoned Y/N forward and with a pinch of hesitation, she stood up.
Tom pulled out a handkerchief and gently wiped her cheek, strangely fascinated by the way the ink didn’t stain her face as it did with her hand.
She stared into his dark brown eyes, leaving Tom stunned. Most students, even the girls obsessed with him, were always scared of Tom. But Y/N purely gazed at him, unfazed.
“Thank you.” She slowly said, her lips curving into a small smile.
Tom was silent for a moment before he cleared his throat and nodded. “No problem.”
The pair went silent again and when class was dismissed, Y/N shoved all of her things into her bag and fled the room.
Tom took his time in packing up. He picked up a thick leather journal that he didn’t remember owning and when he flipped thorough the messy pages, he realized it wasn’t his.
Every page of Y/N’s book was different. Some notes were messy while others were unbelievably neat.
Tom gently put the book in his bag and hurried out of the classroom to see if he could find Y/N. But she had moved too fast and was nowhere to be seen.
“Tom, why do you look so worried?” Avery came up behind the brunette prefect, slinging a pale arm around Tom’s shoulder.
“Y/N L/N, what do you know about her?” Tom asked.
“What? The Gryffindor girl with the fan club?”
Y/N was, to put it lightly, popular with the Hogwarts students. Not just the boys, in fact. Girls liked her too, both platonically and romantically. Hence her little fan club.
“Yes. What do you know about her?”
“Not a lot. She’s a Gryffindor, obviously. Comes from a wealthy Mudblood”- Avery froze as soon as Tom sent him a stern glare. “Muggle family.” He quickly corrected himself. “She’s smart, pretty, and people like her. She’s, uh, popular and acts as a stand-in for the Quidditch team because, despite liking the sport, she doesn't have enough time to play it regularly."
"Find out anything else about Y/N. And figure out her preferable type when it comes to romantic partners." Tom said, waving Avery off. The blond left, leaving Tom alone to tend to his thoughts.
The sound of heels clicking against the stoned floor filled the silent hallway and a shoulder banged into Tom's.
"Ah! Sorry!" Y/N called out, not realizing who it was.
Tom quickly reached out, grabbing her arm and pulling her back. With a loud gasp of surprise, Y/N harshly crashed into his chest, almost knocking the air out of Tom's lungs.
Tom paused, inhaling the sweet scent of Y/N's floral perfume. "You left your notebook in the classroom. Here." The brunette boy handed Y/N her leather book, their fingers brushing against each other. She gripped her notes tightly, almost as if she was afraid of losing them again.
"Thank you." She muttered, her knuckles turning white. She looked like she wanted to say more but she didn't. She only nodded and ran off.
Tom let out a loud sigh, the brief feeling of Y/N's skin against his imprinted in his mind.
"My lord," Avery strode up to Tom, a few pages in his hands. "I, uh, made a list about... you know." He whispered the last part and handed Tom the list.
"Thank you. You may go." Tom looked around to see if anybody was paying attention to him before he flipped through Avery's messy handwriting.
Y/N L/N, muggle-born. Gryffindor. Enjoys studying in the library with her friends and loves (your favourite drink). Her best subject is defence against the dark arts and potions.
Her ideal type wasn't easy to figure out, but I managed to question a lot of her friends without raising suspicion. Her ideal type is people taller than her, and she really seems to like scholars over sporty people. Honestly, there's a lot of grey area so her type could be anyone.
Tom folded the notes and shoved them into his pocket. He cleared his throat, nodding in satisfaction. His first class of the day was potions, and he felt a weird feeling in his chest. It was almost like it… jumped.
Tom could feel his pulse speed up as he got closer to the potions classroom and he momentarily paused to feel it. “Strange.” He muttered under his breath. He must be sick because this had never happened.
Nevertheless, he continued on his way. He was early but there were already a few students inside, one being Y/N. She was sitting at her and Tom’s desk but was speaking to a Gryffindor behind her.
They immediately went silent, though, when Tom approached them. Y/N pressed her lips into a thin line as the awkward silence settled over the room.
Tom cracked open his potions book, his eyes scanning over random words. He could feel Y/N staring at him and when he glanced at her, she hurriedly looked away, her cheeks flushing red.
Tom held back a snicker. “Are you excited for the Yule ball?” Tom unexpectedly asked. He wasn’t one to be phased by silence, but Y/N looked uncomfortable by it.
“Pardon me?”
“The Yule ball. Are you excited? Surely you must be.”
“Oh, um, yes. What about you?”
“I’d rather skip it. But being a prefect, I have to be there.” Tom didn’t care for social events. He hated most of them and found them rather pointless. He had never liked the Yule ball in the first place.
“Have you got a date?” Y/N questioned, fiddling with her quill.
“No. Why do you ask?”
“I’m just curious. How is it that someone like you doesn’t have a date? Girls are crazy for you.” Y/N turned her head to look at Tom, which was probably the first time she had done so since he caught her staring.
“I’m not interested in them. They aren’t what I’m looking for.”
“Well, you have plenty time to find a date, if you want one.”
Tom silently nodded, opening his mouth and then closing it. “You’re on the Yule ball committee, are you not?” He asked after a hint of hesitation.
“I am. I’ve been so busy planning it that I haven’t thought about the event itself. I don’t even know what colour my dress will be.”
“(Favorite colour.” Tom immediately replied, taking Y/N by surprise. “(Favorite colour) would suit you.”
Y/N briefly smiled. “I’ll make sure to keep that in mind.”
As the days passed by, Y/N haunted Tom’s mind like a ghost haunting a dark house. He couldn’t get her out of his mind, no matter what he tried. He had even gone as far as making out with a fellow Slytherin to try and erase Y/N from his mind.
But all he could do was imagine it was Y/N who was desperately kissing him, smearing lipstick marks all over his white collar and drowning him in her sweet perfume.
Tom had gotten little to no sleep for the past week, a certain Gryffindor etched into his brain. The dark circles under his eyes had grown, a sign that he hadn’t been resting well.
“Riddle, are you okay?” Y/N’s voice snapped the brunette Slytherin back to reality. He realised that his head was leaning against his desk and his neck ached. He sat up, looking around the empty classroom. “You, uh, fell asleep.” Y/N explained, “Slughorn let you sleep since you seemed so tired.”
“Ah.” Tom thickly swallowed and cleared his throat. “I’m fine. Thank you.” He waved his hand, trying to dismiss Y/N like he would dismiss Avery but she didn’t leave.
“Are you sure? Slughorn told me to tell you that if you ever need more sleep, you can ask him for a potion.”
Tom stood up, a little wobbly. He picked up his stuff and placed a heavy hand on Y/N’s shoulder. “I’m fine.” He repeated. His hand lingered for a moment too long on Y/N before he lifted it and walked off, slightly unstable.
Y/N watched him leave, her lips parted and her eyebrows furrowed with concern. She recalled how peaceful Tom looked in his sleep, the completely opposite of what he looked like right now. He looked so… rough.
Y/N could faintly remember the feeling of Tom’s hand on her shoulder and she began to wonder how his cold hands would feel on her waist. Shocked by her own thoughts, Y/N violently shook her head.
Tom was attractive but he didn’t like anyone. Not romantically and not platonically. And Y/N would be the last person he’d date, with her being both a Gryffindor and Muggleborn.
Just as Y/N was about to leave, she spotted a slip of paper on Tom’s desk. Curiosity got the best of her and she hurriedly opened it. The paper looked like it had been quickly torn out of a notebook.
Light of my life. Fire of my loins. I can’t get her out of my head, just like how Humbert couldn’t stop thinking about Dolores. Perhaps Lolita is not the best reference to make buy nevertheless. This is not supposed to be happening, not now and not ever. I cannot love and yet here I am, undoubtedly and inexplicably in love with her.
It was Tom’s handwriting, Y/N was sure of it. She felt confused when her heart sank after reading the contents and not seeing her name. She had been thinking about Tom Riddle ever since they got paired up and she was starting to wonder the same question her friends were asking: Did Y/N L/N fancy Tom Riddle?
Potions couldn’t come fast enough. Tom and Y/N were the first ones to enter the room. They seemed to have the same idea and try to be as early as possible to get a glimpse of their potions partner before class started.
“What’s the theme for the Yule ball?” Tom inquired.
“It’s the same as it always is.” Y/N replied, “Snow.”
“How original.”
“I wish they’d spice it up a little. But the ball committee isn’t on charge of the them, just the planning and decorating.”
“Still no date?”
“I’ve had a few offers but… not my type. You?”
“At this rate, it seems like you’ll never get a date.” Y/N joked but her smile faded when she saw Tom’s unamused face. “Say,” She said, suddenly remembering what she had found a few days ago, “Do you like anyone?”
“It’s impossible for me to like someone.”
“I know… but if you could, who would you like?” Y/N stared at Tom, anxiously awaiting his answer.
He took his sweet time in thinking. So long that Y/N was sure he wasn’t even going to give her a proper answer.
“It’s hard to say who when I don’t feel anything.” Tom lied through his teeth. The girl he was interested in was right in front of him.
“I see. No pressure to answer then.”
“But if I had to describe someone I’d like, if I could feel anything, I’d want her to be kind and caring. The opposite of me to balance it out.”
Y/N could feel anxiety course through her veins as she parted her lips to make a reference she probably shouldn’t have. “Would she be the light of your life and the fire of your loins?”
Tom tried to hide his small amount of panic with a chuckle. “A strange reference, huh? Why Lolita?”
“I just think it’s strange how some people can’t stop thinking about their crushes… like how Humbert was always thinking of Lolita.” Y/N watched Tom’s face for any form of reaction, but he had none.
“How did you find it?” Tom quickly questioned, turning on his wooden chair. “The letter? How did you find it?”
“You left it on your desk. Just tell me who the girl is, I want to know. I’ll even help you ask her out.”
“I do not need your help.” Tom seethed, “And do not mention a word of this to anyone else. We will discuss this after class.”
Perhaps Y/N should have kept her mouth shut. If she did, she wouldn’t have found herself locked in a dingy old basement with Tom Riddle.
I’m going to die, she thought to herself.
“Riddle, I promise I will not mention this to anybody. I swear! You don’t have to kill me! I won’t say anything!”
“I’m not going to kill you, L/N. What do you take me for? A savage?”
Y/N wanted to mention the time where Tom had beaten up a Hufflepuff for accidentally taking his book, but she forced herself not to say anything.
“You want to know who the girl is?” Tom asked. Y/N silently nodded. She subconsciously stepped back as he slowly walked towards her. This pattern continued until Y/N’s back hit a stone wall and she stiffened.
Tom was standing right in front of her, looming over her with that stern stare he always had.
“The girl that I am so infatuated with, to put it lightly, is you.”
Y/N blinked once, and then twice. Then she burst into laughter. “Are you messing with me, Riddle? Is this a joke? Come on, be serious.”
“I’m not the one who should be serious here.” Tom responded, reaching out a hand to tuck a piece of Y/N’s hair away.
“Wait, so you’re not joking?” Y/N asked, raising her eyebrows. She couldn’t ignore the little jump her heart did.
“If I was joking, I wouldn’t be willing to do this.” Tom had to lean down to press his lips against Y/N’s. She jumped and, on instinct, pulled away and slapped Tom.
She froze, her mind processing what she had just done. Then she panicked. "My gosh, Riddle, I am so sorry! I didn't mean to slap you! Are you... okay?" That was a stupid question to ask, considering how red Tom's cheek was right now.
"Fine." He answered even though his face was stinging.
"I didn't mean to slap you. You just caught me by surprise. Sorry... again." Y/N cringed, staring at Tom's reddening cheek. "Say... do you happen to know what loins actually means, Riddle?”
“No. I only used it as a pitiful reference.”
“It's your, uh..." Y/N paused, "Humbert was basically saying that Dolores got him... aroused.” Y/N had expected him to know what it meant, Tom being an academic and all.
“Oh… well, I can assure you that I am not a pedo and nothing like Humbert.” Tom sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I am sorry I kissed you without warning. You are free to go. Just… not a word.”
Tom turned around and even though Y/N wanted to call out his name, she simply stared at him before nodding and walking off.
Tom, who was hoping Y/N would stay, pressed his lips into a thin line. He thickly swallowed, waiting a few minutes to see if Y/N would return. When she didn’t, he could only nod in acceptance.
Love was never meant for some people, and perhaps Tom was in that category.
Y/N sat in her dorm room, sitting on the edge of her bed. She clasped her hands together, deep in thought.
“A penny for your thoughts?” Liza, a fellow Gryffindor, bounced up to Y/N. She was one of her dorm mates, and a close friend.
“Are you sure you want to hear it?” Y/N quietly muttered, sheepishly smiling.
“Shoot. I have nothing better to do.”
“Riddle, uh… he…” Y/N struggled to finish her sentence. She could still feel his lips against her’s and for some reason… she liked it.
“What did he do? Did he- No. I knew he was rotten apple! That is unacceptable!” Liza assumed the worst.
“No! No! He didn’t. He… kissed me.”
Liza’s eyebrows rose in shock. She opened her mouth, then closed it. “Riddle… kissed you? Like… actually kissed you? No offence. He just doesn’t seem like the type… to be interested in relationships.” Liza’s gaze fell upon Y/N’s solemn face. “But, uh, how are you feeling? That’s the most important thing.”
“That’s the problem… I’m not too sure. I… liked it? But, it feels wrong. I mean, Riddle is… he’s untouchable. He’s the head boy, he’s smart and charming and loved. And I’m… just me.”
Liza grabbed Y/N’s hands, holding onto them tightly. “You are not just you. You are a top student at Hogwarts. A role model to younger kids. A great candidate for head girl. You are amazing and talented and skilled. You are Y/N L/N.” Liza furrowed her eyebrows as she spoke with such passion.
Y/N teared up at her friend’s kind words. Liza softly smiled and wiped away a stray tear.
“Y/N, do you like Tom Riddle?”
“I’m… not sure.”
“That isn’t an answer. Do you like Tom Riddle?”
“I do.”
Liza grabbed Y/N by the shoulders, tightly gripping them. “Then listen to me, Y/N. You are going to march up to Riddle and you are going to ask that boy out if it’s the last thing you do! And he will accept your offer because he is lucky to even stand so close to you! Do you understand?!”
Liza’s enthusiastic behavior on this matter made Y/N laugh. “Okay, okay. What do I have to do?”
Liza smirked, standing up straight and flicking her raven black hair over her shoulder.
“Leave it to me.”
Y/N felt a little foolish as she stood in the crowded hallway, a huge bouquet of flowers in one hand and heart-shaped letter in the other. Liza stood behind Y/N, keeping a lookout for Tom Riddle.
“Is this necessary?” Y/N muttered, gulping as people stared at her when they passed by.
“Absolutely. Come on, I see him.” Liza pushed Y/N forward. Her heart was beating like crazy in her chest. Her knees wobbled like jelly and she found it hard to stand properly.
“Liz,” Y/N whispered, hyperventilating. “Liz. I can’t do this.”
“No. Come on. Y/N, I believe in you. Let’s go.”
Y/N shakily stepped forward. She locked eyes with Riddle, who stared at her in confusion. His eyes flickered to the flowers and the letter, and he tilted his head to the side.
“I can do this.” Y/N muttered to herself.
“You can do this.” Liza echoed.
“I’m a Gryffindor. I’m brave. I’m loyal. I’m courageous. I’m Y/N L/N.” Y/N took a deep breathe before she quickly walked towards Tom.
The sea of students parted for her. They whispered and muttered, wondering what Tom’s answer would be. He was infamous for not caring about other people and, to them, Y/N was just another girl who thought she could change him.
“Y/N.” Tom uttered. That was the first time he had called her by her first name, which said something. Tom’s group that had been accompanying him stepped back, pushing and shoving each other and quietly laughing.
“Tom.” Y/N greeted him back.
“Did you finally say yes to someone asking you out to the Yule Ball?” Tom questioned, reaching out a hand to look at the beautiful flowers. “He has nice choice in flowers.”
“Actually,” Y/N said, stepped closer to the tall brunette, “I’m not the one who has to say yes. But, I’m hoping the person I’m asking will.”
Tom arched an eyebrow, confused and left in the dark.
“Tom Riddle, being your potions partner has been… interesting. It’s been chaotic, which is my favorite kind of fun. You are… amazing, and smart, and a great companion. So, Tom Riddle, despite me being a Gryffindor, will you make me so happy and go to the Yule Ball with me?”
“This is such a Gryffindor thing to do; the girl asking the boy out.” Tom plucked a flower from the bouquet, slightly grinning, “Y/N L/N, you are one amazing girl. I would be honored to be your date.”
Tom slowly tilted Y/N’s chin up and smiled.
“That’s… a yes, right?”
“It’s a yes.”
Malfoy practically tackled Tom. “My friend has a date! Tom finally has a date!”
The hallway burst into cheers and claps. Liza was especially happy. She bounced up to Y/N, hugging her tightly. Other people approached Y/N, joyfully congratulating her and patting her back. Her cheeks ached from smiling so much, but the adrenaline blocked out her pain.
Tom glanced at Y/N, pausing. He adored that glint in her eyes and he hoped it would be there for a long time to come.
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gegshshsbsbbsba · 9 months
i fully and wholeheartedly believe that effie got to know all of the marauders and made them their own rooms in potter manor and no one can tell me otherwise
like she got to know all of them and their interests and put up wallpapers and posters
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chasingthestarss · 4 months
June 4- Safe @jegulus-microfic wc: 198
Potter Manor was home to more than just the Potter Family.
It was home to Sirius Black, who needed a safe place to run after a particularly bad encounter with his mother.
I was a home for Remus Lupin who never experienced home outside of Hogwarts.
It was home for Peter Pettigrew who found the love he needed in the Potter Manor.
It was home for Lily Evan’s who had no where to go over the summer and now always has somewhere.
And now, it is home to Regulus Black. Who needed a home but was too afraid to ask.
James had offered at the end of the school year. Just a place to run if Regulus were to ever need it. An open invitation.
Regulus never thought he would take the boy up on the offer.
But here he was.
Standing in the middle of the living room at Potter Manor, holding his boyfriend as sobs racked his frame. Because he needed somewhere to go.
He needed a home, not a house.
And with James he would have that.
So he let himself be held as he cried, feeling safe for the first time since Sirius left.
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oxydiane · 2 years
sirius: i can’t believe you would date my brother!
euphemia: i can’t believe you would date a death eater!
sirius: a death eater who IS MY BROTHER
james: he repented okay! he made a mistake and he’s serving time for it!
remus, having fancy dinner at the potters’, trying to alleviate the tension: speaking of serving, there are like nine forks here where do i go next haha
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cookiedoughmeagain · 5 months
The Gentleman series on Netflix, reasons to watch:
Beautiful people, stylishly dressed and wonderfully shot ...
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A fantastic mix of characters, from a literal Duke to travellers, stoners, and even an American ;) ...
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Plenty of humour ...
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Slightly over the top, slightly comic violence, plus overall fabulous directing from Guy Ritchie ...
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A fabulous selection of well-cast familiar actors, Vinnie Jones and Ray Winstone in particular ...
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Great plot/character development across the series and it is, imo, absolutely perfectly set up for a series two 🤞 with loads of potential for more entertaining chaos.
Plus ... plenty of 'ship-worthy scenes to be getting on with in the meantime ...
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(The series is apparently a spin off of an earlier film, but I watched all of the episodes before I even realised the film existed, and it didn't feel like I was missing anything for having not seen the film.)
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The angel of his desires in chains
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James Heathridge x wife!reader
warning : +18, smut, leg humping, dubious consent, kidnapping, chain's, implied incest (it's James what can I say), kissing, body worship, dubious alignment of beliefs, murder,
Summary : In the old home of his family, the house of his beloved mother held many rooms and furnishings. The cellar with the well, the room of his little sister or the single room in the attic with metal eyelets in the walls to which chains could be attached. A room that belonged to his angel, his reward that he had taken and that he visits to remind her of her love for him. For the sake of the revenge, kisses and physical affection, he could take his angel…the other way around, she could take him, knowing that he was nothing more than a fucked up man with desires.
info : Yes finally something to James again i missed him and even though i wanted to go the incest route first i thought stop what would fit better and so here we are. I hope you like it and thanks for all the support have fun reading :)
Was God fallible? Or was it the humans? Could God's creation do anything wrong at all if they were created by him? A question of right, rightness and fallibility in a world that has been asking this question for centuries but no one had a right answer except him.
Not guided by God or other forms of faith, he was guided by his mother, his love, his family and his wife. He did his bidding for weeks and months, the metal that gripped his hands was normal, the heaviness when he struck, the warm blood on his hands, face and body, the typing on the keyboard as he searched for and took the victims of Satan's whores.
He had a heavy destiny when he found himself next to bie in a world abandoned by faith, having to protect his beloved sweet little sister and take care of his wife, a woman only a few years older but so full of devotion and purity that she was the most divine thing he had ever touched besides his mother.
He went to her when he needed advice, when his body seemed to give way and couldn't take it anymore, he knew he had her, his mother as support and his wife as something to anchor him in a world that wanted to hold him back.
A woman who held him, around whom he could wrap his arms, his lips on hers without him tasting the flavors of hell, only hearing her sweet love and lust when he heard the slight squeak of the old metal bed frame, the gentle movements when he took her, using the night for his lustful acts that needed to be satisfied and his beloved was there for that.
Her almost motherly eyes an understanding smile on her lips signaled him again and again that he was doing everything right, that he was doing her good, that he loved her as he should, that the chains on her body were nothing to be ashamed of when he chained her back like a prisoner and not a wife.
But such thoughts that erupted like a sickness always took him out of his business his paintings on the canvas stopped and he lost his mother he couldn't concentrate and a glance at the clock told him that the evening was almost over and the night would begin again.
,,Lust and shame show us what is right and wrong…but why am I drawn to such a thing?" he asked himself, looking at the picture of the victim he had to choose not yet properly recognizable he could only give his sister the color of the fabric and a rough idea of the dress she had to make, while his own eyes went from the picture to a book he had taken from his beloved's room.
A small booklet of pages written in her lovely handwriting he allowed her to write down her thoughts, worries and lusts to help her feel more at ease in her little kingdom while she was upstairs in the room, ,,So my heart does not know if he is drawn to me at all or to the care of a mother.
His eyes darkly seek and lust after me, feeling his lust but this something I don't seem to be enough for him" he mumbled the words he had read last feeling that guilt rising in him again he lusted after many but such a thing this implication, the murders and the injustice rubbing across his tired eyes he still felt the familiar tingling in his body.
A tingle that ran through him whenever he thought of her, her voice in his ear whispering to him that he was so good, her soft warm body beneath him he could touch as he wished she was not a whore like the others her purity and devotion gave him all he needed.
Her words didn't just make him feel guilty, they made him feel lust, the thoughts in his head emerge like a fog of lustful, lewd thoughts that slowly demanded redemption before he stood up jerkily with the book and walked up the stairs to his destination, locking his sister's door on the way there, never letting her find out what was happening up there, Lara had already suffered too much.
He heard the faint jingle and grind of chains on the old wooden floor above him as he climbed the last few steps and opened the door to the last room a large room a desk on which she wrote her things, the closet filled with clothes similar to his mother's and bookshelves with her favorite authors before he looked up at the large four-poster bed old yet comfortable to surrender to each other.
Before his eyes settled on her, the simple nightgown light in fabric outlined her body to him, the iron chain on her ankle, wrist giving her some space and a book in her hand, ,,James? I wasn't expecting you so soon, what happened?" she asked, her voice so soft for him that she threatened to break, not seeing how tightly she gripped the book, not seeing the other side of the coin as he approached her.
She dropped the book, a historical reading like everything in this room filled with lust, the moonlight coming through only a few cracks in the window, the old stained glass making the room appear red as the devil in human form came towards her, his hands wandering over the chain, watching with pleasure as she did not enjoy it even if he saw it differently.
When his hand closed around hers, she felt his immediate release when he was finally with her again, ,,Lust-soaked words from your heart, you're not enough for me, nothing but lies, do you hear? My heart belongs only to you, to your being, your soul and your body," he said, running his fingers up her arm and over the markings on her neck that stretched down to her breasts, where you could still see the light bite and suck marks.
She shuddered as he stroked her cheek, engaging her in a kiss, the slight tug on the chains a sign at first barely understood now almost an everyday ritual as she moved to the bed her body settling against the pillows as he began to undo the cords that held her dress together.
,,A body that responds to me and belongs to me my lust and devotion is only what I deserve isn't it? " he dared to ask and paused as his hands went to place themselves on her breasts but he suddenly saw the blood stains on his hands in disgust.
She gently took his hand, leaving him in uncertainty, knowing that it bothered him, that it hurt him, but a bird in a cage could stop singing at any time if its feathers were ripped out too much she held his hand, his gaze showing nothing but uncertainty and guilt, ,,Each one belongs to you what is chained and loved, that's how your mother saw it and that's how I will continue to lead it," she murmured before placing her lips on the blood.
Kissing it left his hand lightly cleaned with kisses and licks she heard him clinging to her more, shuddering as she bruised him finally the physical lust between them increased before he pulled his hand away pulling her into a hard kiss taking her breath away and hearing her suppressed gasp as his hand placed itself on her breasts while his leg pushed between her legs rubbing her middle against him.
Was it the special tea or was it the belief in her devotion that made her so submissive and wet whenever he came to her and made love to her?
He didn't know, his own mind too wrapped up in lust to care as his lips explored her body and words of praise flowed from his lips, ,,A beautiful angel a motherly protector ah-fuck my heart your look is my devotion" he admitted to her as her hand laid on his dark curls knowing when he was so devotedly needy what he wanted.
Before another murder he was always so needy, needing the security of his mother's good deeds until he seemed to treat her like a demon after the murder when his eyes were covered with righteousness he had killed another whore bride of Satan the blood still covered him and he came into her room she took over and over he himself seemed to be the devil in person.
She felt his hardness against her thigh as he rubbed lightly against her knowing that he could only get his reward of her body when he had completed his task so he clung to her hand but his hands on her body were always firm always this thought that he was superior to her even though he was dependent on her a coin with the same needs.
,,Keep indulging yourself…good boy that's it," she replied gently as his lips continued to stroke his head in reward as his lips latched onto her nipple her lewd noises kept echoing in the room as he bit down gently sending shivers down her body while he sucked apologetically on it afterwards, continuing to rub against her like a lowly creature, like a naughty boy who hadn't done his job and wasn't allowed to touch her cunt.
His other hand massaged her free breast roughly and quickly and again more calmly apologetically when she took one hand off his head and quietly told him, ,,Not too hastily" before he continued to pleasure himself on her body and she felt his hardness twitch again and again when she moved her leg slightly and told him of her written sentences and shamed him for his lust.
In this room, although she wore the chains that rattled slightly, it was he who would end up being chained in her arms and she was the mother who showed him what he was doing wrong before she let him go into the world with new knowledge of what he was doing.
The fabric of her nightgown was also held by him every now and then his free hand passed over her body she felt, she wanted to feel this beautiful infallibility and devotion when she held him and kissing his hand.
,,I please my-fuck please my heart I" he stammered barely able to say a word so lost in his lust his eyes heavy with a curtain of absolute abandon he was on her lap, his hips following no rhythm just chasing the feeling of friction and arousal to finally cum to be held.
This was his lowest moment, the moment she could have destroyed him with every word, with chains or by herself, he was a fallen man who only became someone who wasn't fallible as soon as he walked out of this room.
,,Shhh I'm here it's okay just let yourself go that's it" she murmured embracing his cheek pulling him into a kiss as a few thrusts later he buried his head in the hollow of her throat his moans were muffled and she feasted on his neediness.
He almost collapsed from his high ride as she held him lying on top of her while she kissed his temple and head, ,,Good boy so proud of you my righteous infallible boy" she told him stroking his head as he cuddled up to her only a moment before he rose from her his lust gone from his eyes even though he could almost taste her neediness on his tongue he turned away from her with a kiss.
He could hardly bear to remember this vile act afterwards, as if he was afraid of falling too much into this fallibility he always reminded himself of when she helped him out of it just to feel his actions on himself.
Knowing that she would touch herself and take her own pleasure, which he was not allowed to do until he came back covered in blood and had permission to take her as he pleased.
,,I know she's next…and another night you'll be my reward remember my words my wife" he told her a voice calm not of lust but of his seriousness, something stronger someone who felt the metal between his hands, felt the water and blood as he killed another whore only to return to his wife and take her as it was an infallible state because in the end what choice did a caged woman have over her captor?
@angelsanarchy , @starry-eyed-wild-child , @spookythingsss , @iloveoldermen46 , @oceansrose2002
Thought you all might like a little James again :)
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lulublack90 · 1 month
Prompt 13 - Free
@jegulus-microfic August 13, Word count 753
Previous part First Wolfstar part
Dinner was pleasant. Regulus enjoyed the novelty of a full dining service as opposed to the mismatched, somewhat tattered bowls and cups the wolves used and the battered pewter plate his food was served to him on in the dungeons when they’d remembered he needed feeding. It felt almost ridiculous just the two of them sitting at that huge dining table. He savoured every bite, it had been so long since he had food of this calibre. 
Regulus was struggling to keep his eyes open once the meal was over. He wanted nothing more than to curl up somewhere soft and warm.  
“We can stay here if you like, instead of going back to the camp,” James offered as if he'd read Regulus's mind. Regulus was honestly so full of good food he didn’t want to move, so he agreed. James led him up the stairs to the bedrooms. “Here you can have this one,” He said after poking his head around the door to make sure it was set up. “That’s mine over there. If you need anything, just come in and wake me up, or you can call for Flitsy, and she’ll help you. Oh, just a second,” James darted into his room and came back with a set of pyjamas that were definitely too big for Regulus. “You’ll drown in them, but the drawstring should help. We can get some in your size if you stay again.” He said as he pushed the clothes into Regulus’s hands. 
“I’m sure I’ll manage, thank you,” He stood there awkwardly, unsure what to do now. 
“Well, good night,” James darted in and kissed his cheek before hurrying into his room. Regulus sighed and went to check out his room. 
It was big, that was the first thing he noticed, big and open, with a huge four-poster bed, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers and a shelf dotted with a few books. He went over to the bed and put his pyjamas down. He noticed a door and hoped it was a bathroom as he’d neglected to ask where one was before James had gone into his room. He pushed the door open and found a full bathroom. He eyed up the shower and decided a quick wash before bed couldn’t hurt. He stripped off his clothes and got in. 
The water was deliciously warm. The lavender-scented soap helped wash away the grime he hadn’t been able to fully remove after being rescued from Lestrange Castle. He lathered his hair with the matching shampoo and watched the murky suds wash down the plughole. He finished with the conditioner, and he couldn’t help but run his fingers through the soft locks, free from the tangles that had plagued him for months. 
He grabbed the thick fluffy towel and wrapped it around himself. His clothes were gone. He wasn’t too concerned. He guessed that Flitsy had collected them to wash. He padded back into the bedroom and put the pyjamas on. They were huge on his slight body, but they were soft and smelled faintly of James, so he got under the covers and settled down to sleep. 
He woke suddenly in the dark, his heart was racing as flashes of images played behind his eyes of dark rooms and Voldemort’s wand pointed at his face outside that cursed cave. It felt so open here, there wasn’t anywhere to hide. A tree’s branches were creaking somewhere near his window and he couldn’t help but imagine that Voldemort’s forces had found him and come to take him back to his old master. The sound of a fox screaming from the edge of the garden was the final straw. He jumped up and raced into James’s room. 
“James?” He whispered nervously. He felt so stupid coming to him because of a damn nightmare, but James just rolled over and blinked at him with sleep-filled eyes before opening his arms wide to him. 
“Come on, love,” That was all he needed. Regulus launched himself at the bed, curling up into a tight ball against James. “Mmmm you smell good,” James yawned, burring his face in Regulus’s slightly damp hair and wrapping his arms tightly around him. Regulus felt his heartbeat steadying and snuggled further into James’s chest as sleep began to take over him again. “Don’t worry, love, you’re safe. I’ve got you.” James murmured as he too fell back to sleep. And Regulus believed him. For the first time in a very long time, he felt completely safe.  
Next part
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janothergay · 10 months
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To love is not to possess,
To own or imprison,
Nor to lose one's self in another.
Love is to join and separate,
To walk alone and together,
To find a laughing freedom
That lonely isolation does not permit.
It is finally to be able
To be who we really are
No longer clinging in childish dependency
Nor docilely living separate lives in silence,
It is to be perfectly one's self
And perfectly joined in permanent commitment
To another--and to one's inner self.
Love only endures when it moves like waves,
Receding and returning gently or passionately,
Or moving lovingly like the tide
In the moon's own predictable harmony,
Because finally, despite a child's scars
Or an adult's deepest wounds,
They are openly free to be
Who they really are--and always secretly were,
In the very core of their being
Where true and lasting love can alone abide.
-James Kavanaugh
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mypokemonscreencaps · 2 months
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jfleamont · 2 years
Potter Manor
A while ago I came across these pictures, which I soon discovered were taken at the Wightwick Manor in Wolverhampton, UK, and they gave me an idea of what the Potter Manor might have looked like.
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It's warm and welcoming, cosy but spacious; still, you can clearly tell that it's the home of a wealthy family, and it has some similarities with the Gryffindor common room. This is where I envision James growing up, where Fleamont and Euphemia spent their days, where Sirius finally felt at home.
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idiotlosingsanity · 3 months
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